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magnesium question

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> I'm confused by the many different kinds of magnesium. The kind I

> have been taking is magnesium oxide. I've just learned this is not

> the best kind. But which is? There is citrate, chloride, glycinate,

> orotate, and aspartate. Which is the best to use and why? Also, can

> they be gotten in a regular drug store or do you have to buy them from

> a healthfood store?

Hi Chelle,

This is from the " Essential Supplements " list:


Calcium/Magnesium Citrate, with " elemental amounts " (meaning the

amount that is absorbed) indicated on the label, and equal ratios

(1:1) of calcium to magnesium. Many calcium/magnesium supplements

contain a ratio of 2:1 calcium to magnesium, in which case a separate

supplement of magnesium citrate is necessary to equal out the proportions.

It is commonly recommended that 1,000 to 1,200 mgs of calcium be taken

daily, with half that amount of magnesium, but that is not correct. In

fact taking such a high amount of calcium will cause imbalances in the

body and will be very damaging in the long run. Most of us are more

deficient in magnesium than in calcium, so it is important to take at

least an equal amount until you see how your body reacts.

Most candida sufferers will do very well on 600 mgs each of calcium

and magnesium, or less. Muscle cramps indicate you need more

magnesium, and possibly less calcium, and deep muscle pains indicate

you've taken too much calcium.

It is difficult to balance calcium and magnesium, but each individual

must find their own optimal levels by experimentation. Your body can

only handle a maximum of 500 mgs of calcium at a time, so doses must

be split up.

Eggshells are a great source of calcium. Eggshell calcium contains

healthy, balanced calcium because it also contains trace amounts of

other minerals.

Eggshell calcium is probably the best natural source of calcium, and

it is easier for your body to digest and absorb than tablets or

capsules. One-half (1/2) teaspoon of powdered eggshells equals 400 mgs

of calcium. Please see " Eggshell Calcium, How to Make it and Take it "

in our Group's files (after the folders).

Calcium/Magnesium Maximum Dose: 300 mg (or less) of each twice a day,

depending upon how much is contained in the diet from other sources.


Buying from the healthfood store or a reputable online source is

probably best so you can ensure that the vitamins you're getting are

free of unwanted fillers and additives.


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I am battling myself to get the right balance. I've now halved my amount of

Magnesium - used to take 600mg - and since Ive done that I do not have the

aching joints in the night any more. I dont know if its a co-incidence or if

I just needed to take less from the start. After this week I'll gradually

increase the magnesium again.



> karnaki@...

> www.karnaki.com


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> I am wondering if you are taking extra Magnesium for cravings, as is

> suggested, what kind you would take.

==>Take the same kind recommended in my candida article, which is

magnesium citrate. But do not use magnesium as your only way of

handing cravings because taking higher doses will cause loose stools.

As your body builds up its magnesium you will not crave chocolate as

much. Vitamin C is a very potent against cravings and withdrawal

symptoms, but it will also cause loose stools. However if your body has

a high need for it, loose stools may not occur until you're taking up

to 20,000 mgs or more per day (gradually increased of course).

One way to bypass the problem of vitamin C causing loose stools is to

do nose snizzles with sodium ascorbate, see the following excerpt - see

this article: http://www.healingnaturallybybee.com/articles/sinus4.php

" Sodium Ascorbate (Vitamin C) — Make your own sodium ascorbate by

mixing equal amounts of ascorbic acid crystals (available at the health

store) and baking soda - stir together to mix well. Put 3/4 of a

teaspoon of that mixture into slightly less than 1/2 cup of sterile

water (sterilize tap water by boiling it for 30 minutes). Mix well and

put 10-20 drops in each nostril, OR using a nasal spray bottle squirt

it 3 times into each nostril. Taking vitamin C this way increases

absorption by 1,000 times over taking it by mouth. "

Every time you get cravings put 10-20 drops in each nostril.

Luv, Bee

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  • 1 year later...
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Try it. Once in the morning; once at night. If you poop in your pants when you're putting your groceries in your car, cut back. Just joking. The most you'll get, if it's too much, is loose bowels, and you should sense it before it happens.


From: hideegrace <hidee@...>Subject: Magnesium questioniodine Date: Thursday, April 2, 2009, 2:36 AM

Okay, I've got one more question then I'm going to bed. My doctor has me on "elemental magnesium" and it's 27mg or 37mg. NOw this sounded rather low to me, so I looked closer at the bottle and it says it is from chelated 500mg magnesium gluconate. I take one every evening. I can't tell that it's doing anything - there doesn't seem to be any affect if I forget to take one. Of course, that is true for almost everything I'm taking, sigh.. I am so hoping the Iodoral will help my malabsorption issues. I hate to waste money on supplements that I never really see any benefit when I take them.Oh, so my last question is, do you think I should increase the magnesium? Especially once I start the Iodoral?Thanks for any help, Heidi H. in Houston, TX

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Thanks for the laugh Hiroko!

From: hideegrace <hidee@...>Subject: Magnesium questioniodinegroups (DOT) comDate: Thursday, April 2, 2009, 2:36 AM

Okay, I've got one more question then I'm going to bed. My doctor has me on "elemental magnesium" and it's 27mg or 37mg. NOw this sounded rather low to me, so I looked closer at the bottle and it says it is from chelated 500mg magnesium gluconate. I take one every evening. I can't tell that it's doing anything - there doesn't seem to be any affect if I forget to take one. Of course, that is true for almost everything I'm taking, sigh.. I am so hoping the Iodoral will help my malabsorption issues. I hate to waste money on supplements that I never really see any benefit when I take them.Oh, so my last question is, do you think I should increase the magnesium? Especially once I start the Iodoral?Thanks for any help, Heidi H. in Houston, TX

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  • 3 months later...
Guest guest

I have been having a lot of pain in my muscles and have been taking

magnesium and several other things...including natto3x for it...this

makes life rugged enough, but now one daughter is doing the same thing!

I have been reading that taurine makes the magnesium more usable. We have been

using about 1000 mgs of taurine and moving up...are taking mag to bowel

tolerence. Also taking 10 k of potassium.

The question I guess is what could cause this to happen. It happened out of the

blue....and now my daughter too. I just don't get it...

I ran out of natto and life has been awfully ugly since..hopin it will

soon get here...but my question is the reason....it starts in one place and then

migrates to other parts of the body...started in one arm..now is in my

shoulders, the other arm, my back, hips and legs..and my daughter is fast

catching up with me...altho hers is not as severe as mine.... The only

difference I know is that she is on a fairly high

dose of beta-glucan 1-3 1-6, the highest formula I have found..and I am not.

Any insight would be helpful....I keep thinking lyme or something of that

ilk...but just not sure.



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I might be wrong, but if this were happening to me I'd be thinking about what I

am currently taking and not what I just stopped taking. Usually (in my case),

negative symptoms are due to something I am currently using.

Or, like you said, an underlying illness.

Did this pain start before natto? Did she take natto, too? You might have

answered that already.



> I have been having a lot of pain in my muscles and have been taking

> magnesium and several other things...including natto3x for it...this

> makes life rugged enough, but now one daughter is doing the same thing!


> I have been reading that taurine makes the magnesium more usable. We have

been using about 1000 mgs of taurine and moving up...are taking mag to bowel

tolerence. Also taking 10 k of potassium.


> The question I guess is what could cause this to happen. It happened out of

the blue....and now my daughter too. I just don't get it...

> I ran out of natto and life has been awfully ugly since..hopin it will

> soon get here...but my question is the reason....it starts in one place and

then migrates to other parts of the body...started in one arm..now is in my

shoulders, the other arm, my back, hips and legs..and my daughter is fast

catching up with me...altho hers is not as severe as mine.... The only

difference I know is that she is on a fairly high

> dose of beta-glucan 1-3 1-6, the highest formula I have found..and I am not.


> Any insight would be helpful....I keep thinking lyme or something of that

ilk...but just not sure.


> Thanks

> Ronni


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  • 6 months later...

Why are you taking such a small amount of Iodoral? My 7 year old takes 12.5 mgs and my 10 year old takes 25 mgs / day. 1/4 tablet is about 3 mgs.

Just curious why you are doing this?

As for the Magnesium Citrate. I have never seen anything like that before.

magnesium question

Hi. I'm new to this group. My kids and I have been taking 1/4 an Iodoral tablet daily. I'm trying to tweak our supplements to get up to the recomended amounts for C, Selenium, & magnesium, before we increase our dose. I have labs mag. citrate and it says on the label "Magnesium Citrate 940 mg. Yielding 150 mg. of elemental Magnesium". I'm not sure if I count a capsule as 150 mg or 940 mg of magnesium. I know if I count it as 150 mg I'll need to take 2 capsules a day and I'll have loose stools (sorry for TMI). If anyone can help clear this up for my foggy brain I'd appreciate it. Thanks!

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> Why are you taking such a small amount of Iodoral? My 7 year old takes 12.5

mgs and my 10 year old takes 25 mgs / day. 1/4 tablet is about 3 mgs.


We are taking a small amount because we were not ready to handle the detox. I'm

ready now to deal with it so I'll be increasing my dose after I get the

companion nutrients in place. I'm going to increase the kids to 1/2 a tablet

but won't go higher untill school is out.

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Since there are always new people on the list I think it is important to say that no one should assume they are going to have a detox reaction to iodine. Dr. Brownstein states less than 5% of his patients had any kind of bad reaction. If you know you have candida or a viral issue just start like you would any other antifungal/antiviral that can give a die off reaction. If you don't have those issues you are not likely to have any reaction unless you are bromide toxic in which case a bromide reaction is unlikely at less than 50 mg depending on how big of a person your are.


From: hanjkyla

Sent: Monday, February 08, 2010 4:49 AM


Subject: Re: magnesium question

> Why are you taking such a small amount of Iodoral? My 7 year old takes 12.5 mgs and my 10 year old takes 25 mgs / day. 1/4 tablet is about 3 mgs. > We are taking a small amount because we were not ready to handle the detox. I'm ready now to deal with it so I'll be increasing my dose after I get the companion nutrients in place. I'm going to increase the kids to 1/2 a tablet but won't go higher untill school is out.

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i dont undderstand what you mean how do we start off with fungal and candidia??

thanks, belinda

iodine From: engtovo@...Date: Mon, 8 Feb 2010 13:41:34 -0700Subject: Re: Re: magnesium question

Since there are always new people on the list I think it is important to say that no one should assume they are going to have a detox reaction to iodine. Dr. Brownstein states less than 5% of his patients had any kind of bad reaction. If you know you have candida or a viral issue just start like you would any other antifungal/antiviral that can give a die off reaction. If you don't have those issues you are not likely to have any reaction unless you are bromide toxic in which case a bromide reaction is unlikely at less than 50 mg depending on how big of a person your are.


From: hanjkyla

Sent: Monday, February 08, 2010 4:49 AM


Subject: Re: magnesium question

> Why are you taking such a small amount of Iodoral? My 7 year old takes 12.5 mgs and my 10 year old takes 25 mgs / day. 1/4 tablet is about 3 mgs. > We are taking a small amount because we were not ready to handle the detox. I'm ready now to deal with it so I'll be increasing my dose after I get the companion nutrients in place. I'm going to increase the kids to 1/2 a tablet but won't go higher untill school is out.

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If you have used other antifungals then you know how your body responds to a candida die off, for some they feel terrible for a few days but they can push it through, others have more issues and go up in dose slowly. Most people find that it takes about 2-3 weeks to clear out the crap from a candida die off and so they may raise their dose every three weeks giving their body time to clear before they start a new level and create a new die off. Eventually you reach a dose where you will not have a die off reaction anymore because the fungus that is left in your body is embedded in various systems and dies at a much slower rate.



Sent: Tuesday, February 09, 2010 12:17 AM


Subject: RE: Re: magnesium question

i dont undderstand what you mean how do we start off with fungal and candidia??thanks, belinda

iodine From: engtovogmailDate: Mon, 8 Feb 2010 13:41:34 -0700Subject: Re: Re: magnesium question

Since there are always new people on the list I think it is important to say that no one should assume they are going to have a detox reaction to iodine. Dr. Brownstein states less than 5% of his patients had any kind of bad reaction. If you know you have candida or a viral issue just start like you would any other antifungal/antiviral that can give a die off reaction. If you don't have those issues you are not likely to have any reaction unless you are bromide toxic in which case a bromide reaction is unlikely at less than 50 mg depending on how big of a person your are.


From: hanjkyla

Sent: Monday, February 08, 2010 4:49 AM


Subject: Re: magnesium question

> Why are you taking such a small amount of Iodoral? My 7 year old takes 12.5 mgs and my 10 year old takes 25 mgs / day. 1/4 tablet is about 3 mgs. > We are taking a small amount because we were not ready to handle the detox. I'm ready now to deal with it so I'll be increasing my dose after I get the companion nutrients in place. I'm going to increase the kids to 1/2 a tablet but won't go higher untill school is out.

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I am sorry my question didnt come out clearly. What I really needed to know is how do you know what die-off is?

I have no idea. I know I am full of fungus and candida. My 14 month old grandson is breaking out and the dr keeps saying it is candida. He oesnt get alot of sweets. His mother made his baby food from fresh veggies. We only give him powdered milk after being weaned from breast. No formula. Tonight he had to go to the emergency room broke out again and his eyes running yellow junk. They gave nystatin cream for his face and antibiotic. So he'll have more yeast. I am not knowledgable about yeast or fungus.We also have well water and have not vaccinated him. So dont know how he could be toxic. Sorry if this went alittle off topic. thanks, Belinda

iodine From: engtovo@...Date: Tue, 9 Feb 2010 12:47:52 -0700Subject: Re: Re: magnesium question

If you have used other antifungals then you know how your body responds to a candida die off, for some they feel terrible for a few days but they can push it through, others have more issues and go up in dose slowly. Most people find that it takes about 2-3 weeks to clear out the crap from a candida die off and so they may raise their dose every three weeks giving their body time to clear before they start a new level and create a new die off. Eventually you reach a dose where you will not have a die off reaction anymore because the fungus that is left in your body is embedded in various systems and dies at a much slower rate.



Sent: Tuesday, February 09, 2010 12:17 AM


Subject: RE: Re: magnesium question

i dont undderstand what you mean how do we start off with fungal and candidia??thanks, belinda

iodine From: engtovogmailDate: Mon, 8 Feb 2010 13:41:34 -0700Subject: Re: Re: magnesium question

Since there are always new people on the list I think it is important to say that no one should assume they are going to have a detox reaction to iodine. Dr. Brownstein states less than 5% of his patients had any kind of bad reaction. If you know you have candida or a viral issue just start like you would any other antifungal/antiviral that can give a die off reaction. If you don't have those issues you are not likely to have any reaction unless you are bromide toxic in which case a bromide reaction is unlikely at less than 50 mg depending on how big of a person your are.


From: hanjkyla

Sent: Monday, February 08, 2010 4:49 AM


Subject: Re: magnesium question

> Why are you taking such a small amount of Iodoral? My 7 year old takes 12.5 mgs and my 10 year old takes 25 mgs / day. 1/4 tablet is about 3 mgs. > We are taking a small amount because we were not ready to handle the detox. I'm ready now to deal with it so I'll be increasing my dose after I get the companion nutrients in place. I'm going to increase the kids to 1/2 a tablet but won't go higher untill school is out.

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Candida can pass from the mother through the breast milk so that could be where your grandson got it to begin with and if enough probiotics were not passed along it can get out of hand really quickly. Die off symptoms can differ from person to person depending on what their active symptoms are. For me the first things is absolute exhaustion, some times a light headache, tight back. loose stools or irritated bladder. Because one of the tough aspects I've had is a fungal skin issues I always get intense skin itching during die off, and tend to get breakouts on my face.

Sounds like your grandson will need probiotics after antibiotics. Colloidal silver is a good thing to use on the face because it is non irritating, you can use baking soda too but it can be drying. I have been putting lugol's on my fungal skin areas and it helps too so you could use that before bed on your grandson and if he is still a little orange in the morning wipe his face with some vitamin C.



Sent: Sunday, February 14, 2010 12:18 AM


Subject: RE: Re: magnesium question

I am sorry my question didnt come out clearly. What I really needed to know is how do you know what die-off is?I have no idea. I know I am full of fungus and candida. My 14 month old grandson is breaking out and the dr keeps saying it is candida. He oesnt get alot of sweets. His mother made his baby food from fresh veggies. We only give him powdered milk after being weaned from breast. No formula. Tonight he had to go to the emergency room broke out again and his eyes running yellow junk. They gave nystatin cream for his face and antibiotic. So he'll have more yeast. I am not knowledgable about yeast or fungus.We also have well water and have not vaccinated him. So dont know how he could be toxic. Sorry if this went alittle off topic. thanks, Belinda

iodine From: engtovogmailDate: Tue, 9 Feb 2010 12:47:52 -0700Subject: Re: Re: magnesium question

If you have used other antifungals then you know how your body responds to a candida die off, for some they feel terrible for a few days but they can push it through, others have more issues and go up in dose slowly. Most people find that it takes about 2-3 weeks to clear out the crap from a candida die off and so they may raise their dose every three weeks giving their body time to clear before they start a new level and create a new die off. Eventually you reach a dose where you will not have a die off reaction anymore because the fungus that is left in your body is embedded in various systems and dies at a much slower rate.



Sent: Tuesday, February 09, 2010 12:17 AM


Subject: RE: Re: magnesium question

i dont undderstand what you mean how do we start off with fungal and candidia??thanks, belinda

iodine From: engtovogmailDate: Mon, 8 Feb 2010 13:41:34 -0700Subject: Re: Re: magnesium question

Since there are always new people on the list I think it is important to say that no one should assume they are going to have a detox reaction to iodine. Dr. Brownstein states less than 5% of his patients had any kind of bad reaction. If you know you have candida or a viral issue just start like you would any other antifungal/antiviral that can give a die off reaction. If you don't have those issues you are not likely to have any reaction unless you are bromide toxic in which case a bromide reaction is unlikely at less than 50 mg depending on how big of a person your are.


From: hanjkyla

Sent: Monday, February 08, 2010 4:49 AM


Subject: Re: magnesium question

> Why are you taking such a small amount of Iodoral? My 7 year old takes 12.5 mgs and my 10 year old takes 25 mgs / day. 1/4 tablet is about 3 mgs. > We are taking a small amount because we were not ready to handle the detox. I'm ready now to deal with it so I'll be increasing my dose after I get the companion nutrients in place. I'm going to increase the kids to 1/2 a tablet but won't go higher untill school is out.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I believe that your magnesium would count as 150 mg.  Just ease into it slowly so as not to upset your digestive system.  This is the magnesium I take from Labs.  http://www.douglaslabs.com/product.cfm?litm=MAG

I've increased and now take 3-4 a day.~WOn Sun, Feb 7, 2010 at 4:08 PM, hanjkyla <kyleac@...> wrote:


Hi. I'm new to this group. My kids and I have been taking 1/4 an Iodoral tablet daily. I'm trying to tweak our supplements to get up to the recomended amounts for C, Selenium, & magnesium, before we increase our dose. I have labs mag. citrate and it says on the label " Magnesium Citrate 940 mg. Yielding 150 mg. of elemental Magnesium " . I'm not sure if I count a capsule as 150 mg or 940 mg of magnesium. I know if I count it as 150 mg I'll need to take 2 capsules a day and I'll have loose stools (sorry for TMI). If anyone can help clear this up for my foggy brain I'd appreciate it. Thanks!

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The form of magnesium called " magnesium glycinate " is said to NOT have a

laxative effect. I have ordered some. Meanwhile, I have been using

magnesium malate, which I'm able to supplement at about 500mg/day without

problems. This is a strong contrast with previous attempts.


At 03:54 PM 2/22/2010, you wrote:

>I believe that your magnesium would count as 150 mg. Just ease into it

>slowly so as not to upset your digestive system. This is the magnesium I

>take from





>I've increased and now take 3-4 a day.




>On Sun, Feb 7, 2010 at 4:08 PM, hanjkyla

><<mailto:kyleac@...>kyleac@...> wrote:



>Hi. I'm new to this group. My kids and I have been taking 1/4 an Iodoral

>tablet daily. I'm trying to tweak our supplements to get up to the

>recomended amounts for C, Selenium, & magnesium, before we increase our

>dose. I have labs mag. citrate and it says on the label " Magnesium

>Citrate 940 mg. Yielding 150 mg. of elemental Magnesium " . I'm not sure if

>I count a capsule as 150 mg or 940 mg of magnesium. I know if I count it

>as 150 mg I'll need to take 2 capsules a day and I'll have loose stools

>(sorry for TMI). If anyone can help clear this up for my foggy brain I'd

>appreciate it. Thanks!

~~~ There is no way to peace; peace is the way ~~~~

--A.J. Muste

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magnesium citrate loosens stools.magnesium oxide firms stools.magnesium glycinate is neutral

From: Baker <vbaker@...>iodine Sent: Mon, February 22, 2010 4:19:04 PMSubject: Re: magnesium question The form of magnesium called "magnesium glycinate" is said to NOT have a laxative effect. I have ordered some. Meanwhile, I have been using magnesium malate, which I'm able to supplement at about 500mg/day without problems. This is a strong contrast with previous attempts.--

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it is worth noting that 500 mg of magesium gylcinate gives only 50 mg of elemental

magnesium.(Caroln Dean,MD., N.D i author of the Magnesium Miracle)

In addition there is the vital question of absorption.Its not much good if its not absorbed.

"Dr Sheahy confirms that sufficient magnesium is notoriously difficult to absorb when it acts like a laxative.Dr Sheahy is convinced that even the best oral prepartaion which he considers is magnesium taurate, requires oral supplementation for 6-12 months to restore

intra.cellular levels. But he finds that skin application of magnesium oil with a concentration of 25% magnesium chloride restores intracellular levels within 4-6 weeks."

Magnesium oil which is a mix of magnesium chloride and water can be applied to the skin

and is readily absorbed into the body.

" Magnesium is extremely important for the metabolism of calcium,potassium,phosphus

zinc,copper,iron,sodium,lead, cadmium,hydrochloric acid,acetylcholine and nitric oxide as well as the activation of the vitamin B1 and therefore a very wide spectrum of crucial body functions. A shift in any of these nutrients has an impact on magnesium levels and vice versa.." There are also many other functions too numerous to list.

>>>Hi. I'm new to this group. My kids and I have been taking 1/4 an Iodoral >tablet daily. I'm trying to tweak our supplements to get up to the >recomended amounts for C, Selenium, & magnesium, before we increase our >dose. I have labs mag. citrate and it says on the label "Magnesium >Citrate 940 mg. Yielding 150 mg. of elemental Magnesium". I'm not sure if >I count a capsule as 150 mg or 940 mg of magnesium. I know if I count it >as 150 mg I'll need to take 2 capsules a day and I'll have loose stools

>(sorry for TMI). If anyone can help clear this up for my foggy brain I'd >appreciate it. Thanks!~~~ There is no way to peace; peace is the way ~~~~--A.J. Muste

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Hey ,

I was talking about 500mg (of mag malate) being the actual amount of

elemental, taking much larger amounts of mag malate to get that. I've been

reluctant to try the mag oil because people talk about it making their skin

itchy feeling. I don't think I can tolerate that, I have such a long

history with skin irriation, so have not been pressing to get the mag oil.

At one point it was recommended for me to get magnesium infusions

(intravenous) for the fibromyalgia, but I couldn't afford it and certainly

can't now. I definitely want to get as much mag as I can. I'm right at

the edge of laxative effect with the mag malate, looking forward to having

the glycinate powder instead.



>it is worth noting that 500 mg of magesium gylcinate gives only 50 mg of


>magnesium.(Caroln Dean,MD., N.D i author of the Magnesium Miracle)

>In addition there is the vital question of absorption.Its not much good if

>its not absorbed.

> " Dr Sheahy confirms that sufficient magnesium is notoriously difficult to

>absorb when it acts like a laxative.Dr Sheahy is convinced that even the

>best oral prepartaion which he considers is magnesium taurate, requires

>oral supplementation for 6-12 months to restore

>intra.cellular levels. But he finds that skin application of magnesium oil

>with a concentration of 25% magnesium chloride restores intracellular

>levels within 4-6 weeks. "

>Magnesium oil which is a mix of magnesium chloride and water can be

>applied to the skin

>and is readily absorbed into the body.

> " Magnesium is extremely important for the metabolism of


>zinc,copper,iron,sodium,lead, cadmium,hydrochloric acid,acetylcholine and

>nitric oxide as well as the activation of the vitamin B1 and therefore a

>very wide spectrum of crucial body functions. A shift in any of these

>nutrients has an impact on magnesium levels and vice versa.. " There are

>also many other functions too numerous to list.







> >

> >

> >Hi. I'm new to this group. My kids and I have been taking 1/4 an Iodoral

> >tablet daily. I'm trying to tweak our supplements to get up to the

> >recomended amounts for C, Selenium, & magnesium, before we increase our

> >dose. I have labs mag. citrate and it says on the label " Magnesium

> >Citrate 940 mg. Yielding 150 mg. of elemental Magnesium " . I'm not sure if

> >I count a capsule as 150 mg or 940 mg of magnesium. I know if I count it

> >as 150 mg I'll need to take 2 capsules a day and I'll have loose stools

> >(sorry for TMI). If anyone can help clear this up for my foggy brain I'd

> >appreciate it. Thanks!


>~~~ There is no way to peace; peace is the way ~~~~

>--A.J. Muste







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~~~ There is no way to peace; peace is the way ~~~~

--A.J. Muste

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I can send you a sample of the mag oil if you would like to at leasttry it. alice

> >

> >

> >Hi. I'm new to this group. My kids and I have been taking 1/4 an Iodoral

> >tablet daily. I'm trying to tweak our supplements to get up to the

> >recomended amounts for C, Selenium, & magnesium, before we increase our

> >dose. I have labs mag. citrate and it says on the label "Magnesium

> >Citrate 940 mg. Yielding 150 mg. of elemental Magnesium". I'm not sure if

> >I count a capsule as 150 mg or 940 mg of magnesium. I know if I count it

> >as 150 mg I'll need to take 2 capsules a day and I'll have loose stools

> >(sorry for TMI). If anyone can help clear this up for my foggy brain I'd

> >appreciate it. Thanks!


>~~~ There is no way to peace; peace is the way ~~~~

>--A.J. Muste







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~~~ There is no way to peace; peace is the way ~~~~

--A.J. Muste

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I think you have it backward. Magnesium

oxide is the one most likely to cause loose stools because your body does not

absorb it well. But it is the cheapest and most easily available. Citrate,

chloride, glycinate, malate forms all are easily absorbed by the body. I have

taken 1000mg of either citrate or chloride and have no problems at all. In fact,

it stopped the spasming in my bowel, I don’t have the urgency I once had.

Donna in IL

magnesium citrate loosens stools.

magnesium oxide firms stools.

magnesium glycinate is neutral

From: Baker <vbaker@...>


Sent: Mon, February 22, 2010 4:19:04 PM

Subject: Re: magnesium question

The form of magnesium called " magnesium glycinate " is said to NOT

have a

laxative effect. I have ordered some. Meanwhile, I have been using

magnesium malate, which I'm able to supplement at about 500mg/day without

problems. This is a strong contrast with previous attempts.


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Hi Alice, that would be too kind of you... I'll write offlist. --

At 10:33 PM 2/22/2010, you wrote:

>I can send you a sample of the mag oil if you would like to at least

>try it. alice




>From: Baker <vbaker@...>

>Subject: Re: magnesium question


>Date: Monday, February 22, 2010, 6:25 PM




>Hey ,


>I was talking about 500mg (of mag malate) being the actual amount of

>elemental, taking much larger amounts of mag malate to get that. I've been

>reluctant to try the mag oil because people talk about it making their skin

>itchy feeling. I don't think I can tolerate that, I have such a long

>history with skin irriation, so have not been pressing to get the mag oil.


>At one point it was recommended for me to get magnesium infusions

>(intravenous) for the fibromyalgia, but I couldn't afford it and certainly

>can't now. I definitely want to get as much mag as I can. I'm right at

>the edge of laxative effect with the mag malate, looking forward to having

>the glycinate powder instead.



~~~ There is no way to peace; peace is the way ~~~~

--A.J. Muste

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, it's my understanding that the Malic Acid used with Magnesium to form

Magnesium Malate has it's own inherent value for fibromyalgia. I believe Mag.

Malate is the best form of Mag. for someone who has fibromyalgia. Why did you

want to switch to glycinate? Just curious.



> Hey ,


> I was talking about 500mg (of mag malate) being the actual amount of

> elemental, taking much larger amounts of mag malate to get that. I've been

> reluctant to try the mag oil because people talk about it making their skin

> itchy feeling. I don't think I can tolerate that, I have such a long

> history with skin irriation, so have not been pressing to get the mag oil.


> At one point it was recommended for me to get magnesium infusions

> (intravenous) for the fibromyalgia, but I couldn't afford it and certainly

> can't now. I definitely want to get as much mag as I can. I'm right at

> the edge of laxative effect with the mag malate, looking forward to having

> the glycinate powder instead.


> --


> >

> >


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Yes, Beverly, that is why I chose Mag Malate to start with, but I would

like to add more mag and can't because of gut tolerance issues. I'm

thinking, now that we've been discussing this, that I could continue on the

mag malate (but drop it down a notch because of gut issues), and just add

in some additional glycinate. I really appreciate this discussion.


At 11:48 PM 2/22/2010, you wrote:

>, it's my understanding that the Malic Acid used with Magnesium to

>form Magnesium Malate has it's own inherent value for fibromyalgia. I

>believe Mag. Malate is the best form of Mag. for someone who has

>fibromyalgia. Why did you want to switch to glycinate? Just curious.



~~~ There is no way to peace; peace is the way ~~~~

--A.J. Muste

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