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Carol, no rain here, just plenty of texas sunshine and heat. Ugg. I am feeling better, not well, though, the antibiotics and meds are working that the GP gave me.

April is 100% well and Amber is holding her own, with her allergies, oak and grass are really bad now, she is trying to hold out until May1, they see their PP then for routine visit.

How are you feeling today?? Still raining?? Marsha

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In a message dated 4/12/02 1:32:08 AM Pacific Daylight Time,


> I called the hospital this morning to see how is doing and the news


> was not good. The nurse said that there has been no improvement and she

> is

> slowly getting worse.

Carol, how did she get this and how old is she? Many prayers being sent your

way.......this is terrible!

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In a message dated 4/13/02 7:08:50 PM Pacific Daylight Time,



> appears to have contracted the strep virus and it got into her blood system


> sending toxins all through her body which caused her to go into shock.


Wow, sounds like a freak thing! I didn't think that strep is that serious!!!

Does she have any other health prob's that may have aggravated this?

(who's sending more prayers Carol's way)

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Thanks Carol, they can use it... They are beside themselves, they still haven't found him :o(

How are you coping today ??? Take Care..

((( Blessed Hugs )))


will continue to pray for that family Helen-so veyr hard ot deal with..,.carol


Being an earth angel doesn’t always involve something major, such as saving a life.

Sometimes we’re just needed to hold a hand, whisper a word of comfort or even provide food or drink.

As one writer put it,

“If People were more like Angels, Earth would be more like Heaven.â€

Think about it during this very special week..


"Encourage one another. Many times a word of praise or thanks or appreciation or cheer has kept people on their feet."



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It's 1:30 am here right now and it is 76*

It is so unreal this time of the year...

The Humidity is terrible... Hard to breath then...

((( Soft Hugs )))



Being an earth angel doesn’t always involve something major, such as saving a life.

Sometimes we’re just needed to hold a hand, whisper a word of comfort or even provide food or drink.

As one writer put it,

“If People were more like Angels, Earth would be more like Heaven.â€

Think about it during this very special week..


"Encourage one another. Many times a word of praise or thanks or appreciation or cheer has kept people on their feet."



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  • 2 weeks later...
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Carol, were you IN that tornado? Oh my gosh, you must have been totally terrified! I am glad that you are ok and that you did not have much damage to your home.

I am so totally grateful that I have never been in a tornade. WHen I lived in SAcramento some years ago, I happened to be outside. The weather was windy and cloudy, but that was normal. Then, I remember hearing something like a train and thinking that the sound was "out of place" because the train tracks were far far away.

Well, about 5 miles away, a tornado hit in Roseville and blew out a window of a car dealership. The tornado, of course, was NOT like something back in the Mid west, but it did frighten us here in Calif.

Twisted metal.....wow....and am glad for insurance too! God bless you! So happy you are safe.


Re: [ ] Tony

Tony, I am sorry to hear that your grandmother passed away. She must have been waiting until you came home. It is so difficult to lose someone because we grieve for our loss even though we know they are no longer suffering. I am glad to know you find comfort in knowing that she is with the angels. The weather has been a real challenge to get out in. You missed the really bad tornado weather a few days ago. My husband insisted we go to the basement. He has never done that in previous tornado warnings. Do you remember the terrible devastation from the tornado that came through Dunwoody and Gwinnett just a few years ago? We were in our other home then and one of the lucky ones with just slight damage, but so much devastation just blocks from us. After the tornado had passed we were crazy enough to get out in the middle of the night to drive to some of my husbands projects as we had heard that the Sugarloaf area had been hard hit. He was building and developing that area. It took hours to get around the downed trees and powerlines. He kept saying he was so thankful for insurance. Some of the buildings that were being built with huge steel beams, the beams had been twisted and pulled out of the concrete. And of course, the Dunwoody area still does not look right, even though rebuilt, all of the beautiful trees are gone. Glad to have you back. Keep us posted on your clinical trial. Carol rmeeks3230@... wrote: Hello Eveyone! I got back home last night. My grandma passed away and we had the burial wednesday. I was going to stay a little longer but I had to get home to handle somethings for my clinical trial. The doctor in New York received my medical records and wants to do a biopsy before I start the treatment to get a better picture as to how much damage is on my liver since my results were so critical so I'm schedule for 6/11/02 at Mount Sinai Hospital. The treatment also has been moved to that Hospital from Cabrini. It was hard for me to see my grandma the way she was but I know she is not suffering anymore and is surrounded by angels. I have some many e-mail's but been trying to read. I noticed that a lot of you are into gardening. Its so precious to read how you are giving each other tips on gardening. While shopping for some flowers for my mom on-line I ran into a rose called "purple tiger" and its beauty caught my attention but unfourtanely they can't prepare a flower arraingement with that flower because the stem is not long enough. I tried to see if I can send it to her to plant on her garden but since that will have soil they don't allow shipping to Puerto Rico from the states. Bert; blue hair , that is so wild; I would have loved to seen you. I saw a young lady not long ago with blue hair which along with that had applied her make-up quite strong and Lord forgive me for saying this but I wanted to ask her is she was going to rehearse for the sequel of the movie "Hairspray" but of course I didn't. I missed you all so much! but as I always do I talked to all my family about you and how special you are in my life. I still have a lot to read here but those of you having procedures soon take good care and my heart will be with you. Harper a lot of us look foward to reading your posts since they are so informative so by all means continue. Carol how you like the weather this morning. I have to go out in it so that should be lots of fun. I hope that all insane drivers will stay put until I get back . Well I got to run for now but you all take good care of yourselfs and let me know how you are doing! God Bless You !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Tony

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it's very complicated but basically she came down with Strep, it turned into

toxic shock syndrome spreading toxins all through her body, she had to be put

on a respirator, her blood pressure dropped to 58/17 and they had to give her

medicine to bring her blood pressure up, the side effect of the medicine was

that it shut down the blood flow to her arms and legs. Her arms recovered

but sadly her feet did not. Gangrene set in and they had no choice but to

amputate. The strep toxins destroyed alot of her skin tissue especially on

the chest, arms and feet. Surgery was done on the chest which is still open

and she will have more surgery to do skin grafting later. Her arms healed

nicely and other than a few spots and having to scrape the bad layer of skin

off her arms, the arms are in tack and with very little scarring, her chest

however did not fair as well and of course you know about the feet. I would

like to caution everyone that if you are your family or friends come down

with the strep bacteria, please follow your doctors orders and get to the

doctor as soon as possible, while most of the time Strep does not react in

the way that it did with my sister, it can turn deadly and turn very very

fast. Please do not under hestimate the power of the Strep Bacteria and take

it very seriously. It is better to error on the side of safety than to see a

family member or friend go through what my sister has and still is going




She isn't typical, she's Trisha!

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In a message dated 5/9/2002 5:21:06 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

Csvillars@... writes:

> My sister had surgery yesterday and her right foot was amputated up to

> mid calf and her left foot was amputated up to the ankle. She is doing

> fine,

> will come out of ICU sometime tonight or tomorrow. She's alive which seems

> impossible but she faced death and with the help of God and prayers she is

> alive today and will one day soon be able to hug her kids and search again

> for ways to do the impossible.

Hi Carol,

Happy to hear that your sister made it through and she is stable. At least

her kids will be able to wish her a happy mother's day. I hope you can get a

rest soon. Happy mother's day.


Mom to Zeb 9 DS/OCD ?

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In a message dated 5/9/02 6:16:04 PM Eastern Daylight Time, Csvillars@...


> Please do not under hestimate the power of the Strep Bacteria and take

> it very seriously. It is better to error on the side of safety than to see

> a

> family member or friend go through what my sister has and still is going

> through.



Indeed Carol!!!!! It IS a nasty nasty bacteria!!! How old is your

sister, CArol? Hope she continues to get better and we're still praying for


{{{{{hugs}}}}} to you as you get through this bad time!!!! Hang in there.


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I have been praying for your sister, what a miracle, thanks for letting us know,


Re: Carol

In a message dated 5/9/2002 5:21:06 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

Csvillars@... writes:

> My sister had surgery yesterday and her right foot was amputated up to

> mid calf and her left foot was amputated up to the ankle. She is doing

> fine,

> will come out of ICU sometime tonight or tomorrow. She's alive which seems

> impossible but she faced death and with the help of God and prayers she is

> alive today and will one day soon be able to hug her kids and search again

> for ways to do the impossible.

Hi Carol,

Happy to hear that your sister made it through and she is stable. At least

her kids will be able to wish her a happy mother's day. I hope you can get a

rest soon. Happy mother's day.


Mom to Zeb 9 DS/OCD ?

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My mom had strep/larengitious 3 times, and my brother

had phenomonia twiwce. Guess I haven't had those.


--- duffey48@... wrote:

> In a message dated 5/9/02 6:16:04 PM Eastern

> Daylight Time, Csvillars@...

> writes:



> > Please do not under hestimate the power of the

> Strep Bacteria and take

> > it very seriously. It is better to error on the

> side of safety than to see

> > a

> > family member or friend go through what my sister

> has and still is going

> > through.

> >

> >


> Indeed Carol!!!!! It IS a nasty nasty

> bacteria!!! How old is your

> sister, CArol? Hope she continues to get better

> and we're still praying for

> her!!

> {{{{{hugs}}}}} to you as you get through this bad

> time!!!! Hang in there.

> Donna



> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]




Since I don't have a silly one. My AOL IM chat symbol is a batman symbol.


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its fantastic to hear your sister is pulling through!!! prayers will continue to

come!! (((HUGS)) shawna.

Re: Carol

In a message dated 5/9/2002 5:21:06 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

Csvillars@... writes:

> My sister had surgery yesterday and her right foot was amputated up to

> mid calf and her left foot was amputated up to the ankle. She is doing

> fine,

> will come out of ICU sometime tonight or tomorrow. She's alive which seems

> impossible but she faced death and with the help of God and prayers she is

> alive today and will one day soon be able to hug her kids and search again

> for ways to do the impossible.

Hi Carol,

Happy to hear that your sister made it through and she is stable. At least

her kids will be able to wish her a happy mother's day. I hope you can get a

rest soon. Happy mother's day.


Mom to Zeb 9 DS/OCD ?

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Oh Carol, I am so sorry your sister, and your family, have gone through so

much. Thanks for catching me up. Sounds like strength runs in your family

and that you and your sister both were blessed with extra! :-) I will

continue my prayers for all of you.

You aren't typical either, you're Carol!!!!

Gail :-)

<< it's very complicated but basically she came down with Strep, it turned


toxic shock syndrome spreading toxins all through her body, she had to be


on a respirator, her blood pressure dropped to 58/17 and they had to give


medicine to bring her blood pressure up, the side effect of the medicine was

that it shut down the blood flow to her arms and legs. Her arms recovered

but sadly her feet did not. Gangrene set in and they had no choice but to

amputate. The strep toxins destroyed alot of her skin tissue especially on

the chest, arms and feet. Surgery was done on the chest which is still open

and she will have more surgery to do skin grafting later. Her arms healed

nicely and other than a few spots and having to scrape the bad layer of skin

off her arms, the arms are in tack and with very little scarring, her chest

however did not fair as well and of course you know about the feet. I


like to caution everyone that if you are your family or friends come down

with the strep bacteria, please follow your doctors orders and get to the

doctor as soon as possible, while most of the time Strep does not react in

the way that it did with my sister, it can turn deadly and turn very very

fast. Please do not under hestimate the power of the Strep Bacteria and


it very seriously. It is better to error on the side of safety than to see


family member or friend go through what my sister has and still is going




She isn't typical, she's Trisha!


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thank you! had her surgery and we should know in a few days if the

grafts will take or not. We are hoping that by the end of next week she will

be able to transfer to rehab for her therapies.



She isn't typical, she's Trisha!

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In a message dated 5/17/02 6:58:47 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

Csvillars@... writes:

> thank you! had her surgery and we should know in a few days if the

> grafts will take or not. We are hoping that by the end of next week she

> will

> be able to transfer to rehab for her therapies.

Thanks for keeping us posted Carol. is lucky to have you for a

sister. We're all still praying for her!!! Are you still helping out

with her kids? What do they know of the situation and are they handling it

ok??? Gosh, I remember how scared my kids were when I had my spinal fusion

surgery---it terrified them to see me so incapacitated. I can just imagine

how 's kids must feel!!!! Prayers for them too!!!!


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Just catching up to this topic Carol. So good to hear an update of

your sister. When you had stayed quiet, I wanted to write what had

happen to your sis? I was thinking the worst. So glad to read this.

Sending hugs & prayers and may she continue on with further treament

& lots of strength towards the therapy needed. You shall be repaid in

many ways as your there for her and the kids. One is still having

your sister around. You are a precious sister & Aunt who will be

Blessed always. HUGS!!


> In a message dated 5/17/02 6:58:47 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

> Csvillars@a... writes:



> > thank you! had her surgery and we should know in a few

days if the

> > grafts will take or not. We are hoping that by the end of next

week she

> > will

> > be able to transfer to rehab for her therapies.


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Thank you, it's been real hard and it will get harder before it gets better

but at least we still have her with us and we can work through it all, just

might end up having more gray hair than I do now. lol



She isn't typical, she's Trisha!

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yes I still get the kids every weekend and they know the whole story, they

are handling it ok, it's starting to get to them more now, they miss their

mom so much and it is hard for them being shuffled around so much. They are

showing signs of the stress and their grades are suffering from it. But it

will get better and all we can do is be there for them and try to make thier

lives as normal as possible.



She isn't typical, she's Trisha!

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susan-your daughter is precious to say the least and how neat to rescue

little creatures. When my dogs were 2 and 3 I brought oracle my cat in

here and now he is nearly 4-I never thought it would work but in just a

short time they blended. My oldest dog geri became a protective mother

towards him, nurturing him, cleaning him and following him everywhere.

It took spunk a little longer but now they all sleep together in the same

bed although I have 3 with quilts in them set up for them.''

Our wind yesterday was 35-50 miles an hour and blew so much down around

our yard and building. it is very cloudy now and they say severe thunder

storms coming.

My wrist is still pretty sore but I am making it with it. thanks for

writing. carol

On Wed, 22 May 2002 16:33:56 -0000 " paulsons5 " <paulsons5@...>


> Dear Carol, how are you doing today? Hope you are having a nice warm


> day. If its rainy & gloomy, please feel free to send it here! We are


> about to dry up & blow away.

> The wind has been horrible, took out the front trellis yesterday,

> everything was down & on top of the car. I really needed to prune

> the

> roses, and the car needed painting anyway........The trees got

> trimmed.

> When the wind died down, my dtr went for a walk, and came home with

> 2

> baby ducks- mama had died. So she puts em in the box with the baby

> rabbit that shes bottle feeding, while getting them a box, and they


> all snuggled up together- while I'm hollering you cant put them in

> there. Yea, its a zoo here.

> Hope you are having a good day. Love,



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Did you ever get a Printer??? Hope so and was able to get your things made in

time !!!

How are you doing??? The wrist ???

((( Special Hugs )))


> -not always very well but I am always thankful for another day. I

> am grieving a little today. I don't know if i share butr recently my

> computer hit the dust and a friend had an old processor and mae me a new

> one. Then my printwer decided to quit-my home health nurse took it to a

> shop and it is beyond repair. I take digital photos and make greeting

> cards and stuff a my source ofn income and yesterday I got a call form a

> business to make an order for 400,00 which would almost catch up back

> bills. Please all pray that a printer will become available for me to

> take this order. I don't have an income and am suing social security and

> I need to get back to work, here at home. thanks carol

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