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Milk Thistle

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I agree 100%. Herbal supplements, especially because they are unregulated,

should be taken with caution. Treat it like your synthetic drug - check

with your doctor before taking it. For my case, my hepatologist agreed to

small quantity, but not more than that. And every case is going to be



>From: " J. " <scott_p@...>


>< >

>Subject: [ ] milk thistle

>Date: Fri, 19 Jul 2002 17:13:56 -0400


>Remember, although milk thistle is recommended for people with liver

>problems, the origin of AIH is the immune system and we are different from

>the person with other types of Liver disease. I want to reiterate what


>said, anything that enhances the immune system is poison for us. Even

>ginseng teas! Careful, think autoimmune not liver.


> Re: [ ] REBECCA.

> >Date: Thu, 18 Jul 2002 23:42:24 EDT

> >

> >

> >

> >I just joined the liver support group this week. I found out I had AIH


> >January. Reading the emails has been very interesting to me because as


> >sure you are all aware, finding someone to talk to has been very


> >I've done research on the web, but it's better communicating with someone

> >dealing with the same issues. In an email wrote, she was asking


> >Milk Thistle. Tried that!!! Also, tried meg doses of alpha lipoic acid.

> >In

> >fact, went to the homeopathic Dr. twice a week for IV drips of Vitamin C

> >and

> >Alpha Lipoic Acid. For me, it didn't help.

> >Thanks for all the good information.






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Senna leaf, which is marketed by Traditional Medicinals as " Smooth Move "

(for constipation) can be deadly to the liver. PLEASE BE CAREFUL. Other

things mentioned by Dr. Palmer (in her website)as herbs dangerous

for our condition are: comfrey, germander, chaparral, Jin Bu Huan, nutmeg

(presumably in large quantities, but not if used as a flavoring), pennyroyal

oil, mistletoe, tansy ragwort, sassafras, valerian.


>From: galye@...



>Subject: Re: [ ] milk thistle

>Date: Fri, 19 Jul 2002 19:32:01 EDT



>Teas considered to be herbs can hurt you. I think it was Dateline talked

>about the study that had been done and explained why the tea was dangerous.


>don't have the details I am lucky to remember at all. If you like tea I


>say drink tea in moderation and not every day.



>galye@... @`

> \I/



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It seems that many doctors are comfortable with milk thistle, but I

made sure to clear it with my hepatologist first. I have also looked

it up on different web sites (emedicine.com) and it is mentioned on

the website for California Pacific Medical Center (cpmc.org) as

something that may be beneficial to the liver. I think most doctors

refrain from endorsing any herbal products just to be on the safe

side, but my doctor was comfortable enough that milk thistle would

not be harmful to me, she just wouldn't vouch for whether or not it

would be helpful either.

As for other meds...right now I'm only on prednisone, imuran,

actigall and some supplements (Vit A, D, Calcium). I was on another

six or seven meds for a few weeks that have already been stopped.

I copied an herbal caution list from " emedicine.com " for myself to

have as a reference, but generally I do not take any herbal products

without my doctor's OK now that I've been dx with AIH. Just as an FYI

I will post the list I found in a separate message.


> Annette,

> Do you take other medications from your doctor? I do know my

transplant team

> watch me very closely. My docs tell me all herbs are dangerous

period. Which

> I feel very odd for your doctor says OK. Of course many docs are

just not as

> informed about that side. My docs told me that because they have no


> results to back the info. There is not enough data to recommend

herbs to

> anyone. I am not allowed to take ANY over the counter drugs at any


> unless they tell me to. Even my transplant docs have more power

over my care

> than even my PCP doc. Don't trust that herbs make you feel better.

I was

> taking herbs for my asthma and it made me so sick after five days

and my

> lungs felt awful. Right after that information the media announced

the Teas

> were deadly.


> gayle/trans.6-99

> galye@a... @`

> \I/

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That is a question I’ve been meaning

to ask too. Green tea is supposed to be an antioxidant.

Re: [ ] milk


What about Green Tea? Has

anyone heard if that is okay to drink? I have everyone telling me to

drink Green Tea.......I just want to do the right thing..

Any Suggestions?

Gayla in IL



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  • 5 months later...
  • 2 months later...
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I have always taken Natures Way brand of Thysilyn - It's the only one Dr Weil recommended so that's the one I started with and since I'm getting good results (I think) I continue to take it now 10 years later. I get it cheaper from the Vitamin Shoppe - a catalog herbs site and the herbs come to my door :)


Good luck, Kerry

for those of you that aren't Dr Weil fans - I'm sorry, I'm not into making him rich - I just trust his expertice

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  • 11 months later...
  • 1 year later...
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Jeanne OTS,

How could you tell it made a huge difference, what changes did you notice?


> All milk thistle is not created equal! I researched

> the pretty throughly about 5 years ago, and this is

> the best stuff that I found. I can personally say that

> it has made a HUGE difference.




> Saludos,


> Jeanne OTS




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--- shainatanner@... wrote:

> Jeanne OTS,

> How could you tell it made a huge difference, what

> changes did you notice?

I was in an automobile accident in my late 20s and

almost bled to death on a country road from a scalp

wound. I had a transfusion and ended up with hepatitis

C, which I only found out about 5 or 6 years ago.

At the time I was diagnosed, I could barely get out of

bed, and I was very frightened. When the doctor gave

me the diagnosis, he had Interferon in the refigerator

waiting for me! He wanted to start me on chemo

immediately. I ran out of there and never went back,

and I have been self-medicating ever since.

To make a long story short, I did a lot of research,

talked to a lot of people, and found both the

particular milk thistle that I mentioned, as well as

other alternative liver treatments.

I ordered the milk thiste and had it sent to NY, where

I was going to visit friends. The first day after the

trip I was so exhausted from the flight that I didn't

have the energy to get out of bed and go collect my

milk thistle. My friends ended up bringing it to the

hotel for me. The results were almost instantaneous.

Three or four days after taking it, I went from not

being able to get out of bed to walking from one end

of NY to another without a problem.

I was able to return to work afterwards, and I have

been fine ever since. I take a number of supplements

to support my liver function and have continued to

experiment with natural substances over the years.

Milk thistle is the most potent liver support that

I've found. Before the doctor got the bright idea to

give me 10 days worth of Diflucan, my liver enzymes

were almost down to normal.

For me, it has been a life saver. Had I been stupid

enough to do the chemo, I'd probably be incapacited


Sorry. I guess I've gone on a bit long. I really think

that the liver stuff, the thyroid, and the Candida are

all related. I have confidence that when the Candida

gets cleared up, there will be continued improvements

with the rest as well.


jne ots



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Wow Jeanne, you've been through alot. Thanks for sharing your story and

experience with the milk thistle, I appreciate the info.


> I was able to return to work afterwards, and I have

> been fine ever since. I take a number of supplements

> to support my liver function and have continued to

> experiment with natural substances over the years.

> Milk thistle is the most potent liver support that

> I've found. Before the doctor got the bright idea to

> give me 10 days worth of Diflucan, my liver enzymes

> were almost down to normal.


> For me, it has been a life saver.

> Saludos,


> jne ots

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Dear Jeanne,

What a wonderful testimony to the benefits of milk thistle. I'm very

impressed and haven't heard anything quite as compelling about milk

thistle. What form of milk thistle did you take - capsules, tea ?


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  • 1 year later...
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and what does that run you a month and cn you fel the difference?

>From: " ronekarp " <Rekarp@...>



>Subject: [ ] Re: Milk Thistle

>Date: Tue, 01 Aug 2006 21:41:31 -0000


>I take Chinese Herbs recommended by Misha Cohen, LAC, docmisha.com,

>comprised of the following:


>Hepatoplex I, ShuGan, Cordyseng all made by Health Concerns.


>I also take Milk Thistle, Alpha Lipoic Acid, N-Acetyl Cysteine,

>Vitamin E, Selenium, Digestive Enzymes and the Jarrow heath pack (a 7-

>pill multi-vitamin and mineral combo.


>My enzymes hover around 60, but I haven't been tested in over a year.

>My viral load tests range from 300,000 to 900,000.




> >

> >

> > What else are you taking ? I am very interested in herbs have been


> > treatment, fro a whole year , relapsed and have no intention of

>ever doing

> > it again. Got too sick I feel like I was a zombie and notmyself

>for that

> > entire year. Have been taking the milk thisltle since 2000 and have


> > used the maximum so will prob swith to the organic too as I can

>get twice

> > as much for 25$ more that to me is a great savings. what type of

>hep c do

> > you have Ron?

> > I am feeling fine do you test just using the alt ast or do you

>ever get a

> > viral count done?

> > thanks to all for the posts

> >

> > just wish there werent the squabbling, we are only here for help

>and it

> > seems like a lot of feelings get hurt

> >

> > thanks again

> >

> >

> >

> > >From: " ronekarp " <Rekarp@...>

> > >Reply-

> > >

> > >Subject: [ ] Re: Milk Thistle, etc for Barbara

> > >Date: Mon, 31 Jul 2006 22:15:02 -0000

> > >

> > >I've been taking Jarrow Silymarin because it is a reputable

>company and

> > >their products are inexpensive. A bottle of 200 capsules (150mg)


> > >for $12.90 at iherb.com. I recently found out about Lloyd 's

> > >products at Hepatitis Cfree.com. He has an organic silymarin with


> > >silymarin extract and 150mg milk thistle seeds (whole herb). The


> > >is 3 bottles of 60 caps for $25. That's the product he recommends.


> > >also sells Silphos, the same as Maximum Milk Thistle, and his

>brand is

> > >SuperSilyphos. It's the same but his is cheaper.

> > >

> > >I'm most likely going to switch to his organic Milk Thistle after

>I run

> > >out of my Jarrow. So it's your choice! It's very important to take


> > >Thistle.

> > >

> > >Ron

> > >

> > > >

> > > > Thank you Ron for clearing this up, though I have to admit, it


> > >lot for me absorb all that I'm reading.

> > > > I just ordered the MMT, but if this is the case I'll order


> > >Lloyd . I know I want to and need to be taking some kind of


> > >thistle, and was looking for the one that would be most helpful.


> > >which one are you taking and recommnending?

> > > > Thanks again.

> > > > ~Barbara~

> > > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> >






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I was so happy to see your post Ron! I take herbs too and I feel just fine and it is so refreshing to see a positive post from a fellow hepper - I'm just not sick and it's hard to fit in these groups if you feel just fine - Thanks! - Kerry

I know that probably sounds awful to a lot of you out there but there are people with Hep C running around that aren't sick.

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I was a mess before I started with herbal treatment. I had severe

pain in my hips, severe itching on my legs and arms, constant

digestive trouble, and intense fatigue. Now, most of the time I feel

great with lots of energy. The pain in my hips and itching is gone

and my digestion has improved tremendously.

Occasionally I have some digestion problems and I take extra Shu Gan,

which is a formula for digestion. I spend around $80 - 100 a month on

all of my herbs and vitamins combined.



> and what does that run you a month and cn you fel the difference?




> >From: " ronekarp " <Rekarp@...>

> >Reply-

> >

> >Subject: [ ] Re: Milk Thistle

> >Date: Tue, 01 Aug 2006 21:41:31 -0000

> >

> >I take Chinese Herbs recommended by Misha Cohen, LAC, docmisha.com,

> >comprised of the following:

> >

> >Hepatoplex I, ShuGan, Cordyseng all made by Health Concerns.

> >

> >I also take Milk Thistle, Alpha Lipoic Acid, N-Acetyl Cysteine,

> >Vitamin E, Selenium, Digestive Enzymes and the Jarrow heath pack

(a 7-

> >pill multi-vitamin and mineral combo.

> >

> >My enzymes hover around 60, but I haven't been tested in over a


> >My viral load tests range from 300,000 to 900,000.

> >

> >Ron

> >

> > >

> > >

> > > What else are you taking ? I am very interested in herbs have


> >on

> > > treatment, fro a whole year , relapsed and have no intention of

> >ever doing

> > > it again. Got too sick I feel like I was a zombie and notmyself

> >for that

> > > entire year. Have been taking the milk thisltle since 2000 and


> >always

> > > used the maximum so will prob swith to the organic too as I can

> >get twice

> > > as much for 25$ more that to me is a great savings. what type


> >hep c do

> > > you have Ron?

> > > I am feeling fine do you test just using the alt ast or do you

> >ever get a

> > > viral count done?

> > > thanks to all for the posts

> > >

> > > just wish there werent the squabbling, we are only here for help

> >and it

> > > seems like a lot of feelings get hurt

> > >

> > > thanks again

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > >From: " ronekarp " <Rekarp@>

> > > >Reply-

> > > >

> > > >Subject: [ ] Re: Milk Thistle, etc for Barbara

> > > >Date: Mon, 31 Jul 2006 22:15:02 -0000

> > > >

> > > >I've been taking Jarrow Silymarin because it is a reputable

> >company and

> > > >their products are inexpensive. A bottle of 200 capsules


> >sells

> > > >for $12.90 at iherb.com. I recently found out about Lloyd


> > > >products at Hepatitis Cfree.com. He has an organic silymarin


> >200mg

> > > >silymarin extract and 150mg milk thistle seeds (whole herb).


> >price

> > > >is 3 bottles of 60 caps for $25. That's the product he


> >He

> > > >also sells Silphos, the same as Maximum Milk Thistle, and his

> >brand is

> > > >SuperSilyphos. It's the same but his is cheaper.

> > > >

> > > >I'm most likely going to switch to his organic Milk Thistle


> >I run

> > > >out of my Jarrow. So it's your choice! It's very important to


> >Milk

> > > >Thistle.

> > > >

> > > >Ron

> > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > Thank you Ron for clearing this up, though I have to admit,


> >takes

> > > >lot for me absorb all that I'm reading.

> > > > > I just ordered the MMT, but if this is the case I'll order

> >from

> > > >Lloyd . I know I want to and need to be taking some kind


> >milk

> > > >thistle, and was looking for the one that would be most


> >So,

> > > >which one are you taking and recommnending?

> > > > > Thanks again.

> > > > > ~Barbara~

> > > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Kerry, I think most people know that. I don't have symptoms either but there are plenty also who don't. How long have you been diagnosed? And what are you taking? BarbaraKerry12155@... wrote: I was so happy to see your post Ron! I take herbs too and I feel just fine and it is so refreshing to see a positive post from a fellow hepper - I'm just not sick and it's hard to fit in these groups if you feel just fine - Thanks! - Kerry I know that probably sounds awful to a lot of you out there but there are people with Hep C running around that aren't sick.

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In a message dated 8/15/2006 8:07:03 P.M. Mountain Daylight Time, barbarac102@... writes:

Hi Kerry,

I think most people know that. I don't have symptoms either but there are plenty also who don't.

How long have you been diagnosed? And what are you taking?


I was diagnosed in 93 and just take a few herbs (milk thistle, olive leaf and schizandra) but I don't drink alcohol at all. WOW - I posted that a long time ago - what is up with ??? - Kerry

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At the moment I'm taking Milk Thistle also and tried alpha-lipoic but I don't think it agreed with me. I was also taking tumeric. Are you taking the herbs separately and if you don't mind, which brands are you using? And it's very wise not to drink at all. Thanks. BarbaraKerry12155@... wrote: In a message dated 8/15/2006 8:07:03 P.M. Mountain Daylight Time, barbarac102@... writes: Hi Kerry, I think most people know that. I don't have symptoms either but there are plenty also who don't. How long have you been diagnosed? And what are you taking? Barbara I was diagnosed in 93 and just take a few herbs (milk thistle, olive leaf and schizandra) but I don't drink alcohol at all. WOW - I posted that a long time ago - what is up with ??? - Kerry

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That is exactly why I don't drink alcohol and I try to take care of myself. I attended a lecture recently and the Gastro giving the lecture on Hep C sad it might be 50 yrs before I have any substantial liver damage so I'm not going to worry about treatment - Kerry

In a message dated 8/16/2006 1:25:30 P.M. Mountain Daylight Time, tinatobias1019@... writes:



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NICE POST. JUST REMEMBER, YOU MAY NOT HAVE THE SYMPTOMS BUT AT THE SAME TIME YOUR CELLS IN YOUR LIVER ARE STILL BEING ATTACKED DAILY BY THE VIRUS. NOT TO BUSRT YOUR BUBBLE. KEEP GETTING ON WITH GETTING ON. TINA Barbara <barbarac102@...> wrote: Hi Kerry, I think most people know that. I don't have symptoms either but there are plenty also who don't. How long have you been diagnosed? And what are you taking? BarbaraKerry12155AOL wrote: I was so happy to see your post Ron! I take herbs too and I feel just fine and it is so refreshing to see a positive post from a fellow hepper - I'm just not sick and it's hard to fit in these groups if you feel just fine - Thanks! - Kerry I know that probably sounds awful to a lot of you out there but there are people with Hep C running around that aren't sick. Stay in the know. Pulse on the new .com. Check it out. "PEACE OUT"

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In a message dated 8/16/2006 4:41:26 P.M. Mountain Daylight Time, barbarac102@... writes:

Hi Kerry,

I'm curious, have you had a biopsy? And how would this doctor know for sure that there would be no damage in your liver. What did he base that on?

I asked earlier, what brand milk thistle, etc are you taking?



Yes Barbara I've had 3 biopsies and the Dr's are changing a lot about how they treat us - get informed and get a Dr that specializes and treats Hep C - I take Thisilyn from Natures way but I have no idea if that is why I'm ok. I'm a geno type 4a stage 0 grade 0 - Kerry

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That is the question I wonder about too - I was adopted and I did live in Brazil as a small child - I was a heroin addict in So Calif when I was 16-18 and then I got a needle stick at work from the dialysis unit while taking out the trash and they gave me gamma goblin at that time too - that was in 85 - the most likely way I got this was from drug abuse but I do have to wonder - Kerry

In a message dated 8/16/2006 5:36:14 P.M. Mountain Daylight Time, gavrieladeboer@... writes:

Kerry...I'm genotype 4 also. In 38 years of havingthis disease I've only run into a handful of genotype4's. Did you spend time in the Middle East or inAfrica or did you actually pick it up in NorthAmerica? It's just so unusual that I had to ask. Hopethat's okay with you. Gavriela

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Hi Kerry, I'm curious, have you had a biopsy? And how would this doctor know for sure that there would be no damage in your liver. What did he base that on? I asked earlier, what brand milk thistle, etc are you taking? Thanks, Barbara Kerry12155@... wrote: That is exactly why I don't drink alcohol and I try to take care of myself. I attended a lecture recently and the Gastro giving the lecture on Hep C sad it might be 50 yrs before I have any substantial liver

damage so I'm not going to worry about treatment - Kerry In a message dated 8/16/2006 1:25:30 P.M. Mountain Daylight Time, tinatobias1019@... writes: NICE POST. JUST REMEMBER, YOU MAY NOT HAVE THE SYMPTOMS BUT AT THE SAME TIME YOUR CELLS IN YOUR LIVER ARE STILL BEING ATTACKED DAILY BY THE VIRUS. NOT TO BUSRT YOUR BUBBLE. KEEP GETTING ON WITH GETTING ON. TINA

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Kerry...I'm genotype 4 also. In 38 years of having

this disease I've only run into a handful of genotype

4's. Did you spend time in the Middle East or in

Africa or did you actually pick it up in North

America? It's just so unusual that I had to ask. Hope

that's okay with you. Gavriela

--- Kerry12155@... wrote:


> In a message dated 8/16/2006 4:41:26 P.M. Mountain

> Daylight Time,

> barbarac102@... writes:


> Hi Kerry,

> I'm curious, have you had a biopsy? And how would

> this doctor know for sure

> that there would be no damage in your liver. What

> did he base that on?

> I asked earlier, what brand milk thistle, etc are

> you taking?

> Thanks,

> Barbara





> Yes Barbara I've had 3 biopsies and the Dr's are

> changing a lot about how

> they treat us - get informed and get a Dr that

> specializes and treats Hep C - I

> take Thisilyn from Natures way but I have no idea if

> that is why I'm ok. I'm

> a geno type 4a stage 0 grade 0 - Kerry


Gavriela de Boer

de Boer Design

505 897 3214

410 446 6333


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I'm also genotype 4--contracted in the Northeast US--never traveled to anyplace where this type is prevalent. Also, let's remember that so many who have Hep C go undiagnosed and/or may not have been tested for genotype. Maybe it's more common in the US than we think.......Blessings, Satya

Re: [ ] Re: Milk Thistle

Kerry...I'm genotype 4 also. In 38 years of havingthis disease I've only run into a handful of genotype4's. Did you spend time in the Middle East or inAfrica or did you actually pick it up in NorthAmerica? It's just so unusual that I had to ask. Hopethat's okay with you. Gavriela--- Kerry12155AOL wrote:> > In a message dated 8/16/2006 4:41:26 P.M. Mountain> Daylight Time, > barbarac102 writes:> > Hi Kerry,> I'm curious, have you had a biopsy? And how would> this doctor know for sure > that there would be no damage in your liver. What> did he base that on? > I asked earlier, what brand milk thistle, etc are> you taking?> Thanks,> Barbara> > > > > Yes Barbara I've had 3 biopsies and the Dr's are> changing a lot about how > they treat us - get informed and get a Dr that> specializes and treats Hep C - I > take Thisilyn from Natures way but I have no idea if> that is why I'm ok. I'm > a geno type 4a stage 0 grade 0 - Kerry> Gavriela de Boerde Boer Design505 897 3214410 446 6333__________________________________________________

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Re: [ ] Re: Milk Thistle

Kerry...I'm genotype 4 also. In 38 years of havingthis disease I've only run into a handful of genotype4's. Did you spend time in the Middle East or inAfrica or did you actually pick it up in NorthAmerica? It's just so unusual that I had to ask. Hopethat's okay with you. Gavriela--- Kerry12155AOL wrote:> > In a message dated 8/16/2006 4:41:26 P.M. Mountain> Daylight Time, > barbarac102 writes:> > Hi Kerry,> I'm curious, have you had a biopsy? And how would> this doctor know for sure > that there would be no damage in your liver. What> did he base that on? > I asked earlier, what brand milk thistle, etc are> you taking?> Thanks,> Barbara> > > > > Yes Barbara I've had 3 biopsies and the Dr's are> changing a lot about how > they treat us - get informed and get a Dr that> specializes and treats Hep C - I > take Thisilyn from Natures way but I have no idea if> that is why I'm ok. I'm > a geno type 4a stage 0 grade 0 - Kerry> Gavriela de Boerde Boer Design505 897 3214410 446 6333__________________________________________________

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