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> Hi


> Just starting DMSA/ALA. How soon can I expect to see some


Probably within the first 2-3 rounds if you are using both. You might

see regression first tho. It also depends on your protocol.


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At 20:45 11/05/2002 +0000, you wrote:


> > Hi

> >

> > Just starting DMSA/ALA. How soon can I expect to see some




>Probably within the first 2-3 rounds if you are using both. You might

>see regression first tho. It also depends on your protocol.



>Please read about Andy Cutler's Protocol and then make up

your mind as to which protocol you will use.

I am not yet chelating my son but plan to and his protocol makes the most

sense.........to me.



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  • 1 month later...
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> Hi,

> We have discovered that our son (9.6) has high lead levels, and the


> has recommended we chelate using (I think this is how they are


> Beta-C powder (apparently zinc and very high vitamin C) and Ultra


> Ease (high magnesium and some other things).

> Does anyone have any experience of these products or of chelating

this way?

> Thanks,

> Gillian.

My understanding is that the stuff you cite (vit c, magnesium,

zinc) do not chelate lead (or mercury for that matter).

I don't know about the " other things " that may be in Ultra

Muscle--- but presumably it is more minerals etc.

DMSA is a very good chelator of lead. It was approved by

the FDA for lead, although many people also use it to chelate

mercury. If you wish you can read some of Andy Cutler's

thoughts about DMSA, here:


There is a section about DMSA, called, um (something like):

" chelation agents: DMSA " .

Lead takes a long time to chelate, as it is stored in bones...

somehow this results in some coming out at a time (sorry I

just now realize I'm not clear on this....Funny how I don't

notice till I try to explain it!)

There is a book called " Turning Lead Into Gold " that is about

twin boys with severe autism (both of them) who were eventually

dx'ed as having lead poisoning..... Chelation helped them a lot...

although I wished that part of the book were more detailed.....

I believe it is out of print, but I did find a copy somewhere.

best wishes,


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Hi Moria,

Thanks so much for all that information. I have faxed a letter to our dr

asking those and other questions, and I'll try to get hold of that book.

It's funny to be talking chelation, because I was pretty sure Sam did not

have a mercury problem and so didn't think we would ever need to chelate. We

have an excellent Lead Group here in Sydney, I'll get on to them Monday

about de-leading the house (we live in a very old house next to a park that

was a large dry dock where for decades the ships were sanded back and


I have one other question - Sam's cholesterol came in at a massive 6.4, and

there were other results showing problems metabolising fats. Does anyone

know anything about spectrum kids having these problems? What system/s are

involved - is it pancreatic, is it bile production? (I'm thinking that

having him on Zyme is good for him in more ways than one!)

Thanks again!


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Hello Gillian,

> Thanks so much for all that information. I have faxed a letter to

our dr

> asking those and other questions, and I'll try to get hold of that


I'm sure you'll find it interesting since you are dealing with

lead. Byt he way, I do NOT know if the detox info in this

book is at all useful. I read the biographical part (which

I found very useful) but not the stuff about stuff like how

to detox/test/etc. The following file is mostly a list of

books, but also has a couple of sources for out-of-print



> It's funny to be talking chelation, because I was pretty sure Sam

did not

> have a mercury problem

well, I hope this is not " too much information " (LOL) but most

people who ARE mercury poisoned have " normal " levels of mercury

in their hair/blood/urine....... so don't be too certain about

Sam not having a mercury problem! If you want to read more

about this:


> and so didn't think we would ever need to

chelate. We

> have an excellent Lead Group here in Sydney,

okay. well now I'm curious: what is " a lead group " ? Is that

like the government inspectors who will de-lead the house?

Or is it a group where you get together and talk about lead

and eat cookies? Or a email list? Or some other meaning

that I can't even guess?

I'll get on to them


> about de-leading the house (we live in a very old house next to a

park that

> was a large dry dock where for decades the ships were sanded back


> repainted!!)


> I have one other question - Sam's cholesterol came in at a massive

6.4, and

> there were other results showing problems metabolising fats. Does


> know anything about spectrum kids having these problems?

Hope someone does, but not I !

best wishes,


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  • 10 months later...
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links towards the bottom of page

from the preamble you might gather i am not too happy with chelation

you need to be cautious on autism mercury because they push chelation

and ban people with opposing viewpoints.......

> Hi


> Could someone please post links so I can learn more about

chelation. Have any of you done this with your ASD child without a

doctor's supervisor? A young child?


> Thanks for all your help


> & 2 1/2 yrs ASD

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> Could someone please post links so I can learn more about

chelation. Have any of you done this with your ASD child without a

doctor's supervisor? A young child?


> Thanks for all your help


> & 2 1/2 yrs ASD


there is a group on that deals specifically with

detoxing/chelating kids.

Here is the link:


Good luck,


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> Hi


> Could someone please post links so I can learn more about chelation.

My info page


>>Have any of you done this with your ASD child without a doctor's


Yes, I do it without medical supervision.

>>A young child?

I am chelating four kids. The youngest was age 2-1/2 when I started.

You can read our story here, if you want. The chelation portion is

near the bottom.



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not true, it is a great site to learn alot from, some are just mad at the moment

about them, it is a group called . They do bicker alot,

but the majority of people on there are great, and have so much info.

Re: chelation


links towards the bottom of page

from the preamble you might gather i am not too happy with chelation

you need to be cautious on autism mercury because they push chelation

and ban people with opposing viewpoints.......

> Hi


> Could someone please post links so I can learn more about

chelation. Have any of you done this with your ASD child without a

doctor's supervisor? A young child?


> Thanks for all your help


> & 2 1/2 yrs ASD

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This is a nice board for information but in order to join you must be

working with a doctor for chelation:


I have done some chelating on my 2 year old, and also my 6 year old.

We have used primarily dmsa, but will be switching to oral dmps

because the dmsa was flaring up yeast too often.

Email me privately if you have any questions maryandphilip@...


> Hi


> Could someone please post links so I can learn more about

chelation. Have any of you done this with your ASD child without a

doctor's supervisor? A young child?


> Thanks for all your help


> & 2 1/2 yrs ASD

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  • 4 weeks later...
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removing a spectrum of minerals with some problematic component of

heavy metals.

minerals transport enhancement is a safer and more effcitve remedy.


> > I have been giving Kyson Epson salts baths. Can I look really


> and ask

> > what Chelation is.



> Removing heavy metals from the body


> http://www.danasview.net/chelate.htm


> Dana

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  • 1 month later...
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During the first few rounds of chelation, we did see the return of

sensitivity to socks and a few other sensory things that had been

long gone. This went away as we continued chelating.


> For those of you have that have chelated your children, what (if

any) were

> the side effects or regressive behaviors you saw during the


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We chelated our son for about a year. In the beginning it was very difficult.

We seen many regressions, as well as new behavior that we had never seen. In

fact we were about to give up on the chelation approach, when we were encouraged

to change the dosage (we were not giving enough) and the dosage intervals (we

had to give every 4 hour opposed to every 8). After the next 2 rounds of

chelation the process became a breeze. We were able to begin to see the

positive effects the chelation was having on our son.


For those of you have that have chelated your children, what (if any) were

the side effects or regressive behaviors you saw during the process. We are

not formally chelating Sammy (yet) but we have been using Metal Free which

is supposed to be a slow detoxifier. I have noticed that Sammy's obsessive

compulsive behaviors, particularly with arranging things or lining things

up, are getting worse, as are his tantrums when things don't go the way he

wants them. I'm just wondering if this is just him having a hard time or if

it's the Metal Free possibly doing some good (long term of course) in which

case we'll just have to ride it out. We are about to move (next weekend) so

he will be out of school for a while. I figured this was as good a time as

any to try the Metal Free. We have seen no negative physical side affects

from it, i.e., bowel or yeast problems.

Thanks for any insight.

...about to go nuts with the move and his outbursts!!!!!1

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When we are chelating I notice my son (15) is talking a bit faster by third

day and a little over excited but in a happy way, not cranky. Noticed slight

irritability after round finished for a day but then fine and quite willing

to do next round. Been chelating for 6 months now and have just had four

weeks break due to changing brands because of unavailability. Restarted 2

weeks ago with no ill effects but with improved concentration which was

significant during neurofeedback session.

We noticed really significant improvement in his general awareness, his

" being present " , and definitely his speech, and ability to make more sense

of experiences and to see behind the obvious, with chelation.

I would encourage everyone to keep researching chelation/clearing metals

until you are comfortable enough to do it. I believe that, along with the

enzymes,it is playing a major part in bringing my son to a healthier and

happier, more independent life.



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On Mon, Jul 21, 2003 at 01:22:37PM +1000, Fran's optus wrote:


> When we are chelating I notice my son (15) is talking a bit faster by third

Has anyone done chelation with a 30 year old? My husband is Autism Spectrum

and I have kind of talked to our Naturopaths about Chelation but wanted to

hear other people's responses.

Thanks for all the information on Yeast combat btw. I finally got him to tell

the doctor that the Oregano wasn't working and was making him ill. She put him

on a compound that has Oregon grape extract and GSE in it. He is responding

much better to it and it is finally clearing up. Which is nice since it has only

been getting worse for the past 3+ years.


Ganger sganger@...


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Dear Fran,

It is refreshing to see an older child going through chelation and

actually seeing benefits from it. My daughter is 14 and it is one therapy I

have been considering but always afraid to start as she has been so

aggressive since hitting puberty that we had to bring her home for awhile

and do homebound instruction before finding a program where the staff is

trained properly to deal with puberty issues in young adolescents with

autism. Good luck!

Re: Chelation

> When we are chelating I notice my son (15) is talking a bit faster by


> day and a little over excited but in a happy way, not cranky. Noticed


> irritability after round finished for a day but then fine and quite


> to do next round. Been chelating for 6 months now and have just had four

> weeks break due to changing brands because of unavailability. Restarted 2

> weeks ago with no ill effects but with improved concentration which was

> significant during neurofeedback session.

> We noticed really significant improvement in his general awareness, his

> " being present " , and definitely his speech, and ability to make more sense

> of experiences and to see behind the obvious, with chelation.

> I would encourage everyone to keep researching chelation/clearing metals

> until you are comfortable enough to do it. I believe that, along with the

> enzymes,it is playing a major part in bringing my son to a healthier and

> happier, more independent life.

> Fran

> Australia








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> For those of you have that have chelated your children, what (if

any) were

> the side effects or regressive behaviors you saw during the process.

This is my page describing my first 10 rounds or so


The first " off " day can be a trial. Otherwise it was manageable.


> compulsive behaviors, particularly with arranging things or lining


> up, are getting worse, as are his tantrums when things don't go the

way he

> wants them.

Consider either an intolerance to one or more of the additives in the

Metal Free, and/or a yeast issue.



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We are currently chelating our nine year old and he has become LESS violent

since we have started.


Re: Chelation

> When we are chelating I notice my son (15) is talking a bit faster by


> day and a little over excited but in a happy way, not cranky. Noticed


> irritability after round finished for a day but then fine and quite


> to do next round. Been chelating for 6 months now and have just had four

> weeks break due to changing brands because of unavailability. Restarted 2

> weeks ago with no ill effects but with improved concentration which was

> significant during neurofeedback session.

> We noticed really significant improvement in his general awareness, his

> " being present " , and definitely his speech, and ability to make more sense

> of experiences and to see behind the obvious, with chelation.

> I would encourage everyone to keep researching chelation/clearing metals

> until you are comfortable enough to do it. I believe that, along with the

> enzymes,it is playing a major part in bringing my son to a healthier and

> happier, more independent life.

> Fran

> Australia








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  • 3 months later...
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  • 3 weeks later...

I am chelating my son without a Dr, there isn;t one more knowledgab;e about

it thn me in the UK, so no choice. Help and support from Autism Mercury board


Lots of info here



Mandi in UK

> Chelation is when you give a substance that binds to a heavy metal to a

> person to leach the heavy metal out of their body. It should be doctor

> supervised.


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Can you tell me what this is? What it does? and how to get it?



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  • 5 weeks later...


You can email me directly at bluerus@... for more info. My

son started talking 3 days into DMSA chelation. It was truely a

miracle for us. We chelated Jan - Dec 2002, did other things like

enzymes in 2003, and then started DMSA/ALA chelation up again in Sept

2003 and will not stop until Sept 2004. Our results have been great.

I also know others who have had good results. Put Autism in your

subject so that it doesn't get tossed into my " junk " file. This

group mainly focuses on the enzymes, which we also use daily.


> I want to chelate my 5 yr. old autistic son. He has been following

> the protocal of yeast medications, blood tests etc.. with a DAN!


> Is this necessary, from anyone's experience, can I chelate on my

> own? Blood tests & expensive meds are not cutting it for us. Thank

> you for your advice. Ana

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