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Re: EMS has a terminal illness.. or does it?

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Tater (the original Tater...:)),

Best to your family members, I hope all works out well.

While we all agree that we have a tendency to 'eat our young' and vehemently

disagree on some things, I am curious as to what exactly the answer is?

Where do we start? What miniscule thing can we all agree on, and more

importantly, what is it that we can put our collective weight together on?

Who is the first to offer a compromise so that we have the appearance of

wanting to bring this whole thing together? What can we even compromise on?

When I say our collective weight, I do mean it HAS to be collective. Time

and time again, we see the same names at the meetings, we see the same faces

and hear from the same people over and over again when it comes to getting

things done, and it is a very small percentage that accomplishes these


If anyone thinks that any large organization does not have some level of

strife involved, nothing could be further from the truth, but they have the

ability to reach compromise, and put forth a face of agreement, and bring

the numbers behind them. How do we do that?

I am not here to swear by any one organization, but will it be an

organization at all? How do we get the field medics involved, what will it

take to get them involved? How do we reach them, because it is " them' that

we need. How do you get their attention? Those are the numbers we need. Do

the field medics even have a concept of what dire straits EMS as a whole is

in? How do we get that message to them?

Heck, I don't even mind the arguing, as long as it is done while we are both

headed in the same direction!!!

I don't know anymore, I just don't know where to start. Any ideas?

Hatfield FF/EMT-P

" Si hoc legere scis nimium eruditiones habes "

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Hey ... I hope and pray your family improves. I

was in your neck of the woods Saturday.

both Taters. I guess I will now weigh in with my

ideas. I hope you don't mind but I put my thoughts in

among what you wrote.

Best to y'all.


PS Mike Hatfield. If you have my phone number

(817)236-1839. You need to call me one evening to


>>While we all agree that we have a tendency to 'eat

our young' and vehemently disagree on some things, I

am curious as to what exactly the answer is?

Answer is Unity As you and several others have all

ready pointed out.

>>Where do we start?

As you pointed out later. Its with the field medics.

>>What minuscule thing can we all agree on, and more

importantly, what is it that we can put our collective

weight together on?

A stand alone EMS board. Self governing board will

lend credence to the EMS profession as a whole. It is

not the end all be all. But its a start.

>>Who is the first to offer a compromise so that we

have the appearance of wanting to bring this whole

thing together?

Me. I will start. I see this as being the starting

point. What idea must I give up to have you stand

with me? How can I help you along in your career?

>>What can we even compromise on?

Tell me what areas are important to you. (Ahh, this

takes communication)

>>When I say our collective weight, I do mean it HAS

to be collective. Time and time again, we see the same

names at the meetings, we see the same faces

and hear from the same people over and over again when

it comes to getting things done, and it is a very

small percentage that accomplishes these


Now it is time for those recurring faces to be back in

their area talking to the field medics. How many

times a day do you bump into other Paramedics/EM T's?

Have you asked them? Do you visit with them regarding

improvement of EMS? Do you take notes? (Mental or

physical) Have you brought those ideas back with you?

>>If anyone thinks that any large organization does

not have some level of strife involved, nothing could

be further from the truth, but they have the ability

to reach compromise, and put forth a face of

agreement, and bring the numbers behind them. How do

we do that?

We fight among ourselves at our closed to the public

meetings. We come to a consensus then stand publicly

together. I can express that at the fire station and

at EMS stations, I have had my disagreements in house.

Even to point of shouting matches. However, no one

in the public was ever aware of our disagreements.

They saw us as a team, working together. Do you have

a brother. I do. I have fought with him many times.

But he's still my brother. I still stand with him and

by him even though I disagree. And he with me.

That's called loyalty and unity. When we fight, its

just us. When someone intervenes. We become united.

>>I am not here to swear by any one organization, but

will it be an organization at all?

Yes, It has to be an organization. Or how else is

there unity.

>>How do we get the field medics involved, what will

it take to get them involved? How do we reach them,

because it is " them' that we need. How do you get

their attention? Those are the numbers we need.

To get the field medics involved, it has to become a

local organization. They do not have the money to

drive to Austin from El Paso, Or Houston. There for

they need a way to voice locally their concerns. Then

a local rep comes to the Austin meetings to represent

his area. To get these guys involved it takes

communication. It takes time to visit. and I mean

visit one on one with these guys. Ask them what they

think. They have ideas. They have things that are

important to them. And they will verbalize them if

you give them a chance.

>>Do the field medics even have a concept of what dire

straits EMS as a whole is in? How do we get that

message to them?

They know. They probably have a better idea than what

most of us do. They see it daily in their paychecks,

and uncertainty of their jobs. They know.

Mike, and Others.

I dream of us being unified. I do see someday of EMS

having a hand on what prehospital medicine is all

about. I see Paramedics making a difference in

research, in discovery, in a child's life. I dream

that a paramedic will actually tell a child.. " This is

a great career to go into. "

When a field medic can stand by his truck with pride

and say This field has touched me as much or more than

I ever dreamed. Then EMS will be headed down the

right road.

I dream that burned out paramedics will be after 30

years. Not 3 to 5 years.

I have many dreams for EMS. I have many hopes.

These are my ideas. My dreams. My hopes. Do not

hold anyone but me to my opinions, for I have formed

them in my own little noggin.


Paramedic and Dreamer

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Hey Tom, not to sound corny, but YOU ROCK!

The medic who agrees with Tom

In a message dated 7/18/2005 1:30:41 PM Central Standard Time,

FireMedic1633@... writes:

Hey ... I hope and pray your family improves. I

was in your neck of the woods Saturday.

both Taters. I guess I will now weigh in with my

ideas. I hope you don't mind but I put my thoughts in

among what you wrote.

Best to y'all.


PS Mike Hatfield. If you have my phone number

(817)236-1839. You need to call me one evening to


>>While we all agree that we have a tendency to 'eat

our young' and vehemently disagree on some things, I

am curious as to what exactly the answer is?

Answer is Unity As you and several others have all

ready pointed out.

>>Where do we start?

As you pointed out later. Its with the field medics.

>>What minuscule thing can we all agree on, and more

importantly, what is it that we can put our collective

weight together on?

A stand alone EMS board. Self governing board will

lend credence to the EMS profession as a whole. It is

not the end all be all. But its a start.

>>Who is the first to offer a compromise so that we

have the appearance of wanting to bring this whole

thing together?

Me. I will start. I see this as being the starting

point. What idea must I give up to have you stand

with me? How can I help you along in your career?

>>What can we even compromise on?

Tell me what areas are important to you. (Ahh, this

takes communication)

>>When I say our collective weight, I do mean it HAS

to be collective. Time and time again, we see the same

names at the meetings, we see the same faces

and hear from the same people over and over again when

it comes to getting things done, and it is a very

small percentage that accomplishes these


Now it is time for those recurring faces to be back in

their area talking to the field medics. How many

times a day do you bump into other Paramedics/EM T's?

Have you asked them? Do you visit with them regarding

improvement of EMS? Do you take notes? (Mental or

physical) Have you brought those ideas back with you?

>>If anyone thinks that any large organization does

not have some level of strife involved, nothing could

be further from the truth, but they have the ability

to reach compromise, and put forth a face of

agreement, and bring the numbers behind them. How do

we do that?

We fight among ourselves at our closed to the public

meetings. We come to a consensus then stand publicly

together. I can express that at the fire station and

at EMS stations, I have had my disagreements in house.

Even to point of shouting matches. However, no one

in the public was ever aware of our disagreements.

They saw us as a team, working together. Do you have

a brother. I do. I have fought with him many times.

But he's still my brother. I still stand with him and

by him even though I disagree. And he with me.

That's called loyalty and unity. When we fight, its

just us. When someone intervenes. We become united.

>>I am not here to swear by any one organization, but

will it be an organization at all?

Yes, It has to be an organization. Or how else is

there unity.

>>How do we get the field medics involved, what will

it take to get them involved? How do we reach them,

because it is " them' that we need. How do you get

their attention? Those are the numbers we need.

To get the field medics involved, it has to become a

local organization. They do not have the money to

drive to Austin from El Paso, Or Houston. There for

they need a way to voice locally their concerns. Then

a local rep comes to the Austin meetings to represent

his area. To get these guys involved it takes

communication. It takes time to visit. and I mean

visit one on one with these guys. Ask them what they

think. They have ideas. They have things that are

important to them. And they will verbalize them if

you give them a chance.

>>Do the field medics even have a concept of what dire

straits EMS as a whole is in? How do we get that

message to them?

They know. They probably have a better idea than what

most of us do. They see it daily in their paychecks,

and uncertainty of their jobs. They know.

Mike, and Others.

I dream of us being unified. I do see someday of EMS

having a hand on what prehospital medicine is all

about. I see Paramedics making a difference in

research, in discovery, in a child's life. I dream

that a paramedic will actually tell a child.. " This is

a great career to go into. "

When a field medic can stand by his truck with pride

and say This field has touched me as much or more than

I ever dreamed. Then EMS will be headed down the

right road.

I dream that burned out paramedics will be after 30

years. Not 3 to 5 years.

I have many dreams for EMS. I have many hopes.

These are my ideas. My dreams. My hopes. Do not

hold anyone but me to my opinions, for I have formed

them in my own little noggin.


Paramedic and Dreamer

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Tom et al,

I agree with all that has been said particularly the UNITY part but I ask

you this question...

How is it that a state like Wisconsin has over 6,000 members in its EMS

association and Texas has what it has? What's different in WI over TX?\

If an ORGINIZATION is the answer and I believe that it is EMSAT is already

established and while it has its problems and issues imagine what it could do

with 6,000 members??????????

So again what is different in WI versus TX and no it's not that WI people

are any better or TX folks any worse.

Louis N. Molino, Sr., CET



(IFW Office)

(Cell Phone)

(IFW Fax)

" A Texan with a Jersey Attitude "

The comments contained in this E-mail are the opinions of the author and the

author alone. I in no way ever intend to speak for any person or

organization that I am in any way whatsoever involved or associated with unless


specifically state that I am doing so. Further this E-mail is intended only for


stated recipient and may contain private and or confidential materials

retransmission is strictly prohibited unless placed in the public domain by the

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In a message dated 7/18/2005 5:57:51 P.M. Central Daylight Time,

hatfield@... writes:

It's easy to say we need unity, and we do. Begs the question of how we get

it, how do we become (as Louis said) like Wisconsin? Do we need to go to

each and every field medic? If so, how many of us will take that

responsibility? Who is going to start it all? Where do we start? What

county/city/service do we start with?

I do like the idea of EMSAT having " chapters " as Jane mentioned. Perhaps a

starting place is to align them with TDHS Regions? That's what? 11? Something

like that right?

Louis N. Molino, Sr., CET



(IFW Office)

(Cell Phone)

(IFW Fax)

" A Texan with a Jersey Attitude "

The comments contained in this E-mail are the opinions of the author and the

author alone. I in no way ever intend to speak for any person or

organization that I am in any way whatsoever involved or associated with unless


specifically state that I am doing so. Further this E-mail is intended only for


stated recipient and may contain private and or confidential materials

retransmission is strictly prohibited unless placed in the public domain by the

original author.

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Good and positive thoughts, Tom. If I am not mistaken, EMSAT discussed setting

up local chapters before so that their would be continuity between the groups as

well as more local access. I think the issue was having membership that were

willing to be a part of that and help set it all up and make sure it happens. I

am still all for something like this; we just need folks who are willing to

become members of ONE organization and then are willing to be active and help

set up and run the local chapters (or whatever you want to call it). And again,

whether that venue be EMSAT or Joe's Bar and Grill EMS Group makes very little

difference to me personally, but I think we have to start somewhere.

I received a private e-mail where it was stated that folks are still hung up on

" so what's in it for me????? " I think we as a group have to shift into the

mindset of " what's in it for EMS as an industry? " and " what's in it to benefit

EMS folks and the communities that they serve? " It is human nature to not want

to get involved in something unless you can personally benefit, but we have to

fight the selfish voices we hear in our heads and start looking at the overall

picture and state of affairs. I think when we do that, we WILL see some personal

benefits as well because many of the issues that we need to work out as a group

involve things like being recognized and treated as professionals, salaries and

work conditions, safety issues, continuing education and initial training

issues, money for those things, etc. Sometimes we forget that to get what we

WANT for ourselves individually, we have to work toward those SAME things for

the entire group.

Just my thoughts...

Jane Hill

-------------- Original message from lisawhir@...: --------------

Hey Tom, not to sound corny, but YOU ROCK!

The medic who agrees with Tom

In a message dated 7/18/2005 1:30:41 PM Central Standard Time,

FireMedic1633@... writes:

Hey ... I hope and pray your family improves. I

was in your neck of the woods Saturday.

both Taters. I guess I will now weigh in with my

ideas. I hope you don't mind but I put my thoughts in

among what you wrote.

Best to y'all.


PS Mike Hatfield. If you have my phone number

(817)236-1839. You need to call me one evening to


>>While we all agree that we have a tendency to 'eat

our young' and vehemently disagree on some things, I

am curious as to what exactly the answer is?

Answer is Unity As you and several others have all

ready pointed out.

>>Where do we start?

As you pointed out later. Its with the field medics.

>>What minuscule thing can we all agree on, and more

importantly, what is it that we can put our collective

weight together on?

A stand alone EMS board. Self governing board will

lend credence to the EMS profession as a whole. It is

not the end all be all. But its a start.

>>Who is the first to offer a compromise so that we

have the appearance of wanting to bring this whole

thing together?

Me. I will start. I see this as being the starting

point. What idea must I give up to have you stand

with me? How can I help you along in your career?

>>What can we even compromise on?

Tell me what areas are important to you. (Ahh, this

takes communication)

>>When I say our collective weight, I do mean it HAS

to be collective. Time and time again, we see the same

names at the meetings, we see the same faces

and hear from the same people over and over again when

it comes to getting things done, and it is a very

small percentage that accomplishes these


Now it is time for those recurring faces to be back in

their area talking to the field medics. How many

times a day do you bump into other Paramedics/EM T's?

Have you asked them? Do you visit with them regarding

improvement of EMS? Do you take notes? (Mental or

physical) Have you brought those ideas back with you?

>>If anyone thinks that any large organization does

not have some level of strife involved, nothing could

be further from the truth, but they have the ability

to reach compromise, and put forth a face of

agreement, and bring the numbers behind them. How do

we do that?

We fight among ourselves at our closed to the public

meetings. We come to a consensus then stand publicly

together. I can express that at the fire station and

at EMS stations, I have had my disagreements in house.

Even to point of shouting matches. However, no one

in the public was ever aware of our disagreements.

They saw us as a team, working together. Do you have

a brother. I do. I have fought with him many times.

But he's still my brother. I still stand with him and

by him even though I disagree. And he with me.

That's called loyalty and unity. When we fight, its

just us. When someone intervenes. We become united.

>>I am not here to swear by any one organization, but

will it be an organization at all?

Yes, It has to be an organization. Or how else is

there unity.

>>How do we get the field medics involved, what will

it take to get them involved? How do we reach them,

because it is " them' that we need. How do you get

their attention? Those are the numbers we need.

To get the field medics involved, it has to become a

local organization. They do not have the money to

drive to Austin from El Paso, Or Houston. There for

they need a way to voice locally their concerns. Then

a local rep comes to the Austin meetings to represent

his area. To get these guys involved it takes

communication. It takes time to visit. and I mean

visit one on one with these guys. Ask them what they

think. They have ideas. They have things that are

important to them. And they will verbalize them if

you give them a chance.

>>Do the field medics even have a concept of what dire

straits EMS as a whole is in? How do we get that

message to them?

They know. They probably have a better idea than what

most of us do. They see it daily in their paychecks,

and uncertainty of their jobs. They know.

Mike, and Others.

I dream of us being unified. I do see someday of EMS

having a hand on what prehospital medicine is all

about. I see Paramedics making a difference in

research, in discovery, in a child's life. I dream

that a paramedic will actually tell a child.. " This is

a great career to go into. "

When a field medic can stand by his truck with pride

and say This field has touched me as much or more than

I ever dreamed. Then EMS will be headed down the

right road.

I dream that burned out paramedics will be after 30

years. Not 3 to 5 years.

I have many dreams for EMS. I have many hopes.

These are my ideas. My dreams. My hopes. Do not

hold anyone but me to my opinions, for I have formed

them in my own little noggin.


Paramedic and Dreamer

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Very good question, Louis. What IS different? Is it that we are more in an

infant state in regards to the question of organizing ourselves? Is it that

there is more apathy in general in EMS in Texas? Or is it that the word has not

gotten out to the EMS masses and, if that is the case, how do we do that? (I

know lightening is going to strike when I make this next analogy, but here

goes.) Christianity didn't start as an organized movement. For that matter,

many religions didn't. They started as small groups of individuals who, using

word of mouth and personal invitations, convinced those around them to come and

get involved. Then those people got two people, and those people got two people

(I think I just fell into a commercial from the past, didn't I?). The point is

that a grassroots movement has to start with individuals who are willing to keep

pressing forward for change and for organization and who are willing to keep

harping on those around them to become involved.

I used to be the WORST one about wanting to get involved in ANYTHING that

smacked of politics, etc. Then Gene Gandy came along and suckered me in, and

the rest is history. (BTW, I still owe you one for that Gene, and it won't be

pretty.) The point is, each person on this list has an opportunity to be a part

of a solution for our industry that ultimately leads to becoming an organized

group as a whole - all 55,000 of us as the case may be. Whether you are on one

side of the fence or the other on any issue, I think MOST of us can agree that

we need to develop organization and become a voice to be heard by our

legislators, governments and communities. So why don't we all take out a

personal stake in this to try to get ourselves more involved in getting that

voice together and making it a point to get those of us who work in EMS around

us involved. Be a pain in the tush until they have to participate to make you

shut up if that is what it takes (that's what Gene did to ME), but be a

proponent for unity. Like Louis said, heck, if even SIX THOUSAND of us stood on

common ground, we would be a force that legislators and others would have to

reckon with and we would be able to start promoting positive changes for our


OK, that's all I have to say. I'm tired.

Jane Hill

-------------- Original message from lnmolino@...: --------------

Tom et al,

I agree with all that has been said particularly the UNITY part but I ask

you this question...

How is it that a state like Wisconsin has over 6,000 members in its EMS

association and Texas has what it has? What's different in WI over TX?\

If an ORGINIZATION is the answer and I believe that it is EMSAT is already

established and while it has its problems and issues imagine what it could do

with 6,000 members??????????

So again what is different in WI versus TX and no it's not that WI people

are any better or TX folks any worse.

Louis N. Molino, Sr., CET



(IFW Office)

(Cell Phone)

(IFW Fax)

" A Texan with a Jersey Attitude "

The comments contained in this E-mail are the opinions of the author and the

author alone. I in no way ever intend to speak for any person or

organization that I am in any way whatsoever involved or associated with unless


specifically state that I am doing so. Further this E-mail is intended only for


stated recipient and may contain private and or confidential materials

retransmission is strictly prohibited unless placed in the public domain by the

original author.

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I picked this one part out of your email, not because I disagree, but

because I want to know what we can do about it.

It's easy to say we need unity, and we do. Begs the question of how we get

it, how do we become (as Louis said) like Wisconsin? Do we need to go to

each and every field medic? If so, how many of us will take that

responsibility? Who is going to start it all? Where do we start? What

county/city/service do we start with?

Everything else in your email is on the money.

P.S. I am on primary tonight, so if I don't call tonight, I will call



Hatfield FF/EMT-P

" Si hoc legere scis nimium eruditiones habes "

>>Answer is Unity As you and several others have all

>>ready pointed out.

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Why not contact the EMS association in WI and ask them how they accomplished

what they have. Lets face it, they probably had the same problems in the

beginning as we have today.


Re: EMS has a terminal illness.. or does it?



> In a message dated 7/18/2005 5:57:51 P.M. Central Daylight Time,

> hatfield@... writes:


> It's easy to say we need unity, and we do. Begs the question of how we

> get

> it, how do we become (as Louis said) like Wisconsin? Do we need to go to

> each and every field medic? If so, how many of us will take that

> responsibility? Who is going to start it all? Where do we start? What

> county/city/service do we start with?




> I do like the idea of EMSAT having " chapters " as Jane mentioned. Perhaps

> a

> starting place is to align them with TDHS Regions? That's what? 11?

> Something

> like that right?


> Louis N. Molino, Sr., CET


> LNMolino@...

> (IFW Office)

> (Cell Phone)

> (IFW Fax)


> " A Texan with a Jersey Attitude "


> The comments contained in this E-mail are the opinions of the author and

> the

> author alone. I in no way ever intend to speak for any person or

> organization that I am in any way whatsoever involved or associated with

> unless I

> specifically state that I am doing so. Further this E-mail is intended

> only for its

> stated recipient and may contain private and or confidential materials

> retransmission is strictly prohibited unless placed in the public domain

> by the

> original author.




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I know them well. They have 3 full-time employees with an annual payroll

over $200,000.

Their secret is:

1. They are highly visible.

2. They encourage squad membership.

3. They publish a quality magazine 6 times a year.

4. They host one of the biggest conferences in EMS.

5. They host an annual EMS continuing education cruise.

6. They have several large corporate sponsors.

7. The provide an up to date " hot sheet " by FAX or email when something

affects Wisconsin EMS.

8. They have an influence in state politics and the state EMS commission.

9. They offer their members a lot for their membership dollar.

10. They are accountable.

11. It is seen by EMS providers as a credible organization and not a good

old boy system like NAEMT.

12. They are not a part of NAEMT.

13. They have a full time Executive Director (at a salary of $70,000/year).

14. Office space is donated by one of the corporate sponsors.

15. They have the infrastructure to support their work (computers, blast

email systems, desk top publishing).

There are many more--the secret is corporate sponsorship and squad



Re: EMS has a terminal illness.. or does it?

Why not contact the EMS association in WI and ask them how they accomplished

what they have. Lets face it, they probably had the same problems in the

beginning as we have today.


Re: EMS has a terminal illness.. or does it?



> In a message dated 7/18/2005 5:57:51 P.M. Central Daylight Time,

> hatfield@... writes:


> It's easy to say we need unity, and we do. Begs the question of how we

> get

> it, how do we become (as Louis said) like Wisconsin? Do we need to go to

> each and every field medic? If so, how many of us will take that

> responsibility? Who is going to start it all? Where do we start? What

> county/city/service do we start with?




> I do like the idea of EMSAT having " chapters " as Jane mentioned. Perhaps

> a

> starting place is to align them with TDHS Regions? That's what? 11?

> Something

> like that right?


> Louis N. Molino, Sr., CET


> LNMolino@...

> (IFW Office)

> (Cell Phone)

> (IFW Fax)


> " A Texan with a Jersey Attitude "


> The comments contained in this E-mail are the opinions of the author and

> the

> author alone. I in no way ever intend to speak for any person or

> organization that I am in any way whatsoever involved or associated with

> unless I

> specifically state that I am doing so. Further this E-mail is intended

> only for its

> stated recipient and may contain private and or confidential materials

> retransmission is strictly prohibited unless placed in the public domain

> by the

> original author.




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I guess the biggest thing is they sought numbers (members first) and then

power and influence. The earlier history of EMSAT is that they sought power

and influence before they had numbers and were thus seen as a Chihuahua is a

land of Dobermans. The current management of EMSAT has worked hard to make

the organization effective and have made significant progress and I support

them 100%. I am and have been an EMSAT member although I cannot vote because

I am not a registered EMS provider anymore.


Re: EMS has a terminal illness.. or does it?

Why not contact the EMS association in WI and ask them how they accomplished

what they have. Lets face it, they probably had the same problems in the

beginning as we have today.


Re: EMS has a terminal illness.. or does it?



> In a message dated 7/18/2005 5:57:51 P.M. Central Daylight Time,

> hatfield@... writes:


> It's easy to say we need unity, and we do. Begs the question of how

> we get it, how do we become (as Louis said) like Wisconsin? Do we

> need to go to each and every field medic? If so, how many of us will

> take that responsibility? Who is going to start it all? Where do we

> start? What county/city/service do we start with?




> I do like the idea of EMSAT having " chapters " as Jane mentioned.

> Perhaps a starting place is to align them with TDHS Regions? That's

> what? 11?

> Something

> like that right?


> Louis N. Molino, Sr., CET


> LNMolino@...

> (IFW Office)

> (Cell Phone)

> (IFW Fax)


> " A Texan with a Jersey Attitude "


> The comments contained in this E-mail are the opinions of the author

> and the author alone. I in no way ever intend to speak for any person

> or organization that I am in any way whatsoever involved or

> associated with unless I specifically state that I am doing so.

> Further this E-mail is intended only for its stated recipient and may

> contain private and or confidential materials retransmission is

> strictly prohibited unless placed in the public domain by the

> original author.




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Bledsoe wrote:I know them well. They have 3

full-time employees with an annual payroll

over $200,000.

Their secret is:

1. They are highly visible.

2. They encourage squad membership.

3. They publish a quality magazine 6 times a year.

4. They host one of the biggest conferences in EMS.

5. They host an annual EMS continuing education cruise.

6. They have several large corporate sponsors.

7. The provide an up to date " hot sheet " by FAX or email when something

affects Wisconsin EMS.

8. They have an influence in state politics and the state EMS commission.

9. They offer their members a lot for their membership dollar.

10. They are accountable.

11. It is seen by EMS providers as a credible organization and not a good

old boy system like NAEMT.

12. They are not a part of NAEMT.

13. They have a full time Executive Director (at a salary of $70,000/year).

14. Office space is donated by one of the corporate sponsors.

15. They have the infrastructure to support their work (computers, blast

email systems, desk top publishing).

There are many more--the secret is corporate sponsorship and squad



Re: EMS has a terminal illness.. or does it?

Why not contact the EMS association in WI and ask them how they accomplished

what they have. Lets face it, they probably had the same problems in the

beginning as we have today.


Re: EMS has a terminal illness.. or does it?



> In a message dated 7/18/2005 5:57:51 P.M. Central Daylight Time,

> hatfield@... writes:


> It's easy to say we need unity, and we do. Begs the question of how we

> get

> it, how do we become (as Louis said) like Wisconsin? Do we need to go to

> each and every field medic? If so, how many of us will take that

> responsibility? Who is going to start it all? Where do we start? What

> county/city/service do we start with?




> I do like the idea of EMSAT having " chapters " as Jane mentioned. Perhaps

> a

> starting place is to align them with TDHS Regions? That's what? 11?

> Something

> like that right?


> Louis N. Molino, Sr., CET


> LNMolino@...

> (IFW Office)

> (Cell Phone)

> (IFW Fax)


> " A Texan with a Jersey Attitude "


> The comments contained in this E-mail are the opinions of the author and

> the

> author alone. I in no way ever intend to speak for any person or

> organization that I am in any way whatsoever involved or associated with

> unless I

> specifically state that I am doing so. Further this E-mail is intended

> only for its

> stated recipient and may contain private and or confidential materials

> retransmission is strictly prohibited unless placed in the public domain

> by the

> original author.




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See their web site:


Re: EMS has a terminal illness.. or does it?

Why not contact the EMS association in WI and ask them how they accomplished

what they have. Lets face it, they probably had the same problems in the

beginning as we have today.


Re: EMS has a terminal illness.. or does it?



> In a message dated 7/18/2005 5:57:51 P.M. Central Daylight Time,

> hatfield@... writes:


> It's easy to say we need unity, and we do. Begs the question of how

> we get it, how do we become (as Louis said) like Wisconsin? Do we

> need to go to each and every field medic? If so, how many of us will

> take that responsibility? Who is going to start it all? Where do we

> start? What county/city/service do we start with?




> I do like the idea of EMSAT having " chapters " as Jane mentioned.

> Perhaps a starting place is to align them with TDHS Regions? That's

> what? 11?

> Something

> like that right?


> Louis N. Molino, Sr., CET


> LNMolino@...

> (IFW Office)

> (Cell Phone)

> (IFW Fax)


> " A Texan with a Jersey Attitude "


> The comments contained in this E-mail are the opinions of the author

> and the author alone. I in no way ever intend to speak for any person

> or organization that I am in any way whatsoever involved or

> associated with unless I specifically state that I am doing so.

> Further this E-mail is intended only for its stated recipient and may

> contain private and or confidential materials retransmission is

> strictly prohibited unless placed in the public domain by the

> original author.




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I'll wade my two cents worth in here also. Not only does Wisconsin have a very

proactive EMS association, so do a lot of other states. The problem starts with

membership and getting your voice heard. Sitting back and hoping others will do

it for you, and then griping because they haven't, is not a solution. Whether

it is EMSAT, or not, be a voice to be heard when it comes to where the

association needs to direct an issue.

For those that grumble about EMSAT, the solution is not to grumble if you didn't

participate to have your voice heard, but to get in there and as a member, make

changes if you feel it is needed. Remember too, that no association can take on

every single issue all at once.....priorities for what issue is the most

important to try doing things about, for the good of everyone, needs to start

and then add issues as the old ones get resolved. There is power in numbers and

voices. You are never going to get everything you specifically want, but if you

feel strongly about something, keep bringing it up. Maybe you will have to

compromise, maybe not. We didn't like everything the Negotiated Rule Making

Committee in Washington finally got, but we DID get a good bit of what EMS asked

for. (and by the way, EMS is the ONLY Healthcare industry in recent years, that

got to sit at a table with Washington and CMS and negotiate for what we needed).

Now they keep going back to the table to fight another day to get what we didn't

get.... sometimes they win, sometimes they don't. But, it's progress.....in

little steps.


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That's a start. Now, who all plans to participate if it is available? Who

would be willing to join and come to the meetings if held in their respective

sections of the state? Who would be willing to spearhead those meetings and

then come to the main meetings to represent their areas? Heck, I am sure even

the main meetings could be moved around each time across the state if someone

was willing to help sponsor that when you want it to come to your area. Now,

that having been said, I am not speaking FOR EMSAT. I am only trying to open

the topic of conversation to gauge what folks out there want and what the EMS

community considers might work for THEM.

Jane Hill

-------------- Original message from lnmolino@...: --------------

In a message dated 7/18/2005 5:57:51 P.M. Central Daylight Time,

hatfield@... writes:

It's easy to say we need unity, and we do. Begs the question of how we get

it, how do we become (as Louis said) like Wisconsin? Do we need to go to

each and every field medic? If so, how many of us will take that

responsibility? Who is going to start it all? Where do we start? What

county/city/service do we start with?

I do like the idea of EMSAT having " chapters " as Jane mentioned. Perhaps a

starting place is to align them with TDHS Regions? That's what? 11? Something

like that right?

Louis N. Molino, Sr., CET



(IFW Office)

(Cell Phone)

(IFW Fax)

" A Texan with a Jersey Attitude "

The comments contained in this E-mail are the opinions of the author and the

author alone. I in no way ever intend to speak for any person or

organization that I am in any way whatsoever involved or associated with unless


specifically state that I am doing so. Further this E-mail is intended only for


stated recipient and may contain private and or confidential materials

retransmission is strictly prohibited unless placed in the public domain by the

original author.

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That is also a very valid point. Mike, would you be willing to contact them and

ask a few questions and then maybe bring that information either back here or

even to an EMSAT meeting?


--------- Re: EMS has a terminal illness.. or does it?



> In a message dated 7/18/2005 5:57:51 P.M. Central Daylight Time,

> hatfield@... writes:


> It's easy to say we need unity, and we do. Begs the question of how we

> get

> it, how do we become (as Louis said) like Wisconsin? Do we need to go to

> each and every field medic? If so, how many of us will take that

> responsibility? Who is going to start it all? Where do we start? What

> county/city/service do we start with?




> I do like the idea of EMSAT having " chapters " as Jane mentioned. Perhaps

> a

> starting place is to align them with TDHS Regions? That's what? 11?

> Something

> like that right?


> Louis N. Molino, Sr., CET


> LNMolino@...

> (IFW Office)

> (Cell Phone)

> (IFW Fax)


> " A Texan with a Jersey Attitude "


> The comments contained in this E-mail are the opinions of the author and

> the

> author alone. I in no way ever intend to speak for any person or

> organization that I am in any way whatsoever involved or associated with

> unless I

> specifically state that I am doing so. Further this E-mail is intended

> only for its

> stated recipient and may contain private and or confidential materials

> retransmission is strictly prohibited unless placed in the public domain

> by the

> original author.




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Howdy, Dr. B. So how did they initially set all this up though to get it all

started because there is a lot of money there needed to launch what they have up

there. I am sure they had to take baby steps first and then something obviously

worked to get the attention and support of EMS folks in their state. How did

they do it?

Jane Hill

--------- Re: EMS has a terminal illness.. or does it?



> In a message dated 7/18/2005 5:57:51 P.M. Central Daylight Time,

> hatfield@... writes:


> It's easy to say we need unity, and we do. Begs the question of how we

> get

> it, how do we become (as Louis said) like Wisconsin? Do we need to go to

> each and every field medic? If so, how many of us will take that

> responsibility? Who is going to start it all? Where do we start? What

> county/city/service do we start with?




> I do like the idea of EMSAT having " chapters " as Jane mentioned. Perhaps

> a

> starting place is to align them with TDHS Regions? That's what? 11?

> Something

> like that right?


> Louis N. Molino, Sr., CET


> LNMolino@...

> (IFW Office)

> (Cell Phone)

> (IFW Fax)


> " A Texan with a Jersey Attitude "


> The comments contained in this E-mail are the opinions of the author and

> the

> author alone. I in no way ever intend to speak for any person or

> organization that I am in any way whatsoever involved or associated with

> unless I

> specifically state that I am doing so. Further this E-mail is intended

> only for its

> stated recipient and may contain private and or confidential materials

> retransmission is strictly prohibited unless placed in the public domain

> by the

> original author.




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Thank you, Dr. B. We are trying and I think we all want it to work. But we

need LOTS of help, support, and fresh voices to make it happen. I am not a

bylaws person usually and I haven't looked at them before I say this, but I

wonder if our bylaws allow a non-voting member to serve on the Board?

Hmmmmmm....... May have to look that one up. LOL You area valuable leader in

Texas, and we could SURE use your help to pull our EMS voices together.

BTW, hope to see you soon.

Jane Hill

--------- Re: EMS has a terminal illness.. or does it?



> In a message dated 7/18/2005 5:57:51 P.M. Central Daylight Time,

> hatfield@... writes:


> It's easy to say we need unity, and we do. Begs the question of how

> we get it, how do we become (as Louis said) like Wisconsin? Do we

> need to go to each and every field medic? If so, how many of us will

> take that responsibility? Who is going to start it all? Where do we

> start? What county/city/service do we start with?




> I do like the idea of EMSAT having " chapters " as Jane mentioned.

> Perhaps a starting place is to align them with TDHS Regions? That's

> what? 11?

> Something

> like that right?


> Louis N. Molino, Sr., CET


> LNMolino@...

> (IFW Office)

> (Cell Phone)

> (IFW Fax)


> " A Texan with a Jersey Attitude "


> The comments contained in this E-mail are the opinions of the author

> and the author alone. I in no way ever intend to speak for any person

> or organization that I am in any way whatsoever involved or

> associated with unless I specifically state that I am doing so.

> Further this E-mail is intended only for its stated recipient and may

> contain private and or confidential materials retransmission is

> strictly prohibited unless placed in the public domain by the

> original author.




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Ok Mike,

Here I go to tackle that issue.

Look below.

I picked this one part out of your email, not because

I disagree, but

because I want to know what we can do about it.

>>It's easy to say we need unity, and we do. Begs the

question of how we get it, how do we become (as Louis

said) like Wisconsin?

First realize that we need to unify. No realization

no crystilazation.

>>Do we need to go to each and every field medic?

Yes each and every one. It starts with me and you.

You talk first to your partner. Then to the guys who

relieve you. Then to the guys you relieve. Then Talk

to the paramedics that you bump into at the hospital

droping off. Talk to the medics you meet at

conference. etc. Each of them does the same thing.

Before long everyone hears about unity.

>>If so, how many of us will take that responsibility?

I will take it. I will talk to the guys I meet at the

hospital and on the street. Will you?

>>Who is going to start it all?

I think I just started it.

>>Where do we start?

Right where you are Mike. Meet them right there.

>>What county/city/service do we start with?

The paramedic who is standing right in front of you.

The EMT student sitting in the box on the way to

burger king. That is where you start.


I am on call tonight and tomorrow night but I am

hoping you call me soon.

Your friend

Tom LeNeveu

Be Safe Out There




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I will. I am ready for change. I want to see the

dreams come alive. I want to believe that EMS has a

brillant future. And I will chase that dream.


--- je.hill@... wrote:


That's a start. Now, who all plans to participate if

it is available? Who would be willing to join and

come to the meetings if held in their respective

sections of the state? Who would be willing to

spearhead those meetings and then come to the main

meetings to represent their areas? Heck, I am sure

even the main meetings could be moved around each time

across the state if someone was willing to help

sponsor that when you want it to come to your area.

Now, that having been said, I am not speaking FOR

EMSAT. I am only trying to open the topic of

conversation to gauge what folks out there want and

what the EMS community considers might work for THEM.

Jane Hill

-------------- Original message from lnmolino@...:


In a message dated 7/18/2005 5:57:51 P.M. Central

Daylight Time,

hatfield@... writes:

It's easy to say we need unity, and we do. Begs the

question of how we get

it, how do we become (as Louis said) like Wisconsin?

Do we need to go to

each and every field medic? If so, how many of us

will take that

responsibility? Who is going to start it all? Where

do we start? What

county/city/service do we start with?

I do like the idea of EMSAT having " chapters " as Jane

mentioned. Perhaps a

starting place is to align them with TDHS Regions?

That's what? 11? Something

like that right?

Louis N. Molino, Sr., CET



(IFW Office)

(Cell Phone)

(IFW Fax)

" A Texan with a Jersey Attitude "

The comments contained in this E-mail are the

opinions of the author and the

author alone. I in no way ever intend to speak for

any person or

organization that I am in any way whatsoever involved

or associated with unless I

specifically state that I am doing so. Further this

E-mail is intended only for its

stated recipient and may contain private and or

confidential materials

retransmission is strictly prohibited unless placed in

the public domain by the

original author.

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Wow, what a great website they have. Looking at their stuff I see why they are

popular but they had to have started somewhere. Where did the initial capital

come from? The problem is that it TAKES those full time people to make

something like that happen and continue, and that takes lots of money. So how

did they do it?

Unfortunately, EMSAT has only volunteer board members to run it, a very low paid

part time coordinator who basically makes enough money to justify about 5 to 8

hours of work a week, and a very low paid lobbyist to keep his ear to the ground

for issues that will affect our industry. The Board members all have full time

jobs and don't even get any money at all to help offset expenses for fuel,

hotels or anything for the meetings or anything else that needs to be done. So

how do we get things off the ground initially? I think Dr. Bledsoe's

observations were pretty correct, but how should it be fixed now so that the

association (if that is what we want) can grow and become what we as an EMS

community want - something similar to Wisconsin and other states?

I firmly believe if we can find a way to get it there, then it CAN become one of

our venues for unified strength - an organization that represents us and that

fights for us and that provides us with avenues to give the members

opportunities in return - things to make THEIR time and money worthwhile too.

But it has to start somewhere - where is that?

Jane Hill

--------- Re: EMS has a terminal illness.. or does it?



> In a message dated 7/18/2005 5:57:51 P.M. Central Daylight Time,

> hatfield@... writes:


> It's easy to say we need unity, and we do. Begs the question of how

> we get it, how do we become (as Louis said) like Wisconsin? Do we

> need to go to each and every field medic? If so, how many of us will

> take that responsibility? Who is going to start it all? Where do we

> start? What county/city/service do we start with?




> I do like the idea of EMSAT having " chapters " as Jane mentioned.

> Perhaps a starting place is to align them with TDHS Regions? That's

> what? 11?

> Something

> like that right?


> Louis N. Molino, Sr., CET


> LNMolino@...

> (IFW Office)

> (Cell Phone)

> (IFW Fax)


> " A Texan with a Jersey Attitude "


> The comments contained in this E-mail are the opinions of the author

> and the author alone. I in no way ever intend to speak for any person

> or organization that I am in any way whatsoever involved or

> associated with unless I specifically state that I am doing so.

> Further this E-mail is intended only for its stated recipient and may

> contain private and or confidential materials retransmission is

> strictly prohibited unless placed in the public domain by the

> original author.




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Terrific, Tom!!!!! Thank you for your positive comments and interaction on

this. Now we just need to go about gauging the rest of the crowd. Who else

wants something like this and would be willing to help make it happen? Also,

Tom, refresh my memory - what section of the state are you in? (I am getting

old and the memory fails me.)

Jane Hill

-------------- Original message from Tom :


I will. I am ready for change. I want to see the

dreams come alive. I want to believe that EMS has a

brillant future. And I will chase that dream.


--- je.hill@... wrote:


That's a start. Now, who all plans to participate if

it is available? Who would be willing to join and

come to the meetings if held in their respective

sections of the state? Who would be willing to

spearhead those meetings and then come to the main

meetings to represent their areas? Heck, I am sure

even the main meetings could be moved around each time

across the state if someone was willing to help

sponsor that when you want it to come to your area.

Now, that having been said, I am not speaking FOR

EMSAT. I am only trying to open the topic of

conversation to gauge what folks out there want and

what the EMS community considers might work for THEM.

Jane Hill

-------------- Original message from lnmolino@...:


In a message dated 7/18/2005 5:57:51 P.M. Central

Daylight Time,

hatfield@... writes:

It's easy to say we need unity, and we do. Begs the

question of how we get

it, how do we become (as Louis said) like Wisconsin?

Do we need to go to

each and every field medic? If so, how many of us

will take that

responsibility? Who is going to start it all? Where

do we start? What

county/city/service do we start with?

I do like the idea of EMSAT having " chapters " as Jane

mentioned. Perhaps a

starting place is to align them with TDHS Regions?

That's what? 11? Something

like that right?

Louis N. Molino, Sr., CET



(IFW Office)

(Cell Phone)

(IFW Fax)

" A Texan with a Jersey Attitude "

The comments contained in this E-mail are the

opinions of the author and the

author alone. I in no way ever intend to speak for

any person or

organization that I am in any way whatsoever involved

or associated with unless I

specifically state that I am doing so. Further this

E-mail is intended only for its

stated recipient and may contain private and or

confidential materials

retransmission is strictly prohibited unless placed in

the public domain by the

original author.

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Guest guest

I am in the Fort Worth area. Heck even been to your

neck of the woods recently.


--- je.hill@... wrote:


Terrific, Tom!!!!! Thank you for your positive

comments and interaction on this. Now we just need to

go about gauging the rest of the crowd. Who else

wants something like this and would be willing to help

make it happen? Also, Tom, refresh my memory - what

section of the state are you in? (I am getting old

and the memory fails me.)

Jane Hill

-------------- Original message from Tom

: --------------

I will. I am ready for change. I want to see the

dreams come alive. I want to believe that EMS has a

brillant future. And I will chase that dream.


--- je.hill@... wrote:


That's a start. Now, who all plans to participate if

it is available? Who would be willing to join and

come to the meetings if held in their respective

sections of the state? Who would be willing to

spearhead those meetings and then come to the main

meetings to represent their areas? Heck, I am sure

even the main meetings could be moved around each time

across the state if someone was willing to help

sponsor that when you want it to come to your area.

Now, that having been said, I am not speaking FOR

EMSAT. I am only trying to open the topic of

conversation to gauge what folks out there want and

what the EMS community considers might work for THEM.

Jane Hill

-------------- Original message from lnmolino@...:


In a message dated 7/18/2005 5:57:51 P.M. Central

Daylight Time,

hatfield@... writes:

It's easy to say we need unity, and we do. Begs the

question of how we get

it, how do we become (as Louis said) like Wisconsin?

Do we need to go to

each and every field medic? If so, how many of us

will take that

responsibility? Who is going to start it all? Where

do we start? What

county/city/service do we start with?

I do like the idea of EMSAT having " chapters " as Jane

mentioned. Perhaps a

starting place is to align them with TDHS Regions?

That's what? 11? Something

like that right?

Louis N. Molino, Sr., CET



(IFW Office)

(Cell Phone)

(IFW Fax)

" A Texan with a Jersey Attitude "

The comments contained in this E-mail are the

opinions of the author and the

author alone. I in no way ever intend to speak for

any person or

organization that I am in any way whatsoever involved

or associated with unless I

specifically state that I am doing so. Further this

E-mail is intended only for its

stated recipient and may contain private and or

confidential materials

retransmission is strictly prohibited unless placed in

the public domain by the

original author.

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Contact: Don Hunjadi

Executive Director


(Direct Line)

Tell him I gave you his name.


Re: EMS has a terminal illness.. or does it?

That is also a very valid point. Mike, would you be willing to contact them

and ask a few questions and then maybe bring that information either back

here or even to an EMSAT meeting?


--------- Re: EMS has a terminal illness.. or does it?



> In a message dated 7/18/2005 5:57:51 P.M. Central Daylight Time,

> hatfield@... writes:


> It's easy to say we need unity, and we do. Begs the question of how we

> get

> it, how do we become (as Louis said) like Wisconsin? Do we need to go to

> each and every field medic? If so, how many of us will take that

> responsibility? Who is going to start it all? Where do we start? What

> county/city/service do we start with?




> I do like the idea of EMSAT having " chapters " as Jane mentioned. Perhaps

> a

> starting place is to align them with TDHS Regions? That's what? 11?

> Something

> like that right?


> Louis N. Molino, Sr., CET


> LNMolino@...

> (IFW Office)

> (Cell Phone)

> (IFW Fax)


> " A Texan with a Jersey Attitude "


> The comments contained in this E-mail are the opinions of the author and

> the

> author alone. I in no way ever intend to speak for any person or

> organization that I am in any way whatsoever involved or associated with

> unless I

> specifically state that I am doing so. Further this E-mail is intended

> only for its

> stated recipient and may contain private and or confidential materials

> retransmission is strictly prohibited unless placed in the public domain

> by the

> original author.




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Guest guest

That's what I thought but I wanted to make sure. Ok folks, more bites?


-------------- Original message from Tom :


I am in the Fort Worth area. Heck even been to your

neck of the woods recently.


--- je.hill@... wrote:


Terrific, Tom!!!!! Thank you for your positive

comments and interaction on this. Now we just need to

go about gauging the rest of the crowd. Who else

wants something like this and would be willing to help

make it happen? Also, Tom, refresh my memory - what

section of the state are you in? (I am getting old

and the memory fails me.)

Jane Hill

-------------- Original message from Tom

: --------------

I will. I am ready for change. I want to see the

dreams come alive. I want to believe that EMS has a

brillant future. And I will chase that dream.


--- je.hill@... wrote:


That's a start. Now, who all plans to participate if

it is available? Who would be willing to join and

come to the meetings if held in their respective

sections of the state? Who would be willing to

spearhead those meetings and then come to the main

meetings to represent their areas? Heck, I am sure

even the main meetings could be moved around each time

across the state if someone was willing to help

sponsor that when you want it to come to your area.

Now, that having been said, I am not speaking FOR

EMSAT. I am only trying to open the topic of

conversation to gauge what folks out there want and

what the EMS community considers might work for THEM.

Jane Hill

-------------- Original message from lnmolino@...:


In a message dated 7/18/2005 5:57:51 P.M. Central

Daylight Time,

hatfield@... writes:

It's easy to say we need unity, and we do. Begs the

question of how we get

it, how do we become (as Louis said) like Wisconsin?

Do we need to go to

each and every field medic? If so, how many of us

will take that

responsibility? Who is going to start it all? Where

do we start? What

county/city/service do we start with?

I do like the idea of EMSAT having " chapters " as Jane

mentioned. Perhaps a

starting place is to align them with TDHS Regions?

That's what? 11? Something

like that right?

Louis N. Molino, Sr., CET



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" A Texan with a Jersey Attitude "

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