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Re: Scared in Florida

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Hi Jessie,

I am sorry to hear you are having such a hard time with all of this. I

cannot say that I know what you are going through, but I hope that you are

feeling better soon!

Best Wishes,


jessjas3 wrote:

Hi I'm new to the group and was glad to find a group that has been

through or going through the same as me. I had my WLS 5/4/06 and had a

hard time from the get go. I new that there would be pain but nothing

like that. For the first few days my husband had to help me out of bed

and take care of our 3 kids and all the household stuff. I went to

work 3 weeks after surgey. There a couple of new kids that the manager

hired put salt in my water after I just taken mylanta and got horribly

sick. So I quit there. Went to go see my uncle in Texas (heart attack)

and started throwing up blood and was admitted to the hospital for 2

weeks with a bleeding ulcer. Got back home and couldn't keep anything

down not even my meds and now I have to have a EGD-dilation done

because of a stricture. My husband doesn't really understand how I

feel and I know he tries but its not the same as talking to someone

who has had WLS. I knew that there were risks in having the WLS done

but I didn't realize that I would get hit by them all at once. Thanks

for reading Jessie


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They have it at Wal-Mart & at Kroger here. If you cant find any let me

know & I'll send you some.



Mike Tune wrote:

> You guys are driving me crazy........I used to love fruit punch and I cant

> find the sugar free FP your talking about! I'm going to hunt some down

> though!


> Mike T




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I had the insomnia effect for nearly a month. My doc prescribed Ambien and that

really helped. I stopped taking the Ambien after 20 days and initially had some

trouble getting to sleep, but eventually re-established a normal sleep schedule.

I have no problem sleeping now. In fact, I am usually ready to go to bed by 9pm

each evening, but I wake up at 530am. I always woke up at 530am, but I never

went to bed before 10pm.

As for the sneezing differently, hasn't changed for me.

in Virginia


Lap RNY: 5/3/06

Re: Re: Scared in Florida

> My husband thought that this would be a quick fix for me that I would just

> eat less of the same foods that I use to eat and that everything would be

> fine. Now that I have changed almost all of the foods and drink liquids

> that he says are nasty its a little battle every night when I cook dinner.

> Its kinda funny. I cook dinner for him nd my 3 girls and admist all of

> that I also incorporate food I can eat and when he takes a bite the faces

> he makes is so funny. Like they told me that WLS is a tool. You still have

> to change the way you eat and start getting active.


> Patty wrote: One thing I have

> noticed with the different posts left is that some people who have had WLS

> do well because they make an effort to change. Seems some think they can

> go back to eating as they did before. I have been on my liver shrinking

> diet for 3 days so far and even though I get hungry, I keep telling myself

> this is for the better and when I get the " head hungries " , I can force

> them away by saying, nope, I can do better. I am so excited about this and

> can't wait to start losing.


> Patty

> Date of Change - Aug 8th




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Mike, I find it at Giant if you have one of those. Fruit Punch is the best!

in Virginia


Lap RNY: 5/3/06

Re: Re: Scared in Florida

> The fruit punch is probably my fave. And I mix it in a 20oz bottle of

> water & it's not so bad. 16oz just isn't enough.


> W

> 380/337/160



> Laurie wrote:

>> Mike,


>> I love the walmart surgar free fruit punch and raspberry ice tea!

>> You are right about them being almost too sweet...I was happy when I

>> added more water and they tasted great! Now it tastes better and I get

>> more water in!!

>> Laurel






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I'm glad to see that someone understands about the sleeping. Did the Ambien

bother your stomach? I'll talk to the doc on Monday about the insomnia and see

if there is anything that he may do about it to help. Thanks so much for the



" R.D. Abernathy " wrote:


I had the insomnia effect for nearly a month. My doc prescribed Ambien and that

really helped. I stopped taking the Ambien after 20 days and initially had some

trouble getting to sleep, but eventually re-established a normal sleep schedule.

I have no problem sleeping now. In fact, I am usually ready to go to bed by 9pm

each evening, but I wake up at 530am. I always woke up at 530am, but I never

went to bed before 10pm.

As for the sneezing differently, hasn't changed for me.

in Virginia


Lap RNY: 5/3/06

Re: Re: Scared in Florida

> My husband thought that this would be a quick fix for me that I would just

> eat less of the same foods that I use to eat and that everything would be

> fine. Now that I have changed almost all of the foods and drink liquids

> that he says are nasty its a little battle every night when I cook dinner.

> Its kinda funny. I cook dinner for him nd my 3 girls and admist all of

> that I also incorporate food I can eat and when he takes a bite the faces

> he makes is so funny. Like they told me that WLS is a tool. You still have

> to change the way you eat and start getting active.


> Patty wrote: One thing I have

> noticed with the different posts left is that some people who have had WLS

> do well because they make an effort to change. Seems some think they can

> go back to eating as they did before. I have been on my liver shrinking

> diet for 3 days so far and even though I get hungry, I keep telling myself

> this is for the better and when I get the " head hungries " , I can force

> them away by saying, nope, I can do better. I am so excited about this and

> can't wait to start losing.


> Patty

> Date of Change - Aug 8th




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No, the Ambien didn't bother my stomach and it was small enough to not require

crushing or cutting. I took it a half hour before I wanted to go to bed and it

knocked me out. It did have somewhat of an after effect in that I had a

difficult time getting started in the morning, but that is not unusual. I also

had difficulty remembering anything after I took the pill. What I mean is one

night my husband and I were intimate after I took an Ambien pill and I barely

had any recollection of the event the next morning. It was really strange, but

I didn't mind the minor effects it had on me because I was able to get some

sleep and proceed with my day the next day.

My doc initially thought an anti-depressant would help with the insomnia because

I was also extremely emotional after the surgery. However, the anti-depressant

did not help with the insomnia and I had to go back to get the Ambien. I

haven't been on either for over a month now and I'm not having any problems.

Just explain how the lack of sleep is getting in the way of you doing the things

you need to do. Lack of sleep can also affect your mental abilities; in other

words, it could cause depression. I hope he is willing to help you out. I know

some docs are reluctant to prescribe sleep aids out of fear that their patient

will become addicted. My doc prescribed initially a 10 day prescription and

then I waited like 5 days of no sleep before going back and requesting a refill

of another 10 day prescription. I didn't need anymore after the second



in Virginia


Lap RAY: 5/3/06

Re: Re: Scared in Florida

> My husband thought that this would be a quick fix for me that I would just

> eat less of the same foods that I use to eat and that everything would be

> fine. Now that I have changed almost all of the foods and drink liquids

> that he says are nasty its a little battle every night when I cook dinner.

> Its kinda funny. I cook dinner for him nd my 3 girls and admist all of

> that I also incorporate food I can eat and when he takes a bite the faces

> he makes is so funny. Like they told me that WLS is a tool. You still have

> to change the way you eat and start getting active.


> Patty wrote: One thing I have

> noticed with the different posts left is that some people who have had WLS

> do well because they make an effort to change. Seems some think they can

> go back to eating as they did before. I have been on my liver shrinking

> diet for 3 days so far and even though I get hungry, I keep telling myself

> this is for the better and when I get the " head hungries " , I can force

> them away by saying, nope, I can do better. I am so excited about this and

> can't wait to start losing.


> Patty

> Date of Change - Aug 8th




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