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<<<There are 3 of us at work who've had gastric bypass. 1 had an open-has lost

140 lbs. and constantly complains things get stuck in her " stoma " . 1 Had a lap

RNY in Aug. and has been vomiting almost constantly,has had 3 roux limb

dilitations,and is scheduling a fourth,and then me.Down 84 lbs and planning a 6

1/2 Jazzercise marathon. This surgery speaks for itself! .>>>

I read this and for some reason flashed on the story of the three little pigs.

Probably inappropriate, but, you know, this little piggy had lap RNY, this

little piggy has something stuck in her " stoma " but this little pigg had it JUST

RIGHT (thanks to MGB!). LOL. Just a whimsy!

from California


240 BMI 45

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  • 1 year later...

Hi all, just got home from the hospital for 's knee surgery.

Everything went well. brought me home and then she and Rich will go

back and bring her home when she is out of recovery. Thanks for all the good

thoughts and prayers.

I'm going to be a good girl and go upstairs and rest. I have LOTS of good

books to start and will find something else to do that will keep me quiet.


Don't worry bout me, I have learned my lesson. Going to try to prop up my

feet and get the swelling down...

Know I love ya all bunches and I promise to be a good girl from now on. lOL


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Happy to hear s surgery went well.

Now you rest.


-- Re: Re: update

Hi all, just got home from the hospital for 's knee surgery. Everything went well. brought me home and then she and Rich will go back and bring her home when she is out of recovery. Thanks for all the good thoughts and prayers. I'm going to be a good girl and go upstairs and rest. I have LOTS of good books to start and will find something else to do that will keep me quiet. LOL Don't worry bout me, I have learned my lesson. Going to try to prop up my feet and get the swelling down... Know I love ya all bunches and I promise to be a good girl from now on. lOL hugsDISCLAIMER!!WE ARE NOT MEDICAL PROFESSIONALS, THEREFORE ANY INFORMATION THAT IS RECEIVED HERE IS FROM EXPERIENCE ONLY. PLEASE CONSULT WITH YOUR DOCTOR BEFORE TRYING ANYTHING THAT IS SUGGESTED. WE ARE NOT A SUBSTITUTE FOR YOUR PHYSICIAN AND ARE NOT TRYING TO BE. REMEMBER EVERYONE IS DIFFERENT AND TREATMENT MAYBE DIFFERENT FOR MANY OF US. THANK YOU

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  • 2 months later...


Well went to my doc today ( not remy) in Jan last year when I went to ER with my nose as big as a basket ball they told me I had STAPH so I had IV for 6 days????? I

have been feeling very bad lately. So i went to my doc today. HE told me never had staph the needle was contaminate in the lap. All this time I had hope that i didn't have RP. He said you have RP the basket ball nose was your big flare?? MY 18 year remy has never sent him i thing about me no files at all. He is sending for my records ASAP. He is going to find me new REMY. After he gets my records this week he is going to call me because he feel i need my pre raised and i would feel better. Its hard to even leave the house my bones are in pain does that make since?? Why have I been in such denial? thanks


-- Re: Susiecue/ bladder problems

Susiecue, thanks for the info. I had severe kidney infections for 2 years. Then they did a hysterectomy and got another one in the hospital. ( from the catheter I think) After that they all stopped. Weird huh? Haven't had any problems since until now. My urologist called last nite. He said he was "Very" disappointed in my bladder. LOL I told him no more then I was. LOL He is so kind and caring..He called from home after surgery at 8pm. He doubled my meds. Will see if that helps. I asked what he thought this was and he said if the new dose of meds doesn't help in a week that we would have to talk. He thought it was a different kind of interstial Cystitis. Well they didn't make me happy. I know there is no cure for IC and I would have to basically learn to live with the pain. Maybe there are new drugs out now. It just kind of sent me into a little bit of depression. I don't want to hear " You will just have to live with it" Any more. Had my good cry and felt better. LOL Slept with my c pap last night and slept well. Don't have the hot air humidifier yet because the insurance is fighting it. Sound familiar??? Well, venting is done and I am going to call medicare this morning and see if I can get through to them before my 2:30 appt with my GYN for my test results. LOL It will be a day of waiting and disagreeing i'm sure. LOL Hope you have a great day. Aren't you sorry you asked ??? LOLhugs DISCLAIMER!!WE ARE NOT MEDICAL PROFESSIONALS, THEREFORE ANY INFORMATION THAT IS RECEIVED HERE IS FROM EXPERIENCE ONLY. PLEASE CONSULT WITH YOUR DOCTOR BEFORE TRYING ANYTHING THAT IS SUGGESTED. WE ARE NOT A SUBSTITUTE FOR YOUR PHYSICIAN AND ARE NOT TRYING TO BE. REMEMBER EVERYONE IS DIFFERENT AND TREATMENT MAYBE DIFFERENT FOR MANY OF US. THANK YOU

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Judy, I know how hard this surgery has been on you and I want you to know you are in my thoughts and prayers. Hopefully each day will get better. You take care and do what the drs. say.... Yeah right. LOL

Know I'm always thinking of you.


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  • 1 year later...

In a message dated 1/13/2004 5:46:05 PM Central Standard Time,

mntecrlo@... writes:

OH WOW Vondie I am so sorry to hear this! AND didn't you say she is pregnant

again??? And she is still using drug??? Deb A

Hi guys,

I am sure I have missed alot. I am thoroughly behind on everything. It

has officially happened, I now have two more kids. Out of my stepdaughters 3

kids, I was brought 2 last night. It seems that she was passed out in the

garage floor (coming down from some stuff) and the kids were on their own. So,

here we go again.

Anyway, I will try to keep up on reading. If you dont hear from me in a

while, know that I am thinking of all of you and I hope you all do well.


now in charge of 5 kiddos - running me nuts

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I am so sorry for you and those kids, but you are a safe harbor for them. I

will keep you all in my thoughts.

Mom of 5 with CF


Hi guys,

I am sure I have missed alot. I am thoroughly behind on everything. It

has officially happened, I now have two more kids. Out of my stepdaughters 3

kids, I was brought 2 last night. It seems that she was passed out in the

garage floor (coming down from some stuff) and the kids were on their own. So,

here we go again.

Anyway, I will try to keep up on reading. If you dont hear from me in a

while, know that I am thinking of all of you and I hope you all do well.


now in charge of 5 kiddos - running me nuts

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Vondie; go for severance of her parental rights and become the foster

mom of the kids; at least that way you get a little money and the kids

may get medicaid! n Rojas


Hi guys,

I am sure I have missed alot. I am thoroughly behind on everything. It

has officially happened, I now have two more kids. Out of my stepdaughters 3

kids, I was brought 2 last night. It seems that she was passed out in the

garage floor (coming down from some stuff) and the kids were on their own. So,

here we go again.

Anyway, I will try to keep up on reading. If you dont hear from me in a

while, know that I am thinking of all of you and I hope you all do well.


now in charge of 5 kiddos - running me nuts

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What are the ages of your five children? You have a lot of dishes

and laundry to keep on top of, but they're worth it! If I were

closer, I'd come help.


> Hi guys,

> I am sure I have missed alot. I am thoroughly behind on

everything. It has officially happened, I now have two more kids.

Out of my stepdaughters 3 kids, I was brought 2 last night. It seems

that she was passed out in the garage floor (coming down from some

stuff) and the kids were on their own. So, here we go again.

> Anyway, I will try to keep up on reading. If you dont hear from

me in a while, know that I am thinking of all of you and I hope you

all do well.

> Vondie

> now in charge of 5 kiddos - running me nuts



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Vondie; you would really have a house full if both Gale and I were

closer; we would both come to help and I would bring a grandchild

or two--count your blessings! Love, n, who wishes that Gale

were your neighbor, too!

Re: update


What are the ages of your five children? You have a lot of dishes

and laundry to keep on top of, but they're worth it! If I were

closer, I'd come help.


> Hi guys,

> I am sure I have missed alot. I am thoroughly behind on

everything. It has officially happened, I now have two more kids.

Out of my stepdaughters 3 kids, I was brought 2 last night. It seems

that she was passed out in the garage floor (coming down from some

stuff) and the kids were on their own. So, here we go again.

> Anyway, I will try to keep up on reading. If you dont hear from

me in a while, know that I am thinking of all of you and I hope you

all do well.

> Vondie

> now in charge of 5 kiddos - running me nuts



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In a message dated 1/14/2004 9:28:07 AM Central Standard Time,

mntecrlo@... writes:


WOW VONDIE!! You have your hands full!! There is defiantly a place in heaven

for you!!! Deb A

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Best wishes to you , your wonderful to do this . You should have permanent


so it wouldn't be so hard on you or them You could get a routine down &

stick to it.

Bless your heart-- Your in my prayers for all your needs to come



Re: update

In a message dated 1/13/2004 5:46:05 PM Central Standard Time,

mntecrlo@... writes:

OH WOW Vondie I am so sorry to hear this! AND didn't you say she is pregnant

again??? And she is still using drug??? Deb A

Hi guys,

I am sure I have missed alot. I am thoroughly behind on everything. It

has officially happened, I now have two more kids. Out of my stepdaughters


kids, I was brought 2 last night. It seems that she was passed out in the

garage floor (coming down from some stuff) and the kids were on their own.


here we go again.

Anyway, I will try to keep up on reading. If you dont hear from me in a

while, know that I am thinking of all of you and I hope you all do well.


now in charge of 5 kiddos - running me nuts

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Hello guys. I have a few minutes before I have to start running again today.

Here is the jist of what happened.

I got a call from the other grandma wanting me to take one of the kids. I

guess my stepdaughter was passed out in the garage floor from doing what ever it

was she was doing. (I was told meth/ heroin) Anyway, I of course said yes. I

ended up with the oldest and the youngest boys. The other grandma only wants

the girl. ANyway, I am working with family services, spent the afternoon there

yesterday. I filled them in on everything so they are shutting her money and

foodstamps down (she sells foodstamps 4 drug money)

They said they can help us with the kids. We will only get about 230 in

foodstamps for the 2 kids and a little money (they didnt say how much). ANyway,

I figure its better than nothing.

The kicker is that I called the babys doc and he is supposed to be on a

nebulaizer, which I didnt get, and he was supposed to be tested for cf.

Apparently she didnt do either, so I have to have them at the doc tommorrow to

see what needs to be done now. Then I have to take him for the sweat test. I

am really hoping that he is negative, but I guess all the respitory problems he

is having is making them think that maybe its cf. What can I say, if my life

got any more fun I think I would be insane.

I guess I better go, I now have to go start Kody (baby) on albuterol, till I

can get him in.

I hope everyone is doing well.


not used to all these rugrats :)

Re: update

In a message dated 1/13/2004 5:46:05 PM Central Standard Time,

mntecrlo@... writes:

OH WOW Vondie I am so sorry to hear this! AND didn't you say she is pregnant

again??? And she is still using drug??? Deb A

Hi guys,

I am sure I have missed alot. I am thoroughly behind on everything. It

has officially happened, I now have two more kids. Out of my stepdaughters 3

kids, I was brought 2 last night. It seems that she was passed out in the

garage floor (coming down from some stuff) and the kids were on their own.


here we go again.

Anyway, I will try to keep up on reading. If you dont hear from me in a

while, know that I am thinking of all of you and I hope you all do well.


now in charge of 5 kiddos - running me nuts

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You are the guardian angel they needed. Who better than you would know

what to do for them & had such an abundance of love to share.

The agency will pay the meds bill as well I am sure. Tell them you will


a separate nublizer for the child due to infection control.

I am sure strength will come to you for this task from above. It does

happen .

LOVE & HUGS, GrandmomBEV

Re: update

Hello guys. I have a few minutes before I have to start running again

today. Here is the jist of what happened.

I got a call from the other grandma wanting me to take one of the

kids. I guess my stepdaughter was passed out in the garage floor from

doing what ever it was she was doing. (I was told meth/ heroin)

Anyway, I of course said yes. I ended up with the oldest and the

youngest boys. The other grandma only wants the girl. ANyway, I am

working with family services, spent the afternoon there yesterday. I

filled them in on everything so they are shutting her money and

foodstamps down (she sells foodstamps 4 drug money)

They said they can help us with the kids. We will only get about 230

in foodstamps for the 2 kids and a little money (they didnt say how

much). ANyway, I figure its better than nothing.

The kicker is that I called the babys doc and he is supposed to be on

a nebulaizer, which I didnt get, and he was supposed to be tested for

cf. Apparently she didnt do either, so I have to have them at the doc

tommorrow to see what needs to be done now. Then I have to take him for

the sweat test. I am really hoping that he is negative, but I guess all

the respitory problems he is having is making them think that maybe its

cf. What can I say, if my life got any more fun I think I would be


I guess I better go, I now have to go start Kody (baby) on albuterol,

till I can get him in.

I hope everyone is doing well.


not used to all these rugrats :)

Re: update

In a message dated 1/13/2004 5:46:05 PM Central Standard Time,

mntecrlo@... writes:

OH WOW Vondie I am so sorry to hear this! AND didn't you say she is


again??? And she is still using drug??? Deb A

Hi guys,

I am sure I have missed alot. I am thoroughly behind on everything.


has officially happened, I now have two more kids. Out of my

stepdaughters 3

kids, I was brought 2 last night. It seems that she was passed out in


garage floor (coming down from some stuff) and the kids were on their

own. So,

here we go again.

Anyway, I will try to keep up on reading. If you dont hear from me

in a

while, know that I am thinking of all of you and I hope you all do



now in charge of 5 kiddos - running me nuts

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Dear Vondie,

I am sorry about your stepdaughter. You are to be commended for taking the

children. Many people wouldn't, they would let them go to the state or foster


You'll be in my thoughts, keep us updated when you can.



mom of Nick age 21nocf and almost 20 wcf

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That's how I see it too!


> In a message dated 1/14/2004 9:28:07 AM Central Standard Time,

> mntecrlo@p... writes:

> Vondie

> WOW VONDIE!! You have your hands full!! There is defiantly a place

in heaven

> for you!!! Deb A




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Hi Natalia,

I have never had to drink it myself, but I'm sure my daughter would agree with

you about the go-lightly. She drank it once but then refused and would have to

get a ng tube for it. Have they tried Miralax for you? If you drink it daily it

can help prevent the problem. Its only an 8 oz or whatever size drink and you

can mix it with juice or whatever you like to drink (it comes as a powder). I

hope the pill thing works for your liver problem and you get outta there soon.


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I'm going to ask about the Miralax. Thanks for the tip, i need a daily

prevention that could help me.



24 w CF

On Saturday, January 17, 2004, at 11:04 PM, Morey wrote:

> Hi Natalia,

> I have never had to drink it myself, but I'm sure my daughter would

> agree with you about the go-lightly.  She drank it once but then

> refused and would have to get a ng tube for it.  Have they tried

> Miralax for you? If you drink it daily it can help prevent the

> problem. Its only an 8 oz or whatever size drink and you can mix it

> with juice or whatever you like to drink (it comes as a powder).  I

> hope the pill thing works for your liver problem and you get outta

> there soon.


> love,






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Hi Natalia....glad things are still looking up for you.

I think its wonderful youre so in tune with your body and i agree

sometimes we know our own body and its reactions better than what

could have been learned in a text book.

I have been working out recently...I am committed to be in tip top

shape so that i am better able to take care of my children, and also

to be a good influence on Tyler.He is a true bump on a log and i feel

as if i cant convince him to be active when im a potato

myself.So...instead of " do as i say not as i do " ...i am hoping to

break the chain of physical laziness that has plagued my family for

as many generations as i can remember and i think that with any luck

i can set a trend for generations to come for all my children.Its

amazing to me that people such as yourselves are so

motivated....again you are a beautiful people; such an inspiration!

Keep us update, you know so many of us think of you often,

Patty, soon to be buff mom of tyler 8 wcf and 2 wocf...alll of whom

shall be lazy NO MORE,lol!

> Well, yes I am still here, but it looks like it might not be for


> It seems like I have these two extra problems working against me.


> GI stuff has come back. I used to get backed up so much when I was


> teen, and I had to drink go-litely all the time. Now it's back and


> is the go-litely. I so drank that and it cleared me out a bit, not

> all. The way I learned to combat the problem of obstructions was


> work out. A brisk 30 minute walk always helped me clear stuff


> But since I've been in here and unable to move I got blocked up,


> seems obvious to me. The doctor is not convinced by that and keeps

> giving me the go-litely. Drinking that stuff night after night is

> horrible. I can't do it for ever. So yesterday I decided that I


> going to try to work out, here. I feel safe in the hospital, so if

> anything went wrong I would be here. I did a 30 minute brisk walk

> around the halls - and it was great. My legs are weak, but my


> really did well. My saturation stayed up, and I felt really good.

> really strong. Then, an hour later (like magic) I went to the


> and everything is fine. So I have learned a lot about listening to


> own body, and that sometimes I need to do my own thing to get


> No more go-litely. That stuff is horrid.

> The other issue I have (new) is a build up of bile in my liver that

> they have to drain. They are going to try to give me a pill to do

> that, and if it does not work, they have this procedure that you


> out for where they stick something up your nose to drain it. I'm

> hoping for the pill!!!!

> So until this is all cleared up I am staying here, but since my


> are good, a FEV1 30% (but I am feeling really strong) once this


> stuff is clear I am free to go home. Fingers crossed nothing else

> comes up.


> Natalia

> 24 w CF

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I am so impressed with your philosophy about making an example out of

yourself for your son. I agree, that's the way to do it. Plus it will

do you so much good, you'll feel and look better. That's awesome!!

I'm proud of you. The power of exercise is amazing, andI think it

will be contagious in your home when everyone sees the effects it has

on you.

For people with CF it's a life link. I feel alive and in control of my

body when I work out. And I am not talking about anything crazy, since

my lung function will not let me do anything in excess. I just take 30

minute really brisk (almost run) walks two times a day, and some leg

exercises (since I lost so much muscle here while in the hospital) and

my body responds. And in my head (sometimes out loud if I am alone, I

don't want to sound too crazy) I say to myself 'this will not beat me'.

It's so dumb, but it works. It gets me to walk faster and push myself

and calm my breathing.

So GO PATTY!!!! Do it for CF and do it for your kid!!! Let him see

the power that you have over your body, and the power that he can have

over his.

that's awesome.


> Hi Natalia....glad things are still looking up for you.

> I think its wonderful youre so in tune with your body and i agree

> sometimes we know our own body and its reactions better than what

> could have been learned in a text book.

> I have been working out recently...I am committed to be in tip top

> shape so that i am better able to take care of my children, and also

> to be a good influence on Tyler.He is a true bump on a log and i feel

> as if i cant convince him to be active when im a potato

> myself.So...instead of " do as i say not as i do " ...i am hoping to

> break the chain of physical laziness that has plagued my family for

> as many generations as i can remember and i think that with any luck

> i can set a trend for generations to come for all my children.Its

> amazing to me that people such as yourselves are so

> motivated....again you are a beautiful people; such an inspiration!


> Keep us update, you know so many of us think of you often,


> Patty, soon to be buff mom of tyler 8 wcf and 2 wocf...alll of whom

> shall be lazy NO MORE,lol!









> > Well, yes I am still here, but it looks like it might not be for

> long. 

> > It seems like I have these two extra problems working against me. 

> The

> > GI stuff has come back.  I used to get backed up so much when I was

> a

> > teen, and I had to drink go-litely all the time.  Now it's back and

> so

> > is the go-litely.  I so drank that and it cleared me out a bit, not

> > all.  The way I learned to combat the problem of obstructions was

> to

> > work out.  A brisk 30 minute walk always helped me clear stuff

> out. 

> > But since I've been in here and unable to  move I got blocked up,

> it

> > seems obvious to me.  The doctor is not convinced by that and keeps

> > giving me the go-litely.  Drinking that stuff night after night is

> > horrible.  I can't do it for ever.  So yesterday I decided that I

> am

> > going to try to work out, here.  I feel safe in the hospital, so if

> > anything went wrong I would be here.  I did a 30 minute brisk walk

> > around the halls - and it was great.  My legs are weak, but my

> lungs

> > really did well.  My saturation stayed up, and I felt really good. 

> > really strong.  Then, an hour later (like magic) I went to the

> washroom

> > and everything is fine.  So I have learned a lot about listening to

> my

> > own body, and that sometimes I need to do my own thing to get

> better. 

> > No more go-litely.  That stuff is horrid.

> > The other issue I have (new) is a build up of bile in my liver that

> > they have to drain.  They are going to try to give me a pill to do

> > that, and if it does not work, they have this procedure that you

> are

> > out for where they stick something up your nose to drain it.  I'm

> > hoping for the pill!!!!

> > So until this is all cleared up I am staying here, but since my

> lungs

> > are good, a FEV1  30% (but I am feeling really strong) once this

> other

> > stuff is clear I am free to go home.  Fingers crossed nothing else

> > comes up.

> >

> > Natalia

> > 24 w CF




> -------------------------------------------

> The opinions and information exchanged on this list should IN NO WAY

> be construed as medical advice.





> ------------------------------------







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WELL. Now That beats all!!! I am hoping they get the pill for you too. I

think to have to drink so much stuff is really bad. Bless your

heart~~~~~~~ Now, take care & " have fun " -hehe the exercise did sound

like it might have been at least enjoyable. -At least your taking a part

in getting it all out hehehaha

Did your mail get to you yet. I sent on Jan 7th. Sure does take long for


Hope this finds you doing better now too




Well, yes I am still here, but it looks like it might not be for long.

It seems like I have these two extra problems working against me. The

GI stuff has come back. I used to get backed up so much when I was a

teen, and I had to drink go-litely all the time. Now it's back and so

is the go-litely. I so drank that and it cleared me out a bit, not

all. The way I learned to combat the problem of obstructions was to

work out. A brisk 30 minute walk always helped me clear stuff out.

But since I've been in here and unable to move I got blocked up, it

seems obvious to me. The doctor is not convinced by that and keeps

giving me the go-litely. Drinking that stuff night after night is

horrible. I can't do it for ever. So yesterday I decided that I am

going to try to work out, here. I feel safe in the hospital, so if

anything went wrong I would be here. I did a 30 minute brisk walk

around the halls - and it was great. My legs are weak, but my lungs

really did well. My saturation stayed up, and I felt really good.

really strong. Then, an hour later (like magic) I went to the washroom

and everything is fine. So I have learned a lot about listening to my

own body, and that sometimes I need to do my own thing to get better.

No more go-litely. That stuff is horrid.

The other issue I have (new) is a build up of bile in my liver that

they have to drain. They are going to try to give me a pill to do

that, and if it does not work, they have this procedure that you are

out for where they stick something up your nose to drain it. I'm

hoping for the pill!!!!

So until this is all cleared up I am staying here, but since my lungs

are good, a FEV1 30% (but I am feeling really strong) once this other

stuff is clear I am free to go home. Fingers crossed nothing else

comes up.


24 w CF


The opinions and information exchanged on this list should IN NO WAY

be construed as medical advice.




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  • 4 weeks later...

> I am not feeling to great...I started running a good fever last

night but it

> broke this mornign but it started again at 8pm...my lungs are so


> tight

I hope this email finds you better today!

Always good to hear from you.


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