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Re: What really drives me crazy

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Am I going to have

> a seventeen year old, acned teen who follows me everywhere? I can't

> take this!

Hmm. I have sixteen year old with nice clear skin who follows me everywhere

talking non-stop. Would the clear skin make a difference? Of course he

needs to lose some weight...

And I have a seven year old who checks up on me constantly but does not

actually follow me.


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> Hmm. I have sixteen year old with nice clear skin who follows me


> talking non-stop. Would the clear skin make a difference? Of

course he

> needs to lose some weight...


> And I have a seven year old who checks up on me constantly but does


> actually follow me.

Oh, Salli, it's, of course, not the acne or the weight, it's the

constant neediness that makes me crazy. And, too, I think, the fact

that I am reading this wonderful, tragic new book about parenting an

Asperger son called Finding Ben by Barbara La Salle. Her son, now

33, reminds me so much of Brandt in these early chapters that it is

uncanny. Yet, because of the foreword, I know that this boy (who

remained undiagnosed until adulthood) ends up in prison, in trouble,

and still a clinging dependent as a 465 pound adult. I think I am

scaring myself by reading it, but I can't help it. I am hooked... It

is like the worst case scenario that runs in my brain all of the

time. The future as it may be...It is a beautiful book, well-

written, and inspiring. She, of course, comes to love this boy as he

is, but I think I am going to shed a few tears in my reading while

she gets herself to that point. This is probably why Brandt tells me

to stop reading those " guide books " (books about autism) because

everytime I do, he gets to find out about new rules. Lol Out of the

mouths of babes, huh? Sorry for the pity party...Leggs

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Zach is Velcro boy too, usually worse in public. I just get tired of

having a perpetual 1 year old. I'd so love to be able to take the

child locks off the doors, be able to go do a load of laundry without

locking him in his room (which usually spawns a tantrum). We are

having better luck lately with getting him to stay with grandma, but

oh how I know to be locked up in the house.

> After some extensive reflection, I have decided what really makes


> nuts about Brandt's diability is his neediness and clinginess.


> birth he has been " Velcro Boy " aka " The Clingon " , and I need some

> space! Now, you all remember that I was a childless 42 year old


> we adopted him and used to my own time and space. Babies have


> terrified me with their neediness, still do, but I thought they

> outgrew it. Brandt never has. He sits on top of me, hangs on my


> everywhere we go and calls out to me every minute of every day. I

> have told he and my dh that I am changing my name to " Dad " so I


> never have to hear my name called again! They, of course, don't


> it! LOL I just wish he could walk up to his bedroom by himself

> without fear of leaving me, play at the neighbor's without


> to check on me, or go to sleep without me right there. Does this

> ever get better? He is seven, for heaven's sake! Am I going to


> a seventeen year old, acned teen who follows me everywhere? I


> take this! Leggs

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> Now for Pete's sake, why are you called Leggs, anyway?

You know, I don't think I ever confessed this one here. In high

school (late sixties/early seventies) I was on the drill team. We

wore these tiny little wool skirts and white boots to perform in and

of course, our daily clothing consisted of mini skirts. I was pretty

tall (5'7 1/2 " ) and very thin, so the skirts in a small enough size

to fit my waist were even shorter than usual. While I was thin, I

had well-developed legs, like a dancer. Muscular, but thin thighs

and huge calves with a raised instep on the foot. (Legs that my

ballet instructor when I was an adult about crapped over, " They are

the perfect ballerina legs! she gushed. Unfortunately, my dancing

ability and coordination never matched those legs! LOL) Well,

anyhow one of the first perfomances of the season, one of my male

friends began caterwauling from the stands, " Go, Leggs Lankston! " (my

maiden name) and it stuck. Soon everyone called me that, male or

female. I might have escaped it when I went away to college, but my

roommate was a friend from high school, who called me that every time

she talked to me, instead of Kathy. It got so bad that even after

college when I began teaching, people would call the school (my

friends, not students' parents) and ask for Leggs Lankston instead of

Kathy Lankston or Miss Lankston. The school secretary even knew who

to get.

Well, they aren't beautiful dancer's legs anymore, due to age and

cellulite, but they are still pretty damn good for an almost fifty

year old if I say so myself. If I can find a pix of them in the old

days, I will post.

Now, aren't you sorry you asked. Leggs aka Kathy

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> Now for Pete's sake, why are you called Leggs, anyway?

You know, I don't think I ever confessed this one here. In high

school (late sixties/early seventies) I was on the drill team. We

wore these tiny little wool skirts and white boots to perform in and

of course, our daily clothing consisted of mini skirts. I was pretty

tall (5'7 1/2 " ) and very thin, so the skirts in a small enough size

to fit my waist were even shorter than usual. While I was thin, I

had well-developed legs, like a dancer. Muscular, but thin thighs

and huge calves with a raised instep on the foot. (Legs that my

ballet instructor when I was an adult about crapped over, " They are

the perfect ballerina legs! she gushed. Unfortunately, my dancing

ability and coordination never matched those legs! LOL) Well,

anyhow one of the first perfomances of the season, one of my male

friends began caterwauling from the stands, " Go, Leggs Lankston! " (my

maiden name) and it stuck. Soon everyone called me that, male or

female. I might have escaped it when I went away to college, but my

roommate was a friend from high school, who called me that every time

she talked to me, instead of Kathy. It got so bad that even after

college when I began teaching, people would call the school (my

friends, not students' parents) and ask for Leggs Lankston instead of

Kathy Lankston or Miss Lankston. The school secretary even knew who

to get.

Well, they aren't beautiful dancer's legs anymore, due to age and

cellulite, but they are still pretty damn good for an almost fifty

year old if I say so myself. If I can find a pix of them in the old

days, I will post.

Now, aren't you sorry you asked. Leggs aka Kathy

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Ack, Leggs, I hear you. at seven was much more clingy than he is

at ten. I used to say to him, Can I have my space PLEASE? I'll pay you

a dollar for five minutes alone. I think part of it is that we " get " our

kids, and they often founder with others who don't know them as well. I

hope it gets better for you soon.



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Ack, Leggs, I hear you. at seven was much more clingy than he is

at ten. I used to say to him, Can I have my space PLEASE? I'll pay you

a dollar for five minutes alone. I think part of it is that we " get " our

kids, and they often founder with others who don't know them as well. I

hope it gets better for you soon.



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-After some extensive reflection, I have decided what really makes me

nuts about Brandt's disability is his neediness and clinginess.

Leggs, I totally understand. I love my boys however just to have 5 minutes to

myself, maybe even go to the bathroom by myself...Now I am dreaming. I must say

that my NT son is worse than . I joke with my husband that it is like a

parade. Everyone is in the living room, I decide to go fold clothes and a parade

of boys leave the living room. I keep saying to myself " love it now because when

they are older, they wont want to be with me at all " but......maybe not


Original Message -----

From: kdminden2001

To: parenting_autism

Sent: Sunday, April 13, 2003 3:35 PM

Subject: What really drives me crazy

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You know, Sissi, this is what my friend Cheryl reminds me every time

I see her. Her son, who is seven and AS, but is completely opposite

from Brandt in that he goes into his room and talks to no one. She

misses her little boy and wants some attention. I want less

attention. Isn't there a happy medium? Leggs

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Leggs, I totally understand. I love my boys however just to have 5

minutes to myself, maybe even go to the bathroom by myself...Now I am

dreaming. I must say that my NT son is worse than . I joke with

my husband that it is like a parade. Everyone is in the living room,

I decide to go fold clothes and a parade of boys leave the living

room. I keep saying to myself " love it now because when they are

older, they wont want to be with me at all " but......maybe not


, i feel like i'm in prison sometimes. He either follows me or

demands to know where I am all of the time. If I tell him that I'm

going to the laundry room and he isn't listening, then I can count on

a completely hysterical,screaming child who searches for " Mom! " all

over the house. He is totally freaked out that I left and didn't

tell him where I went (even when I did.) Every moment of my day at

home is accounted for. He must know where I am at all times. Talk a

walk by myself, go up and read a book in my room? Out of the

question. I must be within sight and available. It makes me tired.










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Leggs, I totally understand. I love my boys however just to have 5

minutes to myself, maybe even go to the bathroom by myself...Now I am

dreaming. I must say that my NT son is worse than . I joke with

my husband that it is like a parade. Everyone is in the living room,

I decide to go fold clothes and a parade of boys leave the living

room. I keep saying to myself " love it now because when they are

older, they wont want to be with me at all " but......maybe not


, i feel like i'm in prison sometimes. He either follows me or

demands to know where I am all of the time. If I tell him that I'm

going to the laundry room and he isn't listening, then I can count on

a completely hysterical,screaming child who searches for " Mom! " all

over the house. He is totally freaked out that I left and didn't

tell him where I went (even when I did.) Every moment of my day at

home is accounted for. He must know where I am at all times. Talk a

walk by myself, go up and read a book in my room? Out of the

question. I must be within sight and available. It makes me tired.










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But why is it spelled like the

> pantyhose?


> Sissi

I guess, Sissi, because of the pantyhose. They were brand new when I

was in high school in those cute little eggs and when someone went to

write me a note, that's how it got spelled. It seemed trendy at the

time. LOL Amazing what went as trendy in the late sixties and

seventies! Leggs

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But why is it spelled like the

> pantyhose?


> Sissi

I guess, Sissi, because of the pantyhose. They were brand new when I

was in high school in those cute little eggs and when someone went to

write me a note, that's how it got spelled. It seemed trendy at the

time. LOL Amazing what went as trendy in the late sixties and

seventies! Leggs

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But why is it spelled like the

> pantyhose?


> Sissi

I guess, Sissi, because of the pantyhose. They were brand new when I

was in high school in those cute little eggs and when someone went to

write me a note, that's how it got spelled. It seemed trendy at the

time. LOL Amazing what went as trendy in the late sixties and

seventies! Leggs

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Hi Sissi,

Thanks for the reminder, this time last year, I would have given anything for

to care where I was

Re: What really drives me crazy

Sometimes I wonder what's worse. A " velcro child " or a child who doesn't

(seem to) know when you're in the room.


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I think they are both extreme and equally disturbing.



Re: What really drives me crazy

Sometimes I wonder what's worse. A " velcro child " or a child who doesn't

(seem to) know when you're in the room.


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, i feel like i'm in prison sometimes. He either follows me or

demands to know where I am all of the time. If I tell him that I'm

going to the laundry room and he isn't listening, then I can count on

a completely hysterical,screaming child who searches for " Mom! " all

over the house. He is totally freaked out that I left and didn't

tell him where I went (even when I did.)



That is so totally what it is like here!!!

I think people must think I'm strange because no matter where we are, home

or not, I ALWAYS tell Jacqui where I'm going, even if it's 5 ft away, in the

same aisle at the bookstore.

Gawd, no wonder I'm a mess.

Penny :/

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Um, not here.

Jacqui will have no part of the washing machine.

We are NOT allowed to run the wash while she is at home.

All laundry MUST be done while she is gone, and if the washer is STILL going

when she arrives home (because of Mom's bad timing), she WILL NOT enter the



Re: What really drives me crazy

> YOU can do LAUNDRY while your CHILD is at HOME!

> Wow! What a luxury.


Sure Penny. You do it with one hanging on your leg whining, " But I

just want to hug yooooooou " , and the other one standing in front of

the open dryer banging the door and screaming, " Ah hepen! " (that's

ese for I help). Piece of cake. :-/

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> After some extensive reflection, I have decided what really makes

> me nuts about Brandt's diability is his neediness and clinginess. >

Okay, went back and found the beginning of this thread.

This is my life, Leggs. has absolute radar...right now, he is

with his tutor and I am hiding in the bedroom because if I am in

sight he will not work AT ALL...and I am told that when I am gone, he

comes to this door and tries to get me to come out.

Every shirt I own is stretched out from being dragged on...one of my

main goals in life is to sit down and watch an entire movie (before 2

am) without getting dragged off somewhere at least 50 times.

is nine, and I don't see it coming soon.


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> >>>>>>>>

> , i feel like i'm in prison sometimes. He either follows me

or demands to know where I am all of the time. If I tell him that I'm

> going to the laundry room and he isn't listening, then I can count

on a completely hysterical,screaming child who searches for " Mom! "

all over the house. He is totally freaked out that I left and didn't

> tell him where I went (even when I did.)

> <<<<<<<<<<


My NT daughter did this from 1 to 3 1/2. She drove me insane.

Absolute hysterics " MOM! MOM! MOM! " And all I did was walk from the

kitchen to the bathroom, about 10 feet. : / My ASD kids didn't care

where I was. I could have left the house and they wouldn't have



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> Absolute hysterics " MOM! MOM! MOM! " And all I did was walk from the

> kitchen to the bathroom, about 10 feet. : / My ASD kids didn't care

> where I was. I could have left the house and they wouldn't have

> noticed.


My two ASD kids were and are very much attached.

I think it is simply a matter of whether or not you are the object of their



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