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Re: Strangeness: Armour + compounded TR T3

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These are good questions Topper -- I wish I knew the

answers! I know that my body isn't responding the way

it " should " according to all the good theories by the

doctors I trust ... it's very frustrating -- in the

end our own hard evidence through trial and error

seems to be the most reliable ...


--- topper2@... wrote:

> It's something I'd like to understand better myself,

> Marlena.... How some

> folks need the receptors filled first, then their

> conversion kinda keeps

> up with it after that... and others never have

> enough conversion to keep

> up.... so if they (I) multidose my major needs for

> T3 are better served

> and the limited conversion takes care of the

> periphery.... they go into

> it in the Thyroid Manager... I need to take some

> time and do more reading

> there... I just downloaded it again and found that

> several of the

> chapters were updated since the last time I did.

> (I'm a geek, I download

> the individual chapters to my computer so I can read

> them off line on any

> of my machines, I'm not limited to only being able

> to read online).


> I've been trying hard to figure me out. Some

> theories say that long term

> low hormone levels can damage hormone receptors,

> causing a person to need

> a higher saturation of hormone in the blood to get

> the receptors filled.

> Others say that if one set of receptors is bad it's

> likely that others

> may be bad. I have bad TSH receptors, that's what

> caused me to go hyper

> and eventually into storm. Some say that receptor

> saturation with a

> single dose fills up all the receptors so that

> limited conversion allows

> what is made to just float around until it fills a

> receptor that has

> become empty, it's hormone used up. Some say that if

> you fill all the

> receptors up then there is no stimulus to convert

> more T4 to T3 so you

> will have no conversion and crash when the T3 you

> took is used up....


> How do we know which is true, or if they are all

> true be not for

> everyone, that it's an individual thing as to how

> your body reacts?


> Why do some do good on T4 only and convert just

> fine? Why do others

> decline for years and then spring back after

> switching to natural?


> I don't know if we'll ever find out, the

> manufactures have no reason to

> figure it out... Naturals sell fine with word of

> mouth advertising, no

> need to promote sales, and the synthetics depend on

> saturation promotion

> with claims that it's the best thing next to sliced

> bread - just one pill

> a day and you'll be just like new!


> Which we could find out the truth.... What if we

> could be tested to see

> which med we need, synthetic or natural, another

> test to see, once and

> for all, if we have sufficient conversion? It would

> be cool.


> I've spent three years with charts and journals and

> self observation and

> sharing my observation here and still don't have a

> decent grasp of how it

> really works.


> I wish I could understand me.... why do I need to

> mulitdose? Why do I

> crash if I miss a dose? Arrrggghhhhhhhh tooo many

> questions!!!


> I even replaced my first morning dose of natural

> with a combo of T4 and

> T3... and even though I stuck to that regime for a

> full 96 day dosing

> cycle I just didn't like it.... I wasn't coming to

> life until after my

> first natural dose of the morning 2 1/2 hours later.

> Now I'm back to

> natural with my first dose, not taking direct T3 for

> now.... and I'm back

> to being up and alert right away.


> I'm even taking less T3 in the natural dose than I

> was taking as direct

> T3. I tried it swallowing first, then it was

> suggested that T3 can be

> taken sublingually so I tried that too, no

> difference to me, it was like

> I wasn't taking anything....


> Is this a genetic quirk for me? Do others have the

> same reaction? Is it

> from having had RAI? Is if from more than a decade

> of being underdosed?

> Does it have anything to do with being hyper for so

> many years? Or does

> it have to do with having been in thyroid storm for

> so long before I

> found a doc that knew how to be a doc?


> Will we ever know how it all works? Not just for me,

> but for

> everyone..... why do some really need a large single

> dose and why do

> others crash a few hours later?


> One of the mysteries of life?


> I'll keep experimenting... It's been, oh, a couple

> of times a year that I

> try to reduce dose frequency, usually once in the

> summer and once in the

> winter, in case it's climate affected. This last I

> just had to patience

> with. I hate falling asleep in the middle of

> something. One time Ruth

> walked in on me, I didn't hear her knock on the

> door, or open it or even

> her calling my name the first few times... I was out

> cold, sitting up in

> a chair... I even fell asleep sitting up at the

> keyboard with my hand on

> the mouse, holding down the mouse button. As I came

> to I released the

> click and shut the program I was in.... I feel

> asleep between the time I

> finished what I was doing and pointing the mouse to

> close the program. My

> show had just started.... and I was waking a bit

> before it ended.... I

> was out nearly a whole hour!


> I don't do that when I take my doses regularly...

> I'm alert all day.....


> Maybe I'm just really weird!!! ??? heheheheheh


> Topper ()


> On Tue, 6 Sep 2005 10:54:14 -0700 (PDT) Marlena


> writes:

> Ok, sorry to create more debate, but I just have to

> add one thing here! I'm not speaking as an authority

> on the subject -- just something that I've read

> about

> and heard from Dr Lowe ... From my understanding,

> it's

> not the conversion that people are dependent on

> after

> one dose of T3, but supposedly it fills up the

> receptor sites and creates waves of reaction

> throughout the body, not conversion -- because this

> is

> referring to people who take plain T3 only without

> any

> T4. They don't have T4 to be converted ... Of course

> I

> completely understand that this doesn't work for

> some

> people -- as you have mentioned many times Topper,

> and

> I wholeheartedly believe that! But apparently, for

> others, taking one dose of plain T3 (without any T4)

> does the trick for them. And these are severely

> hypometabolic people who get cured this way! Just

> wanted to add another perspective : )


> Marlena


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Hi Deborah,

Yes, I have a good friend who was diagnosed with

fibromyalgia. Her TSH was normal (1. something) but

she had many symptoms of hypometabolism or

hypothyroidism ... after I read Dr Lowe's book, I told

her about using plain T3 for fibro people who have

hypo symptoms ... and she was able to convince her

doctor to give it to her -- and she immediately felt

better. She started real low and is still working up.

She's not taking any T4 ... just cytomel ... I'm so

happy for her. She's struggled for 14 years ... I, on

the otherhand, am not doing too well on Armour, or

plain T3, or TR T3 when I tried it ... : (


--- Deborah Jacques wrote:

> I've read that, too--but haven't heard from any

> individual that it

> actually worked for. Have you? Such confirmation

> would be great! I'm

> not keeping my hopes real high, though.


> Deborah


> Marlena wrote:


> > But apparently, for

> > others, taking one dose of plain T3 (without any

> T4)

> > does the trick for them. And these are severely

> > hypometabolic people who get cured this way! Just

> > wanted to add another perspective : )




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Hi Deborah,

Yes, I have a good friend who was diagnosed with

fibromyalgia. Her TSH was normal (1. something) but

she had many symptoms of hypometabolism or

hypothyroidism ... after I read Dr Lowe's book, I told

her about using plain T3 for fibro people who have

hypo symptoms ... and she was able to convince her

doctor to give it to her -- and she immediately felt

better. She started real low and is still working up.

She's not taking any T4 ... just cytomel ... I'm so

happy for her. She's struggled for 14 years ... I, on

the otherhand, am not doing too well on Armour, or

plain T3, or TR T3 when I tried it ... : (


--- Deborah Jacques wrote:

> I've read that, too--but haven't heard from any

> individual that it

> actually worked for. Have you? Such confirmation

> would be great! I'm

> not keeping my hopes real high, though.


> Deborah


> Marlena wrote:


> > But apparently, for

> > others, taking one dose of plain T3 (without any

> T4)

> > does the trick for them. And these are severely

> > hypometabolic people who get cured this way! Just

> > wanted to add another perspective : )




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Hi Deborah,

Yes, I have a good friend who was diagnosed with

fibromyalgia. Her TSH was normal (1. something) but

she had many symptoms of hypometabolism or

hypothyroidism ... after I read Dr Lowe's book, I told

her about using plain T3 for fibro people who have

hypo symptoms ... and she was able to convince her

doctor to give it to her -- and she immediately felt

better. She started real low and is still working up.

She's not taking any T4 ... just cytomel ... I'm so

happy for her. She's struggled for 14 years ... I, on

the otherhand, am not doing too well on Armour, or

plain T3, or TR T3 when I tried it ... : (


--- Deborah Jacques wrote:

> I've read that, too--but haven't heard from any

> individual that it

> actually worked for. Have you? Such confirmation

> would be great! I'm

> not keeping my hopes real high, though.


> Deborah


> Marlena wrote:


> > But apparently, for

> > others, taking one dose of plain T3 (without any

> T4)

> > does the trick for them. And these are severely

> > hypometabolic people who get cured this way! Just

> > wanted to add another perspective : )




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And, sadly, even if one person is able to figure it out, that answer may not be true for the next person... the individuality thing. How hormone imbalances affect us differently.

But, you know what just hit me? It's that same individualness that increases the chances of survival for the species... I mean if our bodies all reacted the same it would mean our coping strategies were all the same, I mean the physical stuff, not our mental capabilities, in this case.

Oh my, I'm in trouble today! My mind is churning too much...

If it hit us all in the same way, for example chronic fatigue as one of the major first symptoms, it would be SO much easier to diagnose..

But... if so many of the docs weren't brainwashed by the pharmaceutical reps into over prescribing everything under the sun, fewer symptoms would be masked and/or ignored, and diagnosis would be easier.

How many here have had symptoms ignored and were told to go on antidepressants, or pain killers, or to lose weight or exercise and that doing one, or any combination of those things would solve all their problems?

I was told that I was 'too fat to be sick' (after a 40 pound weight loss in 30 days after starting at a new job for a vending company where I could eat and drink all the junk I wanted for FREE) and given a pain killer that I was to take every 8 hours to control pain. Now, get this.. the pain was a severe 'drop to your knees beg to be shot in the head and put out of my misery' headache that came only when I didn't eat. If the pain started and I ate, anything.. the pain immediately went away.

The medicine he gave me, I took it the first night..... I had flashback nightmares to a time in my life that I don't care to remember. I called my mom the next morning to find out what the stuff is... She reads in her book that it causes nightmares and that lovely bit about no driving or operating heavy machinery while taking the stuff.... Oh, did I mention what I did at my job? I drove truck, in city traffic, 10 hours a day. that the doc knew that, I was in uniform the day I went to see him..... sheesh

Need to think about nicer things....

Topper ()

On Tue, 6 Sep 2005 20:00:58 -0700 (PDT) Marlena writes:

These are good questions Topper -- I wish I knew theanswers! I know that my body isn't responding the wayit "should" according to all the good theories by thedoctors I trust ... it's very frustrating -- in theend our own hard evidence through trial and errorseems to be the most reliable ...Marlena

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And, sadly, even if one person is able to figure it out, that answer may not be true for the next person... the individuality thing. How hormone imbalances affect us differently.

But, you know what just hit me? It's that same individualness that increases the chances of survival for the species... I mean if our bodies all reacted the same it would mean our coping strategies were all the same, I mean the physical stuff, not our mental capabilities, in this case.

Oh my, I'm in trouble today! My mind is churning too much...

If it hit us all in the same way, for example chronic fatigue as one of the major first symptoms, it would be SO much easier to diagnose..

But... if so many of the docs weren't brainwashed by the pharmaceutical reps into over prescribing everything under the sun, fewer symptoms would be masked and/or ignored, and diagnosis would be easier.

How many here have had symptoms ignored and were told to go on antidepressants, or pain killers, or to lose weight or exercise and that doing one, or any combination of those things would solve all their problems?

I was told that I was 'too fat to be sick' (after a 40 pound weight loss in 30 days after starting at a new job for a vending company where I could eat and drink all the junk I wanted for FREE) and given a pain killer that I was to take every 8 hours to control pain. Now, get this.. the pain was a severe 'drop to your knees beg to be shot in the head and put out of my misery' headache that came only when I didn't eat. If the pain started and I ate, anything.. the pain immediately went away.

The medicine he gave me, I took it the first night..... I had flashback nightmares to a time in my life that I don't care to remember. I called my mom the next morning to find out what the stuff is... She reads in her book that it causes nightmares and that lovely bit about no driving or operating heavy machinery while taking the stuff.... Oh, did I mention what I did at my job? I drove truck, in city traffic, 10 hours a day. that the doc knew that, I was in uniform the day I went to see him..... sheesh

Need to think about nicer things....

Topper ()

On Tue, 6 Sep 2005 20:00:58 -0700 (PDT) Marlena writes:

These are good questions Topper -- I wish I knew theanswers! I know that my body isn't responding the wayit "should" according to all the good theories by thedoctors I trust ... it's very frustrating -- in theend our own hard evidence through trial and errorseems to be the most reliable ...Marlena

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Marlena, did she happen to have her Frees checked, or just TSH?

Topper ()

On Tue, 6 Sep 2005 20:15:48 -0700 (PDT) Marlena writes:

Hi Deborah,Yes, I have a good friend who was diagnosed withfibromyalgia. Her TSH was normal (1. something) butshe had many symptoms of hypometabolism orhypothyroidism ... after I read Dr Lowe's book, I toldher about using plain T3 for fibro people who havehypo symptoms ... and she was able to convince herdoctor to give it to her -- and she immediately feltbetter. She started real low and is still working up.She's not taking any T4 ... just cytomel ... I'm sohappy for her. She's struggled for 14 years ... I, onthe otherhand, am not doing too well on Armour, orplain T3, or TR T3 when I tried it ... : (Marlena

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No, I don't think she had any other thyroid tests done

but we are pretty sure she was very hypo ... I do know

that she had high cholesterol and missing the outer

third of her eyebrows ...


--- topper2@... wrote:

> Marlena, did she happen to have her Frees checked,

> or just TSH?


> Topper ()


> On Tue, 6 Sep 2005 20:15:48 -0700 (PDT) Marlena


> writes:

> Hi Deborah,

> Yes, I have a good friend who was diagnosed with

> fibromyalgia. Her TSH was normal (1. something) but

> she had many symptoms of hypometabolism or

> hypothyroidism ... after I read Dr Lowe's book, I

> told

> her about using plain T3 for fibro people who have

> hypo symptoms ... and she was able to convince her

> doctor to give it to her -- and she immediately felt

> better. She started real low and is still working

> up.

> She's not taking any T4 ... just cytomel ... I'm so

> happy for her. She's struggled for 14 years ... I,

> on

> the otherhand, am not doing too well on Armour, or

> plain T3, or TR T3 when I tried it ... : (


> Marlena


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> > But how is lowering your Armour T4 and T3 and replacing it with


> > flooding your system with T3? Would it not make sense to just add

> > the T3?

> > -----------------------------------------------------------------


> >But lowering your Armour lowers your T4 for conversion and also

lowers your T3 as Armour also contains natural T3. You are then

replacing this with synthetic T/R T3 ..but I am wondering if you are

using enough T/R T3 to make up the Armour difference?

Sorry I am just at a loss to what the doctor is trying to accomplish

by doing this? Is he wanting ot lower both your T4 and T3..is he

trying to eliminate just T4? Is he trying to replace at the same

levels all your T4 and T3 with T/R T3?


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> > But how is lowering your Armour T4 and T3 and replacing it with


> > flooding your system with T3? Would it not make sense to just add

> > the T3?

> > -----------------------------------------------------------------


> >But lowering your Armour lowers your T4 for conversion and also

lowers your T3 as Armour also contains natural T3. You are then

replacing this with synthetic T/R T3 ..but I am wondering if you are

using enough T/R T3 to make up the Armour difference?

Sorry I am just at a loss to what the doctor is trying to accomplish

by doing this? Is he wanting ot lower both your T4 and T3..is he

trying to eliminate just T4? Is he trying to replace at the same

levels all your T4 and T3 with T/R T3?


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> > But how is lowering your Armour T4 and T3 and replacing it with


> > flooding your system with T3? Would it not make sense to just add

> > the T3?

> > -----------------------------------------------------------------


> >But lowering your Armour lowers your T4 for conversion and also

lowers your T3 as Armour also contains natural T3. You are then

replacing this with synthetic T/R T3 ..but I am wondering if you are

using enough T/R T3 to make up the Armour difference?

Sorry I am just at a loss to what the doctor is trying to accomplish

by doing this? Is he wanting ot lower both your T4 and T3..is he

trying to eliminate just T4? Is he trying to replace at the same

levels all your T4 and T3 with T/R T3?


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The doc isn't making the adjustments in my Armour dose--I am, and this

is temporary. In theory, if the capsules contain what the bottle says

they do, I should be running about even, but my body says I'm

not--that's the whole issue. When I get to the 50mcg level, that SHOULD

replace or nearly replace my Armour. By taking T3-only, you're right.

Conversion from T4 to T3 wouldn't happen, and that's the point--no

conversion to rT3, either, and straight T3 should chase rT3 out of the way.

I'm just going to continue to take my Armour as needed, instead of

adjusting based on the T3 dose. If it works, great. If not, oh well--I

still have my Armour.

Thanks for your caring and curiosity! :-)


kats3boys wrote:

> > >But lowering your Armour lowers your T4 for conversion and also

> lowers your T3 as Armour also contains natural T3. You are then

> replacing this with synthetic T/R T3 ..but I am wondering if you are

> using enough T/R T3 to make up the Armour difference?

> Sorry I am just at a loss to what the doctor is trying to accomplish

> by doing this? Is he wanting ot lower both your T4 and T3..is he

> trying to eliminate just T4? Is he trying to replace at the same

> levels all your T4 and T3 with T/R T3?

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The doc isn't making the adjustments in my Armour dose--I am, and this

is temporary. In theory, if the capsules contain what the bottle says

they do, I should be running about even, but my body says I'm

not--that's the whole issue. When I get to the 50mcg level, that SHOULD

replace or nearly replace my Armour. By taking T3-only, you're right.

Conversion from T4 to T3 wouldn't happen, and that's the point--no

conversion to rT3, either, and straight T3 should chase rT3 out of the way.

I'm just going to continue to take my Armour as needed, instead of

adjusting based on the T3 dose. If it works, great. If not, oh well--I

still have my Armour.

Thanks for your caring and curiosity! :-)


kats3boys wrote:

> > >But lowering your Armour lowers your T4 for conversion and also

> lowers your T3 as Armour also contains natural T3. You are then

> replacing this with synthetic T/R T3 ..but I am wondering if you are

> using enough T/R T3 to make up the Armour difference?

> Sorry I am just at a loss to what the doctor is trying to accomplish

> by doing this? Is he wanting ot lower both your T4 and T3..is he

> trying to eliminate just T4? Is he trying to replace at the same

> levels all your T4 and T3 with T/R T3?

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The doc isn't making the adjustments in my Armour dose--I am, and this

is temporary. In theory, if the capsules contain what the bottle says

they do, I should be running about even, but my body says I'm

not--that's the whole issue. When I get to the 50mcg level, that SHOULD

replace or nearly replace my Armour. By taking T3-only, you're right.

Conversion from T4 to T3 wouldn't happen, and that's the point--no

conversion to rT3, either, and straight T3 should chase rT3 out of the way.

I'm just going to continue to take my Armour as needed, instead of

adjusting based on the T3 dose. If it works, great. If not, oh well--I

still have my Armour.

Thanks for your caring and curiosity! :-)


kats3boys wrote:

> > >But lowering your Armour lowers your T4 for conversion and also

> lowers your T3 as Armour also contains natural T3. You are then

> replacing this with synthetic T/R T3 ..but I am wondering if you are

> using enough T/R T3 to make up the Armour difference?

> Sorry I am just at a loss to what the doctor is trying to accomplish

> by doing this? Is he wanting ot lower both your T4 and T3..is he

> trying to eliminate just T4? Is he trying to replace at the same

> levels all your T4 and T3 with T/R T3?

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Deborah, can you keep us posted on how this works for you? I'd like to learn more about how this regime could help some folks.

Topper ()

On Thu, 08 Sep 2005 07:48:13 -0400 Deborah Jacques writes:

The doc isn't making the adjustments in my Armour dose--I am, and this is temporary. In theory, if the capsules contain what the bottle says they do, I should be running about even, but my body says I'm not--that's the whole issue. When I get to the 50mcg level, that SHOULD replace or nearly replace my Armour. By taking T3-only, you're right. Conversion from T4 to T3 wouldn't happen, and that's the point--no conversion to rT3, either, and straight T3 should chase rT3 out of the way.I'm just going to continue to take my Armour as needed, instead of adjusting based on the T3 dose. If it works, great. If not, oh well--I still have my Armour.Thanks for your caring and curiosity! :-)Deborah

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Deborah, can you keep us posted on how this works for you? I'd like to learn more about how this regime could help some folks.

Topper ()

On Thu, 08 Sep 2005 07:48:13 -0400 Deborah Jacques writes:

The doc isn't making the adjustments in my Armour dose--I am, and this is temporary. In theory, if the capsules contain what the bottle says they do, I should be running about even, but my body says I'm not--that's the whole issue. When I get to the 50mcg level, that SHOULD replace or nearly replace my Armour. By taking T3-only, you're right. Conversion from T4 to T3 wouldn't happen, and that's the point--no conversion to rT3, either, and straight T3 should chase rT3 out of the way.I'm just going to continue to take my Armour as needed, instead of adjusting based on the T3 dose. If it works, great. If not, oh well--I still have my Armour.Thanks for your caring and curiosity! :-)Deborah

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Deborah, can you keep us posted on how this works for you? I'd like to learn more about how this regime could help some folks.

Topper ()

On Thu, 08 Sep 2005 07:48:13 -0400 Deborah Jacques writes:

The doc isn't making the adjustments in my Armour dose--I am, and this is temporary. In theory, if the capsules contain what the bottle says they do, I should be running about even, but my body says I'm not--that's the whole issue. When I get to the 50mcg level, that SHOULD replace or nearly replace my Armour. By taking T3-only, you're right. Conversion from T4 to T3 wouldn't happen, and that's the point--no conversion to rT3, either, and straight T3 should chase rT3 out of the way.I'm just going to continue to take my Armour as needed, instead of adjusting based on the T3 dose. If it works, great. If not, oh well--I still have my Armour.Thanks for your caring and curiosity! :-)Deborah

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Sure will. I'm too tired to hardly read posts tonight--I've been

working 1/2 days since April & tried almost a full day today. I made

it, but there's not much left of me--and it's my turn to do the dishes!


topper2@... wrote:

> Deborah, can you keep us posted on how this works for you? I'd like to

> learn more about how this regime could help some folks.


> Topper ()


> On Thu, 08 Sep 2005 07:48:13 -0400 Deborah Jacques

> > writes:


> The doc isn't making the adjustments in my Armour dose--I am, and

> this

> is temporary. In theory, if the capsules contain what the bottle

> says

> they do, I should be running about even, but my body says I'm

> not--that's the whole issue. When I get to the 50mcg level, that


> replace or nearly replace my Armour. By taking T3-only, you're

> right.

> Conversion from T4 to T3 wouldn't happen, and that's the point--no

> conversion to rT3, either, and straight T3 should chase rT3 out of

> the way.


> I'm just going to continue to take my Armour as needed, instead of

> adjusting based on the T3 dose. If it works, great. If not, oh

> well--I

> still have my Armour.


> Thanks for your caring and curiosity! :-)


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Sure will. I'm too tired to hardly read posts tonight--I've been

working 1/2 days since April & tried almost a full day today. I made

it, but there's not much left of me--and it's my turn to do the dishes!


topper2@... wrote:

> Deborah, can you keep us posted on how this works for you? I'd like to

> learn more about how this regime could help some folks.


> Topper ()


> On Thu, 08 Sep 2005 07:48:13 -0400 Deborah Jacques

> > writes:


> The doc isn't making the adjustments in my Armour dose--I am, and

> this

> is temporary. In theory, if the capsules contain what the bottle

> says

> they do, I should be running about even, but my body says I'm

> not--that's the whole issue. When I get to the 50mcg level, that


> replace or nearly replace my Armour. By taking T3-only, you're

> right.

> Conversion from T4 to T3 wouldn't happen, and that's the point--no

> conversion to rT3, either, and straight T3 should chase rT3 out of

> the way.


> I'm just going to continue to take my Armour as needed, instead of

> adjusting based on the T3 dose. If it works, great. If not, oh

> well--I

> still have my Armour.


> Thanks for your caring and curiosity! :-)


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> It's something I'd like to understand better myself, Marlena....

How some

> folks need the receptors filled first, then their conversion kinda


> up with it after that... and others never have enough conversion to


> up.... so if they (I) multidose my major needs for T3 are better


> and the limited conversion takes care of the periphery.... they go


> it in the Thyroid Manager... I need to take some time and do more


> there... I just downloaded it again and found that several of the

> chapters were updated since the last time I did. (I'm a geek, I


> the individual chapters to my computer so I can read them off line

on any

> of my machines, I'm not limited to only being able to read online).


> I've been trying hard to figure me out. Some theories say that long


> low hormone levels can damage hormone receptors, causing a person

to need

> a higher saturation of hormone in the blood to get the receptors


> Others say that if one set of receptors is bad it's likely that


> may be bad. I have bad TSH receptors, that's what caused me to go


> and eventually into storm. Some say that receptor saturation with a

> single dose fills up all the receptors so that limited conversion


> what is made to just float around until it fills a receptor that has

> become empty, it's hormone used up. Some say that if you fill all


> receptors up then there is no stimulus to convert more T4 to T3 so


> will have no conversion and crash when the T3 you took is used



> How do we know which is true, or if they are all true be not for

> everyone, that it's an individual thing as to how your body reacts?




> I've spent three years with charts and journals and self



> Will we ever know how it all works? Not just for me, but for

> everyone..... why do some really need a large single dose and why do

> others crash a few hours later?


> !


> I don't do that when I take my doses regularly... I'm alert all



> Maybe I'm just really weird!!! ??? heheheheheh


> Topper ()

l too have spent the last 4 years with journals and temps and

experimentation....and lm still playing around with it but l have

seen a pattern.....l think no matter how much t3 you take no matter

the form of it you still need a certain amount of t4 in your body to

feel well....l mean...we were designed that way...more t4 than t3...l

have tried it all...and l do mean all...and for me no matter the

amount of armour l take l still cant really stay warm without

additional t4....not alot...for myself this is what l have

seen...taking sublingually is almost like taking nothing for

me...well its something but not as good as when l grind my armour

into a powder and take with water...l take my biggest dose upon

awaking...2 grains...l grain before lunch and l havent really eaten

anything all this time except maybe a piece of fruit...which digests

very quickly...now l have a total 3 grains in my system....l find

whatever l take after this is really unknown as l have eaten...l know

people say this is where the sublingual is handy but l still get

really good results with my armour as a powder...with one sip of

water in my mouth its just about totally dissolved...in the afternoon

l take another 3/4 of armour plus 25 of t4 and this does me

good.......l think the big thing for me is that l have gotten that

total 3 grains in my system in the am...l know the rest is totally

variable....but if l stick to this l have energy to spare....and l

think its from having a good base to build off of....l run up to 4

miles at a time...do an hour spinning class on saturday and work part

time...starting to go back to lifting weights also....l have been

taking my armour in this powdered form for 8 months and l feel it

working quickly even after l have eaten it still works....my daughter

on the other hand has taken a daily 3 grain dose for 4 years with no

problem....but we caught her hypo immediately so it may be a matter

of cell damamge....val


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> It's something I'd like to understand better myself, Marlena....

How some

> folks need the receptors filled first, then their conversion kinda


> up with it after that... and others never have enough conversion to


> up.... so if they (I) multidose my major needs for T3 are better


> and the limited conversion takes care of the periphery.... they go


> it in the Thyroid Manager... I need to take some time and do more


> there... I just downloaded it again and found that several of the

> chapters were updated since the last time I did. (I'm a geek, I


> the individual chapters to my computer so I can read them off line

on any

> of my machines, I'm not limited to only being able to read online).


> I've been trying hard to figure me out. Some theories say that long


> low hormone levels can damage hormone receptors, causing a person

to need

> a higher saturation of hormone in the blood to get the receptors


> Others say that if one set of receptors is bad it's likely that


> may be bad. I have bad TSH receptors, that's what caused me to go


> and eventually into storm. Some say that receptor saturation with a

> single dose fills up all the receptors so that limited conversion


> what is made to just float around until it fills a receptor that has

> become empty, it's hormone used up. Some say that if you fill all


> receptors up then there is no stimulus to convert more T4 to T3 so


> will have no conversion and crash when the T3 you took is used



> How do we know which is true, or if they are all true be not for

> everyone, that it's an individual thing as to how your body reacts?




> I've spent three years with charts and journals and self



> Will we ever know how it all works? Not just for me, but for

> everyone..... why do some really need a large single dose and why do

> others crash a few hours later?


> !


> I don't do that when I take my doses regularly... I'm alert all



> Maybe I'm just really weird!!! ??? heheheheheh


> Topper ()

l too have spent the last 4 years with journals and temps and

experimentation....and lm still playing around with it but l have

seen a pattern.....l think no matter how much t3 you take no matter

the form of it you still need a certain amount of t4 in your body to

feel well....l mean...we were designed that way...more t4 than t3...l

have tried it all...and l do mean all...and for me no matter the

amount of armour l take l still cant really stay warm without

additional t4....not alot...for myself this is what l have

seen...taking sublingually is almost like taking nothing for

me...well its something but not as good as when l grind my armour

into a powder and take with water...l take my biggest dose upon

awaking...2 grains...l grain before lunch and l havent really eaten

anything all this time except maybe a piece of fruit...which digests

very quickly...now l have a total 3 grains in my system....l find

whatever l take after this is really unknown as l have eaten...l know

people say this is where the sublingual is handy but l still get

really good results with my armour as a powder...with one sip of

water in my mouth its just about totally dissolved...in the afternoon

l take another 3/4 of armour plus 25 of t4 and this does me

good.......l think the big thing for me is that l have gotten that

total 3 grains in my system in the am...l know the rest is totally

variable....but if l stick to this l have energy to spare....and l

think its from having a good base to build off of....l run up to 4

miles at a time...do an hour spinning class on saturday and work part

time...starting to go back to lifting weights also....l have been

taking my armour in this powdered form for 8 months and l feel it

working quickly even after l have eaten it still works....my daughter

on the other hand has taken a daily 3 grain dose for 4 years with no

problem....but we caught her hypo immediately so it may be a matter

of cell damamge....val


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