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> of on and off meds. I did recently go to Mexico for 4 days and being

> in the sunshine really reset my clock and i was able to sleep for 3

> nights without pills!!

Sometimes insomnia can be caused by the body's circadian rhythms being

mixed up. Since the sun helped you so much, I would suggest looking

into a lightbox like people with Seasonal Affective Disorder use. I

haven't bought one, but this week I did start using a 150 watt full

spectrum bulb I found at Vitamin Shoppe for $7.50. I point it at me

while I use the computer for a 1-2 hours in the morning. No effect on

my sleep, but my energy during the day seems better.

Anyway, try searching " bright light therapy, " " seasonal affective

disorder, " and " delayed sleep insomnia " (or something like that)

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest guest

Hi all,

this is some good news in response to this old posting. I originally

posted my insomnia woes last month on this thread and was literally

losing my mind dealing with the exhaustion, fatigue, wiredness,

anxiety, heart palpitations of adjusting on thyroid and adrenal meds

all while being TOTALLY unable to sleep even with numerous

prescription drugs.

So, again, as this may not work for all, I just wanted to post what

DID work for me. I have now been able to sleep (with the aid of sleep

meds for 1 week), and the last 3 nights I have slept completely on my

own with no prescription sleep aids!

First, I had to lower my Levothyroxine dose back to my starting dose

(which was 5 mcg, yes micrograms, I have an aqueous diluted solution

that makes it possible to get such a small dose of T4). I realized I

can only increase by 1.25 mcg every week to 2 weeks, so it may take

months to get up to a therapuetic dose (25 mcg), but slower is better

as now I can sleep and am not having terrible panic attacks, heart

palpitations and hyper symptoms like before.

However, the other things that helped me were given to me by my

Naturopath/homeopathic doc. I took the following combo to help

regulate cortisol. Seriphos (which is phopsphorylated serine) 4 per

night, Aqueous chromium 8 drops at night, Biotics Amini-Acid Quicksort

10 drops per night, and Unda Number 1001. This definitely helped

regulate the cortisol at night and got me back on track to slowly

being able to sleep again!! Hooray!!

However, b/c I am so low on the T4, i am utterly exhausted. that, and

I'm still only on 2 1/2 Isocort pellets daily. I have had bad

reactions when I increased either too quickly, so I will patiently

wait to heal...

Hope this helps!



> Low cortisol can keep you awake at night just as much as high does. It

> does this as when you get too low you go hypoglycemic then your body

> releases adrenaline. End of sleep for hours after tht. You can try

> taking some Isocort at bedtime and not eating any carbs after baout 5PM

> then eating high protein at bedtime. Sometimes this combo is helpful

> sometimes it just takes ghetting the cortils higher to be able to


> to normal sleep. Slow.ly raising the Isocort until you can tolerate HC

> would be my suggestion.


> --

> Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV


> http://www.stopthethyroidmadness.com/



> http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/RT3_T3/


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