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Re: terror

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I understand completely. On the plane back from L.A. to Dallas this past weekend, the plane ride got kind of rough while going over the mountains and I was scared to death. In the past, I've flown to Japan, France, Ireland, and many other countries and never panicked, but I was just about ready to start crying on this last plane ride. In the back of my mind was "what if terrorist's have done something to this plane?". Silly, probably, but since 9/ll, I don't fly unless it is unavoidable. Plus I was put through the third degree about having syringes in my checked baggage for allergy shots, my medication (prescriptions) in my carryon luggage, and then had to be physically searched, because I have a steel cage in my back and steel rods and screws in my feet. I know they must do this, but everyone is looking at you as if you're the terrorist.


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There's better chances that NF will kill you than that you'll die as a

victim of terrorism.


Always full of sunshiney news


is anyone else feeling a bit panicky about all this terror news? Im

trying to control it but its getting to me. like why bother with

school or anything...

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Cindy...try not to let all this terrorism stuff take your energy. There is

nothing we can do anyway. Concentrate on being well and doing the things

you like to do, and your family.



> is anyone else feeling a bit panicky about all this terror news? Im

> trying to control it but its getting to me. like why bother with

> school or anything...




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I know what you are feeling. On the news they are showing us how to seal our houses, preferable a room in it and stock up on stuff.

When the terrorists hit the Trade Center. the first thing I wanted to do was run to the schools and get my kids and bring them home where I know they are "safe". But that would have only caused them to be in panic. I feel like I give my kids enough to worry about with my illness without them having to worry about the nuts with nukes in this world. So we monitor what they see. I want to keep them kids as long as I can.

But the way I see it is..... we were seeing all these panic things to do over Y2K. You just need to stay calm, be cautious, and enjoy life. By living in fear we are giving them power over our lives and that's what they want.

But if something does happen we are heading south in our camper. Do you have a big drive way? LOL

Love & Blessings,

"Dance as if no one were watching:sing as if no one were listening,and live every day as if it wereyour last." - Irish Proverb

Subject: terror

is anyone else feeling a bit panicky about all this terror news? Im trying to control it but its getting to me. like why bother with school or anything...

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thanks pee . you might feel a bit moreanxious if you spentthe day in

a govt office. butthen again glad I'm not in new york! lets keep

spreading that sunshine :-)

In NF2_Crew , " Brayman " wrote:

> There's better chances that NF will kill you than that you'll die

as a

> victim of terrorism.


> Pete

> Always full of sunshiney news


> terror



> is anyone else feeling a bit panicky about all this terror news? Im

> trying to control it but its getting to me. like why bother with

> school or anything...




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I guess what I was trying to say...

We face NF every day, statistically there's more chance of a harm from

that then from terrorism. About all you can do is educate yourself and try

to be prepared for what it's going to throw at you next. We don't control

what NF is going to do anymore than we control what Osama is going to do.

I do (did a lot more before I went deaf) work with Emergency Services, so

I understand the worry but I learned a long time ago to plan for the worst,

hope for the best and you might end up someplace in the middle. And that's

really all you can do.

Personally, I've read most of the alerts and the recommendations (which

are fairly standard for ANY disaster) and besides my normal supplies for

preparedness (which amount to some water, extra batteries and a flashlight),

I probably won't do much more than that. If they drop a nuke/bio/chemical

missile on our heads, it's unlikely that living in your plastic lined room

will have a great effect.

And it's supposed to only get to -15 with the wind-chill today in NY





> is anyone else feeling a bit panicky about all this terror news? Im

> trying to control it but its getting to me. like why bother with

> school or anything...




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You know

even if nothing happens, Osama has really achieved his aim--we have lost our

freedom. marie

Welllll...think about President Bush. At first he absolutely FORBID the media to broadcast anything which may have been Osama on tape because "Osama is a bad guy and he will be sending secret signals to all the terrorists to initiate another hit." Did you notice that now Bush is USING the most recent tape to benefit his own not so hidden agenda...his WAR??? He says that Osama is dangerous and to pay attention to this tape. What if he is "sending secret signals" to unleash more terrorism?

Sorry, , but you can't have it both ways! What is sitting in the White House is as scary to me as Osama. He wont be content until we have a HUGE, horrible war. I want no part of it.

Bette Mentz-

The Dragons are Coming

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I'm with you Cindy, and I am usually fairly calm about such things; You know

even if nothing happens, Osama has really achieved his aim--we have lost our

freedom. marie


> is anyone else feeling a bit panicky about all this terror news? Im

> trying to control it but its getting to me. like why bother with

> school or anything...




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is anyone else feeling a bit panicky about all this terror news?

We are living under a manipulative administration. Recall that at other crucial moments when Americans were wavering in their support of Bush's single mindedness, codes conveniently were raised and a heightened sense of fear was manufactured.

Do all you can do. Nothing, except live your life. Do not let fear mongers, whether they be Osama, Saddam, or Bush, manipulate you in order to advance their own agendas.


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.. Do not let fear mongers, whether they be Osama, Saddam, or Bush, manipulate you in order to advance their own agendas.


Well spoken and right on target, Matt.


Bette Mentz-

The Dragons are Coming

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Of course theres always PLAN B just get out there and kick their & $ & #@* .

Trick of course, being to make sure you kick the RIGHT butts, if that is your plan.

I think you will agree that kicking the butts of the Iraqi masses instead of kicking Osama might have about the same effect as kicking a sleeping dog because his owner hurt you.


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I know that feeling as to everyone looking at you. Yes getting on a plane is a great experance but think about other things instead of that anxiety. There is every time when I go to a restraunt, ballgame, or other places that crowd in a lot of people I feel as tho all are stareing at me. I think to say to them"WhaT IS YOUR PROBLEM". The trick is to stare right back at them and think" HEY YOU GET LOST" it general works. Think what all disfigured NF people see. In our eyes we are at our best looks and we are hung on that. the oputwards aperance is the way we looked years ago so why the stare? Wre are normal they are the ones that are wierd. How you present yourself and the way you look at the situation can be a big factor. As far as the plane ride. What are you to do, walk? Even walking can get you killed, a car can hit you, a snake can bite many other risks.


Re: terror

I understand completely. On the plane back from L.A. to Dallas this past weekend, the plane ride got kind of rough while going over the mountains and I was scared to death. In the past, I've flown to Japan, France, Ireland, and many other countries and never panicked, but I was just about ready to start crying on this last plane ride. In the back of my mind was "what if terrorist's have done something to this plane?". Silly, probably, but since 9/ll, I don't fly unless it is unavoidable. Plus I was put through the third degree about having syringes in my checked baggage for allergy shots, my medication (prescriptions) in my carryon luggage, and then had to be physically searched, because I have a steel cage in my back and steel rods and screws in my feet. I know they must do this, but everyone is looking at you as if you're the terrorist. Doloras

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Of course theres always PLAN B just get out there and kick their &$@* .

I bet the Egyptians, Romans Greeks, Incas etc etc all thought their god was

about to bring an end to the world too.

Well SURPRISE, where still all here. If you sit down and prepare to beaten

because you assume a prediction is meant for you, you surely will. History

tells this same story over and over again.

I would now tell my sons to ' Stand up, brush of the dirt, wipe your nose

and get out there '



> > >

> > >

> > > is anyone else feeling a bit panicky about all this terror news? Im

> > > trying to control it but its getting to me. like why bother with

> > > school or anything...

> > >

> > >

> > >

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i am glad this is not a political chat list bc i am in complete

disagreement with you. feeling much less panicky today.

You have much more to feel panicky about related to the guy in Washington who is INSISTING on this war. It is incredible to me that he continues to blast away about Iraq having these weapons of mass destruction and the means to stage a chemical warfare. Who do you think GAVE him this stuff to begin with? I believe it was Ronnie and Daddy so that Iraq could really put it to Iran, THEIR big, bad enemy.

Don't let the president and his warmed up leftover cronies from his father's administration continue this fiasco.

Bette Mentz-

The Dragons are Coming

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I think the government's advice for us all to run out to KMART to buy our duct tape is almost hysterical. If we really were hit with "weapons of mass destruction" duct tape would give us the same level of protection as would a rubber halloween mask! This makes about as much sense as the old "duck and roll" or whatever that was that they advised teachers to practive with their children in case of radiation. That was REALLY stupid and so is the duct tape.

I think time would be better spent letting the president know that we don't buy this crap from him and we do not want a war.

Bette Mentz-

The Dragons are Coming

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Are we sticking our

noses in places we shouldn't because of oil?

Is it because we really care about the inhumanities

that's really going on in those counties?

You bet your sweet life it is because of oil. The United States doesn't give a rat's ass about inhumanities in other countries. Just ask the Kurds. I bet they feel really loved and cared about by Americans. Their people were KILLED and practically wiped about before anyone said "BOO!" because there wasn't anything it in for US, the greedy, self-centered people in the United States.

America is a bully. WE have LOTS of weapons of mass destruction. We have nuclear ability (new-clear as would say), chemicals, we have it all. Yet, we tell OTHER countries they need to get rid of THEIR stuff but we won't get rid of OUR stuff. Who are we to tell anyone ANYTHING?

Bette Mentz-

The Dragons are Coming

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Why don't we just send Sylvester Stallone, Chuck Norris, Van Damm, Arnold Swartzenager, Jackie Chan and a few others over there and let them take care of this entire mess. they do it all the time on TV & movies, lol


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Cindy, I am feeling a bit panicky about all the terror news and maybe a bit more so after seeing the UN inspector's address to the security cons. I am wondering if we have given enough time to Saddam and now Blix suggest we give them more time. To me this is just the more time they need to better prepare. I can only hope that all of you will use this more time to better prepare. I dont know if you feel the plastic, duct tape, water, etc is necessary, but I know that I will take some steps in that direction. I also know that I will use the 'more time' to better prepare myself to adjust to living the life necessary during this time.

Matt, I do not agree with you feelings about our present administration.


-----Original Message-----From: borrrris@... Sent: Friday, February 14, 2003 10:18 AMTo: NF2_Crew Subject: Re: terror

is anyone else feeling a bit panicky about all this terror news? We are living under a manipulative administration. Recall that at other crucial moments when Americans were wavering in their support of Bush's single mindedness, codes conveniently were raised and a heightened sense of fear was manufactured.Do all you can do. Nothing, except live your life. Do not let fear mongers, whether they be Osama, Saddam, or Bush, manipulate you in order to advance their own agendas. Matt

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i am glad this is not a political chat list bc i am in complete

disagreement with you. feeling much less panicky today.

In NF2_Crew , borrrris@a... wrote:

> In a message dated 2/13/2003 12:01:10 PM Eastern Standard Time,

> cinnyd@t... writes:


> > is anyone else feeling a bit panicky about all this terror news?

> >

> We are living under a manipulative administration. Recall that at


> crucial moments when Americans were wavering in their support of


> single mindedness, codes conveniently were raised and a heightened

sense of

> fear was manufactured.

> Do all you can do. Nothing, except live your life. Do not let fear


> whether they be Osama, Saddam, or Bush, manipulate you in order to


> their own agendas.

> Matt

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sherri, was reading our newspaper yesterday and a big interesting

article about the tarps and ducttape. they were questioning why this

was even suggested as it will do no good. one you cant live in a

sealed off room long, you run out of air lol. two, if we get hit with

anthrax or smallpox, cyanyde etc, you dont know til its too late. was

talking with a friend who is in thecoast guard and he was assuring me

with all thesteps the military and law enforcement are taking, in

other words they are doing about all they can. its not possible to

protect everyone 24/7 but they are trying. i personally like proactive

personal responsibility approach rather than blaming the govt.

In NF2_Crew , " Sherri Park " wrote:

> Cindy, I am feeling a bit panicky about all the terror news and

maybe a bit

> more so after seeing the UN inspector's address to the security

cons. I am

> wondering if we have given enough time to Saddam and now Blix

suggest we

> give them more time. To me this is just the more time they need to


> prepare. I can only hope that all of you will use this more time to


> prepare. I dont know if you feel the plastic, duct tape, water, etc


> necessary, but I know that I will take some steps in that direction.

I also

> know that I will use the 'more time' to better prepare myself to

adjust to

> living the life necessary during this time.


> Matt, I do not agree with you feelings about our present



> Sherri

> Re: terror



> In a message dated 2/13/2003 12:01:10 PM Eastern Standard Time,

> cinnyd@t... writes:



> is anyone else feeling a bit panicky about all this terror news?



> We are living under a manipulative administration. Recall that at


> crucial moments when Americans were wavering in their support of


> single mindedness, codes conveniently were raised and a heightened

sense of

> fear was manufactured.

> Do all you can do. Nothing, except live your life. Do not let


> mongers, whether they be Osama, Saddam, or Bush, manipulate you in

order to

> advance their own agendas.

> Matt


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do you realize that by putting all these possibilities in the media

and right in our faces we are taking away the element of surprise for

the terrorist thugs. thats whatthey want, to shock and outrage. the

more i think about themore i like the idea of playing it up in the

media. better than whining afterwards.

In NF2_Crew , BMP300@a... wrote:

> In a message dated 2/14/2003 10:20:12 AM Central Standard Time,

> borrrris@a... writes:


> > . Do not let fear mongers, whether they be Osama, Saddam, or


> > manipulate you in order to advance their own agendas.

> > Matt

> >


> Well spoken and right on target, Matt.


> Bette

> Bette Mentz-

> http://www.geocities.com/dragons_coming/ " >The Dragons are


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I'm a little scared also. Not for myself because I live

in the hills of Arkansas. The big cities I'm most afraid for.

( husband x -Marine ) he is most worried about the

coast lines. There are a lot of people panicking. Buying

all kinds of things at stores. I think after 9/11 we are almost

ready for anything. I sure hope we are.

I know I'm opening a can of beans here.

Why are Americans so hated around the world?

I was told not to long ago that countries just join us

because they fear us. Not that they really believe in

what we are doing.

I guess I'm just stupid but I really thought we were loved

around the world.

It's weird but the same countries we send millions of

dollars of aid and money want us dead.

I know the American people don't have a cold heart.

Where have we gone wrong ? Are we sticking our

noses in places we shouldn't because of oil?

Is it because we really care about the inhumanities

that's really going on in those counties?

I know when I see those pictures of starving babies

and mistreatment of women I just cry.

But our answer to it is to bomb them?

I know I know you have to look at the big picture.

I guess I will go to my grave not understanding this.

Yes I know our vets and old vets would be steaming mad by now.

They would say look at how many American Vets

have given their lives to fight for our freedom.

I haven't forgotton, no American ever will.

My regards for vets are the highest regards.

So we continue to do what we think is right.

We go into war and fight for people who can't fight

for themselves and the world still hates us.

well I guess I would rather be hated then to give up

caring about other people and holding on to our

freedoms that enjoy every day.

Joyce M.

-- RE: terror

There's better chances that NF will kill you than that you'll die as avictim of terrorism.PeteAlways full of sunshiney news-----Original Message----- Sent: Thursday, February 13, 2003 12:00 PMTo: NF2_Crew Subject: terroris anyone else feeling a bit panicky about all this terror news? Imtrying to control it but its getting to me. like why bother withschool or anything...

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Ahh finally an area where I have a little expertise, I've been involved in

Civil Defense, studied some of the history of Civil Defense (especially from

the 60's), shared a laugh or two at some of the steps they took back then.

The first and foremost rule of any of these actions: Most people equate

some action (i.e.: buying plastic sheeting, ducking and covering from the

Nuke) as more assuring than no action at all. Even if the experts know that

this really won't do much.

Some of the things they suggest, are very practical and we should do

anyways. Being prepared if the electric/gas/water goes off for days. Having

a way to listen to Announcements like where a shelter is? For us deaf, that

really means finding a hearing person to latch on to because chances are

your not going to find a battery operated captioned TV.

Now I won't say that some of the things they have listed are truly

ineffective, but myself, I probably won't be stocking up on plastic sheeting

and duct tape. As has been already pointed out, chances are you won't have

much/if any forewarning to put it up before an attack happens. Even if you

do, most of these things last longer than you will in your plastic room.

Now the flip side of that is, it might make you feel better to be prepared

in that way so go to it. There's actually a chance that it might do some


Just as an aside though, save your money and don't buy any surplus gas

masks. Most of them are totally ineffective to the chemicals and germs of

today. The ones that are effective, cost A LOT and there is still the

improbability that you will get it on in time.


Re: terror



> In a message dated 2/13/2003 12:01:10 PM Eastern Standard Time,

> cinnyd@t... writes:



> is anyone else feeling a bit panicky about all this terror news?



> We are living under a manipulative administration. Recall that at


> crucial moments when Americans were wavering in their support of


> single mindedness, codes conveniently were raised and a heightened

sense of

> fear was manufactured.

> Do all you can do. Nothing, except live your life. Do not let


> mongers, whether they be Osama, Saddam, or Bush, manipulate you in

order to

> advance their own agendas.

> Matt


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