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Re: Octuplets mom has son with autism

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Well-- here's where I disagree slightly. I don't think she's an unfit

mother at all. Stupid and selfish? Absolutely yes-- but if those disqualified


person for being a good mother, we'd ALL Be unfit, huh?

I think she's most likely an excellent mother in the respect that she loves

and cares for those children.

But I do think she's stupid-- but that's no reason to declare her unfit


In a message dated 2/8/2009 12:38:07 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,

kiddietalk@... writes:


know this is a horrible thing to say -but I wish she was deemed to be

an unfit mother and those poor children (at least the 8 preemies)

could go to loving parents who aren't mentally unstable.

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she does NOT have sextuplets! She has 6 other children all under the age of

7, I believe, but they are NOT Sextuplets.

They are twins and singletons in the mix.


In a message dated 2/8/2009 7:56:43 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,

gabrieladevelbiss@... writes:

I believe she has caused quite a controversy since she had sextuplets (one

of them ASD) and now opted to have 8 more and being a single mom ( The father

wants nothing to do with it)...

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I heard the same thing and the same doctor did all the procedures and used 6

embros atleast one other time to. She is working on her masters also. Ialso

heard she was working somewhere and had hurt her back I think she worked at

a prison and there was a riot.

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she used the same donor for all 14. No... we should not call her an unfit

motheer. Look at the Duggans. They have 14 kids. They are a couple and they are

not all the same age. I heard her other kids are all older. Some of them are

around 7. The 2 eggs that split would produce identical twins. She will get

free diapers a free stroller free baby food and formula. I doubt if a book

will be in the works. There probably will not be a book because that has been

done so many times before. If you google ivf success rates I THINK YOU CAN FIND

SORTO and I think that is the place you can find the usual transfer and

success rates. It is confidential. We registered there.

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Awards. AOL Music takes you there.


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Do you perhaps mean the DUGGARS?

I'm not sure how a person can POSSIBLY compare this young, SINGLE mother who

is being impregnated by a friend's sperm, to the family unit of a married

couple together for 25 yrs who choose to have 18 kids.

The Duggars have always been employed--- they have always taken care of

their own children and have never asked for help or assistance.

This single mother can never say the same.

These two situations cannot be compared-- not even close


In a message dated 2/9/2009 4:00:36 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,

stehn4@... writes:

she used the same donor for all 14. No... we should not call her an unfit

motheer. Look at the Duggans.

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Unfortunately, I can believe ANYthing that crazy people say or do. But I

think that's ridiculous!

How can anyone send a death threat to a person is beyond me--


In a message dated 2/9/2009 4:00:31 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,

gabrieladevelbiss@... writes:

she is receiving DEATH THREATS!!! Can you believe that?!!! That is uncalled

for... I DO NOT APPROVE OF THAT!!! This people have gone far enough!!!

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Whoooa you are so off base it's not funny!

I have very dear friends who know them personally, and they truly are how

they appear to be on tv.

There are no pretenses with them and they are great people. Their children

all feel loved and adored by both their parents and always have. Not to

mention that most of them (the older ones obviously since the younger ones don't

think about this sort of stuff yet) But they all have been publicly heard to

tell people that THEY THEMSELVES want a large family.

so obviously it works for some people.

Now I suggest-- before you get TOO much more nasty on this subject, I'd like

you to realize that I have 8 children myself. I should hope that before you

say there's not enough love to go around, that maybe you should step outside

of your own family's experience and realize that there are millions of

people out there who are able to have large families successfully.

There is *ALWAYS* enough love for a child when you're in a good and healthy

family. Even with this Octuplets mother, you could CLEARLY see the love she

had for all of her children, so no one can deny that she adores her children.

Even her " nay sayers " have agreed that she loves them tremendously.

But back to the comment about not having enough Love-- which I can't even

imagine NOT having enough of when it comes to a person's own child. But let's

talk about the time. I am a home schooling mother who has access to my

children 24hrs a day and 7 days a week. Did your parents have that with you? Did

you get ANY time with them, or could it just be that they didn't know how to

properly manage their own time , or the family time??

I spend more time with each of my EIGHT children individually, than most

people spend with TWO of their children. If you don't believe that-- come live

in my life for a day and see how we live, because it's possible, but it's

DO-ABLE as well. Do I work extra hard to get it all done??? Absolutely-- but

EVERY SINGLE CHILD of mine is worth that work and effort.

For what it's worth, we have plenty of money to go around, we live in a

house that totals approx 6,000 sq ft of living space, we buy clothes (NEW even)

for the kids, and omigosh-- they actually CAN share them every now and then or

-- horrors of horrors, we can pass them down to the NEXT child. As far as

food-- I could go into that, but do you need me to? LOL I spend less on my

grocery bill than most people do on their take-out bill!

And for what it's worth, we even GO OUT to dinner with them, and wow-- we

even do other things in life as well! LOL

It really *IS* possible to have enough time, love, food, money, space,

clothing,e tc.

I'm sorry YOUR parents didn't do it well enough to make YOU feel special and

loved enough, but that's not the case with other large families.


In a message dated 2/9/2009 5:43:07 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,

lisamlivingston@... writes:

Call me whatever you WANT but I thionk it totally unfair to ANY kid to have

to grow up as a number. Do not even begin to state that there is love to go

round. There is not time, money, attention, love, space, clothes, food, etc. I

grew as up one of 5 kids. It is telling that of the five kids, we

produced only 4 grandchildren. 2 are mine, 2 a brothers. Ther other 3 do not

want to

repeat the crazy circus that was our lives. The Duggans are archaic rellics

and bastions of mysogony of a bygone era.

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And for what it's worth-- if you're going to be so ignorant as to slam a

person's lifestyle and their lives in general, could you PLEASE at least give

them the courtesy of using their REAL NAME?

They are The DUGGARS. Jim-Bob and Duggar.

This sentence alone reaks of such hatred and anger, it's strikes me as odd.

Wasn't someone here just posting earlier about those people sending death

threats to the Octuplet's mom? And I wondered in my mind just where do people

get such hatred to do such a thing-- and I almost wonder what we're witnessing

below with your statement.


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Well Tuesday night @ 10:00pm PT she will have a chance to explain and defend her

self!!! on DATELINE!!! Let us give her a chance to do so... And we will meet all

of her children... this should be interesting!!!


One of the things that concerns me is that besides the point about her being

responsible or not... she is receiving DEATH THREATS!!! Can you believe

that?!!! That is uncalled for... I DO NOT APPROVE OF THAT!!!  This people have

gone far enough!!!

Love, Gabby. :0)



" I know of nobody who is purely Autistic or purely neurotypical. Even God had

some Autistic moments, which is why the planets all spin. " ~ Jerry Newport



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Call me whatever you WANT but I thionk it totally unfair to ANY kid to have to

grow up as a number. Do not even begin to state that there is love to go round.

There is not time, money, attention, love, space, clothes, food, etc. I grew as

 up one of 5  kids. It is telling that of the five kids, we produced only 4

grandchildren. 2 are mine, 2 a brothers. Ther other 3 do not want to repeat the

crazy circus that was our lives. The Duggans are archaic rellics and bastions of

mysogony of a bygone era.

From: stehn4@... <stehn4@...>

Subject: Re: [ ] Re: Octuplets mom has son with autism

Date: Monday, February 9, 2009, 2:51 PM

she used the same donor for all 14. No... we should not call her an unfit

motheer. Look at the Duggans. They have 14 kids. They are a couple and they are

not all the same age. I heard her other kids are all older. Some of them are

around 7. The 2 eggs that split would produce identical twins. She will get

free diapers a free stroller free baby food and formula. I doubt if a book

will be in the works. There probably will not be a book because that has been

done so many times before. If you google ivf success rates I THINK YOU CAN FIND

SORTO and I think that is the place you can find the usual transfer and

success rates. It is confidential. We registered there.

************ **The year's hottest artists on the red carpet at the Grammy

Awards. AOL Music takes you there.

(http://music. aol.com/grammys? ncid=emlcntusmus i00000002)

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Loves---sure. Cares for...sounds like the govt and her parents are

doing that part.


> Well-- here's where I disagree slightly. I don't think she's an


> mother at all. Stupid and selfish? Absolutely yes-- but if those

disqualified a

> person for being a good mother, we'd ALL Be unfit, huh?


> I think she's most likely an excellent mother in the respect that

she loves

> and cares for those children.


> But I do think she's stupid-- but that's no reason to declare her



> Becky



> In a message dated 2/8/2009 12:38:07 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,

> kiddietalk@... writes:


> I

> know this is a horrible thing to say -but I wish she was deemed to


> an unfit mother and those poor children (at least the 8 preemies)

> could go to loving parents who aren't mentally unstable.




> **************Who's never won? Biggest Grammy Award surprises of

all time on

> AOL Music.

> (http://music.aol.com/grammys/pictures/never-won-a-grammy?





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I guess i live in a 2400 sq ft closet then. It is time for her to

problem solve and not leave it up to others. If that means moving

then so be it.


> LOL you're kidding? $270,000 wouldn't buy a closet here in NJ


> And if a person has their work and family and Dr's and all their

support in

> one area, is it really all that wise for them to move?


> Becky



> In a message dated 2/8/2009 12:07:39 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,

> lizlaw@... writes:


> If 270 is not enough then it is time to move.



> **************Who's never won? Biggest Grammy Award surprises of

all time on

> AOL Music.

> (http://music.aol.com/grammys/pictures/never-won-a-grammy?





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Perhaps not until one of the 18 does the rely on govt to solve their

problems thing.


> Do you perhaps mean the DUGGARS?


> I'm not sure how a person can POSSIBLY compare this young, SINGLE

mother who

> is being impregnated by a friend's sperm, to the family unit of a


> couple together for 25 yrs who choose to have 18 kids.


> The Duggars have always been employed--- they have always taken

care of

> their own children and have never asked for help or assistance.


> This single mother can never say the same.


> These two situations cannot be compared-- not even close


> Becky



> In a message dated 2/9/2009 4:00:36 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,

> stehn4@... writes:


> she used the same donor for all 14. No... we should not call her

an unfit

> motheer. Look at the Duggans.


> **************The year's hottest artists on the red carpet at the


> Awards. AOL Music takes you there.

> (http://music.aol.com/grammys?ncid=emlcntusmusi00000002)




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Good point. My friend is the oldest of 12 children and she is in her early 60's

now. She said that she had only one child because she had already raised her 11



From: Livingston <lisamlivingston@...>

Sent: Monday, February 9, 2009 4:31:06 PM

Subject: Re: [ ] Re: Octuplets mom has son with autism

Call me whatever you WANT but I thionk it totally unfair to ANY kid to have to

grow up as a number. Do not even begin to state that there is love to go round.

There is not time, money, attention, love, space, clothes, food, etc. I grew as

up one of 5 kids. It is telling that of the five kids, we produced only 4

grandchildren. 2 are mine, 2 a brothers. Ther other 3 do not want to repeat the

crazy circus that was our lives. The Duggans are archaic rellics and bastions of

mysogony of a bygone era.

From: stehn4@... <stehn4@...>

Subject: Re: [childrensapraxiane t] Re: Octuplets mom has son with autism

@groups. com

Date: Monday, February 9, 2009, 2:51 PM

she used the same donor for all 14. No... we should not call her an unfit

motheer. Look at the Duggans. They have 14 kids. They are a couple and they are

not all the same age. I heard her other kids are all older. Some of them are

around 7. The 2 eggs that split would produce identical twins. She will get

free diapers a free stroller free baby food and formula. I doubt if a book

will be in the works. There probably will not be a book because that has been

done so many times before. If you google ivf success rates I THINK YOU CAN FIND

SORTO and I think that is the place you can find the usual transfer and

success rates. It is confidential. We registered there.

************ **The year's hottest artists on the red carpet at the Grammy

Awards. AOL Music takes you there.

(http://music. aol.com/grammys? ncid=emlcntusmus i00000002)

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For sure the death threat is sick.

I feel for these kids - whether the brood of the Duggar's or the octo-mom.

From: tbniesh@... <tbniesh@...>

Subject: Re: [ ] Re: Octuplets mom has son with autism

Date: Monday, February 9, 2009, 5:33 PM

Unfortunately, I can believe ANYthing that crazy people say or do. But I

think that's ridiculous!

How can anyone send a death threat to a person is beyond me--


In a message dated 2/9/2009 4:00:31 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,

gabrieladevelbiss writes:

she is receiving DEATH THREATS!!! Can you believe that?!!! That is uncalled

for... I DO NOT APPROVE OF THAT!!! This people have gone far enough!!!

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Awards. AOL Music takes you there.

(http://music. aol.com/grammys? ncid=emlcntusmus i00000002)

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I am not slamming anyone. One of my best friends in school had 11 brothers

and sisters. They lived in 2 different houses right next door to each other.

There was never a dull moment at their house.The older kids looked out for the

younger kids. Her father was a college professor and her mom played in a

symphony. I went to a Catholic school so there were a lot of big families..

I am just saying that there are other people in the world who do have 14 or

more kids and we do not cut them down.

We help them.

We do it because it is the right thing to do.

We should do it voluntarily not because we are asked to.

Sorry if you took it the wrong way.

Charlotte Henry

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I have to jump in this one myself. I am also from a family of 5 children. I am

the 4th. My mom raised all 5 of us as a single mom. She had enough love for

every one of us. We all each ahd new clothes yes there were handy downs however

we had a choice on whether or not we chose to wear them. We did some of them and

others not we used these clothes as our play ones. We had enough food to go

around. We never once ever went without a meal. We always had our fair share of

the food. We always had a roof over our heads. We never once were even close to

being homeless. Yes it was cramped quarters and we did have to share a room at

times. Now I can not say things were not noisy at times they were. But we all

got along ok. We all graduated high school with diplomas and some of us who

chose it did go to college. We all have children also except for one. The oldest

has one (due to fertility issues was unable to have more) the next a brother has

2, The next one

decided her career as a college professor was what she wanted for herself. I

have one and my youngest sister has 2 also. So coming from a large family of 5

did not keep us from having our own children. We all chose to have smaller

families due to lifes circumstances not by choice.




From: stehn4@... <stehn4@...>

Subject: Re: [childrensapraxiane t] Re: Octuplets mom has son with autism

@groups. com

Date: Monday, February 9, 2009, 2:51 PM

she used the same donor for all 14. No... we should not call her an unfit

motheer. Look at the Duggans. They have 14 kids. They are a couple and they are

not all the same age. I heard her other kids are all older. Some of them are

around 7. The 2 eggs that split would produce identical twins. She will get

free diapers a free stroller free baby food and formula. I doubt if a book

will be in the works. There probably will not be a book because that has been

done so many times before. If you google ivf success rates I THINK YOU CAN FIND

SORTO and I think that is the place you can find the usual transfer and

success rates. It is confidential. We registered there.

************ **The year's hottest artists on the red carpet at the Grammy

Awards. AOL Music takes you there.

(http://music. aol.com/grammys? ncid=emlcntusmus i00000002)

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The point is that we do not call people unfit because of the number of

children they have for one thing. For another thing; she said she was trying to

have twins not octuplets. She was not trying to have 14 children.

I think the Duggar's are good parents. The only reason I brought their name

up is I know they have 14 or 15 children.

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I think that living in a happy home has more to do with quality time you

spend with your kids. I am sorry that you felt like you did not grow up in a

happy home and you felt like there was not enough love to go around. Maybe we

all feel like that at one time or another.

My father was an alcaholic...he worked for the post office for 28 years. My

mom was a stay at home mom.

My brother was 10 years younger than me and my sister was 3 years younger. I

felt like I had the weight of the whole world on me sometimes.

There was never enough money because dad got in trouble a lot. People

thought there was something wrong with our family because they all thought we


money and could not understand why the electricity got shut off every winter.

I know that my mom loved me and I do not know what I would have done without

her. I talk to her on the phone several times everyday. I am fortunate in

the way that I could not take things for granted the way some of the other kids

took their parents for granted so maybe it was good in a way.

Mom taught me not to take things for granted.

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5 children is a far cry from 14. In addition that didn't mean your

mother had 8 PREEMIES (which means 8 special needs infants) and a

cherry on top being the autistic brother or sister I keep reading

about. It's not like she has teenage children to help her with the 8

preemies -she's just shy of being a teen herself! Most families have

children of various ages -not all the same age -that's typical with

big families as I have 2 good friends from large families. Sounds

like this (teen/woman?) has 6 children that she can't afford and now

she just had 8 more preemies!

Not to mention the background on this single unemployed/bankrupt

realty TV star wannabe. Again it's not legal to have a day care with

the adult infant ratio of 8 to 1 -no less 14 to one!

Yes we all have rights -but I know I've seen on the news people that

loved all their dogs and cats that they packed into some tiny shoebox

house when the ASPCA comes to take the animals away claiming the owner

was not fit to have that many pets in that size home. Tons of stories

out there about this -and the owner almost 100% of the times collects

all these pets " out of love "

I am in no way comparing a human life to a cats -but my point is with

the following article -we won't hesitate to step in to protect the

well being of an animal -why not for an innocent baby- no less

FOURTEEN!! God bless those babies- all of them. But it's clear based

on some of the responses from this group why misfit mothers like get

away with this (what in my opinion is) insanity.

Overrun by cats:17 felines removed from Groveland house

By Bridget


GROVELAND - Animal Control Officer Kim York said a local couple meant

no harm when they let their home be overrun by cats.

They fed the animals well. They protected the little ones, never

letting the kittens outdoors where they could be attacked by other


But the 23 cats were simply too many for the house and they all had

fleas, York said. When someone gave police a tip about the situation,

officers decided to break up the cat family. The result: 17 cats are

up for adoption, and York is using the case as an example of what can

happen if people fail to have their cats spayed or neutered.

York is not identifying the couple who had the cats, saying they

provided a " loving " home - nothing like the man and woman arrested two

weeks ago for keeping 29 dogs in unsanitary conditions in their

Groveland house, including leaving the dogs in their own feces,

according to police.

" These people wanted help, but they didn't know how to get it, " York

said of the couple who had the cats. " A lot of it is educating about

how fast they (cats) reproduce. "

York said the 17 cats removed from the home earlier this month

included 14 kittens and three female cats. The couple, who have no

children at home, were allowed to keep six of the cats that were up to

date on their shots and had been spayed and neutered, she said. No

charges have been filed against the couple. Groveland has no legal

limit on the number of cats that can live in a home.

Two anonymous tips led York to the home.

" This was a loving home. They cared for their pets. They just got

overwhelmed, " York said. Without spaying or neutering " it happens so

fast, " she said of how quickly the cats can reproduce.

In a period of three and a half months, one cat produced 10 kittens,

she said.

" They surrendered the cats and kittens and did the right thing, " York

said of the couple.

In all, 13 kittens and four young adult cats are available for

adoption. Ten of the kittens and one nursing cat will have to stay on

at Water's Edge Veterinary Hospital for six more weeks to be cared for.

York said information on getting cats spayed or neutered is available

from the MSPCA, local animal control officers or the local

veterinarian's office. A female cat can get pregnant when it is 6

months old.

In the dog case earlier this month, Danya Dufour, 33, and

Cruz, 29, have been charged with 29 counts of animal cruelty and a

variety of other charges after 29 dachshunds were found covered in

excrement and urine in a house rented by the couple at 103 Main St.,

police said. Officers discovered the situation after receiving

anonymous tips.

The cost of adopting the cats is $100 for an adult or the 16-to-20

week old kittens that have been neutered or spayed. The cost includes

the first set of vaccines. The cost of adopting the 11/2- to

2-week-old kittens is $50 - but the price is $25 if the new owner

chooses to have the spaying and neutering done at Water's Edge. All of

the female cats have been screened and do not have feline leukemia,

which means the kittens do not carry the disease.

Water's Edge, 909 Salem St., welcomes people interested in adopting

the cats to call 978-374-1684.


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Oh... my gosh I just reread the message I sent you and I must have

accidentally deleted part of it and rewrote it and there was a whole lot of

stuff that

I wrote in between the last sentence that said we should not call her an

unfit mother and look at the duggars. I had wrote about how the Duggars did it

so she could to.

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> -she's just shy of being a teen herself!

I haven't been following much of this story but was intrigued when you said

she was shy of being a teen herself so I looked up and read a few articles.

She's 33 years old. How is that shy of being a teen?

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Whoops guess I made a mistake when I read she was an " unemployed

graduate student " . Not that my opinion changes one bit. I didn't

watch her interviews or read much about this and if it didn't come up

here I wouldn't have anything to do with this story other than again

pray for the innocent children.

" Suleman is an unemployed graduate student, lives with her parents and

already had six children under the age of 8. She has become a

lightning rod for criticism for the nation's healthcare woes, the

economic crisis and the medical ethics of in vitro fertilization. "



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I am not sure any of us can know, with big or small families, that

everyone feels loved enough. I come from a large family as did my

parents. They did not feel loved enough. I do. My husband, an only

child, feels loved. By today's standards, we were neglected. No one can

know what a child feels. Sadly, we often find out when they grow up.

For now we can do the best we can and go from there. As for this woman,

doing it on her own is not possible. She will have help, be it private

o public, but it is not ideal from a health standpoint for her or the

kids. What the doctors did was unethical imo. They are where they are.

This is not a statement about big families, fertility drugs, or

anything other than reality. 14 kids is a lot. Preemies. is a lot.

Autism in one is a lot. It cannot be done alone and yes, she set this

up. This was not a mistake in a backseat. This was planned...poorly. I

just hope everyone gets what they need.

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