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Hi Bill, If you want to email regarding candex, immunocal, etc, would be glad to



Kind Regards, Joe


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Candex made me violently ill within an hour of injestion. I think

because my candidiasis is so severe. My son however takes it and it

keeps his yeast under control even through chelation. Robin

> Anyone had experience -- good or bad, with Candex?


> Bill



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  • 3 months later...

Ann wrote:

==>Welcome to our group Ann.

> Does anyone here use Candex?

==>Some of our members have used it and they did okay with it, but as

a general rule I do not recommend it. It is a complex product with

many ingredients that some people may not do well on. It is better

to stick to simpler whole foods antifungals such as garlic & oil of



> I'm new to the list. Using probiotics, candex, and doing the best I

can right now with diet.

==>The most important aspect of getting well is the diet. You should

get the diet down pat first before starting on probiotics or

antifungals, except coconut oil which is started with the diet. This

is a step by step process which sets your body up for proper healing,

without overwhelming it. Please read my article " How to Successfully

Overcome Candida " , which is required reading for all members.


> I don't have systemic yeast, per test from holistic M.D. But had

some yeast symptoms, maybe a lot in sinuses (not sure if it's yeast

causing the sinus problems or mold or something else).

==>If you have sinus problems and are sensitive to anything in the

environment your immune system is not up to par, and you probably

have candida. There is no candida test that is totally accurate.

Please read my article and you will find there are tests in it that

are more accurate.

The best in health,


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  • 5 months later...
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In a message dated 10/04/2006 12:15:24 GMT Daylight Time, simondavis@... writes:

What do you reckon on dosage for Callum on candex – and works well with no fenol between meals as well as with I’ve read?

>>I have always based the dosage on the size of the problem rather than his weight. Never done more than 2 twice a day though.

We give No Fenol anyways so I forget about that really LOL, its been so long. I would give the No Fenol in the morning if you can fit in around the empty tummy, rather than at night if its new to you.

I think we still have low level die off here from the Culturelle, sighhhh, been butting my shoulder this morning whilst out, I think I prefer yeast - at least he is silly then!


Mandi x

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In a message dated 10/04/2006 12:15:24 GMT Daylight Time,

simondavis@... writes:

What do you reckon on dosage for Callum

on candex – and works well with no fenol between meals as well as with I’ve read?

>>I have always based the dosage on the size of the

problem rather than his weight. Never done more than 2 twice a day though.

>>the size of the problem is about 4ft

and 50llbs – LOL at my own joke!

We give No Fenol anyways so I forget about that really LOL, its been so long. I would give the No Fenol in the

morning if you can fit in around the empty tummy, rather than at night if its

new to you.

>> we give it with every

meal, but shall take your advice on extra – btw looks awful at mo, been

looking great until introduced 2 sacc bourlardi – now really knackered and huge dark rings – can’t wait to get rid of

the yeast and die off.

I think we still have low level die off here from the

Culturelle, sighhhh, been butting my shoulder this morning whilst out, I think

I prefer yeast - at least he is silly then!

>> I know what

you mean, although it’s like living with a constant drunk when Callum’s yeasty, gets a bit wearing after a whileL




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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest guest

HI all,

Like everyone else, I thought I had tried EVERYTHING under the sun to help my

candida. I am doing the diet, anti-fungals, exercise, skilled relaxation twice

a day etc. I recently read some information on Candex and have been on it for

a week. I have to say this is the best I have felt in weeks. It works by a

completely differnt mechanism tha the other things I have tried, and it does

seem to be making a difference, to the point that I wish I had tried it earlier.

You do still have to be on the diet with it, and it is expensive, but for those

of us who seem to be languishing at a plateau and not improving, this might be

one solution. I will keep you posted.

Google it and see what you think!

By the way, you HAVE to take this twice a day on a completely empty stomach, or

it can't work.

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I went to the Candex website and I don't really have severe VAGINAL yeast


I am going to keep doing what I am doing. It seems to be working for me.

Hope you start feeling 100% when the bottle is empty.

-P <><

On Sun, 30 Apr 2006 07:57:17 -0700 (PDT) susan <peacefulmeow@...>


HI all,

Like everyone else, I thought I had tried EVERYTHING under the sun to

help my candida. I am doing the diet, anti-fungals, exercise, skilled

relaxation twice a day etc. I recently read some information on Candex

and have been on it for a week. I have to say this is the best I have

felt in weeks. It works by a completely differnt mechanism tha the other

things I have tried, and it does seem to be making a difference, to the

point that I wish I had tried it earlier. You do still have to be on the

diet with it, and it is expensive, but for those of us who seem to be

languishing at a plateau and not improving, this might be one solution.

I will keep you posted.

Google it and see what you think!

By the way, you HAVE to take this twice a day on a completely empty

stomach, or it can't work.

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Thanks, Peggy, for your well wishes! :)

My reading of this (below) is that it is for all candida overgrowth, not just

vaginal. Especially since chronic vaginal nearly always indicates systemic

overgrowth. But everybody will interpret it for their own body, which is as it

should be!

Candida albicans is a single celled yeast that is impossible to keep out of the

body. Normally, it does no harm, because it is kept in check by beneficial

bacteria (probiotics) like acidophilus (see figure 1). These bacteria, however,

can be destroyed by birth control pills, anti-biotics, steroids, cortisone

drugs, chlorinated water, poor diet and extreme stress (figure 2). When this

occurs, candida can grow out of control (figure 3).

Candida causes problems by releasing toxins into the bloodstream. These toxins

trigger many discomforts, including localized (primarily vaginal or rectal)

itching, depression, irritability, dizziness, unclear thinking, difficulty

focusing, extreme fatigue, loss of memory, gas, bloating, diarrhea,

constipation, extreme weight gain or loss, etc. More than 100 million Americans

are thought to suffer from candida overgrowth.

For many years, the mainstays in candida management have been anti-fungal drugs

and herbs (see figure 4). But, these agents have limitations.

First, anti-fungal drugs may cause liver damage.

Second, anti-fungal drugs and herbs cause yeasts to release even more toxins,

which cause “die off reactions†(intensifications of symptoms) that many

people cannot tolerate.

Third, yeasts can become resistant to them, so that they lose their effect.

Since candida’s cell wall is made mostly of fiber, fiber digesting enzymes can

break (see figure 5). When this occurs, the yeast dies. The enzymes that best

digest the cell candida are Cellulase and hemicelluloses. While digestive aids

may contain these they do not provide enough of them to combat candida. For

this, a specialty formulation is needed. Such formulations must be taken on an

empty stomach.

Because candida cannot change the structure of its cell wall, it cannot become

resistant to these enzymes. And, because the enzymes do not stimulate the yeast

to release they do not trigger a die-off reaction (see figure 6). In short, you

won’t have to feel worse before you feel better. Best of all, fiber digesting

enzymes are completely safe.

Because Candex is so successful, many companies have now introduced similar

products. Unfortunately, none of these products have studies behind them, and

most contain enzymes. BUT, protease is absolutely unnecessary, and can do more

harm than good.

Laboratory studies show that protease enzymes destroy probiotics (the healthy

that help keep candida in check). Since probiotic deficiency is a primary cause

of candida, the last thing candida victims should take is enzymes that may

destroy them.

Protease enzymes can be used with meals, as a digestive aid, because the enzymes

will be spent digesting foods. However, when used between meals, as is required

to fight candida, these enzymes will encounter and kill probiotics. Because

protease is not required to kill candida, and does kill probiotics, it should be

avoided except as a digestive aid.

During the six years we have used fiber digesting enzymes against candida, we

have found about 200,000 daily units of Cellulase and hemicellulase to be ideal.

Candex provides 208,000 total units of daily Cellulase and hemicellulase


As with all things, individual results will vary. However, nearly everyone notes

substantial improvements within one to four weeks. While die-off reactions do

not occur with Candex, a few people may experience nausea, a “burning

sensation†in the stomach, or abdominal cramping. This is because the enzymes

may aggravate pre-existing disturbances in the GI. If this occurs, we suggest

using one third of a capsule, twice daily, emptied into eight ounces of warm

water, and building up from there. Using a bit of non-fiber foods (meat or

dairy) may also help.

To minimize any sensitivity to Candex, we suggest one capsule your first day,

two your second day, and so on, until you reach the full, four capsule per day


Candex is safe for everyone. For children, use one-half capsule, twice daily,

for each 40 pounds of body weight. For ages 14 and up, adult recommendations may

be followed.

No one will ever be completely yeast free. Indeed, most experts believe that

small amounts of yeast are beneficial. The goal is to keep populations beneath

levels that cause problems.

Two capsules of Candex in the morning, an hour before breakfast, and two at

bedtime, at least two hours after eating (always use with eight ounces of water)

normally produce profound improvement in 7 to 30 days. The time needed for

maximum in benefit, however, varies, because we each have:

Different amounts of yeast to overcome Different levels of immune support

Different levels of healthy probiotics

Different dietary habits

Varying levels of stress

The longer you have had a yeast problem, the longer you will likely need to use

Candex. When you're feeling as well as you think you should, cut back from four

capsules per day to three for a week; then, to two per day for another week; and

finally to one a day. If you Continue to feel well, continue with one capsule

per day. If you begin to feel worse as you cut back, use four capsules daily for

another month, and then cut back again. There is no “one size fits allâ€

solution for candida.

When you have attained maximum benefit, you will be able to use one capsule per

day with out regressing. Sugar, antibiotics, birth control pills, chlorinated

water or stress may trigger renewed outbreaks of candida.

We highly recommend using FlorAlive with Candex, FlorAlive is formulated

specifically to support Candex’s actions. It contains six strains of

probiotics, and is made with patented technology (developed by Temple

University) that insures that living probiotics reach the intestinal tract. It

is the only probiotic product we know of that can make this assurance.

Laboratory studies show that Candex inhibits tile growth of candida albicans in

vitro. A clinical study of 52 patients showed that Candex is safe, effective,

well tolerated, and causes no significant side effects. The physicians that

conducted this study concluded that “Candex should be the first choice for

treatment of enteric candida in our patient population.†Candex is recommended

by physicians, nurses, natural health practitioners, health clinics, and health

food retailers throughout the country.

While some find that Candex permits them to eat foods that are not allowed in

normal candida diets, this is not recommended. You are using Candex to reduce

yeast populations. Eating foods that feed yeast will lengthen the time you’ll

need to use it. The sugar digesting enzymes in Candex are not a license to eat

sugars in an indiscriminate way.

The candida diet permits dense proteins, such as chicken and fish, and all the

vegetables you can eat. Avoid caffeine, alcohol and anything made from flour —

breads, pastas, tortillas, cakes, cookies, etc. Check food labels closely, and

eliminate all sugar, including sucrose, dextrose, glucose, fructose, corn syrup,

maple syrup, honey, molasses, barley malt, rice syrup, etc. If sweetening is

required, use Stevia. Avoid foods that contain vinegar (mustard, mayonnaise,

etc.), fermented foods (cheese, sauerkraut, soy sauce, etc.), and processed

meats, like hot dogs, sausages, bacon, bologna. spam, and so on. Drink only

filtered or bottled water (tap water contains chlorine, which kills probiotics.)

Most people can use who/e grains.

It can be difficult for strict vegetarians us to obtain enough protein without

overloading on grains and beans. Eating a wide variety of vegetables can help

with this, as can supplements like Spirulina or Chlorella. Candida cookbooks

can be invaluable.

While the candida diet is rigid, it is necessary. As you get yeast under

control, you may be able to increase grains and add fruits. If you do, monitor

the way you feel, and if discomforts recur, return to the strict diet, and use

four capsules of Candex per day until the discomforts subside. While some people

can reintroduce wider varieties of foods after using Candex, others report a

rapid recurrence of discomforts when they do this.

Each Day's Usage of Candex (4capsules) Provides:











,000 SU*




It's so wonderful... if your whole day is rotten, once they start the music, it

seems to melt away.

~ O'Connor

Re: Candex

I went to the Candex website and I don't really have severe VAGINAL yeast


I am going to keep doing what I am doing. It seems to be working for me.

Hope you start feeling 100% when the bottle is empty.

-P <><

On Sun, 30 Apr 2006 07:57:17 -0700 (PDT) susan <peacefulmeow@...>


HI all,

Like everyone else, I thought I had tried EVERYTHING under the sun to

help my candida. I am doing the diet, anti-fungals, exercise, skilled

relaxation twice a day etc. I recently read some information on Candex

and have been on it for a week. I have to say this is the best I have

felt in weeks. It works by a completely differnt mechanism tha the other

things I have tried, and it does seem to be making a difference, to the

point that I wish I had tried it earlier. You do still have to be on the

diet with it, and it is expensive, but for those of us who seem to be

languishing at a plateau and not improving, this might be one solution.

I will keep you posted.

Google it and see what you think!

By the way, you HAVE to take this twice a day on a completely empty

stomach, or it can't work.

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Are you saying the health food store name for Candex is Vitamin Cottage??

I have a GNC at the mall I work in. I wanted to check it out.

I am finding that since I started the Candida diet and ALL the

supplements that they have helped me feel good inside

but has not gotten rid of my itching. I don't have a skin rash only my

skin turning raw

because of scratching. When I went to the dermalogigist and I had scratch

marks all over

my body some bloody, he told me to come back and see him when I see a


Kaiser doctors are pathetic!

Anyways from my experience doing all the supplements, it does not matter

what>>>> we will

always feel better or feel different the first few days. It is the long

term that we will be

able to see if it is really working. It is just like the Borage Dry Skin

Theraphy I bought for

$14 (8 oz) it worked the first three days and as soon as my body got used

to it ....

not working as well as at first. I think it all helps but in the long run

once our bodies

get used to it ...not really getting rid of the problem. Our conditions

have to take their

course no matter what we are taking or doing..... that is my opinion and

from my experience

FOR ME.....



On Thu, 4 May 2006 10:12:12 -0700 (PDT) Jo Garascia

<pilgrim_mj@...> writes:

Hello All - Thanks so much to the forum member who mentioned Candex in a

recent post - I have taken just three doses so far, but am experiencing a

definite reduction in symptoms. I have been plagued by skin rash,

terrible itching, etc for months now.

The Candex is making a difference - and fast!!! I thought that the

rationale for it working seemed to make a lot of sense - that it disrupts

the cell walls of the organism, and it dies - BUT no die-off reactions


I found it at my local health food store (Vitamin Cottage) in Denver,

but also saw it advertised on the web. I paid about $20 for 40 caps...



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I bought Candex at the Vitamin Shoppe. If you don't have a local store, they

have a webpage.


peggypooh1@... wrote:


Are you saying the health food store name for Candex is Vitamin Cottage??

I have a GNC at the mall I work in. I wanted to check it out.

I am finding that since I started the Candida diet and ALL the

supplements that they have helped me feel good inside

but has not gotten rid of my itching. I don't have a skin rash only my

skin turning raw

because of scratching. When I went to the dermalogigist and I had scratch

marks all over

my body some bloody, he told me to come back and see him when I see a


Kaiser doctors are pathetic!

Anyways from my experience doing all the supplements, it does not matter

what>>>> we will

always feel better or feel different the first few days. It is the long

term that we will be

able to see if it is really working. It is just like the Borage Dry Skin

Theraphy I bought for

$14 (8 oz) it worked the first three days and as soon as my body got used

to it ....

not working as well as at first. I think it all helps but in the long run

once our bodies

get used to it ...not really getting rid of the problem. Our conditions

have to take their

course no matter what we are taking or doing..... that is my opinion and

from my experience

FOR ME.....



On Thu, 4 May 2006 10:12:12 -0700 (PDT) Jo Garascia

<pilgrim_mj@...> writes:

Hello All - Thanks so much to the forum member who mentioned Candex in a

recent post - I have taken just three doses so far, but am experiencing a

definite reduction in symptoms. I have been plagued by skin rash,

terrible itching, etc for months now.

The Candex is making a difference - and fast!!! I thought that the

rationale for it working seemed to make a lot of sense - that it disrupts

the cell walls of the organism, and it dies - BUT no die-off reactions


I found it at my local health food store (Vitamin Cottage) in Denver,

but also saw it advertised on the web. I paid about $20 for 40 caps...



Love cheap thrills? Enjoy PC-to-Phone calls to 30+ countries for just

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yes, i went to Vitamin Shoppe and the cheapest yet!

You get more for your money



On Thu, 4 May 2006 11:14:42 -0700 (PDT) Lynn Snell <lynn1016@...>


I bought Candex at the Vitamin Shoppe. If you don't have a local store,

they have a webpage.


peggypooh1@... wrote:


Are you saying the health food store name for Candex is Vitamin Cottage??

I have a GNC at the mall I work in. I wanted to check it out.

I am finding that since I started the Candida diet and ALL the

supplements that they have helped me feel good inside

but has not gotten rid of my itching. I don't have a skin rash only my

skin turning raw

because of scratching. When I went to the dermalogigist and I had scratch

marks all over

my body some bloody, he told me to come back and see him when I see a


Kaiser doctors are pathetic!

Anyways from my experience doing all the supplements, it does not matter

what>>>> we will

always feel better or feel different the first few days. It is the long

term that we will be

able to see if it is really working. It is just like the Borage Dry Skin

Theraphy I bought for

$14 (8 oz) it worked the first three days and as soon as my body got used

to it ....

not working as well as at first. I think it all helps but in the long run

once our bodies

get used to it ...not really getting rid of the problem. Our conditions

have to take their

course no matter what we are taking or doing..... that is my opinion and

from my experience

FOR ME.....



On Thu, 4 May 2006 10:12:12 -0700 (PDT) Jo Garascia

<pilgrim_mj@...> writes:

Hello All - Thanks so much to the forum member who mentioned Candex in a

recent post - I have taken just three doses so far, but am experiencing a

definite reduction in symptoms. I have been plagued by skin rash,

terrible itching, etc for months now.

The Candex is making a difference - and fast!!! I thought that the

rationale for it working seemed to make a lot of sense - that it disrupts

the cell walls of the organism, and it dies - BUT no die-off reactions


I found it at my local health food store (Vitamin Cottage) in Denver,

but also saw it advertised on the web. I paid about $20 for 40 caps...



Love cheap thrills? Enjoy PC-to-Phone calls to 30+ countries for just

2¢/min with Messenger with Voice.

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wow this is amazing,

I found a Vit. Shoppe two blocks up from my work in San , CA!!

Groovy! I'll go check it out!


Thanks Lynn

On Thu, 4 May 2006 11:14:42 -0700 (PDT) Lynn Snell <lynn1016@...>


I bought Candex at the Vitamin Shoppe. If you don't have a local store,

they have a webpage.


peggypooh1@... wrote:


Are you saying the health food store name for Candex is Vitamin Cottage??

I have a GNC at the mall I work in. I wanted to check it out.

I am finding that since I started the Candida diet and ALL the

supplements that they have helped me feel good inside

but has not gotten rid of my itching. I don't have a skin rash only my

skin turning raw

because of scratching. When I went to the dermalogigist and I had scratch

marks all over

my body some bloody, he told me to come back and see him when I see a


Kaiser doctors are pathetic!

Anyways from my experience doing all the supplements, it does not matter

what>>>> we will

always feel better or feel different the first few days. It is the long

term that we will be

able to see if it is really working. It is just like the Borage Dry Skin

Theraphy I bought for

$14 (8 oz) it worked the first three days and as soon as my body got used

to it ....

not working as well as at first. I think it all helps but in the long run

once our bodies

get used to it ...not really getting rid of the problem. Our conditions

have to take their

course no matter what we are taking or doing..... that is my opinion and

from my experience

FOR ME.....



On Thu, 4 May 2006 10:12:12 -0700 (PDT) Jo Garascia

<pilgrim_mj@...> writes:

Hello All - Thanks so much to the forum member who mentioned Candex in a

recent post - I have taken just three doses so far, but am experiencing a

definite reduction in symptoms. I have been plagued by skin rash,

terrible itching, etc for months now.

The Candex is making a difference - and fast!!! I thought that the

rationale for it working seemed to make a lot of sense - that it disrupts

the cell walls of the organism, and it dies - BUT no die-off reactions


I found it at my local health food store (Vitamin Cottage) in Denver,

but also saw it advertised on the web. I paid about $20 for 40 caps...



Love cheap thrills? Enjoy PC-to-Phone calls to 30+ countries for just

2¢/min with Messenger with Voice.

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I have been on Candex for two weeks and it has really helped me. I am not

cured, but it definitely stabilized my blood sugar and greatly reduced my

reactions to foods.

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Hi ,

That is very interesting. What do you mean about stabilizing the blood

sugar. Are you eating any differently now that you are on Candex? As for your

reaction to foods, can you give an example?

What is in Candex that makes it different?

Your friend in the struggle,

susan <peacefulmeow@...> wrote:

I have been on Candex for two weeks and it has really helped me. I am not

cured, but it definitely stabilized my blood sugar and greatly reduced my

reactions to foods.

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I have to say this is the same kind of explanation that I have with ALL

the other supplements I have been taking. They " seem " to be working

BUT NO " REAL " cure.

That is the way it has been going ever since, but I " feel " good although

my itching has not stopped which tells me I have not found a cure

nor the reason for my problem.

We are all doing this. Making suggestions, running out and buying


in hopes for a cure. That is all we can do.

Whether it is Candida still remains a mystery to me.

There is an underlying problem that doctors nor I can find answers. IN

the meantime,

we just keep moving forward and look forward to the day when this is all

over and

we can live normal lives. When that time come, I will be more grateful

for being

itchless and I will live life to the fullest. It is hard to live life to

the fullest when

itching is always there.

Just like the candex ...it has helped you, but it has not cured you.


On Thu, 11 May 2006 04:25:51 -0700 (PDT) susan <peacefulmeow@...>


I have been on Candex for two weeks and it has really helped me. I am

not cured, but it definitely stabilized my blood sugar and greatly

reduced my reactions to foods.

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This is one site that explains how Candex works. I am always skeptical because,

of course, every supplement purports to cure us. As I said, this has not cured

me, but it has helped me feel better. Supposedly Candex is not something the

yeast can adapt to (see the article).

I eat a primarily whole foods diet with much raw food, and I avoid all of the

candida no-no's. For the first three and a half months of my intense

treatment, my blood sugar would crash if I didn't eat every two hours. With the

Candex, I have been able to operate more " normally " in that regard and only eat

at the usual times - three or four small meals a day. I have even gone hours

without eating and been fine - not on purpose!

As far as reactions to foods, prior to the Candex, I would get headaches and

tiredness if I ate something that even contained a tiny bit of something on the

NO list - like soy sauce or sugar. Now I can eat goat's milk yogurt, for

example, or a little tamari, with no reaction. I am still VERY careful about

what I eat, though. But this has helped me gain a tiny bit of freedom back.

I know that this is a long road, and I am attacking the candida on lots of

fronts. Thanks to everyone on this list for their help and information!

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I just started taking Candex a couple of days ago and will post my results.

Alison, Chicago


From: candidiasis [mailto:candidiasis ] On

Behalf Of susan

Sent: Thursday, May 11, 2006 6:26 AM


Subject: Re: Candex

I have been on Candex for two weeks and it has really helped me. I am not

cured, but it definitely stabilized my blood sugar and greatly reduced my

reactions to foods.

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HI again,

In response to Peggy-- isn't the fact that we have to keep struggling in

the nature of the beast? Overgrowth of candida fungus is a predicament triggered

by antibiotics and major stress such as our ancestors didn't have to live with.

Having said that, they had to deal with things we don't have to worry about (not

that I would say we have it easier, no way--).

Spiritual enlightenment is what our new world particularly lacks, for we

are surrounded by advertising and materialism in an amount never before

encountered. Finding the meaning behind struggle is the good in it, and

hopefully will bring the inner peace to help cure.

I ordered three bottles of Candex today because I like the concept that the

fungus won't build up resistance (always a problem since we have to keep

switching), and because said she is feeling somewhat better. For the time

being, somewhat better is a welcome feeling, at least for me. I can live with

the fight if my Creator will grant me the means to keep it bearable.

I pray everyone on the list finds something to keep symptoms bearable, if

not completely cure them!

peggypooh1@... wrote:


I have to say this is the same kind of explanation that I have with ALL

the other supplements I have been taking. They " seem " to be working

BUT NO " REAL " cure.

That is the way it has been going ever since, but I " feel " good although

my itching has not stopped which tells me I have not found a cure

nor the reason for my problem.

We are all doing this. Making suggestions, running out and buying


in hopes for a cure. That is all we can do.

Whether it is Candida still remains a mystery to me.

There is an underlying problem that doctors nor I can find answers. IN

the meantime,

we just keep moving forward and look forward to the day when this is all

over and

we can live normal lives. When that time come, I will be more grateful

for being

itchless and I will live life to the fullest. It is hard to live life to

the fullest when

itching is always there.

Just like the candex ...it has helped you, but it has not cured you.


On Thu, 11 May 2006 04:25:51 -0700 (PDT) susan <peacefulmeow@...>


I have been on Candex for two weeks and it has really helped me. I am

not cured, but it definitely stabilized my blood sugar and greatly

reduced my reactions to foods.

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From what I understand, the real problem is not the candida, but a

weakness in our immune systems that led our bodies to be unable to deal

with the candida in the normal way (ie keep it under control).

I've discovered that my leaky gut is the real cause of all my problems,

the candida was secondary and it quite easily kept in check with

antifungals, probiotics and diet. I'm now working on healing my leaky

gut and my whole body (I could have other organ problems - like with my

liver or kidneys or spleen). I see it as a total body rework, trying to

repair my health which I ruined by eating and drinking the wrong things.

Just my 2c.


Re: Candex

HI again,

In response to Peggy-- isn't the fact that we have to keep

struggling in the nature of the beast? Overgrowth of candida fungus is a

predicament triggered by antibiotics and major stress such as our

ancestors didn't have to live with. Having said that, they had to deal

with things we don't have to worry about (not that I would say we have

it easier, no way--).

Spiritual enlightenment is what our new world particularly lacks,

for we are surrounded by advertising and materialism in an amount never

before encountered. Finding the meaning behind struggle is the good in

it, and hopefully will bring the inner peace to help cure.

I ordered three bottles of Candex today because I like the concept

that the fungus won't build up resistance (always a problem since we

have to keep switching), and because said she is feeling somewhat

better. For the time being, somewhat better is a welcome feeling, at

least for me. I can live with the fight if my Creator will grant me the

means to keep it bearable.

I pray everyone on the list finds something to keep symptoms

bearable, if not completely cure them!

peggypooh1@... wrote:


I have to say this is the same kind of explanation that I have with ALL

the other supplements I have been taking. They " seem " to be working

BUT NO " REAL " cure.

That is the way it has been going ever since, but I " feel " good although

my itching has not stopped which tells me I have not found a cure

nor the reason for my problem.

We are all doing this. Making suggestions, running out and buying


in hopes for a cure. That is all we can do.

Whether it is Candida still remains a mystery to me.

There is an underlying problem that doctors nor I can find answers. IN

the meantime,

we just keep moving forward and look forward to the day when this is all

over and

we can live normal lives. When that time come, I will be more grateful

for being

itchless and I will live life to the fullest. It is hard to live life to

the fullest when

itching is always there.

Just like the candex ...it has helped you, but it has not cured you.


On Thu, 11 May 2006 04:25:51 -0700 (PDT) susan <peacefulmeow@...>


I have been on Candex for two weeks and it has really helped me. I am

not cured, but it definitely stabilized my blood sugar and greatly

reduced my reactions to foods.

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yeah, the real weird part about all this is we

" like the doctors " still don't know what is wrong with us...

We just have to keep tugging on....

I do admit I am skeptical, but I am realistic.

What I mean is....

When I first visited this website I read about the immune system and

candida albicans.

em Kay?

The first time I ever heard of this and it made sense to me because

I was eating a hugh amount of See's candies everyday and I was wondering

when the bottom was going to fall out.

It could not go on.

When I read on about sugar ....poor diet, SUGAR FEEDS THE YEAST, and that

one of the symptoms " could be " itching

I decided to go with it.

It gave me hope since the doctors couldn't.

I read an article on WholeApproach.... THIS IS HOW TO KILL CANDIDA....

I followed the instructions ran to Whole Foods, spent a lot of money

and oh....guess what I " may " still have candida. Or did I ever have it?

We don't know ...it is a well known mystery. We are all just guessing.

Well, maybe it's leaky gut. Okay....let's go down that road.

That's the way I " feel " about it. If I went to my doctor today and asked

for a " leaky Gut " test,

it would come out negative. " Sorry Mrs. Kit, you don't have leaky gut. "

The candida diet is making me " feel " better because any diet will....

When we change our bad habits for the good, it will make us feel better.

I am sure there are many people in the room that are just finding out

they are allergic to

certain foods.

For me realistically....

I am 53, living through menopause, doctor used iodine during my EMB, I

" was " eating too much

sugar, foods high in fat, not exercising, all the tests the doctors did

on me came out NEGATIVE.

I would just like to hear real success testimonies in this room. Has

anyone really ever been

cured of anything " they guess " they have????



On Fri, 12 May 2006 08:39:55 +0200 " Keen Venables "

<kvenables@...> writes:

From what I understand, the real problem is not the candida, but a

weakness in our immune systems that led our bodies to be unable to deal

with the candida in the normal way (ie keep it under control).

I've discovered that my leaky gut is the real cause of all my problems,

the candida was secondary and it quite easily kept in check with

antifungals, probiotics and diet. I'm now working on healing my leaky

gut and my whole body (I could have other organ problems - like with my

liver or kidneys or spleen). I see it as a total body rework, trying to

repair my health which I ruined by eating and drinking the wrong things.

Just my 2c.


Re: Candex

HI again,

In response to Peggy-- isn't the fact that we have to keep

struggling in the nature of the beast? Overgrowth of candida fungus is a

predicament triggered by antibiotics and major stress such as our

ancestors didn't have to live with. Having said that, they had to deal

with things we don't have to worry about (not that I would say we have

it easier, no way--).

Spiritual enlightenment is what our new world particularly lacks,

for we are surrounded by advertising and materialism in an amount never

before encountered. Finding the meaning behind struggle is the good in

it, and hopefully will bring the inner peace to help cure.

I ordered three bottles of Candex today because I like the concept

that the fungus won't build up resistance (always a problem since we

have to keep switching), and because said she is feeling somewhat

better. For the time being, somewhat better is a welcome feeling, at

least for me. I can live with the fight if my Creator will grant me the

means to keep it bearable.

I pray everyone on the list finds something to keep symptoms

bearable, if not completely cure them!

peggypooh1@... wrote:


I have to say this is the same kind of explanation that I have with ALL

the other supplements I have been taking. They " seem " to be working

BUT NO " REAL " cure.

That is the way it has been going ever since, but I " feel " good although

my itching has not stopped which tells me I have not found a cure

nor the reason for my problem.

We are all doing this. Making suggestions, running out and buying


in hopes for a cure. That is all we can do.

Whether it is Candida still remains a mystery to me.

There is an underlying problem that doctors nor I can find answers. IN

the meantime,

we just keep moving forward and look forward to the day when this is all

over and

we can live normal lives. When that time come, I will be more grateful

for being

itchless and I will live life to the fullest. It is hard to live life to

the fullest when

itching is always there.

Just like the candex ...it has helped you, but it has not cured you.


On Thu, 11 May 2006 04:25:51 -0700 (PDT) susan <peacefulmeow@...>


I have been on Candex for two weeks and it has really helped me. I am

not cured, but it definitely stabilized my blood sugar and greatly

reduced my reactions to foods.

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I'd say we're guessing with much more information than most doctors

have. You know your body, you know how you feel. You sound just like

my husband, doubting that you have candida. But if you take

anti-fungals and have die-off reactions, then you have candida. Or take

the spit test in the morning (spit into a glass of water first thing in

the morning and see if you have long strings in your saliva).

I can understand you are discouraged, I've been there before. And

everyone has to try what works best for their own body - after lots of

mistakes, I've found some things that seem to help me and my husband.

First, probiotics. They are key.

Then, a good anti-fungal, but rotated with others to stop the candida

getting immune (pau d'arco/caprylic acid/grapefruit seed)

Finally, the right supplements. We take alfalfa (to feed the good

bacteria), a good multivitamin, magnesium, msm (for the leaky gut),

milkthistle (to support the liver), peppermint (for IBS). You must find

the supplements your own body needs.

Don't believe what you read on websites where people are trying to sell

you things. Do your own research and see how it makes you feel.


Re: Candex

HI again,

In response to Peggy-- isn't the fact that we have to keep

struggling in the nature of the beast? Overgrowth of candida fungus is a

predicament triggered by antibiotics and major stress such as our

ancestors didn't have to live with. Having said that, they had to deal

with things we don't have to worry about (not that I would say we have

it easier, no way--).

Spiritual enlightenment is what our new world particularly lacks,

for we are surrounded by advertising and materialism in an amount never

before encountered. Finding the meaning behind struggle is the good in

it, and hopefully will bring the inner peace to help cure.

I ordered three bottles of Candex today because I like the concept

that the fungus won't build up resistance (always a problem since we

have to keep switching), and because said she is feeling somewhat

better. For the time being, somewhat better is a welcome feeling, at

least for me. I can live with the fight if my Creator will grant me the

means to keep it bearable.

I pray everyone on the list finds something to keep symptoms

bearable, if not completely cure them!

peggypooh1@... wrote:


I have to say this is the same kind of explanation that I have with ALL

the other supplements I have been taking. They " seem " to be working

BUT NO " REAL " cure.

That is the way it has been going ever since, but I " feel " good although

my itching has not stopped which tells me I have not found a cure

nor the reason for my problem.

We are all doing this. Making suggestions, running out and buying


in hopes for a cure. That is all we can do.

Whether it is Candida still remains a mystery to me.

There is an underlying problem that doctors nor I can find answers. IN

the meantime,

we just keep moving forward and look forward to the day when this is all

over and

we can live normal lives. When that time come, I will be more grateful

for being

itchless and I will live life to the fullest. It is hard to live life to

the fullest when

itching is always there.

Just like the candex ...it has helped you, but it has not cured you.


On Thu, 11 May 2006 04:25:51 -0700 (PDT) susan <peacefulmeow@...>


I have been on Candex for two weeks and it has really helped me. I am

not cured, but it definitely stabilized my blood sugar and greatly

reduced my reactions to foods.

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Hi All,

Desirable to trim previous posts history.


Keen Venables wrote:

> I'd say we're guessing with much more information than most doctors

> have. You know your body, you know how you feel. You sound just like

> my husband, doubting that you have candida. But if you take

> anti-fungals and have die-off reactions, then you have candida. Or take

> the spit test in the morning (spit into a glass of water first thing in

> the morning and see if you have long strings in your saliva).


> I can understand you are discouraged, I've been there before. And

> everyone has to try what works best for their own body - after lots of

> mistakes, I've found some things that seem to help me and my husband.


> First, probiotics. They are key.

> Then, a good anti-fungal, but rotated with others to stop the candida

> getting immune (pau d'arco/caprylic acid/grapefruit seed)

> Finally, the right supplements. We take alfalfa (to feed the good

> bacteria), a good multivitamin, magnesium, msm (for the leaky gut),

> milkthistle (to support the liver), peppermint (for IBS). You must find

> the supplements your own body needs.


> Don't believe what you read on websites where people are trying to sell

> you things. Do your own research and see how it makes you feel.


> Keen

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  • 6 months later...

Question though how long do we keep using it for, is it as and when, or something he should have all the time?

>>Oh Vicky thank goodnes for some good news!! You can use it as maintenance and up it for a flare up - combined with or chased by the Oxypowder at weekends might be a plan?

Its a enzyme so it does what it does and neither Pat or the yeast can become resistant to it - marvellous stuff

Mandi x

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Well my best guess is Candida must be able to cause bad breath, because this has been a long term problem which nothing ever really touched.

I have never treated him for Candida specifically because his symptoms were so different from his brother who has suffered with raging Candida for yrs.

Don't know if there is any significance but he was much more sociable at his club this evening than I have ever seen him and appeared more comfortable, have been giving to also and he has not had a meltdown at all today or tonight and is now fast asleep, this is only a couple or three days.

They both take CP1 also.


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Well my best guess is Candida must be able to cause bad breath, because this has been a long term problem which nothing ever really touched.

I have never treated him for Candida specifically because his symptoms were so different from his brother who has suffered with raging Candida for yrs.

Don't know if there is any significance but he was much more sociable at his club this evening than I have ever seen him and appeared more comfortable, have been giving to also and he has not had a meltdown at all today or tonight and is now fast asleep, this is only a couple or three days.

They both take CP1 also.


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