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Hi Beth,

Let go of your guilt. This is not your fault. Have you been to the

Generation Rescue site? You can search for a Rescue Angel in your area that

can help you get started. www.generationrescue.org



" Courage is doing what you're afraid to do. There can be no courage unless

you're scared. "

Eddie Rickenbacker, top US fighter ace, WWI


From: [mailto: ]

On Behalf Of mama wild

Sent: Wednesday, July 25, 2007 11:57 PM

Subject: [ ] New with questions

My 5 and 3 y/o sons are on the ASD. My 5 y/o received one Hep B vac before I

found out I didn't have to vaccinate and started researching.

My 3 y/o received no vaccines. However, he was born extremely ill and taken

to PICU at another hospital. He was given multiple medications and

blood/plasma transfusions to keep him alive.

My 2 y/o daughter received all required vaccines because she was a foster

child and I didn't have any choice.

Hindsight being what it is, I believe that my sons were born with autism.

I took prozac or it's generic while I was pregnant with both my sons. The

dr. said it was safe. NOW I WONDER.

I have read a lot and am overwhelmed about the amount of tests, etc, to ask

their doctors about.Where do I start?

I need to be able to do something for my children. In my heart, part of me

still feels like I did something to make this happen. How do I found out

whether the kids have high levels of mercury in their systems? What other

tests should I ask about for my kids?

I would appreciate any help you can provide.

Thank you,


~~Pay it forward with random acts of kindness~~

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  • 2 months later...

> Hello,

> My ds has been on gf/cf/sf for 9 months with AFP Peptizide. We are

> now allowing him to have gluten with enyzmes but I am not sure if I am

> using the enzymes correctly. What enyzmes would you recommend to

> start and how do you decide when to give and how many? He is four and

> only really eats carbs and very few at that.

I used HNI enzymes and my son was able to eat gluten with AFP Peptizyde



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Welcome Lori -

This is a very controversial thing. There are some that claim people with Hashi's tend to have issues with taking iodine. Then there is my Dr (Dr. Brownstein - www.drbrownstein.com ) who says that he does not have problems with treating his hashi's patients with iodine. I think it is because he recommends dosages greater than 25 mgs for his hashi's patients which seems to put the brakes on the oxidative process that burns the cells. There are iodolipids that get created with high amounts of iodine (the brakes) which stop the oxidation (burning) in the cells. This does not occur in lower doses and may explain why hashi's folks complain on this board. I have not been able to take a poll of those folks that had issues with it to see if they started lower than 25 mgs.

That being said. It is up to you what you are comfortable with. I would recommend reading Dr. Brownstein's iodine book. He just released a new edition of it which has info on the autoimmune system and iodine. I helped him write this edition so I can speak first hand that it is very useful info. After you educate yourself then you will have to decided what to do. You can also look at the iodine protocol posted on the www.breastcancerchoices.org - Iodine info there with all the supplements to support your orthoiodosupplementation.

You can buy Iodoral (pill form of Lugol's) on the www.breastcancerchoices.org website or you can get the 50 mg tablets on www.illnessisoptional.com (only place I know of that sells this dose on the net). You can also take Lugol's - websites for this are in the files on the website for the group. It is a liquid and you must put drops in water or juice. It doesn't taste too good so compliance with supplementing tends to be difficult.

Hope that helps you!

New with questions


I have hashimoto's thyroid and think I probably need iodine, but don't know where to start. What kind? How much? Where do I even start? Please help and advice. Thanks.


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Wow that is totally weird he would say that. I am one of his patients

with hashi's and I totally crashed and burned on 50mg of iodoral.


At 05:54 PM 10/16/2007, you wrote:


is a very controversial thing. There are some that claim

people with Hashi's tend to have issues with taking iodine. Then

there is my Dr (Dr. Brownstein -

www.drbrownstein.com ) who says

that he does not have problems with treating his hashi's patients with


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You must have been one of his patients that didn't react well. I have asked him several times because of the controversy that keeps coming up here. He has been persistent in saying that he does not have many issues. Just a handful of cases.

Re: New with questions

Wow that is totally weird he would say that. I am one of his patients with hashi's and I totally crashed and burned on 50mg of iodoral.IreneAt 05:54 PM 10/16/2007, you wrote:

This is a very controversial thing. There are some that claim people with Hashi's tend to have issues with taking iodine. Then there is my Dr (Dr. Brownstein - www.drbrownstein.com ) who says that he does not have problems with treating his hashi's patients with iodine.

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That is a whole lot different than saying that he doesn't have problems

with treating hashi's patients. Saying he doesn't have problems treating

hashi's sounds like he dosn't have any problems. Not having many is not

the same as not having any. Also not having many patients that don't do

well doesn't mean their experience should be dismissed.


At 06:49 PM 10/16/2007, you wrote:


must have been one of his patients that didn't react well. I have

asked him several times because of the controversy that keeps coming up

here. He has been persistent in saying that he does not have many

issues. Just a handful of cases.

Re: New with questions

Wow that is totally weird he would say that. I am one of his patients with hashi's and I totally crashed and burned on 50mg of iodoral.


At 05:54 PM 10/16/2007, you wrote:

This is a very controversial thing. There are some that claim people with Hashi's tend to have issues with taking iodine. Then there is my Dr (Dr. Brownstein - www.drbrownstein.com ) who says that he does not have problems with treating his hashi's patients with iodine.

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Hi, Lori,

Please read my posting to Helen, just above this post, regarding the

thyroid and iodine.



> Hi-


> I have hashimoto's thyroid and think I probably need iodine, but

don't know where to start. What kind? How much? Where do I even

start? Please help and advice. Thanks.


> Lori


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This is exactly why NO ONE should just take any form of iodine

WITHOUT seeing a doctor and having appropriate tests taken. Persons

have died from taking too much iodine.


> >This is a very controversial thing. There are some that claim


> >with Hashi's tend to have issues with taking iodine. Then there

is my Dr

> >(Dr. Brownstein -

<http://www.drbrownstein.com>www.drbrownstein.com ) who

> >says that he does not have problems with treating his hashi's


> >with iodine.


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Can you give references for this and how much the dosage was?

Re: New with questions

> This is exactly why NO ONE should just take any form of iodine

> WITHOUT seeing a doctor and having appropriate tests taken. Persons

> have died from taking too much iodine.


> Aimee

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Point taken. I answered quickly and I should have been more precise. I guess when you are talking several thousand people being treated with Iodine in Dr. B's practice and only having a handful of issues I wouldn't call that a problem. Maybe some would. Just my perspective on things. He will tell you that he doesn't have a problem with it so that is what I was quoting. Sorry if I misled anyone.

Hey, by the way, what brought you to only the Saturday session of the Iodine Conference. Why didn't you attend the first day? That IMHO was the best part. I loved hearing Dr. Abraham speak.

Re: New with questions

Wow that is totally weird he would say that. I am one of his patients with hashi's and I totally crashed and burned on 50mg of iodoral.


At 05:54 PM 10/16/2007, you wrote:

This is a very controversial thing. There are some that claim people with Hashi's tend to have issues with taking iodine. Then there is my Dr (Dr. Brownstein - www.drbrownstein.com ) who says that he does not have problems with treating his hashi's patients with iodine.

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The thing is if you are one of the " few " it is by definition a

problem. Also if you are a newbie with concerns, not mentioning that not

everyone does well is misleading. It is also an issue of credibility. If

someone, particularly the iodine docs, dismiss that, what else are they


I couldn't go to the whole conference because I was at another

conference. It wasn't something I could reschedule and it didn't end

until Friday evening.


At 05:03 AM 10/17/2007, you wrote:


taken. I answered quickly and I should have been more

precise. I guess when you are talking several thousand people being

treated with Iodine in Dr. B's practice and only having a handful of

issues I wouldn't call that a problem. Maybe some would. Just

my perspective on things. He will tell you that he doesn't have a

problem with it so that is what I was quoting. Sorry if I misled


Hey, by the way, what brought you to only

the Saturday session of the Iodine Conference. Why didn't you attend the

first day? That IMHO was the best part. I loved hearing Dr.

Abraham speak.

Re: New with questions

Wow that is totally weird he would say that. I am one of his patients with hashi's and I totally crashed and burned on 50mg of iodoral.


At 05:54 PM 10/16/2007, you wrote:

This is a very controversial thing. There are some that claim people with Hashi's tend to have issues with taking iodine. Then there is my Dr (Dr. Brownstein - www.drbrownstein.com ) who says that he does not have problems with treating his hashi's patients with iodine.

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Well l think that is the key. They need to be informed about all the

possibilites so that if they are concerned they can make an intelligent

decision to either " jump in " or take it slow. People having bad

reactions to iodine is a huge reason why so many doctors shy away from

iodine. Not warning people exacerbates that problem.

I am in California. My other conference was not medical.


At 06:32 AM 10/17/2007, you wrote:


you from MI? Are you in the Medical field?

I understand what you are saying but I get

many contacting me offline who are scared to death to take Iodine because

of a few of you who have had bad experiences. It's hard to find a

balance of informing vs. scaring. It's kind of like teaching our

children about strangers. I think it is just too important of a

nutrient. I don't think the iodine docs are dismissing

anything. It is our jobs as patients to inform them of issues if we

have them. If we suffer and never tell them (which may be happening

- or the patients are not tying reactions to the iodine) then this is

another situation.

Re: New with questions

The thing is if you are one of the " few " it is by definition a problem. Also if you are a newbie with concerns, not mentioning that not everyone does well is misleading. It is also an issue of credibility. If someone, particularly the iodine docs, dismiss that, what else are they dismissing?

I couldn't go to the whole conference because I was at another conference. It wasn't something I could reschedule and it didn't end until Friday evening.


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Are you from the San Diego area? It is so pretty there. I had only been to Northern CA before. How did you come to be a patient of Dr. Brownstein being that you are from California? That's a long way to go.

Subject: Re: New with questions

I travel once per year and phone appointments in between.IreneAt 07:23 AM 10/17/2007, you wrote:

Wow you are in CA and you see Dr. Brownstein as a patient? How did that happen? Do you travel often to MI to see him?

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> I think that people should know that while some people do great on

50mg and

> even do poorly on lower doses, some people do really poorly on the


> doses. Sometime this is detox, sometimes not. To just say go ahead

and jump

> in and take 50 mg could be disastrous for some people (like me). I


> did well on 25mg and totally crashed and burned at 50. Now I am like


> Shevin's 10% of patients that cannot tolerate any or only the

tiniest bit

> of iodine. I just think it isn't responsible not to let people know


> even if most people do well, some people don't. If people know the

> possibilites ahead of time, they can judge for themselves whether to


> out at 50mg or try going slowly. At least if it happens it won't blind

> sight them.

> And the problem isn't just that people might have a bad experience. It

> fuels the idea that iodine supplementation is dangerous which is

what a lot

> of physicians think now.

> Irene

I started trying iodine in July 2006, taking two drops at time to

induce sweating in a FIR sauna. Even that little caused detox effects

from bromine. My intake picked up very gradually and I only tried it

on and off over a year. Until I took the loading test and then

gradually increased to 50mg. This worked for me, i didn't want to

cause any shock over the change to my organs and don't have a local

doctor who is experienced with iodine. My ND is my main medical

support. In Canada they are licensed and covered by extended health


Its important for people to determine the best way to try out the

supplemental use of iodine. I figured that if I have been deficient

for my whole life, a few more months with smaller amounts is not going

to cause much harm. But I don't have thyroid issues, at least none

that are symptomatic enough to have received attention from my MD or ND.

My problem is breast cycts, and even there I have been going slow with



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It seems to me that this is a fairly easy dilemma to solve. When you suggest someone take iodine, you suggest they take the smallest amount possible so that if they have a reaction, at least it's not as severe as it would be at higher doses. I don't understand why someone would start out at 50mg anyway? Also it seems it could be likely that the reaction was a healing reaction rather than an allergic one. I was nervous about taking iodine myself. So I started out with iodine measuring in the mcg ranges. Worked my way up to 50mg and feel great.Luv,DebbySan , CA147 pounds lost! 95% of health issues reversed!Find out about the diet that helped me:Group: curingcandida/Website: http://www.naturallythriving.comStudying nutrition for 12 years. Currently pursuing Nutritional Consultant license.----- Original Message ----From: ladybugsandbees

Are you from MI? Are you in the Medical field?

I understand what you are saying but I get many contacting me offline who are scared to death to take Iodine because of a few of you who have had bad experiences. It's hard to find a balance of informing vs. scaring. It's kind of like teaching our children about strangers. I think it is just too important of a nutrient. I don't think the iodine docs are dismissing anything. It is our jobs as patients to inform them of issues if we have them. If we suffer and never tell them (which may be happening - or the patients are not tying reactions to the iodine) then this is another situation.

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The red rash is probably "bromaderma." The iodine often chases the bromide out through the skin, causing a rash.

The iodine "reorganizes" the estrogen receptors in the breast so they are less greedy. They suck up less estrogen from the bloodstream. Dr. Bernard Eskin, has studied this since the 1950s. We had the honor of hearing him present at the Iodine Conference. He is what I would call a conventionally-trained doctor and he believes iodine is similar in function to Arimidex and Tamoxifen.

Please see www.breastcancerchoices.org/iodine for more information on how iodine works on the breast.


In a message dated 10/18/2007 4:17:57 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, annrcalif@... writes:

Has anyone had the red rash on the face? If so, how long did you have it? My estrogen and progesterone receptors were both positive. Has anyone heard if Iodoral might help with the estrogen? Does anyone know of a practitioner(MD, ND,DO,etc. in the Sacramento/San Francisco areas who are working with and have experience with Iodoral? Any answers would be very much appreciated. Thank you. Ann

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I met a ND at the conference who is doing Iodine. He is in Torrance. I am not good with CA geography so you will need to tell me if that is not close. His name is Arlan Cage - www.southbaytotalhealth.com I don't know anything about him other than he does Iodine and was at the conference.


In a message dated 10/18/2007 4:17:57 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, annrcalif@... writes:

Has anyone had the red rash on the face? If so, how long did you have it? My estrogen and progesterone receptors were both positive. Has anyone heard if Iodoral might help with the estrogen? Does anyone know of a practitioner(MD, ND,DO,etc. in the Sacramento/San Francisco areas who are working with and have experience with Iodoral? Any answers would be very much appreciated. Thank you. Ann

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Thank you for the helpful information!



> Ann,


> The red rash is probably " bromaderma. " The iodine often chases

the bromide

> out through the skin, causing a rash.


> The iodine " reorganizes " the estrogen receptors in the breast so

they are

> less greedy. They suck up less estrogen from the bloodstream. Dr.

Bernard Eskin,

> has studied this since the 1950s. We had the honor of hearing him

present at

> the Iodine Conference. He is what I would call a conventionally-


> doctor and he believes iodine is similar in function to Arimidex

and Tamoxifen.


> Please see _www.breastcancerchoices.org/iodine_

> (http://www.breastcancerchoices.org/iodine) for more information

on how iodine works on the breast.


> Lynne


> In a message dated 10/18/2007 4:17:57 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,

> annrcalif@... writes:


> Has anyone had the

> red rash on the face? If so, how long did you have it? My

estrogen and

> progesterone receptors were both positive. Has anyone heard if


> might help with the estrogen? Does anyone know of a practitioner


> ND,DO,etc. in the Sacramento/San Francisco areas who are working


> and have experience with Iodoral? Any answers would be very much

> appreciated. Thank you. Ann









> ************************************** See what's new at



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Torrance is in the Los Angeles area.


At 04:29 PM 10/18/2007, you wrote:


met a ND at the conference who is doing Iodine. He is in

Torrance. I am not good with CA geography so you will need to tell

me if that is not close. His name is Arlan Cage -


I don't know anything about him other than he does Iodine and was at the



In a message dated 10/18/2007 4:17:57 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,

annrcalif@... writes:

Has anyone had the

red rash on the face? If so, how long did you have it? My estrogen


progesterone receptors were both positive. Has anyone heard if


might help with the estrogen? Does anyone know of a practitioner(MD,

ND,DO,etc. in the Sacramento/San Francisco areas who are working with

and have experience with Iodoral? Any answers would be very much

appreciated. Thank you. Ann

See what's new at

AOL.com and


AOL Your Homepage.

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Tom Cowan is in San Francisco. He is on the list of doctors on

iodine4health.com. However I heard that he is no longer prescribing

iodine to his patients. So if you call you might verify that before

making an appointment.


At 01:16 PM 10/18/2007, you wrote:

I have (had) breast cancer since

2006 (and fibrocystic disease for

about 25 years). I took the iodine loading test and it came back

Iodine 22; %Excretion/24/hr 44%. I bought Iodoral and took 100 mg

for a few days(I was intending to take it at that dosage for six weeks

and then to drop to 50 mg as a maintenance dose)and a rash appeared on

my face. I read about the bromide reactions so I started doing the

salt cleanse too and dropped the dosage to 50 mg. Has anyone had the

red rash on the face? If so, how long did you have it? My estrogen and

progesterone receptors were both positive. Has anyone heard if Iodoral

might help with the estrogen? Does anyone know of a practitioner(MD,

ND,DO,etc. in the Sacramento/San Francisco areas who are working with

and have experience with Iodoral? Any answers would be very much

appreciated. Thank you. Ann

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  • 1 month later...

You had mentioned not wanting to go to GF/CF diet because it may be too

restrictive??? I have my kids on it and there is very little they cannot eat and

much of it is so similar to regular food that many people don't even know it

is different if they eat at our house. I use Tapioca Bread by Energy and Rice

pasta by Tinkiyada and gorilla mix cereal and no one seems to notice that

there is no wheat in the stuff. If you are concerned about it being restrictive

I think this group can give you substitutes for almost any wheat or dairy

product and you may find that you can have even greater results. Laurie

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--I ,

check out www.houstonni.com for info on enzymes. THey have really

helped my son. They make a chewable and there are no compliance issues

for us. They have a dosing chart too. Jsut remember to start SLOWLY.

Also, YOu should look into books on biomedical treatments for autism.

Check out Autism Research Institute for info.

> I know that enzymes and B12 and other supplements are great, but how

> do you get your child to take them? Where should we start? Any good

> ideas about yeast removal without major dietary changes? Has anyone

> used Lauricidin?


> I am culling the wealth of knowledge here ... and I thank you in

> advance for answering my questions even though they have probably all

> been asked before.


> best,

> (Phoebe's mom)


> p/s Autism and LKS have many overlaps Check out this link if you are

> interested


> http://www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov/articlerender.fcgi?artid=1783438


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>>her diaper

> area is crimson with yeast.

Might be food [or supplement] intolerance instead of yeast.

> I know that enzymes and B12 and other supplements are great, but how

> do you get your child to take them? Where should we start?

Would she willingly eat chewables? HNI sells chewable enzymes.

>> Any good

> ideas about yeast removal without major dietary changes?

Ideas here


>>Has anyone

> used Lauricidin?

Yes, it addressed viruses for my kids, but caused a LOT of yeast, more

than I could keep under control.


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  • 2 months later...


welcome to the group.

I don't know about the 2nd part of your question- re CWD bacteria. I

know there has been discussion here about that.

Re does Buhner protocol build up the immune system - yes it does. Most

of the herbs that he prescribes in the core protocol, are immune boosters.

If you haven't yet read his book, I'd recommend reading it. He gives a

comprehensive explanation of Lyme and of how the protocol works.




> Hello


> I am glad to have found this group. I wanted to know if the Bhuner

> protocol also builds up the immune system and in which fashion? I have

> been diagnosed with Lyme clinically and CFS. I don't know what's wrong

> with me. My main problem is a malfunctioning immune system.


> Does the Bhuner protocol also address CWD (Cell Wall Deficient)

> bacteria? L-forms?


> thanks




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