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Re: Re: Adrenal support---what are you using

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I made leaps and bounds of recovery from a verbally abusive father. So put that

on top of the thyroid causing feelings of ineptness and the scared feelings, I

should know that I am doing pretty good!


Re: Re: Adrenal support---what are you using

In a message dated 1/14/2005 8:42:08 AM Eastern Standard Time,

martian.303@... writes:

> but don't those of us still searching for our armour to be up'd and our

> drs. to listen to us have that feeling? seriously - I have those feelings. I

> figure they're because I am so frustrated going from doctor to doctor and

> thinking I've finally hit the right dr. - and then they don't follow through.


> feel like my life is in limbo with this thyroid thing and get to a point that


> just want to give up.


that may be the reason now....but I had that impending doom feeling way back

in my 30s when i was still relatively healthy overall...and had absolutely no

reason to feel scared or anything. it was the hashimoto's affecting my brain.

and had nothing to do with reality.


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I wish my husband understood.

Will it get better when I get optimally treated?


Re: Re: Adrenal support---what are you using

In a message dated 1/14/2005 8:43:32 AM Eastern Standard Time,

martian.303@... writes:

> I shouldn't be - I know there is no reason to be, but I can't help it. I

> just want to stay home.


chris....i understand this feeling totally. that's how it got for me.

" social withdrawal " is the way the symptom is listed. and then the associated

anxiety when you do go out.


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This is so interesting to me that this is a hypo symptom. I feel so much better

knowing this. I know in my heart, there are no reasons to be afraid - or to not

go places. Maybe I can feel better and my hubby and I can go on a vacation!! we

need one! It is so much easier to just stay home.


Re: Re: Adrenal support---what are you using

In a message dated 1/14/2005 11:22:14 AM Eastern Standard Time,

bcmc@... writes:

> Does that feeling ever go away!!!!.This is a big problem for me.Use

> to be free...now I am a shaking little bird...


the answer is yes. Now i don't mean that you will never struggle at times

with going out and not being nervous and such....but overall, this feeling is

mostly over for me. The nervousness I might have now when out has more to do

with worrying about my energy and stamina level. I do have to be aware of

those times when I'm a little " off " and not push myself to do some things when


feeling a bit tired...but by and large, I can enjoy most everything without

being nervous or anxious and trembly and such.


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The phone doesn't bother me. But I find myself preferring to talk to people in

person. Sometimes I sit myself down and say - self - why drive 20 minutes to

find out what you can learn on the phone.

and - I used to always be out of the house - now, I am rarely out of the house.

total flip flop.

my dad would never make phone calls - I used to always have to make them for

him. So I still find myself in that role and don't mind phone calls - just

prefer to see the person. I get nervous about that too.


Re: Re: Adrenal support---what are you using

In a message dated 1/14/2005 11:52:43 AM Eastern Standard Time,

kzlists@... writes:

> . Phone phobia is also a biggie for me.


oh wow... i had that bad...and even now, still don't like to be on the phone

too much. even after i started treatment...i would get on the phone and get

so short of breath i could hardly talk and i think it was just an inner

nervousness about being on the phone. it was weird...because i used to NEVER

have a

problem with the phone. for a while there, i was having to get my husband to

make some calls for me. it's better now. but i still limit using the phone

if possible.


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>>It is so much easier to just stay home. <<

Listen to that statement... Kind of like me and it is too much work to live.

BOTH things require energy above normal breathing and eating... THIS is why it

is a hypo symptom. Your body tells your mind not to do ANYTHING as it is

conserving all the little energy it has just to keep functioning, just bodily

functions use every scrap of energy you have. As your thyroid levels improve, so

does your energy levels and your ability to do other things than just survive. I

am still not going out dancing, but I am doing alot more around the house, and

actually went to visit a friend last week. I haven;t done any friend visiting in

over 5 years! I am planning a trip to sburg next week. I am hoping to meet

Kathy up there! WOW I am socializing again!!! I know it is only 2 trips, but

THAT is something when I haven;t done it in ?????? long!

*Artistic Grooming * Hurricane, WV

Fat cat? Diabetes? Listowner for overweight or hypothyroid cats



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the gal I met who got hypo after childbirth and is trying to be treated properly

- I gave her papers and websites. Today she said, she realizes she's been hypo a

lot longer than from just after the birth of her last baby. She is just amazed

at everything. But not amazed enough to switch to a better doctor - yet!


Re: Re: Adrenal support---what are you using

yes its funny how as soon as I gave birth I developed the hyperthyroid, and

now you know what I think you might be right maybe i had this all my life,

WOW you guys are amazing,,,,,,

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Same here!


Re: Re: Adrenal support---what are you using

In a message dated 1/14/2005 11:22:14 AM Eastern Standard Time,

bcmc@... writes:

> Does that feeling ever go away!!!!.This is a big problem for me.Use

> to be free...now I am a shaking little bird...


the answer is yes. Now i don't mean that you will never struggle at times

with going out and not being nervous and such....but overall, this feeling is

mostly over for me. The nervousness I might have now when out has more to do

with worrying about my energy and stamina level. I do have to be aware of

those times when I'm a little " off " and not push myself to do some things when


feeling a bit tired...but by and large, I can enjoy most everything without

being nervous or anxious and trembly and such.


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I think there are so many of us who feel this way. It is truly amazing to me how

far reaching thyroid problems are. And with this said - I am amazed that doctors

don't know this - that somewhere, someone would learn this and teach it in med



Re: Re: Adrenal support---what are you using

Cris...I was hoping armour would help me with my anxiety as

well.That was one main reason for my switch.Your posts that I have read

seem as if I have written word for word myself.You sound so much like me.


Cris wrote:

> I have never puked - felt like it - but never did. I have hoped that

> this would get better on the armour. I usually end up running to the

> bathroom - and as constipated as I usually am, it takes a lot of

> nervousness to make that happen!!

> Cris

> ------------------------------------------------------------------------

> *

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That is good!!

I force myself to do certain things. And there are 3 of us who meet for lunch

about every month or so. We always enjoy ourselves. But I even find myself

avoiding the grocery store now.


Re: Re: Adrenal support---what are you using

>>It is so much easier to just stay home. <<

Listen to that statement... Kind of like me and it is too much work to live.

BOTH things require energy above normal breathing and eating... THIS is why it

is a hypo symptom. Your body tells your mind not to do ANYTHING as it is

conserving all the little energy it has just to keep functioning, just bodily

functions use every scrap of energy you have. As your thyroid levels improve, so

does your energy levels and your ability to do other things than just survive. I

am still not going out dancing, but I am doing alot more around the house, and

actually went to visit a friend last week. I haven;t done any friend visiting in

over 5 years! I am planning a trip to sburg next week. I am hoping to meet

Kathy up there! WOW I am socializing again!!! I know it is only 2 trips, but

THAT is something when I haven;t done it in ?????? long!

*Artistic Grooming * Hurricane, WV

Fat cat? Diabetes? Listowner for overweight or hypothyroid cats



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my mom was so happy when I was around 19 and realized that I wasn't stupid. Back

then, I had no idea that this wasn't how everybody's dad treated them. And my

poor mom. It all has an affect, and probably makes the thyroid feelings that

much worse.


Re: Re: Adrenal support---what are you using

Hi cris, well I also had a very abusive stepdad which was a plain @ss! aghh

that has to do alot with my social phobia and feelings of being scared.

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goodie goodie goodie!!

I'll known in a few days if my dr. will up my armour or not. If she doesn't, I

up it myself.


Re: Re: Adrenal support---what are you using

In a message dated 1/14/2005 5:41:52 PM Eastern Standard Time,

martian.303@... writes:

> I wish my husband understood.

> Will it get better when I get optimally treated?


yes. much better.


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I'm going to mention this to my doctor too - and tell her that i know it is a

hypo symptom. she if she laughs at me!!


Re: Re: Adrenal support---what are you using

In a message dated 1/14/2005 5:42:36 PM Eastern Standard Time,

martian.303@... writes:

> This is so interesting to me that this is a hypo symptom

when i got diagnosed...and made the connection between my anxiety and social

withdrawal...i was just blown away...and i kept researching and reading...and

kept finding references to it. it really made me feel better to know. it

helped me understand why i had changed so much over the last 5-10 years in that



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well - I was under an enormous amount of stress when it all hit big time. I may

have been bordering on it before that, but the stress definitely brought it on.

Plus - I had been on male hormones for my endometriosis, and that had a big

affect on me - then the hysterectomy and infection - more stress - and that's

when I ended up with 'chronic fatigue' - epstein barr virus, and so exhaused and

in such a fog..... alas... it was thyroid all along.


Re: Re: Adrenal support---what are you using

In a message dated 1/14/2005 6:11:34 PM Eastern Standard Time,

melly@... writes:

> Hi cris, well I also had a very abusive stepdad which was a plain @ss! aghh


> that has to do alot with my social phobia and feelings of being scared.



there's some research on how stress...sexual abuse...etc....can cause thyroid



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Cris...I was hoping armour would help me with my anxiety as

well.That was one main reason for my switch.Your posts that I have read

seem as if I have written word for word myself.You sound so much like me.


Cris wrote:

> I have never puked - felt like it - but never did. I have hoped that

> this would get better on the armour. I usually end up running to the

> bathroom - and as constipated as I usually am, it takes a lot of

> nervousness to make that happen!!

> Cris

> ------------------------------------------------------------------------

> *

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No, it isn't the same thing. This happened to me before I even truly knew

what Hashi's or Grave's and the like were. I was feeling all this starting

back in 1987, around 6 yrs before ever being diagnosed with any thyroid

disease at all. This is literally how my thyroid disease started out,

except for the progesterone loss coming first, as far as I know. I'm sure

that there was a series of things, but this was THE major one. It was

bewildering to me, happening over and over and never knowing why. Then,

1993, I literally crashed in one day. That was the day that I was getting

nauseated over and over, always at the same time (approximately every 4 hrs

or so, it was like clockwork) as the violent shaking was occurring

(tremors). Right at these 4 hr intervals, would come this sense of " dying " ,

or like I was going to die, then would come these shakes. The most I can

figure this out is that my Hashi's thyroid was flying high for more than 6

yrs (by other details about myself), and it literally crashed in one day.

Before that, I personally think that my trips right off the street into my

then doctor's office with the most dulling horrible headaches I've ever

experienced in my life, not even knowing where I was at, was the middle part

of the prerequisites. The crash itself was in one day. My thyroid did a

crescendo on high output mode for several yrs (skinny, extreme weight loss,

bad free floating anxiety, a sense of IMPENDING DISASTER or DOOM. The day

all these tremors, nausea, etc.....was going on was the last day that I ever

experienced these types of feelings again. This was because my thyroid had

failed. I've heard other people say that they had these feelings on very

bad hypo, but I know that I experienced them first in a hyper stage. Even

though the doctor diagnosed me that day, by drawing blood and determining me

to be hypo, plus treated me with Synthroid, I was very undertreated for the

next 10 yrs, til I switched to Armour. The dry skin and hair, drooping face

and lids, weight gain, absolutely NO energy, started on that one day, I

swear it! Just a few days before that, I was an athlete, a runner,

etc......with tremendous energy.......all that nervous energy too........but

I don't think that I can run around the block now.

Re: Re: Adrenal support---what are you



> yeah - but don't those of us still searching for our armour to be up'd and

our drs. to listen to us have that feeling? seriously - I have those

feelings. I figure they're because I am so frustrated going from doctor to

doctor and thinking I've finally hit the right dr. - and then they don't

follow through. I feel like my life is in limbo with this thyroid thing and

get to a point that I just want to give up.

> Cris

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I admire someone else's embrodering skills, but I had to, I'd be a nervous

wreck too, as I HATE to sew, even though I can, when needed. Just can't

concentrate on things where you sit down and work with your hands.

Re: Re: Adrenal support---what are you



> really? I still get that way. My hubby says I drive him nuts. Anytime we

have to go out with his work or something, I become such a nervous wreck!!

> I went to an embroidery club - first one for me - last saturday. I was so


> I shouldn't be - I know there is no reason to be, but I can't help it. I

just want to stay home.

> Cris

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