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Transfer factor

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Hi Ann I have never heard of this transfer factor and was jsut wondering if

you cold give me some info on what it is and where to get it. i am also

trying to get the address of congressmen Bedell if you might kow how to

contact him about the colostrum stuff. hope you are feeling beter and


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  • 3 weeks later...

I haven't been online in a while due to personal problems, BUT.....

would like to add that, yes, there are many brands of Transfer Factor and

please be careful. Just like supplements/herbs/etc, know where and what they

are. Chisolm Labs does have a good one, I have all their info but I have used

for years now, do distribute AT MY COST of $54/bottle, 4-Life Transfer Factor

Plus. I believe it does work, it has helped me greatly and one can read all

about it @ www.4-Life.com. Look under " Products " and then " Transfer Factor

family " . I heard about this from my LLMD and I have many people taking it and

their response usually is " I have more energy, feel better overall " .

Just FYI

sue in nj

sue massie

Health Care Practioner

Nature's Garden of Health

(732) 933-4011

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I'm not sure tf with lyme is helpful--never have heard of it making

anyone better. One reason may be that according to recent research,

lyme has decoy antigens on the outside that fool the immune system,

and keeps its main 6 antigens on the inside where they can't be

found. So maybe the tf is to the common decoy antigens. Also as I

said, where's quality control--it may or may not exist? nobody knows--

and it is of concern to me anyway that they have blood products in

the same facility.

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  • 5 months later...
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Hi Simon

Aren't you the guy thats on the IAG protocol??? If you are how is it going?

Transfer Factor

Hi all,

Excuse my ignorance but I'm confused about how I know whether or not I would

benefit from taking Transfer Factor?

Does it only work for specific viruses like Epstein Barr or is it implicated

for any CFS sufferer with a Th1 / Th2 shift?

Or is it merely a case of 'suck it and see'?

And what about injections of human gamma globulin? Are these likely to be

efficacious to me?

I'm not aware that I have any of these specific viruses although I've never

actually been tested for them specifically.

My main symptoms are complete inability to tolerate any temperature less than

warm (say 65 degrees) and multiple food intolerances. My immune system seems

completely overworked and weakened.

Many thanks.


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Hi Simon

Thats really interesting - I just started the IAG protocol of no gluten/casein

too. Only been on it two weeks and my eczema has cleared up so it looks


Have you thought about taking butyric acid to help with your leaky gut? I

believe it is supposed to be quite helpful.

Also I believe proteolytic enzymes such as bromelain taken on an empty stomach

are good for cleansing the blood of circulating immune complexes that build up

from food allergies.

Let us know how you get on

Transfer Factor

Hi all,

Excuse my ignorance but I'm confused about how I know whether or not I

would benefit from taking Transfer Factor?

Does it only work for specific viruses like Epstein Barr or is it

implicated for any CFS sufferer with a Th1 / Th2 shift?

Or is it merely a case of 'suck it and see'?

And what about injections of human gamma globulin? Are these likely to be

efficacious to me?

I'm not aware that I have any of these specific viruses although I've

never actually been tested for them specifically.

My main symptoms are complete inability to tolerate any temperature less

than warm (say 65 degrees) and multiple food intolerances. My immune system

seems completely overworked and weakened.

Many thanks.


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> In a message dated 4/30/03 8:39:56 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

> writes:


> Hi, Yes I believe that you as well as everyone would benefit from

transfer factor. I have done a lot of reading involving transfer

factor, including many scientific studies. It has been shown to raise

your natural killer cell level at a rate of 103% over baseline

against cancer cells. Since it is your natural killer cells that are

your first line of defense against infections and viruses, this is a

powerful help to your immune system against disease. Transfer facor

also helps to balance the immune system. This has been very helpful

where your immune system is over reacting as in auto immune

conditions and sensitivities to many things such as drug reactions

and foods.

To my knowledge the only company that has the patented protected

process for extracting transfer factor is 4LIfe Research from Utah. I

have seen many other products on the market but after researching

them they are actually using colostrum instead of transfer factor.

Colostrum contains transfer factors but it is not pure concentrated

transfer factor.Colostum has all the other properties of the bovine

milk in it, and may cause a reaction. There has not been a reaction

to pure transfer in any studies and this is due to the fact that we

all have it in our bodies to begin with.Colostrum has been shown to

raise your natural killer cell activity at a rate of 23% when tested

by an independant labratory as compared to the 103% of transfer

factor from 4Life Research. Make sure you get the pure transfer

factor to br effective and safe.I have used this companys product

since 1999 to control my autoimmune condition and have found it to be

very effective. I have not had a cold or the flu since then in spite

of having an autoimmune condition either.

This company also has a whole program that addresses CFSFM. This

program does use the transfer factor to start with for the first

month but adds a product called Transfer Factor Plus the second month

since it has been proven to be more effective in fighting infections

(248% as compared to 103%) My wife has been on this program for about

2 years and has been helped tremendously with her fibromyalgia. This

company has studies showing the benefits of transfer factor with FMS

and CFS. There is also a conference call every Thurs night that

people can call for support using this program as well as a video

explaining the whole program.

I hope this information will help you. I would give transfer factor a

try. Make sure you get the real transfer factor or it won't be as

effective and could actually cause more problems. 4LIfe Research

gives your purchase price back if unused product is returned within

30 days. Therefore there is nothing to lose. If you decide to try it,

drop me a line and I will tell you the protocal that my wifes M.D.

had her use for her FMS. Jim.

> > Excuse my ignorance but I'm confused about how I know whether or

not I would

> > benefit from taking Transfer Factor?

> >

> > Does it only work for specific viruses like Epstein Barr or is it

> > implicated for any CFS sufferer with a Th1 / Th2 shift?

> >

> > Or is it merely a case of 'suck it and see'?

> >


> I am an advocate of Chisolm Labs TF (www.chisolmbio.com). Reason

is it's the

> only TF that covers many antigens, as I think it is smart to be

open to the

> possibilities that one may have many pathogens that may not show up


> testing (read the recent " lyme story " posts a few posts back and

see how this

> person was negative on many tsets but responds to abx and is partly


> their life back--and yes the Chisolm #2 formula does cover lyme in

case you

> have that). TF is said to raise NK cell score too. I did NK test


> about 90 days of using their TF and every single one of my NK cells

was in

> the reference range. Good timing for your question though as I can


> the group that with the Chisolm TF you do it for 90 days (not cheap

at $140

> for a month) and then quit for 90 days and then do it again for

just 5 days

> (known as pulsing) and you're good for another 90 days and so I do

my pulsing

> on Friday in fact and hope I feel better. I did not think the TF

was working

> while I was on it and only afterward in retrospect did I think it


> helped b/c I did in fact start working out 2X week (had only been

working out

> 1X week before I started) while on TF and then got up to 3X week by

the end

> of the 90 day period. I suppose it lessened my exercise

intollerance so I

> could get by with more workout with less chance of crashing and the


> were no longer long crashes but just mini-crashes. Good luck and

give us

> your opinion on it after 90 days if you try it. Feedback from

others like

> yourself is the only way the rest of us on this group will know

whether or

> not to spend their money on expensive stuff like this.





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Yes indeed I am.

Initially I made significant definable improvements on the IAG protocol but then

I over exerted myself and crashed really badly.

I am continuing with the gluten avoidance protocol, however, I found that I

adversely reacted to the multi-strain pro-biotic that was recommended. I'm

wondering if my gut lining is such that I fit the profile of those people

refered to in the online article " Is your acidopholus making you sick " . This I

will discuss at my forthcoming appointment with my M.E. specialist.

As mentioned before I am turning my attention to the immune system (I must have

looked at every other system). Specifically, I'm querying Gamma Globulin,

Transfer Factor and UV blood treatment which my specialist has begun using. My

main question is whether these treatments are for people who have been shown to

have a specific immune system problem, such as a virus etc.

Or would they be effective in assisting the immune system in dealing with the

incompletely digested particles of food. The passage of these particles is

facilitated by the leaky gut as highlighted by the IAG testing. The immune

system perceives them as alien bodies and therefore works over time in trying to

deal with them. Are there grounds for believing these immune system therapies

would assist the immune system in more effectively targeting and eliminating

these rogue perticles?

Any help or pointers would be appreciated.



Transfer Factor

Hi all,

Excuse my ignorance but I'm confused about how I know whether or not I would

benefit from taking Transfer Factor?

Does it only work for specific viruses like Epstein Barr or is it implicated

for any CFS sufferer with a Th1 / Th2 shift?

Or is it merely a case of 'suck it and see'?

And what about injections of human gamma globulin? Are these likely to be

efficacious to me?

I'm not aware that I have any of these specific viruses although I've never

actually been tested for them specifically.

My main symptoms are complete inability to tolerate any temperature less

than warm (say 65 degrees) and multiple food intolerances. My immune system

seems completely overworked and weakened.

Many thanks.


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Much study was done (by Cheney and others) of the Transfer factors 540 and 560

sold by ImmuneSupport.com. (It was part of the Berg control that my doctor and

many others were using to treat viruses along with coagualation.) They appear

to be made by Tomorrow Foods (not 4Life). And it is colostrum based. So I

don't think it is fair to say that only 4Life works. But I would be interested

in the research that showed 4Life to be 4 times as effective. Do you remember

where I might find that research?

I have taken plain colostrum for a long time, and it helped alleviate my sore

throats and other viral symptoms. (I have reactivated EBV.) But I recently

started on the transfer factor mentioned above (sold by ImmuneSupport) and it is

far more powerful than the plain colostrum. With the colostrum I could take 4-5

pills, it didn't matter how many, they helped my symptoms and didn't cause any

herx. The transfer factor makes herx. The herx is definitely improving over

the past couple weeks I have been on it. (I also cut back quickly to 1 a day

instead of 2 a day.) So if it is true that 4Life is more effective, then maybe

after I have worked up to 2-3 of the 540 a day I would switch over. But I am a

little surprised because if it is so much better I don't know why Cheney and the

others didn't try it instead of 540. At the time 540 was extremely expensive,

over $200 a bottle I believe. So it's not like they opted for the less

expensive choice.



----- Original Message -----

To my knowledge the only company that has the patented protected

process for extracting transfer factor is 4LIfe Research from Utah. I

have seen many other products on the market but after researching

them they are actually using colostrum instead of transfer factor.

Colostrum contains transfer factors but it is not pure concentrated

transfer factor.

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4-life used to make TF in contravention of a patent held by Tomorrows Foods

(or other related company - the company relationships were confusing). The

was a legal stoush and 4-life bought the rights to the Tomorrow patent. It

is a patent for a means of extracting TF from Bovine Colostrum, not a

patent on TF itself. I understand that both 4-life and TOmorrow have the

rights to the patent use. Chisolm make their TF from an entirely different

source - chickens (who obviously don't make colostrum). There is argument

as much in favour of Chisolm TF as there is for 4-life.

TO my knowledge 4-life haven't done any *high quality* research, but I may

be wrong on this.

The advantage of Chisolm (if you believe what they claim, they haven't

completed good trials either) is that they make TF with innoculated

chickens, so that the TF is specifically targeted at certain bugs, and they

put plenty of different specifities into one version of TF so you gets lots

of known activity eg against HHVs, Lyme etc. 4-life TF only contains TF

relative to bugs that happen to have infected the cows it is made from, so

might not have activity against any particular bug.


At 06:31 02/05/03, you wrote:

> To my knowledge the only company that has the patented protected

> process for extracting transfer factor is 4LIfe Research from Utah. I

> have seen many other products on the market but after researching

> them they are actually using colostrum instead of transfer factor.

> Colostrum contains transfer factors but it is not pure concentrated

> transfer factor.


Canberra, Australia


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Dear Jim,

I am only a sometimes participant in this forum, so I suppose that is why I

do not know you.

I am very encouraged by the info you have posted, but can you tell us please,

since you have not made the usual disclaimer; do you have any connection

with, are you making any profit from, or planning to make profit from this


Also is this product sold multi-level?

Thank you.


> Message: 13

> Date: Thu, 01 May 2003 16:54:03 -0000

> From: " thom8869 " <thom8869@...>

> Subject: Re: Transfer Factor



> >In a message dated 4/30/03 8:39:56 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

> > writes:

> >

> >Hi, Yes I believe that you as well as everyone would benefit from

> transfer factor. I have done a lot of reading involving transfer

> factor, including many scientific studies. It has been shown to raise

> your natural killer cell level at a rate of 103% over baseline

> against cancer cells. Since it is your natural killer cells that are

> your first line of defense against infections and viruses, this is a

> powerful help to your immune system against disease. Transfer facor

> also helps to balance the immune system. This has been very helpful

> where your immune system is over reacting as in auto immune

> conditions and sensitivities to many things such as drug reactions

> and foods.


> To my knowledge the only company that has the patented protected

> process for extracting transfer factor is 4LIfe Research from Utah. I

> have seen many other products on the market but after researching

> them they are actually using colostrum instead of transfer factor.

> Colostrum contains transfer factors but it is not pure concentrated

> transfer factor.Colostum has all the other properties of the bovine

> milk in it, and may cause a reaction. There has not been a reaction

> to pure transfer in any studies and this is due to the fact that we

> all have it in our bodies to begin with.Colostrum has been shown to

> raise your natural killer cell activity at a rate of 23% when tested

> by an independant labratory as compared to the 103% of transfer

> factor from 4Life Research. Make sure you get the pure transfer

> factor to br effective and safe.I have used this companys product

> since 1999 to control my autoimmune condition and have found it to be

> very effective. I have not had a cold or the flu since then in spite

> of having an autoimmune condition either.


> This company also has a whole program that addresses CFSFM. This

> program does use the transfer factor to start with for the first

> month but adds a product called Transfer Factor Plus the second month

> since it has been proven to be more effective in fighting infections

> (248% as compared to 103%) My wife has been on this program for about

> 2 years and has been helped tremendously with her fibromyalgia. This

> company has studies showing the benefits of transfer factor with FMS

> and CFS. There is also a conference call every Thurs night that

> people can call for support using this program as well as a video

> explaining the whole program.


> I hope this information will help you. I would give transfer factor a

> try. Make sure you get the real transfer factor or it won't be as

> effective and could actually cause more problems. 4LIfe Research

> gives your purchase price back if unused product is returned within

> 30 days. Therefore there is nothing to lose. If you decide to try it,

> drop me a line and I will tell you the protocal that my wifes M.D.

> had her use for her FMS. Jim.

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4Life research has done a lot of research on transfer factor products

since its beginning. You are right that it bought the rights to the

process for extracting bovine transfer factor. It is the only company

that has these rights. In Oct. of 2002 4Life was granted exclusive

patent rights for extracting transfer factors from the eggs of

nonmammalian sources. This was due to research and marketing of their

new product transfer factor cardio which targets cardiovascular

disease. There are many companies that are using transfer factors

from the egg or are using colostrum with other ingredients. Tomorrow

Foods uses the egg derived product as of now but that will have to

change as it does not have the patent for this technology.This will

take some time I am sure but it will happen sooner or later.

There are many doctors who have done research and are continuing to

do research on transfer factors. It was started in 1949 with Dr.

Lawerence and TB. A lot of these were done with transfer factors

extracted from the bone marrow since it was the only known source at

that time. Then it was discovered that transfer factors are contained

in all mammal colostrum and that they are the same in all mammals.

Once transfer factors were available orally from either source many

doctors began to do research concerning specific diseases. There has

been so many studies now that there are some Blue Cross

Hospitalizations that are allowing patients to use it to reduce

infections. Of course their main concern is to reduce dollars spent

on patients. One study in New England showed a reduction of doctors

visits and use of antibiotics that saved a little over $25000 per

child throughout the year for these children. That is why the blues

are now starting to pay for the cost. Another study has showed that

patients with Fibomyalgia had a low count of natural killer cell

activity. The groups mean was only 10 before starting and after 20

days of using 4Lifes transfer factor plus, the groups mean had been

raised to 26.9. If the level is below 20 you are more susceptible to

acute or chronic illness and have trouble with recovery from

illness.There are many others involving transfer factor that can be

looked up in the National Library of Medicine, although many recent

studies have not been published there yet. This technology is going

to make a big difference to our health in the future as many people

get the results they have been seeking with transfer factor products.

I have been a User for my health problems since 1999 and my wife with

her FMS since 2000.We are not cured of our problems but we are able

to lead a much better life than before using transfer factor

products. You should try these products no matter whose they are as

long as it is transfer factor and not something that is a imitator of


Another question that has been brought up to me is: " Are you a

distributor of these products? " I do not make money from these

products. I do buy them at wholesale cost directly from the company

for myself and my family. A friend,who is my distributor, introduced

me to these products and he set up my account for me. I try to keep

up with these things as much as I can since it directly affects me

and ny families health and well being.

> > To my knowledge the only company that has the patented protected

> > process for extracting transfer factor is 4LIfe Research from

Utah. I

> > have seen many other products on the market but after


> > them they are actually using colostrum instead of transfer


> > Colostrum contains transfer factors but it is not pure


> > transfer factor.



> n

> Canberra, Australia

> http://members.austarmetro.com.au/~julian/photo-an/photo-an.htm

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I'm curious, do you have CFIDS?

I took 4-Life Transfer Factor (recommeded by doctor) and 560 Formula

for over a year and it did nothing for me. My immune profile

showed " normal " range NK cells but all my lymphocytes, CD4, CD8 etc.

are all low.

I believe TF may have raised my NK cells but I still don't feel any



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I have not been on the products sold by ImmuneSupport com. If they

are transfer factors taken from the egg then they are probably doing

what you need. The products from 4Life I am familar with and how they

are used. There are many other products that raise natural killer

cell level activity,(colostrum being one of these) but not as high as

transfer factor and now transfer factor plus. 4Life recommends that

most people sart with their regular transfer factor for a month so

their body does not go through a major healing crisis and then switch

to their plus formula the second month. The cost of their regular tf

is about $38 US dollars plus S & H and their plus about $58 Plus S & H.

My wife who has been on them for some time still takes the regular

along with the TF+ since she has had a lot of problems with

sensitivities and reactions to many things. She has not had any

problem since doing this although she did have one when she started

on the plus right away. They have since altered the formula of the

plus so it would not give a reaction for most people, but we prefer

to be safe rather than be sorry with a complication. I will try to

send the study by the laboratory that tested many natural products as

to their effectiveness in raising the natural killer cell level I

hope this will be of some use for all of those that suffer with

health problems. I know my life and my wifes life are much better

since using transfer factor products.

In , " Doris Brown "

<dorisbrown9@y...> wrote:

> Much study was done (by Cheney and others) of the Transfer factors

540 and 560 sold by ImmuneSupport.com. (It was part of the Berg

control that my doctor and many others were using to treat viruses

along with coagualation.) They appear to be made by Tomorrow Foods

(not 4Life). And it is colostrum based. So I don't think it is

fair to say that only 4Life works. But I would be interested in the

research that showed 4Life to be 4 times as effective. Do you

remember where I might find that research?


> I have taken plain colostrum for a long time, and it helped

alleviate my sore throats and other viral symptoms. (I have

reactivated EBV.) But I recently started on the transfer factor

mentioned above (sold by ImmuneSupport) and it is far more powerful

than the plain colostrum. With the colostrum I could take 4-5 pills,

it didn't matter how many, they helped my symptoms and didn't cause

any herx. The transfer factor makes herx. The herx is definitely

improving over the past couple weeks I have been on it. (I also cut

back quickly to 1 a day instead of 2 a day.) So if it is true that

4Life is more effective, then maybe after I have worked up to 2-3 of

the 540 a day I would switch over. But I am a little surprised

because if it is so much better I don't know why Cheney and the

others didn't try it instead of 540. At the time 540 was extremely

expensive, over $200 a bottle I believe. So it's not like they opted

for the less expensive choice.

> Thanks,

> Doris

> ----- Original Message -----

> To my knowledge the only company that has the patented protected

> process for extracting transfer factor is 4LIfe Research from

Utah. I

> have seen many other products on the market but after researching

> them they are actually using colostrum instead of transfer


> Colostrum contains transfer factors but it is not pure


> transfer factor.



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I do not have CFIDS. My wife has Fibromyalgia. She takes the transfer

factor, transfer factor plus, an antioxidant formula,a formula for

muscle and joint pain, and a formula for helping her to sleep at

nights which helps her muscles relax and keeps the muscle spasms from

occuring. A long with these she takes a multivitamin.She has had FMS

for a long time and this has helped her although she still has it.She

is able to work now and do many things she would not be able to do

before taking these. It did take several months and we had to find

help as she was not getting much respone at first. She was only

taking the transfer factor when she first started and not taking the

other supplements. All of these supplements were designed to work

together as part of a program for FMS.

In , " natposte " <jazz62@p...> wrote:



> I'm curious, do you have CFIDS?


> I took 4-Life Transfer Factor (recommeded by doctor) and 560


> for over a year and it did nothing for me. My immune profile

> showed " normal " range NK cells but all my lymphocytes, CD4, CD8


> are all low.

> I believe TF may have raised my NK cells but I still don't feel any

> better.


> Nat

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Did you have any testing first to see if you had any viruses? I could be wrong,

but I don't think anyone would expect an improvement in symptoms just from

increasing the immune function. Only if you had an infection due to the reduced

immune function. It could be you have no viral infections so TF makes no

difference. You might have a bacterial infection which TF could indirectly help

(by improving immune function), but as I understand it they are more targeted at




----- Original Message -----

From: natposte

I'm curious, do you have CFIDS?

I took 4-Life Transfer Factor (recommeded by doctor) and 560 Formula

for over a year and it did nothing for me. My immune profile

showed " normal " range NK cells but all my lymphocytes, CD4, CD8 etc.

are all low.

I believe TF may have raised my NK cells but I still don't feel any


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No, I had immune functioning tests and PCR testing for a variety of

viruses when I became very ill taking TF 3 years ago. All the PCR

testing showed up negative.

We don't know why I got so ill on TF, it could have been that I took

too high a dose and it reved up my immune system without a virus

present or it could have reactivated a virus (different opionions

from virologists etc.) I had the same reaction to Immunovir.

AT that time I decided to have the ISAC panel done and it showed a

high Fragment 1+2 and high CD62P which would indicate an " underlying

infection " . But we don't know what the infection is.

I tried TF again this year except at a lower dose, 3 caps/day, and I

felt no improvement nor did I experience any type of reaction this

time around.


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  • 3 years later...
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Yes, I am familiar with the product. I took it when I was so ill with a virus no

one could identify, but I couldn't get over. (My immunity at the time, but it

laid me up for over 3 years!) I took this in 2003 when it was first introduced.

In fact I talked to the man who runs the company and formulated it. He is

dedicated to his reasearch, but has no problem putting a women (in her place, if

he feels like it.) Angry, nasty would be the way I would decribe it. Because of

that I won't take his products on principal. I would call him an ass****, but I

don't know if that is allowed here.


in San Diego

jill1313 <jenbooks13@...> wrote:

Anyone hear of this company?


Its a transfer factor in colostrum, which I think I like. No crappy

fillers like maltodextrin, cornstarch etc. I may try it.

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Did it help you? My friend is getting the injectable from her doctor

and slowly getting better. I'd like to get it, and maybe the

injectable too. I hate when stuff I want to take has fillers I can't

tolerate. Even this new great strain of lactobacilli that Gregor Reid

worked on for 12 years in Canada, has been licensed by Jarrow

(femdophilus) and put in dextrose. I don't want to take dextrose!

Anyway, I wouldn't care what somebody's personality was if their

product improved my health! Let's put first things first.


> Anyone hear of this company?


> http://www.oramune.com/ProductInfo.aspx?productid=ORA%20MUNE%20T.F.


> Its a transfer factor in colostrum, which I think I like. No crappy

> fillers like maltodextrin, cornstarch etc. I may try it.








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It really didn't help me. Believe me if it had, I would of gotten around his

manner. But we are all different and formula's change.

Maybe give it a try and see what you think.


in San Diego

jill1313 <jenbooks13@...> wrote:

Did it help you? My friend is getting the injectable from her doctor

and slowly getting better. I'd like to get it, and maybe the

injectable too. I hate when stuff I want to take has fillers I can't

tolerate. Even this new great strain of lactobacilli that Gregor Reid

worked on for 12 years in Canada, has been licensed by Jarrow

(femdophilus) and put in dextrose. I don't want to take dextrose!

Anyway, I wouldn't care what somebody's personality was if their

product improved my health! Let's put first things first.


> Anyone hear of this company?


> http://www.oramune.com/ProductInfo.aspx?productid=ORA%20MUNE%20T.F.


> Its a transfer factor in colostrum, which I think I like. No crappy

> fillers like maltodextrin, cornstarch etc. I may try it.








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Hi all,

I'm very interested in the remarks that have been made about transfer

factor and may decide to try it, but have a few concerns.

Firstly, I have tried Colostrum and it did no good, but made me feel

more unwell. Also I have identified ANA of a titre of over 100 and so

am concerned about anything that might boost my immune system in the

light of this autoimmunity.

Has anyone found problems with TF generally? Has anyone found that

colostrums didn't work but TF has helped? Has anyone who also is

positive for autoantibodies tried TF and found it beneficial?

Generally, how long before ones gets positive results and is there that

awful thing of 'having to feel worse before you feel better' that all

alternative practitioners seem to spout these days?

Any replies most welcome.


I found it very helpful in alleviating painful lymph nodes.

paul d.

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Who is the best supplier of tranfer factor?I don't want it with

colostrum.....tried colostrum and it did nothing.

I've read here the one most of you take,,just can't recall the brand name.


Transfer Factor

Anyone hear of this company?


Its a transfer factor in colostrum, which I think I like. No crappy

fillers like maltodextrin, cornstarch etc. I may try it.


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Company by the name of Natural Immunity makes very good transfer

factor. They are making a product now that sells through another

company called " Immune Care 64 " . This TF is specifically formulated

for EBV, CMV, and HHV-6. It is th eonly product on the market that

covers all three of those common viral infections. It is new for

Natural Immunity because you used ot have to buy two different ones

to get this combination. The company´s name is Immunity Today.

I´ll warn you that it is very expensive though





> Who is the best supplier of tranfer factor?I don't want it with

colostrum.....tried colostrum and it did nothing.

> I've read here the one most of you take,,just can't recall the

brand name.

> cheers



> Transfer Factor



> Anyone hear of this company?


> http://www.oramune.com/ProductInfo.aspx?productid=ORA%20MUNE%



> Its a transfer factor in colostrum, which I think I like. No


> fillers like maltodextrin, cornstarch etc. I may try it.







> -------------------------------------------------------------------




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