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I don't know who and ph are however I am just plain old

Fluffy in the back row with no connection to either side and if

you use the name . you best tread carefully all I am is a

lister plain and simple.


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ZOMBO.COM is working to expose the deviant and hypocritical behaviour

of ruthless people, hence our subtitle, What to do about them.

We really mean it. We are going to use all of those underutilized

methods for reprogramming Bad Guys; social ostracism, ridicule,

exposure, and making their names the equivalent for unsavoury

practices. And we are going to have fun doing it. Just so you know.

We want these bad guys to have an opportunity to reform themselves and

Do The Right Thing, what ever that is in their particular case. And we

are going to watch them squirm in the mean time.

If you have had or are having a problem with scammers who take

advantage of heppers, let us know. There is lots of creativity here to

go around. It can even circumnavigate Jeanine London & Jeff so

you know we have a large supply.


Libel is one kind of " defamation. " It is defamation by writing.

Slander is defamation by saying. Our focus will be on libel, since

most of the defamation that would exist on the net is defamation by

writing. (Not to say that slander is impossible -- when voice

telephone messages are transmitted over the net, there can be real

slander on the net without libel. But we will ignore the subtle

differences between the two.)

But what then is defamation?

Defamation is a statement that harms the reputation of someone else.

The important point is *reputation*: for a statement to defame, it

must either lower the victim's standing in the eyes of the community,

or tend to make others refrain from associating with the victim.

That sounds pretty straightforward, but there are many qualifications.

(This is law, remember!) Describing these qualifications is the

purpose of the balance of our messages on the subject of libel. We

first consider some basic features of the law, and then consider

special problems raised by the net.

Let's begin, though, with a little bit more about the definition. Here

are a few examples that might help:

I send an email to my Jeanine London and accuse Jeanine of scamming

heppers, whether true or not, this is not libel: it was not a

statement made to someone else. Since it is not made to someone else,

it doesn't harm the reputation of my Jeanine.

I post a message on a a hepper listserve stating that Jeanine has blue

eyes, when in fact I know she has brown eyes: This too is not libel,

since whether she has blue or brown eyes (probably) doesn't affect her



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  • 2 months later...
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Which book did you read? I assume it was Eat Right 4 Your Type,

which was the first book. I would recommend the Live Right 4 Your

Type and the Eat Right 4 Your Type Complete Blood Type Encyclopedia,

which is a reference guide concerning blood type connection to

symptoms, diseases, conditions, vitamins, supplements, herbs, and

foods. Both books have basically the most recent and complete food

lists, including showing the food differences for secretors versus

non-secretors. You should also check Dr. D's website for book

updates and corrections for those books. There is also an online

database of the foods on the website.

Since you have a health problem I would definitely recommend that you

find out your secretor status. The 15-20% of the population that are

non-secretors tend to have more health problems. In the Encyclopedia

it shows that non-secretors have a higher risk factor for autoimmune

disease problems, so there is a better chance you are a non-secretor

and will need to use the O non-secretor food list. You can get the

mail-in saliva secretor test from Dr. D's website. One of my local

HFS sells it so you might want to check you local HFS too.

What foods that you eat are not on the list? Are they foods or food

products? If they are food products you will need to check the

complete ingredients lists to see if they contain any of the items

you are supposed to avoid. Any food not in the list has not been

tested so you cannot be sure if it is OK or not. However, there are

some categories of foods that are safer then others. For Os, I would

feel fairly safe occasionally eating any meat, vegetable, and fruit

not listed. I would not eat any legume not listed since they are

high in lectin content. Once you have been on the diet for a while

you may notice a reaction if a food does not agree with you.

Good luck,


> HI,

> I am new to this, recently diagnosed with pemphigus. I am going to

> try to fight it with this diet along with meds, and hopefully get


> of some excess weight along the way. Because of the sterioids I


> to really be careful. So, I am type O and was wondering what is

> secretor status and how do I get it checked? And what is the best


> most comprehensive book with food lists for O type? The book I


> was very basic introduction for all types and many foods I eat are

> not on my lists...Thanks for helping the newbie.


> Sincerely,

> Beth

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this illness is quite rare - my grandmother from Holland had it.

You have to be very careful with water in your body !

What makes my body full of water is wheat - so be very careful with it.

If I eat one peace of wheatbread or cake - my feat get twice their size,

just because of water (and the rest of my body too) ...

all the best with that and


tennesseerats schrieb:


>I am new to this, recently diagnosed with pemphigus. I am going to

>try to fight it with this diet along with meds, and hopefully get rid

>of some excess weight along the way. Because of the sterioids I need

>to really be careful. So, I am type O and was wondering what is

>secretor status and how do I get it checked? And what is the best and

>most comprehensive book with food lists for O type? The book I read

>was very basic introduction for all types and many foods I eat are

>not on my lists...Thanks for helping the newbie.









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Hi Beth - You can get the test from me - LIVE RIGHT 4 YOUR TYPE is the

book you want. I sell that too.

We can also assist you to learn " " how " " to eat right.


www.foodforyourblood.com <http://www.foodforyourblood.com/>

New to this


I am new to this, recently diagnosed with pemphigus. I am going to

try to fight it with this diet along with meds, and hopefully get rid

of some excess weight along the way. Because of the sterioids I need

to really be careful. So, I am type O and was wondering what is

secretor status and how do I get it checked? And what is the best and

most comprehensive book with food lists for O type? The book I read

was very basic introduction for all types and many foods I eat are

not on my lists...Thanks for helping the newbie.



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  • 3 months later...

Welcome to this site. I encourage you to read the tutorials in

our " files " section--lots of info! Have you taken the practice exam

over at the PTCB site? http://ptcb.org I don't really have any

memorization tips, but I think Jeanetta has a file on the topic.

Good luck


group mod

> Hello to all. I've been in a pharm tech course for about 2 1/2


> and am going to take the certification test in November. Are there

> any tips on memory retention of all the different conversions?


> where can I get help with ratios and proportions? Any suggestions?

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There are many practice files available through this group. They are

all marked. Just look at the different groupings. Have you worked in the

pharmacy before? There is also a practice test on <A

HREF= " www.ptcb.com " >www.ptcb.com</A>. This test will give a

pretty good idea what the real test is like. Good luck and God bless!

Kathy S (Pa)

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  • 4 weeks later...

well congrats on your decision for WLS surgery. I had my

surgery with NWWLS too, Dr Montgomery and they are top notch in my

books! You will be well cared for and the hospital is exceptional. I

had no problems afterward and any questions I did have were promptly

answered *smiles*

Best of luck and I luck forward to hearing about your journey.


NWWLS 10/9/03

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I had my surgery on 10/09/03 and have lost over 16 pounds with

honesty not one moment of feeling deprived. I feel like Im finally

in control. I joined the exercise club called Curves and I plan to

work out about 3 x a week and on the weekends to just do extra

walking either on the treadmill or around e.g. shopping at the mall

or walking my Pug, Teddy. As I fully heal from the surgery, I will

maybe do 4 x at the club with daily treadmill walking. It is

surprising how much time I have now that I am not a slave to the

kitchen or food. Before, everything was centred around food and when

the next " hit " was. There is life beyound food and I know I have

hardly even begun this journey. This bandster support group is so

important as I get to see what's ahead.

I'm to go for my first fill around thanksgiving and we, ( Jessie and

Dr and myself) will evaluate at that time whether it is really

time for a fill. Several things are taken into consideration as to

when it's the most appropriate time.

, I researched WLS for over a year and it was just the right

thing to do and I was more than ready. A good friend of mine gave me

a photo album with an embossed leaf on the front..as in turning over

a new leaf.

Again, I'm excited for you too. Please try and come to the Nov 10

support group at NWWLS In Kirkland. I would love to meet you. The

info in on their website or email me at


Judy :-)

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  • 3 months later...

Welcome! I'm fairly new to this, too. I'm a 15 year vegetarian and

I'm currently attempting this " tofu/fish/egg " , as you put it. I also

live in an A/O household, with two types yet to be obtained. I'll

share my experiences so far with you.

Yes, I do have more energy. I started out with this in very good

physical condition. I was and still am right at about my ideal

weight and have a heart rate of 60 beats/minute. My problem was

needing as much or more sleep per night than my children: 9-11

hours. My need for sleep has gone down noticably. (I've also

learned that my children have chronic sleep deprivation that causes

them not to sleep enough, but that's a whole other topic on another

message board.) suggested that my need for sleep was because

my liver was working overtime.

More than about one serving of soy per day makes me feel awful, so

look out for that. Another unrelated book I have on women's health

gives this same caution, that some people (I'm guessing further

research would show them to be type O's) just don't do well on high

soy diets. Tempeh is better than tofu for digestibility etc. I'm

currently doing a food diary and protien analysis of what I eat. So

far, I seem to be averaging about .5g/lb of my body weight, which

according to some is about half of what I need. In other words, I'm

having a hard time doing it with just soy, eggs, fish and nuts. Then

again, I won't eat more than 1 serving of fish per week because of

heavy metal contamination and a pathetic fish selection at local

stores. You can probably get better fish there in NZ.

For your son, consider bags of fruit and nuts for a snack. One of my

favorite snacks is to mix pumpkin seeds and raisins with a few

chocolate chips thrown in. You'll need a lot more ideas than that,

but it's a start. My sister gives her son with a wheat allergy rice

cakes instead of bread. If you can get ezekiel bread there in NZ,

that helps. I haven't tried to feed it to my 4yo, but our friends

have had no problem getting their 3yo to eat it.

Good luck!


> Hi all,


> I am from NZ, and have just been given D'Adamo's book. Have been

> slowing changing to appropriate foods for my type O RH-,( My


> is A +) over the last few weeks.

> Yet to find out about secretor etc.

> Anyone on the list with O children? my son is an O. Just got result

> back today, so will be racking my brain and searching for ideas for

> him for school lunches to replace wheat, bread, muesli bar -

> alternatives. He is 6.

> Yet to find out my daughter's type. She is 7 1/2.

> Am thinking about investing in a breadmaker and making own bread,

> rice, spelt etc.

> Any ideas suggestions will be greatly appreciated, as we are on a

> big learning curve here.

> And I find myself wondering ' will this really give me more


> I do have one question: Are there any O's who don't eat meat? i.e

> are vegetarians? I have been advised by our naturopath not to eat

> any meat except turkey + fish, so I am yet to decide if I will eat

> meat or just eat vegetable proteins. Tofu + fish + eggs.


> regards


> Dhyan

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Hello NZ

My daughter is an O and I have always made her lunches. They are not completely

compliant but not bad.

I make her sandwiches with pita bread (pockets). If you can find a sprouted

pita, that would be perfect.

I use chicken, turkey or beef sliced and lettuce. Salt and pepper. Spray olive

oil on the bread then stuff in the good stuff. Wrap up and you have a lunch.


dhyan_premal <dhyan_premal@...> wrote:

Hi all,

I am from NZ, and have just been given D'Adamo's book. Have been

slowing changing to appropriate foods for my type O RH-,( My partner

is A +) over the last few weeks.

Yet to find out about secretor etc.

Anyone on the list with O children? my son is an O. Just got result

back today, so will be racking my brain and searching for ideas for

him for school lunches to replace wheat, bread, muesli bar -

alternatives. He is 6.

Yet to find out my daughter's type. She is 7 1/2.

Am thinking about investing in a breadmaker and making own bread,

rice, spelt etc.

Any ideas suggestions will be greatly appreciated, as we are on a

big learning curve here.

And I find myself wondering ' will this really give me more energy?'.

I do have one question: Are there any O's who don't eat meat? i.e

are vegetarians? I have been advised by our naturopath not to eat

any meat except turkey + fish, so I am yet to decide if I will eat

meat or just eat vegetable proteins. Tofu + fish + eggs.



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  • 4 months later...
Guest guest

houstonni enzymes www.houstonni.com

zyme then pep the no fenol (rice bran version)

candex, oreganol for intestinal yeast

minerals as per my web page 'minerals i take' in the index of


you will find a hair test useful

hyperactivty is notoriously associated with heavy metal retention

> Hi,


> I am a mother of 5 with my youngest daughter dx with PDD/NOS. She

is 6 1/2

> yrs old. Shelby is es VERY verbal and very hyperactive. I have

not found a

> Rx that comes in a form that she can take to help with

hyperactivity. She

> either can't take it (can't swallow pills) or won't due to taste.

I do not

> want to make her a zombie and take away her upbeat personality

either. That

> s why I am looking so hard for an alternative.


> I tried the GFCF diet when she was 2 and we got good results, but

it was so

> hard to keep up and keep her from getting slip ups on the diet.

With 4

> other kids in the house and now her diet already heavily

established, I am

> afraid trying the gfcf diet now would REALLY be next to

impossible. I am

> already so busy with work, kids, Shelby's needs, husband works full

time and

> takes 18 hrs of college........I just don't know that I can go back

to the

> diet again. Is it possible to do the enzymes w/o the diet and see


> results?


> Also, I have seen some postings about docs and lab tests

preformed. Are

> there tests that can determine if there are problems in metabolism

and such?

> If so, where do I go to test her? I would like to try anything at


> point.


> I am getting desperate. the school has already asked me to send

her to a

> self contained class next yr. She was in kindergarten this yr and


> going to repeat, now they don't even want her to do that. they are


> with me because they think I am not doing all I can with the Rx

issue. They

> aren't with me when I am trying to get her to take it mixed with


> or what ever, when she throws it back up due to gagging, etc. It's

not like

> I can do anything else.....anyway. I am ready to try something


> I'd rather not treat the symptom, but the cause anyway. If it is a


> with digestion, or diet, lets treat the cause rather than just the



> any help or advice is appeciated. Please don't jump on me about

being too

> lazy to try the diet again. I don't need that right now. It's not

a matter

> of laziness. It's a matter of no time, not to mention the fact

that we are

> doing all we can to make ends meet as it is and I found the diet to


> costly. not saying I won't go back to it eventually, but I would

like to

> see if other things work w/o dieting first.


> thanks,

> Debbie



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You do not need to be on the GFCF diet, or any diet for that matter, to see

if the enzymes will be of benefit to your daughter. In fact, the enzymes

helped us get our son off the diet.

As far as the testing, I have skeptical of them for years. I am just now

getting my son's blood drawn this week and doing a dysbiosis marker urine test.

The impetus for my change of heart is that I found a group that is having a

lot of success with special kids, not just ASD but LD, AD(H)D, OCD, etc. They

use metabolic approaches as well as therapeutic approaches which they base

on a brain map. Their website is _www.crossroadsinstitute.org_

(http://www.crossroadsinstitute.org) Since we are just beginning with them, I

cannot give

you plusses and minuses from a personal perspective. I can tell you that I got

there through word of mouth and the parents are thrilled with the help their

kids are getting from them. I left there with the impression that they were

very knowledgable and while I don't know that they can help for sure,

it is a place that I felt guided. They are open to all our suggestions as


You may want to check out _www.megson.com_ (http://www.megson.com) as Dr.

Megson also is a great resource. I am just now reviewing her site...very


Unfortunately, you need to know that all these tests cost megabucks. None of

the therapies are cheap, including the enzymes and other supplements.

However, in the scheme of things, the enzymes are very inexpensive given the

results they produce and in comparison to other things out there. I also give a


of AFP peptizyde because I am anal about making sure he had enough to digest

the gluten and casein in his meal and because I think the extra can only help

him systemically. (What I mean by " a lot " is I give two Peps with each meal

and after one hour, if he is still eating, he gets more.)

Good luck. This is a long journey but people here will help you.


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Lots of people use enzymes without the diet and see great results. We are

very happy to be able to use oats and not worry about trace amounts of this

or small amounts of that when we go out to dinner, with the use of enzymes.

We are still very careful with regards to ingredients that can't be broken

down, artificials, preservatives, food dyes. Good luck to you, I hope

enzymes help. Do not feel pressured to have your child put on prescription

drugs to make the school officials happy. It seems criminal to me the way

school officials and government employees feel justified in recommending

treatment, when they are not doctors. Three sentences that work for me like

a charm, " No, that's not going to happen. " , " Hang on a second, I have a tape

recorder in my car, let me go get it " and " You got your medical degree

where? because you know it's a crime to try and practice medicine without a

license. " You are not obligated to share what your private, keep this in

mind, private pediatrician recommends. I've found the less info. I share,

the better. Keeps too many fingers from being in the pot.

New to this

> Hi,




> I am a mother of 5 with my youngest daughter dx with PDD/NOS. She is 6


> yrs old. Shelby is es VERY verbal and very hyperactive. I have not found


> Rx that comes in a form that she can take to help with hyperactivity. She

> either can't take it (can't swallow pills) or won't due to taste. I do


> want to make her a zombie and take away her upbeat personality either.


> s why I am looking so hard for an alternative.




> I tried the GFCF diet when she was 2 and we got good results, but it was


> hard to keep up and keep her from getting slip ups on the diet. With 4

> other kids in the house and now her diet already heavily established, I am

> afraid trying the gfcf diet now would REALLY be next to impossible. I am

> already so busy with work, kids, Shelby's needs, husband works full time


> takes 18 hrs of college........I just don't know that I can go back to the

> diet again. Is it possible to do the enzymes w/o the diet and see any

> results?




> Also, I have seen some postings about docs and lab tests preformed. Are

> there tests that can determine if there are problems in metabolism and


> If so, where do I go to test her? I would like to try anything at this

> point.




> I am getting desperate. the school has already asked me to send her to a

> self contained class next yr. She was in kindergarten this yr and was

> going to repeat, now they don't even want her to do that. they are upset

> with me because they think I am not doing all I can with the Rx issue.


> aren't with me when I am trying to get her to take it mixed with


> or what ever, when she throws it back up due to gagging, etc. It's not


> I can do anything else.....anyway. I am ready to try something different.

> I'd rather not treat the symptom, but the cause anyway. If it is a


> with digestion, or diet, lets treat the cause rather than just the





> any help or advice is appeciated. Please don't jump on me about being too

> lazy to try the diet again. I don't need that right now. It's not a


> of laziness. It's a matter of no time, not to mention the fact that we


> doing all we can to make ends meet as it is and I found the diet to be

> costly. not saying I won't go back to it eventually, but I would like to

> see if other things work w/o dieting first.




> thanks,


> Debbie



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> I am a mother of 5 with my youngest daughter dx with PDD/NOS. She

is 6 1/2

> yrs old. Shelby is es VERY verbal and very hyperactive.

Hyper is often a symptom of phenol intolerance


You can try No-Fenol enzyme, if you want.


It can also be caused by yeast and a few other things.

> either can't take it (can't swallow pills) or won't due to taste.

Enzymes come as capsules and can be opened and mixed into things.

No-Fenol has very little taste.

> I tried the GFCF diet when she was 2 and we got good results, but it

was so

> hard to keep up and keep her from getting slip ups on the diet.

Try AFP Peptizyde instead of gfcf, see if that helps. The regular

Peptizyde has a strong taste, so try the AFP.

>>Is it possible to do the enzymes w/o the diet and see any

> results?

Yes, altho it does depend on the child. Most kids can do enzymes

instead of gfcf, but some can't.

> I am getting desperate. the school has already asked me to send her

to a

> self contained class next yr. She was in kindergarten this yr and was

> going to repeat, now they don't even want her to do that.

What accommodations have they tried so far? They need to consider

accommodations before removing her from LRE. For example, BIP

[behavior plan], aide, or other things.

they are upset

> with me because they think I am not doing all I can with the Rx issue.

You can tell them " I have discussed this issue with her doctor and I

am pursuing his/her recommendations " . You don't need to itemize what

recommendations [if any] you are pursuing.

> I'd rather not treat the symptom, but the cause anyway. If it is a


> with digestion, or diet, lets treat the cause rather than just the


For many kids, diet issues are the result of heavy metal toxicity



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Thanks so much for the info. I will be looking into all of this. I found

info on the enzyme theory quite by accident. It is really ironic. I got

into the nutritional supplement business a few months ago, really for weight

loss reasons and found myself very interested in nutrition all of the sudden

I had gastric bypass surgery a few yrs back and have had many problems

finding supplements that were effective for me to take and actually be

absorbed quickly, since everything must be broken down with in the first 30

minutes or so or I won't see benefit. Time release meds or supplements are

no good for bypass patients, it'll just get kicked out. Anyway, by

researching, I found out the benefits of enzymes and it has been great for

me, no flare ups of irritable bowel type syndromes in over 3 months, and

many other health issues healed as well. When I had such great results for

me, I started researching enzymes.....only to find the info on autism! I

could not believe it. I thought, " You men to tell me that enzymes might be

the key for my daughter??!! " I was absolutely flabbergasted. Something as

simple as giving her enzymes, just like me would help?

I have actually just been giving her some of what I am taking, at least til

I figure out what supplements I want her on. I won't tell you the name of

it, since I don't want ppl to think I am advertising here, but here is the

breakdown of ingredients. Can anyone tell me if this is ok, and how much to


Ginger extract (root - Zingiber officinale) 200 mg

Boswellia extract (gum resin - Boswellia serrata) 150 mg

Curcumin powder (root - Curcuma longa) 100mg

Whole papaya powder (fruit - Carica papaya) 50 mg

Papian 50 mg

Bromelain 50 mg

I don't know how these measure up to others. Just happens to be what I

started with. I give on before each meal and about 1/2 the dose with a

snack, but always when she eats. I have observed positive results already,

even on these. She has been on them for about 2 weeks now. She is making

very " smart " conversations. She seems to be much more clearer thinking.

Less tantrums and less getting into things she shouldn't. she is actually

more hyperactive, but not acting badly, just talking alot more and is much

LOUDER than normal. I asked her how she was feeling and she said she likes

taking the supplements because, " it makes my head feel better " . don't know

exactly what is going on, but something is happening. she is also playing

like " normal " kids, meaning, she is role playing.pretending to be a teacher,

mom, etc. this was not something she did previously. Also, she has kept us

laughing by some of her play lately. She pretended to be a super hero,

dressing up and wearing a mask, it was hilarious. We are pleased so far.

We are also using a drink supplement which she loves. It does work great

for her hyperactivity and we do it about 2 or 3 times a day. She loves it

and we like it when she is on it. It does have caffeine, so I haven't given

it too much in the evenings, since I don't want her to stay up all night.

Anyway, any help is appreciated. Thanks again!


-- Re: New to this


You do not need to be on the GFCF diet, or any diet for that matter, to see

if the enzymes will be of benefit to your daughter. In fact, the enzymes

helped us get our son off the diet.

As far as the testing, I have skeptical of them for years. I am just now

getting my son's blood drawn this week and doing a dysbiosis marker urine


The impetus for my change of heart is that I found a group that is having a

lot of success with special kids, not just ASD but LD, AD(H)D, OCD, etc.


use metabolic approaches as well as therapeutic approaches which they base

on a brain map. Their website is _www.crossroadsinstitute.org_

(http://www.crossroadsinstitute.org) Since we are just beginning with

them, I cannot give

you plusses and minuses from a personal perspective. I can tell you that I


there through word of mouth and the parents are thrilled with the help


kids are getting from them. I left there with the impression that they were

very knowledgable and while I don't know that they can help for sure

it is a place that I felt guided. They are open to all our suggestions as


You may want to check out _www.megson.com_ (http://www.megson.com) as Dr.

Megson also is a great resource. I am just now reviewing her site...very


Unfortunately, you need to know that all these tests cost megabucks. None


the therapies are cheap, including the enzymes and other supplements.

However, in the scheme of things, the enzymes are very inexpensive given the

results they produce and in comparison to other things out there. I also

give a lot

of AFP peptizyde because I am anal about making sure he had enough to digest

the gluten and casein in his meal and because I think the extra can only


him systemically. (What I mean by " a lot " is I give two Peps with each meal

and after one hour, if he is still eating, he gets more.)

Good luck. This is a long journey but people here will help you.


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" Do not feel pressured to have your child put on prescription

drugs to make the school officials happy. It seems criminal to me the way

school officials and government employees feel justified in recommending

treatment, when they are not doctors. Three sentences that work for me like

a charm, " No, that's not going to happen. " , " Hang on a second, I have a tape

recorder in my car, let me go get it " and " You got your medical degree

where? because you know it's a crime to try and practice medicine without a

license. " You are not obligated to share what your private, keep this in

mind, private pediatrician recommends. I've found the less info. I share,

the better. Keeps too many fingers from being in the pot. "


thanks for your advice. Let me tell you. I have really had a time with the

school. they even went so far as to tell me that they wanted me to chart or

document " journal " they called it of what meds she got and when, along with

her behavior that day.(Of course, I am not doing that. I really think it is

a private issue) they said that this would be helpfulfor them to know what

is going on with her meds and at home to better understand her behavoir. I

am so tired of feeling pressured into giving her meds. I almost feel as

though the lack of giving her meds was one of the reasons that they want to

send her to a self contained class. when I told her that Shelby wasn't

taking anything, she said that that explained alot of her behavoir. Fell

just short of saying that meds might have made the difference on whether or

not she stayed mainstreamed or not. It more than made me mad.

I know this is all off topic, I'm sorry. I am also trying to find out what

the best solution for my daughter is and what our rights (educationally) are

If anyone knows where I can find out good info on what our rights are, IN

EASY TO UNDERSTAND, NON LEGAL TERMS, I would really appreciate it. For

instance, I want an aide in the class with my daughter, but the school

fights me at every turn. If that would keep her in the classroom, rather

than self contained, why can't I do that? If anyone can tell me where to

find that info, I would appreciate it. I live in Alabama.

Sorry it is off topic. Thanks for any help. Boy, I never thought I would

become a parent that would have to fight the system. Out of five kids, 3

are in gifted education and 2 are in special education. I have never fought

the system, I am a pacifist, but I am becoming a bull dog here lately. I

just have to get educated about the diet, supplements, and about educational

rights. I suppose it is about time I did.

Anyway, thanks for any help.

Debbie >




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Visit www.vastnetwork.com. Christie Berry is a former Special Education

teacher turned homeschooler. She's worked for SEAC, the Special Education

Adovacy Committee (might be anther 'c' word). She has gone with parents to the

school to advocate for services. She also knows the IDEA law backwards and

forward as she has two special needs children herself. She lives in Hazel


Hope this helps,


Re: New to this

" Do not feel pressured to have your child put on prescription

drugs to make the school officials happy. It seems criminal to me the way

school officials and government employees feel justified in recommending

treatment, when they are not doctors. Three sentences that work for me like

a charm, " No, that's not going to happen. " , " Hang on a second, I have a tape

recorder in my car, let me go get it " and " You got your medical degree

where? because you know it's a crime to try and practice medicine without a

license. " You are not obligated to share what your private, keep this in

mind, private pediatrician recommends. I've found the less info. I share,

the better. Keeps too many fingers from being in the pot. "


thanks for your advice. Let me tell you. I have really had a time with the

school. they even went so far as to tell me that they wanted me to chart or

document " journal " they called it of what meds she got and when, along with

her behavior that day.(Of course, I am not doing that. I really think it is

a private issue) they said that this would be helpfulfor them to know what

is going on with her meds and at home to better understand her behavoir. I

am so tired of feeling pressured into giving her meds. I almost feel as

though the lack of giving her meds was one of the reasons that they want to

send her to a self contained class. when I told her that Shelby wasn't

taking anything, she said that that explained alot of her behavoir. Fell

just short of saying that meds might have made the difference on whether or

not she stayed mainstreamed or not. It more than made me mad.

I know this is all off topic, I'm sorry. I am also trying to find out what

the best solution for my daughter is and what our rights (educationally) are

If anyone knows where I can find out good info on what our rights are, IN

EASY TO UNDERSTAND, NON LEGAL TERMS, I would really appreciate it. For

instance, I want an aide in the class with my daughter, but the school

fights me at every turn. If that would keep her in the classroom, rather

than self contained, why can't I do that? If anyone can tell me where to

find that info, I would appreciate it. I live in Alabama.

Sorry it is off topic. Thanks for any help. Boy, I never thought I would

become a parent that would have to fight the system. Out of five kids, 3

are in gifted education and 2 are in special education. I have never fought

the system, I am a pacifist, but I am becoming a bull dog here lately. I

just have to get educated about the diet, supplements, and about educational

rights. I suppose it is about time I did.

Anyway, thanks for any help.

Debbie >




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Good websites:



The Group IEP_Guide


The CIBRA website

Re: New to this

" Do not feel pressured to have your child put on prescription

drugs to make the school officials happy. It seems criminal to me the way

school officials and government employees feel justified in recommending

treatment, when they are not doctors. Three sentences that work for me like

a charm, " No, that's not going to happen. " , " Hang on a second, I have a tape

recorder in my car, let me go get it " and " You got your medical degree

where? because you know it's a crime to try and practice medicine without a

license. " You are not obligated to share what your private, keep this in

mind, private pediatrician recommends. I've found the less info. I share,

the better. Keeps too many fingers from being in the pot. "


thanks for your advice. Let me tell you. I have really had a time with the

school. they even went so far as to tell me that they wanted me to chart or

document " journal " they called it of what meds she got and when, along with

her behavior that day.(Of course, I am not doing that. I really think it is

a private issue) they said that this would be helpfulfor them to know what

is going on with her meds and at home to better understand her behavoir. I

am so tired of feeling pressured into giving her meds. I almost feel as

though the lack of giving her meds was one of the reasons that they want to

send her to a self contained class. when I told her that Shelby wasn't

taking anything, she said that that explained alot of her behavoir. Fell

just short of saying that meds might have made the difference on whether or

not she stayed mainstreamed or not. It more than made me mad.

I know this is all off topic, I'm sorry. I am also trying to find out what

the best solution for my daughter is and what our rights (educationally) are

If anyone knows where I can find out good info on what our rights are, IN

EASY TO UNDERSTAND, NON LEGAL TERMS, I would really appreciate it. For

instance, I want an aide in the class with my daughter, but the school

fights me at every turn. If that would keep her in the classroom, rather

than self contained, why can't I do that? If anyone can tell me where to

find that info, I would appreciate it. I live in Alabama.

Sorry it is off topic. Thanks for any help. Boy, I never thought I would

become a parent that would have to fight the system. Out of five kids, 3

are in gifted education and 2 are in special education. I have never fought

the system, I am a pacifist, but I am becoming a bull dog here lately. I

just have to get educated about the diet, supplements, and about educational

rights. I suppose it is about time I did.

Anyway, thanks for any help.

Debbie >




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> Lots of people use enzymes without the diet and see great results.

>We are very happy to be able to use oats and not worry about trace

>amounts of this or small amounts of that when we go out to dinner,

>with the use of enzymes. We are still very careful with regards to

>ingredients that can't be broken down, artificials, preservatives,

>food dyes.

I have a question about oats. I'm told by a registered dietician

that the celiac groups have found that if you buy " pure " oats -- that

is, oats or oatmeal processed in a facility that handles only oats so

there is no chance of cross-contamination -- that this is fine for

the gluten-free diet. She recommends the long-cooking (about 30

minutes) oats, such as McCann's steel-cut Irish Oatmeal. These are

slowly digested and do not send the blood glucose soaring like the

highly processed and sweetened " instant " oats. Also a great source

of dietary fiber and 4 g protein per serving.

Does anyone here have any further information or thoughts on this?

Thank you,

Jan Feldman

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I do not know for Alabama, we live in California and I became quite educated

about our laws for the same reason. All I had to do was throw around terms

like Free and Appropriate Education, No child left behind, and Least

Restrictive environment. What we went through I believe I've posted before,

got ahold and had a consultation with a good lawyer, and blustered my way

through. By the end I had them so scared they were happy to see me go away.

They actually ended up paying for a private Christian pre-school, after I

videotaped and recorded what I saw of the classroom they wanted to place my

son in. My husband and I have been paying for private speech, occupational

therapy, etc. I just told them I'd make them pay for it all if they didn't

back off, which in California they can be made to do. We've set precedent

for our district by making the demands and having them met, but I tell you

it is a fight, literally. I can barely wait to get in the car for the ride

home, because I'm usually fighting back tears. You are not required to do a

single thing, not meds. not documentation. They have no rights, you have all

the power, just have to go in there believing that. I know it is hard, the

room is usually literally stacked against you with all the people that

attend IEP's, but you have All the Power, they have only the power you give

them. I have even gone so far as to imagine them all holding needles filled

with vaccines, gets me angry enough to say what needs to be said. Good luck

to you.

Re: New to this

> " Do not feel pressured to have your child put on prescription


> drugs to make the school officials happy. It seems criminal to me the way


> school officials and government employees feel justified in recommending


> treatment, when they are not doctors. Three sentences that work for me



> a charm, " No, that's not going to happen. " , " Hang on a second, I have a



> recorder in my car, let me go get it " and " You got your medical degree


> where? because you know it's a crime to try and practice medicine without



> license. " You are not obligated to share what your private, keep this in


> mind, private pediatrician recommends. I've found the less info. I share,


> the better. Keeps too many fingers from being in the pot. "




> Hi,




> thanks for your advice. Let me tell you. I have really had a time with


> school. they even went so far as to tell me that they wanted me to chart


> document " journal " they called it of what meds she got and when, along


> her behavior that day.(Of course, I am not doing that. I really think it


> a private issue) they said that this would be helpfulfor them to know


> is going on with her meds and at home to better understand her behavoir.


> am so tired of feeling pressured into giving her meds. I almost feel as

> though the lack of giving her meds was one of the reasons that they want


> send her to a self contained class. when I told her that Shelby wasn't

> taking anything, she said that that explained alot of her behavoir. Fell

> just short of saying that meds might have made the difference on whether


> not she stayed mainstreamed or not. It more than made me mad.




> I know this is all off topic, I'm sorry. I am also trying to find out


> the best solution for my daughter is and what our rights (educationally)


> If anyone knows where I can find out good info on what our rights are,


> EASY TO UNDERSTAND, NON LEGAL TERMS, I would really appreciate it. For

> instance, I want an aide in the class with my daughter, but the school

> fights me at every turn. If that would keep her in the classroom, rather

> than self contained, why can't I do that? If anyone can tell me where to

> find that info, I would appreciate it. I live in Alabama.




> Sorry it is off topic. Thanks for any help. Boy, I never thought I would

> become a parent that would have to fight the system. Out of five kids, 3

> are in gifted education and 2 are in special education. I have never


> the system, I am a pacifist, but I am becoming a bull dog here lately. I

> just have to get educated about the diet, supplements, and about


> rights. I suppose it is about time I did.




> Anyway, thanks for any help.




> Debbie >


> >


> >


> >

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well personally i subscribe to elaine gottschalls view the celiac is

really a symptom of dysbiosis rather than any intrinsic human

allergy/immune type thing

oat glutens are similar but different from wheat i think and some

tolerate and some don't but from an scd point of view they are

illegal anyway.

actually now i think of it i wonder since my taking copper sebacate

wether i would tolerate oats now, might give it a go.

i won't say

'i hope this helps' cause i am sure it won't ;o)

-- In , " janfeld1953 " <JanFeld@a...>



> > Lots of people use enzymes without the diet and see great


> >We are very happy to be able to use oats and not worry about trace

> >amounts of this or small amounts of that when we go out to dinner,

> >with the use of enzymes. We are still very careful with regards to

> >ingredients that can't be broken down, artificials, preservatives,

> >food dyes.


> I have a question about oats. I'm told by a registered dietician

> that the celiac groups have found that if you buy " pure " oats --


> is, oats or oatmeal processed in a facility that handles only oats


> there is no chance of cross-contamination -- that this is fine for

> the gluten-free diet. She recommends the long-cooking (about 30

> minutes) oats, such as McCann's steel-cut Irish Oatmeal. These are

> slowly digested and do not send the blood glucose soaring like the

> highly processed and sweetened " instant " oats. Also a great source

> of dietary fiber and 4 g protein per serving.


> Does anyone here have any further information or thoughts on this?


> Thank you,

> Jan Feldman

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Some parents on this list also have info. that describes the healing

properties of oats with regards to the gut.

Re: New to this


> > Lots of people use enzymes without the diet and see great results.

> >We are very happy to be able to use oats and not worry about trace

> >amounts of this or small amounts of that when we go out to dinner,

> >with the use of enzymes. We are still very careful with regards to

> >ingredients that can't be broken down, artificials, preservatives,

> >food dyes.


> I have a question about oats. I'm told by a registered dietician

> that the celiac groups have found that if you buy " pure " oats -- that

> is, oats or oatmeal processed in a facility that handles only oats so

> there is no chance of cross-contamination -- that this is fine for

> the gluten-free diet. She recommends the long-cooking (about 30

> minutes) oats, such as McCann's steel-cut Irish Oatmeal. These are

> slowly digested and do not send the blood glucose soaring like the

> highly processed and sweetened " instant " oats. Also a great source

> of dietary fiber and 4 g protein per serving.


> Does anyone here have any further information or thoughts on this?


> Thank you,

> Jan Feldman








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  • 1 month later...
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Dr. Grim,

I a very glad that an experienced MD is on this board. There isn't

much information out there on this condition, and I'm sure I speak for

everyone, that we are very grateful for your time and efforts on this


I was wondering if know anyone good for PA in Cleveland.

Oh, and a tag-along question, is aldosterone pro-inflammatory, or,

conversely, does inflammation increase aldosterone? I have mild

colitis and wonder if there was any relationship.



> Your 24 hour urine is very high and if your renin is low and the

sodium was high in the same urine then you have primary aldosteronism.

Please get the values and their normals.


> The great majority of folks today do not have a tumor that can be

seen on CT or MRi because we are diagnosing it earlier before the

tumor becomes large enough to see. There also inherited forms so ask

all your family if they have ever had HTN and low K as well. How long

have you been on spiro and how much. has your BP improved on it?


> I would recommend you try to see Dr. Addision at Baylor in

Houston. He is one of the best experts in PA in the area. Tell his

office that Dr. Grim asked you to contact him.


> --

> May your pressure be low!


> CE Grim MD

> Clinical Professor of Internal Medicine

> Professor of Epidemiology


> Board Certified in Internal Medicine, Geriatrics and Hypertension

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