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Re: Does not EVER sleep

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Hi . O.K. my daughter eats very bad.She has extreme oral

defensiveness.She will only eat a very few things and not in any quantity or

consistency.She can eat something once and not eat it again for a month.She

will eat popsickles,1 kind of pop tart,ragu pasta express,cheese,potato

chips,pretzels,pop corn,and corn.She ate some salad once.She will not eat

meat,fruits,or vegetables.If she even sees food she doesn't recognize she

will scream,cover her eyes,and push you away.Any thoughts would be greatly


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Hi Valentina! POpsickles are frozen fruit juice or kool aid frozen on a

stick.I really hope I come out of this alive but right now I just don't see

how. You would think she would just pass out and sleep for days at some

point.But that hasn't happened yet.ne

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Terri NZ,I know all about forcing her down and shoving medicine down her

throat.We have to do that when we clean out her nose.We have been doing this

all of her life you would think she would be used to it.I also know about

resentment.My best frien is coming in town soon with his 21 month old

daughter.She has been the easiest child since birth.She has slept through the

night from 4 weeks old on.She loves food.NEVER sick.I can talk to her on the

phone.She also puts herself to bed.Every night around 8:00 she grabs her

blanket and says " night-night " and goes to sleep in her toddler bed. I hate

him!!! LOL ne

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Terri- I really don't hate my friend with hte easy child.I love them both but

it really is hard to be around them.They will be staying with me so I am sure

that it will be even more in my face exactly what is wrong with my child.He

called me the other day saying his daughter was driving him nuts because she

won't stop asking questions.I mean he was really complaining about it.If he

only knew what he had.I wish my daughters only " problem " was talking too


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,I really think vaccines played a huge part.She was in the 80

percentile range until she was 6 months old or so.Then she went down hill

after that. She completely fell off of the charts for a while.She is now in

the 3rd percentile in weight.Every time she would get shots she would

literally scream her head off for 2 days 24 hours a day.NO sleep or anything

for 2 days.I took away milk recently.Still no change.The only reason I gave

her corn is because that was one of a very few things she would eat.She

hasn't eaten that in about 4 months.NONE of her eating is consistent an dnone

of it is in large quantity.I also think some of this happened because of my

female problems.I am considering using enzymes from Houstons.Any suggestions?


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> How often and how much do you give it to them?


You have to give it once a day, usually 30 min before bed time. It's best to


it at the same hour each day.


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1. use the same bowl/plate/whatever ALL THE TIME! I think this is very

important, even if you use it just to give her pop corn.

2. Are the popstickles those sweet candies? I am not sure... but if they are,

maybe somebody can give you some recipe for them and you can hide something

inside... like, for example, supplements?

3. forget about everything for 2-3 weeks, and get some sleep :) I really hope

you will be able to get alive out of this.


> Hi . O.K. my daughter eats very bad.She has extreme oral

> defensiveness.She will only eat a very few things and not in any quantity or

> consistency.She can eat something once and not eat it again for a month.She

> will eat popsickles,1 kind of pop tart,ragu pasta express,cheese,potato

> chips,pretzels,pop corn,and corn.She ate some salad once.She will not eat

> meat,fruits,or vegetables.If she even sees food she doesn't recognize she

> will scream,cover her eyes,and push you away.Any thoughts would be greatly

> appreciated.ne

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Oh dear sounds so much like mine a couple of years ago - I am afraid when doing

something really good that would help your child - find the strength to use

force - for a long time I had to wrap my little one in a towel and apply a

gentle head lock - yea I know sounds rotten and shove it in via a syringe

quickly followed by water. - Over time he got used to the routine because I was

doing it so often - he just knew what was coming and became compliant. Sorry

hard work but it will pay off when you get the right suppliments in.

Hope you get the sleep thing sorted very soon I had no sanity and was begining

to resent everyone around me in the earlier day - everyone is so much nicer

with sleep. We still have bad patches but I can usually figure out and fix

whats gone wrong these days.


Terri NZ

Re: [ ] Re: Does not EVER sleep

They make probiotics in liquid form-squirt it in her mouth, or sneak it in her

juice. I think Great Smokies has a websitte-try typing Great Smokies into your

web browser:)

Re: [ ] Re: Does not EVER sleep

Jane,How do you contact Great Smokies Lab?I have tried regular yogurt before

and she won't even put it to her lips.As soon as she sees it she starts

screaming.Any suggestions? ne

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They make probiotics in liquid form-squirt it in her mouth, or sneak it in her

juice. I think Great Smokies has a websitte-try typing Great Smokies into your

web browser:)

Re: [ ] Re: Does not EVER sleep

Jane,How do you contact Great Smokies Lab?I have tried regular yogurt before

and she won't even put it to her lips.As soon as she sees it she starts

screaming.Any suggestions? ne

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Oh dear! yes the only other child in our family (niece to me) is 2.5 yrs -

EXACTLY like your friends doesn't it highlight what you have? Beyond normal in

the opposite direction not even " normal hard " usually parents suffer for at

least 6 months with no sleep!! I thought I would have a very hard time about

this - we don't see them often but she is sooo lovely I can't resent her I just

envy her parents who just don't know they have a child!

Yea urksome - we have massive eating problems too - so bad that my nearly 5yr is

still 14 kilos - around 29lbs. Its massive the struggle but even ours over time

has gotten better - hope you can sort it just keep reading and asking questions

on this list everyone is very helpful - there is another very informative list

that is autism treatment - just keep reading it will fall into place. But I hope

you get the sleep thing sorted quickly so you can concentrate on all this info.

Best of luck

Terri NZ

Re: [ ] Re: Does not EVER sleep

Terri NZ,I know all about forcing her down and shoving medicine down her

throat.We have to do that when we clean out her nose.We have been doing this

all of her life you would think she would be used to it.I also know about

resentment.My best frien is coming in town soon with his 21 month old

daughter.She has been the easiest child since birth.She has slept through the

night from 4 weeks old on.She loves food.NEVER sick.I can talk to her on the

phone.She also puts herself to bed.Every night around 8:00 she grabs her

blanket and says " night-night " and goes to sleep in her toddler bed. I hate

him!!! LOL ne

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AhJhawk@... wrote: Hi . O.K. my daughter eats very bad.She has

extreme oral

defensiveness.She will only eat a very few things and not in any quantity or

consistency.She can eat something once and not eat it again for a month.She

will eat popsickles,1 kind of pop tart,ragu pasta express,cheese,potato

chips,pretzels,pop corn,and corn.She ate some salad once.She will not eat

meat,fruits,or vegetables.If she even sees food she doesn't recognize she

will scream,cover her eyes,and push you away.Any thoughts would be greatly


ne,Hi--My daughter was also picky then. One thing I can tell you is that

many kids cannot tolerate corn. it does not digest easily. Do you ever see

corn or undigested food in her stool? Also, have you ever eliminated foods for

a couple of days to see if she improves? One at a time, like milk products

(casein) then try pretzels, bread, etc (gluten) I know it sounds overwhelming

but I wish I would have done the things I'm doing now for Meg( age 9 ) back when

she was first diagnosed (age 3). Also have you done any tests for heavy metals

( hair test) or stool sample for yeast, etc? What is she like when she isn't up

and crying? Is she happy at othr times? I also agree woth the mom who said you

need help so you can rest or at least take time off from her. Do you think

vaccines played a part in her current condition? Let me know_--

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Jane,How do you contact Great Smokies Lab?I have tried regular yogurt


and she won't even put it to her lips.As soon as she sees it she starts

screaming.Any suggestions? ne


Hi ne,

First about the yogurt...You said in another post that she will eat

popsicles. If you try giving her plain yogurt, that would not really taste

good to a child having so many issues with food. I would think if she likes

popsicles then she likes the sweet, fruity flavor, and maybe the icy

coldness. Maybe it feels good going down for her.

Then I would make her home made popsicles. Try to get popsicle molds that

are similar in shape and size to what she has been eating. Start by pureeing

fruit and adding enough water to make it similar in texture to what she is

used to. Add a small amount of yogurt to the blended mix. Taste it yourself

to make sure it is as sweet as popsicles usually are. If not...you could add

some honey. As much as you want, it would be good for her. If you can get

her to accept this, then I would keep increasing the amount of yogurt each

time you make one. This would be very nutritious for her, if she can

tolerate it. If she is not eating meat, she needs to get protein into her.

Make the yogurt from whole milk. [Remember, if you are going to try making

the homemade yogurt...I will get you the recipe and it is very important to

leave it in the yogurt maker for 24 hours] If she won't accept this, I would

at least try to get her to accept home made fruit only popsicles which will

be much much better for her than store bought, water, sugar, food coloring

only popsicles.

Great Smokies website is at the bottom of this post.


Hi . O.K. my daughter eats very bad.She has extreme oral

defensiveness.She will only eat a very few things and not in any quantity or

consistency.She can eat something once and not eat it again for a month.She

will eat popsickles,1 kind of pop tart,ragu pasta express,cheese,potato

chips,pretzels,pop corn,and corn.She ate some salad once.She will not eat

meat,fruits,or vegetables.If she even sees food she doesn't recognize she

will scream,cover her eyes,and push you away.Any thoughts would be greatly



I would try to phase out the pop tart. You are dealing with preservatives

and food coloring that she could be reacting to. Pasta express? I am not

familiar with that. But is it pasta with tomato sauce on it? If so, this

might be okay, if she can digest it which you won't know until you get the

test at Great Smokies. If she will eat pasta express...and this is a food

from a restaurant then I would try duplicating it at home. Home made sauce

on pasta is a great opportunity to add things without her realizing it.

Tomato sauce alone is good for her...and try sneaking in a very small amount

of pureed veggies into the sauce. Like peas...just a teaspoonful to start.

Tomato taste is strong and it could hide it. Small amounts of onions and

garlic pureed in the sauce would be good too. cooked into it..not raw. They

are full of antioxidants. Later, you might get away with adding pureed

cooked meat. Cheese is a good source of protein. Stick to cheddar and not

processed cheese. Again there are additives in processed cheese that she

could be reacting to. You can get cheddar slices if that is the form she is

used to. Even if she turns out to be sensitive to dairy products, there is

very little lactose in Cheddar cheese. Have you tried giving her grapes with

the cheese? Maybe she will at least play with them...and who knows, maybe if

you pay no attention, she would pop one in her mouth at some point. Potato

chips, pretzels, popcorn, and corn. Sounds like she likes salty tastes. Out

of that list, potato chips are the worst. Fried anything is very bad for

someone with intestinal/metabolic issues. But all of them are bad if she has

any damage to the lining of her intestines. gluten/grain are the most

difficult to digest. [That would also apply to the pasta, if that is the



1. use the same bowl/plate/whatever ALL THE TIME! I think this is very

important, even if you use it just to give her pop corn.

2. Are the popstickles those sweet candies? I am not sure... but if they are,

maybe somebody can give you some recipe for them and you can hide something

inside... like, for example, supplements?

3. forget about everything for 2-3 weeks, and get some sleep :) I really hope

you will be able to get alive out of this.



I agree with Valentina...using the same bowl or dishes for everything she

eats is VERY important. That is a really good idea. It might take awhile

for her to get used to it...but keep at it. Even a popsicle delivered to her

in that same dish.

As far as the popsicles go, it might be better to try to make these really

appetizing to her and use it as a main source of food with fruit and yogurt,

IF you can, then to try adding a supplement that might change the flavor.

Sorry to disagree Valentina. [g]

If all else fails....down the road, you might want to try adding a

supplement into it, but just to get her eating a home made fruit popsicle is

a very good beginning.

I also agree about trying to get a break from it all and get some extended

sleep before you try to begin a new battle with her. You need to be able to

be in the right frame of mind to try to influence your daughter in a positive

way. You need to have enough energy to be experimenting with food

preparation with a fussy child to deal with. Hopefully the melatonin will

help here.


Hi Valentina! POpsickles are frozen fruit juice or kool aid frozen on a

stick.I really hope I come out of this alive but right now I just don't see

how. You would think she would just pass out and sleep for days at some

point.But that hasn't happened yet.ne


Food is the key to her sleep. Sleep is all about chemicals in the body. If

you aren't able to make the right chemicals you won't be getting much sleep.

You can't make the right chemicals if you aren't getting enough nutrition in

you. But I agree with some of the other posts that recommend melatonin.

Until she is able to get nutrition into her, missing sleep is just

compounding the problem. I would try the melatonin. My husband has used it

with success. It is better than meds.


Terri NZ,I know all about forcing her down and shoving medicine down her

throat.We have to do that when we clean out her nose.We have been doing this

all of her life you would think she would be used to it.I .........ne


I wonder about this. I had a child that was a finicky eater and hated to

take medicine and I remember the doctor telling me that making it a battle

was going to make it an issue about control and that she would not eat just

to maintain control if I did that. He recommended that I just not make a big

deal of it and let her eat when she got hungry. Of course, your case is much

different then mine and you may have to be giving her things. But, it is a

thought that it might be worthwhile to talk to your pediatrician about it

with all the problems you are having and her " failure to thrive " he should be

more than willing to refer you to a child psychology specialist who can help

you deal with the psychological battle you are in with her. It might really

prove helpful. After all, it sounds like you are in this for the long haul.

It would help you to have someone to talk to, too, and I bet your insurance

will cover it.


Hi Cassie!

............. Doctors even dismiss Gillians issues.I had a doctor tell me my

child was spoiled and if I starve her she would eat.How stupid is that?

She said that she didn't believe in sensory issues...............ne


I understand how frustrating it is to deal with doctors. This doctor is not

helping you to tell you your daughter is spoiled. No understanding at all.

Is she your pediatrician? It sounds like she thinks her food issues are

psychological and not due to illness. IF your daughter's food issues were

psychological, then this advise to let her get hungry enough to eat what you

offer is not really bad advice...although not given in a very supportive way.

Is there any reason she thinks this? Has she had tests taken that she is

looking at that appear normal? I don't think I understand why she is

referring to this as a sensory issue. What is her diagnosis?

Regardless of the insensitivity of the doctor, even if you change doctors and

get a more understanding doctor, if her tests are coming back normal, then

you may find most doctors are going to have a tendency to dismiss her issues.

The Great Smokey tests to see if there are concrete results that are showing

any digestive disturbance will help with that. That is an important first

step and that may give you some new directions to go in. If that test shows

problems, then you could get an Organic Acids test, that would tell you

whether she has problems with her metabolism as well as her digestion. Both

these tests are easy...stool sample and urine sample.

<A HREF= " http://www.gsdl.com/ " >Great Smokies Diagnostic Laboratory : Leaders

in Functional Medicine Assessment of Immune, Nutritional, Endocrine, and Metab

</A> http://www.gsdl.com/

By the way, I keep forgetting to ask...what kind of digestive symptoms is she

showing? Is she having diarrhea or constipation? Does she have pain after

eating? Gas, bloating?

I have given you a lot of suggestions and ideas. I hope I have not

overwelmed you. Maybe there is one that appeals to you the best that you can

try and think about the rest after that. :=) Hang in there!

JaneS. [i noticed there is another Jane on the list]

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AhJhawk@... wrote: ,I really think vaccines played a huge part.She

was in the 80

percentile range until she was 6 months old or so.Then she went down hill

after that. She completely fell off of the charts for a while.She is now in

the 3rd percentile in weight.Every time she would get shots she would

literally scream her head off for 2 days 24 hours a day.NO sleep or anything

for 2 days.I took away milk recently.Still no change.The only reason I gave

her corn is because that was one of a very few things she would eat.She

hasn't eaten that in about 4 months.NONE of her eating is consistent an dnone

of it is in large quantity.I also think some of this happened because of my

female problems.I am considering using enzymes from Houstons.Any suggestions?


ne, What female problems? And I have not started Meg on HOustons--she

has been taking enzmes from my local herb store but I am looking into Houston

too--like eveything I read a lot -chelation and enzymes are two that I'm wanting

to start but want to make sure that I know the good and the bad. the othr thing

I wanted to say is that I try to look at Meg as someone ill and not disabled

because she has so many internal things wrong like most kids on the spectrum.

That can make it easier to deal with her behaviors like stimming or

hyperactivity. Was your daughter diagnosed? What things (sensory) help? Like

music or certain noises(humming/white noise) lots of pillows or blankets? I

used to rock Meg while listening to lullabies--Does anything like that help?

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,I have had emdometriosis since I was 17.I am now 29.I have had 7

surgeries.I have so much scar tissue on my cervix I couldn't dialate.They had

to dialate me by hand to 10 cm.I also have a lot of scar tissue in my

uterus.That made my uterus abnormally small.They said if I ever got pregnant

I wouldn't be able to carry her full term.I carried her full term but my

uterus stopped growing at 7 months geatation.How ever she was in there at 7

months is how she stayed until she was born.She has a lot of spacial

awareness issues.We do brushing therapy,use things that vibrate in her

mouth,we have a toddler swing.She craves movement. We also do olive oil

massages.She was diagnosed with sensory integration dysfunction when she was

11 months old.She is now 20 months old.I think I am going to order the

Houstons enzymes and get melatonin extended release for her as well ne

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,I forgot,we are going to do hippotherapy and listening therapy when

she is 2.She is still a little young for those right now.We also have a sound

machine in her room for when she sleeps and we have some sensory games we do

with her.ne

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Jane S,My daughter has somewhat loose stools and sometimes they are

normal.Her diet is mostly liguid.We tried grapes and she hated them Ragu

pasta express is spaghetti you cook in your microwave for 3 and a half

minutes.It is the only spaghetti she will eat. we have tried making spaghetti

ourselves and she screams. The doctor that said that to me was a

pediatric-gastro doctor.Gillian went to her twice for reflux.Gillians

diagnosis is sensory integration dysfunction.She has not been diagnosed as

autistic.I would like some more info on the yogurt.She would probably eat it

frozen .I have tried blueberry,lemon,etc and she screams before you even get

it to her mouth.She hates smooth texture.She hates mashed

potatoes,pudding,ice cream,etc. She has normal gas,not bloated ,etc. ne

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I know that after I started getting sleep again, that I felt like I could

handle ANYTHING! What a difference getting some sleep makes!

Good luck with the melatonin!

I'll get the info on the clonidine for you. (Note: it is a

prescription, so you'll need to work with a doctor.)


P.S. I agree that the Epsom Salts baths help in calming a child. My

daughter has an epsom salt bath* every other night, and she plays in the

tub for 1/2 hour. Sometimes she is so happy that she refuses to get out,

and I let her play even longer. I think that she is happy because she

feels so much better in the epsom salt bath!

*(about 1 cup of epsom salts in her bathwater, but you should start with

less the first time to make sure that your child tolerates it. Some

people start with less than 1/2 c. the first time. If you get a poor

reaction, try just 1 tablespoon.)

You can purchase epsom salts at the drugstore or Target/Walmart/Kmart, in

the foot care/medical section.

----- Original Message -----

forget about everything for 2-3 weeks, and get some sleep :) I really


you will be able to get alive out of this.

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Are you doing sensory integration therapy with your daughter? We had lots of

problems with our son, who is now four, and after two years of sensory

integration, he will even eat pudding-textured foods. Often when a child has

such a restrictive diet it is because there is an overgrowth of yeast and

that is what the yeast craves to survive. I have this problem myself. Also,

removing dairy from the diet (milk, butter, yogurt, cheese, whey, casein,

cream, cottage cheese, etc.) will often help too. I would try to ease into

the gluten free casein free diet as soon as possible. Her love of simple

carbohydrates (pasta, crackers, etc.) is also a strong indicator of yeast

problems. We tried Clonidine, but Penny just stayed awake all night

screaming anyway. Now she wakes once or twice every night, but will go back

to sleep with her insipid Teletubbies video and a cup of Darifree

(potato-based milk substitute). This is a lot to digest, and these lifestyle

changes are not easy to say the least, but if you take things one step at a

time, things get better and better. Very slowly, sometimes, but better.

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