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Dear Sue

I've been using Xanax, same effect, quicker onset, shorter half-life, as a

sleep enabler. It's been nearly 10 years now, I'm still taking only half a

milligram at night, occasionally up to a milligram but only for a couple of

days. I think Xanax is probably more than a fair substitute for Klonopin for

some people.



Re: Klonopin

> One problem with clonazepam (Klonopin) is that you become dependent on it,

> and if you

> have to stop it suddenly you can have have severe--even

> dangerous--withdrawal

> symptoms.


> In New York State it is a controlled substance, a Class IV (I think) drug.

> The doctor has to

> make a carbon copy of the prescription and send it to the state. This

> seems to make some

> doctors very nervous about prescribing it, and they can change their minds

> on a whim,

> which leaves the patient in a very bad position. Other doctors have been

> known to use it as

> a sort of blackmail: Do such-and-such or I won't renew your clonazepam

> prescription.


> So you start on clonazepam at a low dose, and after a while you need a

> higher dose just to

> get the same benefits. Your brain, which might have been functioning

> somewhat normally

> to begin with, loses the ability to perform certain functions--and when

> the clonazepam is

> withdrawn you will probably be more sensitive to sound, light and color

> than you were. If

> you have to go off clonazepam " cold turkey, " this sensitivity can increase

> to disastrous

> levels.


> And one other thing. Many people report that after a while, clonazepam

> seems to cause

> severe insomnia, in addition to a sort of fog and sometimes depression.


> It's not like taking a vitamin. Anyone who is thinking of initiating a

> lifelong dependence on

> this drug should do some reading on the downsides first.


> Sue B.



> ------------------------------------


> This list is intended for patients to share personal experiences with each

> other, not to give medical advice. If you are interested in any treatment

> discussed here, please consult your doctor.

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We didn't really. I think it find in with his belief that the brain is being

flooded with too many signal. He thought it was the best drug for ME/CFS. I

tried it overnight and really liked it. Havent picked up the prescription yet

for it though.

I have an overview of the session coming up in the newsletter.

From: marti_zavala & lt;marti_zavala@... & gt;

Subject: Re: Klonopin

Date: Monday, June 9, 2008, 10:22 AM

& gt;

& gt; I am not sure where I stand on the klonopin issue, but ironically

my new computer has a program that has been trying to clean out old

email and a message I sent to myself 2 yrs ago was brought to my

attention, I don't know where I got the interview with cheney or

how old it is but this is verbatiom what I copied and sent myself

from somehting I found on the web. to go faster and suffer a little.

& gt; & gt; & gt;


Thanks for posting this. I remember this! It was a little

frightening to me because I was brain-fogged and couldn't grasp the

concept of coma vs seizure (well, I could grasp it but didn't like


I cut out a paragraph because I wanted to make a comment based on

our recent conversations on the board.

This paragraph seems to me to equate Klonipin to us as insulin is to

a diabetic. They can be very ill until the insulin is

administered. So, one could argue that they are " addicted " to


I am beginning to view Klonipin as insulin for our off-balance brain

chemistry. I have been intending to deal with gluatamate/GABA

through diet (removing excitotoxins, not easy) to supplementing with


" The last question Cheney addressed concerned the dose: what happens

if the dose is too high? He said the only down side was that if you

took a little too much (we are not talking overdose here) it would

shift you toward coma on the continuum. It would shut your brain

down to some degree, and thus impact your ability to function. This

is inconvenient, but it's not harmful. In fact, it shifts you into

the " healing state " on the continuum. You may feel like a zombie,

but your brain is protected and your neurons are not getting fried.

However, not being able to function isn't an option for most of us,

so we need to find the maximum dose that doesn't make us drowsy. "

I have recently found out from an autistic child's mom that

removing excitotoxins from diet does not necessarily correct the

imbalance (as countless autistic children's parents have learned).

The brain seems to generate the imbalance. Having said that, I have

gone off excitotoxins for two weeks and then visited a friend for

Memorial Day and a few things had chemicals. I recognized

the " wired, but tired " issues returning and had much difficulty

sleeping, again. Didn't last more than the one night. So, diet may

help, I suggest reading Dr. Blaylocks's book and googling

Feingold Diet.

So if Cheney and others are correct, then Klonipin or GABA would be

a lifetime supplement and if we begin to feel drowsy over time then

it is possible that would be able to get off Klonipin.

AND, if our brains had resolved the issue, then withdrawl would be

easy and not the painful process that we hear and read about.

Are my assumptions on target?

I would be willing to submit a set of questions to Dr.

Baraniuk regarding Klonipin if someone will help me generate a

concise list. Here's a few to start with....

1. Is GABA/Glumatate issue generated in brain or or a metabolic

issue controlled by diet?

2. Is Klonipin a substance that is correcting (cure) an imbalance

or is " bypassing " the cause of the imbalance (treatment) and

therefore a lifelong requirement?

3. Would withdrawal for a normal person without GABA/glutamate

imbalance be easy and free of symptoms? Therefore, if ME/CFS patient

needs Klonipin, withdrawal would be painful.

Cort, did you and Dr. B. have a conversation re: Klonipin? I would

have loved to have been in the room during your conversation - I bet

it was enlightening (in terms of the future of research).


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  • 8 months later...

I've been taking Clonazepam for years for an anxiety disorder and it works

exceptionally well.

It's also used as a muscle relaxer and my brother takes it who has epilepsy.



Hi All

This drug did not agree with me. Clonazepam. Neurologist prescribed it to me a

while ago. Made me sleepy and " loopy " . Started on it slow... I weeded myself off

it. I have sometimes severe muscle spasms at night while trying to sleep. This

med seemed to make it worse. AND lasted long into the next day! Weird stuff... I

stopped it gradually... (I am not stupid... anything that makes you feel that

BAD taking it, gotta take it slow in NOT taking it...) I had an appt this week

with said nuero guy to talk about that. Problem was, my Mom has a weirdo heart

thing happen, had to go in hospital that day, so had to cancel appt. I have bad

feelings about this doc. The last time I went to him I think he was trying to

decide what to have for lunch, rather than what my problems were. I hate that.

Question for group is: has anyone been prescribed this stuff for pain? I had a

Transverse Myelitis episode 19 years ago that has left my nerves " gone haywire " ,

and because the disease effects your spinal cord (made it swell). This med says

to be for anxiety, and can shut off some pain receptors in your brain???? Well

in my brain, it woke them up. I am 50 yo now and getting OLD I guess. Things

hurt worse than they used to. Good golly, I am so sick of crying myself into

exhaustion to sleep, if sleep ever comes at all. I am used to having " bad days " ,

but when they last for a week... you have to wonder about the meds. And the pain

clinic I go to I am seeing a advanced NP (NOT A DOC! OH MY!!!) who has helped me

so much... This nuero " doc " just shakes his head at the meds they have given me

so far. I need a new nuero, but it is so hard to find one who knows my disease.

I live in the sticks of NH too. But I am beginning to think I might be willing

to go maybe to Boston or SOMEWHERE!

(TM is a disease that is a result of over reactive antibodies that attack your

spine. I had the flu. I know others that have got TM from a flu shot or other

vaccine. One young girl I met got a hepatitis vaccine to work as in hospital to

see if she wanted to really be a nurse like her mother was someday!!!! Ended up

being air lifted to Boston Childrens hospital parylised from the waist down in a

matter of hours. Fast treatment you can recover somewhat... TM effects children

and young adults in their 30's. Your very " efficient " body immune system kills

your sickness and then looks for other things to attack.)

Rut roe... sorry this got so long. I am worried about my Mom. Last week when I

was still coming off this med, there was NO way I could drive to Manchester

(best heart hospital in NE) to go get her or go see her. She is back there...

Now I need to make another appt. with this nuero guy or find another. I have a

case pending with SS so I need somebody. Plus.... I do not need to be feeking

like **** over some medication, when all I want to do is have a life with a pain

level I can live with.... Ya know????

in NH....

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Well.... I will have to ask about that thankyou!


Hi All

This drug did not agree with me. Clonazepam. Neurologist prescribed it to me a

while ago. Made me sleepy and " loopy " . Started on it slow... I weeded myself off

it. I have sometimes severe muscle spasms at night while trying to sleep. This

med seemed to make it worse. AND lasted long into the next day! Weird stuff... I

stopped it gradually... (I am not stupid... anything that makes you feel that

BAD taking it, gotta take it slow in NOT taking it...) I had an appt this week

with said nuero guy to talk about that. Problem was, my Mom has a weirdo heart

thing happen, had to go in hospital that day, so had to cancel appt. I have bad

feelings about this doc. The last time I went to him I think he was trying to

decide what to have for lunch, rather than what my problems were. I hate that.

Question for group is: has anyone been prescribed this stuff for pain? I had a

Transverse Myelitis episode 19 years ago that has left my nerves " gone haywire " ,

and because the disease effects your spinal cord (made it swell). This med says

to be for anxiety, and can shut off some pain receptors in your brain???? Well

in my brain, it woke them up. I am 50 yo now and getting OLD I guess. Things

hurt worse than they used to. Good golly, I am so sick of crying myself into

exhaustion to sleep, if sleep ever comes at all. I am used to having " bad days " ,

but when they last for a week... you have to wonder about the meds. And the pain

clinic I go to I am seeing a advanced NP (NOT A DOC! OH MY!!!) who has helped me

so much... This nuero " doc " just shakes his head at the meds they have given me

so far. I need a new nuero, but it is so hard to find one who knows my disease.

I live in the sticks of NH too. But I am beginning to think I might be willing

to go maybe to Boston or SOMEWHERE!

(TM is a disease that is a result of over reactive antibodies that attack your

spine. I had the flu. I know others that have got TM from a flu shot or other

vaccine. One young girl I met got a hepatitis vaccine to work as in hospital to

see if she wanted to really be a nurse like her mother was someday!!!! Ended up

being air lifted to Boston Childrens hospital parylised from the waist down in a

matter of hours. Fast treatment you can recover somewhat... TM effects children

and young adults in their 30's. Your very " efficient " body immune system kills

your sickness and then looks for other things to attack.)

Rut roe... sorry this got so long. I am worried about my Mom. Last week when I

was still coming off this med, there was NO way I could drive to Manchester

(best heart hospital in NE) to go get her or go see her. She is back there...

Now I need to make another appt. with this nuero guy or find another. I have a

case pending with SS so I need somebody. Plus.... I do not need to be feeking

like **** over some medication, when all I want to do is have a life with a pain

level I can live with.... Ya know????

in NH....

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Has anyone suggested Lyrica? You might do some reading. They are using it for

multiple things now. Including Fibromyalgia.

Might be worth looking into.

 It is better to be hated for who you are than liked for who you aren't.

From: cathy mccarthy <bbhorsetack@...>

Subject: klonopin

spinal problems

Date: Thursday, February 26, 2009, 8:29 PM

Hi All

This drug did not agree with me. Clonazepam. Neurologist prescribed it to me a

while ago. Made me sleepy and " loopy " . Started on it slow... I weeded myself off

it. I have sometimes severe muscle spasms at night while trying to sleep. This

med seemed to make it worse. AND lasted long into the next day! Weird stuff... I

stopped it gradually... (I am not stupid... anything that makes you feel that

BAD taking it, gotta take it slow in NOT taking it...) I had an appt this week

with said nuero guy to talk about that. Problem was, my Mom has a weirdo heart

thing happen, had to go in hospital that day, so had to cancel appt. I have bad

feelings about this doc. The last time I went to him I think he was trying to

decide what to have for lunch, rather than what my problems were. I hate that.

Question for group is: has anyone been prescribed this stuff for pain? I had a

Transverse Myelitis episode 19 years ago that has left my nerves " gone haywire " ,

and because the disease effects your spinal cord (made it swell). This med says

to be for anxiety, and can shut off some pain receptors in your brain???? Well

in my brain, it woke them up. I am 50 yo now and getting OLD I guess. Things

hurt worse than they used to. Good golly, I am so sick of crying myself into

exhaustion to sleep, if sleep ever comes at all. I am used to having " bad days " ,

but when they last for a week... you have to wonder about the meds. And the pain

clinic I go to I am seeing a advanced NP (NOT A DOC! OH MY!!!) who has helped me

so much... This nuero " doc " just shakes his head at the meds they have given me

so far. I need a new nuero, but it is so hard to find one who knows my disease.

I live in the sticks of NH too. But I am beginning to think I might be willing

to go maybe

to Boston or SOMEWHERE!

(TM is a disease that is a result of over reactive antibodies that attack your

spine. I had the flu. I know others that have got TM from a flu shot or other

vaccine. One young girl I met got a hepatitis vaccine to work as in hospital to

see if she wanted to really be a nurse like her mother was someday!!!! Ended up

being air lifted to Boston Childrens hospital parylised from the waist down in a

matter of hours. Fast treatment you can recover somewhat... TM effects children

and young adults in their 30's. Your very " efficient " body immune system kills

your sickness and then looks for other things to attack.)

Rut roe... sorry this got so long. I am worried about my Mom. Last week when I

was still coming off this med, there was NO way I could drive to Manchester

(best heart hospital in NE) to go get her or go see her. She is back there...

Now I need to make another appt. with this nuero guy or find another. I have a

case pending with SS so I need somebody. Plus.... I do not need to be feeking

like **** over some medication, when all I want to do is have a life with a pain

level I can live with.... Ya know????

in NH....

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I currently take Clonazepam but it's to be able to sleep at night. It was

prescribed by my regular doctor not my pain doctor and it was prescribed

well before the really bad pain started. I've never heard of it being

prescribed for pain.

Dawn in Georgia

On 2/26/09 9:29 PM, " cathy mccarthy " <bbhorsetack@...> wrote:

> Hi All


> This drug did not agree with me. Clonazepam. Neurologist prescribed it to me a

> while ago. Made me sleepy and " loopy " . Started on it slow... I weeded myself

> off it. I have sometimes severe muscle spasms at night while trying to sleep.

> This med seemed to make it worse. AND lasted long into the next day! Weird

> stuff... I stopped it gradually... (I am not stupid... anything that makes you

> feel that BAD taking it, gotta take it slow in NOT taking it...) I had an appt

> this week with said nuero guy to talk about that. Problem was, my Mom has a

> weirdo heart thing happen, had to go in hospital that day, so had to cancel

> appt. I have bad feelings about this doc. The last time I went to him I think

> he was trying to decide what to have for lunch, rather than what my problems

> were. I hate that.


> Question for group is: has anyone been prescribed this stuff for pain? I had a

> Transverse Myelitis episode 19 years ago that has left my nerves " gone

> haywire " , and because the disease effects your spinal cord (made it swell).

> This med says to be for anxiety, and can shut off some pain receptors in your

> brain???? Well in my brain, it woke them up. I am 50 yo now and getting OLD I

> guess. Things hurt worse than they used to. Good golly, I am so sick of crying

> myself into exhaustion to sleep, if sleep ever comes at all. I am used to

> having " bad days " , but when they last for a week... you have to wonder about

> the meds. And the pain clinic I go to I am seeing a advanced NP (NOT A DOC! OH

> MY!!!) who has helped me so much... This nuero " doc " just shakes his head at

> the meds they have given me so far. I need a new nuero, but it is so hard to

> find one who knows my disease. I live in the sticks of NH too. But I am

> beginning to think I might be willing to go maybe to Boston or SOMEWHERE!


> (TM is a disease that is a result of over reactive antibodies that attack your

> spine. I had the flu. I know others that have got TM from a flu shot or other

> vaccine. One young girl I met got a hepatitis vaccine to work as in hospital

> to see if she wanted to really be a nurse like her mother was someday!!!!

> Ended up being air lifted to Boston Childrens hospital parylised from the

> waist down in a matter of hours. Fast treatment you can recover somewhat...

> TM effects children and young adults in their 30's. Your very " efficient " body

> immune system kills your sickness and then looks for other things to attack.)


> Rut roe... sorry this got so long. I am worried about my Mom. Last week when I

> was still coming off this med, there was NO way I could drive to Manchester

> (best heart hospital in NE) to go get her or go see her. She is back there...


> Now I need to make another appt. with this nuero guy or find another. I have a

> case pending with SS so I need somebody. Plus.... I do not need to be feeking

> like **** over some medication, when all I want to do is have a life with a

> pain level I can live with.... Ya know????


> in NH....



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Hey ,


Sorry to hear you're having a rough time. If I were you I would go to Boston, at

least for a secong opinion. I know the perfect doc for you too. He phenominal in

the OR and out and very kind and thorough with his patients. You can tell he

truly cares and his talent is incredible. If you are interested let me know. I'm

happy to refer you.


The med you are referring to is indeed anti-anxiety and does not have any direct

muscle relaxing effect. He probably gave it to you to help you sleep. It is felt

that taking an anti-anxiety med with a pain med will help it work a little

better, but on it's own all it can do is help you relax which may in turn relax

your muscles which may help you feel better. It is not generally prescribed for

muscle pain. I would try Tizanidine, about 2mg to help you sleep and relax your

muscles. It doesn't leave you feeling groggy in the am and really puts you to




From: cathy mccarthy <bbhorsetack@...>

Subject: klonopin

spinal problems

Date: Thursday, February 26, 2009, 9:29 PM

Hi All

This drug did not agree with me. Clonazepam. Neurologist prescribed it to me a

while ago. Made me sleepy and " loopy " . Started on it slow... I weeded myself off

it. I have sometimes severe muscle spasms at night while trying to sleep. This

med seemed to make it worse. AND lasted long into the next day! Weird stuff... I

stopped it gradually... (I am not stupid... anything that makes you feel that

BAD taking it, gotta take it slow in NOT taking it...) I had an appt this week

with said nuero guy to talk about that. Problem was, my Mom has a weirdo heart

thing happen, had to go in hospital that day, so had to cancel appt. I have bad

feelings about this doc. The last time I went to him I think he was trying to

decide what to have for lunch, rather than what my problems were. I hate that.

Question for group is: has anyone been prescribed this stuff for pain? I had a

Transverse Myelitis episode 19 years ago that has left my nerves " gone haywire " ,

and because the disease effects your spinal cord (made it swell). This med says

to be for anxiety, and can shut off some pain receptors in your brain???? Well

in my brain, it woke them up. I am 50 yo now and getting OLD I guess. Things

hurt worse than they used to. Good golly, I am so sick of crying myself into

exhaustion to sleep, if sleep ever comes at all. I am used to having " bad days " ,

but when they last for a week... you have to wonder about the meds. And the pain

clinic I go to I am seeing a advanced NP (NOT A DOC! OH MY!!!) who has helped me

so much... This nuero " doc " just shakes his head at the meds they have given me

so far. I need a new nuero, but it is so hard to find one who knows my disease.

I live in the sticks of NH too. But I am beginning to think I might be willing

to go maybe

to Boston or SOMEWHERE!

(TM is a disease that is a result of over reactive antibodies that attack your

spine. I had the flu. I know others that have got TM from a flu shot or other

vaccine. One young girl I met got a hepatitis vaccine to work as in hospital to

see if she wanted to really be a nurse like her mother was someday!!!! Ended up

being air lifted to Boston Childrens hospital parylised from the waist down in a

matter of hours. Fast treatment you can recover somewhat... TM effects children

and young adults in their 30's. Your very " efficient " body immune system kills

your sickness and then looks for other things to attack.)

Rut roe... sorry this got so long. I am worried about my Mom. Last week when I

was still coming off this med, there was NO way I could drive to Manchester

(best heart hospital in NE) to go get her or go see her. She is back there...

Now I need to make another appt. with this nuero guy or find another. I have a

case pending with SS so I need somebody. Plus.... I do not need to be feeking

like **** over some medication, when all I want to do is have a life with a pain

level I can live with.... Ya know????

in NH....

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---Klonopin is a Benzo. They should not be taken long term. Very easy

to get dependent on and can be almost impossible to stop


In spinal problems , " cathy

mccarthy " <bbhorsetack@...> wrote:


> Hi All


> This drug did not agree with me. Clonazepam. Neurologist prescribed

it to me a while ago. Made me sleepy and " loopy " . Started on it

slow... I weeded myself off it. I have sometimes severe muscle spasms

at night while trying to sleep. This med seemed to make it worse. AND

lasted long into the next day! Weird stuff... I stopped it

gradually... (I am not stupid... anything that makes you feel that

BAD taking it, gotta take it slow in NOT taking it...) I had an appt

this week with said nuero guy to talk about that. Problem was, my Mom

has a weirdo heart thing happen, had to go in hospital that day, so

had to cancel appt. I have bad feelings about this doc. The last time

I went to him I think he was trying to decide what to have for lunch,

rather than what my problems were. I hate that.


> Question for group is: has anyone been prescribed this stuff for

pain? I had a Transverse Myelitis episode 19 years ago that has left

my nerves " gone haywire " , and because the disease effects your spinal

cord (made it swell). This med says to be for anxiety, and can shut

off some pain receptors in your brain???? Well in my brain, it woke

them up. I am 50 yo now and getting OLD I guess. Things hurt worse

than they used to. Good golly, I am so sick of crying myself into

exhaustion to sleep, if sleep ever comes at all. I am used to

having " bad days " , but when they last for a week... you have to

wonder about the meds. And the pain clinic I go to I am seeing a

advanced NP (NOT A DOC! OH MY!!!) who has helped me so much... This

nuero " doc " just shakes his head at the meds they have given me so

far. I need a new nuero, but it is so hard to find one who knows my

disease. I live in the sticks of NH too. But I am beginning to think

I might be willing to go maybe to Boston or SOMEWHERE!


> (TM is a disease that is a result of over reactive antibodies that

attack your spine. I had the flu. I know others that have got TM from

a flu shot or other vaccine. One young girl I met got a hepatitis

vaccine to work as in hospital to see if she wanted to really be a

nurse like her mother was someday!!!! Ended up being air lifted to

Boston Childrens hospital parylised from the waist down in a matter

of hours. Fast treatment you can recover somewhat... TM effects

children and young adults in their 30's. Your very " efficient " body

immune system kills your sickness and then looks for other things to



> Rut roe... sorry this got so long. I am worried about my Mom. Last

week when I was still coming off this med, there was NO way I could

drive to Manchester (best heart hospital in NE) to go get her or go

see her. She is back there...


> Now I need to make another appt. with this nuero guy or find

another. I have a case pending with SS so I need somebody. Plus.... I

do not need to be feeking like **** over some medication, when all I

want to do is have a life with a pain level I can live with.... Ya



> in NH....



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Yeah, but for people with chronic pain, who needs to stop? ---


> Hi All


> This drug did not agree with me. Clonazepam. Neurologist prescribed

it to me a while ago. Made me sleepy and " loopy " . Started on it

slow... I weeded myself off it. I have sometimes severe muscle spasms

at night while trying to sleep. This med seemed to make it worse. AND

lasted long into the next day! Weird stuff... I stopped it

gradually... (I am not stupid... anything that makes you feel that

BAD taking it, gotta take it slow in NOT taking it...) I had an appt

this week with said nuero guy to talk about that. Problem was, my Mom

has a weirdo heart thing happen, had to go in hospital that day, so

had to cancel appt. I have bad feelings about this doc. The last time

I went to him I think he was trying to decide what to have for lunch,

rather than what my problems were. I hate that.


> Question for group is: has anyone been prescribed this stuff for

pain? I had a Transverse Myelitis episode 19 years ago that has left

my nerves " gone haywire " , and because the disease effects your spinal

cord (made it swell). This med says to be for anxiety, and can shut

off some pain receptors in your brain???? Well in my brain, it woke

them up. I am 50 yo now and getting OLD I guess. Things hurt worse

than they used to. Good golly, I am so sick of crying myself into

exhaustion to sleep, if sleep ever comes at all. I am used to

having " bad days " , but when they last for a week... you have to

wonder about the meds. And the pain clinic I go to I am seeing a

advanced NP (NOT A DOC! OH MY!!!) who has helped me so much... This

nuero " doc " just shakes his head at the meds they have given me so

far. I need a new nuero, but it is so hard to find one who knows my

disease. I live in the sticks of NH too. But I am beginning to think

I might be willing to go maybe to Boston or SOMEWHERE!


> (TM is a disease that is a result of over reactive antibodies that

attack your spine. I had the flu. I know others that have got TM from

a flu shot or other vaccine. One young girl I met got a hepatitis

vaccine to work as in hospital to see if she wanted to really be a

nurse like her mother was someday!!!! Ended up being air lifted to

Boston Childrens hospital parylised from the waist down in a matter

of hours. Fast treatment you can recover somewhat... TM effects

children and young adults in their 30's. Your very " efficient " body

immune system kills your sickness and then looks for other things to



> Rut roe... sorry this got so long. I am worried about my Mom. Last

week when I was still coming off this med, there was NO way I could

drive to Manchester (best heart hospital in NE) to go get her or go

see her. She is back there...


> Now I need to make another appt. with this nuero guy or find

another. I have a case pending with SS so I need somebody. Plus.... I

do not need to be feeking like **** over some medication, when all I

want to do is have a life with a pain level I can live with.... Ya



> in NH....



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---Just like when sometimes your pain med's stop working, you can

build a talernce to Benzo's and they can start working against

you.Some people may be able to take them long term but many can not.

It was stated earlier that Klonopin is not a pain med. There are

other med's and ways to deal with the anxiety and stress of being in



In spinal problems , Babbitt

<tpowell1977@...> wrote:


> Yeah, but for people with chronic pain, who needs to stop? ---




> >

> > Hi All

> >

> >> > Now I need to make another appt. with this nuero guy or find

> another. I have a case pending with SS so I need somebody. Plus....


> do not need to be feeking like **** over some medication, when all


> want to do is have a life with a pain level I can live with.... Ya

> know????

> >

> > in NH....

> >

> >

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Thank you for your offer of helping me to find a neurologist in Boston. I

do have an unusual condition, Transverse Myelitis, I will probably take you up

on your offer on a Doc in your area to ask. Boston is 2 hours from me, not all

that far. My Dad actually was in constuction a zillion years ago and help build

a lot of the buildings in Boston, so ya, Boston would be not a problem for me.

Finding somebody who knows aboutr my condition, ...is. Please let me know of

these peoples names???? So I can look em up...????

in NH

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in NH....

My damaged cord (cervical) short-circuits my muscles (in the 'ON' position),

and if I get a muscle spasm in my upper back and/or shoulders - then I get

tunnel vision and suspect I'm headed for shock - this is critical for me.

Cyclobenzaprine 10Mg (muscle relaxer) & epam 10 Mg (overall relaxer) is

what I use for muscle spasms - my worst problem. Without them, No pain

killers work well for me, and without them I wake up with watering eyes

caused by outrageous cramps in legs and feet.

NOTE: Cyclobenzaprine can cause seizures if used too much or with

cold-turkey withdrawals (too suddenly) - but I use less than I am offered -

in fact I use all drugs only as needed.

Also, both of these are OLD drugs and are well tested -

I say no thanks to all New drugs. I always ask my doctor and pharmacist how

old or new - and all side effects.

You may wish to ask your doctor what advantages and disadvantages these two

might offer you. It is important to be alert and capable when using your

meds, I believe; and 'loopy' can be an adventure on Friday nights with a

designated driver - but not for a regular med taken routinely, in my

opinion. Vince in Milwaukee

On Thu, Feb 26, 2009 at 8:29 PM, cathy mccarthy


> Hi All


> This drug did not agree with me. Clonazepam. Neurologist prescribed it to

> me a while ago. Made me sleepy and " loopy " . Started on it slow... I weeded

> myself off it. I have sometimes severe muscle spasms at night while trying

> to sleep. This med seemed to make it worse. AND lasted long into the next

> day! Weird stuff... I stopped it gradually... (I am not stupid... anything

> that makes you feel that BAD taking it, gotta take it slow in NOT taking

> it...) I had an appt this week with said nuero guy to talk about that.

> Problem was, my Mom has a weirdo heart thing happen, had to go in hospital

> that day, so had to cancel appt. I have bad feelings about this doc. The

> last time I went to him I think he was trying to decide what to have for

> lunch, rather than what my problems were. I hate that.


> Question for group is: has anyone been prescribed this stuff for pain? I

> had a Transverse Myelitis episode 19 years ago that has left my nerves " gone

> haywire " , and because the disease effects your spinal cord (made it swell).

> This med says to be for anxiety, and can shut off some pain receptors in

> your brain???? Well in my brain, it woke them up. I am 50 yo now and getting

> OLD I guess. Things hurt worse than they used to. Good golly, I am so sick

> of crying myself into exhaustion to sleep, if sleep ever comes at all. I am

> used to having " bad days " , but when they last for a week... you have to

> wonder about the meds. And the pain clinic I go to I am seeing a advanced NP

> (NOT A DOC! OH MY!!!) who has helped me so much... This nuero " doc " just

> shakes his head at the meds they have given me so far. I need a new nuero,

> but it is so hard to find one who knows my disease. I live in the sticks of

> NH too. But I am beginning to think I might be willing to go maybe to Boston



> (TM is a disease that is a result of over reactive antibodies that attack

> your spine. I had the flu. I know others that have got TM from a flu shot or

> other vaccine. One young girl I met got a hepatitis vaccine to work as in

> hospital to see if she wanted to really be a nurse like her mother was

> someday!!!! Ended up being air lifted to Boston Childrens hospital parylised

> from the waist down in a matter of hours. Fast treatment you can recover

> somewhat... TM effects children and young adults in their 30's. Your very

> " efficient " body immune system kills your sickness and then looks for other

> things to attack.)


> Rut roe... sorry this got so long. I am worried about my Mom. Last week

> when I was still coming off this med, there was NO way I could drive to

> Manchester (best heart hospital in NE) to go get her or go see her. She is

> back there...


> Now I need to make another appt. with this nuero guy or find another. I

> have a case pending with SS so I need somebody. Plus.... I do not need to be

> feeking like **** over some medication, when all I want to do is have a life

> with a pain level I can live with.... Ya know????


> in NH....



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Guest guest

I've been on and off that Flexeril (Cyclobenzaprine) for over 15 years, and have

never had any problems going cold turkey off them, now I have been taking them

for the last year and half, still without any problems. I also take Zanaflex

during the day, because the Flexeril is too strong during the day time.




The dog has seldom been successful in pulling man up to its level of sagacity,

but man has frequently dragged the dog down to his. Thurber



From: J Cataldi <vincent.cataldi@...>

spinal problems

Sent: Sunday, March 1, 2009 12:23:15 AM

Subject: Re: klonopin

in NH....

My damaged cord (cervical) short-circuits my muscles (in the 'ON' position),

and if I get a muscle spasm in my upper back and/or shoulders - then I get

tunnel vision and suspect I'm headed for shock - this is critical for me.

Cyclobenzaprine 10Mg (muscle relaxer) & epam 10 Mg (overall relaxer) is

what I use for muscle spasms - my worst problem. Without them, No pain

killers work well for me, and without them I wake up with watering eyes

caused by outrageous cramps in legs and feet.

NOTE: Cyclobenzaprine can cause seizures if used too much or with

cold-turkey withdrawals (too suddenly) - but I use less than I am offered -

in fact I use all drugs only as needed.

Also, both of these are OLD drugs and are well tested -

I say no thanks to all New drugs. I always ask my doctor and pharmacist how

old or new - and all side effects.

You may wish to ask your doctor what advantages and disadvantages these two

might offer you. It is important to be alert and capable when using your

meds, I believe; and 'loopy' can be an adventure on Friday nights with a

designated driver - but not for a regular med taken routinely, in my

opinion. Vince in Milwaukee

On Thu, Feb 26, 2009 at 8:29 PM, cathy mccarthy

<bbhorsetack@ roadrunner. com>wrote:

> Hi All


> This drug did not agree with me. Clonazepam. Neurologist prescribed it to

> me a while ago. Made me sleepy and " loopy " . Started on it slow... I weeded

> myself off it. I have sometimes severe muscle spasms at night while trying

> to sleep. This med seemed to make it worse. AND lasted long into the next

> day! Weird stuff... I stopped it gradually... (I am not stupid... anything

> that makes you feel that BAD taking it, gotta take it slow in NOT taking

> it...) I had an appt this week with said nuero guy to talk about that.

> Problem was, my Mom has a weirdo heart thing happen, had to go in hospital

> that day, so had to cancel appt. I have bad feelings about this doc. The

> last time I went to him I think he was trying to decide what to have for

> lunch, rather than what my problems were. I hate that.


> Question for group is: has anyone been prescribed this stuff for pain? I

> had a Transverse Myelitis episode 19 years ago that has left my nerves " gone

> haywire " , and because the disease effects your spinal cord (made it swell).

> This med says to be for anxiety, and can shut off some pain receptors in

> your brain???? Well in my brain, it woke them up. I am 50 yo now and getting

> OLD I guess. Things hurt worse than they used to. Good golly, I am so sick

> of crying myself into exhaustion to sleep, if sleep ever comes at all. I am

> used to having " bad days " , but when they last for a week... you have to

> wonder about the meds. And the pain clinic I go to I am seeing a advanced NP

> (NOT A DOC! OH MY!!!) who has helped me so much... This nuero " doc " just

> shakes his head at the meds they have given me so far. I need a new nuero,

> but it is so hard to find one who knows my disease. I live in the sticks of

> NH too. But I am beginning to think I might be willing to go maybe to Boston



> (TM is a disease that is a result of over reactive antibodies that attack

> your spine. I had the flu. I know others that have got TM from a flu shot or

> other vaccine. One young girl I met got a hepatitis vaccine to work as in

> hospital to see if she wanted to really be a nurse like her mother was

> someday!!!! Ended up being air lifted to Boston Childrens hospital parylised

> from the waist down in a matter of hours. Fast treatment you can recover

> somewhat... TM effects children and young adults in their 30's. Your very

> " efficient " body immune system kills your sickness and then looks for other

> things to attack.)


> Rut roe... sorry this got so long. I am worried about my Mom. Last week

> when I was still coming off this med, there was NO way I could drive to

> Manchester (best heart hospital in NE) to go get her or go see her. She is

> back there...


> Now I need to make another appt. with this nuero guy or find another. I

> have a case pending with SS so I need somebody. Plus.... I do not need to be

> feeking like **** over some medication, when all I want to do is have a life

> with a pain level I can live with.... Ya know????


> in NH....



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Guest guest

How much water do you drink?

Re: klonopin

> in NH....


> My damaged cord (cervical) short-circuits my muscles (in the 'ON'

> position),

> and if I get a muscle spasm in my upper back and/or shoulders - then I get

> tunnel vision and suspect I'm headed for shock - this is critical for me.


> Cyclobenzaprine 10Mg (muscle relaxer) & epam 10 Mg (overall relaxer)

> is

> what I use for muscle spasms - my worst problem. Without them, No pain

> killers work well for me, and without them I wake up with watering eyes

> caused by outrageous cramps in legs and feet.

> NOTE: Cyclobenzaprine can cause seizures if used too much or with

> cold-turkey withdrawals (too suddenly) - but I use less than I am

> offered -

> in fact I use all drugs only as needed.


> Also, both of these are OLD drugs and are well tested -

> I say no thanks to all New drugs. I always ask my doctor and pharmacist

> how

> old or new - and all side effects.


> You may wish to ask your doctor what advantages and disadvantages these

> two

> might offer you. It is important to be alert and capable when using your

> meds, I believe; and 'loopy' can be an adventure on Friday nights with a

> designated driver - but not for a regular med taken routinely, in my

> opinion. Vince in Milwaukee


> On Thu, Feb 26, 2009 at 8:29 PM, cathy mccarthy

> <bbhorsetack@...>wrote:


>> Hi All


>> This drug did not agree with me. Clonazepam. Neurologist prescribed it to

>> me a while ago. Made me sleepy and " loopy " . Started on it slow... I

>> weeded

>> myself off it. I have sometimes severe muscle spasms at night while

>> trying

>> to sleep. This med seemed to make it worse. AND lasted long into the next

>> day! Weird stuff... I stopped it gradually... (I am not stupid...

>> anything

>> that makes you feel that BAD taking it, gotta take it slow in NOT taking

>> it...) I had an appt this week with said nuero guy to talk about that.

>> Problem was, my Mom has a weirdo heart thing happen, had to go in

>> hospital

>> that day, so had to cancel appt. I have bad feelings about this doc. The

>> last time I went to him I think he was trying to decide what to have for

>> lunch, rather than what my problems were. I hate that.


>> Question for group is: has anyone been prescribed this stuff for pain? I

>> had a Transverse Myelitis episode 19 years ago that has left my nerves

>> " gone

>> haywire " , and because the disease effects your spinal cord (made it

>> swell).

>> This med says to be for anxiety, and can shut off some pain receptors in

>> your brain???? Well in my brain, it woke them up. I am 50 yo now and

>> getting

>> OLD I guess. Things hurt worse than they used to. Good golly, I am so

>> sick

>> of crying myself into exhaustion to sleep, if sleep ever comes at all. I

>> am

>> used to having " bad days " , but when they last for a week... you have to

>> wonder about the meds. And the pain clinic I go to I am seeing a advanced

>> NP

>> (NOT A DOC! OH MY!!!) who has helped me so much... This nuero " doc " just

>> shakes his head at the meds they have given me so far. I need a new

>> nuero,

>> but it is so hard to find one who knows my disease. I live in the sticks

>> of

>> NH too. But I am beginning to think I might be willing to go maybe to

>> Boston



>> (TM is a disease that is a result of over reactive antibodies that attack

>> your spine. I had the flu. I know others that have got TM from a flu shot

>> or

>> other vaccine. One young girl I met got a hepatitis vaccine to work as in

>> hospital to see if she wanted to really be a nurse like her mother was

>> someday!!!! Ended up being air lifted to Boston Childrens hospital

>> parylised

>> from the waist down in a matter of hours. Fast treatment you can recover

>> somewhat... TM effects children and young adults in their 30's. Your very

>> " efficient " body immune system kills your sickness and then looks for

>> other

>> things to attack.)


>> Rut roe... sorry this got so long. I am worried about my Mom. Last week

>> when I was still coming off this med, there was NO way I could drive to

>> Manchester (best heart hospital in NE) to go get her or go see her. She

>> is

>> back there...


>> Now I need to make another appt. with this nuero guy or find another. I

>> have a case pending with SS so I need somebody. Plus.... I do not need to

>> be

>> feeking like **** over some medication, when all I want to do is have a

>> life

>> with a pain level I can live with.... Ya know????


>> in NH....



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Guest guest


I also never had problems with Cyclobenzaprine - but my doctor did warn me

to 'be aware' of the possibility. Since I was offering advice - I felt I

Must tell all that I have been told of withdrawals because I refused fusion

and so I have a physically weak neck and a seizure might make me

a Paralyzed Lump; it does not worry me though - I have used for half a dozen

years now.

Actually, this was the first medication I was allowed before I was 'allowed'

a diagnosis, and it is truly my most important drug - especially in

combination with diazepam; these I think of as my soft drugs - most safe

drugs, although I also now need a hydrocondone-ibuprof 7.5/200, (no

Tylenol) and oxycodone/APAP 5/325 (too much Tylenol) - These opiates (hard

and more dangerous drugs) each deal with different 'types' of pain - pain in

different areas too. Neither works much without my 'softer' drugs.

Personally I have never worried about sudden withdrawal but I do have a

simple 'Pill Cutter' (Walgreen's for about a dollar) and

have experimented forever trying to use as little as possible - my pill

splitter allows me to try using less and less until I find the least I need.

I always ask doctor and the (usually more knowledgable) pharmasist, AND I

look at webMD.com.

http://www.webmd.com/search/search_results/default.aspx?query=Cyclobenzaprine & so\


http://www.webmd.com/drugs/search.aspx?stype=drug & query=Cyclobenzaprine

This second link indicates a " CYCLOBENZAPRINE EXTENDED-RELEASE -


..aspx?drugid=8888 & drugname=Cyclobenzaprine+Oral> " .

I just take a half a pill and/or stretch out - how often I take any.

, what were the unwanted effects which made it too strong for day time

use, if you don't mind sharing this. Thanks - Vince

On Sun, Mar 1, 2009 at 2:39 AM, Lambert <glambert28@...> wrote:

> I've been on and off that Flexeril (Cyclobenzaprine) for over 15 years,

> and have never had any problems going cold turkey off them, now I have been

> taking them for the last year and half, still without any problems. I also

> take Zanaflex during the day, because the Flexeril is too strong during the

> day time.


> Bama,


> The dog has seldom been successful in pulling man up to its level of

> sagacity, but man has frequently dragged the dog down to his. Thurber




> ________________________________


> From: J Cataldi


> >

> To:

spinal problems <spinal problems%40gro\


> Sent: Sunday, March 1, 2009 12:23:15 AM

> Subject: Re: klonopin


> in NH....


> My damaged cord (cervical) short-circuits my muscles (in the 'ON'

> position),

> and if I get a muscle spasm in my upper back and/or shoulders - then I get

> tunnel vision and suspect I'm headed for shock - this is critical for me.


> Cyclobenzaprine 10Mg (muscle relaxer) & epam 10 Mg (overall relaxer) is

> what I use for muscle spasms - my worst problem. Without them, No pain

> killers work well for me, and without them I wake up with watering eyes

> caused by outrageous cramps in legs and feet.

> NOTE: Cyclobenzaprine can cause seizures if used too much or with

> cold-turkey withdrawals (too suddenly) - but I use less than I am offered -

> in fact I use all drugs only as needed.


> Also, both of these are OLD drugs and are well tested -

> I say no thanks to all New drugs. I always ask my doctor and pharmacist how

> old or new - and all side effects.


> You may wish to ask your doctor what advantages and disadvantages these two

> might offer you. It is important to be alert and capable when using your

> meds, I believe; and 'loopy' can be an adventure on Friday nights with a

> designated driver - but not for a regular med taken routinely, in my

> opinion. Vince in Milwaukee


> On Thu, Feb 26, 2009 at 8:29 PM, cathy mccarthy

> <bbhorsetack@ roadrunner. com>wrote:


> > Hi All

> >

> > This drug did not agree with me. Clonazepam. Neurologist prescribed it to

> > me a while ago. Made me sleepy and " loopy " . Started on it slow... I

> weeded

> > myself off it. I have sometimes severe muscle spasms at night while

> trying

> > to sleep. This med seemed to make it worse. AND lasted long into the next

> > day! Weird stuff... I stopped it gradually... (I am not stupid...

> anything

> > that makes you feel that BAD taking it, gotta take it slow in NOT taking

> > it...) I had an appt this week with said nuero guy to talk about that.

> > Problem was, my Mom has a weirdo heart thing happen, had to go in

> hospital

> > that day, so had to cancel appt. I have bad feelings about this doc. The

> > last time I went to him I think he was trying to decide what to have for

> > lunch, rather than what my problems were. I hate that.

> >

> > Question for group is: has anyone been prescribed this stuff for pain? I

> > had a Transverse Myelitis episode 19 years ago that has left my nerves

> " gone

> > haywire " , and because the disease effects your spinal cord (made it

> swell).

> > This med says to be for anxiety, and can shut off some pain receptors in

> > your brain???? Well in my brain, it woke them up. I am 50 yo now and

> getting

> > OLD I guess. Things hurt worse than they used to. Good golly, I am so

> sick

> > of crying myself into exhaustion to sleep, if sleep ever comes at all. I

> am

> > used to having " bad days " , but when they last for a week... you have to

> > wonder about the meds. And the pain clinic I go to I am seeing a advanced

> NP

> > (NOT A DOC! OH MY!!!) who has helped me so much... This nuero " doc " just

> > shakes his head at the meds they have given me so far. I need a new

> nuero,

> > but it is so hard to find one who knows my disease. I live in the sticks

> of

> > NH too. But I am beginning to think I might be willing to go maybe to

> Boston


> >

> > (TM is a disease that is a result of over reactive antibodies that attack

> > your spine. I had the flu. I know others that have got TM from a flu shot

> or

> > other vaccine. One young girl I met got a hepatitis vaccine to work as in

> > hospital to see if she wanted to really be a nurse like her mother was

> > someday!!!! Ended up being air lifted to Boston Childrens hospital

> parylised

> > from the waist down in a matter of hours. Fast treatment you can recover

> > somewhat... TM effects children and young adults in their 30's. Your very

> > " efficient " body immune system kills your sickness and then looks for

> other

> > things to attack.)

> >

> > Rut roe... sorry this got so long. I am worried about my Mom. Last week

> > when I was still coming off this med, there was NO way I could drive to

> > Manchester (best heart hospital in NE) to go get her or go see her. She

> is

> > back there...

> >

> > Now I need to make another appt. with this nuero guy or find another. I

> > have a case pending with SS so I need somebody. Plus.... I do not need to

> be

> > feeking like **** over some medication, when all I want to do is have a

> life

> > with a pain level I can live with.... Ya know????

> >

> > in NH....

> >

> >

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Guest guest


The strength of the flexeril was too strong during the day, I would get so

sleepy, even while keeping busy, just sitting and taking a break, I would be out

like a light. Even then during the day if I had spasms, or cramps that were

unbearable I would have to take them due to the fact that it was the only thing

that would stop the really bad ones. No pain meds would help, and believe me I

tried everything every-way over the years. IMO flexeril is the best muscle

relaxer made. Lately I have started cutting them in half, and also my pain meds,

because sometimes that's all I would need.

What is the reason you would refuse a fusion? I can understand it in a way, it

took a lot of careful consideration for me to make that decision, my biggest

concern was the loss of range and motion, it had/has a lot of pros and cons, but

I was loosing the use/feeling in my arm.

What are you options now?




The dog has seldom been successful in pulling man up to its level of sagacity,

but man has frequently dragged the dog down to his. Thurber



From: J Cataldi <vincent.cataldi@...>

spinal problems

Sent: Sunday, March 1, 2009 10:05:07 AM

Subject: Re: klonopin


I also never had problems with Cyclobenzaprine - but my doctor did warn me

to 'be aware' of the possibility. Since I was offering advice - I felt I

Must tell all that I have been told of withdrawals because I refused fusion

and so I have a physically weak neck and a seizure might make me

a Paralyzed Lump; it does not worry me though - I have used for half a dozen

years now.

Actually, this was the first medication I was allowed before I was 'allowed'

a diagnosis, and it is truly my most important drug - especially in

combination with diazepam; these I think of as my soft drugs - most safe

drugs, although I also now need a hydrocondone- ibuprof 7.5/200, (no

Tylenol) and oxycodone/APAP 5/325 (too much Tylenol) - These opiates (hard

and more dangerous drugs) each deal with different 'types' of pain - pain in

different areas too. Neither works much without my 'softer' drugs.

Personally I have never worried about sudden withdrawal but I do have a

simple 'Pill Cutter' (Walgreen's for about a dollar) and

have experimented forever trying to use as little as possible - my pill

splitter allows me to try using less and less until I find the least I need.

I always ask doctor and the (usually more knowledgable) pharmasist, AND I

look at webMD.com.

http://www.webmd. com/search/ search_results/ default.aspx? query=Cyclobenza

prine & sourceType =undefined

http://www.webmd. com/drugs/ search.aspx? stype=drug & query=Cyclobenza prine

This second link indicates a " CYCLOBENZAPRINE EXTENDED-RELEASE -

ORAL<http://www.webmd. com/drugs/ mono-988- CYCLOBENZAPRINE+ EXTENDED- RELEASE+-

+ORAL.aspx? drugid=8888 & drugname= Cyclobenzaprine+ Oral> " .

I just take a half a pill and/or stretch out - how often I take any.

, what were the unwanted effects which made it too strong for day time

use, if you don't mind sharing this. Thanks - Vince

On Sun, Mar 1, 2009 at 2:39 AM, Lambert <glambert28 (DOT) com> wrote:

> I've been on and off that Flexeril (Cyclobenzaprine) for over 15 years,

> and have never had any problems going cold turkey off them, now I have been

> taking them for the last year and half, still without any problems. I also

> take Zanaflex during the day, because the Flexeril is too strong during the

> day time.


> Bama,


> The dog has seldom been successful in pulling man up to its level of

> sagacity, but man has frequently dragged the dog down to his. Thurber




> ____________ _________ _________ __


> From: J Cataldi <vincent.cataldi@ gmail.com<vincent.cataldi%


> >

> spinedisorderssuppo rtgroup@gro ups.com<spinedisorderssupp ortgroup%

40groups. com>

> Sent: Sunday, March 1, 2009 12:23:15 AM

> Subject: Re: klonopin


> in NH....


> My damaged cord (cervical) short-circuits my muscles (in the 'ON'

> position),

> and if I get a muscle spasm in my upper back and/or shoulders - then I get

> tunnel vision and suspect I'm headed for shock - this is critical for me.


> Cyclobenzaprine 10Mg (muscle relaxer) & epam 10 Mg (overall relaxer) is

> what I use for muscle spasms - my worst problem. Without them, No pain

> killers work well for me, and without them I wake up with watering eyes

> caused by outrageous cramps in legs and feet.

> NOTE: Cyclobenzaprine can cause seizures if used too much or with

> cold-turkey withdrawals (too suddenly) - but I use less than I am offered -

> in fact I use all drugs only as needed.


> Also, both of these are OLD drugs and are well tested -

> I say no thanks to all New drugs. I always ask my doctor and pharmacist how

> old or new - and all side effects.


> You may wish to ask your doctor what advantages and disadvantages these two

> might offer you. It is important to be alert and capable when using your

> meds, I believe; and 'loopy' can be an adventure on Friday nights with a

> designated driver - but not for a regular med taken routinely, in my

> opinion. Vince in Milwaukee


> On Thu, Feb 26, 2009 at 8:29 PM, cathy mccarthy

> <bbhorsetack@ roadrunner. com>wrote:


> > Hi All

> >

> > This drug did not agree with me. Clonazepam. Neurologist prescribed it to

> > me a while ago. Made me sleepy and " loopy " . Started on it slow... I

> weeded

> > myself off it. I have sometimes severe muscle spasms at night while

> trying

> > to sleep. This med seemed to make it worse. AND lasted long into the next

> > day! Weird stuff... I stopped it gradually... (I am not stupid...

> anything

> > that makes you feel that BAD taking it, gotta take it slow in NOT taking

> > it...) I had an appt this week with said nuero guy to talk about that.

> > Problem was, my Mom has a weirdo heart thing happen, had to go in

> hospital

> > that day, so had to cancel appt. I have bad feelings about this doc. The

> > last time I went to him I think he was trying to decide what to have for

> > lunch, rather than what my problems were. I hate that.

> >

> > Question for group is: has anyone been prescribed this stuff for pain? I

> > had a Transverse Myelitis episode 19 years ago that has left my nerves

> " gone

> > haywire " , and because the disease effects your spinal cord (made it

> swell).

> > This med says to be for anxiety, and can shut off some pain receptors in

> > your brain???? Well in my brain, it woke them up. I am 50 yo now and

> getting

> > OLD I guess. Things hurt worse than they used to. Good golly, I am so

> sick

> > of crying myself into exhaustion to sleep, if sleep ever comes at all. I

> am

> > used to having " bad days " , but when they last for a week... you have to

> > wonder about the meds. And the pain clinic I go to I am seeing a advanced

> NP

> > (NOT A DOC! OH MY!!!) who has helped me so much... This nuero " doc " just

> > shakes his head at the meds they have given me so far. I need a new

> nuero,

> > but it is so hard to find one who knows my disease. I live in the sticks

> of

> > NH too. But I am beginning to think I might be willing to go maybe to

> Boston


> >

> > (TM is a disease that is a result of over reactive antibodies that attack

> > your spine. I had the flu. I know others that have got TM from a flu shot

> or

> > other vaccine. One young girl I met got a hepatitis vaccine to work as in

> > hospital to see if she wanted to really be a nurse like her mother was

> > someday!!!! Ended up being air lifted to Boston Childrens hospital

> parylised

> > from the waist down in a matter of hours. Fast treatment you can recover

> > somewhat... TM effects children and young adults in their 30's. Your very

> > " efficient " body immune system kills your sickness and then looks for

> other

> > things to attack.)

> >

> > Rut roe... sorry this got so long. I am worried about my Mom. Last week

> > when I was still coming off this med, there was NO way I could drive to

> > Manchester (best heart hospital in NE) to go get her or go see her. She

> is

> > back there...

> >

> > Now I need to make another appt. with this nuero guy or find another. I

> > have a case pending with SS so I need somebody. Plus.... I do not need to

> be

> > feeking like **** over some medication, when all I want to do is have a

> life

> > with a pain level I can live with.... Ya know????

> >

> > in NH....

> >

> >

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 Dr. Glazer is in Boston, close to Red Sox stadium on Brookline Ave. He has

a private practice but operates in Beth Isreal Deaconess Medical Center. If you

type his name in you will find a lot of information on him. He is a professor at

Harvard and has published many journal articles and is a contributor to Spine

Health website, hae also developed the fusion technique that was used to fuse my

spine. I trust him with my family and my own life. I would highly encourage you

to see him. You'll never have to question anything anymore...he will be upfront

and honest and tell you anything you want to know about your condition.





From: cathy mccarthy <bbhorsetack@...>

Subject: Re: klonopin

spinal problems

Date: Saturday, February 28, 2009, 10:59 PM

Thank you for your offer of helping me to find a neurologist in Boston. I

do have an unusual condition, Transverse Myelitis, I will probably take you up

on your offer on a Doc in your area to ask. Boston is 2 hours from me, not all

that far. My Dad actually was in constuction a zillion years ago and help build

a lot of the buildings in Boston, so ya, Boston would be not a problem for me.

Finding somebody who knows aboutr my condition, ...is. Please let me know of

these peoples names???? So I can look em up...????

in NH

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you are a nurse Tracey? I must agree with your points Tracey, however I can

understand how Vince came to those conclusions. my hand surgeon is trying his

best to not have me do carpal tunnel surgeries, he is trying other things and

doing his best to go around surgery. Not all our hungry to do surgery, but I

have met a doctor in ks that I swear wanted to give me a beer and had his

surgery knives in his back pocket...lol gosh I was so glad to move to the

southwest, a better group of doctors here. I trust and like all of my doctors.


Re: klonopin

spinal problems

Date: Saturday, February 28, 2009, 10:59 PM

Thank you for your offer of helping me to find a neurologist in Boston.

I do have an unusual condition, Transverse Myelitis, I will probably take you up

on your offer on a Doc in your area to ask. Boston is 2 hours from me, not all

that far. My Dad actually was in constuction a zillion years ago and help build

a lot of the buildings in Boston, so ya, Boston would be not a problem for me.

Finding somebody who knows aboutr my condition, ...is. Please let me know of

these peoples names???? So I can look em up...????

in NH

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Yes, I am . I specialize in spine and vascular, plastics and neuro..I also

work for a hand surgeon currently. ---

From: L Kaiser <cathykaiser@...>

Subject: Re: klonopin

spinal problems

Date: Sunday, March 1, 2009, 9:35 PM

you are a nurse Tracey? I must agree with your points Tracey, however I can

understand how Vince came to those conclusions. my hand surgeon is trying his

best to not have me do carpal tunnel surgeries, he is trying other things and

doing his best to go around surgery. Not all our hungry to do surgery, but I

have met a doctor in ks that I swear wanted to give me a beer and had his

surgery knives in his back pocket...lol gosh I was so glad to move to the

southwest, a better group of doctors here. I trust and like all of my doctors.


Re: klonopin

spinedisorderssuppo rtgroup@gro ups.com

Date: Saturday, February 28, 2009, 10:59 PM

Thank you for your offer of helping me to find a neurologist in Boston. I

do have an unusual condition, Transverse Myelitis, I will probably take you up

on your offer on a Doc in your area to ask. Boston is 2 hours from me, not all

that far. My Dad actually was in constuction a zillion years ago and help build

a lot of the buildings in Boston, so ya, Boston would be not a problem for me.

Finding somebody who knows aboutr my condition, ...is. Please let me know of

these peoples names???? So I can look em up...????

in NH

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Guest guest


I had surgeons who wanted to schedule for the following week - saying I

would die if I did not do a posterior and anterior set of two surgery

fusions - six month apart, with a Halo brace for a year. I also had several

GPs who warned me that a surgeon will suggest surgery. So after seeing the

best surgeon at each of the three best medical facilities here in Milwaukee

- who all said the same thing generally - I went to do my own research.

First: I did a bone density test on my hip and found it to be too weak to

serve as a bone-bank for my neck - so the surgeons would have opened my hip

- messed it up, and then run off for a bone-bank bone - improvising from the


All surgeries in the USA are governed by approved procedures, except spinal

surgery - it is like seat-of-the-pants barn-storming, just before pilots

required a license to fly - poetic licenses added by me to emphasize the

point. My surgeons were wonderful and gave their all - freely; I have

nothing but love for them.

Second, I found that Europe and Asia were one step and a half ahead of the

US in artificial parts (five years ago): Europe and Asia were routinely

doing lumbar, and finalizing thoracic replacement studies - and beginning to

study cervical replacement parts; while in the US we were only just starting

lumbar, and about to begin thoracic studies. Crevical replacement parts

were a decade ahead.

Logic told me that drilling holes in my weak spinal bones would weaken them,

and worse, would add more stress to the bones above and below the the fused

region. I really want the replacement parts, please!

Third: research indicated that the surgery suggested (strongly) had a 1/3

chance of improving things, 1/3 chance of making things worse, and 1/3

chance of no change. Mine was called an UGLY situation, so I decided that I

had to assume less than 1/3 chance of improvement.

Fourth: I was diagnosed with bone cancer, but a cancer expert told me it was

an illogical assessment; because bone cancer must begin in a marrow

producing bone like an arm or leg before migrating to small bones like

spinal bones, ribs, or digits.

When I added up all of these findings, I decided to 'stall' and hope I can

wait for artificial parts. Stay alive until I am allowed the parts. The

first spinal surgery is often followed by another, and another, ... I spoke

to a woman who had 32 and was no longer able to wait, or say no. If I

needed a second - going up - I would have had to turn my shoulders to turn

my head.

I have learned to drive with mirrors in case that day comes, but I am still

working at 'living with the pain', reducing the spurs impinging on the cord,

and working very hard at Not Falling - because my head is poorly attached to

my shoulders and a fall can kill me or worse - make me a quadriplegic. I am

head strong, that way.

I have a GP who had a C2-4 fusion (posterior only) as they suggested for me,

only not as complicated as my situation is. He sat and listened to my

answers for a full 2.5 hours on our first appointment and he understood what

I was talking about because he had gone through much of it too. For example

I spoke of double vision in each eye individually, and how I am constantly

told that it is not possible; he said he knew it was possible because it

happened to him also. He is a very wise 75 year old-fashion, kind hearted

human being who tries to help us with chronic pain. I wish we had more of

his kind.

At the end of this first meeting he tole me that I had been given very

difficult decisions, and he thought I choose wisely. The first part I knew,

the second part was good to hear! I have survived about five years or so

since I became federally disabled officially. So far, with a bit of help, I

take care of my father who is Ninety One in two months - and more healthy

than I am - It make me get up each morning, and it stops me from feeling

sorry for myself - I just don't have the time.


On Sun, Mar 1, 2009 at 11:02 AM, Lambert <glambert28@...>wrote:

> Vince,

> The strength of the flexeril was too strong during the day, I would get so

> sleepy, even while keeping busy, just sitting and taking a break, I would be

> out like a light. Even then during the day if I had spasms, or cramps that

> were unbearable I would have to take them due to the fact that it was the

> only thing that would stop the really bad ones. No pain meds would help, and

> believe me I tried everything every-way over the years. IMO flexeril is the

> best muscle relaxer made. Lately I have started cutting them in half, and

> also my pain meds, because sometimes that's all I would need.

> What is the reason you would refuse a fusion? I can understand it in a way,

> it took a lot of careful consideration for me to make that decision, my

> biggest concern was the loss of range and motion, it had/has a lot of pros

> and cons, but I was loosing the use/feeling in my arm.

> What are you options now?



> Bama,


> The dog has seldom been successful in pulling man up to its level of

> sagacity, but man has frequently dragged the dog down to his. Thurber




> ________________________________

> From: J Cataldi


> >

> To:

spinal problems <spinal problems%40gro\


> Sent: Sunday, March 1, 2009 10:05:07 AM

> Subject: Re: klonopin


> :

> I also never had problems with Cyclobenzaprine - but my doctor did warn me

> to 'be aware' of the possibility. Since I was offering advice - I felt I

> Must tell all that I have been told of withdrawals because I refused fusion

> and so I have a physically weak neck and a seizure might make me

> a Paralyzed Lump; it does not worry me though - I have used for half a

> dozen

> years now.

> Actually, this was the first medication I was allowed before I was

> 'allowed'

> a diagnosis, and it is truly my most important drug - especially in

> combination with diazepam; these I think of as my soft drugs - most safe

> drugs, although I also now need a hydrocondone- ibuprof 7.5/200, (no

> Tylenol) and oxycodone/APAP 5/325 (too much Tylenol) - These opiates (hard

> and more dangerous drugs) each deal with different 'types' of pain - pain

> in

> different areas too. Neither works much without my 'softer' drugs.


> Personally I have never worried about sudden withdrawal but I do have a

> simple 'Pill Cutter' (Walgreen's for about a dollar) and

> have experimented forever trying to use as little as possible - my pill

> splitter allows me to try using less and less until I find the least I

> need.


> I always ask doctor and the (usually more knowledgable) pharmasist, AND I

> look at webMD.com.


> http://www.webmd. com/search/ search_results/ default.aspx?

> query=Cyclobenza prine & sourceType =undefined


> http://www.webmd. com/drugs/ search.aspx? stype=drug & query=Cyclobenza

> prine


> This second link indicates a " CYCLOBENZAPRINE EXTENDED-RELEASE -

> ORAL<http://www.webmd. com/drugs/ mono-988- CYCLOBENZAPRINE+ EXTENDED-

> RELEASE+- +ORAL.aspx? drugid=8888 & drugname= Cyclobenzaprine+ Oral> " .

> I just take a half a pill and/or stretch out - how often I take any.


> , what were the unwanted effects which made it too strong for day

> time

> use, if you don't mind sharing this. Thanks - Vince


> On Sun, Mar 1, 2009 at 2:39 AM, Lambert <glambert28 (DOT) com>

> wrote:


> > I've been on and off that Flexeril (Cyclobenzaprine) for over 15 years,

> > and have never had any problems going cold turkey off them, now I have

> been

> > taking them for the last year and half, still without any problems. I

> also

> > take Zanaflex during the day, because the Flexeril is too strong during

> the

> > day time.

> >

> > Bama,

> >

> > The dog has seldom been successful in pulling man up to its level of

> > sagacity, but man has frequently dragged the dog down to his.

> Thurber

> >

> >

> >

> > ____________ _________ _________ __

> >

> > From: J Cataldi <vincent.cataldi@ gmail.com<vincent.cataldi%

> 40gmail.com>

> > >

> > spinedisorderssuppo rtgroup@gro ups.com<spinedisorderssupp

> ortgroup% 40groups. com>


> > Sent: Sunday, March 1, 2009 12:23:15 AM

> > Subject: Re: klonopin

> >

> > in NH....

> >

> > My damaged cord (cervical) short-circuits my muscles (in the 'ON'

> > position),

> > and if I get a muscle spasm in my upper back and/or shoulders - then I

> get

> > tunnel vision and suspect I'm headed for shock - this is critical for me.

> >

> > Cyclobenzaprine 10Mg (muscle relaxer) & epam 10 Mg (overall relaxer)

> is

> > what I use for muscle spasms - my worst problem. Without them, No pain

> > killers work well for me, and without them I wake up with watering eyes

> > caused by outrageous cramps in legs and feet.

> > NOTE: Cyclobenzaprine can cause seizures if used too much or with

> > cold-turkey withdrawals (too suddenly) - but I use less than I am offered

> -

> > in fact I use all drugs only as needed.

> >

> > Also, both of these are OLD drugs and are well tested -

> > I say no thanks to all New drugs. I always ask my doctor and pharmacist

> how

> > old or new - and all side effects.

> >

> > You may wish to ask your doctor what advantages and disadvantages these

> two

> > might offer you. It is important to be alert and capable when using your

> > meds, I believe; and 'loopy' can be an adventure on Friday nights with a

> > designated driver - but not for a regular med taken routinely, in my

> > opinion. Vince in Milwaukee

> >

> > On Thu, Feb 26, 2009 at 8:29 PM, cathy mccarthy

> > <bbhorsetack@ roadrunner. com>wrote:

> >

> > > Hi All

> > >

> > > This drug did not agree with me. Clonazepam. Neurologist prescribed it

> to

> > > me a while ago. Made me sleepy and " loopy " . Started on it slow... I

> > weeded

> > > myself off it. I have sometimes severe muscle spasms at night while

> > trying

> > > to sleep. This med seemed to make it worse. AND lasted long into the

> next

> > > day! Weird stuff... I stopped it gradually... (I am not stupid...

> > anything

> > > that makes you feel that BAD taking it, gotta take it slow in NOT

> taking

> > > it...) I had an appt this week with said nuero guy to talk about that.

> > > Problem was, my Mom has a weirdo heart thing happen, had to go in

> > hospital

> > > that day, so had to cancel appt. I have bad feelings about this doc.

> The

> > > last time I went to him I think he was trying to decide what to have

> for

> > > lunch, rather than what my problems were. I hate that.

> > >

> > > Question for group is: has anyone been prescribed this stuff for pain?

> I

> > > had a Transverse Myelitis episode 19 years ago that has left my nerves

> > " gone

> > > haywire " , and because the disease effects your spinal cord (made it

> > swell).

> > > This med says to be for anxiety, and can shut off some pain receptors

> in

> > > your brain???? Well in my brain, it woke them up. I am 50 yo now and

> > getting

> > > OLD I guess. Things hurt worse than they used to. Good golly, I am so

> > sick

> > > of crying myself into exhaustion to sleep, if sleep ever comes at all.

> I

> > am

> > > used to having " bad days " , but when they last for a week... you have to

> > > wonder about the meds. And the pain clinic I go to I am seeing a

> advanced

> > NP

> > > (NOT A DOC! OH MY!!!) who has helped me so much... This nuero " doc "

> just

> > > shakes his head at the meds they have given me so far. I need a new

> > nuero,

> > > but it is so hard to find one who knows my disease. I live in the

> sticks

> > of

> > > NH too. But I am beginning to think I might be willing to go maybe to

> > Boston

> > > or SOMEWHERE!

> > >

> > > (TM is a disease that is a result of over reactive antibodies that

> attack

> > > your spine. I had the flu. I know others that have got TM from a flu

> shot

> > or

> > > other vaccine. One young girl I met got a hepatitis vaccine to work as

> in

> > > hospital to see if she wanted to really be a nurse like her mother was

> > > someday!!!! Ended up being air lifted to Boston Childrens hospital

> > parylised

> > > from the waist down in a matter of hours. Fast treatment you can

> recover

> > > somewhat... TM effects children and young adults in their 30's. Your

> very

> > > " efficient " body immune system kills your sickness and then looks for

> > other

> > > things to attack.)

> > >

> > > Rut roe... sorry this got so long. I am worried about my Mom. Last week

> > > when I was still coming off this med, there was NO way I could drive to

> > > Manchester (best heart hospital in NE) to go get her or go see her. She

> > is

> > > back there...

> > >

> > > Now I need to make another appt. with this nuero guy or find another. I

> > > have a case pending with SS so I need somebody. Plus.... I do not need

> to

> > be

> > > feeking like **** over some medication, when all I want to do is have a

> > life

> > > with a pain level I can live with.... Ya know????

> > >

> > > in NH....

> > >

> > >

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PS - after reading the next two emails Blasting me, I realize that I owe

you a Thank You for having the respect to ask me why I chose to do as I did.

I never intended to anger anyone, but I sure did! I compliment you for your

polite, kind, and thoughtful question of my reasoning. I must respect your

actions - and I will fight to allow you to do as you decide to do; I try to

offer my opinion with no insults, judgment or commands attached, and surely

I hope you took no offense from my posting.


On Sun, Mar 1, 2009 at 8:53 PM, J Cataldi <vincent.cataldi@...

> wrote:

> :

> I had surgeons who wanted to schedule for the following week - saying I

> would die if I did not do a posterior and anterior set of two surgery

> fusions - six month apart, with a Halo brace for a year. I also had several

> GPs who warned me that a surgeon will suggest surgery. So after seeing the

> best surgeon at each of the three best medical facilities here in Milwaukee

> - who all said the same thing generally - I went to do my own research.


> First: I did a bone density test on my hip and found it to be too weak to

> serve as a bone-bank for my neck - so the surgeons would have opened my hip

> - messed it up, and then run off for a bone-bank bone - improvising from the

> start.


> All surgeries in the USA are governed by approved procedures, except spinal

> surgery - it is like seat-of-the-pants barn-storming, just before pilots

> required a license to fly - poetic licenses added by me to emphasize the

> point. My surgeons were wonderful and gave their all - freely; I have

> nothing but love for them.


> Second, I found that Europe and Asia were one step and a half ahead of the

> US in artificial parts (five years ago): Europe and Asia were routinely

> doing lumbar, and finalizing thoracic replacement studies - and beginning to

> study cervical replacement parts; while in the US we were only just starting

> lumbar, and about to begin thoracic studies. Crevical replacement parts

> were a decade ahead.


> Logic told me that drilling holes in my weak spinal bones would weaken

> them, and worse, would add more stress to the bones above and below the the

> fused region. I really want the replacement parts, please!


> Third: research indicated that the surgery suggested (strongly) had a 1/3

> chance of improving things, 1/3 chance of making things worse, and 1/3

> chance of no change. Mine was called an UGLY situation, so I decided that I

> had to assume less than 1/3 chance of improvement.


> Fourth: I was diagnosed with bone cancer, but a cancer expert told me it

> was an illogical assessment; because bone cancer must begin in a marrow

> producing bone like an arm or leg before migrating to small bones like

> spinal bones, ribs, or digits.


> When I added up all of these findings, I decided to 'stall' and hope I can

> wait for artificial parts. Stay alive until I am allowed the parts. The

> first spinal surgery is often followed by another, and another, ... I spoke

> to a woman who had 32 and was no longer able to wait, or say no. If I

> needed a second - going up - I would have had to turn my shoulders to turn

> my head.


> I have learned to drive with mirrors in case that day comes, but I am still

> working at 'living with the pain', reducing the spurs impinging on the cord,

> and working very hard at Not Falling - because my head is poorly attached to

> my shoulders and a fall can kill me or worse - make me a quadriplegic. I am

> head strong, that way.


> I have a GP who had a C2-4 fusion (posterior only) as they suggested for

> me, only not as complicated as my situation is. He sat and listened to my

> answers for a full 2.5 hours on our first appointment and he understood what

> I was talking about because he had gone through much of it too. For example

> I spoke of double vision in each eye individually, and how I am constantly

> told that it is not possible; he said he knew it was possible because it

> happened to him also. He is a very wise 75 year old-fashion, kind hearted

> human being who tries to help us with chronic pain. I wish we had more of

> his kind.


> At the end of this first meeting he tole me that I had been given very

> difficult decisions, and he thought I choose wisely. The first part I knew,

> the second part was good to hear! I have survived about five years or so

> since I became federally disabled officially. So far, with a bit of help, I

> take care of my father who is Ninety One in two months - and more healthy

> than I am - It make me get up each morning, and it stops me from feeling

> sorry for myself - I just don't have the time.


> Vince



> On Sun, Mar 1, 2009 at 11:02 AM, Lambert <glambert28@...>wrote:


>> Vince,

>> The strength of the flexeril was too strong during the day, I would get so

>> sleepy, even while keeping busy, just sitting and taking a break, I would be

>> out like a light. Even then during the day if I had spasms, or cramps that

>> were unbearable I would have to take them due to the fact that it was the

>> only thing that would stop the really bad ones. No pain meds would help, and

>> believe me I tried everything every-way over the years. IMO flexeril is the

>> best muscle relaxer made. Lately I have started cutting them in half, and

>> also my pain meds, because sometimes that's all I would need.

>> What is the reason you would refuse a fusion? I can understand it in a

>> way, it took a lot of careful consideration for me to make that decision, my

>> biggest concern was the loss of range and motion, it had/has a lot of pros

>> and cons, but I was loosing the use/feeling in my arm.

>> What are you options now?



>> Bama,


>> The dog has seldom been successful in pulling man up to its level of

>> sagacity, but man has frequently dragged the dog down to his. Thurber




>> ________________________________

>> From: J Cataldi


>> >

>> To:

spinal problems <spinal problems%40gro\


>> Sent: Sunday, March 1, 2009 10:05:07 AM

>> Subject: Re: klonopin


>> :

>> I also never had problems with Cyclobenzaprine - but my doctor did warn me

>> to 'be aware' of the possibility. Since I was offering advice - I felt I

>> Must tell all that I have been told of withdrawals because I refused

>> fusion

>> and so I have a physically weak neck and a seizure might make me

>> a Paralyzed Lump; it does not worry me though - I have used for half a

>> dozen

>> years now.

>> Actually, this was the first medication I was allowed before I was

>> 'allowed'

>> a diagnosis, and it is truly my most important drug - especially in

>> combination with diazepam; these I think of as my soft drugs - most safe

>> drugs, although I also now need a hydrocondone- ibuprof 7.5/200, (no

>> Tylenol) and oxycodone/APAP 5/325 (too much Tylenol) - These opiates (hard

>> and more dangerous drugs) each deal with different 'types' of pain - pain

>> in

>> different areas too. Neither works much without my 'softer' drugs.


>> Personally I have never worried about sudden withdrawal but I do have a

>> simple 'Pill Cutter' (Walgreen's for about a dollar) and

>> have experimented forever trying to use as little as possible - my pill

>> splitter allows me to try using less and less until I find the least I

>> need.


>> I always ask doctor and the (usually more knowledgable) pharmasist, AND I

>> look at webMD.com.


>> http://www.webmd. com/search/ search_results/ default.aspx?

>> query=Cyclobenza prine & sourceType =undefined


>> http://www.webmd. com/drugs/ search.aspx? stype=drug & query=Cyclobenza

>> prine


>> This second link indicates a " CYCLOBENZAPRINE EXTENDED-RELEASE -

>> ORAL<http://www.webmd. com/drugs/ mono-988- CYCLOBENZAPRINE+ EXTENDED-

>> RELEASE+- +ORAL.aspx? drugid=8888 & drugname= Cyclobenzaprine+ Oral> " .

>> I just take a half a pill and/or stretch out - how often I take any.


>> , what were the unwanted effects which made it too strong for day

>> time

>> use, if you don't mind sharing this. Thanks - Vince


>> On Sun, Mar 1, 2009 at 2:39 AM, Lambert <glambert28 (DOT) com>

>> wrote:


>> > I've been on and off that Flexeril (Cyclobenzaprine) for over 15 years,

>> > and have never had any problems going cold turkey off them, now I have

>> been

>> > taking them for the last year and half, still without any problems. I

>> also

>> > take Zanaflex during the day, because the Flexeril is too strong during

>> the

>> > day time.

>> >

>> > Bama,

>> >

>> > The dog has seldom been successful in pulling man up to its level of

>> > sagacity, but man has frequently dragged the dog down to his.

>> Thurber

>> >

>> >

>> >

>> > ____________ _________ _________ __

>> >

>> > From: J Cataldi <vincent.cataldi@ gmail.com<vincent.cataldi%

>> 40gmail.com>

>> > >

>> > spinedisorderssuppo rtgroup@gro ups.com<spinedisorderssupp

>> ortgroup% 40groups. com>


>> > Sent: Sunday, March 1, 2009 12:23:15 AM

>> > Subject: Re: klonopin

>> >

>> > in NH....

>> >

>> > My damaged cord (cervical) short-circuits my muscles (in the 'ON'

>> > position),

>> > and if I get a muscle spasm in my upper back and/or shoulders - then I

>> get

>> > tunnel vision and suspect I'm headed for shock - this is critical for

>> me.

>> >

>> > Cyclobenzaprine 10Mg (muscle relaxer) & epam 10 Mg (overall relaxer)

>> is

>> > what I use for muscle spasms - my worst problem. Without them, No pain

>> > killers work well for me, and without them I wake up with watering eyes

>> > caused by outrageous cramps in legs and feet.

>> > NOTE: Cyclobenzaprine can cause seizures if used too much or with

>> > cold-turkey withdrawals (too suddenly) - but I use less than I am

>> offered -

>> > in fact I use all drugs only as needed.

>> >

>> > Also, both of these are OLD drugs and are well tested -

>> > I say no thanks to all New drugs. I always ask my doctor and pharmacist

>> how

>> > old or new - and all side effects.

>> >

>> > You may wish to ask your doctor what advantages and disadvantages these

>> two

>> > might offer you. It is important to be alert and capable when using your

>> > meds, I believe; and 'loopy' can be an adventure on Friday nights with a

>> > designated driver - but not for a regular med taken routinely, in my

>> > opinion. Vince in Milwaukee

>> >

>> > On Thu, Feb 26, 2009 at 8:29 PM, cathy mccarthy

>> > <bbhorsetack@ roadrunner. com>wrote:

>> >

>> > > Hi All

>> > >

>> > > This drug did not agree with me. Clonazepam. Neurologist prescribed it

>> to

>> > > me a while ago. Made me sleepy and " loopy " . Started on it slow... I

>> > weeded

>> > > myself off it. I have sometimes severe muscle spasms at night while

>> > trying

>> > > to sleep. This med seemed to make it worse. AND lasted long into the

>> next

>> > > day! Weird stuff... I stopped it gradually... (I am not stupid...

>> > anything

>> > > that makes you feel that BAD taking it, gotta take it slow in NOT

>> taking

>> > > it...) I had an appt this week with said nuero guy to talk about that.

>> > > Problem was, my Mom has a weirdo heart thing happen, had to go in

>> > hospital

>> > > that day, so had to cancel appt. I have bad feelings about this doc.

>> The

>> > > last time I went to him I think he was trying to decide what to have

>> for

>> > > lunch, rather than what my problems were. I hate that.

>> > >

>> > > Question for group is: has anyone been prescribed this stuff for pain?

>> I

>> > > had a Transverse Myelitis episode 19 years ago that has left my nerves

>> > " gone

>> > > haywire " , and because the disease effects your spinal cord (made it

>> > swell).

>> > > This med says to be for anxiety, and can shut off some pain receptors

>> in

>> > > your brain???? Well in my brain, it woke them up. I am 50 yo now and

>> > getting

>> > > OLD I guess. Things hurt worse than they used to. Good golly, I am so

>> > sick

>> > > of crying myself into exhaustion to sleep, if sleep ever comes at all.

>> I

>> > am

>> > > used to having " bad days " , but when they last for a week... you have

>> to

>> > > wonder about the meds. And the pain clinic I go to I am seeing a

>> advanced

>> > NP

>> > > (NOT A DOC! OH MY!!!) who has helped me so much... This nuero " doc "

>> just

>> > > shakes his head at the meds they have given me so far. I need a new

>> > nuero,

>> > > but it is so hard to find one who knows my disease. I live in the

>> sticks

>> > of

>> > > NH too. But I am beginning to think I might be willing to go maybe to

>> > Boston

>> > > or SOMEWHERE!

>> > >

>> > > (TM is a disease that is a result of over reactive antibodies that

>> attack

>> > > your spine. I had the flu. I know others that have got TM from a flu

>> shot

>> > or

>> > > other vaccine. One young girl I met got a hepatitis vaccine to work as

>> in

>> > > hospital to see if she wanted to really be a nurse like her mother was

>> > > someday!!!! Ended up being air lifted to Boston Childrens hospital

>> > parylised

>> > > from the waist down in a matter of hours. Fast treatment you can

>> recover

>> > > somewhat... TM effects children and young adults in their 30's. Your

>> very

>> > > " efficient " body immune system kills your sickness and then looks for

>> > other

>> > > things to attack.)

>> > >

>> > > Rut roe... sorry this got so long. I am worried about my Mom. Last

>> week

>> > > when I was still coming off this med, there was NO way I could drive

>> to

>> > > Manchester (best heart hospital in NE) to go get her or go see her.

>> She

>> > is

>> > > back there...

>> > >

>> > > Now I need to make another appt. with this nuero guy or find another.

>> I

>> > > have a case pending with SS so I need somebody. Plus.... I do not need

>> to

>> > be

>> > > feeking like **** over some medication, when all I want to do is have

>> a

>> > life

>> > > with a pain level I can live with.... Ya know????

>> > >

>> > > in NH....

>> > >

>> > >

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By no means did you do anything to convince me that you were doing anything

wrong. You like anyone else has his/her rights to their opinion, and I

exercising my right just offered my opinion. Additionally I did not mean to make

you think I was blasting you in any way, please accept my humble apology if I

gave you that feeling. I was just interested in you decision concerning the

fusion. I find it very interesting, as I was not brave enough to make such. The

thought of my neck being so venerable was in itself very freighting to me, but

after reading about your research, I wished I had it to do over again. Not until

after my cervical fusions were done did I hear of the artificial disc

replacements, and at the same time I find that fusions were irreversible. Since

then I have had lumbar surgery to stabilize my spine that is/can/and will be

reversible, when the time comes to redo, but as of now I have not/will not

discuss anymore spinal surgery's,

because the instability problems it causes with the disc above/below the fused


Vince I would like to continue a conversation with you at a later time, when I'm

not experiencing an onset of pain that continues to progressively get worst

tonight. I have pulled out all stops to avoid this, but as usual pain is the


Please stay in touch, and keep safe.




The dog has seldom been successful in pulling man up to its level of sagacity,

but man has frequently dragged the dog down to his. Thurber



From: J Cataldi <vincent.cataldi@...>

spinal problems

Sent: Sunday, March 1, 2009 10:31:15 PM

Subject: Re: klonopin


PS - after reading the next two emails Blasting me, I realize that I owe

you a Thank You for having the respect to ask me why I chose to do as I did.

I never intended to anger anyone, but I sure did! I compliment you for your

polite, kind, and thoughtful question of my reasoning. I must respect your

actions - and I will fight to allow you to do as you decide to do; I try to

offer my opinion with no insults, judgment or commands attached, and surely

I hope you took no offense from my posting.


On Sun, Mar 1, 2009 at 8:53 PM, J Cataldi <vincent.cataldi@ gmail.com

> wrote:

> :

> I had surgeons who wanted to schedule for the following week - saying I

> would die if I did not do a posterior and anterior set of two surgery

> fusions - six month apart, with a Halo brace for a year. I also had several

> GPs who warned me that a surgeon will suggest surgery. So after seeing the

> best surgeon at each of the three best medical facilities here in Milwaukee

> - who all said the same thing generally - I went to do my own research.


> First: I did a bone density test on my hip and found it to be too weak to

> serve as a bone-bank for my neck - so the surgeons would have opened my hip

> - messed it up, and then run off for a bone-bank bone - improvising from the

> start.


> All surgeries in the USA are governed by approved procedures, except spinal

> surgery - it is like seat-of-the- pants barn-storming, just before pilots

> required a license to fly - poetic licenses added by me to emphasize the

> point. My surgeons were wonderful and gave their all - freely; I have

> nothing but love for them.


> Second, I found that Europe and Asia were one step and a half ahead of the

> US in artificial parts (five years ago): Europe and Asia were routinely

> doing lumbar, and finalizing thoracic replacement studies - and beginning to

> study cervical replacement parts; while in the US we were only just starting

> lumbar, and about to begin thoracic studies. Crevical replacement parts

> were a decade ahead.


> Logic told me that drilling holes in my weak spinal bones would weaken

> them, and worse, would add more stress to the bones above and below the the

> fused region. I really want the replacement parts, please!


> Third: research indicated that the surgery suggested (strongly) had a 1/3

> chance of improving things, 1/3 chance of making things worse, and 1/3

> chance of no change. Mine was called an UGLY situation, so I decided that I

> had to assume less than 1/3 chance of improvement..


> Fourth: I was diagnosed with bone cancer, but a cancer expert told me it

> was an illogical assessment; because bone cancer must begin in a marrow

> producing bone like an arm or leg before migrating to small bones like

> spinal bones, ribs, or digits.


> When I added up all of these findings, I decided to 'stall' and hope I can

> wait for artificial parts. Stay alive until I am allowed the parts. The

> first spinal surgery is often followed by another, and another, ... I spoke

> to a woman who had 32 and was no longer able to wait, or say no. If I

> needed a second - going up - I would have had to turn my shoulders to turn

> my head.


> I have learned to drive with mirrors in case that day comes, but I am still

> working at 'living with the pain', reducing the spurs impinging on the cord,

> and working very hard at Not Falling - because my head is poorly attached to

> my shoulders and a fall can kill me or worse - make me a quadriplegic. I am

> head strong, that way.


> I have a GP who had a C2-4 fusion (posterior only) as they suggested for

> me, only not as complicated as my situation is. He sat and listened to my

> answers for a full 2.5 hours on our first appointment and he understood what

> I was talking about because he had gone through much of it too. For example

> I spoke of double vision in each eye individually, and how I am constantly

> told that it is not possible; he said he knew it was possible because it

> happened to him also. He is a very wise 75 year old-fashion, kind hearted

> human being who tries to help us with chronic pain. I wish we had more of

> his kind.


> At the end of this first meeting he tole me that I had been given very

> difficult decisions, and he thought I choose wisely. The first part I knew,

> the second part was good to hear! I have survived about five years or so

> since I became federally disabled officially. So far, with a bit of help, I

> take care of my father who is Ninety One in two months - and more healthy

> than I am - It make me get up each morning, and it stops me from feeling

> sorry for myself - I just don't have the time.


> Vince



> On Sun, Mar 1, 2009 at 11:02 AM, Lambert <glambert28 (DOT) com>wrote:


>> Vince,

>> The strength of the flexeril was too strong during the day, I would get so

>> sleepy, even while keeping busy, just sitting and taking a break, I would be

>> out like a light. Even then during the day if I had spasms, or cramps that

>> were unbearable I would have to take them due to the fact that it was the

>> only thing that would stop the really bad ones. No pain meds would help, and

>> believe me I tried everything every-way over the years. IMO flexeril is the

>> best muscle relaxer made. Lately I have started cutting them in half, and

>> also my pain meds, because sometimes that's all I would need.

>> What is the reason you would refuse a fusion? I can understand it in a

>> way, it took a lot of careful consideration for me to make that decision, my

>> biggest concern was the loss of range and motion, it had/has a lot of pros

>> and cons, but I was loosing the use/feeling in my arm.

>> What are you options now?



>> Bama,


>> The dog has seldom been successful in pulling man up to its level of

>> sagacity, but man has frequently dragged the dog down to his. Thurber




>> ____________ _________ _________ __

>> From: J Cataldi <vincent.cataldi@ gmail..com<vincent.cataldi%

40gmail.. com>

>> >

>> spinedisorderssuppo rtgroup@gro ups.com<spinedisorderssupp ortgroup%

40groups. com>

>> Sent: Sunday, March 1, 2009 10:05:07 AM

>> Subject: Re: klonopin


>> :

>> I also never had problems with Cyclobenzaprine - but my doctor did warn me

>> to 'be aware' of the possibility. Since I was offering advice - I felt I

>> Must tell all that I have been told of withdrawals because I refused

>> fusion

>> and so I have a physically weak neck and a seizure might make me

>> a Paralyzed Lump; it does not worry me though - I have used for half a

>> dozen

>> years now.

>> Actually, this was the first medication I was allowed before I was

>> 'allowed'

>> a diagnosis, and it is truly my most important drug - especially in

>> combination with diazepam; these I think of as my soft drugs - most safe

>> drugs, although I also now need a hydrocondone- ibuprof 7.5/200, (no

>> Tylenol) and oxycodone/APAP 5/325 (too much Tylenol) - These opiates (hard

>> and more dangerous drugs) each deal with different 'types' of pain - pain

>> in

>> different areas too. Neither works much without my 'softer' drugs.


>> Personally I have never worried about sudden withdrawal but I do have a

>> simple 'Pill Cutter' (Walgreen's for about a dollar) and

>> have experimented forever trying to use as little as possible - my pill

>> splitter allows me to try using less and less until I find the least I

>> need.


>> I always ask doctor and the (usually more knowledgable) pharmasist, AND I

>> look at webMD.com.


>> http://www.webmd. com/search/ search_results/ default.aspx?

>> query=Cyclobenza prine & sourceType =undefined


>> http://www.webmd. com/drugs/ search.aspx? stype=drug & query=Cyclobenza

>> prine


>> This second link indicates a " CYCLOBENZAPRINE EXTENDED-RELEASE -

>> ORAL<http://www.webmd. com/drugs/ mono-988- CYCLOBENZAPRINE+ EXTENDED-

>> RELEASE+- +ORAL.aspx? drugid=8888 & drugname= Cyclobenzaprine+ Oral> " .

>> I just take a half a pill and/or stretch out - how often I take any.


>> , what were the unwanted effects which made it too strong for day

>> time

>> use, if you don't mind sharing this. Thanks - Vince


>> On Sun, Mar 1, 2009 at 2:39 AM, Lambert <glambert28@ . com>

>> wrote:


>> > I've been on and off that Flexeril (Cyclobenzaprine) for over 15 years,

>> > and have never had any problems going cold turkey off them, now I have

>> been

>> > taking them for the last year and half, still without any problems. I

>> also

>> > take Zanaflex during the day, because the Flexeril is too strong during

>> the

>> > day time.

>> >

>> > Bama,

>> >

>> > The dog has seldom been successful in pulling man up to its level of

>> > sagacity, but man has frequently dragged the dog down to his.

>> Thurber

>> >

>> >

>> >

>> > ____________ _________ _________ __

>> >

>> > From: J Cataldi <vincent.cataldi@ gmail.com<vincent. cataldi%

>> 40gmail.com>

>> > >

>> > spinedisorderssuppo rtgroup@gro ups.com<spinedisord erssupp

>> ortgroup% 40groups. com>


>> > Sent: Sunday, March 1, 2009 12:23:15 AM

>> > Subject: Re: klonopin

>> >

>> > in NH.....

>> >

>> > My damaged cord (cervical) short-circuits my muscles (in the 'ON'

>> > position),

>> > and if I get a muscle spasm in my upper back and/or shoulders - then I

>> get

>> > tunnel vision and suspect I'm headed for shock - this is critical for

>> me.

>> >

>> > Cyclobenzaprine 10Mg (muscle relaxer) & epam 10 Mg (overall relaxer)

>> is

>> > what I use for muscle spasms - my worst problem. Without them, No pain

>> > killers work well for me, and without them I wake up with watering eyes

>> > caused by outrageous cramps in legs and feet.

>> > NOTE: Cyclobenzaprine can cause seizures if used too much or with

>> > cold-turkey withdrawals (too suddenly) - but I use less than I am

>> offered -

>> > in fact I use all drugs only as needed.

>> >

>> > Also, both of these are OLD drugs and are well tested -

>> > I say no thanks to all New drugs. I always ask my doctor and pharmacist

>> how

>> > old or new - and all side effects.

>> >

>> > You may wish to ask your doctor what advantages and disadvantages these

>> two

>> > might offer you. It is important to be alert and capable when using your

>> > meds, I believe; and 'loopy' can be an adventure on Friday nights with a

>> > designated driver - but not for a regular med taken routinely, in my

>> > opinion. Vince in Milwaukee

>> >

>> > On Thu, Feb 26, 2009 at 8:29 PM, cathy mccarthy

>> > <bbhorsetack@ roadrunner. com>wrote:

>> >

>> > > Hi All

>> > >

>> > > This drug did not agree with me. Clonazepam. Neurologist prescribed it

>> to

>> > > me a while ago. Made me sleepy and " loopy " . Started on it slow.... I

>> > weeded

>> > > myself off it. I have sometimes severe muscle spasms at night while

>> > trying

>> > > to sleep. This med seemed to make it worse. AND lasted long into the

>> next

>> > > day! Weird stuff.... I stopped it gradually... (I am not stupid...

>> > anything

>> > > that makes you feel that BAD taking it, gotta take it slow in NOT

>> taking

>> > > it...) I had an appt this week with said nuero guy to talk about that.

>> > > Problem was, my Mom has a weirdo heart thing happen, had to go in

>> > hospital

>> > > that day, so had to cancel appt. I have bad feelings about this doc.

>> The

>> > > last time I went to him I think he was trying to decide what to have

>> for

>> > > lunch, rather than what my problems were. I hate that.

>> > >

>> > > Question for group is: has anyone been prescribed this stuff for pain?

>> I

>> > > had a Transverse Myelitis episode 19 years ago that has left my nerves

>> > " gone

>> > > haywire " , and because the disease effects your spinal cord (made it

>> > swell).

>> > > This med says to be for anxiety, and can shut off some pain receptors

>> in

>> > > your brain???? Well in my brain, it woke them up. I am 50 yo now and

>> > getting

>> > > OLD I guess. Things hurt worse than they used to. Good golly, I am so

>> > sick

>> > > of crying myself into exhaustion to sleep, if sleep ever comes at all.

>> I

>> > am

>> > > used to having " bad days " , but when they last for a week... you have

>> to

>> > > wonder about the meds. And the pain clinic I go to I am seeing a

>> advanced

>> > NP

>> > > (NOT A DOC! OH MY!!!) who has helped me so much... This nuero " doc "

>> just

>> > > shakes his head at the meds they have given me so far. I need a new

>> > nuero,

>> > > but it is so hard to find one who knows my disease. I live in the

>> sticks

>> > of

>> > > NH too. But I am beginning to think I might be willing to go maybe to

>> > Boston

>> > > or SOMEWHERE!

>> > >

>> > > (TM is a disease that is a result of over reactive antibodies that

>> attack

>> > > your spine. I had the flu. I know others that have got TM from a flu

>> shot

>> > or

>> > > other vaccine. One young girl I met got a hepatitis vaccine to work as

>> in

>> > > hospital to see if she wanted to really be a nurse like her mother was

>> > > someday!!!! Ended up being air lifted to Boston Childrens hospital

>> > parylised

>> > > from the waist down in a matter of hours. Fast treatment you can

>> recover

>> > > somewhat... TM effects children and young adults in their 30's.. Your

>> very

>> > > " efficient " body immune system kills your sickness and then looks for

>> > other

>> > > things to attack.)

>> > >

>> > > Rut roe... sorry this got so long. I am worried about my Mom. Last

>> week

>> > > when I was still coming off this med, there was NO way I could drive

>> to

>> > > Manchester (best heart hospital in NE) to go get her or go see her.

>> She

>> > is

>> > > back there...

>> > >

>> > > Now I need to make another appt. with this nuero guy or find another.

>> I

>> > > have a case pending with SS so I need somebody. Plus.... I do not need

>> to

>> > be

>> > > feeking like **** over some medication, when all I want to do is have

>> a

>> > life

>> > > with a pain level I can live with.... Ya know????

>> > >

>> > > in NH....

>> > >

>> > >

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No one wasoffended or angered...we simply felt sorry for your ignorance... also,

I thought that my reply was done with respect and kindness...sorry you felt

otherwise. ---

>> >

>> > > Hi All

>> > >

>> > > This drug did not agree with me. Clonazepam. Neurologist prescribed it

>> to

>> > > me a while ago. Made me sleepy and " loopy " . Started on it slow... I

>> > weeded

>> > > myself off it. I have sometimes severe muscle spasms at night while

>> > trying

>> > > to sleep. This med seemed to make it worse. AND lasted long into the

>> next

>> > > day! Weird stuff... I stopped it gradually... (I am not stupid...

>> > anything

>> > > that makes you feel that BAD taking it, gotta take it slow in NOT

>> taking

>> > > it...) I had an appt this week with said nuero guy to talk about that.

>> > > Problem was, my Mom has a weirdo heart thing happen, had to go in

>> > hospital

>> > > that day, so had to cancel appt. I have bad feelings about this doc.

>> The

>> > > last time I went to him I think he was trying to decide what to have

>> for

>> > > lunch, rather than what my problems were. I hate that.

>> > >

>> > > Question for group is: has anyone been prescribed this stuff for pain?

>> I

>> > > had a Transverse Myelitis episode 19 years ago that has left my nerves

>> > " gone

>> > > haywire " , and because the disease effects your spinal cord (made it

>> > swell).

>> > > This med says to be for anxiety, and can shut off some pain receptors

>> in

>> > > your brain???? Well in my brain, it woke them up. I am 50 yo now and

>> > getting

>> > > OLD I guess. Things hurt worse than they used to. Good golly, I am so

>> > sick

>> > > of crying myself into exhaustion to sleep, if sleep ever comes at all.

>> I

>> > am

>> > > used to having " bad days " , but when they last for a week... you have

>> to

>> > > wonder about the meds. And the pain clinic I go to I am seeing a

>> advanced

>> > NP

>> > > (NOT A DOC! OH MY!!!) who has helped me so much... This nuero " doc "

>> just

>> > > shakes his head at the meds they have given me so far. I need a new

>> > nuero,

>> > > but it is so hard to find one who knows my disease. I live in the

>> sticks

>> > of

>> > > NH too. But I am beginning to think I might be willing to go maybe to

>> > Boston

>> > > or SOMEWHERE!

>> > >

>> > > (TM is a disease that is a result of over reactive antibodies that

>> attack

>> > > your spine. I had the flu. I know others that have got TM from a flu

>> shot

>> > or

>> > > other vaccine. One young girl I met got a hepatitis vaccine to work as

>> in

>> > > hospital to see if she wanted to really be a nurse like her mother was

>> > > someday!!!! Ended up being air lifted to Boston Childrens hospital

>> > parylised

>> > > from the waist down in a matter of hours. Fast treatment you can

>> recover

>> > > somewhat... TM effects children and young adults in their 30's. Your

>> very

>> > > " efficient " body immune system kills your sickness and then looks for

>> > other

>> > > things to attack.)

>> > >

>> > > Rut roe... sorry this got so long. I am worried about my Mom. Last

>> week

>> > > when I was still coming off this med, there was NO way I could drive

>> to

>> > > Manchester (best heart hospital in NE) to go get her or go see her.

>> She

>> > is

>> > > back there...

>> > >

>> > > Now I need to make another appt. with this nuero guy or find another.

>> I

>> > > have a case pending with SS so I need somebody. Plus.... I do not need

>> to

>> > be

>> > > feeking like **** over some medication, when all I want to do is have

>> a

>> > life

>> > > with a pain level I can live with.... Ya know????

>> > >

>> > > in NH....

>> > >

>> > >

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I had carpal tunnel pain as well and purchased the Carpal Masseuse

only recently. I used it as they prescribe (for 10 days), and let me

tell you, it's a wonderful product.

I applied the brace twice a day and gradually the pain went away

completely. Now it's totally gone. (You can't imagine how much of a

miracle this is to me.) It's made in Switzerland (and I found out

that Europeans mostly use it) and you buy it on the internet.

I also was a surgery candidate, and I got real close to doing it -

but not now. This little motorized brace cost me about $150, but it's

worth a million.

You should at least try it. They guarantee it will work or you get

your money back.



> From: L Kaiser <cathykaiser@...>

> Subject: Re: klonopin

> spinal problems

> Date: Sunday, March 1, 2009, 9:35 PM







> you are a nurse Tracey? I must agree with your points Tracey,

however I can understand how Vince came to those conclusions. my hand

surgeon is trying his best to not have me do carpal tunnel surgeries,

he is trying other things and doing his best to go around surgery.

Not all our hungry to do surgery, but I have met a doctor in ks that

I swear wanted to give me a beer and had his surgery knives in his

back pocket...lol gosh I was so glad to move to the southwest, a

better group of doctors here. I trust and like all of my doctors.


> blessings,

> Re: klonopin

> spinedisorderssuppo rtgroup@gro ups.com

> Date: Saturday, February 28, 2009, 10:59 PM


> Thank you for your offer of helping me to find a neurologist

in Boston. I do have an unusual condition, Transverse Myelitis, I

will probably take you up on your offer on a Doc in your area to ask.

Boston is 2 hours from me, not all that far. My Dad actually was in

constuction a zillion years ago and help build a lot of the buildings

in Boston, so ya, Boston would be not a problem for me. Finding

somebody who knows aboutr my condition, ...is. Please let me know of

these peoples names???? So I can look em up...????


> in NH



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