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Welcome ! Congrats on your upcoming arrival! I wish you great success

bfing him/her.

Michele, mom of Arran 12-27-93 & Keely 12-5-97 #3 EDD 3-13-00 It's a Boy! ICQ#


Our Family Pages ~ http://www.telusplanet.net/public/jcrocker/index.html


Hello! I am married, 31, live in Portland Oregone and am planning to try to

breastfeed our expected baby who is coming to us via adoption. I've done a


of reading and research and feel encouraged enough to at least try this for


baby coming into our lives.

I am here to connect with other breastfeeding moms (whether or not they are

nursing a bio baby or an adopted baby--nursing is nursing). I would love to

meet other breastfeeding/planning to moms in Oregon or Washington. I am


looking for a few breastfeeding moms with extra milk who might be willing

to donate some of their extras to our adopted baby (preferably a mom who

already rents or has a pump). I've learned breast milk cn be frozen for a

year or so safely and shipped if done so properly. So if you are interested


know anyone who would be, either post to me or email me privately. I look

forward to learning and meeting you and thank you for sharing on the list!


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Give the Gift of Life Breastfeed!


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  • 3 weeks later...


Welcome to the list. I am a sahm to Kaija 8yo (homeschools) and Zaid 2yo

(still nursing) I am married and live in northern california.



breastfeeding info & resources


Hi my name is Louise and I am a SAHM to 5 kiddo's and the 6th will be making

her appearance within 8-10 weeks. I have breastfed all of my children and am

still nursing who is 11 months old. I will be tandem nursing when the

new baby is born. I look forward to getting to know everyone.


Mommy to

12-87, 7-89,

Connor 10-91, 4-93,

2-18-99, and wee little girl EDD 3-24-2000

Oh what a zoo :)


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>Louise- Welcome, welcome! I just know that you're going to love this


>My name is and I'm a happily married SAHM to 3 kids. We recently

>experienced a miscarriage, but we're in the process of trying for our 4th.


>am still nursing my 21 mo old, and if the timing was right, could also


>nurse another baby. Take care and put your feet up! S.

Thanks !!

I am sorry about the miscarriage...that can be so hard...but good luck TTC

again :)

LOL i can easily see myself nursing between Jake and the new baby for

another 3 years lol good thing I love breastfeeding huh?

Putting my feet up is the easy part...getting up again is becomming not so

easy lol espically since will only fall asleep while nursing so I have

to stand up while trying to not unlatch him and keep my balance at the same

time...I am so ready for baby!!!


Mommy to

12-87, 7-89,

Connor 10-91, 4-93,

2-18-99, and wee little girl EDD 3-24-2000

Oh what a zoo :)


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Welcome Louise and and anyone else! I am Michele, SAHM of the 2 2/3 in my

sig line. Arran never bf, Keely still is at 25 months (for an hour at lunch

today, she's teething) and I'm expecting #3 in 7 weeks so it looks like I'll be

tandom nursing as well because there is no way Keely is ready to give it up. We

are getting a king sized bed to fit dh, Keely, the new baby and I before it

comes, yeah to income tax returns! We live in Edmonton and you can see more

about us, including our breastfeeding story (why it didn't work with Arran etc.)

at our homepage.

Michele, mom of Arran 12-27-93 & Keely 12-5-97 #3 EDD 3-13-00 It's a Boy! ICQ#


Our Family Pages ~ http://www.telusplanet.net/public/jcrocker/index.html

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<<an hour at lunch today, she's teething) and I'm expecting #3 in 7 weeks so

it looks like I'll be tandom nursing as well because there is no way Keely

is ready to give it up. We are getting a king sized bed to fit dh, Keely,

the new baby and I before it comes, yeah to income tax returns>>

Yeah!!! more tandemers lol it is good to know I will not be the only one.

Boy march is a busy baby month. Thanks for the welcome


Mommy to

12-87, 7-89,

Connor 10-91, 4-93,

2-18-99, and wee little girl EDD 3-24-2000

Oh what a zoo :)


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I didn't even notice in your intro that you're due right after me!

I haved a funny from Arran tonight, I was laying in bed with him before he went

to sleep and Keely climbed up with us holding two soothers that she was playing

with (got them as baby gifts) and we started talking about soothers and bfing.

I told him he used to use a soother until he was 6 months old but that Keely

never liked them (until recently, she's facinated with them now that she's two)

he said " and then I started using a bottle? " and I said " no, you used a bottle

from when you were born because you wouldn't breastfeed " and he says " feeding

babies from bottles must be lots more work! " Even though he wasn't bf, he's

learning :-)

Michele, mom of Arran 12-27-93 & Keely 12-5-97 #3 EDD 3-13-00 It's a Boy! ICQ#


Our Family Pages ~ http://www.telusplanet.net/public/jcrocker/index.html

<<an hour at lunch today, she's teething) and I'm expecting #3 in 7 weeks so

it looks like I'll be tandom nursing as well because there is no way Keely

is ready to give it up. We are getting a king sized bed to fit dh, Keely,

the new baby and I before it comes, yeah to income tax returns>>

Yeah!!! more tandemers lol it is good to know I will not be the only one.

Boy march is a busy baby month. Thanks for the welcome


Mommy to

12-87, 7-89,

Connor 10-91, 4-93,

2-18-99, and wee little girl EDD 3-24-2000

Oh what a zoo :)

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Even though he wasn't bf, he's learning :-)


>Michele, mom of Arran 12-27-93 & Keely 12-5-97 #3 EDD 3-13-00 It's a Boy!

>ICQ# 13092478

LOL I loved that little story...here is one of mine.

The lady across the street has 2 kids. A 10 yr old and a baby a month

younger than Jake. The 10 yr old copmes and plays with my kids all the time

and one day he saw me nursing Jake when he was only a couple of months old.

He started telling me that his mom gives his baby brother formula in a

bottle and how much he loves it and that i should do that too. It just

totally irritated me that a 10 yr old was trying to convince me to use

formula!!! I had to get up and leave the room because I did not want to hurt

his feelings...he is after all just a kid... I was so surprised though when

my 12 yr old son told him that his baby brother only liked the nasty formula

because he did not know any better...that a Moms milk is always better for

a baby than anything else. I was so proud and overwhelmed. I just went in my

room and cried. This was comming from a 12 yr old who was only BF'd for a

month. One day he will make a very good Dad and a very supportive DH :))


Mommy to

12-87, 7-89,

Connor 10-91, 4-93,

2-18-99, and wee little girl EDD 3-24-2000

Oh what a zoo :)


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That's a good one! Arran knows how much Keely likes to nurse. Ever since she

was about one he figured out how to get rid of her if she was bugging him, he'd

say " Keely want mummy-nummies? " and off she'd run looking for mommy. It would

really irritate me when I was in the middle of cleaning the bathroom or

something lol

Michele, mom of Arran 12-27-93 & Keely 12-5-97 #3 EDD 3-13-00 It's a Boy! ICQ#


Our Family Pages ~ http://www.telusplanet.net/public/jcrocker/index.html

LOL I loved that little story...here is one of mine.

The lady across the street has 2 kids. A 10 yr old and a baby a month

younger than Jake. The 10 yr old copmes and plays with my kids all the time

and one day he saw me nursing Jake when he was only a couple of months old.

He started telling me that his mom gives his baby brother formula in a

bottle and how much he loves it and that i should do that too. It just

totally irritated me that a 10 yr old was trying to convince me to use

formula!!! I had to get up and leave the room because I did not want to hurt

his feelings...he is after all just a kid... I was so surprised though when

my 12 yr old son told him that his baby brother only liked the nasty formula

because he did not know any better...that a Moms milk is always better for

a baby than anything else. I was so proud and overwhelmed. I just went in my

room and cried. This was comming from a 12 yr old who was only BF'd for a

month. One day he will make a very good Dad and a very supportive DH :))


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Aaran sounds like a very clever kid lol!!!


Mommy to

12-87, 7-89,

Connor 10-91, 4-93,

2-18-99, and wee little girl EDD 3-24-2000

Oh what a zoo :)



>That's a good one! Arran knows how much Keely likes to nurse. Ever since

>she was about one he figured out how to get rid of her if she was bugging

>him, he'd say " Keely want mummy-nummies? " and off she'd run looking for

>mommy. It would really irritate me when I was in the middle of cleaning

>the bathroom or something lol


>Michele, mom of Arran 12-27-93 & Keely 12-5-97 #3 EDD 3-13-00 It's a Boy!

>ICQ# 13092478

>Our Family Pages ~ http://www.telusplanet.net/public/jcrocker/index.html


> LOL I loved that little story...here is one of mine.


> The lady across the street has 2 kids. A 10 yr old and a baby a month

> younger than Jake. The 10 yr old copmes and plays with my kids all the


> and one day he saw me nursing Jake when he was only a couple of months


> He started telling me that his mom gives his baby brother formula in a

> bottle and how much he loves it and that i should do that too. It just

> totally irritated me that a 10 yr old was trying to convince me to use

> formula!!! I had to get up and leave the room because I did not want to


> his feelings...he is after all just a kid... I was so surprised though


> my 12 yr old son told him that his baby brother only liked the nasty


> because he did not know any better...that a Moms milk is always better


> a baby than anything else. I was so proud and overwhelmed. I just went

>in my

> room and cried. This was comming from a 12 yr old who was only BF'd for


> month. One day he will make a very good Dad and a very supportive DH :))


> Louise



>Give the Gift of Life Breastfeed!



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  • 1 year later...
Guest guest

Hi ..

I have Dr Reines too... My date is 4/17/01 ...I can't wait ... I know what you mean about playing with your children..Mine ae re 14 and 7 and I want to go rollerblading and bike riding and all that stuff with them... Congrats on making a positive life changing choice...


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Congratulations on your decision. Welcome aboard, you have picked a

wonderful support group. Any question, concern or idea you could possibly

have can be answered here. The people in this group are wonderful and always

looking to help each other.

I had my surgery 2 weeks ago tomorrow. Like you I did a lot of research, met

with a few different doctors before I met and decided Dr. Thayer was the man

for me. I never met Dr. Reines but I have heard wonderful things about him.

I also have 2 daughters and they were a major reason for me doing this

surgery. I wanted to participate in activities with them without being a

bother. I wanted to walk next to my husband without him having to slow down.

I want to be able to walk down the street and be proud of what I look like

and I want to remember what it feels like to feel healthy. I have learned

one thing being a member of this group, we all have the same thoughts and

feelings. Don't be ashamed of anything you may feel or have done, we all

have believe it or not.



Dr. Thayer

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Welcome to the group ! You will meet some of the nicest people

here! :) We are all here for one another in good times and in bad. We

talk about a little of everything! Ask away with all your questions and

I am POSITIVE someone will have a answer or suggestion for you! Again,

Welcome to the group!

Kim in Methuen

koneill@... wrote:


> Hi Everyone!


> I am a new member. I thought I would drop a note to introduce myself.

> I am pre-op awaiting a surgery date with Dr. Reines @ NWH. I had my

> consultation last week and that appointment confirmed my belief that

> this surgery will really help me. I have done quite a bit of research

> on WLS and I cannot wait to be " on the other side. "


> I am doing this for health reasons as well as for my children. I have

> 2 daughters, 4 and 1, both of whom dserve to have a mother who can

> play with them and be around for a very long time. My husband and

> family a very supportive. I would love to hear from anyone, at any

> stage in this journey. There is always more to learn!


> -



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Hi ,

Welcome to the group. I had Dr R last March 21 and am down by 105 i


You will like this group. They are a chatty bunch (not me of course)

Beth Peluso



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Welcome !

I had an Open RNY on 8/9/99 with Dr. Randall of Lawrence Memorial Hosp.,

Medford. It was the best choice I've ever makde for me to make this

decision, to acquire my life back. I have gained self confidence,

" attitude " lol, as well as my health. I thank Dr. Randall for giving me

this opportunity.



Hi Everyone!

I am a new member. I thought I would drop a note to introduce myself.

I am pre-op awaiting a surgery date with Dr. Reines @ NWH. I had my

consultation last week and that appointment confirmed my belief that

this surgery will really help me. I have done quite a bit of research

on WLS and I cannot wait to be " on the other side. "

I am doing this for health reasons as well as for my children. I have

2 daughters, 4 and 1, both of whom dserve to have a mother who can

play with them and be around for a very long time. My husband and

family a very supportive. I would love to hear from anyone, at any

stage in this journey. There is always more to learn!


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