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RE: Terry...may I ask a question???

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Hi Ruthie,

The lady you met, did you ask her if she very slowly tapered off the Tap,

which I keep

reading is the best way to do it. Or did she just stop it, cold turkey , which I


people have doctors have them do, and then the hyper returns. Thus my

exceedingly slow

withdrawal of my PTU.

And I agree with you that 2 months is way too soon to judge. I think two years

would be a

better time frame to see how it has gone.

My doctor has a bunch of patients on ATDs for 10 and 15 yr. , so my thinking is

that if my

brandy new remission status changes, ATDs are still my best choice. Especially

now that I

know so much more about labs, nutrition, life style....mostly being able to

judge my own

labs now and know what is right for me.

I sure am curious about how she went off of the Tap.


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Hi Ruthie-

Your husband is right in that the people that are well don't generally

report on how they're doing. However, the people that don't do well don't

generally report either.

There are people that want to know about RAI who report that they are doing

well after they have it on these boards. Then they disappear. So it's not

as unbalanced as your husband thinks. I never did well after RAI but didn't

go to these kinds of boards until I was 11 years post-RAI. So who knows?

It seems that you can find a thesis supporting whatever conclusion you want

regarding RAI.

My husband treats many post-RAI patients. Some do well. Some do not.

Considering what he's seen, he would not recommend it. It's a gamble. One

that I lost and he has to live with.

Take care,

> Hi Terry...I am so glad to hear you are in remission...I am optimistically

on my way there too. I was so excited yesterday when I heard a stranger say

something about finally being off Tapazole. I went right up to her( being

that she is the only in-the-flesh person I've met with GD other than

myself.) She said she responded well to the Tap and was on it for 2

years...but every time she tried to come off of it completely, she went

hyper again so she recently had RAI...2 mos. ago maybe. My question is...did

this happen for you as well( not the RAI, but the going hyper when coming

off the ATD)..is that why I think I heard you were on the ATDs on and off

for 7 years? She was maybe in her mid 50's...I think I've heard age is a

factor too, but I was very bummed to hear this news..and though I would

never have the RAI done.....can one stay on the ATDs indefinitely? Still

hoping for remission...been on ATDS for 13 mos. Another question for

anybody....Have any of you heard of anyone being happy long term with their

RAI choice. She was all bubbly and happy about hers and said the only

adverse reaction she noticed was swelling of her gums. She is only a couple

of months into it though. My husband thinks that this group only hears the

negatives and that the people happy with their treatment and their outcome

don't need this support...he comes from a background of thinking the Drs

always know best and he and his family went to the Dr for every cold and

sniffle. I grew up with a Nurse mom who never took us to the Dr and wanted

our own immune systems to fight whatever we had. I rambled on again..but

thanks in advance for answers to questions..

> Ruthie

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In my case, I resisted taking ATD's for the first year or so, did only

Chinese herbs. That got all messed up when we went to Europe for 3 weeks,

couldn't take my usual herbs which I had to brew fresh every 2 days, so took

powders--and one of the most important herbs for me didn't come in powder

form. Once I got back, I went on ATD's and remained on them for several

years (have a few regrets about not keeping a diary, my memory is not

great). Resisted the push for RAI, my doctor said the same thing your

husband did, but I am and have always been very, very leery of any

radiation, even dental xrays or mammograms. So, I persisted in resisting.

Anyway, I didn't find this group or do much research for a very long time,

just did my bloodwork every 3 months and reduced/increased dosages as the

endo said. As time went by, I got to 5 mg. per day, and at a certain point

(fuzzy, fuzzy was my brain...) the endo told me to stop. Stayed in remission

for a while--but then got stressed and not really being as aware as I should

be of symptoms, went way overboard hyper again, back at the beginning, on 40

mg. a day.

Anyway, this time I got serious, reading and studying and learning from this

group, and finally got through my numb skull what all those numbers meant,

it took forever for that info to filter down to the level where I actually

had an understanding of it. That's when I started the symptom list business,

really because I KNEW I had to control what happened to me, needed to be

aware of all the symptoms, all the possibilities, and instead of listening

to the doctor, listen to my own body. The list turned out to be invaluable

in tuning me in, letting me focus on something real (symptoms) instead of

just numbers. Much more how my brain works.

As I developed more sense of the signposts of how I was, I found myself much

more able to determine my own dosage. For about the last year, the endo has

left the prescription at 15 mg. per day, I've filled it and taken a

gradually smaller amount of the stuff, the decreases dictated by my

beginning to notice hypO rather than euthyroid symptoms. Many of the drops,

I confess, came after I was probably hypO for a week or two--both because

the state is hard to identify when one is in it (the brain fog thing), and

because I had to learn that THIS is hypo, having only been hyper before.

Test numbers did not necessarily support that conclusion, but mostly he

tested TSH only, and we all know how terribly meaningless it can be.

I had (at Elaine and Jody's urging) a bit of a run-in with my endo last

August, asked--demanded, really-- that I get my antibodies tested. He deemed

it unnecessary, but ordered the tests. Results were virtually negative,

antibodies extremely low. So I knew (despite my ****TSH never going up, at

that point, past <0.01) that I was getting closer to remission. Then, like

magic, TSH started to rise, getting all the way up to .32, 2 tests ago.

Highest it's ever been. So anyway, longwinded as I am being I hope I'm

helping--anyway, every time I felt hypO I decreased the dosage. When I got

down to 5 mg., I was determined to decrease slowly rather than just go off

again, in hopes that I would gently ease into a remission that would last.

So I dropped my dose to 3.75, and a month later when I felt those

now-familiar logy, braindead feelings, to 2.5, then a month or so later to

1.25--that's 1/4 of a tiny pill by the way--and finally, just a few days

before my last endo appointment, I felt like I simply couldn't force another

1/4 pill down my throat, that I had to stop--so I did.

My last bloodwork was only another TSH (sigh) plus liver panel, and TSH had

gone down a bit, to .25, but somehow I've been fine, just totally fine. My

pulse is mostly between 68-76, I sleep pretty good, and I have had a decent

but not great energy level. Only problem is I've gained 5 lbs., and been

back to being hungry much more than I was. But, along with that I have been

ever so slightly constipated, so I don't think it's a hyper thing. I figure

if anything, it's survival mechanism for winter. It's been quite cold for

California, down in the high 30's at night, low 50's daytime--which ain't

much I know (Jody, you're probably laughing your head off right about now),

but the way these houses are built, it's darn hard to stay warm.

Anyway, I've had maybe 3 incidents of fast pulse/weakness, each lasting

about 1/2 hour or so, then abruptly ending, since December 19th. I'm

thinking about calling the endo and asking him to call in early labs, just

so I can see how I am doing.

The final thing I need to still emphasize, is that throughout all of this

I've taken Chinese herbs daily, and they do smooth things out, from what I

can tell. Although my life is far from stress-free, and I know that all it

would take is some severe stress-incident to get me going again, I feel

pretty confident that this remission will last--at least for a while. But

not confident enough, that if I were to take a trip, I would leave my

methimazole bottle home!

Hope this longwinded novel helps!



> Reply-To: graves_support

> Date: Tue, 29 Jan 2002 16:42:41 -0600

> To: <graves_support >

> Subject: Terry...may I ask a question???


> Hi Terry...I am so glad to hear you are in remission...I am optimistically on

> my way there too. I was so excited yesterday when I heard a stranger say

> something about finally being off Tapazole. I went right up to her( being that

> she is the only in-the-flesh person I've met with GD other than myself.) She

> said she responded well to the Tap and was on it for 2 years...but every time

> she tried to come off of it completely, she went hyper again so she recently

> had RAI...2 mos. ago maybe. My question is...did this happen for you as well(

> not the RAI, but the going hyper when coming off the ATD)..is that why I think

> I heard you were on the ATDs on and off for 7 years? She was maybe in her mid

> 50's...I think I've heard age is a factor too, but I was very bummed to hear

> this news..and though I would never have the RAI done.....can one stay on the

> ATDs indefinitely? Still hoping for remission...been on ATDS for 13 mos.

> Another question for anybody....Have any of you heard of anyone being happy

> long term with their RAI choice. She was all bubbly and happy about hers and

> said the only adverse reaction she noticed was swelling of her gums. She is

> only a couple of months into it though. My husband thinks that this group only

> hears the negatives and that the people happy with their treatment and their

> outcome don't need this support...he comes from a background of thinking the

> Drs always know best and he and his family went to the Dr for every cold and

> sniffle. I grew up with a Nurse mom who never took us to the Dr and wanted our

> own immune systems to fight whatever we had. I rambled on again..but thanks in

> advance for answers to questions..

> Ruthie




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I had the same question about RAI -- are we just hearing the bad stuff?

There is probably some truth in that statement. People who are not having

any problems, in general, don't join support groups. Why would they? I try

to keep that in mind when I get so frightened by everything. I really do

think that most people are fine with the RAI (at least for 40 years or so!).

Think about how many people have it done! I did a frantic search for

" positive " experiences with RAI a few weeks ago. I did find celebrities --

Gail Devers and Ben Crenshaw , and possibly Ripken, but she hasn't

disclosed her treatment anywhere that I can tell. I also posed the question

to the NGDF BB, and got a LOT of positive responses.

Now, does that mean I'm going to do RAI? Probably not. Here's why: with

RAI, the thyroid continues to die slowly for sometimes years. That mean

years of trying to get your replacement dose right, and I'm not willing to

go through that. I'm not willing to gain weight, and I think my chances of

that happening are much greater with the RAI because of that fluctuation in

levels. Also, there is at least a temporary increase in antibodies after

the RAI, which, in about 15% of the cases, causes a worsening of the eyes.

I'm also not willing to take that chance. And, I fully intend to live to be

100. I'm 37 now. I think with RAI, there is an increased chance that I

would get cancer. I think it would take 30, 40 or 50 years to happen, but

that would be in my projected lifetime, and that's not acceptable to me


Now, from my understanding, and I'm going to discuss this with my new doctor

(yeah!) with surgery, you have a fixed amount of thyroid left (or none if

you do a total), and it is much easier and faster to get your replacement

hormone right. Also, you are pretty much guaranteed to have some

functioning thyroid left with a sub-total, and I'm with Caroline on that --

having some natural thyroid function left has got to be better than relying

on a synthetic, that couldn't possibly do everything that this amazing body

was designed to do so perfectly. And, I've heard, but it hasn't been

confirmed, that antibodies all but disappear after the surgery.

I'm still taking methimazole, but I am getting frustrated. It's only been

six months, but I feel like crap most of the time, and my eyes are getting

worse. They haven't popped out, but I have awful dryness, and itching, and

burning, and they're always bloodshot, and I occasionally have stabbing

pains in them. I'm trying to keep from jumping into anything right away,

but it is hard. When I see my new doctor, I'm going to get his opinion on

whether I am really wasting my time with the ATDs, or if I should continue

to try for remission for a while.

Just my thoughts,


Terry...may I ask a question???

Hi Terry...I am so glad to hear you are in remission...I am optimistically

on my way there too. I was so excited yesterday when I heard a stranger say

something about finally being off Tapazole. I went right up to her( being

that she is the only in-the-flesh person I've met with GD other than

myself.) She said she responded well to the Tap and was on it for 2

years...but every time she tried to come off of it completely, she went

hyper again so she recently had RAI...2 mos. ago maybe. My question is...did

this happen for you as well( not the RAI, but the going hyper when coming

off the ATD)..is that why I think I heard you were on the ATDs on and off

for 7 years? She was maybe in her mid 50's...I think I've heard age is a

factor too, but I was very bummed to hear this news..and though I would

never have the RAI done.....can one stay on the ATDs indefinitely? Still

hoping for remission...been on ATDS for 13 mos. Another question for

anybody....Have any of you heard of anyone being happy long term with their

RAI choice. She was all bubbly and happy about hers and said the only

adverse reaction she noticed was swelling of her gums. She is only a couple

of months into it though. My husband thinks that this group only hears the

negatives and that the people happy with their treatment and their outcome

don't need this support...he comes from a background of thinking the Drs

always know best and he and his family went to the Dr for every cold and

sniffle. I grew up with a Nurse mom who never took us to the Dr and wanted

our own immune systems to fight whatever we had. I rambled on again..but

thanks in advance for answers to questions..


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I had the same question about RAI -- are we just hearing the bad stuff?

There is probably some truth in that statement. People who are not having

any problems, in general, don't join support groups. Why would they? I try

to keep that in mind when I get so frightened by everything. I really do

think that most people are fine with the RAI (at least for 40 years or so!).

Think about how many people have it done! I did a frantic search for

" positive " experiences with RAI a few weeks ago. I did find celebrities --

Gail Devers and Ben Crenshaw , and possibly Ripken, but she hasn't

disclosed her treatment anywhere that I can tell. I also posed the question

to the NGDF BB, and got a LOT of positive responses.

Now, does that mean I'm going to do RAI? Probably not. Here's why: with

RAI, the thyroid continues to die slowly for sometimes years. That mean

years of trying to get your replacement dose right, and I'm not willing to

go through that. I'm not willing to gain weight, and I think my chances of

that happening are much greater with the RAI because of that fluctuation in

levels. Also, there is at least a temporary increase in antibodies after

the RAI, which, in about 15% of the cases, causes a worsening of the eyes.

I'm also not willing to take that chance. And, I fully intend to live to be

100. I'm 37 now. I think with RAI, there is an increased chance that I

would get cancer. I think it would take 30, 40 or 50 years to happen, but

that would be in my projected lifetime, and that's not acceptable to me


Now, from my understanding, and I'm going to discuss this with my new doctor

(yeah!) with surgery, you have a fixed amount of thyroid left (or none if

you do a total), and it is much easier and faster to get your replacement

hormone right. Also, you are pretty much guaranteed to have some

functioning thyroid left with a sub-total, and I'm with Caroline on that --

having some natural thyroid function left has got to be better than relying

on a synthetic, that couldn't possibly do everything that this amazing body

was designed to do so perfectly. And, I've heard, but it hasn't been

confirmed, that antibodies all but disappear after the surgery.

I'm still taking methimazole, but I am getting frustrated. It's only been

six months, but I feel like crap most of the time, and my eyes are getting

worse. They haven't popped out, but I have awful dryness, and itching, and

burning, and they're always bloodshot, and I occasionally have stabbing

pains in them. I'm trying to keep from jumping into anything right away,

but it is hard. When I see my new doctor, I'm going to get his opinion on

whether I am really wasting my time with the ATDs, or if I should continue

to try for remission for a while.

Just my thoughts,


Terry...may I ask a question???

Hi Terry...I am so glad to hear you are in remission...I am optimistically

on my way there too. I was so excited yesterday when I heard a stranger say

something about finally being off Tapazole. I went right up to her( being

that she is the only in-the-flesh person I've met with GD other than

myself.) She said she responded well to the Tap and was on it for 2

years...but every time she tried to come off of it completely, she went

hyper again so she recently had RAI...2 mos. ago maybe. My question is...did

this happen for you as well( not the RAI, but the going hyper when coming

off the ATD)..is that why I think I heard you were on the ATDs on and off

for 7 years? She was maybe in her mid 50's...I think I've heard age is a

factor too, but I was very bummed to hear this news..and though I would

never have the RAI done.....can one stay on the ATDs indefinitely? Still

hoping for remission...been on ATDS for 13 mos. Another question for

anybody....Have any of you heard of anyone being happy long term with their

RAI choice. She was all bubbly and happy about hers and said the only

adverse reaction she noticed was swelling of her gums. She is only a couple

of months into it though. My husband thinks that this group only hears the

negatives and that the people happy with their treatment and their outcome

don't need this support...he comes from a background of thinking the Drs

always know best and he and his family went to the Dr for every cold and

sniffle. I grew up with a Nurse mom who never took us to the Dr and wanted

our own immune systems to fight whatever we had. I rambled on again..but

thanks in advance for answers to questions..


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Holly, My endo had told me that it usually takes a minimum of 2 yrs before

you will achieve remission on ADTs. So I think you have to settle in for the

long run.

By the way I love your logical way of thinking this through... very precise

and thoughtful.


Terry...may I ask a question???

Hi Terry...I am so glad to hear you are in remission...I am optimistically

on my way there too. I was so excited yesterday when I heard a stranger say

something about finally being off Tapazole. I went right up to her( being

that she is the only in-the-flesh person I've met with GD other than

myself.) She said she responded well to the Tap and was on it for 2

years...but every time she tried to come off of it completely, she went

hyper again so she recently had RAI...2 mos. ago maybe. My question is...did

this happen for you as well( not the RAI, but the going hyper when coming

off the ATD)..is that why I think I heard you were on the ATDs on and off

for 7 years? She was maybe in her mid 50's...I think I've heard age is a

factor too, but I was very bummed to hear this news..and though I would

never have the RAI done.....can one stay on the ATDs indefinitely? Still

hoping for remission...been on ATDS for 13 mos. Another question for

anybody....Have any of you heard of anyone being happy long term with their

RAI choice. She was all bubbly and happy about hers and said the only

adverse reaction she noticed was swelling of her gums. She is only a couple

of months into it though. My husband thinks that this group only hears the

negatives and that the people happy with their treatment and their outcome

don't need this support...he comes from a background of thinking the Drs

always know best and he and his family went to the Dr for every cold and

sniffle. I grew up with a Nurse mom who never took us to the Dr and wanted

our own immune systems to fight whatever we had. I rambled on again..but

thanks in advance for answers to questions..


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Holly, My endo had told me that it usually takes a minimum of 2 yrs before

you will achieve remission on ADTs. So I think you have to settle in for the

long run.

By the way I love your logical way of thinking this through... very precise

and thoughtful.


Terry...may I ask a question???

Hi Terry...I am so glad to hear you are in remission...I am optimistically

on my way there too. I was so excited yesterday when I heard a stranger say

something about finally being off Tapazole. I went right up to her( being

that she is the only in-the-flesh person I've met with GD other than

myself.) She said she responded well to the Tap and was on it for 2

years...but every time she tried to come off of it completely, she went

hyper again so she recently had RAI...2 mos. ago maybe. My question is...did

this happen for you as well( not the RAI, but the going hyper when coming

off the ATD)..is that why I think I heard you were on the ATDs on and off

for 7 years? She was maybe in her mid 50's...I think I've heard age is a

factor too, but I was very bummed to hear this news..and though I would

never have the RAI done.....can one stay on the ATDs indefinitely? Still

hoping for remission...been on ATDS for 13 mos. Another question for

anybody....Have any of you heard of anyone being happy long term with their

RAI choice. She was all bubbly and happy about hers and said the only

adverse reaction she noticed was swelling of her gums. She is only a couple

of months into it though. My husband thinks that this group only hears the

negatives and that the people happy with their treatment and their outcome

don't need this support...he comes from a background of thinking the Drs

always know best and he and his family went to the Dr for every cold and

sniffle. I grew up with a Nurse mom who never took us to the Dr and wanted

our own immune systems to fight whatever we had. I rambled on again..but

thanks in advance for answers to questions..


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Thanks, Kate. Unfortunately, this has become my life. Not a day goes by

that I'm not researching and wondering what the heck I'm supposed to do!

Probably not the best way to handle it, stress-wise, but I can't help it.

I'm a control freak from way back, and all of a sudden I don't have control

any more! Maybe God is trying to teach me to let go a little! ;)

I would really like to know, if anyone knows, of those who achieve remission

on ATDs, what percentage go hyper again, and in what time frame. Research

tells me that, even if you do go into remission, that you'll almost

inevitably go hyper again. But, I was also told by my doctor, that (and I

can still quote him) " if people with Graves' disease go UNTREATED, AND they

SURVIVE [big key word here], they will eventually go hypO anyway. " This was

told to me on my first endo visit when I was panicking about going hypO if I

had RAI. (what I wouldn't give, now, if hypO was my only problem!) So, if

that's the case, then it makes a good case for ATDs to me. The thyroid will

eventually burn out on its own--maybe longer if you're being treated--but

eventually it will. There has to be a flaw in that reasoning, though, or

everyone would be using ATDs and there would be no RAI or surgery for

Graves' patients.

Does anyone have statistics on remission and recurrence, other than only 30

to 50% achieve remission, and that's SUPPOSEDLY only in mild cases? I was

told I have a large goiter (although it will go up and down in size

overnight with dosage changes) and that my chance for remission is almost

nil. I'm looking forward to hearing my new doctor's opinion. He's at the

University of Kentucky, and his special interest is in " autoimmune thyroid

disease and nutrition " . So, I'm thinking he'll have a little more

progressive view of things than my previous endo.


Terry...may I ask a question???

Hi Terry...I am so glad to hear you are in remission...I am optimistically

on my way there too. I was so excited yesterday when I heard a stranger say

something about finally being off Tapazole. I went right up to her( being

that she is the only in-the-flesh person I've met with GD other than

myself.) She said she responded well to the Tap and was on it for 2

years...but every time she tried to come off of it completely, she went

hyper again so she recently had RAI...2 mos. ago maybe. My question is...did

this happen for you as well( not the RAI, but the going hyper when coming

off the ATD)..is that why I think I heard you were on the ATDs on and off

for 7 years? She was maybe in her mid 50's...I think I've heard age is a

factor too, but I was very bummed to hear this news..and though I would

never have the RAI done.....can one stay on the ATDs indefinitely? Still

hoping for remission...been on ATDS for 13 mos. Another question for

anybody....Have any of you heard of anyone being happy long term with their

RAI choice. She was all bubbly and happy about hers and said the only

adverse reaction she noticed was swelling of her gums. She is only a couple

of months into it though. My husband thinks that this group only hears the

negatives and that the people happy with their treatment and their outcome

don't need this support...he comes from a background of thinking the Drs

always know best and he and his family went to the Dr for every cold and

sniffle. I grew up with a Nurse mom who never took us to the Dr and wanted

our own immune systems to fight whatever we had. I rambled on again..but

thanks in advance for answers to questions..


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Hi Pam...I believe this woman said she had been down to a very small maintenance

dose..but I did not hear the exact amount. I wish now I had grilled her a bit

more, but she was busy. She had been told that she had only a 10% chance of

remission anyway. My Endo has told me that those at my age I am 40.... can have

better than 50% chance of remission. But I am with you...I would do it this way

all over again....at least I can function, and I am much more aware of how I am

feeling day to day...and I know what to look for in terms of symptoms. Sorry I

don't have an answer for you..but maybe with having been given such a small

percentage rate of remission, she and her DR. gave up too quickly.

Re: Terry...may I ask a question???

Hi Ruthie,

The lady you met, did you ask her if she very slowly tapered off the Tap,

which I keep

reading is the best way to do it. Or did she just stop it, cold turkey , which

I see

people have doctors have them do, and then the hyper returns. Thus my

exceedingly slow

withdrawal of my PTU.

And I agree with you that 2 months is way too soon to judge. I think two

years would be a

better time frame to see how it has gone.

My doctor has a bunch of patients on ATDs for 10 and 15 yr. , so my thinking

is that if my

brandy new remission status changes, ATDs are still my best choice. Especially

now that I

know so much more about labs, nutrition, life style....mostly being able to

judge my own

labs now and know what is right for me.

I sure am curious about how she went off of the Tap.


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Thanks ...I guess the gamble is not worth taking. It helps to have your

husband's perspective as one who treats post RAI patients.


Re: Terry...may I ask a question???

Hi Ruthie-

Your husband is right in that the people that are well don't generally

report on how they're doing. However, the people that don't do well don't

generally report either.

There are people that want to know about RAI who report that they are doing

well after they have it on these boards. Then they disappear. So it's not

as unbalanced as your husband thinks. I never did well after RAI but didn't

go to these kinds of boards until I was 11 years post-RAI. So who knows?

It seems that you can find a thesis supporting whatever conclusion you want

regarding RAI.

My husband treats many post-RAI patients. Some do well. Some do not.

Considering what he's seen, he would not recommend it. It's a gamble. One

that I lost and he has to live with.

Take care,

> Hi Terry...I am so glad to hear you are in remission...I am optimistically

on my way there too. I was so excited yesterday when I heard a stranger say

something about finally being off Tapazole. I went right up to her( being

that she is the only in-the-flesh person I've met with GD other than

myself.) She said she responded well to the Tap and was on it for 2

years...but every time she tried to come off of it completely, she went

hyper again so she recently had RAI...2 mos. ago maybe. My question is...did

this happen for you as well( not the RAI, but the going hyper when coming

off the ATD)..is that why I think I heard you were on the ATDs on and off

for 7 years? She was maybe in her mid 50's...I think I've heard age is a

factor too, but I was very bummed to hear this news..and though I would

never have the RAI done.....can one stay on the ATDs indefinitely? Still

hoping for remission...been on ATDS for 13 mos. Another question for

anybody....Have any of you heard of anyone being happy long term with their

RAI choice. She was all bubbly and happy about hers and said the only

adverse reaction she noticed was swelling of her gums. She is only a couple

of months into it though. My husband thinks that this group only hears the

negatives and that the people happy with their treatment and their outcome

don't need this support...he comes from a background of thinking the Drs

always know best and he and his family went to the Dr for every cold and

sniffle. I grew up with a Nurse mom who never took us to the Dr and wanted

our own immune systems to fight whatever we had. I rambled on again..but

thanks in advance for answers to questions..

> Ruthie


The Graves' list is intended for informational purposes only and is not

intended to replace expert medical care.

Please consult your doctor before changing or trying new treatments.



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Thanks ...I guess the gamble is not worth taking. It helps to have your

husband's perspective as one who treats post RAI patients.


Re: Terry...may I ask a question???

Hi Ruthie-

Your husband is right in that the people that are well don't generally

report on how they're doing. However, the people that don't do well don't

generally report either.

There are people that want to know about RAI who report that they are doing

well after they have it on these boards. Then they disappear. So it's not

as unbalanced as your husband thinks. I never did well after RAI but didn't

go to these kinds of boards until I was 11 years post-RAI. So who knows?

It seems that you can find a thesis supporting whatever conclusion you want

regarding RAI.

My husband treats many post-RAI patients. Some do well. Some do not.

Considering what he's seen, he would not recommend it. It's a gamble. One

that I lost and he has to live with.

Take care,

> Hi Terry...I am so glad to hear you are in remission...I am optimistically

on my way there too. I was so excited yesterday when I heard a stranger say

something about finally being off Tapazole. I went right up to her( being

that she is the only in-the-flesh person I've met with GD other than

myself.) She said she responded well to the Tap and was on it for 2

years...but every time she tried to come off of it completely, she went

hyper again so she recently had RAI...2 mos. ago maybe. My question is...did

this happen for you as well( not the RAI, but the going hyper when coming

off the ATD)..is that why I think I heard you were on the ATDs on and off

for 7 years? She was maybe in her mid 50's...I think I've heard age is a

factor too, but I was very bummed to hear this news..and though I would

never have the RAI done.....can one stay on the ATDs indefinitely? Still

hoping for remission...been on ATDS for 13 mos. Another question for

anybody....Have any of you heard of anyone being happy long term with their

RAI choice. She was all bubbly and happy about hers and said the only

adverse reaction she noticed was swelling of her gums. She is only a couple

of months into it though. My husband thinks that this group only hears the

negatives and that the people happy with their treatment and their outcome

don't need this support...he comes from a background of thinking the Drs

always know best and he and his family went to the Dr for every cold and

sniffle. I grew up with a Nurse mom who never took us to the Dr and wanted

our own immune systems to fight whatever we had. I rambled on again..but

thanks in advance for answers to questions..

> Ruthie


The Graves' list is intended for informational purposes only and is not

intended to replace expert medical care.

Please consult your doctor before changing or trying new treatments.



Advertisments placed on this yahoo groups list does not have the endorsement


the listowner. I have no input as to what ads are attached to emails.



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Thanks ...I guess the gamble is not worth taking. It helps to have your

husband's perspective as one who treats post RAI patients.


Re: Terry...may I ask a question???

Hi Ruthie-

Your husband is right in that the people that are well don't generally

report on how they're doing. However, the people that don't do well don't

generally report either.

There are people that want to know about RAI who report that they are doing

well after they have it on these boards. Then they disappear. So it's not

as unbalanced as your husband thinks. I never did well after RAI but didn't

go to these kinds of boards until I was 11 years post-RAI. So who knows?

It seems that you can find a thesis supporting whatever conclusion you want

regarding RAI.

My husband treats many post-RAI patients. Some do well. Some do not.

Considering what he's seen, he would not recommend it. It's a gamble. One

that I lost and he has to live with.

Take care,

> Hi Terry...I am so glad to hear you are in remission...I am optimistically

on my way there too. I was so excited yesterday when I heard a stranger say

something about finally being off Tapazole. I went right up to her( being

that she is the only in-the-flesh person I've met with GD other than

myself.) She said she responded well to the Tap and was on it for 2

years...but every time she tried to come off of it completely, she went

hyper again so she recently had RAI...2 mos. ago maybe. My question is...did

this happen for you as well( not the RAI, but the going hyper when coming

off the ATD)..is that why I think I heard you were on the ATDs on and off

for 7 years? She was maybe in her mid 50's...I think I've heard age is a

factor too, but I was very bummed to hear this news..and though I would

never have the RAI done.....can one stay on the ATDs indefinitely? Still

hoping for remission...been on ATDS for 13 mos. Another question for

anybody....Have any of you heard of anyone being happy long term with their

RAI choice. She was all bubbly and happy about hers and said the only

adverse reaction she noticed was swelling of her gums. She is only a couple

of months into it though. My husband thinks that this group only hears the

negatives and that the people happy with their treatment and their outcome

don't need this support...he comes from a background of thinking the Drs

always know best and he and his family went to the Dr for every cold and

sniffle. I grew up with a Nurse mom who never took us to the Dr and wanted

our own immune systems to fight whatever we had. I rambled on again..but

thanks in advance for answers to questions..

> Ruthie


The Graves' list is intended for informational purposes only and is not

intended to replace expert medical care.

Please consult your doctor before changing or trying new treatments.



Advertisments placed on this yahoo groups list does not have the endorsement


the listowner. I have no input as to what ads are attached to emails.



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Thank you Terry...your novel is a huge help. My prospects are not dim. I just

have a feeling that I have never responded well to stress. I had a period of

palpitations when my high need child started school..he is now 17. But I wore

that Holter monitor for 24 hours and they found benign pre-ventricular

contractions....most probably due to stress. My life is quite stress free for

the most part...but my body seems to respond overly much to any monkey wrench

that might be thrown my way. I am a low key sensible person who can roll with

the flow...but my body doesn't cooperate and I can palpitate or feel that

adrenaline surge and heart racing if something unexpected happens. I guess that

may get me in trouble for relapse type episodes...oh well..I can't worry about

it...one goal at a time...and the first order of business is to exercise more

and keep hoping for remission...in another 9 months or so. Thanks again for

sharing your experience.


Terry...may I ask a question???


> Hi Terry...I am so glad to hear you are in remission...I am optimistically


> my way there too. I was so excited yesterday when I heard a stranger say

> something about finally being off Tapazole. I went right up to her( being


> she is the only in-the-flesh person I've met with GD other than myself.) She

> said she responded well to the Tap and was on it for 2 years...but every


> she tried to come off of it completely, she went hyper again so she recently

> had RAI...2 mos. ago maybe. My question is...did this happen for you as


> not the RAI, but the going hyper when coming off the ATD)..is that why I


> I heard you were on the ATDs on and off for 7 years? She was maybe in her


> 50's...I think I've heard age is a factor too, but I was very bummed to hear

> this news..and though I would never have the RAI done.....can one stay on


> ATDs indefinitely? Still hoping for remission...been on ATDS for 13 mos.

> Another question for anybody....Have any of you heard of anyone being happy

> long term with their RAI choice. She was all bubbly and happy about hers and

> said the only adverse reaction she noticed was swelling of her gums. She is

> only a couple of months into it though. My husband thinks that this group


> hears the negatives and that the people happy with their treatment and their

> outcome don't need this support...he comes from a background of thinking the

> Drs always know best and he and his family went to the Dr for every cold and

> sniffle. I grew up with a Nurse mom who never took us to the Dr and wanted


> own immune systems to fight whatever we had. I rambled on again..but thanks


> advance for answers to questions..

> Ruthie




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Thank you Terry...your novel is a huge help. My prospects are not dim. I just

have a feeling that I have never responded well to stress. I had a period of

palpitations when my high need child started school..he is now 17. But I wore

that Holter monitor for 24 hours and they found benign pre-ventricular

contractions....most probably due to stress. My life is quite stress free for

the most part...but my body seems to respond overly much to any monkey wrench

that might be thrown my way. I am a low key sensible person who can roll with

the flow...but my body doesn't cooperate and I can palpitate or feel that

adrenaline surge and heart racing if something unexpected happens. I guess that

may get me in trouble for relapse type episodes...oh well..I can't worry about

it...one goal at a time...and the first order of business is to exercise more

and keep hoping for remission...in another 9 months or so. Thanks again for

sharing your experience.


Terry...may I ask a question???


> Hi Terry...I am so glad to hear you are in remission...I am optimistically


> my way there too. I was so excited yesterday when I heard a stranger say

> something about finally being off Tapazole. I went right up to her( being


> she is the only in-the-flesh person I've met with GD other than myself.) She

> said she responded well to the Tap and was on it for 2 years...but every


> she tried to come off of it completely, she went hyper again so she recently

> had RAI...2 mos. ago maybe. My question is...did this happen for you as


> not the RAI, but the going hyper when coming off the ATD)..is that why I


> I heard you were on the ATDs on and off for 7 years? She was maybe in her


> 50's...I think I've heard age is a factor too, but I was very bummed to hear

> this news..and though I would never have the RAI done.....can one stay on


> ATDs indefinitely? Still hoping for remission...been on ATDS for 13 mos.

> Another question for anybody....Have any of you heard of anyone being happy

> long term with their RAI choice. She was all bubbly and happy about hers and

> said the only adverse reaction she noticed was swelling of her gums. She is

> only a couple of months into it though. My husband thinks that this group


> hears the negatives and that the people happy with their treatment and their

> outcome don't need this support...he comes from a background of thinking the

> Drs always know best and he and his family went to the Dr for every cold and

> sniffle. I grew up with a Nurse mom who never took us to the Dr and wanted


> own immune systems to fight whatever we had. I rambled on again..but thanks


> advance for answers to questions..

> Ruthie




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Thank you Terry...your novel is a huge help. My prospects are not dim. I just

have a feeling that I have never responded well to stress. I had a period of

palpitations when my high need child started school..he is now 17. But I wore

that Holter monitor for 24 hours and they found benign pre-ventricular

contractions....most probably due to stress. My life is quite stress free for

the most part...but my body seems to respond overly much to any monkey wrench

that might be thrown my way. I am a low key sensible person who can roll with

the flow...but my body doesn't cooperate and I can palpitate or feel that

adrenaline surge and heart racing if something unexpected happens. I guess that

may get me in trouble for relapse type episodes...oh well..I can't worry about

it...one goal at a time...and the first order of business is to exercise more

and keep hoping for remission...in another 9 months or so. Thanks again for

sharing your experience.


Terry...may I ask a question???


> Hi Terry...I am so glad to hear you are in remission...I am optimistically


> my way there too. I was so excited yesterday when I heard a stranger say

> something about finally being off Tapazole. I went right up to her( being


> she is the only in-the-flesh person I've met with GD other than myself.) She

> said she responded well to the Tap and was on it for 2 years...but every


> she tried to come off of it completely, she went hyper again so she recently

> had RAI...2 mos. ago maybe. My question is...did this happen for you as


> not the RAI, but the going hyper when coming off the ATD)..is that why I


> I heard you were on the ATDs on and off for 7 years? She was maybe in her


> 50's...I think I've heard age is a factor too, but I was very bummed to hear

> this news..and though I would never have the RAI done.....can one stay on


> ATDs indefinitely? Still hoping for remission...been on ATDS for 13 mos.

> Another question for anybody....Have any of you heard of anyone being happy

> long term with their RAI choice. She was all bubbly and happy about hers and

> said the only adverse reaction she noticed was swelling of her gums. She is

> only a couple of months into it though. My husband thinks that this group


> hears the negatives and that the people happy with their treatment and their

> outcome don't need this support...he comes from a background of thinking the

> Drs always know best and he and his family went to the Dr for every cold and

> sniffle. I grew up with a Nurse mom who never took us to the Dr and wanted


> own immune systems to fight whatever we had. I rambled on again..but thanks


> advance for answers to questions..

> Ruthie




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Thanks for your reply Holly...nice to know I am not alone. Good luck with your

research and please share what you find. My decision is made... to continue with

the ATDs for as long as it takes...surgery would be my second choice..but as a

singer, I would be VERY concerned about vocal chord damage.

Thanks, Ruthie

Terry...may I ask a question???

Hi Terry...I am so glad to hear you are in remission...I am optimistically

on my way there too. I was so excited yesterday when I heard a stranger say

something about finally being off Tapazole. I went right up to her( being

that she is the only in-the-flesh person I've met with GD other than

myself.) She said she responded well to the Tap and was on it for 2

years...but every time she tried to come off of it completely, she went

hyper again so she recently had RAI...2 mos. ago maybe. My question is...did

this happen for you as well( not the RAI, but the going hyper when coming

off the ATD)..is that why I think I heard you were on the ATDs on and off

for 7 years? She was maybe in her mid 50's...I think I've heard age is a

factor too, but I was very bummed to hear this news..and though I would

never have the RAI done.....can one stay on the ATDs indefinitely? Still

hoping for remission...been on ATDS for 13 mos. Another question for

anybody....Have any of you heard of anyone being happy long term with their

RAI choice. She was all bubbly and happy about hers and said the only

adverse reaction she noticed was swelling of her gums. She is only a couple

of months into it though. My husband thinks that this group only hears the

negatives and that the people happy with their treatment and their outcome

don't need this support...he comes from a background of thinking the Drs

always know best and he and his family went to the Dr for every cold and

sniffle. I grew up with a Nurse mom who never took us to the Dr and wanted

our own immune systems to fight whatever we had. I rambled on again..but

thanks in advance for answers to questions..


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Thanks for your reply Holly...nice to know I am not alone. Good luck with your

research and please share what you find. My decision is made... to continue with

the ATDs for as long as it takes...surgery would be my second choice..but as a

singer, I would be VERY concerned about vocal chord damage.

Thanks, Ruthie

Terry...may I ask a question???

Hi Terry...I am so glad to hear you are in remission...I am optimistically

on my way there too. I was so excited yesterday when I heard a stranger say

something about finally being off Tapazole. I went right up to her( being

that she is the only in-the-flesh person I've met with GD other than

myself.) She said she responded well to the Tap and was on it for 2

years...but every time she tried to come off of it completely, she went

hyper again so she recently had RAI...2 mos. ago maybe. My question is...did

this happen for you as well( not the RAI, but the going hyper when coming

off the ATD)..is that why I think I heard you were on the ATDs on and off

for 7 years? She was maybe in her mid 50's...I think I've heard age is a

factor too, but I was very bummed to hear this news..and though I would

never have the RAI done.....can one stay on the ATDs indefinitely? Still

hoping for remission...been on ATDS for 13 mos. Another question for

anybody....Have any of you heard of anyone being happy long term with their

RAI choice. She was all bubbly and happy about hers and said the only

adverse reaction she noticed was swelling of her gums. She is only a couple

of months into it though. My husband thinks that this group only hears the

negatives and that the people happy with their treatment and their outcome

don't need this support...he comes from a background of thinking the Drs

always know best and he and his family went to the Dr for every cold and

sniffle. I grew up with a Nurse mom who never took us to the Dr and wanted

our own immune systems to fight whatever we had. I rambled on again..but

thanks in advance for answers to questions..


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Thanks for your reply Holly...nice to know I am not alone. Good luck with your

research and please share what you find. My decision is made... to continue with

the ATDs for as long as it takes...surgery would be my second choice..but as a

singer, I would be VERY concerned about vocal chord damage.

Thanks, Ruthie

Terry...may I ask a question???

Hi Terry...I am so glad to hear you are in remission...I am optimistically

on my way there too. I was so excited yesterday when I heard a stranger say

something about finally being off Tapazole. I went right up to her( being

that she is the only in-the-flesh person I've met with GD other than

myself.) She said she responded well to the Tap and was on it for 2

years...but every time she tried to come off of it completely, she went

hyper again so she recently had RAI...2 mos. ago maybe. My question is...did

this happen for you as well( not the RAI, but the going hyper when coming

off the ATD)..is that why I think I heard you were on the ATDs on and off

for 7 years? She was maybe in her mid 50's...I think I've heard age is a

factor too, but I was very bummed to hear this news..and though I would

never have the RAI done.....can one stay on the ATDs indefinitely? Still

hoping for remission...been on ATDS for 13 mos. Another question for

anybody....Have any of you heard of anyone being happy long term with their

RAI choice. She was all bubbly and happy about hers and said the only

adverse reaction she noticed was swelling of her gums. She is only a couple

of months into it though. My husband thinks that this group only hears the

negatives and that the people happy with their treatment and their outcome

don't need this support...he comes from a background of thinking the Drs

always know best and he and his family went to the Dr for every cold and

sniffle. I grew up with a Nurse mom who never took us to the Dr and wanted

our own immune systems to fight whatever we had. I rambled on again..but

thanks in advance for answers to questions..


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I am the same way. Which is why I don't watch scary movies, I have NO

control over how I react to them. Sometimes my own nightmares can bring on




> Reply-To: graves_support

> Date: Wed, 30 Jan 2002 09:37:23 -0600

> To: <graves_support >

> Subject: Re: Terry...may I ask a question???


> Thank you Terry...your novel is a huge help. My prospects are not dim. I just

> have a feeling that I have never responded well to stress. I had a period of

> palpitations when my high need child started school..he is now 17. But I wore

> that Holter monitor for 24 hours and they found benign pre-ventricular

> contractions....most probably due to stress. My life is quite stress free for

> the most part...but my body seems to respond overly much to any monkey wrench

> that might be thrown my way. I am a low key sensible person who can roll with

> the flow...but my body doesn't cooperate and I can palpitate or feel that

> adrenaline surge and heart racing if something unexpected happens. I guess

> that may get me in trouble for relapse type episodes...oh well..I can't worry

> about it...one goal at a time...and the first order of business is to exercise

> more and keep hoping for remission...in another 9 months or so. Thanks again

> for sharing your experience.

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I am the same way. Which is why I don't watch scary movies, I have NO

control over how I react to them. Sometimes my own nightmares can bring on




> Reply-To: graves_support

> Date: Wed, 30 Jan 2002 09:37:23 -0600

> To: <graves_support >

> Subject: Re: Terry...may I ask a question???


> Thank you Terry...your novel is a huge help. My prospects are not dim. I just

> have a feeling that I have never responded well to stress. I had a period of

> palpitations when my high need child started school..he is now 17. But I wore

> that Holter monitor for 24 hours and they found benign pre-ventricular

> contractions....most probably due to stress. My life is quite stress free for

> the most part...but my body seems to respond overly much to any monkey wrench

> that might be thrown my way. I am a low key sensible person who can roll with

> the flow...but my body doesn't cooperate and I can palpitate or feel that

> adrenaline surge and heart racing if something unexpected happens. I guess

> that may get me in trouble for relapse type episodes...oh well..I can't worry

> about it...one goal at a time...and the first order of business is to exercise

> more and keep hoping for remission...in another 9 months or so. Thanks again

> for sharing your experience.

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Hi Ruthie and Terry,

I get the palpitations sometimes watching scary movies also.

Like CSI, I've always loved mysteries but don't know how I will

react to what's going on.

Debbie R.

Debbie who used ATDs and took 5.5 yrs. to get my thyroid levels

back to normal and would do the same again if I had too, has

learned here to supplement gradually thanks to Jody.

> Ruthie,


> I am the same way. Which is why I don't watch scary movies, I

have NO

> control over how I react to them. Sometimes my own

nightmares can bring on

> palpitations!


> Terry


> > From: " Ruthie Schaffer " <rschaffer@u...>

> > Reply-To: graves_support@y...

> > Date: Wed, 30 Jan 2002 09:37:23 -0600

> > To: <graves_support@y...>

> > Subject: Re: Terry...may I ask a


> >

> > Thank you Terry...your novel is a huge help. My prospects are

not dim. I just

> > have a feeling that I have never responded well to stress. I

had a period of

> > palpitations when my high need child started school..he is

now 17. But I wore

> > that Holter monitor for 24 hours and they found benign


> > contractions....most probably due to stress. My life is quite

stress free for

> > the most part...but my body seems to respond overly much to

any monkey wrench

> > that might be thrown my way. I am a low key sensible person

who can roll with

> > the flow...but my body doesn't cooperate and I can palpitate

or feel that

> > adrenaline surge and heart racing if something unexpected

happens. I guess

> > that may get me in trouble for relapse type episodes...oh

well..I can't worry

> > about it...one goal at a time...and the first order of business is

to exercise

> > more and keep hoping for remission...in another 9 months or

so. Thanks again

> > for sharing your experience.

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Hi Ruthie and Terry,

I get the palpitations sometimes watching scary movies also.

Like CSI, I've always loved mysteries but don't know how I will

react to what's going on.

Debbie R.

Debbie who used ATDs and took 5.5 yrs. to get my thyroid levels

back to normal and would do the same again if I had too, has

learned here to supplement gradually thanks to Jody.

> Ruthie,


> I am the same way. Which is why I don't watch scary movies, I

have NO

> control over how I react to them. Sometimes my own

nightmares can bring on

> palpitations!


> Terry


> > From: " Ruthie Schaffer " <rschaffer@u...>

> > Reply-To: graves_support@y...

> > Date: Wed, 30 Jan 2002 09:37:23 -0600

> > To: <graves_support@y...>

> > Subject: Re: Terry...may I ask a


> >

> > Thank you Terry...your novel is a huge help. My prospects are

not dim. I just

> > have a feeling that I have never responded well to stress. I

had a period of

> > palpitations when my high need child started school..he is

now 17. But I wore

> > that Holter monitor for 24 hours and they found benign


> > contractions....most probably due to stress. My life is quite

stress free for

> > the most part...but my body seems to respond overly much to

any monkey wrench

> > that might be thrown my way. I am a low key sensible person

who can roll with

> > the flow...but my body doesn't cooperate and I can palpitate

or feel that

> > adrenaline surge and heart racing if something unexpected

happens. I guess

> > that may get me in trouble for relapse type episodes...oh

well..I can't worry

> > about it...one goal at a time...and the first order of business is

to exercise

> > more and keep hoping for remission...in another 9 months or

so. Thanks again

> > for sharing your experience.

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