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There are alternatives to a hysterectomy that will allow you to keep

your fertility, such as the myomectomy. (IF you do choose to go for

a hysterectomy at any time, there are different types). Whatever you

do, don't actually put your name down for a hysterectomy in haste to

repent at leisure. You can easily tell the gynaecologist you need a

bit longer to make your decision.

Make a note of where you were in your menstrual cycle when you have

an ultrasound test, as it may help to determine if cyst is just a

normal menstrual cycle cyst or not).

I personally think it makes sense to ask the gynaecologist and GP

all the questions that are very specific to your own case and their

specialisms and attitudes. General information about what fibroids

are and what a treatment involves can be easily found on the

internet, the forums and in the many fibroid books.

Be very honest with the GP and gynaecologist to avoid problems such

as inappropriate treatments and prescriptions and to enable them to

help fix symptom problems better.

Depo gets mentioned in some fibroid books. These are fibroid

symptoms you've listed. I don't know either way if headaches are.

Make sure other possible causes are eliminated too, even when

something is definitely fibroid symptom as some people still have a

symptom after their operation recovery.

You also don't HAVE to have an operation at all. Many women just

live with the fibroids, keeping an eye on changes and reading up on

the treatment options further. Treatment options may be better when

they're not too big though.

Some fibroid books give an outline of different treatment options,

explain symptoms and what a fibroid is. Other types of books focus

on natural progesterone, like a sales pitch. Another type of fibroid

book explore the topic in a more spiritual emotional way...a bit new



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  • 8 months later...

Thank you very much-

I just got home from my in-laws and it was very cold were they

were-it got to a high of like 10 degrees or something- where I am is

cold as well but not that cold.. I had my hand bundled up in several

mittens. I hope you are not having too much pain! I am sorry it is

in both hands! Well I have to go now- my attorney's office called me

tonight to say that my attorney left their firm 2 days ago and has

all my file- she started her own practice- great news as the new

year comes- now I have to figure out which folks to go with and who

will be the best to handle my work comp case- Good grief- I can't go

without one because I could loose my doctor's care and as we all

know to well- we need our doctors

Hope you have a good New Year if I don't get back on before then -

thnaks for the reply!


> Hi all

> I am new here- Not new with RCD/CRPS... I just had my 3rd Stelli

> Block and hopeful that it will help! would keep my fingers crossed-

> only my left hand hasn't really cooperated since 03-04-2003- the


> I injured it... I won't write too much as I am sure tired of


> to type tonight- it takes me a while. Also I have a 5 month old


> is finally asleep- which is another factor in my drive to get

> better. I am not sure what these post type/chat rooms are like but

> thought it was worth a shot- I am sick of talking with friends and

> loved ones about it- and I am sure they are tired of the injury


> too... thanks for reading









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Thank you for replying..

It is so nice to see that people are out there like you! I don't

feel so isolated and alone- I really appreciate this forum! Well I

have to tend to my little one- not quite asleep like I thought :)

I am not sure how to check to see who all replies to my messages so

I hope I dont' offend anyone by not responding or not being quick

enough.. I just got home from Christmas at my in-laws...

I hope this e-mail finds you well!


And thanks for the name of the woman who has a child as well! Maybe

I can get some tips!

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Hi my name is Dawn and wanted to welcome you to the group! So sorry I did not do this sooner, but did not realize you were here until now!

I feel terrible with all the pain you are going thru and you have a small child. Does your family or husband help you much? I hope so, because I have it in my right knee and also have MS and major back problems and if I did not have my Mom nearby right now I would be in the nut house!!! I have been in the most incredible pain the last 48 hours that if I cannot be seen by my pain doc today, then I must go to the ER to get some help for this pain!!! It is ridiculous that none of my meds are even touching the pain at this moment and if I got three hours of sleep last night that would have been a lot!

What type of doctors do you see? Do they believe in RSD? I know that so many on here have a problem finding doctors that believe in this illness! I was suppose to take an injection last night for my MS, but could not because it causes inflamation and know that my back pain would only get 100 times worse and would end up calling the ambulance!!! Well I won't keep telling you about my problems and will try and talk to you once I am feeling a little better.

Just wanted to say welcome and you will find that the men and women in this group are by far the best you will ever meet!!! I have truley met friends for life on here and would not change it for the world!! I thank God everyday for leading to these wonderful people!! You will also find that so many on here have an incredible knowledge of RSD and so many other illnesses that it is so easy to ask them for help!!! Take Care and I wish you and your family a Happy and Healthy coming New Year!!! LOL and Best Wishes Always!!!!


P.S. Please tell us your first name if you do not mind? It just makes things easier and more homey when you do that! Thanks

mle24@... wrote:

Thank you very much- I just got home from my in-laws and it was very cold were they were-it got to a high of like 10 degrees or something- where I am is cold as well but not that cold.. I had my hand bundled up in several mittens. I hope you are not having too much pain! I am sorry it is in both hands! Well I have to go now- my attorney's office called me tonight to say that my attorney left their firm 2 days ago and has all my file- she started her own practice- great news as the new year comes- now I have to figure out which folks to go with and who will be the best to handle my work comp case- Good grief- I can't go without one because I could loose my doctor's care and as we all know to well- we need our doctorsHope you have a good New Year if I don't get back on before then - thnaks for the reply!MLE> Hi all> I am new here- Not new with RCD/CRPS... I just had my 3rd Stelli > Block and hopeful that it will help! would keep my fingers crossed-> only my left hand hasn't really cooperated since 03-04-2003- the day > I injured it... I won't write too much as I am sure tired of trying > to type tonight- it takes me a while. Also I have a 5 month old who > is finally asleep- which is another factor in my drive to get > better. I am not sure what these post

type/chat rooms are like but > thought it was worth a shot- I am sick of talking with friends and > loved ones about it- and I am sure they are tired of the injury talk > too... thanks for reading> > MLE> > > > > >

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MLE you can go into your profile if you want to and click on send all e-mails, that way you can tell who is responding to you, or you can jump into any conversation going, if it is meant to be private then the parties that are having the conversation would e-mail each other.

I am glad that you don't feel alone anymore, that is what it felt like to me too. I now feel like I have a second family.

So like I believe I have said before, feel free to get a cup of and join in, you are among friends and don't worry about offending me if I ask you a question and you don't respond, I probably had forgotten that the I asked you a question.

take care,


-- Re: New here

Thank you for replying..It is so nice to see that people are out there like you! I don't feel so isolated and alone- I really appreciate this forum! Well I have to tend to my little one- not quite asleep like I thought :) I am not sure how to check to see who all replies to my messages so I hope I dont' offend anyone by not responding or not being quick enough.. I just got home from Christmas at my in-laws... I hope this e-mail finds you well!MLEAnd thanks for the name of the woman who has a child as well! Maybe I can get some tips!

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  • 4 weeks later...


I'm glad that you found us, and glad that you feel able to get back into a group.

My deepest and most sincere sympathies on the loss of your daughter.

Hope to see you posting more soon!



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Hi , nice to meet you. I am new here too. My name is Faye. I have a daughter that is the same age as you are. You sound like you have a great positive attitude and outlook, for one who is so young and has suffered so much heartbreak already in life. Also remember to keep a sense of humour....

In honour of meeting you, I would like to send the enormous amount of snow we have here - especially the amount in and around my driveway - down to North Carolina, and because you seem so nice - to NOT your driveway, but rather your lawn or some other similar 'catch all'.

Take care, nice to meet you, Faye

Hi everyone!My name is , I am 25yrs old , married almost 6 yrs and have been suffering from RSD since April 2001.

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Welcome back. I've been here since about May after having been

diagnosed with RSD when I sprained my wrist back October 2003. Since

then I have been through the usual routes of treatment from therapy,

to injections, med alterations and patches. I was out of work for 6

months because as an aide in a nursing home not being able to use

your hands and arms can pretty much render you useless. I am back a

few hours a day working with Staff Education tracking inservices and

coordinating new employee education.

Im sorry to hear of your losses and the depression that came with it

all but Im glad to see that you are making your way back and it

sounds like you have a very upbeat attitude now and a wonderful

support system.

As far as the snow goes...I live here in Massachusetts and I've had

enough fill of the white stuff for this year so I'll gladly send it

your way. This morning its a whopping 3 degrees at 6:15am!! I have to

go out in about an hour and I am dreading it already!

Anyway, welcome back and I cant wait to learn more about you.


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Welcome to the group. I'm very sorry about the loss of your daughter. So sad. I hope that you will find the group to be the warm supportive bunch of folks that I have. Regarding the RSD, are you currently receiving any treatment? Barbara wrote:

Hi everyone!My name is , I am 25yrs old , married almost 6 yrs and have been suffering from RSD since April 2001.

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Hi ,

I'm new to the board too. I'm sorry you've been through so much the

past few years - life can be so hard sometimes. I hope that things

continue to look up for you and that you get some much-

needed " breathing room " from all the difficulties you've been

experiencing. Sounds like living in the country is a good start :)

Wish I could.

Hope you get lots of snow this weekend!



> Hi everyone!


> My name is , I am 25yrs old , married almost 6 yrs and have

> been suffering from RSD since April 2001. i was having alot of

> tragedies and hard times and after our baby daughter passed away


> Feb...I couldnt be in a group any longer. I went through a


> bout of depression as you could imagine and was living in


> which is very very costly to live in.


> I am better now. My husband and I packed up and moved to


> where it is much cheaper to live, we are no longer smack dab in a

> city but way out in the gorgous country side. I love it here and

> after all we have gone through the past 6 yrs weare finally having

> things look up. So i had hoped to rejoin and reconnect with some


> you as well as meet new people.


> My rsd is a result of a fall down a flight of stairs in April

2001, i

> am uninsured so have to pay all medical costs out of pocket and am

> fighting SSD...The rsd is in my right knee and I was walking with


> crutches, unable to bear weight for 2 1/2 yrs and now am able to


> with one crutch but cant seem to walk without it. I am wanting to


> walking with a cane but my leg is so weak i just cant seem to do


> yet but I am hoping i will be able to.


> well sorry this is a quick post..Ive been wanting snow so badly,

> being from up north and all and it looks like we're finally going


> get some. Sorry for such a short post-take care and thanks for

> letting me back in. Bye for now!











> Archambeault


> Owner/modertor- RSDcrpsFriends & ChronicPainConditions Support

> Groups on Yahoogroups.com.http://www.geocities.com/rachaelcutie79

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  • 11 months later...

Kathleen at least the Cushing's is now under control. Do you see an

Endocrinologist for both? I would have thought you would have a better A1C

than when the Cushing's was uncontrolled. What were your A1C's like before,

and how long have you had diabetes.


Bev Thoman wife to Rex T2 dx Oct 21, 2005, 1st A1C 11.8 (?LADA?) Meds:

Metformin 1500 mg, Avandia 4 mg, Micardis 40 mg, LOW Carb diet (usually

about 75 g per day) bg now averaging about 200 (with a lot of fluctuation),

but trying to get close to 100 - 120, and an A1c of 5.5 - 6

Go Navy!!!!!!!!



My name is Kathleen and I have type 2 diabetes. So far I have been

primarily diet control and/or oral medications. I just got the results

of my latest H-A1C today and I feel like crying, it was 8.9. Why is

that going up as I am finally starting to lose some weight? For quite

awhile I couldn't lose weight due to Cushing's Syndrome, but now my

Cushing's is controlled.

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> My name is Kathleen and I have type 2 diabetes. So far I have been

> primarily diet control and/or oral medications. I just got the results

> of my latest H-A1C today and I feel like crying, it was 8.9. Why is

> that going up as I am finally starting to lose some weight?

Welcome, Kathleen. What do you mean by " diet control " ? The high carb

ADA diet or a low carb diet?

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I guess you would say it was low carb, mostly meats and vegetables.


> > My name is Kathleen and I have type 2 diabetes. So far I have been

> > primarily diet control and/or oral medications. I just got the


> > of my latest H-A1C today and I feel like crying, it was 8.9. Why is

> > that going up as I am finally starting to lose some weight?


> Welcome, Kathleen. What do you mean by " diet control " ? The high carb

> ADA diet or a low carb diet?


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This is the highest A1C that I have ever had. I started off with

somewhere around a 6.9, then 7.0, then 7.4, then 8.0, and now 8.9. I

forget some of the other readings.

I was diagnosed in Oct. 2000 just three months after major surgery

for a 9cm malignant Adrenal Tumor.



> Kathleen at least the Cushing's is now under control. Do you see an

> Endocrinologist for both? I would have thought you would have a

better A1C

> than when the Cushing's was uncontrolled. What were your A1C's

like before,

> and how long have you had diabetes.







> Bev Thoman wife to Rex T2 dx Oct 21, 2005, 1st A1C 11.8 (?LADA?)


> Metformin 1500 mg, Avandia 4 mg, Micardis 40 mg, LOW Carb diet


> about 75 g per day) bg now averaging about 200 (with a lot of


> but trying to get close to 100 - 120, and an A1c of 5.5 - 6


> Go Navy!!!!!!!!


> _____




> Hello,

> My name is Kathleen and I have type 2 diabetes. So far I have been

> primarily diet control and/or oral medications. I just got the


> of my latest H-A1C today and I feel like crying, it was 8.9. Why is

> that going up as I am finally starting to lose some weight? For


> awhile I couldn't lose weight due to Cushing's Syndrome, but now my

> Cushing's is controlled.


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At 12:24 AM 12/28/05, kathleenataylor wrote:

>I guess you would say it was low carb, mostly meats and vegetables.

Not all vegetables are low carb. Potatoes, for instance, are worse than

just spooning in pure sugar. Corn (which is actually a grain) is high in

carbs, as are things like winter squash, peas, and carrots. A favorite

saying here is " YMMV " which means " Your Milage May Vary " . That is, some

find they don't spike or at least don't spike badly with some of the

high-carb veggies in limited portions and some of us just can't even THINK

about eating them. For instance, many find raw carrots are okay for them

(but not cooked ones). I can eat a small serving of winter squash like

Acorn Squash or Butternut Squash without my numbers going too high

after. So the question is, what vegetables are you eating?


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I think you said you are loosing weight finally. If that is recent, it

may just take some time for your A1c to reflect that. How are your

daily readings?

> >

> > Kathleen at least the Cushing's is now under control. Do you see


> > Endocrinologist for both? I would have thought you would have a

> better A1C

> > than when the Cushing's was uncontrolled. What were your A1C's

> like before,

> > and how long have you had diabetes.

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Well then, the next question is, what meds are you taking and how much?

Possibly you need a larger dose of something.

Is regular exercise part of your program?

Are any high GI carby foods part of your regular diet -- such as

anything made with grains (cereal, pasta, breads), root vegetables or


Another question...how much overweight were you at diagnosis? Do you

have a family history of diabetes? A possible explanation is that you're

LADA (latent autoimmune diabetes in adults -- essentially type 1, adult

onset). With LADA, meds may work for a while but then they stop

working, which is what seems to have happened with you.

LADA is often misdiagnosed as type 2.


Re: New Here

>I guess you would say it was low carb, mostly meats and vegetables.

> Kathleen



>> > My name is Kathleen and I have type 2 diabetes. So far I have been

>> > primarily diet control and/or oral medications. I just got the

> results

>> > of my latest H-A1C today and I feel like crying, it was 8.9. Why is

>> > that going up as I am finally starting to lose some weight?


>> Welcome, Kathleen. What do you mean by " diet control " ? The high

>> carb

>> ADA diet or a low carb diet?









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My fasting level this morning was 164, so for breakfast I had lettuce

with beets and hard-boiled eggs. I was hoping that a breakfast like

that would bring it blood sugar down a little more.


> > >

> > > Kathleen at least the Cushing's is now under control. Do you


> an

> > > Endocrinologist for both? I would have thought you would have


> > better A1C

> > > than when the Cushing's was uncontrolled. What were your A1C's

> > like before,

> > > and how long have you had diabetes.


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I'm allergic to peas and celery, so I have been avoiding them (the

doctor just diagnosed those allergies in August). I eat a lot of

broccoli and tomatoes, but I also eat corn, dried beans, green beans,

beets, saurkraut, lettuce, carrots (I love raw carrots), occasionally

potatoes. Sometimes other things like cucumbers, squash, peppers.



> >I guess you would say it was low carb, mostly meats and vegetables.


> Not all vegetables are low carb. Potatoes, for instance, are worse


> just spooning in pure sugar. Corn (which is actually a grain) is

high in

> carbs, as are things like winter squash, peas, and carrots. A


> saying here is " YMMV " which means " Your Milage May Vary " . That is,


> find they don't spike or at least don't spike badly with some of


> high-carb veggies in limited portions and some of us just can't

even THINK

> about eating them. For instance, many find raw carrots are okay for


> (but not cooked ones). I can eat a small serving of winter squash


> Acorn Squash or Butternut Squash without my numbers going too high

> after. So the question is, what vegetables are you eating?


> sky


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I have been taking Avandia 4mg, but the doctor just changed my meds

yesterday and now I'm on Avandia 8mg and Glucophage 500mg.

I haven't been exercising due to arthritis and fibromyalgia issues,

but I want to try walking (perhaps indoors, so that my asthma won't

be affected).

I am allergic to wheat and yeast, so I don't eat any bread, pasta, or

cereal. I do eat rice, it's my main starch. I also eat rice cakes

quite often. Sometimes I eat potatoes, but I eat carrots fairly often.

I can't remember for sure how much I weighed when I was diagnosed,

but I'm guessing that it was around 250 - 260 and the doctor would

like to see me get down to roughly 150.

There is a heavy family history of diabetes on my mother's side (we

traced it back 5 generations). My father became diabetic just several

years before he passed away.


> >> > My name is Kathleen and I have type 2 diabetes. So far I have


> >> > primarily diet control and/or oral medications. I just got the

> > results

> >> > of my latest H-A1C today and I feel like crying, it was 8.9.

Why is

> >> > that going up as I am finally starting to lose some weight?

> >>

> >> Welcome, Kathleen. What do you mean by " diet control " ? The


> >> carb

> >> ADA diet or a low carb diet?

> >>

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >


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In a message dated 12/28/2005 5:35:47 PM Eastern Standard Time,

skydancer9@... writes:

> - sky -


> Old age comes at such a bad time.

So true! Just when you've saved enough to do some of the things you wanted to

do in your youth . . . you can't



" Click on Potpourri for diabetes tests. "

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> I'm allergic to peas and celery, so I have been avoiding them (the

doctor just diagnosed those allergies in August). I eat a lot of

broccoli and tomatoes, but I also eat corn, dried beans, green beans,

beets, saurkraut, lettuce, carrots (I love raw carrots), occasionally

potatoes. Sometimes other things like cucumbers, squash, peppers.>>

Hi Kathleen and welcome to the list~!

In the vegetable department, we each vary so much that the only way to find out

which ones affect you is to do frequent testing. Do you test 1 & 2 hours after

eating to see what the various vegetables do to your BGs?

What a bummer that you're allergic to celery. It's practically a free food, carb


Corn and tomatoes usually spike " most " of us. Since tomatoes are so good for us,

I do have them, just in less quantity now, and I use rapid acting insulin when I

eat them. If you have an aversion to needles, there are medications that can be

used if you know you will be having a meal that spikes you. I think the newer

meds for this are Starlix and Prandin.

You mentioned beets. Aren't they higher in carbs than some veggies? I'm guessing

at this one. I just remember them being called sugar beets. I may be way off

target here. I have tham so rarely and in low quantity, I never looked up their

carb content.

Best to you,

in OH


t2 dx 8/03

WOE. Lantus. Novolog

Last HbA1c 5.5

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I had no idea that tomatoes could raise blood sugar. I'm about to the

point that I don't know what to eat anymore between allergies (wheat,

yeast, barley, celery, and peas), 3 doctors have ordered me not to

eat any beef (it raises my cortisol levels), low-sodium due to

Cushing's Syndrome, and this impossible to figure out diabetes diet.



> Hi Kathleen and welcome to the list~!


> In the vegetable department, we each vary so much that the only way

to find out which ones affect you is to do frequent testing. Do you

test 1 & 2 hours after eating to see what the various vegetables do

to your BGs?


> What a bummer that you're allergic to celery. It's practically a

free food, carb wise.


> Corn and tomatoes usually spike " most " of us. Since tomatoes are so

good for us, I do have them, just in less quantity now, and I use

rapid acting insulin when I eat them. If you have an aversion to

needles, there are medications that can be used if you know you will

be having a meal that spikes you. I think the newer meds for this are

Starlix and Prandin.


> You mentioned beets. Aren't they higher in carbs than some veggies?

I'm guessing at this one. I just remember them being called sugar

beets. I may be way off target here. I have tham so rarely and in low

quantity, I never looked up their carb content.


> Best to you,

> in OH

> grammyDx2@n...

> t2 dx 8/03

> WOE. Lantus. Novolog

> Last HbA1c 5.5



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Okay, Kathleen, rice -- brown or white, doesn't seem to matter -- makes

most of our BGs rise. Maybe it won't with you but it's worth a test.

Some kinds of beans also will raise BGs, again try testing before, 1 and

2 hours after meal then you'll know. Try testing it in isolation or

with other foods that you already know how they affect your BGs for a

clear picture. Rice cakes will usually cause BG rise. If you need

crunchy, try pork rinds - a lot of us have no problem with those at all.

Sauerkraut is excellent and usually doesn't raise BGs. You might also

try cabbage, either steamed or raw. Cooked carrots usually raise BGs but

raw not so much.

It does sound like you're a bonafide type 2, so much for my suggestion

about LADA, smile.


Re: New Here

>I have been taking Avandia 4mg, but the doctor just changed my meds

> yesterday and now I'm on Avandia 8mg and Glucophage 500mg.


> I haven't been exercising due to arthritis and fibromyalgia issues,

> but I want to try walking (perhaps indoors, so that my asthma won't

> be affected).


> I am allergic to wheat and yeast, so I don't eat any bread, pasta, or

> cereal. I do eat rice, it's my main starch. I also eat rice cakes

> quite often. Sometimes I eat potatoes, but I eat carrots fairly often.


> I can't remember for sure how much I weighed when I was diagnosed,

> but I'm guessing that it was around 250 - 260 and the doctor would

> like to see me get down to roughly 150.


> There is a heavy family history of diabetes on my mother's side (we

> traced it back 5 generations). My father became diabetic just several

> years before he passed away.

> Kathleen



>> >> > My name is Kathleen and I have type 2 diabetes. So far I have

> been

>> >> > primarily diet control and/or oral medications. I just got the

>> > results

>> >> > of my latest H-A1C today and I feel like crying, it was 8.9.

> Why is

>> >> > that going up as I am finally starting to lose some weight?

>> >>

>> >> Welcome, Kathleen. What do you mean by " diet control " ? The

> high

>> >> carb

>> >> ADA diet or a low carb diet?

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Watch out for the beets - they're a root veggie and may cause BG rise.

You might as well have some bacon, ham or sausage with those eggs.

If you can find lowcarb tortillas, some aren't bad tasting and fill the

place where the breakfast toast used to be. They're also good for

roll-ups or burritos - or even cinnamon toast made with Splenda.


Re: New Here

> My fasting level this morning was 164, so for breakfast I had lettuce

> with beets and hard-boiled eggs. I was hoping that a breakfast like

> that would bring it blood sugar down a little more.

> Kathleen



>> > >

>> > > Kathleen at least the Cushing's is now under control. Do you

> see

>> an

>> > > Endocrinologist for both? I would have thought you would have

> a

>> > better A1C

>> > > than when the Cushing's was uncontrolled. What were your A1C's

>> > like before,

>> > > and how long have you had diabetes.



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