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My Intro

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> Hi my name is and I am new to the group.

> I live in Maine. I am diabetic so I have problems with Candida.

> I know this diet would be good for me for that and my diabetes.

+++Hi . Welcome to our group. I'm glad you know this program (diet plus

supplements) are good for you. Please ensure you read 2 important articles:

1) How to Successfully Overcome Candida


2) Curing Candida, How to Get Started


For encouragement see this great Success Stories by members of this group:


The best in health, Bee

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  • 7 months later...
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~Hello, and WELCOME!! this group is great you will learn SOOO MUCH!! I am in the other group with you! I'm so proud of you for wanting to learn more and research it's the BEST decision you can make! Lots of info and great people here!


From: Mari <frowningangel@...>Subject: my intro"Vaccinations " <Vaccinations >Date: Thursday, March 25, 2010, 11:37 PM

Hello EveryoneMy name is Mari I'm 24 from south Florida. I've been married for 3 years to my great and supportive husband Danny. We do not have children yet but we are trying to start a family. Every since I had a cancer scare 3 years ago I started researching and looking into improving my life inclduing changing how I ate and what I put into and on my body and of course looking into natural ways of living I eventually stumbled across articles on the different issues with vaccines. I consider myself very new to all this and I am here to find more information and to learn as much as I can. I grew up getting vaccinated and at first decided to selectively vax my future children but the more I learn the more I am sure I do not want to vax at all. Blessed BeMARIzone 10www.facebook. com/mari.


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  • 1 month later...
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Hi Trisha,

I would love to buddy up with you! I'm older than you (I'm 65), but otherwise

we have a great deal in common! I own a convenience store here in Northern

Michigan, so I can surely relate to you about the candy and chips! " They're

mine darn it all, why CAN'T I eat them?? " I know full well why, but it didn't

help me at the time.

At my highest weight (I was about your age) I weighed 234, so I can relate on

that level too. I divorced my husband 20 years ago when I had two children

about the ages of your girls. Mine were a girl and a boy. They're 28 and 30

now, and they have turned out better than I could have hoped!

I can also relate on the economic front, my business has been much slower too.

One can only hope that it will pick up soon.

I was just listening to one of 's later podcasts yesterday where she highly

recommends getting yourself a buddy. I said to myself, " Sure, but who? How? "

I didn't want to offend somebody I know by walking up to them and asking if they

would like to go on a weight loss journey with me. And today your letter to the

group shows up with so many similarities to my own situation. Apparently,


My best, best, best advise to you is to listen to the podcasts over and over

again. makes a point of recommending that we listen to the Prologue in

quite a few of her podcasts. I took that to mean that there is something

important in there, and indeed, I really think there is. Whenever I listen to

it, I always feel renewed and energized. I hope to hear from you soon,


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  • 6 months later...

My name is Mae and my husband, 3 children and I live in western Maine. My son and husband are both diagnosed Aspies, and AS runs strongly in my husband's family, including his mother and half-brother (undiagnosed but pretty classic symptoms), a cousin, and a couple of uncles that may have mild forms. I, myself, have some atypical behaviours and while I have not been formally diagnosed, a friend who is a LCSW has told me she believes I have AS. My older daughter has anxiety disorder and both my son and younger daughter have moderate, progressive hearing loss.

I see I have joined at the end of a homeschooling discussion and will have to look at back posts, as this is an issue of interest. My husband and I have been discussing homeschooling our son. While he is very verbal at home, he is quite reserved in public. It took him 4 months to say a single word in preschool last year (he goes to a preschool for children with disabilities, he will be 5 in March) and by the end of the year was just starting to speak on a regular basis. He started out this year at about the same place and then a month later stopped talking completely. He has not yet started speaking in class again. I am concerned about him starting Kindergarten when he cannot communicate his needs or ideas and has no interest in other kids.

As well as the lack of speech in class, his teachers and I have noticed a general decline/regression. More stimming and meltdowns (he doesn't meltdown at school, fortunately for the teachers!). More body slamming, hitting and verbal outbursts. He will begin in-home support soon -- I hope this will help. I'm very concerned for him right now.

I look forward to being a part of this group!


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