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I hear ya! and I'm thinkin about it!

I was was trying to get myself off of birth control pills for 3

months before doing anything different - just trying to figure out

what exactly is affecting what!

and then will probably have the Free T3 and Free T4 run and see what

the numbers are.


> In a message dated 9/27/2004 5:35:13 PM Eastern Standard Time,

> saltillo@g... writes:


> > This is just my personal opinion, but if you got up to 3 grains,


> > think your life would change dramatically. It did for me and I


> > weight, too.

> >


> chiming in...i started losing the weight at 3 1/2 grains.

> cindi




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I have to chime in here because I did lose weight almost right away after

switching to Armour, BUT that was because I had adrenal issues that I was

not dealing with. I have kept that weight off though and am now addressing

the adrenal issues - I hope. I also find that at about 3.5 grains my carb

craving switch gets turned off.

Jen R.

-- Re: Re: Question

In a message dated 9/27/2004 12:23:32 PM Eastern Standard Time,

jaybriggs@... writes:


> Just wanted to chime in here and say that I have NEVER HEARD OF

> ANYONE losing weight after only 2 weeks of thyroid meds of any kind!



I agree with this. I think it takes quite a while to get the metabolism

balanced...and even then, I think losing weight can be difficult for a


patient. I'll take this opportunity to recommend Shoman's new book " The

Thyroid Diet " which tackles this issue.


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Shomon has a Thyroid Diet book that you might want to check

into. (I haven't read it but I guess she says mini meals don't help

and is more for a low glucose diet.)



> Thank you so much for answering! I have been on Armour for 6 weeks

> now...only on 2 grains for 2 weeks, before that I was on 1 grain


> 4 weeks....my dr. said (at my last appt 2 weeks ago) that my body

> made T-4 but it didn't regulate it or something like that....he


> said w/my diet that I have been on and the exercise I do that w/in


> couple of weeks (which makes a total of 6 weeks on armour) that I

> should start losing(he didn't say fast, but said I should see a

> difference)... He is totally all about taking armour so that is why


> was wondering what he thought would be the benefit of taking

> both...If you can understand my ramblings..LOL please help! Thanks,

> Zina




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Hi, Zina,

Yes, I remember you! I don't know what to tell you. Hopefully others

have chimed in to help already.

BUt good to see you and I hope you'll be losing weight soon.

I was wondering. Do you seem to crave carbs? I have a book that a

pharmacist recommended to me.

I haven't finished reading it and I haven't started the diet. But it

sounds really good if you tend to

crave carbs. It's especially for us who do that. If you're interested,

I'll send you the title.

in Va.

I don't know if y'all remember me...I was a ww leader and lost my job

because of weight gain because of my thyroid. I found a Dr. from this

site. After 2 yrs of having Hashimotos(or longer) and not being

treated..he treated me. I started on 1 grain of Armour. I took that

for 1 month....no major changes....He raised it to 2 grains...I have

been taking 2 grains now for 2 weeks. I have alot more energy than I

did.....I haven't lost any weight....He said he thought I would lose

w/in a week to 2 weeks....I called and talked w/the nurse this

morning. She said(after discussing w/DR.) that she would call in

prescription for Synthroid and to take 1 grain of armour w/it...She

may have said 50mg of Synthroid(does that sound right??) anyway I am

suppose to call her back and let her know... do I want to continue as

is or try this for the weightloss...What do y'all think and why would

this make a difference for me??? Thank you, Zina

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  • 1 month later...

About 9 years ago I had to have my left overy removed. I had a huge cyst

and was in pain. Sinse I have went to the doctor. I said I know its weird

but my overy thats not there is hurting. I thought I was nuts for it to hurt

when I didnt have it anymore. I found out its normal to have the pain and it

not be there anymore. It sometimes still hurts me for a few minutes at a

time. Like a sharp pain. Now I just egnore it..lol fran

Soldiers who have lost arms and legs in battle report 'phantom pain' from

the missing limbs.

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  • 3 months later...

This is something you should discuss with your doctor or nurse

practitioner, but my understanding is that you should try to keep it

between 90 and 110.


what is the normal range for blood sugar. i have no idea and thought it

would be a good thing to know. yesterday mine was around 73


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In a message dated 2/22/2005 9:49:10 A.M. Eastern Standard Time,

grace@... writes:

what is the normal range for blood sugar. i have no idea and thought it

would be a good thing to know.

Hi Grace,

Here are blood sugar goals as set by the Joslin Diabetes Center. However,

your doctor may have different numbers for you. You should ask your doctor

what he considers normal.



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thats what i was wondering. it got down to 76 the other night and i didnt feel

right. thank you. i will make sure i ask the doc about it. It just never came

up I guess i am still waiting to have her decide it was all a mistake. not

gonna happen i know but hope springs eternal.


RE: questionshould try to keep it

between 90 and 110.

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thank you

----- Original Message -----

From: ERWachter@...

Hi Grace,

Here are blood sugar goals as set by the Joslin Diabetes Center. However,

your doctor may have different numbers for you. You should ask your doctor

what he considers normal.



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This is an individual matter. Discuss it with your doctor or



about metaformin, does it work better if i take it before i eat or after

or does it matter.


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  • 3 weeks later...
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No, I would think I am still a diabetic. The reason being: If I go back

to my old way of eating (lots of starch) my pancreas would slow down

again and my bg's will go up. You have to protect that little pancreas

at all times!!! If I eat a small potato I make sure I eat it with

protein and a salad. The potato kind of gets absorbed with the protein

and salad and it doesn't spike me.

It has been an interesting journey! I think I am healither now than I

was before Diabetes. That's just my opinion.


Hey there Winifred...

OK, here's an interesting question and one I've been thinking about

for a while...

If you're not taking any meds,

and you're controlling your BG through diet

and you still eat the things you like from time to time (potatos,

rice, chocolate... I know some members have just fainted)

then.. and here's the doosie...

are you technically not diabetic any more???

Because I firmly believe you can reverse the condition I honesly

believe that the answer to this question is " Yes " . But I'm still

going to put on my flak jacket because I can already feel the storm

of protest coming! :)


> Dear ,


> Yes, I still take my cranberry pills, vitamin C, and a low grade

> anti-biotic every night before bed. Can't be without my cranberry

> pills! I agree with what you said about controlling your

diabetes. It

> is what you eat! I was diagnosed three years ago and my bg is

that of a

> non-diabetic now because I changed the foods I ate. If something


> your sugar go up - stop eating it. My last A1C test was 5.6.


> Winifred

Diabetes homepage: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/diabetes/

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Hope you come back soon!

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Ah, bless those little potatos :)

Well, the other day we were out with friends at Chili's and I just

thought, knickers to it... so I ate the nacho's and the shanghai

chicken and I had the fully loaded mash with the steak...

my BG 2hrs later was 140.... and didn't get any higher...

maybe next time I'll have dessert as well!! :P



> No, I would think I am still a diabetic. The reason being: If I

go back

> to my old way of eating (lots of starch) my pancreas would slow


> again and my bg's will go up. You have to protect that little


> at all times!!! If I eat a small potato I make sure I eat it with

> protein and a salad. The potato kind of gets absorbed with the


> and salad and it doesn't spike me.


> It has been an interesting journey! I think I am healither now

than I

> was before Diabetes. That's just my opinion.


> Winifred

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That's terrific. Do you take any supplements?


Ah, bless those little potatos :)

Well, the other day we were out with friends at Chili's and I just

thought, knickers to it... so I ate the nacho's and the shanghai

chicken and I had the fully loaded mash with the steak...

my BG 2hrs later was 140.... and didn't get any higher...

maybe next time I'll have dessert as well!! :P

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Yeah, a bunch... especially mulberry & fenugreek. My results (while

not typical... wow, I sound like a Cortislim advert!), do seem to

suggest that you can indeed improve the bodies sensitivity and use

of insulin by taking certain vitamins & supplements.

> That's terrific. Do you take any supplements?


> Winifred



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In a message dated 3/22/2005 10:30:46 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,

kittynicekitty@... writes:

I'm just an ole' lady of


Hi Becky,

Don't consider yourself old. I'm 62 and still a young " chick " . I've got

too much to do to even think of being old. LOL



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Hi Becky,

I posted my list in the 'Files' section (just for you :) hugs), even

created a wee folder for it. It contains everything I currently take

and that seem to be doing the trick.

good luck


> S., please post your whole list as soon as possible so I can


> research it at our new huge Whole Foods. We can choose or not


> to go on your path, but your research is fascinating. I have to go


> my doctor tomorrow, so time is of the essence in case he recommends

> yet more diabetes drugs. I am currently willing to take metformin

> along with some supplements and see what works.


> Hugs,

> Becky Carver

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Hi Becky, and good luck.

We're all different and results will almost never be typical. But

for me, the natural alternative has enabled me to through the meds

in the bin and given what I've since found out about them, I'm more

than happy to be off them! :)

I'll keep my fingers crossed for you

> ...I posted my list in the 'Files' section...

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lol....Well, I'm catching up with ya. I turn 53 years old this coming

Saturday March 26th. Today I had a deep cleaning of my teeth and a root

canal and repair of a broken tooth. The doctor gave me vicodin and a

prescription mouth wash for gingivitis.

I had thought the vicodin might aggravate some of the effects of my blood

pressure meds (drowsiness), but it didn't seem to. It actually is helping

deal with the pain. My bp is up a bit from this dentist visit though. I'm

not surprised: anxiety, pain, worry.

Ken GreyEagle

-- Re: Re: Question

In a message dated 3/22/2005 10:30:46 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,

kittynicekitty@... writes:

I'm just an ole' lady of


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Once a diabetic, always a diabetic. The only " cure " is an islet cell

transplant, and even that doesn't always work. (And then one still has

to take anti-rejection drugs for the rest of one's life, so either way

one still has a chronic condition.)

RE: Question

No, I would think I am still a diabetic. The reason being: If I go back

to my old way of eating (lots of starch) my pancreas would slow down

again and my bg's will go up. You have to protect that little pancreas

at all times!!! If I eat a small potato I make sure I eat it with

protein and a salad. The potato kind of gets absorbed with the protein

and salad and it doesn't spike me.

It has been an interesting journey! I think I am healither now than I

was before Diabetes. That's just my opinion.


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jsexton wrote:

> how do you guys get past the taste of some of those cereals for low carb and

diet. the flax and stuff taste to me like bark.

> Is it something that i just have to get used to.

Why not eat something without carbs instead?

Egg, steak, fish, chicken, turkey, etc.



Irene de Villiers, B.Sc; AASCA; MCSSA; D.I.Hom.

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Some people enjoy eating cereal for breakfast... I dont like to eat just

meat all the time... I get sick of meat... and sick of eggs...

Angelia in OR

----- Original Message -----

From: " Irene de Villiers " > Why not eat something without carbs instead?

> Egg, steak, fish, chicken, turkey, etc.

> ..IRene

> --

> Irene de Villiers, B.Sc; AASCA; MCSSA; D.I.Hom.

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i have problems with my cholestrol so i try to keep the eggs at a minimum and i

dont really like eggs that much anyway so it isnt a hard ship. when i first

went on the atkins diet i was eating eggs about three days a week and my numbers

were way up.


Re: question

jsexton wrote:

> how do you guys get past the taste of some of those cereals for low carb and

diet. the flax and stuff taste to me like bark.

> Is it something that i just have to get used to.

Why not eat something without carbs instead?

Egg, steak, fish, chicken, turkey, etc.



Irene de Villiers, B.Sc; AASCA; MCSSA; D.I.Hom.

Diabetes homepage: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/diabetes/

To unsubscribe to this group, send an email to:


Hope you come back soon!

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I've been eating Bran Chex. They aren't bad. I add hazelnut, cinnamon or

vanilla sugar free syrup to them for flavor. I also eat just regular old

oatmeal or Cream of Wheat. I add the syrups to those too. I can get other

flavor syrups if I get bored with the ones I'm using.


The Art of Jolie E. Bonnette


Art Protection League


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jsexton wrote:

> i have problems with my cholestrol so i try to keep the eggs at a minimum and

i dont really like eggs that much anyway so it isnt a hard ship. when i first

went on the atkins diet i was eating eggs about three days a week and my numbers

were way up.

> grace


I do not know the Atkins diet. Were you eating Extra-virgin Olive oil

with every meal/snack? And walnuts and other " good " fats in place of

saturated, hydrogenated, transfat etc?

I have been eating 5 eggs a day for over a year. My cholesterol is

coming down nicely. It's the fats and carbs I have changed to achieve


Eggs will not change your cholesterol either way - well the maybe they

will improve it actually per the studies, a German one in particular

proved that. You will probably find it on PubMed.

Skip eggs if you like but you'd need to change other things to get

cholesterol down. Dr Perricone's book " The Perricone Prescription " has

good anti-inflammatory diet issues. One of the biggest problems is

artificial sweeteners, diet pop for example. Those are a real no-no.

It's not only eating the good things that matters - it's also avoiding

the harmful ones. Sadly diet pop is not attacked and healthy stuff like

eggs gets a wrong rap :-) We are in such a tricky world bombarded by

commercial interests to confuse us too.

Good luck!




Irene de Villiers, B.Sc; AASCA; MCSSA; D.I.Hom.

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  • 1 year later...
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Well, first they will lay you on a table, tape wires to your head,

turn the machine on and your right leg will jerk, then your left, and

then.....NO NO NO, I'm just kidding !!!!!!!!

I guess it's different for different people. For me, I was weighed,

they took my blood pressure, and then when I actually got to see the

doctor, he had this book that had pictures of exactly what the choices

are, like Lap band, the RNY open and laproscopic, which I am having

the laproscopic RNY on the 18th of this month. They tell you

everything that is involved, the risks, and they also will tell you if

you are a good canidate for the proceedure. When you leave, the nurse

will probably explain that she will get all the testing that is

required by your insurance lined up and send you on what seems like a

wild goose chase, but DO NOT give up. For some it's an easy process,

mine should have been , but I jumped through more flaming hoops than

anyone from a circus act, but I finally got my approval.

The one thing to keep saying through everything is DO NOT GIVE UP,

don't let them win.....fight !!!!





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