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Hi Kay

I have been trying to look at the total outcome of such a treatment, and it

seems to me

it would do to much damage to my organs. Once damaged how does one go on


Thanks for you thoughts,

^._.^Oci^-_-^lady in So. Nevada^._.^Romans 10:13

And if the intestines are burned to the point of being scared, then think

about the other organs! Just my thoughts....Kay

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Hi Amber

The surgery removed the tumor, in my case there is no known carncer to


I did not even do well getting the cat scan with a contrast IV, (maybe I'm a


when it comes to modern medicine) to me that was torture, and if told to do

it again

for any reason I would refuse.

I figure I made it through surgery, and that's enough for me, now it's time

to resort to

natural remedies as a cancer preventative, since that is how they want to

use the radiation.

I'm trusting in the Lord Jesus to get me past this one way or another.

^._.^Oci^-_-^lady in So. Nevada^._.^Romans 10:13

> Speaking of radiation, I had pelvic rads 25 yrs ago when the radiation

> itself was much higher in dosage and not very precise. I had colon

> cancer, and yes the rads damaged my skin and scarred my colon. The

> radiation killed the tumor and all the surrounding microscopic cancer

> cells (something surgery alone Cannot do). Radiation treatment nowadays

> is MUCH better than what I went thru. I wouldn't call it a breeze tho,

> but it's doable without whining. I have some

> residual problems from the treatment, but so what?? At least I'm still

> alive to even have residual problems! Once cancer has metastisized to

> other organs, it's too Late for anything else but palliative treatment.

> Consider your course carefully and get

> All the Information you can before making a decision. I don't trust docs

> any more than You do but the key is to educate yourself (in depth!!!).

> Don't rely only on what one Doctor tells you. Patients are just numbers

> now so you gotta be your own advocate.

> Good luck,


> ~Amber

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Hi Tina

I'll look into it.


^._.^Oci^-_-^lady in So. Nevada^._.^Romans 10:13

> ,


> You may wish to consider joining the FlaxseedOil2 group on as well

> as this list.

> Tina in the boonies of Kentucky


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In a message dated 7/22/07 1:04:27 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

glange@... writes:

> I am not trying to tell anyone what to do but my guess for myself is that

> the radiation would possibly scar the intestines to the point of not being

> able to ever absorb all the nutrients again

A friend of mine had that happen to him..the radiation scarred his intestions

and he has terrible problems now.


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No doubt there would be bad effects from it, even if they don't admit it. A lady

I know has chosen to go through the standard allopathic treatments for lung

cancer. They radiated her chest from the front to target certain areas of the

neck and lungs. There was no indication from the front that anything had been

done, but she has a 4-5 " " burn " mark on her back where it apparently exited her



---- glange <glange@...> wrote:

I am not trying to tell anyone what to do but my guess for myself is that the

radiation would possibly scar the intestines to the point of not being able to

ever absorb all the nutrients again.

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Hi Amber, Its great that you're well all these years after your

treatment and you did not have serious effects from it.

I cant say I agree with you that palliative treatment is the only

thing on offer after metastasis. Nor is radiation always effective

and abdominal radiation can come with horrific effects such as what

has been discussed, as well as holes in the bladder and rectum-these

are especially sensitive to radiation, compromising of the body's

ability to produce bone marrow and white blood cells, for

women-scarring and stenosis of the vagina, secondary cancers and more. On

average by todays dosages it would take 2 treatments to damage the ovaries of a

woman to such an extent that they cease functioning, resulting in instantaneous

menopause if you're a pre-menopausal woman. For perspective the usual

recommended regimen is 20 to 25 treatments.

I have found that doctors are not up front about these effects which

are permanent and serious, even if you ask directly, they will try to

gloss over them as quite unimportant, but will gladly tell you about

temporary effects such as nausea, tiredness and skin irritation. Only

one doctor out of 7 I spoke to was honest enough to call the treatment


I know of several women who went through this only to subsequently

have to have operations to have their bladder, rectum, parts of

intestine, vagina, surgically removed because of damage. In some of

those cases the radiation hadnt even been effective for cancer and it

returned. if the doctors are setting up phone calls with former patients I would

beware. This is equivalent to an advertisement for them. The doctors will only

pick those patients who were lucky enough to have few complications and who will

say all the right things to convince you.

I was given two such contacts during my research and in both cases the women

sounded somewhat like robots when discussing their treatments.

They would not be specific about anything, just saying 'oh that was no

problem' to every single question I asked and frequently stating how

great the doctor was.

I would recommend that anyone contemplating such a course think very

hard about it and ask every question you can imagine. Dont fall victim

to attempts to instill fear and make you feel you have to act

immediately without proper thought and information.

" Stargazer " wrote:

Speaking of radiation, I had pelvic rads 25 yrs ago when the radiation itself

was much higher in dosage and not very precise. I had colon cancer, and yes the

rads damaged my skin and scarred my colon. The radiation killed the tumor and

all the surrounding microscopic cancer cells (something surgery alone Cannot

do). > Amber

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dwntwngrl2 wrote all comments in <<and>>

<<Hi Amber, Its great that you're well all these years after your treatment

and you did not have serious effects from it.>>

My responses are written after each ===>:

==>I do have side effects that vary in seriousness, but it's a double-edged

sword. I refused the barbaric surgery to remove the tumor, so radiation

what the only other option. Surgery would have been much worse than the

after effects of what I deal with from the rads.

<<I cant say I agree with you that palliative treatment is the only thing on

offer after metastasis.>>

==>Mets = Stage IV whatever way you look at it. Just depends on what type

of cancer you have, where it has metastisized to, etc.

<< Nor is radiation always effective>>

==>Again, your mileage may vary. It depends on many things.

<<And abdominal radiation can come with horrific effects such as what

Has been discussed, as well as holes in the bladder and rectum-these

Are especially sensitive to radiation, compromising of the body's

Ability to produce bone marrow and white blood cells, for

Women-scarring and stenosis of the vagina, secondary cancers and more.>>

==>I have experienced scarring, stenosis and a secondary cancer 25 yrs later

The immune system is defnitely compromised, and I think permanently.

<<On average by todays dosages it would take 2 treatments to damage the

ovaries of a woman to such an extent that they cease functioning, resulting

in instantaneous menopause if you're a pre-menopausal woman. For perspective

the usual recommended regimen is 20 to 25 treatments.>>

==>Yup. I was 22 when I had pelvic rads.

<<I have found that doctors are not up front about these effects which

Are permanent and serious, even if you ask directly, they will try to

Gloss over them as quite unimportant, but will gladly tell you about

Temporary effects such as nausea, tiredness and skin irritation. Only

One doctor out of 7 I spoke to was honest enough to call the treatment


==>Very true. If patients were told all the potential side effects, not

many would have this done.

<<I know of several women who went through this only to subsequently

Have to have operations to have their bladder, rectum, parts of

Intestine, vagina, surgically removed because of damage. In some of

Those cases the radiation hadnt even been effective for cancer and it


==>This is certainly a case of the treatment being as bad as the disease. I

ve also had some of these problems, but I can live with it, and I am still

alive 25 yrs later because of the treatment. Everything is a choice and no

outcome is guaranteed.

<<If the doctors are setting up phone calls with former patients I would

beware. This is equivalent to an advertisement for them. The doctors will

only pick those patients who were lucky enough to have few complications and

who will say all the right things to convince you.

I was given two such contacts during my research and in both cases the women

sounded somewhat like robots when discussing their treatments. They would

not be specific about anything, just saying 'oh that was no Problem to every

single question I asked and frequently stating how Great the doctor was.>>

==>That would have been a red flag for me if all they wanted to say was how

great the doc was, which usually means he held their hands, not that he was

skilled with treatment.

<<I would recommend that anyone contemplating such a course think very Hard

about it and ask every question you can imagine. Dont fall victim To

attempts to instill fear and make you feel you have to act Immediately

without proper thought and information.>>

==>Absolutely. Just make sure whatever your decision is you can be at peace

wiht it.


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Hi :

You wrote:

<<The surgery removed the tumor, in my case there is no known carncer to


My response:

==>Surgery cannot remove every microscopic cancer cell. This is what

radiation is used for - to kill them.

<<I did not even do well getting the cat scan with a contrast IV, (maybe I'm


Whimp when it comes to modern medicine) to me that was torture, and if told

to do

it again or any reason I would refuse.>>

==>Why? CT scans are not painful. Are you claustrophobic? Sometimes the

contrast dye can make you queasy.

<<I figure I made it through surgery, and that's enough for me, now it's


to resort to natural remedies as a cancer preventative, since that is how

they want to

use the radiation.>>

==>Radiation does not prevent recurrance. Read everything you can on

natural protocols since there are many of them and pick those that feel

right for you.

<<I'm trusting in the Lord Jesus to get me past this one way or another.>>

==>We're all in His hands,


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Congratulations on following your gut instincts when faced with scarey

news. I learned a tremendous amount of valuable info from Jerry

Brunetti's video series on treating his cancer with food and detoxing

the bad stuff. I'll wager you'll relate to his experience. The videos

are chock full of information that would benefit ANYONE's health. They

can be viewed for free on Google Video. They are long, but you can

view them in bits and pieces. Following is the link to the first one.

You can get to the second one from there. Sending love to you, Joan

http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-8841234327210711547 & q=Food%2Bas%2Bmedic\


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  • 1 month later...

Welcome Heidi....I'm glad you found us too. I'm not sure I understand or if I just missed something, but a UTI or bladder infection isnt difficult to diagnose at all.....Perhaps iif its not that, maybe it could be a nerve problem. I have a burning pain in my groin area and my doc says its a pinced nerve. I'm certainly not trying to diagnose you. Anyway, we're here for ya and hope you find out what the problem is soon and good luck with yout hip. You will learn alot here.....




On 9/9/07, HeartlessWitch1@... <HeartlessWitch1@...> wrote:

Hello! I just found this group and joined shortly afterwards, I am glad to have found it. I am 41 y/o happily married woman. My general health is not the best nor the worst, it is so-so. I had a heart attack when I was 38 y/o. I used to smoke and I quit in 2004. I am a very active person. I am a member of a local fire department where I hold 3 positions, and 1 state position as well. am in desperate need of a hip replacement, which I am scheduling 6 weeks ahead of time ( that is how my surgeon does it ). One the wo

rst issue of this ( so far ) is that a few wweeks ago I developed a pain in my lower left pelvic area, the pain proceeded to get worse. I began to have a since of needing to urinate and a burning bladder 100% of the time. I do not know if this pain ( issue ) has to do with my hip. 2 doctors " believe so " , the surgeons P.A. " thinks not. I have had many, tests, seen many, many doctors and no one knows for certain what is wrong with me.

I am hoping that it is not an infection, I am aware how dangerous an infection can be especially with this type of surgery. If anyone here has ( or is experiencing ) anything similar I would love to hear about it. I feel so very alone but I am very glad to have find this group and to share experiences and to maybe make a friend or two. Thank you ahead of time!


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Hello Marguerite! The " possible " UTI I believe may be a nerve problem

too, even though my surgeons P.A. thinks that is notthe case(?) I am

very concerened about any possible infection before and of course

after my hip placement. I guess maybe some more blood work would show

that. Anyway's, I am glad to be among others that have or will be

going though the same situation as I am. I do hope that everyone is

doing well.

P.S. I am sorry if my email caused any confusion, I have been up

since 3:00 a.m., I am in to much pain to sleep even with my meds :\


> >

> > *Hello! I just found this group and joined shortly

afterwards, I am

> > glad to have found it. **I am 41 y/o happily married woman. My


> > health is not the best nor the worst, it is so-so. I had a heart


> > when I was 38 y/o. I used to smoke and I quit in 2004. I am a

very active

> > person. I am a member of a local fire department where I hold 3


> > and 1 state position as well. **am in desperate need of a hip

> > replacement, which I am scheduling 6 weeks ahead of time ( that

is how my

> > surgeon does it ). One the wo**rst issue of this ( so far ) is

that a

> > few w**weeks ago I developed a pain in my lower left pelvic area,

the pain

> > proceeded to get worse. I began to have a since of needing to

urinate and a

> > burning bladder 100% of the time. I do not know if this pain (

issue ) has

> > to do with my hip. 2 doctors " believe so " , the surgeons

P.A. " thinks not.

> > I** have had many, tests, seen many, many doctors and no one

knows for

> > certain what is wrong with me.*

> > *I am hoping that it is not an infection, I am aware how

dangerous an

> > infection can be especially with this type of surgery. If anyone

here has (

> > or is experiencing ) anything similar I would love to hear about

it. I feel

> > so very alone but I am very glad to have find this group and to


> > experiences and to maybe make a friend or two. Thank you ahead of


> > **

> > *Heidi***

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > ------------------------------

> > See what's new at AOL.com <http://www.aol.com/?

NCID=AOLCMP00300000001170>and Make

> > AOL Your Homepage<http://www.aol.com/mksplash.adp?


> > .

> >

> >

> >


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  • 1 month later...

Thanks for sharing your story Monika!

Whew..........should have stayed at home after the beautiful birth ;-)

A quality homeopath may be able to help you with your own health challenges.

Welcome to the list

I'm printing out your other email as we speak so I can read it carefully



At 02:12 AM 11/3/2007 -0000, you wrote:

>Hi everyone,


>sorry this is a bit delayed. My son, Freedom Jan, was born 9.5 weeks

>ago and it has been a bit hectic for me as a new mom. I also recently

>suffered through mastitis and so I have been putting in extra effort

>to get more rest.


>I am 28 years old and am currently on maternity leave from my doctoral

>program at York University in Toronto (I am studying Social and

>Political Thought with a focus on medical phenomenology and medical



Sheri Nakken, former R.N., MA, Hahnemannian Homeopath

Vaccination Information & Choice Network, Nevada City CA & Wales UK

$$ Donations to help in the work - accepted by Paypal account

Voicemail US 530-740-0561

Vaccines - http://www.nccn.net/~wwithin/vaccine.htm or


Vaccine Dangers On-Line courses - http://www.wellwithin1.com/vaccineclass.htm

Reality of the Diseases & Treatment -


Homeopathy On-Line courses - http://www.wellwithin1.com/homeo.htm

NEXT CLASSES start by email November 7 & 8

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Thanks for sharing your story Monika!

Whew..........should have stayed at home after the beautiful birth ;-)

A quality homeopath may be able to help you with your own health challenges.

Welcome to the list

I'm printing out your other email as we speak so I can read it carefully



At 02:12 AM 11/3/2007 -0000, you wrote:

>Hi everyone,


>sorry this is a bit delayed. My son, Freedom Jan, was born 9.5 weeks

>ago and it has been a bit hectic for me as a new mom. I also recently

>suffered through mastitis and so I have been putting in extra effort

>to get more rest.


>I am 28 years old and am currently on maternity leave from my doctoral

>program at York University in Toronto (I am studying Social and

>Political Thought with a focus on medical phenomenology and medical



Sheri Nakken, former R.N., MA, Hahnemannian Homeopath

Vaccination Information & Choice Network, Nevada City CA & Wales UK

$$ Donations to help in the work - accepted by Paypal account

Voicemail US 530-740-0561

Vaccines - http://www.nccn.net/~wwithin/vaccine.htm or


Vaccine Dangers On-Line courses - http://www.wellwithin1.com/vaccineclass.htm

Reality of the Diseases & Treatment -


Homeopathy On-Line courses - http://www.wellwithin1.com/homeo.htm

NEXT CLASSES start by email November 7 & 8

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Welcome to the group.

I would love a copy of your birth story and your birth plan. I am due

in 6 weeks and while I would like to do it from home am still trying

to find a midwife, long story.

I do have doula lined up.

You'll find lots of great people who have been through so much of what

you are going through and have the best advice.



> Hi everyone,


> sorry this is a bit delayed. My son, Freedom Jan, was born 9.5 weeks

> ago and it has been a bit hectic for me as a new mom. I also recently

> suffered through mastitis and so I have been putting in extra effort

> to get more rest.


> I am 28 years old and am currently on maternity leave from my doctoral

> program at York University in Toronto (I am studying Social and

> Political Thought with a focus on medical phenomenology and medical

> anthropology).


> Truthfully, however, I am strongly thinking of taking a longer leave

> from my program because I want to be home with my son for as long as

> possible...but that is another story. I guess it will depend on how

> well I can juggle studying and raising my son without having to put

> him in daycare while he is still very young.


> Anyhow....here is my story.


> I have actually suffered from fairly poor health for most of my life.

> I was born in a very polluted town in Czech Republic and came to

> Canada when I was 6 years old. I feel more Canadian than Czech, however.


> I had all my vaccinations plus was put on a 6 month course of

> antibiotics from a year on because I suffered from recurrent throat,

> ear infections, etc and the doctors really didn't know how to treat me

> and they used the magic cure as back then antibiotics were prescribd

> for everything.


> Needless to say I developed very bad asthma, allergies as well as

> ulcerative colitis. When I was 18 I had a burst appendix, which was

> misdiagnosed as the stomach flu, I ended up almost dying, then

> developed perintonitis because the doctors mismanaged me post-surgery

> and when I actually needed antibiotics post-surgery I was not given

> any and hence I developed a huge abscess underneath my uterus (in fact

> I was told I would not be able to have kids but again - doctor was

> wrong!). I was ill for over a month with this huge abscess (over

> 500cc) growing behind my uterus. Of course all the diagnostic tools

> the doctors used (x-rays, CT scan, etc) did not show a huge abscess so

> the doctors dismissed my symptoms and even accused me of having my

> fever, severe diarrhea,etc all in my head. But then my health got very

> critical and I had to have an emergency surgery in the middle of the

> night, and it turned out that in fact there was a huge abscess (mind

> you the intern on call that night wanted to wait until the infection

> got into my blood stream, and my mom had to beg the surgeon to come in

> and look after me, luckily we had his home number thanks to call



> The next morning he admitted that my situation was critical and that I

> could have died from perintonitis, but still defended the intern who

> wanted to wait until the infection got into my blood.


> That was around the time I started to develop a deep mistrust for

> doctors.


> I started to do a lot of research into my health and slowly over the

> years have started to put the pieces together - i.e. the reasons for

> my chronic persistant health problems due to vaccinations, early use

> of antibiotics, pollution, early introduction to solid foods and cow's

> milk (Dr. Palmer's book " Baby Matters " discsses the importance

> of avoiding cow's milk early on in infancy - but other doctors discuss

> it too briefly, i.e. in Dr. Sears' the Baby book).


> I began to criticaly examine my lifestyle, and began a fast/cleansing

> program and did an elimnation diet (this was after discarding all the

> anti-inflammatories, antibiotics, immunosuppresents normally given to

> treat ulcerative colitis in western medicine). I also started to do

> yoga regularly, I got two wonderful dogs who have brought so much joy

> to my life (and a lot of stress relief - I actaully just now made the

> link between Shirly's Wellness Cafe and you, Shirly, lol - thanks for

> your site, I have been able to keep my dogs healthy thanks to you and

> Dr. Pitcairn). Needless to say, I have been drug free and very healthy

> for almost 2 years now :)


> I had one small colitis flareup during the first trimester of my

> pregnancy. That was when I first realized how much fear mongering and

> medical control there is surrounding pregnancy. I was warned how

> dangerous herbs are, yet my doctor wanted to prescribe me steroids

> during my pregnancy!!!! So after 3 weeks of suffering, I decided to

> treat my colitis the usual way - a small mini vegetable juice fast, as

> well as some herbs that usually helped me (I love blackwalnut, and

> chinese wormwood). My colitis flareup went away after 2 days and

> never returned.


> I had a fairly easy pregnancy. No complications. I had a midwife and

> at every prenatal visit I was told that my pregnancy was going

> textbook. I was very healthy, my baby was very healthy, etc.


> Then at 32 weeks I was told my baby was breech and this thwarted me

> into a rude awakening, so to speak. As I started to research breech

> birth, I realized that I was opening a pandora's box that was the

> medicalization of childbirth. I then spent the rest of my pregnacy in

> what seemed like a crash course in childbirth. And here I thought a

> simple prenatal class would suffice, but boy was I wrong!


> I especially found Anne Frye's Holistic Midwifery and Ina May Gaskin's

> Guide to Childbirth very informative, and very well researched.

> Later I read Henci Goer's " Thinking Women's Guide to Pregnancy " which

> led me further down the path of research and I wrote a very detailed

> birth plan for my midwife outlining all the interventions I wanted to

> avoid, unless they were absolutely medically necessary.


> Even though my baby turned at 37 weeks, my relationship with my

> midwife was fouled at this point. After reading my birth plan, she

> decided that instead of respecting my wishes for a natural childbirth,

> she would discontinue care 1.5 weeks before my due date.


> I was very crushed because I had wanted to avoid a hospital birth. So

> I started doing research into hospitals in the Toronto area and found

> the best one to be Toronto East General hospital - for they had a lot

> of birthing equipment (i.e. birthing stools, squatting bars, birthing

> pools), and for the most part respected natural childbirth. They also

> were one of 2 hospitals in all of Canada that followed the Baby

> Friendly 10 step program outlined by WHO to help mothers and babies

> initiate breastfeeding in the most optimal way.


> However, this hospital was quite far from where we lived, and as luck

> would have it (or not?) when I went into labor, I wasn't actually

> convinced I was in labor because I had had prelabor contractions for

> three weeks prior to the birth of my baby. So during early labor, I

> thought that I still had prelabor contractions and by the time I was

> in active labor, I called my husband who came home from work and we

> were debating on what to do (well he was debating, I was very deep

> into active labor by then and really in my own zone). I could not even

> imagine walking at the time let alone getting into a car, having

> people touch me, etc. Also, my husband, Tyler, knew that I wanted to

> avoid going to the hospital until the last possible moment, so as to

> avoid most interventions (I had read from other birth stories that

> this gives you the best possible advantage in avoiding unnecessary

> interventions, and Henci Goer also mentions this in her book). So we

> decided to wait and Tyler was very calm and collected and he said, you

> know Monika, if we don't make it, I think we are ready for this (we

> already had all the birthing supplies because we had planned to birth

> at home with the midwives, and both of us had just spent over 2 months

> studying day in and day out on childbirth from midwifery textbooks,

> journal articles, childbirth books, etc). So that was that, although

> at that point there was very little choice because I was in transition

> and I did not want to move. I told Tyler to call my mom to ask her if

> she can take our dogs, and by the time my mom got there I was in the

> pushing stage of the labor. All in all it was a very beautiful birth

> (if anyone wants to read my detailed birth story I can send it to

> you). So - my dogs, and my mom were there to witness the birth of my

> son, and he was caught in Tyler's hands. In the end the birth was

> exactly how I wanted it. Freedom (we thought his name was very

> appropriate as his birth was emotionally freeing for all of us) was

> incredibly healthy and vibrant at birth. We were able to delay cutting

> the cord as I had wanted (I had done a lot of research on the benefits

> of delayed cord cutting), and to my relief my placenta was birthed

> right away (hope this doesn't gross anyone out but we fed the placenta

> to our dogs because Tyler's relatives in Holland swore that it would

> help the dogs bond with the baby and they were right!). I was able to

> intiate breastfeeding right away and I had no tears, and healed very

> quickly after the birth.


> However, the post-birth drama was less than desirable. We wanted

> Freedom to be seen by a doctor but two pediatricians we took him to

> not only refused to see him because since he was born out of the

> hospital he had no health card, they also called Children's Aid

> Society (CAS)on us (equivalent to Children's Protection Society in the

> US).


> CAS told us that the first pediatrican accused us of refusing medical

> care for our son because we did not want to take him to a germ

> infested and stressful emergency room (emergency room wait times

> average 8-15 hours in Canada, not exactly something you'd want to do

> right after giving birth).


> Finally a doctor agreed to see our son and the CAS dropped our case

> there after but let's just say that is not the kind of stress you want

> right after giving birth, especially as a new mom.


> All the stress made me sick, I had another colitis flareup and I got

> mastitis. Luckily I have been able to rest a lot since then and I am

> now much better.


> Freedom is healthy as ever. The pediatrician said himself that he

> could not believe how vibrant and healthy he was despite his

> " dangerous " home birth (blah).


> What angered us the most, however, is that we specifically told him we

> wanted to avoid the Vit K shot, and I brought in my piles of research,

> etc. But it was as if he hadn't even heard us because right in the

> middle of our conversation he gave him the shot! We were so incredibly

> angry, and we vowed that from then on we would be very, very careful

> around pediatricians.


> So.....that is how I started my journy into the research on vaccines.

> I have obviously decided not to vax. It wasn't a difficult decision to

> make, after doing much research I realized the dangers of vaccines for

> a multitude of reasons - i.e. interference with proper immune system

> development (imagine the number of vaccines given to newborns now!),

> family history of adverse reactions to vaccines (i.e. my autoimmune

> chronic health problems, plus Tyler had a very severe reaction to a

> vaccine as an infant, convulsion and high pitched screaming -warning

> bells not to further vaccinate). Then I learned of all the additives

> put into vaccines (i.e. mercury, alumnium, coal tar, formeldehyde to

> list just a few). Not to mention the foreign animal proteins that

> cannot be broken down into amino acids to be formed into human

> proteins (they way they would in the gut through digestion). Of course

> then there is the concept of immunity and the question of whether or

> not vaccines actually create immunity.


> So the decision not to vax has not been too difficult, but at this

> point we have decided to avoid the well baby vistis altogether, as we

> really don't want to repeat our experience with the vit k shot that

> was given to Freedom against our wishes.


> We have taken Freedom to a pediatric chiropractor and naturopathic

> doctor, and frankly, I will avoid western medical doctors unless a

> situation absolutely necessitates it.


> I wanted to join this list because I thought it would be helpful to

> find a community of like-minded people.


> Although the list is high volume, so it is difficult to get through

> all the e-mails (let alone respond to many), I have found the list to

> be very informative and helpful, and also I am saddened by some of the

> stories.


> Anyhow, I look forward to being part of this list. Thanks for listening.


> Cheers,


> Monika


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What a great story, thank you for sharing. I have also enjoyed your

other posts that you have shared. I would enjoy reading your birth

story as well.

As for the excessive amounts of emails, you can set you membership to

just web only so that instead of reading emails, you go to the site

and read them from there. So much easier.



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Hi Sheri:

the reasons we took Freedom to the doctor were:

a) as new parents, even though we knew (by sight, instinct, common

sense, knowledge of health we have gained from our own journy, etc)

that Freedom was fine, to calm our parents and just as a " to be on

the safe side " mentality, we thought maybe since it is our first

child, he should be seen by a doctor. Boy were we wrong, the doctor

did didly squat. He just checked him out according to some newborn

chart checklist. Give me a break!!

All really obvious, common sense stuff.

Which brings me to

B) As ridiculous as this is, in order to register a birth that was

unassisted in Canada, you must get a doctor's letter confirming the

weight, sex, birth date of the baby.

Ridiculous, really.

There are some in Canada, now, (I have met some other moms who birthed

at home since then) that are trying to bypass this and send in their

registrations without a doctor's letter. A few have been succesful,

but again as first time parents, we thought it safer that we go to the

doctor, sigh.

Anyhow, that's the long story version of why we took Freedom to the

doctor :)


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> B) As ridiculous as this is, in order to register a birth that was

> unassisted in Canada, you must get a doctor's letter confirming the

> weight, sex, birth date of the baby.

Keeping in mind that I'm in the US, so I don't know the Canadian laws.

But, it actually makes sense to me that someone " official " has to " sign

off on " the baby. Why? Baby smuggling. Baby selling. Babies who die at

birth, but the parents don't want anyone to know. Illegal or unethical

adoptions. People who are inventing a baby to somehow defraud the

government. (Apparently that happens here, according to the Social

Security office when I tried to register my son.) Personally, I would

include a mid-wife or similar professional to be someone " official " .

Anyway... Sorry if this annoys anyone.



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Hi Robyn,

oh I know all that,but it really is also a form of government control,

especially because they would not accept all my ultrasound scans (one

as late as 35 weeks), blood tests confirming pregnancy, pictures

confirming pregnancy, etc.

So instead they accept a letter from a doctor who has never met me before?

Really odd.



> > B) As ridiculous as this is, in order to register a birth that was

> > unassisted in Canada, you must get a doctor's letter confirming the

> > weight, sex, birth date of the baby.



> Keeping in mind that I'm in the US, so I don't know the Canadian laws.

> But, it actually makes sense to me that someone " official " has to " sign

> off on " the baby. Why? Baby smuggling. Baby selling. Babies who die at

> birth, but the parents don't want anyone to know. Illegal or unethical

> adoptions. People who are inventing a baby to somehow defraud the

> government. (Apparently that happens here, according to the Social

> Security office when I tried to register my son.) Personally, I would

> include a mid-wife or similar professional to be someone " official " .

> Anyway... Sorry if this annoys anyone.

> ~R



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> --

> Robyn Image: Robyn and Jack


> robyn@... <mailto:%20robyn@...>

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Pregnancy does not equal baby. I think it's sad that govts feel the need

to have people jump thru hoops, and the way they go about it, but it's

sadder still what unethical types will do. The SS office here wouldn't

accept DS birth certificate, but accepted the one-line immunization

record (we got one shot, the Hib). As he's been under medical care, he

exists, was their theory.


emtonnotme wrote:

> Hi Robyn,


> oh I know all that,but it really is also a form of government control,

> especially because they would not accept all my ultrasound scans (one

> as late as 35 weeks), blood tests confirming pregnancy, pictures

> confirming pregnancy, etc.


> So instead they accept a letter from a doctor who has never met me before?


> Really odd.


> -Monika



> >

> > > B) As ridiculous as this is, in order to register a birth that was

> > > unassisted in Canada, you must get a doctor's letter confirming the

> > > weight, sex, birth date of the baby.

> >

> >

> > Keeping in mind that I'm in the US, so I don't know the Canadian laws.

> > But, it actually makes sense to me that someone " official " has to " sign

> > off on " the baby. Why? Baby smuggling. Baby selling. Babies who die at

> > birth, but the parents don't want anyone to know. Illegal or unethical

> > adoptions. People who are inventing a baby to somehow defraud the

> > government. (Apparently that happens here, according to the Social

> > Security office when I tried to register my son.) Personally, I would

> > include a mid-wife or similar professional to be someone " official " .

> > Anyway... Sorry if this annoys anyone.

> > ~R

> >

> >

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> > >

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> > > forms, and more.

> > >

> > > .

> > >

> > >

> >

> >

> > --

> > Robyn Image: Robyn and Jack

> >

> > robyn@... <mailto:%20robyn@...>

> > http://www.rmcsquared.net/ <http://www.rmcsquared.net/>

> >




d3d3LmlkZWFsYml0ZS5jb20%3D & Name= & EncryptedMemberID=OTI1MzA%3D & CampaignID=1 & Campa\

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ignStatisticsID=178 & Demo=0 & Email=robyn@...>>

> >




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  • 2 months later...

Hi All,

I don't get on here very often since my daughter stopped fevering

after we had her tonsils out. She has perfectly healthy tonsils but

felt it was definately worth the chance to give her a " normal " life.

It worked for us. Unfortunately there are many others that used to be

on here that it worked for too but since they don't have kids fevering

anymore they don't check these messages anymore.

I wanted to Say to Jeni that my daughter also fevered every month with

NO other symptoms for the first few years. I was told everytime after

blood test and exams that it was a virus. I would tell the doctor I

have another child, my friends all have kids and there kids don't

fever every month like clock work. I would tell people, we can't do

whatever on Friday because my daughter will have a high fever then. My

friends would be amazed at my accuracy. I finally searched myself and

found . Took the papers to a doctor at Texas Children's Hospital

and said this is what she has. I even printed out the papers to do the

genetic testing. He read them over and said I think you are right. I

then just told the docs in the ER she has whenever I had to take

her in. I told her pediatrician she has . I didn't let them tell

me it was a virus anymore.

But I really wanted to tell you that just because he doesn't have any

of the other symptoms that it doesn't mean he doesn't have it. There

are also many kids who started out like ours with just the fever. It

was years before my daughter has her first mouth sore, her legs would

ache, etc.

Good luck.


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Hi All,

I don't get on here very often since my daughter stopped fevering

after we had her tonsils out. She has perfectly healthy tonsils but

felt it was definately worth the chance to give her a " normal " life.

It worked for us. Unfortunately there are many others that used to be

on here that it worked for too but since they don't have kids fevering

anymore they don't check these messages anymore.

I wanted to Say to Jeni that my daughter also fevered every month with

NO other symptoms for the first few years. I was told everytime after

blood test and exams that it was a virus. I would tell the doctor I

have another child, my friends all have kids and there kids don't

fever every month like clock work. I would tell people, we can't do

whatever on Friday because my daughter will have a high fever then. My

friends would be amazed at my accuracy. I finally searched myself and

found . Took the papers to a doctor at Texas Children's Hospital

and said this is what she has. I even printed out the papers to do the

genetic testing. He read them over and said I think you are right. I

then just told the docs in the ER she has whenever I had to take

her in. I told her pediatrician she has . I didn't let them tell

me it was a virus anymore.

But I really wanted to tell you that just because he doesn't have any

of the other symptoms that it doesn't mean he doesn't have it. There

are also many kids who started out like ours with just the fever. It

was years before my daughter has her first mouth sore, her legs would

ache, etc.

Good luck.


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  • 4 months later...
Guest guest

Long time ago....60's and 70's, I am a bit older now. I remember going to the lake at lina.


Eastern CO

My Intro

Hi -

I'm from East Central Minnesota. We bought a cow in March and we're learning as we go :-) We figured out that she was a nurse cow for a reason! She is dry in two quarters but we are still getting more than 1 1/2 gallons a day over and above what the hungry calf is eating :-) I am interested in using all this wonderful raw milk in the best ways possible so I'm looking forward to joining this group.

I'm married to Wayne for 23 years, homeschool 7 children, and homestead 7 acres that we have lived on for 4 years. I love being frugal and cooking/canning from scratch, we have a large garden, I sew when I get a chance and I love scrapbooking!

Looking forward to learning from you and getting to know many of you,

No virus found in this incoming message.Checked by AVG. Version: 7.5.524 / Virus Database: 269.24.6/1480 - Release Date: 6/3/2008 7:00 AM

No virus found in this incoming message.Checked by AVG. Version: 7.5.524 / Virus Database: 269.24.6/1480 - Release Date: 6/3/2008 7:00 AM

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Guest guest

Long time ago....60's and 70's, I am a bit older now. I remember going to the lake at lina.


Eastern CO

My Intro

Hi -

I'm from East Central Minnesota. We bought a cow in March and we're learning as we go :-) We figured out that she was a nurse cow for a reason! She is dry in two quarters but we are still getting more than 1 1/2 gallons a day over and above what the hungry calf is eating :-) I am interested in using all this wonderful raw milk in the best ways possible so I'm looking forward to joining this group.

I'm married to Wayne for 23 years, homeschool 7 children, and homestead 7 acres that we have lived on for 4 years. I love being frugal and cooking/canning from scratch, we have a large garden, I sew when I get a chance and I love scrapbooking!

Looking forward to learning from you and getting to know many of you,

No virus found in this incoming message.Checked by AVG. Version: 7.5.524 / Virus Database: 269.24.6/1480 - Release Date: 6/3/2008 7:00 AM

No virus found in this incoming message.Checked by AVG. Version: 7.5.524 / Virus Database: 269.24.6/1480 - Release Date: 6/3/2008 7:00 AM

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  • 7 months later...

Hello from one of the other " ex-colonies " Olwen!

We are in NZ. So glad to hear that your daughter has never been vaccinated. The

number of unvaccinated is growing in my own family, some for 2 generations now!

All thanks to my own ignorance in vaccinating DS, to his severe detriment.

You will find plenty of support for your decision here!

Best wishes,


From: Lady Olwen <ladyolwen@...>

Subject: my intro


Date: Friday, January 30, 2009, 10:45 AM


I am new to this board and live in a large southern Ontario,(Canada)

town with my 12yo daughter, who has never been vaccinated. Emma has

also never had any of the " childhood " diseases, due to longtime

breastfeeding, which gave her my immunities :)

I researched this topic many years before she was born and I have not

been vaccinated since discovering the information myself, which was

over twenty years ago.

I was amazed and apalled at just how many parents had no idea that

their children did not have to have routine needles, in order to

receive an education! Eventually, I intend to become an homeopathic


Blessings all,

Olwen )O(

Facebook Profile: Olwen Moondancer

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Welcome, Olwen! You are so right--parents are many times equally stunned to

discover they did not have to vaccinate their children for school. It is kept

secret from them. I often wonder if everyone knew, how many children would truly

be vaccinated.


my intro


> Greetings!


> I am new to this board and live in a large southern

> Ontario,(Canada)

> town with my 12yo daughter, who has never been vaccinated. Emma

> has

> also never had any of the " childhood " diseases, due to longtime

> breastfeeding, which gave her my immunities :)


> I researched this topic many years before she was born and I

> have not

> been vaccinated since discovering the information myself, which

> was

> over twenty years ago.


> I was amazed and apalled at just how many parents had no idea

> that

> their children did not have to have routine needles, in order to

> receive an education! Eventually, I intend to become an

> homeopathic

> doctor.


> Blessings all,

> Olwen )O(


> Facebook Profile: Olwen Moondancer



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