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Thank you so much for your response. I'm sure you will read my response to

and I really appreciate both of your responses. I did read the Candida

treatment for Babies and Children before I started my kiddos. I just didn't

expect the die off symptoms to be so great since we had already been on a

healthy fat and very low sugar diet for a few years now. My husband is being so

supportive despite not joining in to conquer his candida overgrowth (right now

he is just working on not drinking soda). When they were all throwing up

yesterday morning he asked me, " What did you give them? " I told him that I just

took them off grains, fruit, dairy, and sugar (we get raw milk from a local

farmer and they have Yummy Earth suckers for their sweet tooth cravings). He

and I both were amazed at the reactions they had from just eliminating these

foods even though they were already used to having butter, coconut oil, and cod

liver oil daily. I thought they had very strong immune systems as they hardly

ever get sick and because of our healthy fat and food diet. I have to say that

I was pleased to see some die off symptoms because it told me how necessary

taking the step to start the program was for all of us.

Thank you for your web-site and for this support group.

I do have lots of questions about my plan as I am 5 1/2 months pregnant. I

found out at my last doctor's appointment that I have a yeast infection and I

have been trying to cure it naturally while also getting enough nutrients for my

baby. Any further suggestions would be greatly appreciated especially in the

way of vitamins, doses, and foods that will give me the vitamins my baby needs.

Thanks again,

> >

> > Hello, I started my three children, ages 8, 6 and 4 on the candida diet

yesterday so as to kill the candida that I am sure they all have.


> +++Hi there. It is important to understand that candida is not cured by

" killing it off, " since it doesn't work that way. The only way to cure candida

is by building up the immune system so it becomes strong enough to " make "

candida " change back " in the friendly organism it was before it changed into an

overgrowing monster.


> " Proper nutrients " (my diet plus supplements) is the most important factor

that builds up the immune system.


> is right that " slow and steady wins the race " so it is important to

gradually change over to this program, so that die-off symptoms aren't so

severe. Ensure you follow " Curing Candida, How to Get Started " with your


> http://www.healingnaturallybybee.com/articles/intro1.php


> Also see Candida Treatments for Babies & Children:



> I agree with that giving them some crackers at this point in time

would be okay, if it helps settle their stomach.


> The best to you and your children.

> Bee


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Hi ,

I'm so glad to hear your kids are feeling better today. Isn't it amazing how

powerful this program is? Sometimes we forget what a huge difference food can


That's really great that they are all supporting each other. It will be a big

help in times of weakness. For our family, we always keep our house free from

all temptations. It's very helpful to have a safe place to be away from the

world of sugar and carbs out there.

I just read on the other post that you are 5 and 1/2 months pregnant -


Good luck and welcome to our group!

PS-Could you please remember to " Trim your Messages " ? You will be emailed the

instructions every two weeks. Basically we just ask that you delete most of the

other person's message, but leave enough of it so that we know what message you

are referring to. This is to keep the file size small so as to not overload

members' inboxes. Thanks!


> ,

> Thank you for your reply. I think you are right that it was a little quick,

but we had already gone off of cheese and refined white sugar and had been

taking coconut oil and cod liver oil and butter for quite some time. I think I

wanted to get them all on the same page in a " combined effort " before my two

older kiddos went back to school after spring break (which is now wrapping up)

so that they could have a little more strength to turn down the many

opportunities they have to eat all the wrong things. <snip>


> Thanks again. I'm glad to have this forum as a support.


> -

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> When they were all throwing up yesterday morning he asked me, " What did you

give them? " I told him that I just took them off grains, fruit, dairy, and

sugar (we get raw milk from a local farmer and they have Yummy Earth suckers for

their sweet tooth cravings). He and I both were amazed at the reactions they

had from just eliminating these foods even though they were already used to

having butter, coconut oil, and cod liver oil daily. I thought they had very

strong immune systems as they hardly ever get sick and because of our healthy

fat and food diet. I have to say that I was pleased to see some die off

symptoms because it told me how necessary taking the step to start the program

was for all of us. Thank you for your web-site and for this support group.

+++Hi . I read your response to , since I read every message.

++That great you and your husband both recognized why your children got sick,

and that this program will help so much.


> I do have lots of questions about my plan as I am 5 1/2 months pregnant. I

found out at my last doctor's appointment that I have a yeast infection and I

have been trying to cure it naturally while also getting enough nutrients for my

baby. Any further suggestions would be greatly appreciated especially in the

way of vitamins, doses, and foods that will give me the vitamins my baby needs.

+++When you have a yeast infection it evidence that you have candida overgrowth,

mainly in your digestive system, so again the only cure is to cure the candida

with " proper nutrients " (diet plus supplements) that will build up your immune


+++Direct treatments can alleviate discomforts of the yeast infection but they

won't cure it - here's my suggested treatments:


+++When you're pregnant you take the same supplements in the same doses, consume

the same diet as everyone else, since you will be getting all of the " proper

nutrients " required. There are some things pregnant women can't have, i.e. oil

of oregano, clove oil and Pau D'Arco, and here's herbs to avoid:


+++As your progress your body will re-balance all of its nutrients, so there is

no need to take more than the recommended doses during pregnancy.

The best, Bee

P.S. , would you please " trim your messages? " Instructions were emailed to

you when you joined and they are posted on the group every 2 weeks, so do a

Message Search to find them:


Thanks a bunch!

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  • 1 month later...
Guest guest

So you know that ALA and taurine lower blood sugar? My son was acting crazy

when I first started ALA and I was also using taurine as a supplement. I

started giving him food more often, especially protein and he got better. I

stopped giving taurine with the ALA though. We are trying to do a very low sugar

diet because my son can't handle it either, of course the yeast just goes out of

control if you are eating sweets and chelating. I think if you are chelating,

the sweets just need to stop, period. I just wanted you to know I can relate to

this problem and I would like to know the answers to your question too. I never

heard of the Oil of Oregano, but that is nice to know, thanks.


> I am starting to think that what is helping my daughter is not so much the

ALA, but controlling her sugar levels. When I added Oil of Oregano, she got

really good(I read that is controls sugar levels). When I added Glucontrol, she

got better. I think sugar goes to her brain really fast and triggers her absence

seizures. What else could I do to try to control the sugar that goes into her

body? Her reaction happens even when she eats a thimble full of orange.


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> I am starting to think that what is helping my daughter is not so much the

ALA, but controlling her sugar levels. When I added Oil of Oregano, she got

really good(I read that is controls sugar levels). When I added Glucontrol, she

got better. I think sugar goes to her brain really fast and triggers her absence

seizures. What else could I do to try to control the sugar that goes into her


Chromium can help the body regulate sugar levels.


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The oil of oregano was one of our miracle supplements. I think its

keeping the yeast in check. I also added Glucontrol. Now if she gets

a little sugar, it doesn't seem to make her crazy. Does your little

one have seizures too? Was he ever checked?

On May 13, 2009, at 11:12 PM, wrote:



> So you know that ALA and taurine lower blood sugar? My son was

> acting crazy when I first started ALA and I was also using taurine

> as a supplement. I started giving him food more often, especially

> protein and he got better. I stopped giving taurine with the ALA

> though. We are trying to do a very low sugar diet because my son

> can't handle it either, of course the yeast just goes out of

> control if you are eating sweets and chelating. I think if you are

> chelating, the sweets just need to stop, period. I just wanted you

> to know I can relate to this problem and I would like to know the

> answers to your question too. I never heard of the Oil of Oregano,

> but that is nice to know, thanks.



> >

> > I am starting to think that what is helping my daughter is not so

> much the ALA, but controlling her sugar levels. When I added Oil of

> Oregano, she got really good(I read that is controls sugar levels).

> When I added Glucontrol, she got better. I think sugar goes to her

> brain really fast and triggers her absence seizures. What else

> could I do to try to control the sugar that goes into her body? Her

> reaction happens even when she eats a thimble full of orange.

> >




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  • 2 months later...
Guest guest


> Ive been surving from yeast infection since 6 years old im now 19 years old

ive been through doctors alot waisted alot of money. Every doctor has given me

antibiotics and they dont seem to work. It keeps coming back. Im very depress

that i cant get rid of it. I infected my husband and i really need someones help

or advice in what to take. I want to heal it naturally with stuff that i could

buy at a drug store and not with antibiotics. I also think i have thrush now I

have white spots on my tonsils went to the doctor and said it was a virus that

there was no medicine for that. I have white coated tongue on the back of the

tongue and sometimes get dry mouth salvia that looks like slime when i open

mouth. Ive been washing mouth 3 times a day rinse my mouth and gargel salt water

but it doesnt seem to work. Please help me cure this. I would appreaciate the

advice anyone could give me

+++Hi there. Welcome to our group. What is your name please?

It is important that you understand you cannot cure candida by " killing it off. "

Also candida overgrows more when you take antibiotics, because candida feeds off

of them, like it does a lot of other toxins, along with feeding off of sugars,

high carbs, etc. as written in my candida article.

Candida is only cured by building up your immune system, which is mainly done by

consuming " proper nutrients " (my diet plus supplements).

Your white coated tongue is called " thrush " which is candida overgrowing in your


Also, it isn't possible to infect your husband, however he could also have

candida, since you probably eat the same kinds of foods, and have the same

lifestyle, etc. - it often runs in families.

The reason you cannot infect your husband is because candida occurs within each

person's own body, independent of any outside influences. He couldn't catch

candida from you anymore than he could catch your broken finger or lack of


Please ensure you read two important articles on candida, so you understand

candida, and learn what you need to do and why:

1) How to Successfully Overcome Candida


2) Curing Candida, How to Get Started


There is no substitute for reading and learning.

For encouragement and inspiration see these wonderful Success Stories by members

of this group: http://www.healingnaturallybybee.com/success/index.php

The best in health, Bee

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  • 3 months later...

What chelator(s), dose and dosing schedule are you using for your rounds? How's

your yeast protocol?


Need Help

Posted by: " Peggy " diamond12345@... diamond12345@...

Thu Dec 3, 2009 6:08 pm (PST)

At the end of every round, I find that the supplements that she was on no longer

help her. Before this last round... she was stable on a really low dose of

depakote and lithium orotate. Now she is a mess again. Does anyone see this

happen after a round?


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6.25mg. of ALA every 3 hours (4 at night.) Biotin and threelac for

yeast (she tolerates the threelac)

On Dec 4, 2009, at 6:03 AM, Shepard Salzer wrote:

> What chelator(s), dose and dosing schedule are you using for your

> rounds? How's your yeast protocol?

> S S


> Need Help

> Posted by: " Peggy " diamond12345@...

> diamond12345@...

> Thu Dec 3, 2009 6:08 pm (PST)


> At the end of every round, I find that the supplements that she was

> on no longer help her. Before this last round... she was stable on

> a really low dose of depakote and lithium orotate. Now she is a

> mess again. Does anyone see this happen after a round?


> ----------------------------------------------------------

> Improve your career health. Click now to study nutrition!

> Nutrition

> http://tagline.excite.com/c?





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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi ,

Sorry, but your message is so very long, with no breaks in the paragraphs, so I

am not going to wade through it.

All I can say about your low weight is that weight is the least of your problems

when you have candida, and if you do not handle your candida the next stage is

cancer. Weight will normalize after your body has healed.

Candida is only cured by building up the immune system, which is done by:

1) Consuming " proper nutrients " (diet plus supplements),

2) Eliminating toxins and foods that feed candida (they also feed bacteria and


3) Eliminating damaging foods, and

4) Eliminating toxins in general.

So please ensure you read two important articles so you understand candida, and

know what you need to do and why:

1) How to Successfully Overcome Candida


2) Curing Candida, How to Get Started


For encouragement and inspiration see these wonderful Success Stories by members

of this group: http://www.healingnaturallybybee.com/success/index.php

All the best, Bee


> Dear Bee, I am so happy to have come across this site.I spend hours and hours

every night ( I have chronic insomnia) surfing the web trying to find ways to

help myself regain my health but I rarely find anyone willing to give advise, so

thank you for your hard work. I have had chronic health issues off and on my

whole life, it seemed 'something " goes in a and out of remission. about 17 years

ago(after the birth of my son) i became so ill that I spent 3 years completely

bed ridden and got down to 72 pounds, I truly almost died.

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Thank you for your post, I was just reading bits and pieces of your post to my

husband and he asked if I wrote it. Mine started shortly after giving birth and

I suffer from almost identical syptoms including the inability to keep weight

on. I just had family visit and could tell they were staring at me because I've

lost more weight since I last saw them in August. I finally just brought up

that I can't keep weight on so they don't go back home saying I'm anorexic or

something fun like that.

I'm currently being treated for yeast overgrowth. Some symptoms have gotten

better, but today I ended up taking a 3 hour nap (after 10 hours of sleep last

night), I've got body aches again today and am freezing. I can't figure out what

I've eaten. This is awful.

Are you currently undergoing treatment and if so, what is your recovery like?

My issues seem to manifest in my sinuses so I'm wondering if I've got another

sinus infections (oh yeah, more antibiotics).

The long and the short is, I've been under treatment for 4 months now and have

definitely improved as a whole, but have alot of " backwards days " where I

regress, like today. Any insight into what to expect from this recovery would

be most appreciated.


> Dear Bee, I am so happy to have come across this site.I spend hours and hours

every night ( I have chronic insomnia) surfing the web trying to find ways to

help myself regain my health but I rarely find anyone willing to give advise, so

thank you for your hard work. I have had chronic health issues off and on my

whole life, it seemed 'something " goes in a and out of remission. about 17 years

ago(after the birth of my son) i became so ill that I spent 3 years completely

bed ridden and got down to 72 pounds, I truly almost died. Test after test

revealed NOTHING and eventually the Doctors accused me of being anorexic though

it was chronic diarreah that caused my weight loss. I believe I recovered ONLY

because I had just given birth to my son and I refused to check out. Over the

years since I have bouts of illness,dizzy, foggy thinking,memory lapses,extreme

fatigue,fainting,aches and joint pains,slurred speech, anxiety,hair loss,low

body temperature,low blood pressure and the inability to gain weight past 100

pounds no matter how much i eat and other strange symptoms. ( thyroid tests

always come back normal) But recently as of June 2009 I suddenly became ill

again,,it started out with heart palpitaions,fainting,weight loss severe memory

problems etc...and I thought it was just anxiety from school but soon I realized

it was my mystery illness roaring back with a vengeance... by November 2009 I

was bed ridden and had to drop out of school and could no longer work forcing me

to move in with my ex husband or I would be homeless!! I have ALWAYS had a

heavily white coated tongue and when I have done the spit test in a glass of

water there are so many white flakes and the white cloud on the bottom is so

thick it looks like milk in the glass....Im convinced I have a systemic yeast

infection but I am afraid to go on the diet because I can NOT lose anymore

weight,Im currently down to 89 pounds. 5 days ago I started a gluten free diet

and FINALLY the diarreah has stopped, I honestly had forgotten what a normal

bowel movement was!I now believe I have been gluten intolerance my whole life

when I look back at my chronic stomach and bowel issues since birth. I need some

advise as to how to rid my system of the candida without side effects as my body

is EXTREMELY sensitive to everything including vitamins herbs etc...I currently

can not take anything because of side effects.I found one doctor who kind of

tried to help me and did a hydrogen peroxide IV treatment on me after I can down

with Bells palsy in November, it put my into a hypothermia shock for 7 days,in

and out of the hospital, it was terrifing,anyway my doctor said in 26 years of

giving that treatment he never saw a reaction like that. he said I have chronic

fatigue syndrome, could not handle a candida program and sent me on my way after

taking $2000.00 of my last monies. I am out of money to see doctors and honestly

have lost all faith in them anyway.I BELIEVE there is a gentle approach to

this,with gentle supplements etc... but I just need to find the person who truly

knows what they are doing! Oh and for the record, this last doctor found I have

Epstein barr IgG @ 1,936 and CMV IgG @ 18.20 I don't know why he never took the

IgM's to see if the viruses are indeed active? I guess one look at me and you

can see how very ill I am. PLEASE if you can lend any advise I would be truly



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No, I'm not going through Candida treatment because I can't find anyone to help

me. Everyone says " read this and read that " .....well my eyes are shot and the

dizzyness makes it almost impossible to concentrate, even typing this takes a

long time and is very frustrating. I really need someone to do a personalised


can't afford to experiment on my own at this stage of illness. Im sorry I can't

be of more help, I came here hoping to find help myself but I guess my email was

too long..I'm just another " number " I guess..So if anyone can recommend someone

who will actually listen and do a personalized treatment plan for me PLEASE let

me know...and no, I don't expect that for free, I do expect however that my life

be valued.


> :


> Thank you for your post, I was just reading bits and pieces of your post to my

husband and he asked if I wrote it. Mine started shortly after giving birth and

I suffer from almost identical syptoms including the inability to keep weight

on. I just had family visit and could tell they were staring at me because I've

lost more weight since I last saw them in August. I finally just brought up

that I can't keep weight on so they don't go back home saying I'm anorexic or

something fun like that.


> I'm currently being treated for yeast overgrowth. Some symptoms have gotten

better, but today I ended up taking a 3 hour nap (after 10 hours of sleep last

night), I've got body aches again today and am freezing. I can't figure out what

I've eaten. This is awful.


> Are you currently undergoing treatment and if so, what is your recovery like?

My issues seem to manifest in my sinuses so I'm wondering if I've got another

sinus infections (oh yeah, more antibiotics).


> The long and the short is, I've been under treatment for 4 months now and have

definitely improved as a whole, but have alot of " backwards days " where I

regress, like today. Any insight into what to expect from this recovery would

be most appreciated.


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Hi ,

We understand your frustration and pain as many of us have been where you are.

Your opening post was hard to read, so please keep in mind that we have to read

several posts a day and it is very time consuming. Putting spaces between

paragraphs makes it easier to read.

Bee and us moderators *do* want to help you, but it is also very important for

you to read Bee's articles so that you understand the program. It's important

that we are all on the same page. That is the only way you are going to know

how to heal yourself. Could you get your ex-husband to read them so he can help

you? Perhaps he can read the articles to you. It also helps to print out the


If you were to read Bee's articles, you would know that your program does not

need to be " personalized " for you. It is the same program for everyone. Since

humans are all the same species, we all require the same things for good health

and nutrition.

Having said that, Bee does do personal phone consultations. Here is a link for



All the best,

(Group Moderator)


> No, I'm not going through Candida treatment because I can't find anyone to

help me. Everyone says " read this and read that " .....well my eyes are shot and

the dizzyness makes it almost impossible to concentrate, even typing this takes

a long time and is very frustrating. I really need someone to do a personalised


can't afford to experiment on my own at this stage of illness. Im sorry I can't

be of more help, I came here hoping to find help myself but I guess my email was

too long..I'm just another " number " I guess..So if anyone can recommend someone

who will actually listen and do a personalized treatment plan for me PLEASE let

me know...and no, I don't expect that for free, I do expect however that my life

be valued.



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> :


> I'm currently being treated for yeast overgrowth. Some symptoms have gotten

better, but today I ended up taking a 3 hour nap (after 10 hours of sleep last

night), I've got body aches again today and am freezing. I can't figure out what

I've eaten. This is awful.

+++Hi . Getting healthy is not a steady uphill climb where you feel better

and better every day until you are healthy. That is because of how the body

heals itself. In fact the dis-ease processes are exactly the same as the

healing processes, with the only difference being that you are now progressing

towards health rather than becoming more and more unhealthy.

+++So you are going to experience many detoxifying and healing symptoms along

the way, including " retracing " of all past symptoms, diseases, illnesses,

injuries, etc. - see this article:


My issues seem to manifest in my sinuses so I'm wondering if I've got another

sinus infections (oh yeah, more antibiotics).

+++Sinus issues are always because your body has created more mucus in order to

get rid of toxins, so you'd want to do natural treatments to make yourself more

comfortable, however healing comes from within.


> The long and the short is, I've been under treatment for 4 months now and have

definitely improved as a whole, but have alot of " backwards days " where I

regress, like today. Any insight into what to expect from this recovery would

be most appreciated.

+++I suggest you learn more about how the body heals itself:


The best to you, Bee

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Hi ,

I don't quite understand how I'm supposed to write on here but I will do my


As you can see I'm in a very angry place and don't know who to trust and I don't

even know what symptoms are from what IE: the viruses I have, the hormonal

issues ( I just sent saliva testing in on Friday so I can go on

bioidenticles,Ive been in menopause for 10 years due to a hysterectomy and feel

this is a huge problem that needs immediate attention) and now a possible

candida infection is just so much to try and wade through when I can't even

think straight!

One question I have is, can candida go in and out of remission states where the

symptoms are tolerable and you function normally for awhile?

Just two years ago I finally felt " better " for no reason, I started acting in

films,started collage, I was so happy because Ive been too sick to recieve an

education, I was even put in a movie with Travolta....at almost 40 years

old both of those things were HUGE for me...Then last June everything was taken

away because of this illness or illnesses coming back with a vengeance.

Is this candida,the viruses,hormones?...When I'm told by a doctor I have

" Chronic fatigue syndrome " I just get angry because I BELIEVE all disease is

caused by " something " we/our bodies can overcome with the right tools and I

believe that " something " starts from our unhealthy emotions usually steming from

childhood abuse etc... Louise Hay's CDC's helped me a little bit,,, I dont deal

well with being told by doctor after doctor no one can help me and learn to live

with this/these chronic illness!

I'm sorry for all this jibberish and if I made my post too long again..Maybe I'm

" cleansing " right now from my gluten free diet?Or I'm just finally going crazy.

Thank you for your patience and help...I would love a phone consult with Bee, if

she can handle me.

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Hi ,

You're doing much better now with the postings. We simply ask that there are

some spaces between paragraphs so that it is easier to read and if you are

replying to a message, if you could leave only a few lines of the other person's

text (like I have) that would be helpful so that we know which post you are

responding to.

I don't think that candida goes in and out of remission, but I do know that at

times some of your symptoms can be worse than at other times. Some of my

symptoms were worse in my 20s than in my 30s.

I understand your anger with being sick and doctors who just don't know very

much about health. I, too, am very angry with the medical community and the

false information out there while doctors claim to have superior

knowledge...it's all rubbish and it infuriates me.

You're right - all disease comes from somewhere. It comes from improper diet

and exposure to toxic substances. In addition, stress can decrease the immune


It's a good place to start by taking the gluten out of your diet. I have to

tell you, though, that we can only comment about your healing process if you are

following Bee's diet. That is because her program is very unique and people can

get all kinds of reactions by following other diets and protocols. If you want

us to help you, we need for you to start this program.

When you start Bee's diet a whole range of emotions will likely come up for you.

It can be anything from anger, to depression, to sadness, to helplessness, to

fear. We've seen it all here. The toxins candida puts off into your system can

cause very strong emotions as well.

I also want to let you know that I have (had) chronic fatigue as well and I

couldn't focus on anything. I had incredible brain fog and could barely finish

a sentence because I would lose my train of thought mid-sentence. I have

improved significantly after being on this program. I am also doing a master's

degree and currently I'm at the top of my class and that is in addition to

taking care of a 4 year old, helping Bee by moderating and answering questions,

running a household and preparing all meals from scratch. Just 19 months ago, I

couldn't get off the couch and was in chronic pain, so this is a great

accomplishment for me. I hope I can encourage you to give it a try.

Ha! Ha! Yes, I'm sure Bee can handle you if you would like to do a phone

consultation with her!

Take care,


> Hi ,


> I don't quite understand how I'm supposed to write on here but I will do my




>One question I have is, can candida go in and out of remission states where the

symptoms are tolerable and you function normally for awhile?



> I'm sorry for all this jibberish and if I made my post too long again..Maybe

I'm " cleansing " right now from my gluten free diet?Or I'm just finally going

crazy. Thank you for your patience and help...I would love a phone consult with

Bee, if she can handle me.




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> Hi ,



> I'm sorry for all this jibberish and if I made my post too long again..Maybe

I'm " cleansing " right now from my gluten free diet?Or I'm just finally going

crazy. Thank you for your patience and help...I would love a phone consult with

Bee, if she can handle me.


+++Hi . This is a Self-Help Program, so I have requirements you need to

fulfill before I will do a consultation.

The first requirement is that you read and learn prior to a consultation. I'm

not willing to teach over the phone or by email the basic information you need

to get healthy. And IF I were to teach that way, it would require 3-4 hours of

consultation time.

Here's my consultation page which explains it:


The best in health, Bee

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Hi Bee,

I am doing my best in trying to read EVERYTHING. unfortunetly I don't retain

information well so it could be weeks before I can even start this program the

right way because I forget and then get confused and have to go back and re

read,lose my notes etc...its a vicious cycle.For the record, I even forget my

own sons name,where I am ,what day it is etc...

EVERYONE is affected differently with Candida and some of us have other things

affecting us making candida treatment harder to follow and it can even be

confusing like in my case, what symptoms are from what illness and thats why I

reached out for a PERSONALIZED consult but since the treatment is the same for

" everyone " then I will do my best to " self help " and teach myself.

Thank you for the reply

> >

> > Hi ,

> <snip>

> >

> > I'm sorry for all this jibberish and if I made my post too long again..Maybe

I'm " cleansing " right now from my gluten free diet?Or I'm just finally going

crazy. Thank you for your patience and help...I would love a phone consult with

Bee, if she can handle me.

> >

> +++Hi . This is a Self-Help Program, so I have requirements you need to

fulfill before I will do a consultation.


> The first requirement is that you read and learn prior to a consultation. I'm

not willing to teach over the phone or by email the basic information you need

to get healthy. And IF I were to teach that way, it would require 3-4 hours of

consultation time.


> Here's my consultation page which explains it:

> http://www.healingnaturallybybee.com/consult.php


> The best in health, Bee


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Hello ,

Your success story brought tears to my eyes!Happiness for you and hope for all

of us that we too will regain our health and lives back again someday :)

Before I got really sick this last time in June, I was volunteering my services

( I am a massage therapist) to help critically ill people such as cancer,HIV

etc... My clients would beg me to take money but the reward I told them was

watching them have a a moment, a day etc.. with out pain, or a place to cry, oh

my do the S.E.R's flow when a person is in a place of unconditional love,that is

the most wonderful gift of healing I ever gave.So your story of your

recovery,strength and courage truly touched my heart...no one can fight illness

alone,I need to hear more stories like yours to help me heal,thank you for the

encouragment :)

I am doing my best to follow Bee's program,I just wish I could remember. I tape

my notes to my chest when I'm cooking but just this morning I got panicked

thinking I didnt write everything down that was important because I don't trust

mylsef to remember.I mean when you look at your own son and don't know his name

sometimes geesh.

I havent started the Coconut oil yet because I had to order it but when it gets

here,what is the best way to take it?I didn't understand that part of the

program when I read it. It will be a solid so do I melt it and put it in my food

or just eat it off the spoon?

Thank you

> >

> > Hi ,

> >

> > I don't quite understand how I'm supposed to write on here but I will do my


> >

> <snip>

> >One question I have is, can candida go in and out of remission states where

the symptoms are tolerable and you function normally for awhile?

> >

> <snip>

> > I'm sorry for all this jibberish and if I made my post too long again..Maybe

I'm " cleansing " right now from my gluten free diet?Or I'm just finally going

crazy. Thank you for your patience and help...I would love a phone consult with

Bee, if she can handle me.

> >

> >

> >


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> Hi Bee,


> I am doing my best in trying to read EVERYTHING. unfortunetly I don't retain

information well so it could be weeks before I can even start this program the

right way because I forget and then get confused and have to go back and re

read,lose my notes etc...its a vicious cycle.For the record, I even forget my

own sons name,where I am ,what day it is etc...


> EVERYONE is affected differently with Candida and some of us have other things

affecting us making candida treatment harder to follow and it can even be

confusing like in my case, what symptoms are from what illness and thats why I

reached out for a PERSONALIZED consult but since the treatment is the same for

" everyone " then I will do my best to " self help " and teach myself.

+++Hi . The treatment is the same for everyone, since we are all the same

no matter what dis-ease we may be experiencing.

In fact the dis-ease processes are exactly the same as the healing processes,

with the only difference being that you are now progressing towards health

rather than becoming more and more unhealthy.

The medical field just takes advantage of the dis-ease process by labelling each

and every " sign " (which they decided were symptoms or diseases), instead of

calling them what they actually are, i.e. signs the body is working hard at

maintaining its health in spite of poor nutrition, toxins, etc. That's why

" they " vehemently deny the body can heal itself.

I have consulted with people who have difficulties reading but in the end

consultations can become a " crutch, " so they don't try to read and understand on

their own. That doesn't help them.

When a person does not understand the " basics " as to why they only consume foods

on this program, and only take the supplements recommended, it is an uphill

losing battle, since they cannot " think with the information " and make it their

own. This information is so important for life-long health that everyone needs

to understand.

The best in health, Bee

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Hi ,

I used to be a massage therapist, too, but I had to quit it because of the

candida. I was too weak and I had arthritis and fibromyalgia (caused by


Here are other Success Stories written by other people on this forum to help you

feel more motivated:


I'm glad you are starting to follow Bee's program. Do whatever is necessary to

get yourself on this program because it will save your life as it has mine.

Your memory will come back as the fog lifts and the program will soon become

second nature to you.

For your coconut oil, you can eat it off the spoon or melt it and pour it over

your food - it's up to you. Just make sure that you take it with meals because

the foods, supplements and oil all work together.

Hang in there!

(Group Moderator)


> Hello ,




> I am doing my best to follow Bee's program,I just wish I could remember. I

tape my notes to my chest when I'm cooking but just this morning I got panicked

thinking I didnt write everything down that was important because I don't trust

mylsef to remember.I mean when you look at your own son and don't know his name

sometimes geesh.


> I havent started the Coconut oil yet because I had to order it but when it

gets here,what is the best way to take it?I didn't understand that part of the

program when I read it. It will be a solid so do I melt it and put it in my food

or just eat it off the spoon?


> Thank you


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  • 2 months later...
Guest guest

A patient and loving parent as yourself can never be replaced!! Try not to despair, you have done the right thing by first recognizing this as a dangerous situation. It is typical sleep pattern to wake 8 times during the night, most of us simply fall immediately back to sleep and have no memory of it. It sounds like your ds is not able to quiet his mind when he sleep-wakes, so he hops out of bed and busies himself. You didn't mention anything about meds, if you haven't spoken with his pediatrician about the situation, that might be a good place to start.

In order for you not to lay awake worrying, you need to make his room as safe as possible so you can get some sleep. I would start by removing that curtain rod and curtains, also any mirrors or anything breakable. You can replace the curtain with sheets of tissue paper - comes in lots of colors and tapes up easily, and it allows a lot of light to filter through. If his interest is in taking things apart, you could pick up some second hand; clocks, radios, alarms, etc., and a miniature tool set. This should give him something harmless and safe, that he can busy himself with when he is unable to quiet his mind in the night.

Talk with him about how much you love him and how frightened you become that he may hurt himself during the night. Tell him that your number one concern is his safety and that you're going to work together to make his room safe. Try to get him on board with the plan, so that he understands why the changes are being made to his room, and so he won't have resentment and act out.

These are temporary adjustments to what may be long time struggle for him. My ds at 16, still has some difficulty in the night and the way we manage it changes. I'm sure you'll find much support and understanding with this group, that will help you manage through the challenges. GL !!

From: ajloeffler@... <ajloeffler@...>Subject: ( ) Need help , aspergerparentsupport Date: Friday, March 12, 2010, 6:05 PM

I am now officially afraid to go to sleep. My 7 yo aspie has been getting up in the middle for years now, but it's been to get food, caprisuns or play video games. Thsi morning I found evidence and he later admitted to getting up and "playing" with my kitchen knives from the block. I've reinstalled an alarm on his bedroom door so that I am awoken when he tries to "escape", but now I will worry what he is up to behind closed doors (He likes to swing from his curtains, disassemble chairs, and the like)

I'm wondering if someone else would be able to do a better job with him.

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  • 1 month later...
Guest guest

-----Original Message-----

I have been lurking for some time now. i want to start this diet and even

tried to do it many times but i am having trouble staying on it due to the

fact that i travel. <<

Hi Sue. I don't have any suggestions for you.

In fact, I have some myself..

My Marine son is stationed in Afghanistan right now and it is so hard to

hear what and how he has to eat... Wish I knew how to help him!

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Guest guest


> I have been lurking for some time now. i want to start this diet and even

tried to do it many times but i am having trouble staying on it due to the fact

that i travel. I don't know how to eat at restaurants while on it and i can't

take food with me a lot of the times. What do people do here when they travel or

even go to other people homes to eat. i don't want to be rude and ask how they

prepared things. It is impossible for me to stay at home and just cook for

myself. My family wants nothing to do with this type of cooking. I feel so


+++Hi Sue. Welcome to our group. We can help you with travelling tips to get

the best food in resturants - this subject has been discussed many times on the

group so you could search of our messages to find them too - go to the group's

website, click on Messages on the left menu.


> I went to my naturopath and he did a stool test and it came back negative for

yeast. But i know i have a candida problem cause i have a slight white/grey

coating on my tongue. I brush it all the time and even use hydrogen peroxide and

it still comes back. He says that it doesn't have to be yeast or thrush. I do

have hashimotos thyroiditis.

+++There are no stool or laboratory tests that can confirm candida - see this

for Dr. Crook's Questionnaire, which is the only way to confirm it or not:


+++Also, it is very common for candida sufferers to have thyroid issues, and

since this program will normalize thyroid function you need to plan on getting

off meds before that time - I can advise you on this too.


> Also I did an allergy test for foods-blood drawn with delayed reactions and

i'm allergic to eggs, red meat, and dairy. I have never had a reaction to these

foods before but it says im allergic. i don't even get colds and i rarely get

sick. I have other issues not food related.

+++Allergy tests are very inaccurate and misleading for a few reasons, including

the fact that human bodies are designed to consume foods from Nature in order to

be healthy, so no one would be allergic to uncontaminated eggs or red meats.

Lab tests also used contaminated samples to test foods, and the antibody theory

upon which allergy tests are based is totally false - see these articles:


Even if you don't have candida this program will improve your health, since it

is Back to Nature, and has proved to be an overall healing program.

There are Four Causes of Failing Health:

1. Lack of proper nutrition and oxygen.

2. Accumulation of toxins, poisons, and waste.

3. Lowered vitality due to stress, shock, injury, emotional upsets, relationship

or financial worries and concerns, etc.

4. Nutritional status inherited from your parents upon conception, which can be

corrected by proper nutrition.

Please ensure you read two important articles so you understand candida, and

know what you need to do and why:

1) How to Successfully Overcome Candida


2) Curing Candida, How to Get Started


For encouragement and inspiration see these wonderful Success Stories by members

of this group: http://www.healingnaturallybybee.com/success/index.php

We look forward to being in touch with you.

The best in health, Bee

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