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You were not wrong to share your concerns with your friend.

Gosh, I wonder if he has seizures?

It is hard to say what could be wrong. I hope she seeks some help.



> I will skip the long story and get straight to the point. I friends child has

these symptoms.

> Has stop eating 2 months ago

> Roll his eyes up and to his right consistently starting 2 months ago

> Is not speaking yet

> Yes he had shots right about that time, he is about 20months old now.

> Before this he was fine no eye rolling and ate very well.

> I did not want to wait in telling her that something was wrong so I told her

with a heavy heart that she must see a DAN now. Was I wrong. Please tell me

about the eye rolling what does this mean? Thank you for all your responses.


> Simone.


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I agree you did right!! Let's now hope that she follows the appropriate path.


Enviado desde mi oficina móvil BlackBerry® de Telcel

[ ] Re: Need Help

You were not wrong to share your concerns with your friend.

Gosh, I wonder if he has seizures?

It is hard to say what could be wrong. I hope she seeks some help.



> I will skip the long story and get straight to the point. I friends child has

these symptoms.

> Has stop eating 2 months ago

> Roll his eyes up and to his right consistently starting 2 months ago

> Is not speaking yet

> Yes he had shots right about that time, he is about 20months old now.

> Before this he was fine no eye rolling and ate very well.

> I did not want to wait in telling her that something was wrong so I told her

with a heavy heart that she must see a DAN now. Was I wrong. Please tell me

about the eye rolling what does this mean? Thank you for all your responses.


> Simone.


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Forgot to say: Mark Schauss book " achieving victory over a toxic world " might

help her understand how seizures develop in a toxin-exposed child. Mark's book

talks step by step about the decline of his daughter to severe epilepsy and all

the hidden toxins in food and environment that might trigger it in addition to

vaccine injury .


Enviado desde mi oficina móvil BlackBerry® de Telcel

[ ] Re: Need Help

You were not wrong to share your concerns with your friend.

Gosh, I wonder if he has seizures?

It is hard to say what could be wrong. I hope she seeks some help.



> I will skip the long story and get straight to the point. I friends child has

these symptoms.

> Has stop eating 2 months ago

> Roll his eyes up and to his right consistently starting 2 months ago

> Is not speaking yet

> Yes he had shots right about that time, he is about 20months old now.

> Before this he was fine no eye rolling and ate very well.

> I did not want to wait in telling her that something was wrong so I told her

with a heavy heart that she must see a DAN now. Was I wrong. Please tell me

about the eye rolling what does this mean? Thank you for all your responses.


> Simone.


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Do you mean sideways glancing? Like the child is using peripheral vision

instead if looking at things straight on?

My son did this after MMR. It scared the hell out of me. It was resolved

completely 3 years later with a porcine secretin infusion, but I hear it will

resolve with vitamin A. Vision therapy is also an option. Google Melvin


I teach students with autism and currently work with a non-verbal 10 year old

with a bad case of sideways glancing. As I have not been able to convince his

mom to get medical treatment, I cup my hand at his temple like horse blinders

when I see him do it. I have not taken data, but I feel like it has gotten much

better. I will even do it in the hallways because he really uses sideways

glancing to understand where he is walking. By forcing him to look forward, he

is now able to navigate the hallway without clinging to the wall or a person.

To answer your question about " was I wrong [to recommend a DAN] " , I would say

no, but sometimes people are not ready to hear that. If you really feel

something is wrong, perhaps recommend a childhood developmental screening.

Those are usually done free of charge by the county you live in. When a child's

development is raising a lot of red flags through the testing, services are

offered through the county. For most parents, that is the first step in

learning something is wrong, and they begin the journey from there.


> I will skip the long story and get straight to the point. I friends child has

these symptoms.

> Has stop eating 2 months ago

> Roll his eyes up and to his right consistently starting 2 months ago

> Is not speaking yet

> Yes he had shots right about that time, he is about 20months old now.

> Before this he was fine no eye rolling and ate very well.

> I did not want to wait in telling her that something was wrong so I told her

with a heavy heart that she must see a DAN now. Was I wrong. Please tell me

about the eye rolling what does this mean? Thank you for all your responses.


> Simone.


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Hi Simone,

You're right to suspect the vaccines, but not necessarily to trust DAN docs.

Many use unsafe chelators, doses, routes, and frequencies. If she has internet

access send her here.


Need Help

Posted by: " zfs.zumbafunaticsimone " shuete@... zfs.zumbafunaticsimone

Fri Jun 18, 2010 6:58 pm (PDT)

I will skip the long story and get straight to the point. I friends child has

these symptoms.

Has stop eating 2 months ago

Roll his eyes up and to his right consistently starting 2 months ago

Is not speaking yet

Yes he had shots right about that time, he is about 20months old now.

Before this he was fine no eye rolling and ate very well.

I did not want to wait in telling her that something was wrong so I told her

with a heavy heart that she must see a DAN now. Was I wrong. Please tell me

about the eye rolling what does this mean? Thank you for all your responses.


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Hi Simone,

You're right to suspect the vaccines, but not necessarily to trust DAN docs.

Many use unsafe chelators, doses, routes, and frequencies. If she has internet

access send her here.


Need Help

Posted by: " zfs.zumbafunaticsimone " shuete@... zfs.zumbafunaticsimone

Fri Jun 18, 2010 6:58 pm (PDT)

I will skip the long story and get straight to the point. I friends child has

these symptoms.

Has stop eating 2 months ago

Roll his eyes up and to his right consistently starting 2 months ago

Is not speaking yet

Yes he had shots right about that time, he is about 20months old now.

Before this he was fine no eye rolling and ate very well.

I did not want to wait in telling her that something was wrong so I told her

with a heavy heart that she must see a DAN now. Was I wrong. Please tell me

about the eye rolling what does this mean? Thank you for all your responses.


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  • 1 month later...
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you can talk to me anytime! i need someone too!!! what state are you in? do you want to email me privately? or talk on the phone? whatever you want. how old is your child?On Aug 3, 2010, at 12:45 PM, tvau37@... wrote:

I need to talk to someone who is going through what I am as a mother...

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Ohio...he went from resourse room to inclusion room and there is NO in between room....

I need to talk to someone who is going through what I am as a mother...

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I don't know much about the shcool stuff, since I home-school. My girl is just too agitated to go to school.On Aug 3, 2010, at 7:11 PM, Tammy wrote:

Ohio...he went from resourse room to inclusion room and there is NO in between room....

I need to talk to someone who is going through what I am as a mother...

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Ohio does have in between placements. You just have to push the right buttons to get there. Contact the Ohio coalition in your area --> http://www.ocecd.org/

They can provide you with training in your area and also an advocate who can help you. I'm in Ohio too!


Whenever I feel blue, I start breathing again.

Re: ( ) Need help

Ohio...he went from resourse room to inclusion room and there is NO in between room....

I need to talk to someone who is going through what I am as a mother...

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I am in Medina.


Whenever I feel blue, I start breathing again.

Re: ( ) Need help

Really where are you from if you don't mind my asking.

I need to talk to someone who is going through what I am as a mother...

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  • 3 months later...

My son was diagnosed with ADHD but has shown signs of autisum and/ or aspirers

since about 10 months old. We have been seen by 2 specialist and they all want

to focus on the ADHD and nothing else, since that was the first diagnoses we

got. He has struggled in school since 1st grade and the school doesn't seem to

care or be concerned with is inability to work on his own and to have

appropriate behavior in a school setting. I have been fighting for answers since

my sone was 1 and I seem to be going in circles and getting no answers at all.

If anyone has any ideas or thoughts on what I can do I would really appreciate

it. Forgot to mention that he was born 2 months premature and did have some

speech and developmental delays until we did the appropriate therapy.

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I'm sorry your having a tuff time! Unfourntally I don't have much advice but fight for him. You fight tooth and nail to get somebody to listen to you. I actually after two years (we moved from CO to GA) finally just took it over my son's pedi's head. I called the office asked to talk to the Dr's nurse (stating that I just had a question), explained to her that although DS's dr is a god sent, he just wasn't really listing to me as a parent whenI was telling him that there is something wrong. Well not wrong per say but just not quite normal. The nurse told me she would put in a referal to a physcologist. And that's when our road to answers started. All I can say is that I am SO THANKFUL that the therpist actually listened to me. We now know that DS is HFA, ADHD and we are finding that he's

got some OCD traits and SI disyfunction as well.

Like you I knew early there was something. Here we are after 3 1/2 years finally getting validation. So Fight... fight and fight some more.

From: C <stick_n_blaze@...> Sent: Sat, December 4, 2010 11:27:09 AMSubject: ( ) Need help

My son was diagnosed with ADHD but has shown signs of autisum and/ or aspirers since about 10 months old. We have been seen by 2 specialist and they all want to focus on the ADHD and nothing else, since that was the first diagnoses we got. He has struggled in school since 1st grade and the school doesn't seem to care or be concerned with is inability to work on his own and to have appropriate behavior in a school setting. I have been fighting for answers since my sone was 1 and I seem to be going in circles and getting no answers at all. If anyone has any ideas or thoughts on what I can do I would really appreciate it. Forgot to mention that he was born 2 months premature and did have some speech and developmental delays until we did the appropriate therapy.

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