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Colloidal Silver

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Mine is a yellowish color... it's 10 ppm. It's ok to douche with it.

It's very healing. I had a sore in my mouth, and the cs healed it in a




>I just received my order of Colloidal silver,I live in a place where you

>can't get it in any shop.

>It is " Meso-Silver " ,5 ppm.I am not sure if thte product I got is OK,since

>its color is greyish.

>Transparent yet greyish.Is it the way it supposed to be? I also red in

>the instruction manual that

>it is possible to douch with it.Did any of you girls evert tried that?


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my C. Silver is 5ppm & my " Dr " says not to take longer than 10 days. go off

it for a while than start again. did you hear over the news about 3 months

back a man took it for 4 years straight and he turned gray & couldn't reverse

it? Mog

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I just read in the paper that a Montana politician took it and did indeed turn

" slightly " blue. It's not reversible either. But what it doesn't say is how much

he took.

>my C. Silver is 5ppm & my " Dr " says not to take longer than 10 days. go off

>it for a while than start again. did you hear over the news about 3 months

>back a man took it for 4 years straight and he turned gray & couldn't reverse

>it? Mog




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  • 2 weeks later...

Ga writes: <<Another thing I've found that I realize is very

controversial for a

number of reasons is colloidal silver, which works on germs, wirus, and

fungus. I'm using it right now.>>

, I would take another look at Colloidal silver. The FDA has warned and

shut down many alternative web sites for fraudulent advertising of colloidal

silver. Whether or not it has any positive advantages for all the claims,

they do know that the side effects can be extreme. They have known for many

years that this can cause a condition that is called argyria (where the skin

turns blue/gray.) Two examples of this are at the following web sites:

<A HREF= " http://homepages.together.net/~rjstan/ " >Rosemary 's argyria

introduction page</A>


HREF= " http://www.cnn.com/2002/US/Central/10/02/candidate.blue.skin.ap/ " >CNN.com

- Candidate turned himself blue - Oct. 1, 2002</A>

Even Weil, MD, who is known for alternative medicines does not

recommend injesting colloidal silver. Maybe this is what the manager of the

store was trying to tell you? Maybe someone can lead you to an alternative

web site that filters out the good from the bad.

Best regards, Connie (granny)

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Is this the same stuff as is in that SeaSilver vitamin stuff that is all the


Just wondering.

I have one brother and another sister in law who think the Sea Silver is the

best thing since sliced bread. But then...they have thought lots of things

are the best since....


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I never heard of the treatment, but all heavy metals including too much iron

is poisoness. Silver is pretty up there on the weight scale of metals. I

believe that this treatment was conceived by someone reading about gold

treatments for arthritis. The gold treatment is not the heavy metal alone,

it is a molecule in a salt which is just one part of the drug. This is

important because the drug is designed to deliver the gold salts to the place

where inflamation exists. Doctors recognize that gold treatments are toxic

and only give them in limited doses for limited times. Otherwise kidney

failure would occur. Kidney failure is just one of the pleasant things that

happen when you get heavy metal poisoning. There is a reason that your multi

mineral pills dosages are regulated by the FDA in the US and Health Canada in

Canada. Your body does need some micro amounts of some minerals but even

these minerals will kill you taken in large enough dosages. There was an

episode on CSI awhile ago where the murderer used Selenium pills that the

victim was taking to help prevent cancer. The murderer bought several

bottles of pills, ground them up and put them in some food that the victim

ate over a two week period. That was enough to do the job. The murderer

thought that because the victim was taking Selenium anyway, she would not be

caught. Your body does not need either silver or gold. If silver could

reduce inflamation the same as gold salts, don't you think the drug companies

would make a silver drug instead of a gold drug. It certainly would save

them a lot of money and mean more profit. To me that is an indication that

silver does not have the same anti-inflamatory properties as gold, but again

that is just a guess.

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Thank you so very much for your concern about the use of silver products.

There are so many things out there that we each can't individually try them

out. I am aware of the warnings of the FDA and also that it's in the best

interest of companies which manufacture antibiotics to be sure that

alternative methods are downplayed much as possible in the media. I have

used colloidal silver minimally for many years just when an infection is

getting a start to eliminate the need for months of antibiotics instead. I

have mega infections that continue for many months and have found that a

little of the silver is less expensive and less traumatic to my body as


I also have heard of people who permanently turn their bodies blue through

use of silver that is 'way outside any body's recommended dosage. It's the

ones who abuse and over use who help to give it a bad name. There is a

senator, in which state I can't remember, who in the onslaught of Y2K began

to use colloidal silver in anticipation of not having antibiotics available.

That was a blatant misuse of silver. It's intended to be used as a dosage of

antibiotics would be used, not for an interminate amount of time. It's been

such a help to me I wanted others to know it's out there and how much it can

help in some situations. It performs MUCH better for me than antibiotics. I

had to find it for myself and wanted to spare others the search. Whether a

person uses it or not is an individual thing, as anything else we read here.

I'm not on a campaign--just trying to be informative. No, I don't sell it

nor do I have any intentions of doing so--just to use it judiociously for

myself is my only intent.


Always wear a smile--it makes

folks wonder what you've been up to. : )

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Hi Granny

I must have missed this particular post from . I have never taken

colloidal silver, but a very good friend swears by it. He makes his own and has

used it for years. He hasn't turned blue yet-or gray. When he has the

slightest sign of anything coming he mixes up some and down it goes. He even

gives it to his cat and they are both very healthy. I think the same probably

goes for this as any other med or alt. treatment. Works for some with or w/o

side effects and doesn't work for others. Now, he could drop dead tomorrow, but

for all we know we all could. I guess there has to be guinea pigs for

everything. It is my understanding that is how all drugs are tested. In fact,

they very well could be testing right now for silver. We don't usually know

much about a drug until it is introduced on the market. As I said, I've never

taken it-I declined when it was offered, but it could be okay. One never knows.


Grannyof9@... wrote:

Ga writes: <<Another thing I've found that I realize is very


, I would take another look at Colloidal silver.

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In a message dated 1/14/03 12:14:05 AM Eastern Standard Time,

countryms@... writes:

> the best

> interest of companies which manufacture antibiotics to be sure that

> alternative methods are downplayed much as possible in the media.

, if this was as good an antibiotic as all of its promoters claim, you

can be assured that the pharmaceuticals would have it marketed as a drug. One

of the obvious signs of quackery is when a product is tauted as a cure all. I

opened at least 50 alternative health sites and all of them claimed that CS

would cure just about anything someone has. I couldn't find one double blind

study that is published on CS. (I'm almost positive that pharmaceuticals have

tested it...on at least animals...and if there was any inclination that this

would do what it claims...with minimal side effects...we would have double

blind studies on humans before now. CS has had around for 100's of years.

Many of the studies that I did find were not properly done or documented and

they did not include a placebo. Most were testomonies from patients that were

on a short course (no longer than 3 months) of CS. Drug companies do a lot of

research before they go onto human research.

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HREF= " http://colloidalsilversideeffects.html/ " >http://colloidalsilversideeffects\


<A HREF= " http://www.skeptics.com.au/features/qakatak/a-elec2.htm " >Qakatak

Article: More on dubious electrotherapy devices</A> <A

HREF= " http://archinte.ama-assn.org/issues/v161n7/ffull/ilt0409-3.html " >Do Silver


Catheters Increase the Risk of Systemic Argyria?</A>

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Hi :

as long as there is a problem out there, there will always be somebody taking advantage of us.

Please be very weary of snake oil and colloidal silver.

Anytime you hear "testamonials", to me that means there is no scientific proof. I am sure somebody will argue the point. But that's my opinion.

take care,

one man's opinion


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  • 4 weeks later...

Karl, very intersting site. I was just curious since I have a dear friend that was using it for a gum disease. It seemed put the disease into a dormant stage for over a year. She ran out, didn't buy more and is back to the horrible treatments and loosing teeth and bone in her mouth. Of course she only used it as directed, and stopped for a short period after 10 days, but thought it might help with some nasal polyps.

Don't think I will try. My friend with the bad gums is healthy otherwise so maybe that is why she got such good results?

Thanks again for the heads up.

-- Colloidal Silver

Check out http://www.quackwatch.org/01QuackeryRelatedTopics/PhonyAds/silverad.html

Re: Salicylate handkoob

Has anyone ever used Colidal Silver nose spray for chronic infections and nasal polyps? Just learned about it yesterday and am intersted in any feed back.


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  • 1 month later...
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I dont wish to get stroppy , but every time someone mentiones something that

seams to be helping them, there is a bombardment of agression about is it tested

or researched, or there is no such thing as HIV. Well i must say my blood

seroconverted to something and i dont realy care if its called HIV or pink

rabbits. I use this site to get support, and share what works for me and

hopefully will help others. Its all un-marked territory, and sometimes we have

to be the ginnypigs to try new approaches to staying well with this virus(or

what ever you want to call it). If some of you folks dont think you have

HIV/AIDS then why the hell are you using this site, is it just to wind others

up. Thats my ranting over, sorry if it offends, however i just wanted to clear

up what piss's me off about how this site is sometimes used.

With Love,


PS , I use colloidal silver and zappers, and find them both very useful.

On Fri, 11 Apr 2003 16:51:40

alltogethernow wrote:

> Geez; you dissed CS for lack of studies, and then endorsed a bunch of

>other supplements that lacked the same thing......


> I have hcv, and very obvious symptoms if I don't work at keeping my

>viral load down. When I drink CS, I have definately diminished symptoms.

>That's my lab test.


> If you want an easy lab test of our own, set out two half glasses of

>milk. fill one the rest of the way with water, and one with CS, and wait

>and see which one spoils first.


> I also push CS up under my gums with a tb, and my gums have never

>looked better, my cavaties have gone to zero progression, and my breath

>is good- or rather, absent of bad- at least no one is complaining, and

>it seems okay.

> Putting CS in a water pic is another good practice.




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I don't mind you asking, and I don't mind telling you why I frequent

this site, even though I am hcv, and not hiv+

I'm here because this phenomenon got my attention years ago, first,when

my BIL contracted " hiv " in 1986 and developed aids and died in 1990. I

did the math, and came out still scratching my head.

When I learned later of my own problem, I instinctively began to

research immunity issues, because I believe they hold the key to

wellness, no matter what label.

I have a friend right now who has aids,-(my opinion) and no hiv; he has

" luekemia " . If you saw him, and you proscribed to the hiv/aids model,

you would think that he has hiv/aids. He's 49, wasting, and the Drs are

trying to jump start his immune system with a bone marrow trans. This

person has been burning the candle at both ends for the last 30 years.

Extremely poor nutrition and heavy drug use.

As for my case, I have recovered from near liver failure because of

holistic modalities, and I chose to be here because I relate to people

who are doing holistic and " cutting edge " research, and I have something

to contribute.

People in this group are pioneers, and this is where I want to be,

unless I'm not wanted, and if that is the case, I'll leave.

Just as there are non-progressors in the hiv comm; so there are in the

hcv comm; and I'm hoping to learn how and why, although I think I

already know..........

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I agree with you that some people on here actually have illnesses, but a

huge amount of people don't and think that HIV is something they need to

fight with any ridiculous snake oil that they can get their hands on, even

if they're perfectly healthy. And fear is a disease that needs to be


I came here because I was brand new, mainstream, but decided that taking the

drugs seemed like the stupidest thing one could possibly do. That's just

from on perusal of the side effects. It was obviously poison, even to me

when I barely knew about how it worked and have literally been headfucked

all my life to believe that HIV kills and that only the drugs can prolong

your life. So I wanted an alternative approach. Fortunately, it's this list

that made me go out and research what HIV actually means... or rather, what

it doesn't mean.

I don't want people falling for that BS. I also don't want them searching

for miracle cures for nothing. You think your blood seroconverted, but are

you sick? Probably not. You might have been sick when you tested positive,

but if you got better, than what's the damn point of fighting something that

isn't real? You have antibodies... whatever you had, pink bunnies or

otherwise, your body already dealt with it. It's good to be healthy, but we

don't need to be Don Quixote fighting the imaginary windmills.

Yeah, your blood seems to have some antibodies to something, but it

certainly doesn't mean you have 'pink bunnies' that will kill you. It may

simply mean that you got tested at the wrong time.

The people who are here, should be asking about taking care of their real

illnesses. Example: I have oral thrush and am looking for a holistic way

of curing it. In that regard, this list is super. I certainly will use it

for that kind of thing if I ever have a real problem.

However, it's very important to question things and not just believe every

person who comes along and says " Hey, I stuck an eight pound flounder up my

ass and it cured my flu. " If it worked for them, it's good to know, but did

it really and is there research to back it up?

Actually, to be fair, I've done my share of questioning some things in a

joking way... IE rebounding and drinking Urine. However, these things had

actual studies behind them of more than just some anecdotal stories. We

have to remember the placebo effect. Maybe Hulda's zapper works... or maybe

it's just that some people are influenced enough that their belief cures

them. But is it really safe to zap yourself with electricity like that?

Especially when there's nothing wrong with you. Is it safe to take that

much colloidal silver? Natural or no, you're still putting chemicals in

your body that may be unnecessary. Why tax your liver just because you're


All I can say is that I'm grateful that people like Ed got me on the right

track and gave me the dissident information. Otherwise, who knows where I

would be?

Half of the battle we're fighting is doubt and fear... not a friggin



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Guys,thanks for your response to me e-mail,and for your honesty, I do not have a

problem with you being here with hcv my friend(something my own body treated by

itself some years ago).And i agree with what caer is saying about the treatment

offered in mainstream being the most stupid thing ever to consider if one wishes

to be healthy. to be honest I am confused about what this HIV thing is, and

mabey still hurting from loosing so many friends(both on meds and not)to this

disease. I think I actually feel much healthier since being diagnosed with HIV

and i put that down to taking more care of myself, and contribute that to the

fact of taking lots of different alternative things including the snake oil,

well it was cockroach oil actually and it tasted so fowl i stopped(and still

laugh at myself for taking it)I do agree that HIV does not always equal AIDS,

but i am not able (yet) to just accept that its all a load of bollocks and do

nothing about helping myself. I sometimes get fl

ack from the mainstream folk for not complying, and felt the same was happening

here for trying other aproaches to making myself healthier. Yes fear is a

killer, but its not as easy to rid oneself of it just because someone else says

so.There is room for all the things we are trying here, whether we accept we

have the virus or not.

with Love



On Sat, 12 Apr 2003 08:51:21

caerfree wrote:

>I agree with you that some people on here actually have illnesses, but a

>huge amount of people don't and think that HIV is something they need to

>fight with any ridiculous snake oil that they can get their hands on, even

>if they're perfectly healthy. And fear is a disease that needs to be



>I came here because I was brand new, mainstream, but decided that taking the

>drugs seemed like the stupidest thing one could possibly do. That's just

>from on perusal of the side effects. It was obviously poison, even to me

>when I barely knew about how it worked and have literally been headfucked

>all my life to believe that HIV kills and that only the drugs can prolong

>your life. So I wanted an alternative approach. Fortunately, it's this list

>that made me go out and research what HIV actually means... or rather, what

>it doesn't mean.


>I don't want people falling for that BS. I also don't want them searching

>for miracle cures for nothing. You think your blood seroconverted, but are

>you sick? Probably not. You might have been sick when you tested positive,

>but if you got better, than what's the damn point of fighting something that

>isn't real? You have antibodies... whatever you had, pink bunnies or

>otherwise, your body already dealt with it. It's good to be healthy, but we

>don't need to be Don Quixote fighting the imaginary windmills.


>Yeah, your blood seems to have some antibodies to something, but it

>certainly doesn't mean you have 'pink bunnies' that will kill you. It may

>simply mean that you got tested at the wrong time.


>The people who are here, should be asking about taking care of their real

>illnesses. Example: I have oral thrush and am looking for a holistic way

>of curing it. In that regard, this list is super. I certainly will use it

>for that kind of thing if I ever have a real problem.


>However, it's very important to question things and not just believe every

>person who comes along and says " Hey, I stuck an eight pound flounder up my

>ass and it cured my flu. " If it worked for them, it's good to know, but did

>it really and is there research to back it up?


>Actually, to be fair, I've done my share of questioning some things in a

>joking way... IE rebounding and drinking Urine. However, these things had

>actual studies behind them of more than just some anecdotal stories. We

>have to remember the placebo effect. Maybe Hulda's zapper works... or maybe

>it's just that some people are influenced enough that their belief cures

>them. But is it really safe to zap yourself with electricity like that?

>Especially when there's nothing wrong with you. Is it safe to take that

>much colloidal silver? Natural or no, you're still putting chemicals in

>your body that may be unnecessary. Why tax your liver just because you're



>All I can say is that I'm grateful that people like Ed got me on the right

>track and gave me the dissident information. Otherwise, who knows where I

>would be?


>Half of the battle we're fighting is doubt and fear... not a friggin







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I'm sorry to have left out an important fact about my BIL. He was fine

until the AZT.

And the harder he crashed, the more drugs he was prescribed.

That was a clue for me.

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ye i recon antivirals have killed more than cured. A lot of my friends died from

AZT in the 80's, I think they were over dosed on the stuff. Its painful now

watching friends go downhill who are on treatment, its a fucker.


On Sat, 12 Apr 2003 13:28:43

alltogethernow wrote:

>I'm sorry to have left out an important fact about my BIL. He was fine

>until the AZT.

> And the harder he crashed, the more drugs he was prescribed.

> That was a clue for me.




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Im not sure whats too much ,Cory. I take 2 teaspoons full each day , and am

still healthy pink. I do make my own though, the commercial stuff is a rip off

they charge a fortune, for some thing that cost pennies to make. there is a good

site from New Zealand that sell good c/s makers. They have just created a

zapper that also makes c/s, i think it is on the crane / Rife theory. the name

of the site is called " Altered states " there is some good stuff on it.



On Sat, 12 Apr 2003 08:42:09

Cory Daehn wrote:

>Did anyone see that guy running for senate that had taken too much homemade

>colloidal silver and thus had his skin turned permanently blue? Does this

>happen from the commercial products?




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Hi ,

Saline acts as a catalyst and allows you to make colloidal silver faster.

With the use of saline, you can make super high concentration solutions

(5,000 ppm and higher). - info. from a booklet I got from the basic CS

generator package -


I think more actual studies with charts, graphs and actual anti-biotic

effects on specific pathogens should be done on CS - actual papers/ lab

tests - are there any? If any one knows of any.....please share link.



On Sat, 12 Apr 2003 20:32:26 -0700 " KDH " <kevin@...> writes:

> Educate Me,


> What does adding salt do to a colloidal silver solution? Does it

> make it

> into a MSP (mild silver protein) that has been banned according to

> the FDA.

> I have written a page on colloidal silver in my website

> waronaids.com. I

> certainly do note that the Bob Beck Protocol uses colloidal silver

> without

> salt added while the Stuart protocol uses colloidal silver

> with a

> mild saline solution added.


> I have yet to see any toxic effects of colloidal silver. What I do

> find are

> HIV/AIDS and HCV cure claims associated with colloidal silver.

> Certainly

> colloidal silver is being touted to kill 650 known pathogens, and if

> colloidal silver falls somewhere short of this claim it shouldn't be

> any

> wonder that any of the bacterial, fungal and viral infections

> associated

> with 30 AIDS conditions are killed by colloidal silver. However I

> do not

> find cure claims coming from a tablespoon or two a day, but in

> ounces 4-8

> per day.


> Additionally there is some synergistic effect by combining colloidal

> silver

> with hydrogen peroxide, it fizzes when one does so. Apparently the

> claims

> being made here are that it can make the killing power of both

> substances up

> to 100 times more effective. Having said that both the Bob Beck

> Protocol

> and the Stuart protocol both engage colloidal silver and

> the

> singlet oxygen free radical; Beck in the form of ozone and

> in the

> form of hydrogen peroxide (synergized with colloidal silver).


> Relative to what testing HIV positive is. I'm a follower of the

> oxidative

> stress theory of AIDS meaning that one has a serious oxidative

> disorder by

> testing HIV positive. This theory certainly has been around since

> the HIV

> theory and has been discusses at international AIDS conferences. An

> Oxidative stress model for HIV and AIDS changes the nature of

> treatment, to

> one of antioxidants. It has well been proven at this point that

> antioxidants keep HIV viral loads at bay, even Fauci our

> world AIDS

> leader has proven this.


> In terms of curing HIV, I have to say this. It really does not

> matter that

> HIV has not been proven to exist according to the scientific

> standards set

> out to identify a new retrovirus, or that HIV has never been proven

> to cause

> AIDS in the first place. If one wants to be HIV negative, they

> simply back

> out of the diagnosis, serorevert to HIV negative by the exact

> process for

> which they were diagnosed HIV positive. While it may be significant

> that

> individuals are being bombarded with an oversimplified HIV causes


> scientific model in the absence of real scientific proof, it is more

> significant that the medical community has stepped over the line

> with deadly

> prescription medications that can and will kill and individual

> within given

> periods of time; genocide, iatrogenicide and pharacogenicide. It is

> very

> scientifically well know how long these medications take to kill an

> individual in means and medians, however this fact is rarely

> presented,

> certainly a good basis for a negligence lawsuit.


> Many of you know that I have been around for a while now and am here

> to

> prove that HIV can be cured. So far I have witnesses ONE AIDS cure

> from

> this group. What are you people doing? Let me tell you again: In

> the

> early 90's it became known that aggressive natural healing

> (hypothermia

> (fever stimulation with he cold sheet treatment), body cleansing:

> bowels,

> liver and kidneys, hot and cold hydrotherapy, vegan diets, juicing,

> juice

> fasting, medicinal plants) based on the work of Dr. Schulze

> could

> bring END STAGE AIDS patients back to complete health and enable

> some to

> serorevert to HIV-. Then in the mid to late 90's it became known

> that

> advanced medicinal protocols particularly Bob Beck using ozone,

> hydrogen

> peroxide, colloidal silver, and bio-magnetism and electro medicine

> could

> enable again END STAGE AIDS patients to regain their health and

> serorevert

> to HIV NEGATIVE. These are two entirely different approaches

> securing the

> exact same results.


> To state that HIV and/or AIDS has not been cured is simply not true.

> Curing

> HIV and AIDS is really a done deal. However we should not expect a

> cure for

> either HIV or AIDS to come from a medical community that not only

> got the

> causation incorrect but also has ONLY drugs and surgery as a

> solution for

> all ills.


> Webmaster Kev

> waronaids.com


> Not intended as medical advice, but for research and education

> purposes

> only. Copyright 2003, Henningsen, .



> Re: Colloidal Silver



> > That would be senator was adding salt to the water and creating a

> silver

> > compound. A big no, no.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Read AIDS-Cured

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Educate Me,

What does adding salt do to a colloidal silver solution? Does it make it

into a MSP (mild silver protein) that has been banned according to the FDA.

I have written a page on colloidal silver in my website waronaids.com. I

certainly do note that the Bob Beck Protocol uses colloidal silver without

salt added while the Stuart protocol uses colloidal silver with a

mild saline solution added.

I have yet to see any toxic effects of colloidal silver. What I do find are

HIV/AIDS and HCV cure claims associated with colloidal silver. Certainly

colloidal silver is being touted to kill 650 known pathogens, and if

colloidal silver falls somewhere short of this claim it shouldn't be any

wonder that any of the bacterial, fungal and viral infections associated

with 30 AIDS conditions are killed by colloidal silver. However I do not

find cure claims coming from a tablespoon or two a day, but in ounces 4-8

per day.

Additionally there is some synergistic effect by combining colloidal silver

with hydrogen peroxide, it fizzes when one does so. Apparently the claims

being made here are that it can make the killing power of both substances up

to 100 times more effective. Having said that both the Bob Beck Protocol

and the Stuart protocol both engage colloidal silver and the

singlet oxygen free radical; Beck in the form of ozone and in the

form of hydrogen peroxide (synergized with colloidal silver).

Relative to what testing HIV positive is. I'm a follower of the oxidative

stress theory of AIDS meaning that one has a serious oxidative disorder by

testing HIV positive. This theory certainly has been around since the HIV

theory and has been discusses at international AIDS conferences. An

Oxidative stress model for HIV and AIDS changes the nature of treatment, to

one of antioxidants. It has well been proven at this point that

antioxidants keep HIV viral loads at bay, even Fauci our world AIDS

leader has proven this.

In terms of curing HIV, I have to say this. It really does not matter that

HIV has not been proven to exist according to the scientific standards set

out to identify a new retrovirus, or that HIV has never been proven to cause

AIDS in the first place. If one wants to be HIV negative, they simply back

out of the diagnosis, serorevert to HIV negative by the exact process for

which they were diagnosed HIV positive. While it may be significant that

individuals are being bombarded with an oversimplified HIV causes AIDS

scientific model in the absence of real scientific proof, it is more

significant that the medical community has stepped over the line with deadly

prescription medications that can and will kill and individual within given

periods of time; genocide, iatrogenicide and pharacogenicide. It is very

scientifically well know how long these medications take to kill an

individual in means and medians, however this fact is rarely presented,

certainly a good basis for a negligence lawsuit.

Many of you know that I have been around for a while now and am here to

prove that HIV can be cured. So far I have witnesses ONE AIDS cure from

this group. What are you people doing? Let me tell you again: In the

early 90's it became known that aggressive natural healing (hypothermia

(fever stimulation with he cold sheet treatment), body cleansing: bowels,

liver and kidneys, hot and cold hydrotherapy, vegan diets, juicing, juice

fasting, medicinal plants) based on the work of Dr. Schulze could

bring END STAGE AIDS patients back to complete health and enable some to

serorevert to HIV-. Then in the mid to late 90's it became known that

advanced medicinal protocols particularly Bob Beck using ozone, hydrogen

peroxide, colloidal silver, and bio-magnetism and electro medicine could

enable again END STAGE AIDS patients to regain their health and serorevert

to HIV NEGATIVE. These are two entirely different approaches securing the

exact same results.

To state that HIV and/or AIDS has not been cured is simply not true. Curing

HIV and AIDS is really a done deal. However we should not expect a cure for

either HIV or AIDS to come from a medical community that not only got the

causation incorrect but also has ONLY drugs and surgery as a solution for

all ills.

Webmaster Kev


Not intended as medical advice, but for research and education purposes

only. Copyright 2003, Henningsen, .

Re: Colloidal Silver

> That would be senator was adding salt to the water and creating a silver

> compound. A big no, no.





> Read AIDS-Cured

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Guest guest

Interesting e-mail ,much food for thought there to consider. I make my

solution of c/s by heating distilled H2o to 70 degree(ish)and then using a 9v

c/s maker for about 30- 40 minutes, then straining through an unbleached coffee

filter into a brown glass bottle 250ML.By morning the solution is a golden

colour(I am told this is because the solution has oxidated?not sure on that


I have used c/s for around 10 years and have found it to be very useful for many

situations even sterilizing kitchen tops), Its great for infected wounds.

I personally would be nervous of taking it in the amounts you are suggesting but

would be interested in any other words of wisdom around colloidal silver.

With Love,



On Sat, 12 Apr 2003 20:32:26

KDH wrote:

>Educate Me,


>What does adding salt do to a colloidal silver solution? Does it make it

>into a MSP (mild silver protein) that has been banned according to the FDA.

>I have written a page on colloidal silver in my website waronaids.com. I

>certainly do note that the Bob Beck Protocol uses colloidal silver without

>salt added while the Stuart protocol uses colloidal silver with a

>mild saline solution added.


>I have yet to see any toxic effects of colloidal silver. What I do find are

>HIV/AIDS and HCV cure claims associated with colloidal silver. Certainly

>colloidal silver is being touted to kill 650 known pathogens, and if

>colloidal silver falls somewhere short of this claim it shouldn't be any

>wonder that any of the bacterial, fungal and viral infections associated

>with 30 AIDS conditions are killed by colloidal silver. However I do not

>find cure claims coming from a tablespoon or two a day, but in ounces 4-8

>per day.


>Additionally there is some synergistic effect by combining colloidal silver

>with hydrogen peroxide, it fizzes when one does so. Apparently the claims

>being made here are that it can make the killing power of both substances up

>to 100 times more effective. Having said that both the Bob Beck Protocol

>and the Stuart protocol both engage colloidal silver and the

>singlet oxygen free radical; Beck in the form of ozone and in the

>form of hydrogen peroxide (synergized with colloidal silver).


>Relative to what testing HIV positive is. I'm a follower of the oxidative

>stress theory of AIDS meaning that one has a serious oxidative disorder by

>testing HIV positive. This theory certainly has been around since the HIV

>theory and has been discusses at international AIDS conferences. An

>Oxidative stress model for HIV and AIDS changes the nature of treatment, to

>one of antioxidants. It has well been proven at this point that

>antioxidants keep HIV viral loads at bay, even Fauci our world AIDS

>leader has proven this.


>In terms of curing HIV, I have to say this. It really does not matter that

>HIV has not been proven to exist according to the scientific standards set

>out to identify a new retrovirus, or that HIV has never been proven to cause

>AIDS in the first place. If one wants to be HIV negative, they simply back

>out of the diagnosis, serorevert to HIV negative by the exact process for

>which they were diagnosed HIV positive. While it may be significant that

>individuals are being bombarded with an oversimplified HIV causes AIDS

>scientific model in the absence of real scientific proof, it is more

>significant that the medical community has stepped over the line with deadly

>prescription medications that can and will kill and individual within given

>periods of time; genocide, iatrogenicide and pharacogenicide. It is very

>scientifically well know how long these medications take to kill an

>individual in means and medians, however this fact is rarely presented,

>certainly a good basis for a negligence lawsuit.


>Many of you know that I have been around for a while now and am here to

>prove that HIV can be cured. So far I have witnesses ONE AIDS cure from

>this group. What are you people doing? Let me tell you again: In the

>early 90's it became known that aggressive natural healing (hypothermia

>(fever stimulation with he cold sheet treatment), body cleansing: bowels,

>liver and kidneys, hot and cold hydrotherapy, vegan diets, juicing, juice

>fasting, medicinal plants) based on the work of Dr. Schulze could

>bring END STAGE AIDS patients back to complete health and enable some to

>serorevert to HIV-. Then in the mid to late 90's it became known that

>advanced medicinal protocols particularly Bob Beck using ozone, hydrogen

>peroxide, colloidal silver, and bio-magnetism and electro medicine could

>enable again END STAGE AIDS patients to regain their health and serorevert

>to HIV NEGATIVE. These are two entirely different approaches securing the

>exact same results.


>To state that HIV and/or AIDS has not been cured is simply not true. Curing

>HIV and AIDS is really a done deal. However we should not expect a cure for

>either HIV or AIDS to come from a medical community that not only got the

>causation incorrect but also has ONLY drugs and surgery as a solution for

>all ills.


>Webmaster Kev



>Not intended as medical advice, but for research and education purposes

>only. Copyright 2003, Henningsen, .



> Re: Colloidal Silver



>> That would be senator was adding salt to the water and creating a silver

>> compound. A big no, no.





>> Read AIDS-Cured

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