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So which Transfer Factor is good for autoimmune disease

In , " Dirk Coetsee "

<dirk.coetsee@...> wrote:


> If you have autoimmune disease, make sure you don't use the most


> one: Transfer Factor Plus advanced


> Dirk




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I chose ImmuneCare64 because of its activity against specific herpes

viruses. According to their studies, standard Transfer Factor will

not produce statistically significant relief of symptoms or

improvement of NKC function. You need a Transfer Factor with activity

against whichever virus you are trying to suppress (HHV6a in my case).

Here's the conclusion of their study:

" In the study reported herein, we analyzed the response to TF with

activity against HHV-6 derived from bovine colostrum in a group of

patients with severe CFS symptoms, proven active HHV-6 viremia and

marked NK dysfunction. There was a statistically significant

improvement in symptom scores and NK function throughout the

observational period as compared to baseline values in these same

patients. Additionally, statistically significant improvements were

noted, in comparison to a group of control CFS patients who received a

TF preparation without any HHV-6 activity. "

I recommend you scroll down towards the bottom of this page and look

at the difference in symptom improvement and NKC Function:



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I'm confused. And in spite of my good research capacities I'm not sure

I'll be able to sleuth this out. 4life is so much less than Immunity

Today...and then there is the other product I mentioned...how can one

evaluate the differences? The companies might not be willing to talk.

One would have to try them all and see, I guess. I'm not sure I have

viral issues anyway. I wish there were TF for FUNGUS.

WHere is Sue ? Sue, have you tried this product on ? I

think viruses are involved in her situation.

> > >

> > > I found it very helpful in alleviating painful lymph nodes.

> > >

> > > paul d.

> > >

> >


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I would also like to see a TF for sackie Virus - since that was

what was affecting my heart. Chelating helped with this but I still

start to get heart pains if I am in an area with a lot of



> > > >

> > > > I found it very helpful in alleviating painful lymph nodes.

> > > >

> > > > paul d.

> > > >

> > >

> >


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When I studied with the late Hannah Kroeger, RN, many years ago, she had a

real thing about coxsackie. You might do a search for her website and see

what's there.


" The Basil Book "

_http://foxhillfarm.us/FireBasil/_ (http://foxhillfarm.us/FireBasil/)

_Re: Transfer Factor _





Posted by: " rvankonynen " _richvank@... _

(mailto:richvank@...?Subject= Re: Transfer Factor) _rvankonynen _


Fri Jun 16, 2006 6:00 am (PST)

Hi, .

I understand that sackie virus infects the heart in Keshan disease,

which occurs in a part of China where selenium is deficient in the

soil. I'm wondering what your selenium status is.


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Hi, .

I understand that sackie virus infects the heart in Keshan disease,

which occurs in a part of China where selenium is deficient in the

soil. I'm wondering what your selenium status is.



> I would also like to see a TF for sackie Virus - since that was

> what was affecting my heart. Chelating helped with this but I still

> start to get heart pains if I am in an area with a lot of

> electrosmog.


> paul

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I remember reading something about a number of diseases starting in

China which has a deficiency of selenium in the soil but I can't

remember exactly what the article was about - but I think that they

were connecting it with CFS at some point. When I first got sick I

was taking a lot of selenium and zinc and other minerals that I had

read were good for this condition and I do believe that I even had a

blood test to check my selenium levels and that the test came up

normal. But from what I understand from corresponding with one CFS

expert is that the cocksackie virus infecting the heart was common

with people with CFS. He had recommended that I get tested, which I

did - and which came up positive. Maybe this is also what caused Dr.

Cheney's heart problems?



" " Prevalence in the Cerebrospinal Fluid of the Following Infectious

Agents in a Cohort of 12 CFS Subjects: Human Herpres Virus-6 and 8,

Chlamydia Species, Mycoplasma Species, EBV, CMV and sackievirus "

Levine MD. JCFS 2001:9 (1-2):41-51 The abstract states:

" Over the last decade a wide variety of infectious agents has been

associated with the chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) as potential

etiologies for this disorder by researchers from all over the world.

Many of these agents are neurotrophic and have been linked

previously to other diseases involving the central nervous system

(CNS). Because patients with CFS manifest a wide range of symptoms

involving the CNS as shown by abnormalities on brain MRIs, SPECT

scans of the brain and results of tilt-table testing, we sought to

determine the prevalence of HHV-6, HHV-8, EBV, CMV, Mycoplasma

species, Chlamydia species and sackie virus in the spinal fluid

of a group of patients with CFS. We found evidence of HHV-8,

Chlamydia species, CMV and sackie virus. "



" Other enteroviruses that cause damage and symptoms similar to the

polioviruses include all the other sackie viruses, the ECHO

viruses (which in 1956 were the first viruses associated with a

CFS/ME outbreak) and the recently discovered Enteroviruses 71. One

piece of evidence directly links an enterovirus to CFS/ME and damage

to the neurons that activate the brain. Sadly, the evidence comes

from a CFS/ME patient who took her own life. Traces of sackie B

virus -- the same virus for which Dowsett found antibodies in her

CFS/ME patients -- was found in both the hypothalamus and brain

stem, the very heart of the brain activating system which our and

others' research has found is damage in polio survivors with fatigue

and in patients with CFS/ME. "


" sackie Virus

There are six serotypes of sackie B virus and 23 serotypes of the

sackie A virus of which 8 to 16 of these are supposedly

important. Of the B group, CVB-3 and CVB-5 have been shown to cause

persistent infection of human vascular tissue replicating for

greater than 260 days. In 8 CFS cases, 4 of the 8 were found to have

closely related enteroviral sequences with a unique, shared pattern

detectable for up to 24 months. This is what he sees clinically. One

patient after another who has relapsing problems with muscle pain,

decreased exercise intolerance, hypothalamic symptoms, brain fog,

spaciness, etc. All the hypothalamic involvement you would expect.

sackie virus is myotropic and neurotropic and also an enterovirus

which can cause enteritis. It can also cause pancreatitis and

myocarditis, both of which are relapsing in nature.

sackie virus is contagious which is demonstrated by the amount of

people that have pleurisy caused by coxsackie virus. The leading

researcher in coxsackie virus was called and asked how likely it was

to hear pleurisy in patients that are exposed to coxsackie virus

routinely. The researcher answered, " We use all the precautions in

the world that you would consider, suits, gloves. Everybody in my

laboratory has pleurisy. " sackie virus is extremely contagious

and it is much more prevalent than people realize. "


cmd=Retrieve & db=pubmed & dopt=Abstract & list_uids=9152508

" In 1979, Chinese scientists reported that selenium had been linked

to Keshan disease, an endemic juvenile cardiomyopathy found in

China. However, certain epidemiological features of the disease

could not be explained solely on the basis of inadequate selenium

nutrition. Fluctuations in the seasonal incidence of the disease

suggested involvement of an infectious agent. Indeed, a

coxsackievirus B4 isolated from a Keshan disease victim caused more

heart muscle damage when inoculated into selenium-deficient mice

than when given to selenium-adequate mice. Those results led us to

study the relationship of nutritional status to viral virulence.

sackievirus B3/0 (CVB3/0), did not cause disease when inoculated

into mice fed adequate levels of Se and vitamin E. However, mice fed

diets deficient in either Se or vitamin E developed heart lesions

when infected with CVB3/0. "


" In Senegal they have a very high content of selenium in their soil.

There less than 1 % of the population is infected with the HIV. Also

in Senegal they have the lowest in the world death rate from the

common kinds of cancer.

In one area of China they have a very low content of selenium in

soil along with an epidemic of the sackie virus and of hepatitis

C. This convinced that selenium was antiviral.

has written about the sackie virus causing deaths from

heart attacks in the area of China with very low selenium in soil.

The government of the PRC has acted on the problem of low selenium

causing high sackie viral infections which, in turn, may cause

deaths from heart attacks. Selenium has been put in table salt and

in fertilizers and supplemental selenium has been added to diet. As

a result, the death rate from sackie viral induced infections and

heart arracks has been greatly reduced. "



" The soil in Kesham has very little selenium and it is presumed that

Kesham disease is caused by a lack of selenium. Supplementation with

selenium will prevent Kesham type heart attacks. It is presumed that

Kesham type heart attacks are caused by a sackie viral infection.

There are two forms of the sackie viral infections, sackie B3

and sackie B4. sackie B3 is presumed to be harmless but

sackie B4 is said to attack the myocardium and produce damage to

the myocardium much like an infarction. Virologist Dr. Melinda Beck

of the University of North Carolina has found that a deficiency of

selenium will cause the sackie B3 virus to mutate to the deadly

form of the sackie B4 virus. She has found that a sackie B4

infection will cause great damage to the myocardium in mice. She

feels certain that if one has enough selenium in diet the sackie

B3 virus will not mutate to the B4 virus. "

> >

> > I would also like to see a TF for sackie Virus - since that


> > what was affecting my heart. Chelating helped with this but I


> > start to get heart pains if I am in an area with a lot of

> > electrosmog.

> >

> > paul


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Hi, .

Thanks for the information.

sackie is one of the viruses that has a genome that codes for

making a form of glutathione peroxidase, which contains selenium

(based on the work of et al.). HIV and hepatitis C are two

others that do this. Prof. Harold (http://www.hdfoster.com)

has proposed the theory that these viruses deplete their hosts of

selenium and three of the amino acids (glutamine, cysteine and

tryptophan) and in that way the suppress the immune system of the

host, enabling them to produce an infection. He is currently

testing a supplement in Uganda against AIDS, using this theory.

I have suggested that perhaps the reason sackie seems to show up

more in CFS cases in the U.K. than in the U.S. is that the

population of the U.K. is known to have become more deficient in

selenium over the past few years. This occurred because of the

formation of the European Union and the transfer of grain imports to

the U.K. from continental Europe, rather than from Canada, as in the

past. The soils in the grain-growing regions of Europe are lower in

selenium than those of North America.


> > >

> > > I would also like to see a TF for sackie Virus - since that

> was

> > > what was affecting my heart. Chelating helped with this but I

> still

> > > start to get heart pains if I am in an area with a lot of

> > > electrosmog.

> > >

> > > paul

> >


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I would be curious to know just exactly when did Keshan Disease first

make its appearance - and if a deficiency of selenium is the only factor

promoting this disease - since I find that my heart becomes affected

when I am in areas of high microwave radiation.



Keshan Disease Information

Keshan Disease Information

Keshan disease is a potentially fatal form of cardiomyopathy (disease of

the heart muscle). It was first observed in keshan province in china and

since has been found elsewhere (including new zealand and finland) in

areas where the selenium level in the soil is low. Keshan disease may

be the result of several interacting causes including a dominant

nutritional deficiency (selenium), other nutritional factors (vitamin E,

polyunsaturated fatty acids), and an infectious agent (virus). Keshan

disease is an endemic form of dilated cardiomyopathy which is found in

areas of China where dietary selenium deficiency is common. This is an

endemic form of dilated cardiomyopathy which is found in areas of

China where dietary selenium deficiency is common. Keshan disease is

a potentially fatal form of cardiomyopathy (disease of the heart muscle).

Keshan Disease symptoms

Here are the list of symptoms of Keshan Disease







difficulty sleeping or concentrating are more frequent in severe chronic


> > > >

> > > > I would also like to see a TF for sackie Virus - since that

> > was

> > > > what was affecting my heart. Chelating helped with this but I

> > still

> > > > start to get heart pains if I am in an area with a lot of

> > > > electrosmog.

> > > >

> > > > paul

> > >

> >


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  • 1 month later...

, I have been using Transfer Factor for about one year now and I can't

NOT take it. When I don't take it I am really drug out and the brain fog is

bad. Mine is ImmuneCare 64. They make a lyme type transfer factor, but my LLMD

prefers this one. Sorry you are still struggling, but there's a light at the

end of the tunnel. <smiles>



Stay in the know. Pulse on the new .com. Check it out.

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Really? I take 4Life brand.

My dr. called back-my emergency was severe muscle pain.

He called in ultracet which he said before he would not.

I am back on the abx and it has been two weeks. I asked him if it was

a herx and he said a herx should only be the 1st week.

My diary said I was very sick last time for 2 weeks and then starting

feeling better.

Cooky-I really need to find a live support group. family understands

and friends say they do but my one nurse friend asked if I was

depressed. I know depression. I am long-term treated for it and had

it severely but never had all over body pain.


I don't know how you hang in there Cooky.


In , cooky <brntcooky_2000@...> wrote:


> , I have been using Transfer Factor for about one year now

and I can't NOT take it. When I don't take it I am really drug out

and the brain fog is bad. Mine is ImmuneCare 64. They make a lyme

type transfer factor, but my LLMD prefers this one. Sorry you are

still struggling, but there's a light at the end of the tunnel.



> cooky



> ---------------------------------

> Stay in the know. Pulse on the new .com. Check it out.



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you can do it .... hang on to any hope. Makayla

<scorpionallure@...> wrote: Really? I take 4Life brand.

My dr. called back-my emergency was severe muscle pain.

He called in ultracet which he said before he would not.

I am back on the abx and it has been two weeks. I asked him if it was

a herx and he said a herx should only be the 1st week.

My diary said I was very sick last time for 2 weeks and then starting

feeling better.

Cooky-I really need to find a live support group. family understands

and friends say they do but my one nurse friend asked if I was

depressed. I know depression. I am long-term treated for it and had

it severely but never had all over body pain.


I don't know how you hang in there Cooky.


In , cooky <brntcooky_2000@...> wrote:


> , I have been using Transfer Factor for about one year now

and I can't NOT take it. When I don't take it I am really drug out

and the brain fog is bad. Mine is ImmuneCare 64. They make a lyme

type transfer factor, but my LLMD prefers this one. Sorry you are

still struggling, but there's a light at the end of the tunnel.



> cooky



> ---------------------------------

> Stay in the know. Pulse on the new .com. Check it out.



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  • 1 month later...

This (below) caught my eye:

" The resulting data were comparable to those obtained in

patients receiving conventional treatment with interferons. "

A bit of hope.. I'd been researching this, ( Transfer Factor and Transfer

Factor Plus) but I don't know anyone that's actually tried


Thanks for posting this..


shewolfetwo <shewolfetwo@...> wrote:


The Effectiveness of Transfer Factor Use in Viral Hepatitis

Excerpted from " Transfer factors Use in Immunorehabilitation After Infectious-

Inflammatory and Somatic Disease - Methodological Letter " by the Ministry of

Health and

Social Development of the Russian Federation, Moscow, 2004.

Destabilized immune mechanisms play a leading role in the pathogenesis of


hepatitis (viral hepatitis B and C) as well as in the course and outcomes of the


(42,43). Despite considerable experience in viral hepatitis treatment, including


ones, a number of issues concerning an optimal regimen are still being discussed


doses and the treatment with interferons (INF) as the current drugs of choice.

The fact that

treatment with INF of one patient with the chronic form of hepatitis C costs


$15,000 prompts the necessity of solving this issue. In addition, this antiviral


prescription has a list of other indications, but interferons are sometimes

poorly tolerated

by patients and the host produces antibodies against recombinant interferons.

For these

reasons the search for agents with proven therapeutic effect in the patients

with viral

hepatitis is quite justified.

The first results obtained from adult patients receiving TF along with the


therapy attests to a high effectiveness of cellular cytokines use in this kind

of pathology

(9). Along with the normalization of biochemical values and the decrease of

viral load (62%

of cases), all patients registered a marked improvement of the general state,

were more

efficient and did not experience excessive fatigue, and there was no discomfort

in the

right hypochondrium. Further studies with the patients with acute and chronic

forms of

viral hepatitis B and C, wherein patients were followed up for 6 months after


treatment, were carried out by the same authors (19,21). Fifty (50) patients

with chronic

viral hepatitis B and C and 15 patients with acute viral hepatitis B received

TF, one capsule

3 times daily for 14 days. The resulting data were comparable to those obtained


patients receiving conventional treatment with interferons.

Twenty four (24) patients with acute hepatitis B and 34 patients with chronic

hepatitis C

(CVHC) received TF PLUS, 1 capsule 3 times daily for 14 days. The control group,


patients, received 3,000,000 IU of reaferon (an antiviral IFN) intramuscularly 3

times a

week. The remaining patients received basic therapy aimed at improving bile


(holosas or hophitol) and liver function (riboxin per os). Identical

immunocorrecting effects

were registered in the patient group receiving TF PLUS for 2 weeks and in the


receiving IFN therapy for 3 months. In the patients receiving TF PLUS there were


symptom dynamics that were positive. TF PLUS was well tolerated and there were

no side

effects as compared with fever, joint pain and asthenia during interferon

therapy. It is

worth pointing out that the incidence of viral remission in the groups receiving


and TF Plus was the same, i.e. 65%. At the same time the level of g-interferons


was significantly higher in the patients receiving TF Plus.

The effectiveness of TF and TF PLUS in the treatment of viral hepatitis B and C

may be of

great help in considering the use of TF products as the alternative treatment to

recombinant interferons or as an addition to the conventional therapies for

viral hepatitis.

The data obtained indicates further studies of the effectiveness of TF products

should be

conducted in additional patients in order to develop the most effective schemes


complex treatment, pharmacologically effectiveness, the dose courses and the


See `What is Transfer Factor and where can I get it?' to read more information

about TF

and to find out how to order it.


Stay in the know. Pulse on the new .com. Check it out.

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  • 8 months later...
Guest guest


> Bee whats your oponion on tranfer factor heres the website

> www.transferfactor.com

==>It would be better if you could refer me to the ingredients in a

specific product you want me to check out. I had to search and

search to find them. I checked out one product and they use egg yolk

and colostrum (which is the first milky fluid that is produced right

after giving birth, in this case it is from cows), but it also

contains a lot of sugar so I wouldn't recommend it. You'd be better

off eating eggs the way I recommend them, particularly in Bee's Raw

Egg Drink. My program provides plenty of immune boosters so you

wouldn't need to take anything else.

In future if you are thinking of taking a specific product please

provide the label ingredients so I can evaluate it better. Thanks.

IMO their claims are marketing ploys. You cannot improve your immune

system without providing all of the nutrients your body requires in

order to heal.


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