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Re: Does not EVER sleep

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have you tried cfgf diet. my son used to wake up 2 or 3 times a night,

often screaming...once we changed his diet, within 2 weeks, he slept

full nights...been that way for 2 years now.

JeanneA. Brohart


AhJhawk@... wrote:

> I have another question.My 20 month old daughter never sleeps.She

> doesn't

> take naps and she sleeps very little at night.She went to bed at 8:30

> last

> night.got at up at midnight and has been up ever since. It is now

> 11;30 now

> where I live.Is there anything I can do to get this child to sleep? If

> she

> manages to sleep until the morning she wakes up about 12 times a night


> screaming.HELP!!!! Thanks ne




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> I have another question.My 20 month old daughter never sleeps.She doesn't

> take naps and she sleeps very little at night.She went to bed at 8:30 last

> night.got at up at midnight and has been up ever since. It is now 11;30 now

> where I live.

You know, it's like I recognize myself in this description :) Just that I

wasn't screaming, because I knew it's useless :)) but I felt like many times...

I don't know the reason I couldn't sleep, but I remember I had some really bad

headaches; weird headaches... they were keeping me awake for days... weeks.. I

found out recently that those headaches were actually because I had a liver

problem and couldn't metabolize ammonia. Maybe you would like to eliminate the

proteins from her diet for a while and see what's happening. Or you can run a

test to measure ammonia, but I know those are not always accurate.


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, sleep deprivation doesn't even begin to cover it.I feel like a walking

zombie all of the time. I have huge black circles under my eyes. I have not

slept in almost 2 YEARS through the night. Something has got to


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,Now my daughter doesn't sleep hardly ever.She has been up since

midnight last night,no nap . Sleep deprivation is one of the most horrible

things in the world.I wonder what is wrong with her???? ne

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In a message dated 2/25/02 11:30:19 AM Eastern Standard Time, AhJhawk@...


> She doesn't

> take naps and she sleeps very little at night.She went to bed at 8:30 last

> night.got at up at midnight and has been up ever since. It is now 11;30 now


> where I live.Is there anything I can do to get this child to sleep? If she

> manages to sleep until the morning she wakes up about 12 times a night

> screaming.HELP!!!! Thanks ne




ne --

You haven't given any details so I am wondering if you have checked for food

allergies. It sounds like major colic to me. My firstborn never slept

either; my husband and I were so sleep deprived that we started to

hallucinate during the day!

I breastfed also, but I drank alot of milk; turns out he had a major milk


I hope I'm not being too simplistic. Have you tried eliminating dairy? If

her diet is

very limited, it might be difficult. But, this is where I would start.


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Celia, we haven't tried eliminating dairy because the very few things she

will eat are dairy based. she is going to have an allergy test done soon.

What she will eat is in little quantity. Can a 20 month old have colic? I

know what you mean about hallucinating also. ne

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In a message dated 2/25/02 8:32:49 PM Eastern Standard Time, AhJhawk@...


> Can a 20 month old have colic?

I think so; also, signs of dairy allergy in older toddlers and young children


ear infections, nasal congestion and behavior problems.

Also, if your child has been treated with antibiotics for any of the above,

you could

be dealing with a yeast problem on top of the allergy.

Just take one thing at a time; find out if there are any food allergies and

then if eliminating and substituting foods helps, then work on other

problems. First and

foremost, you need your rest or you won't be able to handle all of this.

Good luck to you!


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This is what my daughter eats on an average.Some days she won't eat at all.

Potato chips,froot loops,ragu pasta express,pop sickles,water, alittle bit of

milk, a lot of 100 % juice,although she just started this recently,and that

is about it.She has extreme oral defensiveness and she WILL NOT eat anything


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This is not going to be much help, but I recall seeing a tv program

about a girl who had a specific disorder which included the symptom

of simply not sleeping much at all. Sorry I don't remember what the

diagnosis was called or what any other characteristics were, but

maybe you should talk to your doctor. (Unfortunately, at that time a

few years ago, there wasn't anything they could do about it - the dad

was majorly sleep deprived.)

> I have another question.My 20 month old daughter never sleeps.She


> take naps and she sleeps very little at night.She went to bed at

8:30 last

> night.got at up at midnight and has been up ever since. It is now

11;30 now

> where I live.Is there anything I can do to get this child to sleep?

If she

> manages to sleep until the morning she wakes up about 12 times a


> screaming.HELP!!!! Thanks ne




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That's how I recall this poor dad. It wasn't like the daughter got

up every two hours - she just hardly slept at all. It was one of

those news shows like 20/20, but I don't know if that's the one. I

truly hope you can get help or at least escape to a hotel once in


> , sleep deprivation doesn't even begin to cover it.I feel like

a walking

> zombie all of the time. I have huge black circles under my eyes. I

have not

> slept in almost 2 YEARS through the night. Something has got to

> change.ne




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Don't know if this helps - we used to be you - first couple of years after

diagnosing up every night for a few hours, then next couple of years up one

or two times a week, then next year to bed later and later and later - then

someone hit me over the head and said try this - we have for a year now

given our child risperadol at .125 in the morning and at night and since

then he goes to bed at 8pm and sleeps till about 7 am - the circles are

gone from under his eyes and mine and now he is a much happier child - I

don't know the long term effects of this drug but for now it is working

well - as he improves more and more we may be able to eliminate it


At the moment it works for us all!

Cheers H

[ ] Re: Does not EVER sleep

That's how I recall this poor dad. It wasn't like the daughter got

up every two hours - she just hardly slept at all. It was one of

those news shows like 20/20, but I don't know if that's the one. I

truly hope you can get help or at least escape to a hotel once in


> , sleep deprivation doesn't even begin to cover it.I feel like

a walking

> zombie all of the time. I have huge black circles under my eyes. I

have not

> slept in almost 2 YEARS through the night. Something has got to

> change.ne




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Have you tried kirkmanlabs.com melatonin with magnesium? Evan used to sleep

very little and was up almost all night long with rarely a nap. We had to

take a nap in shifts to get through the day. It is rare now that he is not

the first one to sleep each night around 8 or 9 o'clock. He is suppose to

have 1 mg Risperdal each night but sometimes he goes to sleep before I

remember to give it to him. He rarely uses the melatonin now.


grandmother and guardian to

age 10 Bipolar --750 mg Depakote, 20 mg Adderall, Claritin-D, DDAVP

..4 MG daily.

Evan age 7 nonverbal autism--Risperdal 2.25 mg daily

age 5 ADHD/RAD/PTSD, maybe bipolar --Tenex 1 mg, Clonidine .2 mg,

Concerta 18 mg daily

mother to

age 31 probably bipolar, 50 mg Zoloft, 300 mg lithium twice daily,

in Dual Diagnose recovery.

wife to Bob for 32 years, too many heart medications to list. )-:

Re: [ ] Re: Does not EVER sleep

> , sleep deprivation doesn't even begin to cover it.I feel like a


> zombie all of the time. I have huge black circles under my eyes. I have


> slept in almost 2 YEARS through the night. Something has got to

> change.ne




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We didn't sleep for 2 years. Now our baby sleeps 9-11 hours in a row.

Solution was very simple and I wish we knew it from the very

beggining. If you describe in all details what you baby eats , drinks

and takes as a supplements that might give people some ideas.


> I have another question.My 20 month old daughter never sleeps.She


> take naps and she sleeps very little at night.She went to bed at

8:30 last

> night.got at up at midnight and has been up ever since. It is now

11;30 now

> where I live.Is there anything I can do to get this child to sleep?

If she

> manages to sleep until the morning she wakes up about 12 times a


> screaming.HELP!!!! Thanks ne




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Hi ne, I live in NZ - here it is a prescription drug - it is a liquid

- our child is 7 years of age and weighs 56 lbs - he used to be on .250 but

have found with enzymes we have been able to cut it back - hope this helps

I wish I had known about it years ago

Cheers H

Re: [ ] Re: Does not EVER sleep

Hi H, Where do you get risperadol? Is it liguid or tablets. She really

needs liguid. Does the dosage go by weight?? She weighs 22


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ne, I am not sure - you would need to talk to your pediatrician -

what it does do though is regulate the bodyclock which can be way out with

kids - didn't realise your child was so young - best advice I was ever

given was to say exactly what you are temporarily trying to treat eg sleep

issues, anxiety, hitting etc and find the right drug to get the issue under

control then remove it as soon as possible - gives time to establish habits


Good luck

Cheers H

Re: [ ] Re: Does not EVER sleep

H,I have found out that risperadol is an anti psychotic drug used to

treat schizophrenia.Is this safe to use on a 20 month old? There are a lot


side effects.ne

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AhJhawk@... wrote: I have another question.My 20 month old daughter never

sleeps.She doesn't

take naps and she sleeps very little at night.She went to bed at 8:30 last

night.got at up at midnight and has been up ever since. It is now 11;30 now

where I live.Is there anything I can do to get this child to sleep? If she

manages to sleep until the morning she wakes up about 12 times a night

screaming.HELP!!!! Thanks ne

HI-It seems to me that this problem happens to a lot of our kids.My daughter is

9 and her waking/poor sleep started at age 3. Knowing what I do now it was more

than likely stomach problems-casein/gluten, yeast,phenols, etc. Did I miss your

telling us if you have done tests on your daughter or what her diet is like? It

sounds like she has some kind of discomfort that is preventing her from being

comfortable. Can you give more info? I feel for you because I know that " lack

of sleep " issue creates more problems and we all have enough on our plates.

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Carolyn, She is on reglin,peri actin,mylanta,fer in sol.The peri actin is

actually an anti histamine but the 2 sid eeffects are increased appetite an

dsleep.She had an MRI done of her head and they tried using noc-tec and that

did not even phase her. They had to literally knock her out for the

procedure. I am goping to get melatonin this week.Does it come in liquid? She

is 20 months and cant swallow pills.How often and how much do you give it to

them? Does it go by weight? She is almost 22 pounds.ne

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In a message dated 2/25/2002 8:33:16 PM Eastern Standard Time,



Celia, we haven't tried eliminating dairy because the very few things she

will eat are dairy based. she is going to have an allergy test done soon.

What she will eat is in little quantity. Can a 20 month old have colic? I

know what you mean about hallucinating also. ne



I would like to suggest that if she has an afinity to dairy, there is

something you might try. I cannot tolerate milk products, but if I make

yogurt at home and ferment it for 24 hours, that eliminates completely all

the lactose and I can eat yogurt with no problem. Although I still rotate it

every 4 days so I won't get a sensitivity to it. I am on another list for a

diet for people who have serious intestinal problems and all of them are also

using the yogurt in this way with no problem.

You can purchase a very inexpensive yogurt maker. I got mine at Kitchen Etc.

it was maybe $15. I can get you directions for how to make it if you think

you want to try it.

You could perhaps flavor it with blended banana or fresh fruit to see if she

would enjoy the taste. Or would she enjoy dipping the fruit in yogurt that

you have already mixed with fruit for flavor. I mix mine with lots of

different fruits..mango is delicious, and banana with berries, etc.

If you are uncertain yet about what her digestive problems are, then I don't

see how this could hurt. I also have serious food sensitivities and yeast

and leaky gut and mercury toxicity and I can still tolerate this. I had an

Alcat test done that showed I am sensitive to 2/3 of all foods.

I did read your post about what she is eating and the struggle you are having

to get her to eat at all, so maybe this would help. If you could just find

something good for her that she would eat, maybe the sleep would return. I

am sure you are trying everything.

Since she is failing to thrive and already being considered for tube feeding,

I wonder if you have tried getting a stool sample test from Great Smokies

Labs? This is an easy test to do and will give you much much information

about her digestive status. Doctors that are recommending surgeons are not

usually going to tell you to do this. If you do not have an alternative

doctor who could order the test kit for you that they will send you, you can

contact Great Smokies Lab direct and they will help you.


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Well, you've probably tried everything out there (I know I would have, in

your situation!), but I'll ask anyway. Have you tried melatonin? I give

my daughter 2 mg (two of the Kirkman's chewables), and one hour and 15

minutes later, and she is tired. On a few occasions, I've had to give

her one more. (I did this when she didn't fall asleep within 15 minutes

of going to bed.)

Some people use extended release melatonin, which sounds like what your

child needs (it is for people who fall asleep but then don't stay asleep

through the night.)

A friend of mine gives her daughter . . . . hmm.. I think it is the

prescription drug called clonidine. I can double check for you if you

are interested in finding out more info about it.

Also, does your child take any medications? Maybe these are preventing

sleep from coming?

Does your child take supplements? Calcium and magnesium are calming for

most children. Other supplements (like DMG, TMG, maybe the Super

Nu-Thera) may keep children awake, and should be given in the morning.

My daughter's sleep improved on the gfcf diet. Is your child on the diet

or on enzymes?

Would your child sleep more if they were in bed with you? (My PDD child

sleeps in the guest bedroom, which has a double bed. If she wakes up in

the middle of the night, I just go over there and sleep with her. I

hardly even wake up much - I just stumble over to the guest bedroom and

fall right back asleep. (And, most importantly, she does too!))

I feel for you. I once was so tired that I slept through a smoke

detector going off, only a few feet from my bed. (Fortunately there was

no fire! The vaporizer set off the smoke detector.)


----- Original Message -----

, sleep deprivation doesn't even begin to cover it.I feel like a


zombie all of the time. I have huge black circles under my eyes. I have


slept in almost 2 YEARS through the night. Something has got to


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Jane,How do you contact Great Smokies Lab?I have tried regular yogurt before

and she won't even put it to her lips.As soon as she sees it she starts

screaming.Any suggestions? ne

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I use the chewable melatonin at www.kirkmanlabs.com

I don't know if it comes in a liquid. Would she chew the chewable? It

is small and tastes sweet. You could call Kirkmans (1-800-245-8282) and

see if they have any free samples.

I would try one melatonin and see if that works. My daughter is 38

pounds, and she gets two. I have also used it on occasion with my

younger daughter, 28 pounds, and have used two, but decided that only one

melatonin was needed for her. (FYI: My younger child is neuro-typical,

so the difference in their dose may have less to do with their weight

difference than because of my older child's problems.)


----- Original Message -----

Carolyn, She is on reglin,peri actin,mylanta,fer in sol.The peri actin is

actually an anti histamine but the 2 sid eeffects are increased appetite


dsleep.She had an MRI done of her head and they tried using noc-tec and


did not even phase her. They had to literally knock her out for the

procedure. I am goping to get melatonin this week.Does it come in liquid?


is 20 months and cant swallow pills.How often and how much do you give it


them? Does it go by weight? She is almost 22 pounds.ne

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Please make sure you get the Melatonin with magnesium - Melatonin puts them to

sleep and apparently the Magnesium keeps them asleep - something like that - we

use Melatonin plus from Kirkmans. My child didn't sleep for years - mostly due

to pain wrong foods, reflux etc. now we use 1 Melatonin and 1.5 mls of Valergan

(script for that here) but for most kids its takes a few mils - this works for


Good Luck

Terri NZ

Re: [ ] Re: Does not EVER sleep

Carolyn, She is on reglin,peri actin,mylanta,fer in sol.The peri actin is

actually an anti histamine but the 2 sid eeffects are increased appetite an

dsleep.She had an MRI done of her head and they tried using noc-tec and that

did not even phase her. They had to literally knock her out for the

procedure. I am goping to get melatonin this week.Does it come in liquid? She

is 20 months and cant swallow pills.How often and how much do you give it to

them? Does it go by weight? She is almost 22 pounds.ne

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