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Re: Food for Terry

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Hi Terry,

Thank you for a great post! And congratulations on doing well after being

off of your ATD's for 3 weeks already! Another remission success story!

>>>What I've found (oh, weak soul that I am!) is that if I get too strongly

>>>into denying myself, I lose it somewhere along the day, and eat something

>>>my better judgement tells me is really, really bad. When I was on Atkins

>>>for a number of months, I craved bread and chocolate constantly. Decided

>>>that this diet is bad--and that was backed up by the fact that all 15

>>>lbs. I lost, I regained right after I went off it. That's when I decided

>>>that intelligent moderation was the only route I'd ever take, make sure I

>>>have plenty of healthy food around and keep my indulgences sensible. I've

>>>steadily gained a bit, on the ATD's, but only need to lose a total of 20

>>>lbs. to feel reasonably " normal " again, so I guess it's worked. I hope

>>>that I can follow in Debbie's footsteps, and start losing after I've been

>>>off ATD's a while

(it's been almost 3 weeks now, and I'm FINE, btw).<<<

I need to clarify something about my cravings...they are weird. When I do

grave chocolate right before my period, 3 plain m & m's will ususally take

care of that. The ones that I go on for days with are the salt cravings,

and now this craving for my celery and carrots... and I don't use dip or

dressing with them, just good raw celery and carrots.

My diet has changed so much in the last 2 years, mostly because of things I

have learned in this group. I longer fry anything except my scrabled eggs

when I have them, then in a no stick pan, I eat my toast dry 95% of the

time. When I have the need for oil, I only use extra virgin olive oil. We

use to, in days of old, have rolls or bread with every dinner...that no

longer happens, if my family wants it they can get their own, but it isn't

on the table anymore. My biggest weakness for bread though is if we go to

our favorite restaurant, we do get the garlic bread with cheese sometims :)

I do eat more veggie, all raw. The only cooked veggie I eat is corn and that

is rare. I do need to eat more fruit...I live on it in the summer time, but

just have no taste for it during the winter...and watermelon is my favorite.

I can't eat apples raw anymore because of my hiatal hernia and it will

kick me into a gall bladder attack. So from where I was I have made huge

strides and continue to do so. I think I do make my changes much slower

than many others because when I go into 'drastic change mode' it usually

doesn't last long.

I do my red ball exercises and now have my beginners tai chi tape to work

with and I do try to walk every day but it is hard with my back. I KNOW my

back will be much better with weight loss too. I had stabilized and even

lost weight last year, then with the ATD's I had gained some weight (I threw

my scales out so don't know for sure)but the last 2 weeks I have been

losing, how much, no clue, but my clothes are fitting a lot looser.

Boy where did all this come from :)

Anyhow, thank you again and I hope you keep putting the nutritional stuff in

here, it is good stuff. I have kept this post of yours and I will try the

ginger squeeze you wrote about.




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Hi Terry,

Thank you for a great post! And congratulations on doing well after being

off of your ATD's for 3 weeks already! Another remission success story!

>>>What I've found (oh, weak soul that I am!) is that if I get too strongly

>>>into denying myself, I lose it somewhere along the day, and eat something

>>>my better judgement tells me is really, really bad. When I was on Atkins

>>>for a number of months, I craved bread and chocolate constantly. Decided

>>>that this diet is bad--and that was backed up by the fact that all 15

>>>lbs. I lost, I regained right after I went off it. That's when I decided

>>>that intelligent moderation was the only route I'd ever take, make sure I

>>>have plenty of healthy food around and keep my indulgences sensible. I've

>>>steadily gained a bit, on the ATD's, but only need to lose a total of 20

>>>lbs. to feel reasonably " normal " again, so I guess it's worked. I hope

>>>that I can follow in Debbie's footsteps, and start losing after I've been

>>>off ATD's a while

(it's been almost 3 weeks now, and I'm FINE, btw).<<<

I need to clarify something about my cravings...they are weird. When I do

grave chocolate right before my period, 3 plain m & m's will ususally take

care of that. The ones that I go on for days with are the salt cravings,

and now this craving for my celery and carrots... and I don't use dip or

dressing with them, just good raw celery and carrots.

My diet has changed so much in the last 2 years, mostly because of things I

have learned in this group. I longer fry anything except my scrabled eggs

when I have them, then in a no stick pan, I eat my toast dry 95% of the

time. When I have the need for oil, I only use extra virgin olive oil. We

use to, in days of old, have rolls or bread with every dinner...that no

longer happens, if my family wants it they can get their own, but it isn't

on the table anymore. My biggest weakness for bread though is if we go to

our favorite restaurant, we do get the garlic bread with cheese sometims :)

I do eat more veggie, all raw. The only cooked veggie I eat is corn and that

is rare. I do need to eat more fruit...I live on it in the summer time, but

just have no taste for it during the winter...and watermelon is my favorite.

I can't eat apples raw anymore because of my hiatal hernia and it will

kick me into a gall bladder attack. So from where I was I have made huge

strides and continue to do so. I think I do make my changes much slower

than many others because when I go into 'drastic change mode' it usually

doesn't last long.

I do my red ball exercises and now have my beginners tai chi tape to work

with and I do try to walk every day but it is hard with my back. I KNOW my

back will be much better with weight loss too. I had stabilized and even

lost weight last year, then with the ATD's I had gained some weight (I threw

my scales out so don't know for sure)but the last 2 weeks I have been

losing, how much, no clue, but my clothes are fitting a lot looser.

Boy where did all this come from :)

Anyhow, thank you again and I hope you keep putting the nutritional stuff in

here, it is good stuff. I have kept this post of yours and I will try the

ginger squeeze you wrote about.




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Just one comment: a lot of vegetables are better digested, and more of their

good nutrients are released, if cooked a bit. This is especially true of the

cole crop ones (cauliflower, broccoli, kale, cabbage). Also, with the dark

leafy greens like kale and chard, a little bit of lemon or vinegar added at

the last second, before serving from the pan, makes the nutrients more

accessible as well. This is just to complicate your life a little more:)



> Reply-To: graves_support

> Date: Mon, 07 Jan 2002 21:17:25 -0500

> To: graves_support

> Subject: Re: Food for Terry


> I do eat more veggie, all raw.

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Just one comment: a lot of vegetables are better digested, and more of their

good nutrients are released, if cooked a bit. This is especially true of the

cole crop ones (cauliflower, broccoli, kale, cabbage). Also, with the dark

leafy greens like kale and chard, a little bit of lemon or vinegar added at

the last second, before serving from the pan, makes the nutrients more

accessible as well. This is just to complicate your life a little more:)



> Reply-To: graves_support

> Date: Mon, 07 Jan 2002 21:17:25 -0500

> To: graves_support

> Subject: Re: Food for Terry


> I do eat more veggie, all raw.

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Just one comment: a lot of vegetables are better digested, and more of their

good nutrients are released, if cooked a bit. This is especially true of the

cole crop ones (cauliflower, broccoli, kale, cabbage). Also, with the dark

leafy greens like kale and chard, a little bit of lemon or vinegar added at

the last second, before serving from the pan, makes the nutrients more

accessible as well. This is just to complicate your life a little more:)



> Reply-To: graves_support

> Date: Mon, 07 Jan 2002 21:17:25 -0500

> To: graves_support

> Subject: Re: Food for Terry


> I do eat more veggie, all raw.

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Ohhhhh Terry,

You just complicated my life!!! ;-)

I don't eat green veggies at all if they are cooked. I never have, I don't

like the taste of them. Well I use to eat broccoli if it was scrambled with

eggs and smothered in butter <ducking>

Are you serious that the nutrients are released more when they are cooked?

I really never knew that. The only one you list that I will eat steamed is

the cauliflower. I have changed a lot in my eating, but cooked green

veggies is a huge step! I'm not sure I can make that one. If I took a

digestive aid like papaya, would that help get more nutrients out of the raw


Or maybe adding vinegar to raw ones to get them? I really am being serious

in this. I have never eaten cooked veggies, and I use to fall asleep at the

table as a child because I wasn't allowed to leave the table until I ate

them. Even as an adult, I cook them for my family, and both my kids would

rather eat veggies than meat, and I have tried cooking them different

ways...it doesn't matter, I don't like the taste or the texture of them.

I have made pickled veggies and I love those, but they are not cooked

either. Any other suggestions?



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Ohhhhh Terry,

You just complicated my life!!! ;-)

I don't eat green veggies at all if they are cooked. I never have, I don't

like the taste of them. Well I use to eat broccoli if it was scrambled with

eggs and smothered in butter <ducking>

Are you serious that the nutrients are released more when they are cooked?

I really never knew that. The only one you list that I will eat steamed is

the cauliflower. I have changed a lot in my eating, but cooked green

veggies is a huge step! I'm not sure I can make that one. If I took a

digestive aid like papaya, would that help get more nutrients out of the raw


Or maybe adding vinegar to raw ones to get them? I really am being serious

in this. I have never eaten cooked veggies, and I use to fall asleep at the

table as a child because I wasn't allowed to leave the table until I ate

them. Even as an adult, I cook them for my family, and both my kids would

rather eat veggies than meat, and I have tried cooking them different

ways...it doesn't matter, I don't like the taste or the texture of them.

I have made pickled veggies and I love those, but they are not cooked

either. Any other suggestions?



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For those of you who don't like to cook those leafy greens here's a

recipe I invented and I eat it a lot in the winter

Cole crop and shitake mushroom soup

1 T olive oil

1/2 lb shitake (or regular) mushrooms

1/2 onion

1/4 bunch kale

1/4 bunch mustard greens

1/4 bunch collard or dandelion greens

bunch fresh (or dried) thyme

dash ginger

salt, pepper

dash balsamic vinager

4 Cups stock (I use homemade chicken or veggie stock)

saute mushrooms and onions with thyme in olive oil until soft

add all greens and vinager. saute 5 mins more add cold stock into same

pan bring to simmer add dash ginger-cover and simmer another 15-20


Also if any one wants stock recipes I have those too.


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For those of you who don't like to cook those leafy greens here's a

recipe I invented and I eat it a lot in the winter

Cole crop and shitake mushroom soup

1 T olive oil

1/2 lb shitake (or regular) mushrooms

1/2 onion

1/4 bunch kale

1/4 bunch mustard greens

1/4 bunch collard or dandelion greens

bunch fresh (or dried) thyme

dash ginger

salt, pepper

dash balsamic vinager

4 Cups stock (I use homemade chicken or veggie stock)

saute mushrooms and onions with thyme in olive oil until soft

add all greens and vinager. saute 5 mins more add cold stock into same

pan bring to simmer add dash ginger-cover and simmer another 15-20


Also if any one wants stock recipes I have those too.


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only that you just trust your body. Obviously it's letting you know what is

good for you. Keep eating the pickles though (yum!).



> Reply-To: graves_support

> Date: Mon, 07 Jan 2002 23:07:53 -0500

> To: graves_support

> Subject: Re: Food for Terry


> Ohhhhh Terry,

> You just complicated my life!!! ;-)


> I don't eat green veggies at all if they are cooked. I never have, I don't

> like the taste of them. Well I use to eat broccoli if it was scrambled with

> eggs and smothered in butter <ducking>


> Are you serious that the nutrients are released more when they are cooked?

> I really never knew that. The only one you list that I will eat steamed is

> the cauliflower. I have changed a lot in my eating, but cooked green

> veggies is a huge step! I'm not sure I can make that one. If I took a

> digestive aid like papaya, would that help get more nutrients out of the raw

> ones?


> Or maybe adding vinegar to raw ones to get them? I really am being serious

> in this. I have never eaten cooked veggies, and I use to fall asleep at the

> table as a child because I wasn't allowed to leave the table until I ate

> them. Even as an adult, I cook them for my family, and both my kids would

> rather eat veggies than meat, and I have tried cooking them different

> ways...it doesn't matter, I don't like the taste or the texture of them.


> I have made pickled veggies and I love those, but they are not cooked

> either. Any other suggestions?

> Jody










> _________________________________________________________________

> Chat with friends online, try MSN Messenger: http://messenger.msn.com




> -------------------------------------

> The Graves' list is intended for informational purposes only and is not

> intended to replace expert medical care.

> Please consult your doctor before changing or trying new treatments.

> ----------------------------------------



> Advertisments placed on this yahoo groups list does not have the endorsement

> of

> the listowner. I have no input as to what ads are attached to emails.

> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

> --------



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only that you just trust your body. Obviously it's letting you know what is

good for you. Keep eating the pickles though (yum!).



> Reply-To: graves_support

> Date: Mon, 07 Jan 2002 23:07:53 -0500

> To: graves_support

> Subject: Re: Food for Terry


> Ohhhhh Terry,

> You just complicated my life!!! ;-)


> I don't eat green veggies at all if they are cooked. I never have, I don't

> like the taste of them. Well I use to eat broccoli if it was scrambled with

> eggs and smothered in butter <ducking>


> Are you serious that the nutrients are released more when they are cooked?

> I really never knew that. The only one you list that I will eat steamed is

> the cauliflower. I have changed a lot in my eating, but cooked green

> veggies is a huge step! I'm not sure I can make that one. If I took a

> digestive aid like papaya, would that help get more nutrients out of the raw

> ones?


> Or maybe adding vinegar to raw ones to get them? I really am being serious

> in this. I have never eaten cooked veggies, and I use to fall asleep at the

> table as a child because I wasn't allowed to leave the table until I ate

> them. Even as an adult, I cook them for my family, and both my kids would

> rather eat veggies than meat, and I have tried cooking them different

> ways...it doesn't matter, I don't like the taste or the texture of them.


> I have made pickled veggies and I love those, but they are not cooked

> either. Any other suggestions?

> Jody










> _________________________________________________________________

> Chat with friends online, try MSN Messenger: http://messenger.msn.com




> -------------------------------------

> The Graves' list is intended for informational purposes only and is not

> intended to replace expert medical care.

> Please consult your doctor before changing or trying new treatments.

> ----------------------------------------



> Advertisments placed on this yahoo groups list does not have the endorsement

> of

> the listowner. I have no input as to what ads are attached to emails.

> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

> --------



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Thanks, amazingly this sounds good. Though I shall leave out the mushrooms.

( they taste like slugs to me....and no , I have not actually tasted a slug, but

I am

pretty sure ) I hope there are no important Graves required vitamins in



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Hi Jody,

As for your dry toast, I've stopped using margarine and butter as well, and

have discovered that a little olive oil and garlic on whole grain toast is

quite yummy, and oh so good for you. :)


Re: Food for Terry

Hi Terry,

Thank you for a great post! And congratulations on doing well after being

off of your ATD's for 3 weeks already! Another remission success story!

>>>What I've found (oh, weak soul that I am!) is that if I get too strongly

>>>into denying myself, I lose it somewhere along the day, and eat something

>>>my better judgement tells me is really, really bad. When I was on Atkins

>>>for a number of months, I craved bread and chocolate constantly. Decided

>>>that this diet is bad--and that was backed up by the fact that all 15

>>>lbs. I lost, I regained right after I went off it. That's when I decided

>>>that intelligent moderation was the only route I'd ever take, make sure I

>>>have plenty of healthy food around and keep my indulgences sensible. I've

>>>steadily gained a bit, on the ATD's, but only need to lose a total of 20

>>>lbs. to feel reasonably " normal " again, so I guess it's worked. I hope

>>>that I can follow in Debbie's footsteps, and start losing after I've been

>>>off ATD's a while

(it's been almost 3 weeks now, and I'm FINE, btw).<<<

I need to clarify something about my cravings...they are weird. When I do

grave chocolate right before my period, 3 plain m & m's will ususally take

care of that. The ones that I go on for days with are the salt cravings,

and now this craving for my celery and carrots... and I don't use dip or

dressing with them, just good raw celery and carrots.

My diet has changed so much in the last 2 years, mostly because of things I

have learned in this group. I longer fry anything except my scrabled eggs

when I have them, then in a no stick pan, I eat my toast dry 95% of the

time. When I have the need for oil, I only use extra virgin olive oil. We

use to, in days of old, have rolls or bread with every dinner...that no

longer happens, if my family wants it they can get their own, but it isn't

on the table anymore. My biggest weakness for bread though is if we go to

our favorite restaurant, we do get the garlic bread with cheese sometims :)

I do eat more veggie, all raw. The only cooked veggie I eat is corn and that

is rare. I do need to eat more fruit...I live on it in the summer time, but

just have no taste for it during the winter...and watermelon is my favorite.

I can't eat apples raw anymore because of my hiatal hernia and it will

kick me into a gall bladder attack. So from where I was I have made huge

strides and continue to do so. I think I do make my changes much slower

than many others because when I go into 'drastic change mode' it usually

doesn't last long.

I do my red ball exercises and now have my beginners tai chi tape to work

with and I do try to walk every day but it is hard with my back. I KNOW my

back will be much better with weight loss too. I had stabilized and even

lost weight last year, then with the ATD's I had gained some weight (I threw

my scales out so don't know for sure)but the last 2 weeks I have been

losing, how much, no clue, but my clothes are fitting a lot looser.

Boy where did all this come from :)

Anyhow, thank you again and I hope you keep putting the nutritional stuff in

here, it is good stuff. I have kept this post of yours and I will try the

ginger squeeze you wrote about.




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I personally love all veggies--cooked, raw, whatever-- but my boyfriend

hates the taste of cooked vegetables as well. I found that steaming them in

a steamer like the Black and Decker handy steamer actually makes them more

palatable for him than steaming them in a pan. It's probably something

about the metal steamer basket and the metal in the pan that makes them not

taste as well cooked that way. I also think the key is not cooking them too

much. The " bitter " vegetables get more bitter when they're over-cooked.

Try cooking your vegetables tender-crisp. It's enough to release the

nutrients, but still maintains more of a raw flavor. I always put lemon

juice on my steamed broccoli, cauliflower, and asparagus; and vinegar on

spinach, kale, cabbage and brussel sprouts. It takes away some of the



Re: Food for Terry

Ohhhhh Terry,

You just complicated my life!!! ;-)

I don't eat green veggies at all if they are cooked. I never have, I don't

like the taste of them. Well I use to eat broccoli if it was scrambled with

eggs and smothered in butter <ducking>

Are you serious that the nutrients are released more when they are cooked?

I really never knew that. The only one you list that I will eat steamed is

the cauliflower. I have changed a lot in my eating, but cooked green

veggies is a huge step! I'm not sure I can make that one. If I took a

digestive aid like papaya, would that help get more nutrients out of the raw


Or maybe adding vinegar to raw ones to get them? I really am being serious

in this. I have never eaten cooked veggies, and I use to fall asleep at the

table as a child because I wasn't allowed to leave the table until I ate

them. Even as an adult, I cook them for my family, and both my kids would

rather eat veggies than meat, and I have tried cooking them different

ways...it doesn't matter, I don't like the taste or the texture of them.

I have made pickled veggies and I love those, but they are not cooked

either. Any other suggestions?


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I personally love all veggies--cooked, raw, whatever-- but my boyfriend

hates the taste of cooked vegetables as well. I found that steaming them in

a steamer like the Black and Decker handy steamer actually makes them more

palatable for him than steaming them in a pan. It's probably something

about the metal steamer basket and the metal in the pan that makes them not

taste as well cooked that way. I also think the key is not cooking them too

much. The " bitter " vegetables get more bitter when they're over-cooked.

Try cooking your vegetables tender-crisp. It's enough to release the

nutrients, but still maintains more of a raw flavor. I always put lemon

juice on my steamed broccoli, cauliflower, and asparagus; and vinegar on

spinach, kale, cabbage and brussel sprouts. It takes away some of the



Re: Food for Terry

Ohhhhh Terry,

You just complicated my life!!! ;-)

I don't eat green veggies at all if they are cooked. I never have, I don't

like the taste of them. Well I use to eat broccoli if it was scrambled with

eggs and smothered in butter <ducking>

Are you serious that the nutrients are released more when they are cooked?

I really never knew that. The only one you list that I will eat steamed is

the cauliflower. I have changed a lot in my eating, but cooked green

veggies is a huge step! I'm not sure I can make that one. If I took a

digestive aid like papaya, would that help get more nutrients out of the raw


Or maybe adding vinegar to raw ones to get them? I really am being serious

in this. I have never eaten cooked veggies, and I use to fall asleep at the

table as a child because I wasn't allowed to leave the table until I ate

them. Even as an adult, I cook them for my family, and both my kids would

rather eat veggies than meat, and I have tried cooking them different

ways...it doesn't matter, I don't like the taste or the texture of them.

I have made pickled veggies and I love those, but they are not cooked

either. Any other suggestions?


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I personally love all veggies--cooked, raw, whatever-- but my boyfriend

hates the taste of cooked vegetables as well. I found that steaming them in

a steamer like the Black and Decker handy steamer actually makes them more

palatable for him than steaming them in a pan. It's probably something

about the metal steamer basket and the metal in the pan that makes them not

taste as well cooked that way. I also think the key is not cooking them too

much. The " bitter " vegetables get more bitter when they're over-cooked.

Try cooking your vegetables tender-crisp. It's enough to release the

nutrients, but still maintains more of a raw flavor. I always put lemon

juice on my steamed broccoli, cauliflower, and asparagus; and vinegar on

spinach, kale, cabbage and brussel sprouts. It takes away some of the



Re: Food for Terry

Ohhhhh Terry,

You just complicated my life!!! ;-)

I don't eat green veggies at all if they are cooked. I never have, I don't

like the taste of them. Well I use to eat broccoli if it was scrambled with

eggs and smothered in butter <ducking>

Are you serious that the nutrients are released more when they are cooked?

I really never knew that. The only one you list that I will eat steamed is

the cauliflower. I have changed a lot in my eating, but cooked green

veggies is a huge step! I'm not sure I can make that one. If I took a

digestive aid like papaya, would that help get more nutrients out of the raw


Or maybe adding vinegar to raw ones to get them? I really am being serious

in this. I have never eaten cooked veggies, and I use to fall asleep at the

table as a child because I wasn't allowed to leave the table until I ate

them. Even as an adult, I cook them for my family, and both my kids would

rather eat veggies than meat, and I have tried cooking them different

ways...it doesn't matter, I don't like the taste or the texture of them.

I have made pickled veggies and I love those, but they are not cooked

either. Any other suggestions?


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I never made it without mushrooms since I love them, especially

shitakes, which supposedly can help lower your cholestorol. They also

contain a ton of vitamins, and they are also supopsed to have some

qualities to balance your immune system. I don't know if it's all

true, I know the vitmain part is.

But heck! I suppose you could try it without it, I just found that

all those greens needed something sturdy and woody to balance all


I dont know :)

I'll send you the stock recipes later, right now, gots to run


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I never made it without mushrooms since I love them, especially

shitakes, which supposedly can help lower your cholestorol. They also

contain a ton of vitamins, and they are also supopsed to have some

qualities to balance your immune system. I don't know if it's all

true, I know the vitmain part is.

But heck! I suppose you could try it without it, I just found that

all those greens needed something sturdy and woody to balance all


I dont know :)

I'll send you the stock recipes later, right now, gots to run


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I never made it without mushrooms since I love them, especially

shitakes, which supposedly can help lower your cholestorol. They also

contain a ton of vitamins, and they are also supopsed to have some

qualities to balance your immune system. I don't know if it's all

true, I know the vitmain part is.

But heck! I suppose you could try it without it, I just found that

all those greens needed something sturdy and woody to balance all


I dont know :)

I'll send you the stock recipes later, right now, gots to run


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I actually like my toast dry now, it has a good flavor...but the olive oil

and garlic sounds so yummy! I will definately try that!




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I actually like my toast dry now, it has a good flavor...but the olive oil

and garlic sounds so yummy! I will definately try that!




Chat with friends online, try MSN Messenger: http://messenger.msn.com

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