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At 15:57 -0400 6/27/01, lookn2bthin@... wrote:

>Whatis the secret to overseas travel for big people? I've

>large...and one seat is not going to cut it. Is there a way around

>paying for 2 coach? I can't afford business class.....Help...I'm

>running out of ideas...and money!!!

AJ, having traveled from NC to Malaysia in Coach, and from NC to

Indonesia in Business, I will agree that Business is the best but it

can be done in Coach if necessary. It's just not as comfortable --

but it can be done. You can pay for one seat but request that you be

the last to be stuck with a seatmate if possible when you get your

seat assignment. Point out the obvious if you have to...


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just a suggestion....why don't you try calling the different airlines and

tell them your situation...maybe they will offer a discount? Good luck,


--- lookn2bthin@... wrote:

> Whatis the secret to overseas travel for big people? I've large...and

> one seat is not going to cut it. Is there a way around paying for 2

> coach? I can't afford business class.....Help...I'm running out of

> ideas...and money!!!


> AJ




> ----------------------------------------------------------------------


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At 1:07 AM +0000 7/6/01, evebaby26@... wrote:

>I told my psychiatrist that I was thinking of WLS and he immediately

>made it clear that he was opposed to it. He didn't even ask me why I

>was considering this option. He then suggested a support group with

>other obese clients of his.




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I vaguely remembered posting her phone number once, and sure enough I went back through her posts and on June 29 she posted her number.

If you have someones phone number you can do a backwards search on lycos.com for their address....that way if someone lives in the area maybe they could check up on her???


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Swinging Chickens! See you when you get back!


Woodbridge, VA

BMI 46

Pre-Op Dr. Elariny

Fairfax INOVA Hospital

BPD/DS Part 1

Date: TBA


Hello All,

Well today is my day to be switched and I'm nervous as hell. My surgery is

at 2pm today at Fairfax Hosp, in VA. Dr, Elariny will be my surgon. Please

pray for me and much success.

See you on the other side!!!


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Swinging Chickens! See you when you get back!


Woodbridge, VA

BMI 46

Pre-Op Dr. Elariny

Fairfax INOVA Hospital

BPD/DS Part 1

Date: TBA


Hello All,

Well today is my day to be switched and I'm nervous as hell. My surgery is

at 2pm today at Fairfax Hosp, in VA. Dr, Elariny will be my surgon. Please

pray for me and much success.

See you on the other side!!!


Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at http://explorer.msn.com


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  • 2 weeks later...
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It sounds like you need to go to the Doctor!!! Pred will do that as things don't heal as easily. Sounds like there might be an infection somewhere! Please take care of yourself!!! Don't want you getting too sick on us again!

Lots of Love



hi everyone

I have a question, last week, I burned my left leg, just about the ankle, a place about the size of a quarter to the size of a 50 cent piece. I have been cleaning it with peroxide and keeping neosporin on it. Now by ankle is swollen till you can't tell there is ankle there and the leg is sore all the way into the bone from the ankle to almost the knee, on the inside it is even turning black and blue.

Any suggestions, as to why its not healing and is only getting worse. Could the pred or the metho cause this reaction????


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In a message dated 7/24/01 3:07:21 PM Pacific Daylight Time,

dmorgan26347@... writes:


Any suggestions, as to why its not healing and is only getting worse.

Could the pred or the metho cause this reaction????


Dawn....GO TO THE DR....... Yesterday!!! Please have it checked....and then

let us know how you are.


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In a message dated 7/25/01 9:38:00 AM Pacific Daylight Time,

dmorgan26347@... writes:


Dawn, thanks for all the good stuff you sent today... I loved The Joys of

Womanhood and the others too... You always brighten our day... Thanks..


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Dear Dawn,

I'm a new member so you may be surprised to hear from me. Call your

doc this could develop into something serious. The pred and metho inhibit the

immune system so while that helps the RP it can make your bodies ability to

fight infection and disease weaker. you my not be able to heal normally.

Let me know how you make out,I'm praying for you,


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  • 2 weeks later...
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Boy Dawn sounds like your day did turn for the worse. About the meds I don't know . But I remember my son fell out of a tree and it was memorial weekend and he layed in the hospital until Monday with a broken shoulder because they wouldn't call anyone in on the wekend to check his x-rays, or for surgery. Ann



Well have you heard the expression, if I didn't have bad luck i would have any luck at all. Well thats where I am. I got up the morning and thought well todya i fell better. I went to see my mom and she was in much better spirits, so the day was looking up.

I came home and thought its a beautiful day, so I decided to go out on my motorcyle and thats when the day took a turn for the worst. I dropped the damn thing in the yard , on my foot. Now I am on crutches and in a splint and waiting to the x-ray Doc to call tommorow to tell be if it is broke.

Now tell me why they couldn't tell today if it was or not. It is very deformed and looks out of place, sort of crooked like, and hurts like i don't know what.

What i want to know is what can a person like me that has RP and is on the metho and pred take for pain besides tylenol that won't react with the other drugs.?????


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Glad that you had a good visit with your mother. Sorry to hear that the rest was not that great. I don't know what to tell you about the pain. Don't know what meds you take so don't dare tell you what to take. I am sending good thoughts and prayers your way!

Lots of Love


I came home and thought its a beautiful day, so I decided to go out on my motorcyle and thats when the day took a turn for the worst. I dropped the damn thing in the yard , on my foot. Now I am on crutches and in a splint and waiting to the x-ray Doc to call tommorow to tell be if it is broke.

Now tell me why they couldn't tell today if it was or not. It is very deformed and looks out of place, sort of crooked like, and hurts like i don't know what.

What i want to know is what can a person like me that has RP and is on the metho and pred take for pain besides tylenol that won't react with the other drugs.?????


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Oh Dawn.... Can't leave you guys alone for a second and you all end up in the


I'm really sorry about your foot... Gosh,. they shouldn't have made you wait

til tomorrow and they should have given you a lesson on the crutches and

given you something for pain before you left.... Sounds like you went to my

hospital. LOL

I have taken darvocet and vicodin on the metho and pred... they just didn't

agree with me.. It's hard for me to find a pain med that does... Ultram

seems to be the best for me and I have taken it with all of my other

drugs...Might want to ask about that one..

I'm so sorry your day took a turn for the worse... Please know that my

thoughts and prayers are with you.


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Hi marilyn

well its now 2 pm and I still haven't heard from the er doc. Oh well i see my rheumy on tues so maybe i can get some satisfaction there. NOT???? foot is so swell today that its comming up out of the splint/shoe they put me. And still swelling, i keep wondering how big it can get????.

hope you are ok.???? dawn

godave4@... wrote: > >Dear Dawn,We must have the same ER doctor. Hope your foot is better this AM. I can't believe the treatment you got. Forget that, yes, I can believe it because it's the same way here.Did you get any sleep last night. Hope you found something for the pain. Getting around on crutches is awful. I have a pair here and never have figured out how to use the blasted things.Take care. I'll be thinking about you. Hope that foot isn't broken.Love, Marilyn> > tell me something, if drs. don't want to work weekends why did they become drs.??? when i went in to have this foot xrayed, The doc on duty did not tell me anything at all, just hand me crutches and said we'll call you tommorrow, did not say, elevate, heat , ice, nothing, i even told them i had never been on crutches in my life, and they did not even tell me anything at all about that. I guess they figured i would figure it out for myself. > > I did ask about pain , and alll the wanted to give me was darvoset, I explained that it made me really sick and halicanate and the doc just walked out and did not even come back in the room.> > go figure.> > well i do have a n appt on tues with the rheumy, if nothing else maybe he will take a greater interest. > > dawn> > > > --------------------------------->

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I hope you have seen a doctor by now!! Do not wait any longer.

I want to see a post from you saying your foot is being taken care of!!!

Love Ya,


----- Original Message -----

Hi marilyn well its now 2 pm and I still haven't heard from the er doc. Oh well i see my rheumy on tues so maybe i can get some satisfaction there. NOT???? foot is so swell today that its comming up out of the splint/shoe they put me. And still swelling, i keep wondering how big it can get????. hope you are ok.???? dawn godave4@... wrote: > >Dear Dawn,We must have the same ER doctor. Hope your foot is better this AM. I can't believe the treatment you got. Forget that, yes, I can believe it because it's the same way here.Did you get any sleep last night. Hope you found something for the pain. Getting around on crutches is awful. I have a pair here and never have figured out how to use the blasted things.Take care. I'll be thinking about you. Hope that foot isn't broken.Love, Marilyn> > tell me something, if drs. don't want to work weekends why did they become drs.??? when i went in to have this foot xrayed, The doc on duty did not tell me anything at all, just hand me crutches and said we'll call you tommorrow, did not say, elevate, heat , ice, nothing, i even told them i had never been on crutches in my life, and they did not even tell me anything at all about that. I guess they figured i would figure it out for myself. > > I did ask about pain , and alll the wanted to give me was darvoset, I explained that it made me really sick and halicanate and the doc just walked out and did not even come back in the room.> > go figure.> > well i do have a n appt on tues with the rheumy, if nothing else maybe he will take a greater interest. > > dawn> > > > --------------------------------->

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Okay now I am jealous!LOL Here I am worried about Lu and she called you! Glad you talked to her and hope she is still doing okay! Gosh what would we do if we didn't have someone to worry about.LOL

Lots of Love




How are you doing today? I sure hope everything is fine. I did enjoy our phone converstation the other night. You have such a great laugh and a good unique personailty. sure hope yoru ok. keep me posted ok. dawn

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These are great Dawn. Thanks! I like #6. LOL


25 Phrases Of Wisdom 1. If you're too open minded, your brains will fall out. 2. Age is a very high price to pay for maturity. 3. Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than going to a garage makes you a mechanic. 4. Artificial intelligence is no match for natural stupidity. 5. If you must choose between two evils, pick the one you've never tried before. 6. My idea of housework is to sweep the room with a glance. 7. Not one shred of evidence supports the notion that life is serious. 8. It is easier to get forgiveness than permission. 9. For every action, there is an equal and opposite government program. 10. If you look like your passport picture, you probably need the trip. 11. Bills travel through the mail at twice the speed of checks. 12. A conscience is what hurts when all your other parts feel so good. 13. Eat well, stay fit, die anyway. 14. Men are from earth. Women are from earth. Deal with it. 15. No husband has ever been shot while doing the dishes. 16. A balanced diet is a cookie in each hand. 17. Middle age is when broadness of the mind and narrowness of the waist change places. 18. Opportunities always look bigger going than coming. 19. Junk is something you've kept for years and throw away three weeks before you need it. 20. There is always one more imbecile than you counted on. 21. Experience is a wonderful thing. It enables you to recognize a mistake when you make it again. 22. By the time you can make ends meet, they move the ends. ! 23. Thou shalt not weigh more than thy refrigerator. 24. Someone who thinks logically provides a nice contrast to the real world. 25. Blessed are they who can laugh at themselves for they shall never cease to be amused.

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Now tell me why they couldn't tell today if it was or not. It is very deformed and looks out of place, sort of crooked like, and hurts like i don't know what.

What i want to know is what can a person like me that has RP and is on the metho and pred take for pain besides tylenol that won't react with the other drugs.?????


Hey Dawn,

They could have, they were just too lazy to do their job today. You should have demanded an answer today. GET MEAN. like me. lol

Love you!

Sorry about your bad luck.


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> tell me something, if drs. don't want to work weekends why did they become drs.???

that's why they are ER doctors they can't get their own place going. So they are there just for the job, get it done and get them out of here. Every now and then you run across one that truly cares and that is a real treat. Love you all,


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In a message dated 8/19/01 11:38:42 PM Pacific Daylight Time,

jinglebell4u@... writes:

> . I know that no one can

> make this decision for me but I really would like to hear what any of

> you think would be a better choice and how would you go about making

> a decision like this. Should I make a consultation appointment with

> both of them and then decide or what?


Personally, I'd go with Dr. K since he covers more days in the hospital....we

never know what to expect and that would give you more time for recovery. My

BMI was 64 and I was in the clinica 5 days...It was the 4th day I was ready

to get out. Ultimately you need to decide who you are the most comfortable

with. I also chose open before I decided on a dr for the reason you

stated....usually shorter surgery, but I also felt that my chose of Dr.

Baltasar was good because you're only out for 2 hours since he has two

surgeons assist. That was one of the big things in my deciding to do the

Spain thing. I felt it would impact my recovery a lot. You have two good

surgeons to choose from so I really don't think you can do wrong with either.

Just try to decide what things are the priority to you and maybe that will

help you lean one way or the other.

~~* AJ *~~

Age 37 5'8''

Post op 7/24/01 Open BPD/DS

self pay - Dr Baltasar -Alcoy Spain

07/24/01 BMI 64 - 415.1

08/06/01 BMI 59 - 390.2 -24.9 lbs!!!!!!!!!!~~~~

08/16/01 BMI 58 - 387.0 -27.9 lbs!!!!!!!!!!~~~~

Check out the Bellingham Support Group

and my personal page at WWW.WLSBellingham.homestead.com

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