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Re: a psychologist on thyroid connection

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In a message dated 10/25/2004 2:06:42 PM Eastern Standard Time,

starz@... writes:


> gmta! (great minds think alike) for those who don't know the

> abbreviation.


my sentiments exactly. :)


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Yes, fellow Thyroidians, we say it over and over----Thyroid disorders are at

the bottom of so many things. Something you said just struck me as

familiar. Am I just crazy or paranoid? When you said " vested interest " in

remaining sick. Maybe my immagination is out of whack, but could it be it's

kind of " vested interest " and a set up to push a certain pharmaceutical's

drugs, as in the theory we've discussed over and over about people being

" planted " in various places to listen in an plant some poison into people's

minds, so that they would be influenced to buy more drugs? It's certainly

possible, and why wouldn't one of the big companies (or more) sit in on or

even create forums to exercise much more influence over people. They're

coming there to get help, and THEY don't know. Does that sound like some

over blown idea or a childish theory? Those factions pay hundreds of

millions of dollars to sit in Washington and places like that, why wouldn't

they also use the internet for these purposes?

Re: a psychologist on thyroid connection


> In a message dated 10/25/2004 9:17:56 AM Eastern Standard Time,

> marianne@... writes:


> > WoW, that is unbelievable, You are just trying to help people. It isn't

> > like

> > you are selling armour or anything.

> >

> >

> >

> > I have found many people are not interested in getting better. Their

> > identity is how much misery they are in, it seems. If they got the


> > they would loose themselves.

> >


> Yes...you hit on it exactly. I had told my husband about all this...and

> that's what I told him " people get a vested interested in remaining sick "

and a

> thyroid disorder is not as sexy as having some quirky mental disorder.

> And yes, I really was just trying to help people. Everyone in the US on


> forum that has been tested has been diagnosed hypo. And the amount of


> that have autoimmune illness, including thyroid, in their family is


> It's interesting to me that when a forum member discovers a definitive


> to the disorder, that it is censored.

> I start thinking " conspiracy " theories all over again...because it seems


> " low thyroid " comes up...no professional wants to admit that it's the

> problem.

> Anyway....I sure thank you folks for being here. And I can say " thyroid "


> day long here. :)

> Cindi

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>>> I have found many people are not interested in getting better.

Their identity is how much misery they are in, it seems. If they

got the well, they would loose themselves.>

> nne<<<<<<

True, some people haven't " got a life " other than their dis-eases,

when we're looking at them from out own point of view. If they got

better, they'd have to change their lifestyles & then do something

different...maybe even radically, totally different.

Maybe even go back to school & get retrained in something new 'cuz

the old thang's causing too much stress or even boredom. That can

cause dis-ease too..specially if their work place has some sort of

environmental pollution to contend with on a daily basis. Even

stressful co-worker or boss/employee relationships or company

policies or what they stand for can be illness-producing..you bet.

Then there's family ties, children's schooling & such to think of

plus financial advantages they might be getting by being sick, etc.

Many people, young or old, are on disability or welfare because of

their illness. If it's been years & years they've been sick or

disabled with thyroid dis-ease or other related (or unrelated)

previous incapacitations, it's just too much to ask to get better &

change their whole lifestyles, residence, location, beliefs, values,

you name it. I've gone through all that & know how it is. I know

many other retired & /or disabled people going through it.

Or for retired persons, they may have to take up a new hobbie, get a

divorce or separation from an abusive spouse or if in a bad

relationship which can also contribute to thyroid dysfunction (I

know..been there, done that too). Or if they become widowed, then

what? (That's me too). Then, heaven forbid, at an advancing age,

they may have to get a job, yet again.

Who wants to go back to work after finally retiring having worked

since the teen years? Some people look forward to that time in their

lives ya know. I sure did, having worked since age 16 & raised a

family besides.

Being on disability in addition to social security or some

retirement pay is absolutely necessary to get by financially in this

day & age in case most of you aren't aware of that. For me it's only

social security & that's it. That's being just plain poor.

Retired or not tho, they may have to sell their homes & move because

of water or air pollution inside or outside their homes in their

communities or a high crime rate in their cities, high traffic

volume, whatever.

Who knows what circumstances might prevent them from relocating?

There's all kinds of things to consider depending on one's unique

situation. It's not all that easy. Some are dependant on their usual

doctors or local familiar medical system for other, maybe even

congenital maladies.

Then too, some are just worshipful of the AMA & their doctors " word "

is just as valid to them as the " Word or the Lord " . Might as well be

written in cement, ya know?

It's like being either a democrat or republican if that's what their

parents, grandparents were before them or their spouses & siblings

are too. Then it's too much to ask to change that " belief " or

idealism or go against family traditions.

It's often like a religion, in fact. One just can't toss their

religion or political stance out the window overnight without

becoming the black sheep of the family, so to speak. And then

feeling, even being, isolated from family values & beliefs or from

family members themselves. That's extremely stressful to go through.

I know, been there, done that myself & still contending with it. And

the list goes on depending on each one's unique situation.

All of these types of lifestyle or beliefs/values changing,

moving/relocating, dividing up family finances, legal battles,

government red tape, etc. can be just plain overwhelming. (Been

there, done that myself a few times). And so stressful & contributes

to worse or ongoing glandular or organic dis-eases from just plain


It's true that emotionally, psychologically, mentally & even

spiritually we're all affected either for better or worse on a

physical level by these factors. If they've been through any of it

previously, they just can't bring themselves to go through it all

over again & risk getting some other kind of malady.

It takes time, years even after the dis-ease is under control but

perhaps never completely " cured " to make the necessary changes often

needed to prevent a recurrence or to get something even worse. And

even then, there's no guarantees, is there?

Venturing into the unknown of " wellness " can be just as big a step

to take & just as large a risk as many other things & carry a lot of

stress with it involving all of the above.

So it's just too risky for some. Better to stay in one's comfort

zone surrounded by comforting, attentive family & old friends of

like mind. Even if one has to stay sick & play that role that's

expected of them, to get that neeeded comfort & family/friends/

community security & stability.

So we can't be too judgemental about the whys & wherefores that keep

people in a sick mode or how long they stay in it. Sometimes they

have karma or a life purpose to fulfill & their illness is part of

it as well which is what's keeping them in their current

circumstances until their karma or life purpose is completed. Who


And sometimes when our karma or life purpose is fulfilled, then

what? Time to make our exist from this plane, right? We all have to

do that sooner or later anyway, right? So one's illness can lead us

there too if we're finished with whatever purpose we came here to

serve & can't even imagine another different kind of future for


Other times there's life lessons to be learned from being sick.

Sometimes it teaches other family members life lessons on having

compassion for the sick person or having to take care of them too.

That may be the other person's karma or life purpose to fulfill. Who

knows? There are so many reasons & circumstances to consider. And

far be it from any of us to judge what those are since we aren't in

their shoes.

The fact is, we can't know what other peoples' reason & purpose for

living is or being in this incarnation in their situation, sick or

well, can we? Sometimes they don't even know themselves, let alone

change their beliefs enough to find out. So it's not always merely a

matter of their just wanting to remain miserable, to suffer or be

masochists. None of us would know for sure, not having walked in

their shoes, would we?



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What are CBT & BDD, please?

Re: Re: a psychologist on thyroid connection

In a message dated 10/25/2004 10:28:24 AM Eastern Standard Time,

aconner@... writes:

> I am a psychologist that

> practices CBT I am actually an advocate (and have posted as such) of CBT.


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On yes, we pay taxes for that too. See how they've got the whole ball of wax

tied up there between the government, pharmaceuticals & AMA...even the oil

industry because so many drugs are petroleum based. So it's no wonder people get

caught in the middle of it all & have to return to being dependant on this " good

old boys/powers that be " patriarchal structure one way or another.

Well, they say it will topple in another few years due to oil & gas prices going

so high plus running out of that & other fossil fuels to replace them. Then

what? We'll all be back into living in " villages " that are ecosystem

conscious...no cars, no gas-powered equipment, living off the land. A " survival

of the fittest " scenario. And maybe not even being able to get natural

supplements anymore as they're already putting a stop to so many of them


I have an elder disabled friend with diabetes & a dysfunctional pituitary due an

accident years ago who's already had a heart attack & a few strokes but

otherwise still gets around okay, drives & is normally cognizant but in pain a

lot. Because of her disabled, low income status, and being homeless as she was

for years, she finally got into a HUD housing apartment complex in an area where

two of her adult children & grandkids live fairly nearby. So they can help her

somewhat with some things but they can't afford to take care of her completely

so she'd then be financially & physically dependant on them all the time.

So she's gotta go through a whole lot of government red tape & other crap all

the time to stay there & stay on disability as well in order to keep on even

buying food, pay rent, utilities, gas for her car, insurance for it, plus all of

her natural supplements that cost her about $200. a month when her income is

only $800. a month. She's also stuck with the MediCal system & their doctors &

tests here in California. It's MediCaid in other states.

And she hates that, being a natural health student, masseuse, Reiki healer &

herbologist as she is (or used to be). She can't support herself on that alone

cuz she's disabled physically with the diabetes & bad bone/muscle problems &

neuruopathy which prevents her from working at that or any other kind of job. So

she's stuck where she is, like it or not & barely getting by.

If she gets better & goes off disability, then she'll have to support herself

because her social security is only $300. a month which nobody can live on or

even buy food with. So these are the kinds of problems that people face. They

have to stay sick so their doctors will continue saying they're disabled in

order to survive at all. And she needs way more than just the Armour & isn't

even taking that & doesn't know much about it. So I'm trying to inform her as

best I can as she has no computer either.


Re: Re: a psychologist on thyroid connection

In a message dated 10/25/2004 10:42:24 AM Eastern Standard Time,

MamaMaha@... writes:

boy you hit the nail on the head here. one gal that was diagnosed hypo after

i told her to get checked...is so resistant to the idea that it is actually

her hypo status causing her mental problems. she's trying to get on


for the mental illness. and there are some others on disability.

which is another story altogether..because now we're paying taxes to support

folks who just need Armour. :)cindi

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'Deed it does. And a person had better be as healthy & physically fit as they

can possibly be to withstand all the things they'll have to go through to start

a new life. It's not that easy, even impossible for elder people like myself or

my friend with the diabetes on disability that I mentioned in another post.

It's about " Survival of the Fittest " fer shure. We old people can't even think

to compete with younger folks out there anymore in the job market. We may have

done it when younger...I know I did...started over again from scratch many times

after being disabled, crippled, jobless, homeless, carless. But when we start

getting aging disease too, which we all do sooner or later which handicaps us,

it's not possible to just toss away everything, including our disability checks

& the other things that go with it, even housing, & start over. We're not about

to go back into living out of our cars or in camp grounds in the dead of winter

anymore just to start a new life. We'd die doing that too.



Re: Re: a psychologist on thyroid connection

In a message dated 10/25/2004 10:42:24 AM Eastern Standard Time,

MamaMaha@... writes:>

> Venturing into the unknown of " wellness " can be just as big a step

> to take & just as large a risk as many other things & carry a lot of

> stress with it involving all of the above. >

wow...i believe that is a great truth...it does take " courage " to take those

steps towards wellness.cindi

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Geez....sounds like all you described applies to me. Never knew I had that & I

may not have it as bad as some others do. But I hve experienced every one of

those symptoms & still to do most days. I had no idea that was thyroid related

too. So what's the usual treatment for people with BDD?



Re: Re: a psychologist on thyroid connection

In a message dated 10/25/2004 10:55:08 AM Eastern Standard Time,

MamaMaha@... writes:>

> What's BDD, may I ask?

Body Dysmorphic Disorder. It is defined as a preoccupation with one's

appearance..feeling uncomfortable. Actually has a 30% suicide rate. Most


are initially diagnosed as social phobic or depressed or anxiety. These are


parts of the disorder. Just being very uncomfortable around other people and

obsessing about one's appearance. I have surmised that it is the " visual

distortion " that can be present in hypo that may have a factor in the

disorder...and of course all the other stuff that is a part of BDD is aslo

listed as low

thyroid symptoms: depression, anxiety, suicidal ideation, obessions,

self-image problems, reclusiveness, hyper sensitivity, lack of motivation,




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Well it's an ego trip, I think. They get that degree & the M.A. or Ph.D. or M.D.

or whatever after their name & then they think they're THE authorities on

everything along with their peers. So anyone with just high school educations or

less or no degrees are just plain numb, dumb & retarded or something.

They don't look at themselves as " servants " providing a needed service to

people. They see themselves as deities of some sort instead. But our

capitalistic system sets it up that way with all the " authority " figures on top

of the pyramid structure competing with other " up there " for even climbing

further on up the ladder to a higher position for themselves. While all the

little people who support them financially & believe in them are at the bottom.

This has got to change of course. But it isn't going to without toppling our

entire systemic cultural structure. And that includes globally not just here in

the USA. There's too many people invested in the system as it is & trying to

support it & keep it going. They're not about to allow it to change & take the

risk of being down there on the bottom of the heap. It's too risky for them to

even think of it. So they have to maintain their arrogant " on top " authoritative

positions by behaving that way, which they do.


Re: a psychologist on thyroid connection

In a message dated 10/25/2004 11:26:23 AM Eastern Standard Time,

jamyrogers@... writes:

actually what I had noticed about this psychologist (who is currently visiting

that forum answering questions) is that he " talks down " to the people. That

really bothers me..I remember too many doctors who were condenscending to

me...and sorta makes me think of the problems so many of us here has had with

arrogant " professionals " . I truly don't know why the helping professions like

medicine, psychology, etc. have come to this. I know they're all not like

that...but it seems so many are...and I just don't understand it sometimes.



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> Geez....sounds like all you described applies to me. Never knew I had

> that & I may not have it as bad as some others do. But I hve

> experienced every one of those symptoms & still to do most days. I had

> no idea that was thyroid related too. So what's the usual treatment

> for people with BDD?

> Blessings,

> Caroline

nice to see you posting again, caroline. :)

if the bdd is a symptom of a severe hypothyroid, the answer to that

question would be adequate thyroid replacement.

if you walk into a shrink's office, however, you enter the world of



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Cindi, if you really wanna piss them off, start up your own message

group, and have it be almost the same name. lol. You'll be surprised

how many people that you chatted with will end up visiting you &

discussing these things. :-)

When all else fails, get even. lol :-)


On Mon, 25 Oct 2004 10:32:59 EDT

nc2406@... wrote:

> In a message dated 10/25/2004 10:08:30 AM Eastern Standard Time,

> marin@... writes:


> > BUT to ban the saying of a word that is the name of a

> > disease--I'm sorry, but that is just insane, and I would not want

>any part

> > of it. One thing I would want to do, though, would be to send


> > evidence to some forum members, to let them know that what I said

>is the

> > truth. My mouth is literally hanging open, but I don't guess it



> I know. I'm a bit stunned too. And it's not like it's a wild

>theory. When

> I got diagnosed and realized all my BDD symptoms had been related to


> thyroid, I remember another member's son that had BDD was on Armour


> That's what got me interested in the connection. But the evidence

>is already there

> now. Three more US members got tested and subsequently were

>diagnosed hypo.

> Two UK members were tested and their Free T3 was one lab value above


> bottom of the range. And some other " guests " have written and said

>they were

> hypo. The other US member that got tested is the moderator...at

>least she said

> she got tested...now I'm wondering. Uh...if I had the disorder and


> seeing evidence like that, I'd be running to check it out. The

>whole thing is

> just weird.

> Cindi




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k. ty


Re: Re: a psychologist on thyroid connection

In a message dated 10/25/2004 12:43:34 PM Eastern Standard Time,

MamaMaha@... writes:>

> What are CBT & BDD, please?>

CBT Cognitive Behavioral Therapy retraining one's thoughts sorta.

BDD Body Dysmorphic Disorder

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Yes, doctors & psychiatrists have tried to foist those on me...mostly

atni-depressants. I hated them. Also got bad side fx from them. So gave up

taking them years ago. Never will again either. Still wating for my Armour to

come in the mail.


Re: Re: a psychologist on thyroid connection

In a message dated 10/25/2004 12:43:55 PM Eastern Standard Time,

MamaMaha@... writes:

So what's the usual treatment for people with BDD?

With BDD, they give them anti-psychotic, SSRIs, anti-anxiety...and most folks

have tried more than just a few of these psychotropic drugs. I think the

usual treatment isn't working because it's origins are low thyroid.


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gmta! (great minds think alike) for those who don't know the


On Mon, 25 Oct 2004 13:34:33 EDT

nc2406@... wrote:

> In a message dated 10/25/2004 1:27:27 PM Eastern Standard Time,

> starz@... writes:


> > Cindi, if you really wanna piss them off, start up your own


> > group, and have it be almost the same name. lol. You'll be


> > how many people that you chatted with will end up visiting you &

> > discussing these things. :-)

> >

> > When all else fails, get even. lol :-)

> >


> OMG..not 10 minutes ago I was thinking the very same thing. Start

>up a BDD

> from Low Thyroid group.

> I tell ya...it's probably good I got banned. I would read these

>posts and

> just want to reach through the puter screen and stuff Armour down

>their throats.

> Even today, there's this gal talking about how depressed she is and

>how she

> can't stay awake long enough to even get to her therapist. And i'm


> therapist?...go order some Armour gal!


> But no...i think this has been a good lesson to Cindi to learn to

>take care

> of HERSELF first...at least for a little while.


> Actually, the two moms on that forum who have sons who are hypo are


> carrying on the torch. They're pretty mad about the whole

>thing..after all,

> their sons were both given about a dozen drugs before getting the


> diagnosis...so they understand the message very clearly.

> Cindi




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In a message dated 10/25/2004 6:23:13 PM Eastern Standard Time,

420@... writes:

> if the bdd is a symptom of a severe hypothyroid, the answer to that

> question would be adequate thyroid replacement.


> if you walk into a shrink's office, however, you enter the world of

> psychopharmacology.



exactly..that is what is happening...just like so many other things that are

really hypo..but docs give you surgery and/or other medications - everything

but what you really need - adequate thyroid replacement.


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In a message dated 10/25/2004 10:19:58 PM Eastern Standard Time,

LestatL382@... writes:

> Weird - it says I've been banned when I didn't even register. Keep in

> mind though that this forum has rules. They can't talk crap about

> you. Try registering again and read their rules. You could probably

> report them.


> I'll see if it lets me do anything tomorrow.



hehe...they must have found out you've been talking to me and wouldn't let

you in. Or either they're scared I might try to sneak in on some other

computer. lol. actually, the gal changed her post somewhat (it was really

slanderous) and I see where they have deleted some thyroid posts. The

psychologist guy

is still there - promoting his book.

I did NOT do anything against the rules. I've been there for a long

time..and I know the rules. It really was all about me telling Doc Claiborn he


wrong about thyroid dysfunction. Can disagree with the " professionals " you



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In a message dated 10/25/2004 10:48:53 PM Eastern Standard Time,

MamaMaha@... writes:



> Tho I'm sure there's many reasons for depression, lethargy, apathy, not just

> thyroid related. I know just plain grief over major losses or personal

> tragedies can do that to people. Sure did to me. Sometimes I wonder if thyroid

> dysfunction isn't caused by super-stress like that.


I totally agree. It can be caused by many things. But oddly enough, the

stress of personal tragedies and deaths is what triggered my Hashimoto's thyroid

disease I think. I mean it was there before...even back to my 20s...but

didn't get so bad until I had a series of stressful personal events in my life.


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Weird - it says I've been banned when I didn't even register. Keep in

mind though that this forum has rules. They can't talk crap about

you. Try registering again and read their rules. You could probably

report them.

I'll see if it lets me do anything tomorrow.


PS I've been banned from boards too because the moderator didn't like

me. Yeah some people go on a power trip. Phooey!!!

> In a message dated 10/25/2004 10:10:49 AM Eastern Standard Time,

> LestatL382@y... writes:


> > You should post the address of this BDD Central. Than we will ALL

> > join and start talking about thyroid stuff. Might make a point!

> >


> do ya know...I had actually thought about suggesting this. :)

> but if anyone wants to look at the site go to:

> http://www.bddcentral.com/cgi-bin/yabb/YaBB.pl


> I had a lot of stuff posted under the " treatment " section, but I

just noticed

> " the moderator " is there...so she is probably busily deleting any

post with

> the word " thyroid " in it.

> Cindi




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Nice to be able to, Baron, TYL :)

Both shrinks & M.D.'s prescribe the psychodrugs. In my case at least. They

sure have a handy plethora of those to give out but not much to address the real


Tho I'm sure there's many reasons for depression, lethargy, apathy, not just

thyroid related. I know just plain grief over major losses or personal

tragedies can do that to people. Sure did to me. Sometimes I wonder if thyroid

dysfunction isn't caused by super-stress like that.

Wondering what the people on this list attribute their thyroid dysfunction to?


Re: Re: a psychologist on thyroid connection

nice to see you posting again, caroline. :)

if the bdd is a symptom of a severe hypothyroid, the answer to that

question would be adequate thyroid replacement.

if you walk into a shrink's office, however, you enter the world of



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In a message dated 10/31/2004 8:22:14 AM Eastern Standard Time,

hedoblonde@... writes:

> For the record, I am pretty sure both of my sisters are also very

> hypothyroid, but they are just like my mother in that they enjoy being

miserable and

> making everyone around them just as miserable as they are. I avoid them like

> the plague and have for some time, but now since I am feeling so much better,

> their attitudes irritate me even more

i can't remember if I told yall about the one gal on the BDD forum that got

diagnosed hypo (her Free T3 was below range) but is rather adamant about that

not being the reason for her mental problems and personality disorder. And I'm

wondering how dense can someone be...I mean a person tells her " I think there

is a low thyroid link to BDD " and lays out all the reasons and she goes and

gets tested and IS hypo...as well as every other person who got tested...but

now she refuses to see a link.

This is a person who will be happy when her doctor tells her that her hormone

levels are back in range and that she's " normal " on her 1 grain of Armour.

She will not transfer her thinking to " I have thyroid disease and need to learn

about it " because she has been stuck in thinking " I have a mental disorder

because of past trauma " and it's more fun to talk about my quirky mental

disorder than my very non-sexy thryoid gland.

And I also thought about this alot - the folks who seem so vested in their

disorders and ailments..and wondered why they aren't searching more for answers

instead of whining and complaining? And then I wondered....does the hypo

actually give them faulty thinking? I remember reading the hypo can make it

" difficult to grasp new concepts " and now I'm wondering if that is the


do we even bother? sigh.


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In a message dated 10/31/2004 11:06:03 AM Eastern Standard Time,

420@... writes:

> all have them firmly convinced that the

> root of their condition is in brain chemistry, not thyroid disease.


i think this is very accurate. I've had a hard time conveying that brain

chemistry is affected by thyroid dysfunction...as in less serotonin...which is

what the psychs seem to blame so much on...and yet they don't check T3 levels to

assure that serotonin is indeed available. T3 is actually being called a

brain chemical by some researchers.


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In a message dated 10/31/2004 11:40:37 AM Eastern Standard Time,

hedoblonde@... writes:

> Oh well....at least we all have each other.


> Happy Halloween!!!


yes...thank goodness for this group...where I know folks are trying to learn

all they can to get better.

btw...today is my birthday...no witch comments please...I'm 49.


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Okay, this is an old conversation, but I am severely behind in my email. I can

totally buy into the theory that people just love being miserable. My mother, a

nurse for gosh sakes, is just that way. I am 100% certain that she is very

hypothyroid, it runs in the family in a very big way and she has ALL the

symptoms. But, instead of listening to me (I have almost never been wrong with

health stuff once I do my research) she bounces from doctor to doctor to doctor

to see how many more pills she can take. And of course thinks they are the gods

they think themselves to be. It's pretty sad really. And all she wants to do

is complain how terrible she feels, when she isn't making up stories about how

she's having " the time of her life " out in Arizona. I talk to her best friend

(they've been friends since they were 5) and Mom doesn't hardly ever leave her

apartment. So I know better. And she complains about everything to her too. I

get so tired of hearing my own mother complain

about things, or just flat out lie, that I don't talk to her much. I can't

take all that misery, it isn't healthy and all it does is make me mad because

there really is no need for it. Am I bad for really disliking talking to or

spending time with my mother?

For the record, I am pretty sure both of my sisters are also very hypothyroid,

but they are just like my mother in that they enjoy being miserable and making

everyone around them just as miserable as they are. I avoid them like the

plague and have for some time, but now since I am feeling so much better, their

attitudes irritate me even more. UGH!!!!


Deb :-)


Yes, fellow Thyroidians, we say it over and over----Thyroid disorders are at

the bottom of so many things. Something you said just struck me as

familiar. Am I just crazy or paranoid? When you said " vested interest " in

remaining sick. Maybe my immagination is out of whack, but could it be it's

kind of " vested interest " and a set up to push a certain pharmaceutical's

drugs, as in the theory we've discussed over and over about people being

" planted " in various places to listen in an plant some poison into people's

minds, so that they would be influenced to buy more drugs? It's certainly

possible, and why wouldn't one of the big companies (or more) sit in on or

even create forums to exercise much more influence over people. They're

coming there to get help, and THEY don't know. Does that sound like some

over blown idea or a childish theory? Those factions pay hundreds of

millions of dollars to sit in Washington and places like that, why wouldn't

they also use the internet for these purposes?

Re: a psychologist on thyroid connection


> In a message dated 10/25/2004 9:17:56 AM Eastern Standard Time,

> marianne@... writes:


> > WoW, that is unbelievable, You are just trying to help people. It isn't

> > like

> > you are selling armour or anything.

> >

> >

> >

> > I have found many people are not interested in getting better. Their

> > identity is how much misery they are in, it seems. If they got the


> > they would loose themselves.

> >


> Yes...you hit on it exactly. I had told my husband about all this...and

> that's what I told him " people get a vested interested in remaining sick "

and a

> thyroid disorder is not as sexy as having some quirky mental disorder.

> And yes, I really was just trying to help people. Everyone in the US on


> forum that has been tested has been diagnosed hypo. And the amount of


> that have autoimmune illness, including thyroid, in their family is


> It's interesting to me that when a forum member discovers a definitive


> to the disorder, that it is censored.

> I start thinking " conspiracy " theories all over again...because it seems


> " low thyroid " comes up...no professional wants to admit that it's the

> problem.

> Anyway....I sure thank you folks for being here. And I can say " thyroid "


> day long here. :)

> Cindi

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> And I also thought about this alot - the folks who seem so vested in

> their

> disorders and ailments..and wondered why they aren't searching more for

> answers

> instead of whining and complaining? And then I wondered....does the

> hypo

> actually give them faulty thinking? I remember reading the hypo can

> make it


> " difficult to grasp new concepts " and now I'm wondering if that is the

> case...why

> do we even bother? sigh.

> Cindi

i guess we bother cos we care and it's happened to us, and we know

there's hope. i don't think whatever's happened to them has much to do

with the faulty thinking caused by hypo. didn't stop any of us from

wanting to know more, and don't the people here represent a pretty good

cross section of thyroid sufferers?. the answers are out there. you

just have to have the faith and determination to look. most people

don't...they're ready and willing to accept whatever doctors tell them


and, for the most part, a lot of people are happy with just whining and

complaining and not doing anything about it.

it's just our nature as people.


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Hi Cindi,

That's because griping and whining are WAAAAAAYYYYYY easier than actually

getting up off one's behind and doing something about it. My mom and sisters

are all that way, in fact so is my brother but he's as skinny as a rail. Just

as dysfunctional, but skinny as a rail. The better I begin to feel from getting

up and doing, rather than whining and doing nothing, the more dumbfounded I get

that more people don't do the same.

Oh well....at least we all have each other.

Happy Halloween!!!


nc2406@... wrote:

And I also thought about this alot - the folks who seem so vested in their

disorders and ailments..and wondered why they aren't searching more for answers

instead of whining and complaining? And then I wondered....does the hypo

actually give them faulty thinking? I remember reading the hypo can make it

" difficult to grasp new concepts " and now I'm wondering if that is the


do we even bother? sigh.


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there's another component to this...and that is most people with a

mental or mood disorders are almost always convinced that there is

something very wrong with them mentally. so even if they are aware

that they are not normal and suffer a condition, be it bdd or bipolar

disease or something like this, their research, dr's visits,

psychiatric evaluations, etc., all have them firmly convinced that the

root of their condition is in brain chemistry, not thyroid disease.

segregating mental health and thyroid health is the fault of the

medical establishment. the result is that we have experts who know a

lot about one thing and not a lot about the other, and how the two can


very unfortunate.


> This is a person who will be happy when her doctor tells her that her

> hormone

> levels are back in range and that she's " normal " on her 1 grain of

> Armour.

> She will not transfer her thinking to " I have thyroid disease and need

> to learn

> about it " because she has been stuck in thinking " I have a mental

> disorder

> because of past trauma " and it's more fun to talk about my quirky

> mental

> disorder than my very non-sexy thryoid gland.


> And I also thought about this alot - the folks who seem so vested in

> their

> disorders and ailments..and wondered why they aren't searching more

> for answers

> instead of whining and complaining? And then I wondered....does the

> hypo

> actually give them faulty thinking? I remember reading the hypo can

> make it

> " difficult to grasp new concepts " and now I'm wondering if that is the

> case...why

> do we even bother? sigh.

> Cindi




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