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just wondering

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In a message dated 8/15/02 2:56:05 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

NoakesesArk@... writes:

> I could get the one with the Latin music only~



Missy welcome. Please do your intro so we can get to know you. THERE are

two other melissas in our little group. I dont know your stats as far as how

much you need to lose BUT me at 222 can not keep up with the latin one. I

like the blastoff one(original) and the broadway set.


Mommy to Abby Liz 10-25-94

Mommy to Anne 7-1-99

START 6/1/02


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My favorite is Stretching to the classics.


Re: Just wondering

> I am curious what your fav. Tape is? I have a really old

> one- Sweatin to the Oldies 2~ I would like something a bit shorter- I


> I could get the one with the Latin music only~


> Yes, I'm new:) One of these days I'm going to do an intro. too!:) Maybe

> tomorrow!


> Thanks,

> Missy


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  • 8 months later...
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i was working for a vet in early late 80;s...we used to give oursevles vitamin b injections...yrs later he had passed..i also found out he had had hep c also

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When I had my first hip replacement in 1989, even though I gave my own blood

for the surgery, they broke my thigh bone during the surgery, and more blood

was needed. Found out 4 yrs ago that the donor had Hep C which it was not

possible to screen for back then.

Of course it doesn't make any difference HOW you got it, the important thing

is what we do now.

[ ] just wondering

> I just wanted to know if anyone wanted to share how they got hep C.





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Through a blood transfusion (one of 101 units) required because of injuries received in a car accident in 1983.


ne TN

I just wanted to know if anyone wanted to share how they got hep C.

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I contracted the virus back in the early 1970's through IV drug use while in

the Army.

[ ] just wondering

> I just wanted to know if anyone wanted to share how they got hep C.





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I am one of those who has no idea how I got it. I have never done

drugs or anything like that. However, when I was in college my

friends and I used to go to a local clinic and sell our blood

plasma. The would take a pint and spin it down to get the plasma and

then give the red cells back. Sounds like a likely place to get Hep

C but every doctor I have seen doesn't think it is likely. Some

people never know how they got it.

> I just wanted to know if anyone wanted to share how they got hep C.

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  • 2 months later...
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Hi Group,

I am Donna, My partner Jon is on week 12 of treatment. (Peg) He is on a cocktail

of other meds too, and seems to be escaping with fairly mild physical sides, but

quite hard to deal with mental ones. Does anyone suffer from sudden head rushes

followed by dizziness, almost like the beginnings of a panic attack? Jon gets

this frequently and is totally immobilized by them. He has to lay still and not

get up to avoid them happening?

Any ideas? this isn't like Hypo tension,(If that is the right name) where the

blood runs from the head and you feel light headed)



Worn out!

> Hi


> Wow, noone could have explained this fatique to me. It hit me on Friday

and I can't do much without sitting down every 15 minutes. My heart starts

to pound and palpatations start and I can hardly make it to the chair. I

took my 3rd shot last night. My husband took me for

blood work today. They are concerned my RBC is dropping. The doc may have

to add still another medication. Any insight?.....I know there is a wealth

of info here......thanks.....Pam.


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Hello Donna. I had a similar problem. Chisel pounding into the

brain, then sit before you fall. It could be any number of things.

In my case it was dehydration the Dr. said. You say he is on other

meds as well? Are they all from the same doctor. If not it could be

some kind of interaction thing. Make sure all the docs know what the

other ones are prescribing.

" Of all men's miseries the bitterest is this: to know so much and to

have control over nothing. " HERODOTUS

> Hi Group,

> I am Donna, My partner Jon is on week 12 of treatment. (Peg) He is

on a cocktail of other meds too, and seems to be escaping with

fairly mild physical sides, but quite hard to deal with mental ones.

Does anyone suffer from sudden head rushes followed by dizziness,

almost like the beginnings of a panic attack? Jon gets this

frequently and is totally immobilized by them. He has to lay still

and not get up to avoid them happening?

> Any ideas? this isn't like Hypo tension,(If that is the right

name) where the blood runs from the head and you feel light headed)

> Thanks

> Donna

> Worn out!



> > Hi

> >

> > Wow, noone could have explained this fatique to me. It hit me

on Friday

> and I can't do much without sitting down every 15 minutes. My

heart starts

> to pound and palpatations start and I can hardly make it to the

chair. I

> took my 3rd shot last night. My husband took me for

> blood work today. They are concerned my RBC is dropping. The doc

may have

> to add still another medication. Any insight?.....I know there

is a wealth

> of info here......thanks.....Pam.




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  • 2 months later...

Hi Indreamsiwalk...

The vast majority of people with scoliosis never require surgery. Your pain

could be from scoliosis, but more likely it's from your injury. I'd like to

recommend that you see a good scoliosis specialist to have your curve(s)

measured and to get information on treatment.


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Welcome to the group! While I can only speak for myself, I never had any

pain until after my rods were put in when I was 12. And even then, after the

pain of the surgery itself had subsided, I never really had anything but

what I would describe as discomfort, for at least 15 yrs. Do you think maybe

your pain could be originating from your injury? Either way, I know that

many, many people have scoliosis and never have surgery and lead a perfectly

normal life. I believe, and again this is only my info, that most Dr.s

suggest having surgery if the curve is over 50 degrees or there is some

other problems involved. I think the main thing to expect on your 1st visit

would be several x-rays and I'm sure the Dr. will want to know your complete

history and have many questions for you. Don't leave anything out and always

remember that any question you have for him is too small or silly. This is

the only way you will ever learn about YOUR scoliosis. By the end of the

visit he should be able to tell you the degree and kind of curve you have

and give you some suggestions as to treatment, possibly several kinds, not

all surgery.

I hope you have an appointment with a scoliosis specialist, as this is so,so

important. There are many things that many orthos don't know about


Hope you'll write again and hope this helped just a little.

Be Safe and God bless,



>From: indreamsiwalk@...

>Reply-Scoliosis Treatment

>Scoliosis Treatment

>Subject: just wondering

>Date: Sun, 5 Oct 2003 18:40:30 EDT


>i was just dignoset with scoliosis and haven't been to the doctor for it


>I'm wondering is surgery always the end result? have any of you not had

>surgery? also what should i expect and ask about when i do go to the doctor

>hopefully next weekend?

>the last thing is I've had back pain as long as i can remember but after i

>fell off a horse 2 weeks ago its gotten a lot worse main in the area of my


>back where its curved is it possible that the fall effect the curve?

>thanks in advanced and i hope your all well


>ps sorry about the bad spelling hope its understandable




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  • 1 month later...

There are height-weight graphs in metric for achons at:

http://psy-138-006.bsd.uchicago.edu/jbadner/htwt1.jpg (104 cM and under)

http://psy-138-006.bsd.uchicago.edu/jbadner/htwt2.jpg (over 104 cM)

Tables adapted from these graphs for the adult range of heights are here:

http://psy-138-006.bsd.uchicago.edu/~jbadner/htwtmetric.html (metric units)

http://psy-138-006.bsd.uchicago.edu/~jbadner/htwt.html (English units)


LittleFoot wrote:


> I was just wondering but whats a good weight to be at for a achon

> adult. i'm 21 and i weight 123 i was thinking about losing some

> weight but thought i'd ask first.



> Debbie





> ===


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  • 2 months later...

I know from talking to other LP women they say adverage men are always

hitting on them and it seems it's a sex thing. I have found it different for LP


being one myself.


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From my bit of research, it seems that people would

prefer to date within their own height group. Just

what I've found, including LP. Some people believe

that love is the only thing that matters, and then

there are those that disagree (one person said " No, I

don't like freaks. " Weirdo).

I have a loving relationship with someone, so I can't

help out with how are attracted to LP because I'm not

attracted to anyone but my boyfriend :)


--- M <greyhoundowner36@...> schrieb:


While we are on the hot topic of dating among the

LP/AP world, I was

wondering what people's experiences were to see if

there is a big

difference between men and women. I wonder if more AP

men are open to

dating LP women versus AP women being open to dating

LP men? And with

that question in mind I do not want to take into


any " fetishes " that anybody has, where a man just

wants to have sex

with an LP woman and treat her like an object not a

person. I'm

talking genuine relationships here. I guess it's my

background in

psychology or my curious Leo nature that wants to know

abot the

experiences of others. And as a new member of the

group I've found it

to be great for stimulating opinions and




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  • 2 weeks later...
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In a message dated 3/5/2004 9:57:43 AM Pacific Standard Time,

hobbes@... writes:

When I

touch my outer ear that has the implant I notice a sound,

almost like a instrument string being plucked. ALSO when I

was outside walking I noticed that my implanted ear would

vibrate when some trucks went by (felt like the eardrum).

Are these normal?

I refer it as a chime,,, my audie told me it possible that i may have some

residual hearing,, but we won't know for sure until 3 month check up.


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I have noticed something and wonder if it is common. When I

touch my outer ear that has the implant I notice a sound,

almost like a instrument string being plucked. ALSO when I

was outside walking I noticed that my implanted ear would

vibrate when some trucks went by (felt like the eardrum).

Are these normal? I have been bugging the doctors office

with emails with questions but thought I would ask on here

first to see if anyone else has noticed this.


susan & hobbes


implant 2/23/04

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  • 4 weeks later...
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This is from the main page's FAQs.

Q. When can I expect to see results?

A. Most people see results between weeks four and six, but many

people, especially those who have a substantial amount of weight to

lose, do see results much quicker and those with less body fat to

lose don't see results until week 7 or 8. The key is persistence,

and sticking to your plan. Don't cheat – the only loser will be

yourself. Staying power and determination are essential to your

success on this or any other program that you might try.

> I am in the beginning of week 5 of my first challenge. I am trying


> be patient and I am seeing some results. For example I have lost

> almost 3% body fat and 2 pounds and my measurements are down a

> little. I was wondering when most people started to experience


> dramatic changes. I am trying to be patient, but I am starting to


> nervous that since I am already slim ( I am 5'7 " and 130 lbs.),


> I won't see dramatic results. I have just over 6 weeks left in my

> first challenge and I would still like to lose another 3 % body fat

> and see some major sculpting in my thighs (my trouble spot). Does

> this seem reasonable? I keep waiting for the fat to melt off my


> and expose my newly chiseled muscles!

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> > nervous that since I am already slim ( I am 5'7 " and 130 lbs.),


> I won't see dramatic results. I have just over 6 weeks left in my

> first challenge and I would still like to lose another 3 % body fat

> and see some major sculpting in my thighs (my trouble spot).

I believe I noticed results at week 4, week 6 and then wham at week

11. I started at about the same as you 5'5 123.5 lbs. And went

through the same " panic " at week 8 when I hadn't noticed changes from

week 6. Also I " felt " better, more fit, even tho some of my

measurements hadn't changed since week 6.


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thanks, i know patience is a virtue, but it's so hard to be patient

when you're throwing every fiber of yourself into doing something

well. I will just have to learn to judge my progress AFTER i have

completed the challenge, instead of in the middle. =-)

> > > nervous that since I am already slim ( I am 5'7 " and 130 lbs.),

> that

> > I won't see dramatic results. I have just over 6 weeks left in my

> > first challenge and I would still like to lose another 3 % body


> > and see some major sculpting in my thighs (my trouble spot).


> I believe I noticed results at week 4, week 6 and then wham at week

> 11. I started at about the same as you 5'5 123.5 lbs. And went

> through the same " panic " at week 8 when I hadn't noticed changes


> week 6. Also I " felt " better, more fit, even tho some of my

> measurements hadn't changed since week 6.


> Colleen

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Hi ,

Great job! In 5 weeks you have actually lost 4.9lbs of fat plus the 2

pound scale loss for a grand total of 6.9lbs. The fat you have lost

3% has been replaced with lean muscle. That is why the scales haven't

moved alot.

You have done a great job so far. Most folks see the results in leaps

and bounds after week 8 so keep plugging away by 12 weeks you will

see a great difference.

Good luck.

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  • 3 months later...
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yes you can overeat and hurt your new tummy. you must not eat

anything except V8, broth,tomato soup, saltines (soaked, melted and

chewed) gatorade, whey protein shakes (2-3 ounces at a time) etc.

then on to stage 2 and finally stage 3 foods. my advice is watch

what you eat NOW while your tool is working at its best. ditch old

destructive habits while you can. you CAN sabotage this and any

surgery. just dont do it. be good to yourself! good luck! keep us



cathy s in va

> Can anyone tell me what the normal amount of weight loss is in the

> first week of surgery. I realize everyone is different but was

> wondering if there was a basic or general amount. Since mine went


> well with no pain or anything I'm wondering if I could overeat or

> anything to destroy this new tummy.


> April P.

> 6/30/04

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Hi April,

Your right it is different for everyone. The average weight lose is 10

pounds in the first



>From: " April " <thegreatwolves@...>



>Subject: just wondering

>Date: Fri, 09 Jul 2004 21:17:55 -0000


>Can anyone tell me what the normal amount of weight loss is in the

>first week of surgery. I realize everyone is different but was

>wondering if there was a basic or general amount. Since mine went so

>well with no pain or anything I'm wondering if I could overeat or

>anything to destroy this new tummy.


>April P.




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Dear April,

Everyone is soooooo different with their weight loss. In my first week I

lost 23.5 lbs. Most of it was water, but I didn't care.....It was weight

lost and now long forgotten. In the first month I had lost over 30 lbs, but

my mind fails me as to how much......But to be sure....Don't compare

yourself to others. Your weight will change, and so does y our body. In

fact everything changes.....whoopie!!!!!!!!

Just do what you know you are supposed to do and let things proceed at

the pace your body determines....It will not fail you, nor will the

surgery.....I stay right at 200-204 right now and was 358!!!! Now that is a

looser of big proportions.....

Take care and don't worry, be happy lol. in Mo.

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  • 2 months later...

I asked my vet if my Angel dog could get it and he they can get some human diseases, but not this one.


Faith is the ability to not panic.

-----Original Message-----From: suzie [mailto:suzieandsandy@...] Sent: Wednesday, September 15, 2004 6:32 PMHepatitis CSupportGroupForDummies Subject: Re: just wondering

Hey ,

I know that there's a hepatitis that cats can get cause I had one who died of it but I don't believe that animals can catch the human kind.


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