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Colloidal Silver

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I think there are some who were or are on this list that have had some success

with CS, and i they have not said about discoloration, but maybe that comes in

high consumpiton of the stuff...i will ask the question however


JLN <karasmom2002@...> wrote:

I did some research on the colloidal silver and found that the Natiional Health

Food and Drug Administration does not allow colloidal silver to be used on dairy

animals. The report said that the silver is detrimental to human health and can

cause permanent discoloration of skin and organs. How can it be allowed for

human consumption when they will not even allow it to be used for animals??

I think I will do more research before I consider using it.


Freedom for Leonard Peltier,





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i used the C.S for my ears the other night & it has really helped i also

drink it twice a day, i used it for my ears again today, my one ear felt

clogged and was ringing like never before. i'm not having the problem but am

still using it to make sure it stays away. Mog

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Ive used CS for an outer ear staph infection and the infection will

go away for a few days then come back, but its a tough infection

because even scrip anti-biotics cant get rid of it. Ethet-alchohol is

more affective. I do believe CS has anti-bacterial properties ive

tried it on my foot fungus and seems to make a diffrence. Not sure

about drinking it because of heavy metal poisoning but they say its

ok. Its nothing new silver has been used as a remedy for a long long

time, the govt doesnt like it because it cant be regulated

(prescribed) and can be very dangerous and its impossible to outlaw

silver or the process for makeing CS but used correctly it can work

however be carefull of poisoning yourself.


> if you go down this page a little there is a link for Candida, but

this also gives you the gen on Colloidal silver


> Anne




> http://www.colloidalsilversolutions.com/




> Freedom for Leonard Peltier,




> www.members.tripod.com/sapawiyaka/bio.html






> ---------------------------------


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  • 2 months later...
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I was wondering if anyone knew of a good brand of Colloidal Silver?

I have heard that you have to be careful about your choice because it

could leech and get you sick???

Shoshana :)

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> I was wondering if anyone knew of a good brand of Colloidal


I use Source Naturals from the Health food store and am happy with

it. I used it for bacteria overgrowth and other times I need an

antibiotic. We tried the drops and now use the spray. I think the

spray is more concentrated.


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  • 2 months later...
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Just for my information only one question please, my brother is currently being given Gold Salts ( for RA factor) , by a reputable physcian . Is this also considered

a *dangerous* , non approved method with too many side effects ?

My physcian is one of the top alternative MD's in the country . Dr. Walter Ward .

He is not exactly favorable on the *peg* / *cocktail* or whatever it is you call it now. I have had HepC since 1986, also positive for hep A , as is most of the population.

My biopsy showed a Healthy Liver, Pink with NO necrosis . Not to say it will remain same forever, just I have had success with alternative way's I have not seen mentioned . One was a spray out of Texas ( I used to live in Wimberly, Tx. and my wishes are to return soon to stay this time..Love that hill country !! )

Have enjoyed reading all the emails from this group and am not in any way trying to be rude . This is also the reason I never respond to any emails. Just asking.

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Where would you buy Colostrum?


Mark Chiocchi

[ ] Colloidal Silver

> Ok, I know, all of you that know me are groaning, saying 'oh no,

> there she goes again!' But - I just can't let the colloidal silver

> thing slide without having my say. I respect the right of anyone to

> make an informed decision and try what they want, but because I not

> only feel like colloidal silver is useless, and also believe it is

> dangerous, I feel like I have to have my input here when someone is

> asking about it. What anyone does with that info is their business,

> but I think BOTH sides of the issue should be presented.


> This is the second company I've seen 'advertised' here from Texas,

> and being from Texas I find that especially irritating! The last time

> someone posted a link to a company selling this stuff as a 'miracle'

> cure for hepatitis C (and about a million other things too) I decided

> to investigate it some since that company stated in it's advertising

> that it was 'Inspected, Approved, and Licensed' by the Texas

> Department of Health. I spoke on the phone with someone in the 'Drugs

> and Medical Devices' division of the TDH and they said that the ad

> was very misleading. He said it is possible that they are licensed to

> sell colloidal silver, because it has uses NOT related to human

> consumption, but if they are selling it for human consumption, and

> are saying it is approved for this by the TDH it is a lie, and it

> is also illegal. The man I spoke with said it IS NOT to be sold for

> human consumption, that it is dangerous. Also, the EPA reports on

> silver, and not only does it list Argyria as it's main toxic effect,

> which is not really dangerous, simply very ugly, but it does also

> list possible cardiovascular and hepatic toxic effects. (If you don't

> know what Argyria is you can read one person's experience with it at

> http://homepages.together.net/~rjstan/ This is just ONE story.)


> There is only one legitimate drug containing any form of silver

> called:

> Brand Name: SILVADENE


> You can read about it yourself at:

> http://www.rxlist.com/cgi/generic3/silversulf.htm


> This is a TOPICAL (not for internal use) antibacterial for use on

> skin/surface wounds, ie burns. It is also effective in some fungal

> infections. It's not an antiviral at all, and even if it was how

> would it be effective at killing off a viral infection that

> circulates throughout the body and replicates in the liver? I could

> not find any form of the drug for internal use. Not only that, but

> some of the possible side effects listed are hepatitis and

> hepatocellular necrosis, and that is just from being absorbed through

> the skin. I just don't see how this could be used in the treatment of

> HCV. (General Note: anyone with an allergy to any sulfa drug can also

> have an allergic reaction to Silvadene.)


> Silver, just like iron and other metals (like lead, copper) can be

> stored in the body and build up into dangerous levels. There is NO

> evidence that colloidal silver is of ANY benefit in HCV, all these

> 'testimonials' are just sales pitches to get you to buy their

> product. If there were ANY truth to any of these stories of miracle

> cures using colloidal silver some drug company would have already

> gotten a patent on it and be researching it - or selling it, since

> it's been around a long time. Also, the FDA considers colloidal

> silver or silver salts for internal or external use as " not generally

> recognized as safe and effective and are misbranded. " I will post

> the entire FDA ruling on Colloidal Silver - feel free to delete if

> you've read it before! I think that if anyone has seen any benefit to

> their HCV while taking Colloidal Silver it is either due to another

> product being taken at the same time (like maybe the colostrum), or

> just a coincidence. The mind is a powerful thing, there really is

> such thing as a placebo affect. However, THIS is a potentially

> dangerous 'placebo'. It's bad enough to waste your money on something

> that won't help you, it's even worse to waste it on something that

> might hurt you.


> Claudine









> __________________________________________________


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I know you asked Claudine, but I'll add my advice. Only buy Symbiotics

brand and it can be purchased at most health food stores and on the net at

NewLifeFoods.com Having been on it for over two years, Symbiotics is what it

says it is. It is not a cure for hep.c and doesn't say it is...what it is

for is the immune system, but you reap the benefits on this product. It is

truly a God send. The super charger shake is real good too. I recommend

the capsules above everything else. I just use the shake for muscle

strength and it's good! Janie

[ ] Colloidal Silver



> > Ok, I know, all of you that know me are groaning, saying 'oh no,

> > there she goes again!' But - I just can't let the colloidal silver

> > thing slide without having my say. I respect the right of anyone to

> > make an informed decision and try what they want, but because I not

> > only feel like colloidal silver is useless, and also believe it is

> > dangerous, I feel like I have to have my input here when someone is

> > asking about it. What anyone does with that info is their business,

> > but I think BOTH sides of the issue should be presented.

> >

> > This is the second company I've seen 'advertised' here from Texas,

> > and being from Texas I find that especially irritating! The last time

> > someone posted a link to a company selling this stuff as a 'miracle'

> > cure for hepatitis C (and about a million other things too) I decided

> > to investigate it some since that company stated in it's advertising

> > that it was 'Inspected, Approved, and Licensed' by the Texas

> > Department of Health. I spoke on the phone with someone in the 'Drugs

> > and Medical Devices' division of the TDH and they said that the ad

> > was very misleading. He said it is possible that they are licensed to

> > sell colloidal silver, because it has uses NOT related to human

> > consumption, but if they are selling it for human consumption, and

> > are saying it is approved for this by the TDH it is a lie, and it

> > is also illegal. The man I spoke with said it IS NOT to be sold for

> > human consumption, that it is dangerous. Also, the EPA reports on

> > silver, and not only does it list Argyria as it's main toxic effect,

> > which is not really dangerous, simply very ugly, but it does also

> > list possible cardiovascular and hepatic toxic effects. (If you don't

> > know what Argyria is you can read one person's experience with it at

> > http://homepages.together.net/~rjstan/ This is just ONE story.)

> >

> > There is only one legitimate drug containing any form of silver

> > called:

> > Brand Name: SILVADENE


> > You can read about it yourself at:

> > http://www.rxlist.com/cgi/generic3/silversulf.htm

> >

> > This is a TOPICAL (not for internal use) antibacterial for use on

> > skin/surface wounds, ie burns. It is also effective in some fungal

> > infections. It's not an antiviral at all, and even if it was how

> > would it be effective at killing off a viral infection that

> > circulates throughout the body and replicates in the liver? I could

> > not find any form of the drug for internal use. Not only that, but

> > some of the possible side effects listed are hepatitis and

> > hepatocellular necrosis, and that is just from being absorbed through

> > the skin. I just don't see how this could be used in the treatment of

> > HCV. (General Note: anyone with an allergy to any sulfa drug can also

> > have an allergic reaction to Silvadene.)

> >

> > Silver, just like iron and other metals (like lead, copper) can be

> > stored in the body and build up into dangerous levels. There is NO

> > evidence that colloidal silver is of ANY benefit in HCV, all these

> > 'testimonials' are just sales pitches to get you to buy their

> > product. If there were ANY truth to any of these stories of miracle

> > cures using colloidal silver some drug company would have already

> > gotten a patent on it and be researching it - or selling it, since

> > it's been around a long time. Also, the FDA considers colloidal

> > silver or silver salts for internal or external use as " not generally

> > recognized as safe and effective and are misbranded. " I will post

> > the entire FDA ruling on Colloidal Silver - feel free to delete if

> > you've read it before! I think that if anyone has seen any benefit to

> > their HCV while taking Colloidal Silver it is either due to another

> > product being taken at the same time (like maybe the colostrum), or

> > just a coincidence. The mind is a powerful thing, there really is

> > such thing as a placebo affect. However, THIS is a potentially

> > dangerous 'placebo'. It's bad enough to waste your money on something

> > that won't help you, it's even worse to waste it on something that

> > might hurt you.

> >

> > Claudine

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > __________________________________________________

> >

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Speak up! I bought this product once didn't do anything negative or

positive that I was aware of so I stopped. I will only take what works and

thank you for informing us of the hype. You're doing a good job. lol


[ ] Colloidal Silver

> Ok, I know, all of you that know me are groaning, saying 'oh no,

> there she goes again!' But - I just can't let the colloidal silver

> thing slide without having my say. I respect the right of anyone to

> make an informed decision and try what they want, but because I not

> only feel like colloidal silver is useless, and also believe it is

> dangerous, I feel like I have to have my input here when someone is

> asking about it. What anyone does with that info is their business,

> but I think BOTH sides of the issue should be presented.


> This is the second company I've seen 'advertised' here from Texas,

> and being from Texas I find that especially irritating! The last time

> someone posted a link to a company selling this stuff as a 'miracle'

> cure for hepatitis C (and about a million other things too) I decided

> to investigate it some since that company stated in it's advertising

> that it was 'Inspected, Approved, and Licensed' by the Texas

> Department of Health. I spoke on the phone with someone in the 'Drugs

> and Medical Devices' division of the TDH and they said that the ad

> was very misleading. He said it is possible that they are licensed to

> sell colloidal silver, because it has uses NOT related to human

> consumption, but if they are selling it for human consumption, and

> are saying it is approved for this by the TDH it is a lie, and it

> is also illegal. The man I spoke with said it IS NOT to be sold for

> human consumption, that it is dangerous. Also, the EPA reports on

> silver, and not only does it list Argyria as it's main toxic effect,

> which is not really dangerous, simply very ugly, but it does also

> list possible cardiovascular and hepatic toxic effects. (If you don't

> know what Argyria is you can read one person's experience with it at

> http://homepages.together.net/~rjstan/ This is just ONE story.)


> There is only one legitimate drug containing any form of silver

> called:

> Brand Name: SILVADENE


> You can read about it yourself at:

> http://www.rxlist.com/cgi/generic3/silversulf.htm


> This is a TOPICAL (not for internal use) antibacterial for use on

> skin/surface wounds, ie burns. It is also effective in some fungal

> infections. It's not an antiviral at all, and even if it was how

> would it be effective at killing off a viral infection that

> circulates throughout the body and replicates in the liver? I could

> not find any form of the drug for internal use. Not only that, but

> some of the possible side effects listed are hepatitis and

> hepatocellular necrosis, and that is just from being absorbed through

> the skin. I just don't see how this could be used in the treatment of

> HCV. (General Note: anyone with an allergy to any sulfa drug can also

> have an allergic reaction to Silvadene.)


> Silver, just like iron and other metals (like lead, copper) can be

> stored in the body and build up into dangerous levels. There is NO

> evidence that colloidal silver is of ANY benefit in HCV, all these

> 'testimonials' are just sales pitches to get you to buy their

> product. If there were ANY truth to any of these stories of miracle

> cures using colloidal silver some drug company would have already

> gotten a patent on it and be researching it - or selling it, since

> it's been around a long time. Also, the FDA considers colloidal

> silver or silver salts for internal or external use as " not generally

> recognized as safe and effective and are misbranded. " I will post

> the entire FDA ruling on Colloidal Silver - feel free to delete if

> you've read it before! I think that if anyone has seen any benefit to

> their HCV while taking Colloidal Silver it is either due to another

> product being taken at the same time (like maybe the colostrum), or

> just a coincidence. The mind is a powerful thing, there really is

> such thing as a placebo affect. However, THIS is a potentially

> dangerous 'placebo'. It's bad enough to waste your money on something

> that won't help you, it's even worse to waste it on something that

> might hurt you.


> Claudine









> __________________________________________________


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--- JLily10@... wrote:

> Just for my information only one question please, my brother

> is

> currently being given Gold Salts ( for RA factor) , by a reputable

> physcian .

> Is this also considered

> a *dangerous* , non approved method with too many side effects ?

Gold salts have been used for years for rheumatoid arthritis with

fair results. It's a tried and true remedy. However, it does have a

significant toxicity profile, and nowdays there are generally more

effective drugs with a lower side effect profile. Of course, each

person is different, and will react differently, so that has to be

taken into consideration also. Usually other drugs are the preferred

treatment for RA over gold. Here is a short review of the use of

gold salts in RA. Note that it states for 'short term treatment':

Injectable gold for rheumatoid arthritis

Updated: 04/01/2002

from Cochrane Review Abstracts

P, Tugwell P, Bennet K, Bombardier C, Shea B, Wells G,

Suarez-Almazor ME

A substantive amendment to this systematic review was last made on 29

August 1997. Cochrane reviews are regularly checked and updated if


Background: Gold compounds have been used in several conditions

affecting man since the 18th century (tuberculosis, lupus vulgaris,

bacterial endocarditis, etc.) however, in the past decade the use of

injectable gold for rheumatoid arthritis has markedly declined, and

its clinical usefulness has been doubted.

Objectives: To estimate the short-term benefit and risk of

side-effects of injectable gold for rheumatoid arthritis.

Search strategy: We searched the Cochrane Musculoskeletal Group

trials register, and Medline, up to July 1997, using the search

strategy developed by the Cochrane Collaboration (Dickersin 1994).

The search was complemented with bibliography searching of the

reference list of the trials retrieved from the electronic search.

Key experts in the area were contacted for further published and

unpublished articles.

Selection criteria: Randomized clinical trials (RCT) comparing

injectable gold against placebo in patients with rheumatoid arthritis

were included.

Data collection and analysis: Methodological quality of the RCTs was

assessed by two reviewers (MS, BS) (kappa=1.0). Rheumatoid arthritis

outcome measures were extracted by two reviewers from the

publications for the 6 month endpoint. Sufficient data was obtained

to conduct a pooled analysis of the number of swollen joints,

physician global assessment, patient global assessment and

erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR). Results were analyzed as

standardized weighted mean differences for swollen joints and global

assessments and weighted mean differences for ESR. Toxicity was

evaluated with pooled odds ratios for withdrawals. Heterogeneity was

estimated using a chi-square test. Fixed effects models were used


Main results: Four trials and 415 patients were included. A

statistically significant benefit was observed for injectable gold

when compared to placebo. The standardized weighted difference

(effect size) between gold and placebo for the number of swollen

joints was -0.5, translating into a percentage change of 30% in

favour of gold adjusted for placebo. Statistically significant

differences were also observed for ESR and patient and physician

assessments. Twenty two percent of the treated patients withdrew from

toxicity compared to 4% of controls (OR=3.9 - 95%Cl: 2.1 - 7.2).

Reviewers' conclusions: Although its use can be limited by the

incidence of serious toxicity, injectable gold has an important

clinically and statistically significant benefit in the short term

treatment of patients with rheumatoid arthritis.

Citation: P, Tugwell P, Bennet K, Bombardier C, Shea B, Wells

G, Suarez-Almazor ME. Injectable gold for rheumatoid arthritis

(Cochrane Review). In: The Cochrane Library, Issue 2 2002. Oxford:

Update Software.


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--- Mark Chiocchi <vmstudio@...> wrote:

> Claudine,


> Where would you buy Colostrum?

You can find it in health food stores, and I imagine there are places

to order it on the internet also. 'Bovine' colostrum is much easier

to find than human - if you can find human at all. Maybe someone else

here knows. Since I don't have any fibrosis I am not taking this, but

if I do start to progress again, and definitely if I were to go on

treatment again, I would start buying this and adding to whatever

protocol I use. You can also look for " lactoferrin " .



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Hi Mark

There is a product called Immunzen by Rexall that has

bovine colustrum that you can order over the internet,,

check it out.... jackie



> --- Mark Chiocchi <vmstudio@...> wrote:

> > Claudine,

> >

> > Where would you buy Colostrum?


> You can find it in health food stores, and I imagine there are places

> to order it on the internet also. 'Bovine' colostrum is much easier

> to find than human - if you can find human at all. Maybe someone else

> here knows. Since I don't have any fibrosis I am not taking this, but

> if I do start to progress again, and definitely if I were to go on

> treatment again, I would start buying this and adding to whatever

> protocol I use. You can also look for " lactoferrin " .


> Claudine



> __________________________________________________


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There is another product called Cetyl Myristoleate that

absolutely works for ANY inflammatory process and is

great for O.A and for R.A... unlike vioxx and celebrex,

it is not a cox2 inhibitor( which within a year or two

the body figures a way around the cox 2 anyway) and works

for long term relief,, after you have gotten significant

relief, then you can back it down to a maintenance dose,,

I take only 2 softgels a day now to maintain my pain relief..

If you want more info,, email me privately,, jackie


> --- JLily10@... wrote:

> > Just for my information only one question please, my brother

> > is

> > currently being given Gold Salts ( for RA factor) , by a reputable

> > physcian .

> > Is this also considered

> > a *dangerous* , non approved method with too many side effects ?


> Gold salts have been used for years for rheumatoid arthritis with

> fair results. It's a tried and true remedy. However, it does have a

> significant toxicity profile, and nowdays there are generally more

> effective drugs with a lower side effect profile. Of course, each

> person is different, and will react differently, so that has to be

> taken into consideration also. Usually other drugs are the preferred

> treatment for RA over gold. Here is a short review of the use of

> gold salts in RA. Note that it states for 'short term treatment':



> Injectable gold for rheumatoid arthritis

> Updated: 04/01/2002


> from Cochrane Review Abstracts

> P, Tugwell P, Bennet K, Bombardier C, Shea B, Wells G,

> Suarez-Almazor ME


> A substantive amendment to this systematic review was last made on 29

> August 1997. Cochrane reviews are regularly checked and updated if

> necessary.

> Background: Gold compounds have been used in several conditions

> affecting man since the 18th century (tuberculosis, lupus vulgaris,

> bacterial endocarditis, etc.) however, in the past decade the use of

> injectable gold for rheumatoid arthritis has markedly declined, and

> its clinical usefulness has been doubted.


> Objectives: To estimate the short-term benefit and risk of

> side-effects of injectable gold for rheumatoid arthritis.


> Search strategy: We searched the Cochrane Musculoskeletal Group

> trials register, and Medline, up to July 1997, using the search

> strategy developed by the Cochrane Collaboration (Dickersin 1994).

> The search was complemented with bibliography searching of the

> reference list of the trials retrieved from the electronic search.

> Key experts in the area were contacted for further published and

> unpublished articles.


> Selection criteria: Randomized clinical trials (RCT) comparing

> injectable gold against placebo in patients with rheumatoid arthritis

> were included.


> Data collection and analysis: Methodological quality of the RCTs was

> assessed by two reviewers (MS, BS) (kappa=1.0). Rheumatoid arthritis

> outcome measures were extracted by two reviewers from the

> publications for the 6 month endpoint. Sufficient data was obtained

> to conduct a pooled analysis of the number of swollen joints,

> physician global assessment, patient global assessment and

> erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR). Results were analyzed as

> standardized weighted mean differences for swollen joints and global

> assessments and weighted mean differences for ESR. Toxicity was

> evaluated with pooled odds ratios for withdrawals. Heterogeneity was

> estimated using a chi-square test. Fixed effects models were used

> throughout.


> Main results: Four trials and 415 patients were included. A

> statistically significant benefit was observed for injectable gold

> when compared to placebo. The standardized weighted difference

> (effect size) between gold and placebo for the number of swollen

> joints was -0.5, translating into a percentage change of 30% in

> favour of gold adjusted for placebo. Statistically significant

> differences were also observed for ESR and patient and physician

> assessments. Twenty two percent of the treated patients withdrew from

> toxicity compared to 4% of controls (OR=3.9 - 95%Cl: 2.1 - 7.2).


> Reviewers' conclusions: Although its use can be limited by the

> incidence of serious toxicity, injectable gold has an important

> clinically and statistically significant benefit in the short term

> treatment of patients with rheumatoid arthritis.



> Citation: P, Tugwell P, Bennet K, Bombardier C, Shea B, Wells

> G, Suarez-Almazor ME. Injectable gold for rheumatoid arthritis

> (Cochrane Review). In: The Cochrane Library, Issue 2 2002. Oxford:

> Update Software.






> __________________________________________________


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Hi , Yes I have. My naturopathic doctor, who I see besides my hepatologist, had me do a stool analysis, and found a couple of pathogens (citrobacter freundii and klebsiella pneumoniae). He said the literature definitely finds the klebsiella correlated with autoimmune diseases. He prescribed colloidal silver for me, I think it was a tbsp a day. At first I bought it from him, then I got a more concentrated version of it from a friend's father who got it from this guy in Canada who actually started this whole silver thing. after taking it for 6 months, I had another stool analysis done, and the bacteria was gone. I dont know what that means for my AIH, but whether the pathogens really had anything to do with the AIH or not, it was good they were rid of. (I am currently on 75mg imuran and no prednisone for one month and half) I know of other people personally who swear by it, one of them (who had chronic fatigue syndrome caused by Epstein Barr Virus) said she felt energetic after taking a tbsp a day. However, it might be advisable to consult a doctor before taking any supplement. Medical doctors do not believe in such things, so if you have a naturopath in your area, consult him/her. My naturopath says this form of silver is not harmful to the body. Let me know if you need more info. aisha/Seattle/AIH Jan 01 [ ] COLLOIDAL SILVER hello everyone,Real quick question has anyone in the group used "Colloidal Silver"? I wasrecently sent an email about its use in Hep C - with various testimonials.Just curious. thanks and everyone have a nice weekend and nice day. C. AIH (0701) Illinois

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thanks for the reply. i did have a naprapath for another problem a

few years ago i could call him and see what he says. of course i

will confer with my gastro to make sure i dont make anything worse.

LC AIH (0701) Illinois

> Hi ,


> Yes I have. My naturopathic doctor, who I see besides my

hepatologist, had me do a stool analysis, and found a couple of

pathogens (citrobacter freundii and klebsiella pneumoniae). He said

the literature definitely finds the klebsiella correlated with

autoimmune diseases. He prescribed colloidal silver for me, I think

it was a tbsp a day. At first I bought it from him, then I got a

more concentrated version of it from a friend's father who got it

from this guy in Canada who actually started this whole silver

thing. after taking it for 6 months, I had another stool analysis

done, and the bacteria was gone. I dont know what that means for my

AIH, but whether the pathogens really had anything to do with the

AIH or not, it was good they were rid of.


> (I am currently on 75mg imuran and no prednisone for one month and



> I know of other people personally who swear by it, one of them

(who had chronic fatigue syndrome caused by Epstein Barr Virus) said

she felt energetic after taking a tbsp a day. However, it might be

advisable to consult a doctor before taking any supplement. Medical

doctors do not believe in such things, so if you have a naturopath

in your area, consult him/her. My naturopath says this form of

silver is not harmful to the body.


> Let me know if you need more info.


> aisha/Seattle/AIH Jan 01




> hello everyone,


> Real quick question has anyone in the group used " Colloidal

Silver " ? I was

> recently sent an email about its use in Hep C - with various


> Just curious. thanks and everyone have a nice weekend and nice day.


> C. AIH (0701) Illinois







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Hi Marcia,

From what I know, I don't think it can

hurt a person.

I tried it, for several weeks. Nothing

happened. Nothing. Everyone is so

different though, so for someone else

who knows?? Maybe their miracle?

The neighbor lady takes it all the time,

and she never feels good. Among other

things, it's supposed t be a natural anti-


Hope you have a good day dear friend!!!


-- Colloidal Silver

Hi All -

I just got an email from a friend touting the wonders of colloidal silver.


my memory serves me, someone in the group had experience with it. If I'm

correct, I'd appreciate your sharing.

Per my friend, it is good for EVERYTHING.... that automatically makes me


Thanks for any help.


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  • 4 weeks later...

Colloidal silver is very effective against HCV. The problem lies in the fact that it totally screws up your bioterain, knocks it way out of wack, just like any anti-biotic, or anti-viral med. It works against your natural healing functions, and will wipe out the beneficial flora in the digestive tract, a real problem for the hepatically challenged who already have rtouble eliminating wastes.

If you want to attack virus directly you can use Ravensara essential oil...VERY powerful stuff, and will not alter your bioterrain,or harm any cell in your body...only virus. I used it when I recovered and recommend it to everyone.

Colloidal silver has its place..but on a rare occassion. Correct your terrain, create an alklaline, electron rich environment...NO PATHOGEN regardless of genotype can live there...period!

Peace, Jeanine


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OK Jeanine London, Your explanation makes sense. I appreciate

that. Ravensara essential oil for virus. So, this hard head is finally

getting it. Correct my terrain, create an alkaline, electron rich

environment. And No Pathogen can live there, regardless of genotype.

I feel like a light bulb just went on. Thankyou Jeanine. I can tell you're

not in cahoots with any pharmaceuticals :) which is refreshing. I am

not saying anyone is...


Re: [ ] Re: colloidal silver

Colloidal silver is very effective against HCV. The problem lies in the fact that it totally screws up your bioterain, knocks it way out of wack, just like any anti-biotic, or anti-viral med. It works against your natural healing functions, and will wipe out the beneficial flora in the digestive tract, a real problem for the hepatically challenged who already have rtouble eliminating wastes.

If you want to attack virus directly you can use Ravensara essential oil...VERY powerful stuff, and will not alter your bioterrain,or harm any cell in your body...only virus. I used it when I recovered and recommend it to everyone.

Colloidal silver has its place..but on a rare occassion. Correct your terrain, create an alklaline, electron rich environment...NO PATHOGEN regardless of genotype can live there...period!

Peace, Jeanine



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  • 4 weeks later...

Dear Marilyn,

yes, I talked about this a few years ago and we have touched on the subject

now and then. My chiropractor lent me a small machine once. I used it for

a few weeks. It was a small probe that I stuck in a container of water,

that actually turned the water silver. I drank it for two weeks, but I am a

baby, and it was a mind or matter thing, and because the water tasted a

little off, it bothered me and the color of the water. No matter how hard I

tried, I just couldn't do it anymore so I gave up on it. I was going to get

the little machine. They are about $60 which isn't bad, but again...it's a

mind of matter thing, and I have never been good at stuff like that. I have

heard nothing but " positive " things about silver water. It is suppose to

help with arthritis and aching joints. I believe that there is a site for

this also, if you just look up colloidal silver. Talk to you soon sweetie.

Love, Sue #2

-- Colloidal Silver

Has anyone heard of or used this treatment (Colloidal Silver). It seems

like everywhere I look it is being mentioned as a wonder *drug* (using that

word extremely lightly). I have seen it discussed about Rheumatoid

Arthritis, Hepatitis C (on an advert on the internet) and sinuses problems.

I bet they have a long list of illnesses that it would supposedly work for.

So I was just curious as I know that some of you have discussed " silver

water " or something like that in the past and I was just curious if it was

the same thing as I'm seeing it everywhere lately.

Take care,




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I think the ringing in the ears could be the candida or HBP. I have been

taking Coloidal Silver intermittently so I could get off steroids and

antibiotics for fluid in the ears, rhinitis and sinusisis. When I get fluid

in ears, I use the Coloidal Silver and it sure helps. I know someone who

uses Coloidal Silver as an alternative to antibiotics. Personally, I have

not had a problem using this product.I have had ringing in my ears on and

off for 3 years and that was before I started using any Coloidal Silver. Am

anxious to hear what others have to say on this subject.

Diane M

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  • 5 weeks later...

It's best used topically for infections, but if you feel that you must put

it in your body, no more than 5 ppm should be used. Most brands you get

from the health food store are 20 ppm or higher. I wouldn't suggest going

that high, as it's overkill and causes argyria. and I wouldn't drink too

much of it. I make my own, and primarily use it for topical issues and to

put a little in milk to prevent spoiling. (works great on an infected sore)

At 06:45 PM 10/03/2002 -0400, you wrote:

>Hi all,


>Since some people on the list have discussed colloidal silver I thought this

>paragraph in today's New York Times might be of interest:




>The Libertarian candidate for Senate has turned blue from drinking a silver

>solution that he believed would protect him from disease. The candidate,

>Stan , 63, a business consultant, said he started taking colloidal

>silver in 1999 fearing millennial disruptions might lead to an antibiotics

>shortage. His skin began turning blue-gray a year ago. He does not take the

>solution any longer, but his skin condition, called argyria, is permanent,

>he said. Mr. is running against the Democratic incumbent, Senator Max

>Baucus; Mike , a Republican state senator; and the Green Party

>candidate, Bob Kelleher.






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On Saturday, November 2, 2002, at 09:36 PM, Joy wrote:

> It's best used topically for infections, but if you feel that you must

> put

> it in your body, no more than 5 ppm should be used.  Most brands you

> get

> from the health food store are 20 ppm or higher.  I wouldn't suggest

> going

> that high, as it's overkill and causes argyria.  and I wouldn't drink

> too

> much of it.  I make my own, and primarily use it for topical issues

> and to

> put a little in milk to prevent spoiling.  (works great on an infected

> sore)



> At 06:45 PM 10/03/2002 -0400, you wrote:

> >Hi all,

> >

> >Since some people on the list have discussed colloidal silver I

> thought this

> >paragraph in today's New York Times might be of interest:

> >


> >

> >The Libertarian candidate for Senate has turned blue from drinking a

> silver

> >solution that he believed would protect him from disease. The

> candidate,

> >Stan , 63, a business consultant, said he started taking

> colloidal

> >silver in 1999 fearing millennial disruptions might lead to an

> antibiotics

> >shortage. His skin began turning blue-gray a year ago. He does not

> take the

> >solution any longer, but his skin condition, called argyria, is

> permanent,

> >he said. Mr. is running against the Democratic incumbent,

> Senator Max

> >Baucus; Mike , a Republican state senator; and the Green Party

> >candidate, Bob Kelleher.

> >(AP)

> >

> >

> >

> >

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turning blue.

At 08:55 AM 11/03/2002 -0500, you wrote:



>On Saturday, November 2, 2002, at 09:36 PM, Joy wrote:


> > It's best used topically for infections, but if you feel that you must

> > put

> > it in your body, no more than 5 ppm should be used. Most brands you

> > get

> > from the health food store are 20 ppm or higher. I wouldn't suggest

> > going

> > that high, as it's overkill and causes argyria. and I wouldn't drink

> > too

> > much of it. I make my own, and primarily use it for topical issues

> > and to

> > put a little in milk to prevent spoiling. (works great on an infected

> > sore)

> >

> >

> > At 06:45 PM 10/03/2002 -0400, you wrote:

> > >Hi all,

> > >

> > >Since some people on the list have discussed colloidal silver I

> > thought this

> > >paragraph in today's New York Times might be of interest:

> > >


> > >

> > >The Libertarian candidate for Senate has turned blue from drinking a

> > silver

> > >solution that he believed would protect him from disease. The

> > candidate,

> > >Stan , 63, a business consultant, said he started taking

> > colloidal

> > >silver in 1999 fearing millennial disruptions might lead to an

> > antibiotics

> > >shortage. His skin began turning blue-gray a year ago. He does not

> > take the

> > >solution any longer, but his skin condition, called argyria, is

> > permanent,

> > >he said. Mr. is running against the Democratic incumbent,

> > Senator Max

> > >Baucus; Mike , a Republican state senator; and the Green Party

> > >candidate, Bob Kelleher.

> > >(AP)

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

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They've got what appears to me to be the state of the art silver product.

It is not a colloidal. It is beyond a colloidal. They say it works as a gas

which would make it the most effective and the safest way to ingest anything


If you want a colloidal the one with the best technology is :


Theres is 10 ppm, smallest particle size and 100% dispersion of particles which

means that all particles maintain their electrical charge and there is no

clumping of silver.

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  • 2 weeks later...

it is safe if it is the right particle size

if you go to www.naturalhealingsolutions.com you can click on " not all

colloidal silvers are the same "

I would research a bit before I purchase silver


Re: pH

> Can I purchase a good quality CS product in my health food store, or do I

> need to order this stuff online?



> > Jen,? I'd like to have a nickel for every time I heard this statement

> >about silver being a heavy metal, I would be a rich man.

> >The term " heavy metal " was coined by some 'arm chair chemist' probably a

> >dr, in reference to metals such as lead, mercury, and cadmium, which are

> >extremely toxic to the human body.

> >Silver, gold, and platinum are called 'nobel metals', which are inert,

> >non-toxic, and have NO side effects to the human body.

> >The drug companies, pharms, and FDA have spread tons of propaganda in

> >regards to CS, in order to try an convince people that silver is toxic

> >to the system, when in fact it is not.? If the truth be known the FDA

> > " KNOWS " how great colloidal silver works, and they (the pharms) are

> >losing millions, because people have wised up to the great benefits and

> >natural healing qualities,? of a good quality made CS.

> >Also, if people would check the FDA report under 'The dietary Supplement

> >Health & Education Act' they will find that Colloidal silver is APPROVED

> >as a " dietary supplement " by the FDA.

> >Common sense tells you that you can buy CS in any health food store

> >around the country.? Obviously, if it was harmful, toxic, or killing

> >people the gov would not allow it to be sold in these stores anymore.

> >But isn't it strange that people spend billions on drugs, which don't

> >work, but they do ruin the immune system, destroy organs,? adds tons of

> >toxins to the blood and virtually KILLS tens of thousands of Americans

> >every year.? Go figure.

> >

> >I wonder how many people bother to ask their physician about the

> >specific constituents or potential side effects of the drugs he

> >prescribes and they took without question?? Just a point to ponder.

> >CS is totally safe, harmless, with no side effects, totally natural,

> >dirt cheap by comparison to prescription drugs and has proven itself? to

> >be more effective overall than anything and everything the pharms have

> >in their arsenal, but yet CS is picked to pieces by 'ignorant arm chair

> >chemists' who refuse to 'educate themselves to the facts' about

> >Colloidal Silver.? CS is truly God's miracle metal, which he put on this

> >earth to HEAL all mankind





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