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Hi Sandy,

My name is Toni and I was diagonosed with breast cancer. I am interested to

read the responses to your letter, and just wanted to greet you.

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  • 3 weeks later...
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Hi Traci,

about the mouth sores. I have heard that sucking on ice or anything cold while you are receiving chemo can help with them. I don't really know if it worked for me because I didn't get mouth sores consistently each time I had chemo. But it is worth a shot!

take care,


[ ] Introduction

Hi. My name is Traci. I joined this list to help find some information formy boss who was diagnosed with Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma. He is currentlyundergoing CHOP chemotherapy with Rituxan.Through some research and some dear internet friends on other email lists, Ihave suggested he drink the Essiac Tea and take Enzymatic Therapies CellForte IP6 as well as BetaGlucan in addition to the regular multivitaminsupplements he was taking. Can anyone suggest any additional supplements?Also, after his first dose of chemotherapy, he has some mouth sores. Anysuggestions for eliminating them or at least reducing them?Thanks for any help and suggestions you might offer.Traci You are receiving this email because you elected to subscribe to the egroups.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest guest

Welcome Kathy -

You will learn more in one week on this posting group than your doctor will

tell you in months. I know I have. And for me one of the biggest reliefs

was to know that now there is somewhere to turn, and someone who understands.

Best of luck to you,

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Welcome to the group...we've all been where you are now...at the beginning of

this weird and different road. You will find a lot of knowledge among the

member. I am a mom/grandmother of 54 and was diagnosed 5 years ago with PA. I

have had P since 76. I am in a major flare right now. You will find that

everybody's body acts differently, but we all have similar pains, aches and

swelling, etc. Some are on high powered drugs, some on a lot less, but we all

know what you are going through. We are here to lend and ear and see you through

the bad days. Each day is a surprise, we never know what we will face when we

wake up. I am thankful to be still moving. If you have questions, fire

away...someone will try to answer.

Donna from Michigan

katiekind@... wrote:

Hi All,

I just stumbled onto your group and signed up after being diagnosed with PA 2

weeks ago. I'm a 41 year old mom/homemaker, and the symptoms have only come

up in the past 3 or 4 months. I'm in the bewildered stage, and it seems like

I have new aches and pains every week.


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Hi Dave,

It's interesting this lack of interest you have and always feeling lazy. I

feel that way too and it has worsened as my PA has worsened. Many of the

postings talk about it being the result of the drugs (I'm on MX), some about

it being the result of the illness. I don't know....all I do know is that

being in pain all the time (I'm having a bad week) makes it difficult to be

enthusiastic...... The thought of sitting in a restaurant in pain for

hours....just doesn't appeal any more. Sleep seems to be my best friend.

I've posted previously how changing my diet decreased fatigue.....and I

still believe this to be true. However here in Melbourne the weather has

been cold and very damp and my PA has been terrible. So bad in fact that

watching my food has been the last thing on my mind....getting through the

day has been more important. So it becomes self defeating....I feel

terrible, I eat terrible, I feel more terrible.......such is the life of a

PA sufferer!


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Dear Kate,

Be careful as Mtx may make you very tired and depressed but keep a positive

mental attitude, My cousin lived in melbourne and I went there and I found

the food great, all those different cultures. I even went to the MCG(for the

uninitiated the Melbourne Cricket Ground, the largest cricket stadium in

Aus)to see the Sheffield Shield Final, and the four n twenty pies were


Seriously thoguh if you are unhaappy or have bad effects talk it over with

the doc and change the treatment. the new trend in treatment are the so

called designer drugs which will be tailored to your indiv. needs but you

can come close to it via the combination of different types of treatment.

Take care and do you have any spare tickets for the Olympics?


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Hi ,

No unfortunately I don't have any tickets to the Olympics....anyway it is in


I think you hit the nail on the head...I am a bit down this week....the

weather, pa and all. Unfortunately I have a lot of problems with taking the

various drugs for pa and mtx seems to be the only one that doesn't offer too

many side effects for me. I'm also going to a naturopath who has me on fish

oil, Boswella and a herbal (yuk) thing.....I am vastly improved than I was 6

months ago. I guess the problem really is that my illness made me draw back

from life 6 months ago, and now while still ill but so much better...I don't

know where to start to get back into it. I'm still so much in the habit of

staying in...if I feel slightly bad I just seem to hibernate......and winter

doesn't help.

I also really miss certain foods - I would love a four n twenty pie - and

living in a diverse cultural city like Melbourne famous for its

restaurants.....it is so depressing!!!!


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Hi Dave -

It is difficult to get the docs. to understand much. I was misdiagnosed for

several months and finally had to break down at my gp's office and tell her

if she didn't do something I wouldn't be able to walk in a few more weeks. I

am surprised you went to gold - I sort of thought MTX and Enbrel had replaced

that. Your post said you were from PA. So I am. Phila. area - what part

are you from? If near Phila., maybe I could give you a few docs. names you

might want to try.


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Kate -

You mentioned " dropping out of life " and not knowing how to get back in - you

didn't say if you had a spouse or understanding friends, but maybe some good

friends or relatives who understand your limitations are a good place to

start. I know that when I feel like " dropping out " my finance is a big help

in getting me to go places because I know I'll be " safe " - if I can't handle

something, he is right there - to get the car, to help me get up or walk -

whatever I need. In stores, I use the shopping cart as a sort of walker to

help me get around. Something like a walker or cane might be useful to you

in feeling a little more secure. At any rate, take it slow and find someone

you can trust and something simple you enjoy, and then get out there and DO

IT! Even if you really don't feel like it, the sense of accomplishment you

have afterwards will be worth it.

Good luck,

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  • 2 months later...


My PA started after a bout of inflammatory bowel problems. There is some school of thought that RA/PA can be the result of a bacterial infection. A pst doctor studied the problem in London (I live in Melbourne, Australia) for over 20 years. He felt that RA/PA was the result of a bacteria that thrived on starches. Other Dr's feel it is a bacteria in the joints.....none are conclusive. However if I remove a lot of really starchy foods - flours, wheats - I seem to have less of a problem. Rice doesn't seem to be an issue....


[ ] Introduction


My name is Dianne. I am 48 yrs. old, have had psoriasis since I was 24 yrs. I first went to the Dr. about my arthritis in my late 30's when my hands were bothering me and was told I had osteoarthritis. I was told that I had been really hard on my body as I was a gymnast in high school and college, taught aerobic dance for many years. I taught regular p.e.and coached in Colorado. We then moved to Texas in 1990 and I have coached high school varsity gymnastics for the past 9 years. I also teach Apapted P.E. in which I teach p.e. at 6 six schools to handicapped children. I have been doing that for the past 10 years. I head up Special Olympics for my district and coach the S.O. volleyball team, but I had to give up my coaching position with my varsity gymnastics team this year as my arthritis was getting to the point where it hurt too much. This was a very difficult decision as one of my boys was State and National champion last year on high bar and I have a boy and a girl who should make it to Nationals this year. I am feeling so torn about this as now the school does not have a coach to take over. I know I have to start thinking of myself and taking care of myself, but it is so hard to do.

I finally made the switch to a rheumy this past spring and found out that I have PA. Well, things are starting to come together after all these years - why my back would spasm out all the time ( I have the arthritis in my spine also), why I was never refreshed after a night's sleep, why I was always feeling achy all over, etc. I have been reading everyone's email for awhile and have found it both depressing and helpful. I don't think I am at the point that a lot of you are and hope I never will be. I have also been having pain in my right abdomen - had a CAT scan done in June, had a hemocult done in August, and now have to have a colonoscopy done in Oct. Have any of you had infalmatory bowel disease as a side affect? I am not even sure what my gastroenterologist will find, but I was told that can be a side effect of PA.

I am glad that I finally wrote as I wasn't sure I would, but just writing to people who have a sense of what I feel is important. I don't really think my family understands it and what I am feeling.

Well, thanks for listening.

Take care,

DiannePlease visit our new web page at:http://www.wpunj.edu/icip/paThis past year had moderated a chat on arthritis at www.about.com on Thursday evenings and hopes to start up doing so again soon- we will keep you posted! Meanwhile, if anyone would like to start a weekly chat on egroups, please contact or . Thanks

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whole grains would not be an issue so that's why rice is cool. Stick to

brown rice, quinoa, spelt anything like that no wheat gluten and no moldy

cheese like blue or gorgonzola. Better to stick to no dairy except for sheep

and goat seem ok but, again keep away from them for the most part.


if I remove a lot of really starchy foods - flours,

> wheats - I seem to have less of a problem. Rice doesn't seem to be an

> issue....


> Kate



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  • 2 weeks later...


Thanks for the information. I go in on Thursday for my colonoscopy so will hopefully see what the problem is.


[ ] Introduction


My name is Dianne. I am 48 yrs. old, have had psoriasis since I was 24 yrs. I first went to the Dr. about my arthritis in my late 30's when my hands were bothering me and was told I had osteoarthritis. I was told that I had been really hard on my body as I was a gymnast in high school and college, taught aerobic dance for many years. I taught regular p.e.and coached in Colorado. We then moved to Texas in 1990 and I have coached high school varsity gymnastics for the past 9 years. I also teach Apapted P.E. in which I teach p.e. at 6 six schools to handicapped children. I have been doing that for the past 10 years. I head up Special Olympics for my district and coach the S.O. volleyball team, but I had to give up my coaching position with my varsity gymnastics team this year as my arthritis was getting to the point where it hurt too much. This was a very difficult decision as one of my boys was State and National champion last year on high bar and I have a boy and a girl who should make it to Nationals this year. I am feeling so torn about this as now the school does not have a coach to take over. I know I have to start thinking of myself and taking care of myself, but it is so hard to do.

I finally made the switch to a rheumy this past spring and found out that I have PA. Well, things are starting to come together after all these years - why my back would spasm out all the time ( I have the arthritis in my spine also), why I was never refreshed after a night's sleep, why I was always feeling achy all over, etc. I have been reading everyone's email for awhile and have found it both depressing and helpful. I don't think I am at the point that a lot of you are and hope I never will be. I have also been having pain in my right abdomen - had a CAT scan done in June, had a hemocult done in August, and now have to have a colonoscopy done in Oct. Have any of you had infalmatory bowel disease as a side affect? I am not even sure what my gastroenterologist will find, but I was told that can be a side effect of PA.

I am glad that I finally wrote as I wasn't sure I would, but just writing to people who have a sense of what I feel is important. I don't really think my family understands it and what I am feeling.

Well, thanks for listening.

Take care,

DiannePlease visit our new web page at:http://www.wpunj.edu/icip/paThis past year had moderated a chat on arthritis at www.about.com on Thursday evenings and hopes to start up doing so again soon- we will keep you posted! Meanwhile, if anyone would like to start a weekly chat on egroups, please contact or . Thanks Please visit our new web page at:http://www.wpunj.edu/icip/paThis past year had moderated a chat on arthritis at www.about.com on Thursday evenings and hopes to start up doing so again soon- we will keep you posted! Meanwhile, if anyone would like to start a weekly chat on egroups, please contact or . Thanks

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Theresa,

I'm new to the group also. I'm 30 years old and have had PA for six

years, psoriasis for seventeen years. Your story sounds very

familiar, the slow increase of pain and tiredness until it takes

over, you feel helpless. Recently I started massage therapy and this

week I am starting yoga classes. I don't know if either will help

with the pain and tiredness but others haven told me that it has

helped them. I think it is true that it does no good to worry about

things that might not even happen. Don't get me wrong sometimes I

worry about the future with PA, but I feel it makes the situation

worse. I hope you find something that helps you feel better.

Take care.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello Everyone,

I am new to this list and was delighted to see that there actually is a Dr

Hulda discussion list. I've been looking for a discussion forum like

this one for ages. I was dx with stage 4 Ovarian Cancer in April/99. I

also had massive pulmonary embolisms (wasn't expected to live). When a

friend first introduced me to the therapies of Dr Hulda ,(she sent the

zapper to me as a gift) I already had 2 chemo's under my belt. One of the

symptoms of the cancer (at diagnosis) was a severe arthritic condition that

moved from one joint to another. It was a throbbing excruciating pain and

each joint was red and very swollen. I was a mess! After zapping 2 weeks

(every day), all the pain and swelling was gone! I had 3 chemo's before

surgery and after surgery, all the tumors originally seen on the CT scan

were virtually gone, just one small tumor was left. The ascites (fluid) in

my stomach was gone. I sailed through the 6 post surgery chemo's with few

side effects and declared 'disease free' in October 99. I continue to zap

every day and have noticed a huge improvement to my health.

1. Heart palpitations... GONE!

2. Migraines... GONE!

3. Renaulds syndrome .... (white fingers and toes) GONE!

4. Varicose veins ... GONE!

5. Migratory Arthritis ... GONE!

6. Cancer ... GONE! Hopefully for ever (1 year in remission)

7. Don't get colds or flu.

Unfortunately, I don't follow everything 'in the book' word for word. I

haven't had the dentistry work done (yet), but will 'one of these days.' I

also follow (loosely) the Dr Johanna Budwig Flax oil and cottage cheese

protocol, with success (I think). Overall, I feel fantastic!

I would be very interested to hear other stories about their cancer cure

using the zapper. Obviously, I'm a great believer in the Zapper and hope

you all have many great stories to share. I have read some of the recent

archival posts and found that the zapper isn't mentioned a lot, so I hope

I've joined the right list? I hope there are many people on this list who

are as serious as I am about Dr Hulda and her Zapper. Please share

your experiences, I'd love to hear from you.

Bye for now...


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That's a MARVELOUS testimonial!

How long ago did you start zapping?


All life is a conjugation of the verb " to eat "

On Mon, 13 Nov 2000 12:40:39 -0700, " Sandy Lightfoot " <spp@...>


> I sailed through the 6 post surgery chemo's with few

>side effects and declared 'disease free' in October 99. I continue to zap

>every day and have noticed a huge improvement to my health.


>1. Heart palpitations... GONE!

>2. Migraines... GONE!

>3. Renaulds syndrome .... (white fingers and toes) GONE!

>4. Varicose veins ... GONE!

>5. Migratory Arthritis ... GONE!

>6. Cancer ... GONE! Hopefully for ever (1 year in remission)

>7. Don't get colds or flu.

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I am excitied to hear about your success! Wonderful!

I am new to the list also and have had a zapper for about one week. I did

the herbal parasite program before the zapper and on day 12 I was startled

in the night to " something " in the liver area dying and falling like a rock

trickling down. I dont know how to put that sensation to words but I know

something major happened that night. Anyway since I have had the zapper we

turned on the heat (we have a forced air) and all the dust was settleing

when my lip started swelling like a balloon. I was going to break out in a

cold sore. I got my zapper out and the cold sore did not form. I was so

excitied due to only haveing a zapper for a short time. I know this is

nothing compared to what you describe in your post with cancer and all.

I applaud you.


At 12:40 PM 11/13/00 -0700, you wrote:

>Hello Everyone,


>I am new to this list and was delighted to see that there actually is a Dr

>Hulda discussion list. I've been looking for a discussion forum like

>this one for ages. I was dx with stage 4 Ovarian Cancer in April/99. I

>also had massive pulmonary embolisms (wasn't expected to live). When a

>friend first introduced me to the therapies of Dr Hulda ,(she sent the

>zapper to me as a gift) I already had 2 chemo's under my belt. One of the

>symptoms of the cancer (at diagnosis) was a severe arthritic condition that

>moved from one joint to another. It was a throbbing excruciating pain and

>each joint was red and very swollen. I was a mess! After zapping 2 weeks

>(every day), all the pain and swelling was gone! I had 3 chemo's before

>surgery and after surgery, all the tumors originally seen on the CT scan

>were virtually gone, just one small tumor was left. The ascites (fluid) in

>my stomach was gone. I sailed through the 6 post surgery chemo's with few

>side effects and declared 'disease free' in October 99. I continue to zap

>every day and have noticed a huge improvement to my health.


>1. Heart palpitations... GONE!

>2. Migraines... GONE!

>3. Renaulds syndrome .... (white fingers and toes) GONE!

>4. Varicose veins ... GONE!

>5. Migratory Arthritis ... GONE!

>6. Cancer ... GONE! Hopefully for ever (1 year in remission)

>7. Don't get colds or flu.


>Unfortunately, I don't follow everything 'in the book' word for word. I

>haven't had the dentistry work done (yet), but will 'one of these days.' I

>also follow (loosely) the Dr Johanna Budwig Flax oil and cottage cheese

>protocol, with success (I think). Overall, I feel fantastic!


>I would be very interested to hear other stories about their cancer cure

>using the zapper. Obviously, I'm a great believer in the Zapper and hope

>you all have many great stories to share. I have read some of the recent

>archival posts and found that the zapper isn't mentioned a lot, so I hope

>I've joined the right list? I hope there are many people on this list who

>are as serious as I am about Dr Hulda and her Zapper. Please share

>your experiences, I'd love to hear from you.


>Bye for now...





>Learn more from:







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Glad to hear from you. Check out

HuldaEnthusiasts for really

positive, serious discussions.



> Hello Everyone,


> I am new to this list and was delighted to see that there actually

is a Dr

> Hulda discussion list. I've been looking for a discussion

forum like

> this one for ages. I was dx with stage 4 Ovarian Cancer in

April/99. I

> also had massive pulmonary embolisms (wasn't expected to live).

When a

> friend first introduced me to the therapies of Dr Hulda ,(she

sent the

> zapper to me as a gift) I already had 2 chemo's under my belt. One

of the

> symptoms of the cancer (at diagnosis) was a severe arthritic

condition that

> moved from one joint to another. It was a throbbing excruciating

pain and

> each joint was red and very swollen. I was a mess! After zapping 2


> (every day), all the pain and swelling was gone! I had 3 chemo's


> surgery and after surgery, all the tumors originally seen on the CT


> were virtually gone, just one small tumor was left. The ascites

(fluid) in

> my stomach was gone. I sailed through the 6 post surgery chemo's

with few

> side effects and declared 'disease free' in October 99. I continue

to zap

> every day and have noticed a huge improvement to my health.


> 1. Heart palpitations... GONE!

> 2. Migraines... GONE!

> 3. Renaulds syndrome .... (white fingers and toes) GONE!

> 4. Varicose veins ... GONE!

> 5. Migratory Arthritis ... GONE!

> 6. Cancer ... GONE! Hopefully for ever (1 year in remission)

> 7. Don't get colds or flu.


> Unfortunately, I don't follow everything 'in the book' word for

word. I

> haven't had the dentistry work done (yet), but will 'one of these

days.' I

> also follow (loosely) the Dr Johanna Budwig Flax oil and cottage


> protocol, with success (I think). Overall, I feel fantastic!


> I would be very interested to hear other stories about their cancer


> using the zapper. Obviously, I'm a great believer in the Zapper and


> you all have many great stories to share. I have read some of the


> archival posts and found that the zapper isn't mentioned a lot, so I


> I've joined the right list? I hope there are many people on this

list who

> are as serious as I am about Dr Hulda and her Zapper. Please


> your experiences, I'd love to hear from you.


> Bye for now...

> Sandy.

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Dear Sandy:

I hope you don't mind another question.

How long does it take before you get an approval on the other Dr site

you sent me?

It still says approval pending.

What is there to approve?

Thank you, Christel

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Hi. I am new. Where is the other site? thanks.

Christelti@... wrote:


> Dear Sandy:

> I hope you don't mind another question.

> How long does it take before you get an approval on the other Dr site

> you sent me?

> It still says approval pending.

> What is there to approve?

> Thank you, Christel



> Learn more from:

> http://home.online.no/~dusan/gallstones/

> http://home.online.no/~huldakli/

> http://www..net/

> http://home.online.no/~dusan/



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Since you are spry at 81, you don't believe you have diabetes, your

diet is fine, and you walk a mile every day, I don't believe you have

a problem. If you think you have a problem, read Hulda 's book

The Cure For All Diseases.



> Hello!


> I am a spry 81 year-old retired college professor who

> wants to see 100. I have been doing the cleanses for

> about six months and want to learn more about what I

> should do next.


> My gall bladder went west about forty years ago, and

> my blood pressure is a bit of a problem. I was told I

> have diabetes but don't believe them, and don't want

> to take pills or insulin for it. My diet is fine.

> One relative had cancer and another one has

> Alzeheimer's.


> I walk a mile every day except when it is icy.


> Belle




> __________________________________________________


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