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Re: a psychologist on thyroid connection

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Sorry I missed your birthday! Hope it was great! (Yep, this is , still

bringing up the rear!)

in Va.

yes...thank goodness for this group...where I know folks are trying to learn

all they can to get better.

btw...today is my birthday...no witch comments please...I'm 49.


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Happy birthday ! Ha! I got you beat.. I am turning 50 next Friday! Some

clients & friends are taking me out to dinner and dancing at a biker bar! WOO


*Artistic Grooming * Hurricane, WV

Fat cat? Diabetes? Listowner for overweight or hypothyroid cats



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Exactly, Caroline! We need someone to look at the whole picture! It's so

frustrating! But you are right!

in Va.

It's about the AMA treating body parts not the whole body too, IMHO. They

separate things like we're a mess of cogs, wheels, bolts, nuts & engine

parts to be examined & diagnosed like a machine, not like a human being.

That's the patriarchal " machine mentatlity " for ya.

One friend of mine who's a Reiki healer, masseuse, medical student,

Auyervedic/Tibetan/American herbalist who's got a dysfunctional pituitary &

is diabetic, is poor & stuck with MediCal here in California (Medicaid in

other states) said she went to a chiropodist who didn't even know what a

metatarsal arch bone was.

She said she also noticed when she went to that clinic that there were many

doors & departments with different body parts or anatomy functions on them.

And one didn't know what the other was even about most of the time.

Too many specialists & not enough wholistic practioners if you ask me. The

insurance HMOs don't even cover the alternative wholistic types of healing

either so people often have to stay with the " body parts " authorities who

don't know what a " whole " human being even is, to get any kind of health

care at all.

So there's way more to this than just judging people for being lazy or

wanting to stay in their misery.


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> and dancing at a biker bar! WOO HOO!!!!



Well hop on that Harley & get up here! LOL They know a little of my past history

when I used to own & ride my own Harley...... I miss the bike...

*Artistic Grooming * Hurricane, WV

Fat cat? Diabetes? Listowner for overweight or hypothyroid cats



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I just must say that I totally agree with you on the depression! I'd do

anything not to suffer from it. That's why I continue antidepressants

(that work LOL) when I'd rather not be taking them. I tried to experiment

when I was on Cortef, gradually coming off the antidepressant. I didn't get

off completely before the doctor wanted me off Cortef. But I do believe I

wouldn't need the A-D if I was taking Cortef. However, the swelling I was

having and gaining weight troubles me about the Cortef. So not sure what the

answer is.

But I definitely won't live with the depression. It's hell, like you said.

in Va.

I also cannot imagine how people in deep depression or melancholia/malaise

would want to stay in that mode for very long. It's the pits of hell, IMHO.

I'm not that bad off right now but have been down there in those pits many a

time in my life & couldn't wait to make whatever life changes I needed to

climb out of that cold, lonely miserably dank & dark hell hole. I'd

personaly rather be dead than live that way. That's not living at all.

I have several older, now retired, nurse friends. They're all disgusted with

doctors too. One of them is married to a heart diseased disabled doctor &

she hates him too. So I've heard all kinds of stories about doctors, esp.

the male doctors & how they treat nurses.

On the other hand I think I've learned more from savvy, aware nurses than

most of the doctors I've been to in my lifetime. Go figure that.


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Yes depression is a real bugger, that's for sure. Been there darn near all my

life. I don't blame you for taking antidepressants if you don't have any bad

side fx from them. I had horrible ones on every one I was given & have tried

just about all of them...severe allergic reactions, mania, shaking, swellings,

disorientation, dizziness, spaced-out, upset stomach, diarrhea, severe

constipation.... you name it. The doctors agreed I shouldn't take them either

with all my chemical sensitivies. I won't go there again.

I've found that taking Darvocet for my pain helps lift my spirits along with

Hi-Ener-G triple ginseng herbal formula enough to get me through the day. I have

no adverse side fx from either of those. I do get a letdown when the pain comes

back & I'm tired & depressed again within 4-5 hours after they wear off tho.

Don't know what to do about that as I don't like to take them more than once or

twice a day. As a result I take them in the morning, get whatever I have to do

done, house/yardwork, errands, shopping, health appointments & then I'm done

for, tired, depressed, in pain, etc. the rest of the day pretty much. But then I

can get into bed & just sleep if need be or just lie on the couch or in bed with

the heating pad on my feet & watch video movies on my tv/vcr. Or be on the

computer wrapped up with heating pad on my feet & a good movie on & warm food &

drinks in the winter from the kitchen a few yards from my office or bedroom or

cool ones in the summer with the AC on. Not much of a life but it beats suicide

I guess.


RE: a psychologist on thyroid connection


I just must say that I totally agree with you on the depression! I'd do

anything not to suffer from it. That's why I continue antidepressants

(that work LOL) when I'd rather not be taking them. I tried to experiment

when I was on Cortef, gradually coming off the antidepressant. I didn't get

off completely before the doctor wanted me off Cortef. But I do believe I

wouldn't need the A-D if I was taking Cortef. However, the swelling I was

having and gaining weight troubles me about the Cortef. So not sure what the

answer is.

But I definitely won't live with the depression. It's hell, like you said.

in Va.

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Although I do not take anything, I have had similar reactions as you to


For example, when I was hospitalized for ecoli, they brought in a

psychiatrist to try and figure out what was wrong with me and my bizarre and

psychotic behavior. He said: " Simple...There is nothing wrong with her.

(other than the infection) She has severe drug reactions and you folks just

keep cranking them into her. "

And by the way...Darvon is one of the few pain meds I tolerate also. The

Darvon isn't helping you, but I can't say I blame you either. I makes me

feel " good " too...in fact I almost immediately went into addiction with it

the two times I have had to take it.

IMHO, I still say you " S O U N D " VERY mercury toxic....I suspect that you

will probably find that to be the major underlying cause for most of your

problems, thyroid included.


on 11/15/04 7:13 PM, Caroline Pollak at MamaMaha@... wrote:

Yes depression is a real bugger, that's for sure. Been there darn near all

my life. I don't blame you for taking antidepressants if you don't have any

bad side fx from them. I had horrible ones on every one I was given & have

tried just about all of them...severe allergic reactions, mania, shaking,

swellings, disorientation, dizziness, spaced-out, upset stomach, diarrhea,

severe constipation.... you name it. The doctors agreed I shouldn't take

them either with all my chemical sensitivies. I won't go there again.

I've found that taking Darvocet for my pain helps lift my spirits along with

Hi-Ener-G triple ginseng herbal formula enough to get me through the day. I

have no adverse side fx from either of those. I do get a letdown when the

pain comes back & I'm tired & depressed again within 4-5 hours after they

wear off tho.

Don't know what to do about that as I don't like to take them more than once

or twice a day. As a result I take them in the morning, get whatever I have

to do done, house/yardwork, errands, shopping, health appointments & then

I'm done for, tired, depressed, in pain, etc. the rest of the day pretty

much. But then I can get into bed & just sleep if need be or just lie on the

couch or in bed with the heating pad on my feet & watch video movies on my

tv/vcr. Or be on the computer wrapped up with heating pad on my feet & a

good movie on & warm food & drinks in the winter from the kitchen a few

yards from my office or bedroom or cool ones in the summer with the AC on.

Not much of a life but it beats suicide I guess.


RE: a psychologist on thyroid connection


I just must say that I totally agree with you on the depression! I'd do

anything not to suffer from it. That's why I continue antidepressants

(that work LOL) when I'd rather not be taking them. I tried to experiment

when I was on Cortef, gradually coming off the antidepressant. I didn't get

off completely before the doctor wanted me off Cortef. But I do believe I

wouldn't need the A-D if I was taking Cortef. However, the swelling I was

having and gaining weight troubles me about the Cortef. So not sure what


answer is.

But I definitely won't live with the depression. It's hell, like you said.

in Va.

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Smart psychiatrist you had there. Good for him. Darvon is way stronger & hugely

more addictive than is Darvocet which I take. They used to give me Darvon for

severe pain about 35 years ago & I did start to get addicted to that so threw it

down the toilet. But they don't prescribe it much anymore. It has to be legally

regulated to dispense it even to patients nowdays.

I've been on Darvocet, a way less addictive narcotic & it helps me a lot. I

couldn't function or even walk without it in fact with all my severe spinal &

bone pathologies.

Yes I'm mercury toxic, I know that. But what to do about it is another matter.

As I said I'm having all my teeth pulled soon & will be getting dentures. I

don't want any amalgams in my mouth at all. I'm hoping taking the generic Armour

will help detox my system. Or after I start feeling better & after the teeth

extractions & dentures fittings are healed & comfortable, I'll look into doing

some other types of detoxing. I have a few things here about detoxing for

mercury & other things I'm studying & will make choices about later. But not

right now. Tho I'm one who believes in finding the root cause & remedying that

to find the overall cures.


Re: a psychologist on thyroid connection


Although I do not take anything, I have had similar reactions as you to


For example, when I was hospitalized for ecoli, they brought in a

psychiatrist to try and figure out what was wrong with me and my bizarre and

psychotic behavior. He said: " Simple...There is nothing wrong with her.

(other than the infection) She has severe drug reactions and you folks just

keep cranking them into her. "

And by the way...Darvon is one of the few pain meds I tolerate also. The

Darvon isn't helping you, but I can't say I blame you either. I makes me

feel " good " too...in fact I almost immediately went into addiction with it

the two times I have had to take it.

IMHO, I still say you " S O U N D " VERY mercury toxic....I suspect that you

will probably find that to be the major underlying cause for most of your

problems, thyroid included.


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