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Thanks for the welcome.

To answer your questions:

Earlier in this year I had moderate, unrelenting pain in my upper

left quadrant that wouldn't go away. I went to my family care dr in

March and she told me it was probably just a muscular problem. Told

me to take Ibuprofen and wait it out.

In late May I woke up with terrible pain. I went to the walk-in

clinic and the dr thought it was my gallbladder. Blood was drawn and

he scheduled a gallbladder ultrasound the next day. The next day I

was still in pain, went for my gallbladder ultrasound and stopped by

the walk-in clinic because the dr asked me to do so. He came out

immediately and told me he had been looking for me everywhere, called

me, my parents, called the local hospitals because he thought surely

I had been admitted. My amalyse and lipase levels were off the

charts. He said it was " possible " that I had pancretitis. Sent me

home told me to eat a no fat diet and wait to improve.

Things did not improve. I couldn't eat or drink anything without

vomiting. I went to see my family care dr again. My regular dr was

now gone and I was assigned to a new resident. He advised me to stop

taking some medication that I was taking and set up a CT scan. I was

found to have a cyst a little larger then a golf ball on the tail of

my pancreas.

In the meanwhile he told me that I was to go to the ER immediately if

I didnt feel well. Well the ER knows me by name now. I have been

there at least a dozen times through this all. The ER dr ordered a

hydascan to yet again test my gallbladder. Nothing.

I was finally admitted in mid July. I could no longer function at

home, I had dropped out of school for the summer, and I couldn't

work. I was put on demerol to manage my pain-I felt wonderful. I

had my first consult with a GI dr. I had another CT scan, a general

endoscopy of my stomach/pancreas, MRI, and total barium studies. I

wanted the cyst drained but the GI Dr. would not allow it.

I was released and my problems did not end. Went back to see my

family care and he set up an appointment with another GI dr. Went to

see her and she said lets drain the cyst. Well the night before I

was going to get it done I got so violently ill that I was in the ER

yet again. I saw another GI dr and he said he wasnt going to allow

me to get the drainage. He admitted me for pain control and refered

me to a dr. in Milwaukee.

My problems continued. I couldnt get into the dr. in Milwaukee for a

month. I went down there met the dr for 5 minutes--I was a course

patient for a conference. I had an endoscopic ultrasound/ERCP done.

My cyst was drained, a biopsy was taken, and a stent was placed. It

went very well. I felt poorly for about two days then I felt like a

normal human being for about two weeks.

I got sick again. Started taking pain meds to control it until my

follow-up. In the meanwhile the hospital had lost the fluid and

biopsy from my cyst. Wonderful. I went back for my second EUS/ERCP

and stent removal. Things did not go as well this time. I had lots

of pain and it really hasn't improved since. At this time he has

suggested a partial removal of my pancreas pending my test results

and I met with the surgeon.

Well the results came back good. The cyst wasn't a mucous cyst which

means it didn't need to come out immeditely. He told me that surgery

was only needed if I experience more pain.

Well the pain is still there, but I will not accept surgery as my

only option. For the time being I am just dealing with the pain. I

guess I'm just trying to take a break from the dr's and that is where

I am at right now.

That's my story.


> Angel:


> Welcome. I'm a newbie also.


> I'm sure that we all have many questions for you.


> The first few that I can think of are:


> What problems and symptoms do you have?

> Who told you that it's your pancreas?

> What tests have you undergone?

> How are you being treated?


> -E

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Thanks for the welcome. No, your message did not bore me! I'm glad

to find a group that is active. I'm in a Yahoo club for pancreatitis

and there is no activity. I tried my best to get people talking, but

it surely doesnt help that the founder has never posted a message!

I'll try to get to chat sometime.



> Hi Angel - welcome to the group. I am also fairly new so I am

probably not

> the best one to answer you but here goes. I have not seen any real

hard and

> fast rules - express yourself and your opinion but try not to be to


> of another's thoughts or ideas about sums it up. The group is

great at

> answering questions, asking questions you might not have thought

of, and

> providing general information. There is a chat at the

top5plus5.com every

> night at 5:30 PST and 8:30 EST (I am sure someone will correct me

if that is

> wrong (this computes to 6:30 MST - I finally figured that out and

just had

> to share it with someone). Feel free to tell your story, tell a

joke, tell

> your problems or whatever. Someone will always listen and

respond. Anyway,

> I have had CP since July, originally came on as an acute attack but

is now

> going on month 6 as of Dec. 4, spent 8 days in the hospital, 3 of

which it

> took them to figure out what was wrong, and now take 15 pills a day


> pain killers so that I can continue to work and live my life.

Anyway, I am

> sure that you will get a lot of good information, good feelings and


> from this group and hopefully you are too bored by this message to

drop out

> already. TTFN,

> New



> > Hello All,

> >

> > I Angel 21/f from Michigan. I joined the group the other day and

> > tried to post but Yahoo ate it. I have not been diagnosed with CP

> > but there is something wrong with my pancreas and I haven't got a

> > satisfactory reason why it is causing so much trouble and why my

> > physicians want to treat my illness the way they do.

> >

> > I am in constant pain. It has affected college, work and my


> > life. I have missed two semesters of school and I hope to go back

> > next semester but that is defintely up in the air.

> >

> > More about me later . . . I could write a book, as I'm sure many


> > you could. I would like to know more about the group. Are there


> > posting guidelines?

> >

> > Hope to be hearing from others soon.

> >

> > Regaurds,

> >

> > Angel

> >

> >

> >

> > PANCREATITIS Association, Intl.

> > Online e-mail group

> >

> > To reply to this message hit " reply " or send an e-mail to:

> Pancreatitis@Y...

> >

> > To subscribe to this e-mail group, simply send an e-mail to:

> Pancreatitis-subscribe@Y...

> >

> >

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Thanks for the welcome. No, your message did not bore me! I'm glad

to find a group that is active. I'm in a Yahoo club for pancreatitis

and there is no activity. I tried my best to get people talking, but

it surely doesnt help that the founder has never posted a message!

I'll try to get to chat sometime.



> Hi Angel - welcome to the group. I am also fairly new so I am

probably not

> the best one to answer you but here goes. I have not seen any real

hard and

> fast rules - express yourself and your opinion but try not to be to


> of another's thoughts or ideas about sums it up. The group is

great at

> answering questions, asking questions you might not have thought

of, and

> providing general information. There is a chat at the

top5plus5.com every

> night at 5:30 PST and 8:30 EST (I am sure someone will correct me

if that is

> wrong (this computes to 6:30 MST - I finally figured that out and

just had

> to share it with someone). Feel free to tell your story, tell a

joke, tell

> your problems or whatever. Someone will always listen and

respond. Anyway,

> I have had CP since July, originally came on as an acute attack but

is now

> going on month 6 as of Dec. 4, spent 8 days in the hospital, 3 of

which it

> took them to figure out what was wrong, and now take 15 pills a day


> pain killers so that I can continue to work and live my life.

Anyway, I am

> sure that you will get a lot of good information, good feelings and


> from this group and hopefully you are too bored by this message to

drop out

> already. TTFN,

> New



> > Hello All,

> >

> > I Angel 21/f from Michigan. I joined the group the other day and

> > tried to post but Yahoo ate it. I have not been diagnosed with CP

> > but there is something wrong with my pancreas and I haven't got a

> > satisfactory reason why it is causing so much trouble and why my

> > physicians want to treat my illness the way they do.

> >

> > I am in constant pain. It has affected college, work and my


> > life. I have missed two semesters of school and I hope to go back

> > next semester but that is defintely up in the air.

> >

> > More about me later . . . I could write a book, as I'm sure many


> > you could. I would like to know more about the group. Are there


> > posting guidelines?

> >

> > Hope to be hearing from others soon.

> >

> > Regaurds,

> >

> > Angel

> >

> >

> >

> > PANCREATITIS Association, Intl.

> > Online e-mail group

> >

> > To reply to this message hit " reply " or send an e-mail to:

> Pancreatitis@Y...

> >

> > To subscribe to this e-mail group, simply send an e-mail to:

> Pancreatitis-subscribe@Y...

> >

> >

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Hey Angel. I hope you will consider joining us in the chat room which can

be found at http://www.top5plus5.com/CHAT%20ROOMS-PANCREAS%20RELATED.htm

You will also find some great information on www.top5plus5.com If I can

ever do anything to help you, please let me know.

I hope this finds you and yours well

Mark E. Armstrong


Oregon State Chapter Rep

Pancreatitis Association, International

Re: New

> Hi Sharon,


> Thanks for your message. I am from the Upper Peninsula. I am seeing

> a specialist in Milwakee, but I hope to go to Mayo for a second

> opinon.


> Nice to meet you.


> Angel




> PANCREATITIS Association, Intl.

> Online e-mail group


> To reply to this message hit " reply " or send an e-mail to:



> To subscribe to this e-mail group, simply send an e-mail to:




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Hey Angel. I hope you will consider joining us in the chat room which can

be found at http://www.top5plus5.com/CHAT%20ROOMS-PANCREAS%20RELATED.htm

You will also find some great information on www.top5plus5.com If I can

ever do anything to help you, please let me know.

I hope this finds you and yours well

Mark E. Armstrong


Oregon State Chapter Rep

Pancreatitis Association, International

Re: New

> Hi Sharon,


> Thanks for your message. I am from the Upper Peninsula. I am seeing

> a specialist in Milwakee, but I hope to go to Mayo for a second

> opinon.


> Nice to meet you.


> Angel




> PANCREATITIS Association, Intl.

> Online e-mail group


> To reply to this message hit " reply " or send an e-mail to:



> To subscribe to this e-mail group, simply send an e-mail to:




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> Hi Sharon,


> Thanks for your message. I am from the Upper Peninsula. I am


> a specialist in Milwakee, but I hope to go to Mayo for a second

> opinon.


> Nice to meet you.


> Angel


My husband and I have 80 acres in Luce county up there. We recently

had a log cabin built. When we retire we plan on spending quite a bit

of time there. We love the Upper Peninsula. If our kids would move

there, we probably would stay there all the time, But I don't like

being 6 to 7 hours away from my sons for too long, even though they

are both grown and married,and probably would like for us to just go

up there and stay andleave them alone. But I wouldn't want to do

that, they mean everything to me.

Nice to meet you, and I hope you are having a better day.

Sharon in MI

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> Hi Sharon,


> Thanks for your message. I am from the Upper Peninsula. I am


> a specialist in Milwakee, but I hope to go to Mayo for a second

> opinon.


> Nice to meet you.


> Angel


My husband and I have 80 acres in Luce county up there. We recently

had a log cabin built. When we retire we plan on spending quite a bit

of time there. We love the Upper Peninsula. If our kids would move

there, we probably would stay there all the time, But I don't like

being 6 to 7 hours away from my sons for too long, even though they

are both grown and married,and probably would like for us to just go

up there and stay andleave them alone. But I wouldn't want to do

that, they mean everything to me.

Nice to meet you, and I hope you are having a better day.

Sharon in MI

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> Hi Sharon,


> Thanks for your message. I am from the Upper Peninsula. I am


> a specialist in Milwakee, but I hope to go to Mayo for a second

> opinon.


> Nice to meet you.


> Angel


My husband and I have 80 acres in Luce county up there. We recently

had a log cabin built. When we retire we plan on spending quite a bit

of time there. We love the Upper Peninsula. If our kids would move

there, we probably would stay there all the time, But I don't like

being 6 to 7 hours away from my sons for too long, even though they

are both grown and married,and probably would like for us to just go

up there and stay andleave them alone. But I wouldn't want to do

that, they mean everything to me.

Nice to meet you, and I hope you are having a better day.

Sharon in MI

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Hi Angel, sorry to hear of your pancreas problems. Two of the best

pancreatic specialists in the country are Dr. Lehman and Dr. Sherman

at Indiana University. I believe many people that frequent this board

(including me) have been cared for by them, so you can get many great

references on their work. In addition, you can go to the other

Pancreatitis Message Board


and ask people there too. Just a suggestion. You need the best there

is so you can get your pancreas taken care of the right way!! Hope

you feel better soon. Take Care, Debbie (So. Calif)

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Thanks for the welcome. Cold in Michigan yet??? We have already had

40 some inches of snow. When you live in the most wonderful place in

America living with snow is a small sacrifice.


> In a message dated 11/30/01 4:41:43 PM Eastern Standard Time,

> campcanoe98@a... writes:



> >


> Welcome Angel, keep reading this board and all will be known to you

in due

> course.

> Post with regular questions and someone will likely answer.

> Express yourself, query, vent, inform . . . it's all here

> Cold in MI yet???

> Poncho - GA




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Hi Debbie,

I am under the care of Dr. Marc Catalano in Milwaukee. My GI dr here

considers him to be the best GI/pancreas Dr's in the midwest. He is

a forerunner in the field of endoscopic ultrasound in fact I was a

course patient for a EUS conference his practice put on for GI Dr's

around the country.

I do want a second opion though. I would like to go to Mayo, I just

need a refferral.


> Hi Angel, sorry to hear of your pancreas problems. Two of the best

> pancreatic specialists in the country are Dr. Lehman and Dr.


> at Indiana University. I believe many people that frequent this


> (including me) have been cared for by them, so you can get many


> references on their work. In addition, you can go to the other

> Pancreatitis Message Board

> http://pub49.bravenet.com/forum/show.php?usernum=4193583128

> and ask people there too. Just a suggestion. You need the best


> is so you can get your pancreas taken care of the right way!! Hope

> you feel better soon. Take Care, Debbie (So. Calif)

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Hi Debbie,

I am under the care of Dr. Marc Catalano in Milwaukee. My GI dr here

considers him to be the best GI/pancreas Dr's in the midwest. He is

a forerunner in the field of endoscopic ultrasound in fact I was a

course patient for a EUS conference his practice put on for GI Dr's

around the country.

I do want a second opion though. I would like to go to Mayo, I just

need a refferral.


> Hi Angel, sorry to hear of your pancreas problems. Two of the best

> pancreatic specialists in the country are Dr. Lehman and Dr.


> at Indiana University. I believe many people that frequent this


> (including me) have been cared for by them, so you can get many


> references on their work. In addition, you can go to the other

> Pancreatitis Message Board

> http://pub49.bravenet.com/forum/show.php?usernum=4193583128

> and ask people there too. Just a suggestion. You need the best


> is so you can get your pancreas taken care of the right way!! Hope

> you feel better soon. Take Care, Debbie (So. Calif)

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Hi Debbie,

I am under the care of Dr. Marc Catalano in Milwaukee. My GI dr here

considers him to be the best GI/pancreas Dr's in the midwest. He is

a forerunner in the field of endoscopic ultrasound in fact I was a

course patient for a EUS conference his practice put on for GI Dr's

around the country.

I do want a second opion though. I would like to go to Mayo, I just

need a refferral.


> Hi Angel, sorry to hear of your pancreas problems. Two of the best

> pancreatic specialists in the country are Dr. Lehman and Dr.


> at Indiana University. I believe many people that frequent this


> (including me) have been cared for by them, so you can get many


> references on their work. In addition, you can go to the other

> Pancreatitis Message Board

> http://pub49.bravenet.com/forum/show.php?usernum=4193583128

> and ask people there too. Just a suggestion. You need the best


> is so you can get your pancreas taken care of the right way!! Hope

> you feel better soon. Take Care, Debbie (So. Calif)

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Thanks for sharing - I am sure that a lot of us recognize all or parts of

what you describe. TTFN,

Re: New

> Thanks for the welcome.


> To answer your questions:

> Earlier in this year I had moderate, unrelenting pain in my upper

> left quadrant that wouldn't go away. I went to my family care dr in

> March and she told me it was probably just a muscular problem. Told

> me to take Ibuprofen and wait it out.


> In late May I woke up with terrible pain. I went to the walk-in

> clinic and the dr thought it was my gallbladder. Blood was drawn and

> he scheduled a gallbladder ultrasound the next day. The next day I

> was still in pain, went for my gallbladder ultrasound and stopped by

> the walk-in clinic because the dr asked me to do so. He came out

> immediately and told me he had been looking for me everywhere, called

> me, my parents, called the local hospitals because he thought surely

> I had been admitted. My amalyse and lipase levels were off the

> charts. He said it was " possible " that I had pancretitis. Sent me

> home told me to eat a no fat diet and wait to improve.


> Things did not improve. I couldn't eat or drink anything without

> vomiting. I went to see my family care dr again. My regular dr was

> now gone and I was assigned to a new resident. He advised me to stop

> taking some medication that I was taking and set up a CT scan. I was

> found to have a cyst a little larger then a golf ball on the tail of

> my pancreas.


> In the meanwhile he told me that I was to go to the ER immediately if

> I didnt feel well. Well the ER knows me by name now. I have been

> there at least a dozen times through this all. The ER dr ordered a

> hydascan to yet again test my gallbladder. Nothing.


> I was finally admitted in mid July. I could no longer function at

> home, I had dropped out of school for the summer, and I couldn't

> work. I was put on demerol to manage my pain-I felt wonderful. I

> had my first consult with a GI dr. I had another CT scan, a general

> endoscopy of my stomach/pancreas, MRI, and total barium studies. I

> wanted the cyst drained but the GI Dr. would not allow it.


> I was released and my problems did not end. Went back to see my

> family care and he set up an appointment with another GI dr. Went to

> see her and she said lets drain the cyst. Well the night before I

> was going to get it done I got so violently ill that I was in the ER

> yet again. I saw another GI dr and he said he wasnt going to allow

> me to get the drainage. He admitted me for pain control and refered

> me to a dr. in Milwaukee.


> My problems continued. I couldnt get into the dr. in Milwaukee for a

> month. I went down there met the dr for 5 minutes--I was a course

> patient for a conference. I had an endoscopic ultrasound/ERCP done.

> My cyst was drained, a biopsy was taken, and a stent was placed. It

> went very well. I felt poorly for about two days then I felt like a

> normal human being for about two weeks.


> I got sick again. Started taking pain meds to control it until my

> follow-up. In the meanwhile the hospital had lost the fluid and

> biopsy from my cyst. Wonderful. I went back for my second EUS/ERCP

> and stent removal. Things did not go as well this time. I had lots

> of pain and it really hasn't improved since. At this time he has

> suggested a partial removal of my pancreas pending my test results

> and I met with the surgeon.


> Well the results came back good. The cyst wasn't a mucous cyst which

> means it didn't need to come out immeditely. He told me that surgery

> was only needed if I experience more pain.


> Well the pain is still there, but I will not accept surgery as my

> only option. For the time being I am just dealing with the pain. I

> guess I'm just trying to take a break from the dr's and that is where

> I am at right now.


> That's my story.


> Angel




> > Angel:

> >

> > Welcome. I'm a newbie also.

> >

> > I'm sure that we all have many questions for you.

> >

> > The first few that I can think of are:

> >

> > What problems and symptoms do you have?

> > Who told you that it's your pancreas?

> > What tests have you undergone?

> > How are you being treated?

> >

> > -E




> PANCREATITIS Association, Intl.

> Online e-mail group


> To reply to this message hit " reply " or send an e-mail to:



> To subscribe to this e-mail group, simply send an e-mail to:




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Thanks for sharing - I am sure that a lot of us recognize all or parts of

what you describe. TTFN,

Re: New

> Thanks for the welcome.


> To answer your questions:

> Earlier in this year I had moderate, unrelenting pain in my upper

> left quadrant that wouldn't go away. I went to my family care dr in

> March and she told me it was probably just a muscular problem. Told

> me to take Ibuprofen and wait it out.


> In late May I woke up with terrible pain. I went to the walk-in

> clinic and the dr thought it was my gallbladder. Blood was drawn and

> he scheduled a gallbladder ultrasound the next day. The next day I

> was still in pain, went for my gallbladder ultrasound and stopped by

> the walk-in clinic because the dr asked me to do so. He came out

> immediately and told me he had been looking for me everywhere, called

> me, my parents, called the local hospitals because he thought surely

> I had been admitted. My amalyse and lipase levels were off the

> charts. He said it was " possible " that I had pancretitis. Sent me

> home told me to eat a no fat diet and wait to improve.


> Things did not improve. I couldn't eat or drink anything without

> vomiting. I went to see my family care dr again. My regular dr was

> now gone and I was assigned to a new resident. He advised me to stop

> taking some medication that I was taking and set up a CT scan. I was

> found to have a cyst a little larger then a golf ball on the tail of

> my pancreas.


> In the meanwhile he told me that I was to go to the ER immediately if

> I didnt feel well. Well the ER knows me by name now. I have been

> there at least a dozen times through this all. The ER dr ordered a

> hydascan to yet again test my gallbladder. Nothing.


> I was finally admitted in mid July. I could no longer function at

> home, I had dropped out of school for the summer, and I couldn't

> work. I was put on demerol to manage my pain-I felt wonderful. I

> had my first consult with a GI dr. I had another CT scan, a general

> endoscopy of my stomach/pancreas, MRI, and total barium studies. I

> wanted the cyst drained but the GI Dr. would not allow it.


> I was released and my problems did not end. Went back to see my

> family care and he set up an appointment with another GI dr. Went to

> see her and she said lets drain the cyst. Well the night before I

> was going to get it done I got so violently ill that I was in the ER

> yet again. I saw another GI dr and he said he wasnt going to allow

> me to get the drainage. He admitted me for pain control and refered

> me to a dr. in Milwaukee.


> My problems continued. I couldnt get into the dr. in Milwaukee for a

> month. I went down there met the dr for 5 minutes--I was a course

> patient for a conference. I had an endoscopic ultrasound/ERCP done.

> My cyst was drained, a biopsy was taken, and a stent was placed. It

> went very well. I felt poorly for about two days then I felt like a

> normal human being for about two weeks.


> I got sick again. Started taking pain meds to control it until my

> follow-up. In the meanwhile the hospital had lost the fluid and

> biopsy from my cyst. Wonderful. I went back for my second EUS/ERCP

> and stent removal. Things did not go as well this time. I had lots

> of pain and it really hasn't improved since. At this time he has

> suggested a partial removal of my pancreas pending my test results

> and I met with the surgeon.


> Well the results came back good. The cyst wasn't a mucous cyst which

> means it didn't need to come out immeditely. He told me that surgery

> was only needed if I experience more pain.


> Well the pain is still there, but I will not accept surgery as my

> only option. For the time being I am just dealing with the pain. I

> guess I'm just trying to take a break from the dr's and that is where

> I am at right now.


> That's my story.


> Angel




> > Angel:

> >

> > Welcome. I'm a newbie also.

> >

> > I'm sure that we all have many questions for you.

> >

> > The first few that I can think of are:

> >

> > What problems and symptoms do you have?

> > Who told you that it's your pancreas?

> > What tests have you undergone?

> > How are you being treated?

> >

> > -E




> PANCREATITIS Association, Intl.

> Online e-mail group


> To reply to this message hit " reply " or send an e-mail to:



> To subscribe to this e-mail group, simply send an e-mail to:




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Thanks for sharing - I am sure that a lot of us recognize all or parts of

what you describe. TTFN,

Re: New

> Thanks for the welcome.


> To answer your questions:

> Earlier in this year I had moderate, unrelenting pain in my upper

> left quadrant that wouldn't go away. I went to my family care dr in

> March and she told me it was probably just a muscular problem. Told

> me to take Ibuprofen and wait it out.


> In late May I woke up with terrible pain. I went to the walk-in

> clinic and the dr thought it was my gallbladder. Blood was drawn and

> he scheduled a gallbladder ultrasound the next day. The next day I

> was still in pain, went for my gallbladder ultrasound and stopped by

> the walk-in clinic because the dr asked me to do so. He came out

> immediately and told me he had been looking for me everywhere, called

> me, my parents, called the local hospitals because he thought surely

> I had been admitted. My amalyse and lipase levels were off the

> charts. He said it was " possible " that I had pancretitis. Sent me

> home told me to eat a no fat diet and wait to improve.


> Things did not improve. I couldn't eat or drink anything without

> vomiting. I went to see my family care dr again. My regular dr was

> now gone and I was assigned to a new resident. He advised me to stop

> taking some medication that I was taking and set up a CT scan. I was

> found to have a cyst a little larger then a golf ball on the tail of

> my pancreas.


> In the meanwhile he told me that I was to go to the ER immediately if

> I didnt feel well. Well the ER knows me by name now. I have been

> there at least a dozen times through this all. The ER dr ordered a

> hydascan to yet again test my gallbladder. Nothing.


> I was finally admitted in mid July. I could no longer function at

> home, I had dropped out of school for the summer, and I couldn't

> work. I was put on demerol to manage my pain-I felt wonderful. I

> had my first consult with a GI dr. I had another CT scan, a general

> endoscopy of my stomach/pancreas, MRI, and total barium studies. I

> wanted the cyst drained but the GI Dr. would not allow it.


> I was released and my problems did not end. Went back to see my

> family care and he set up an appointment with another GI dr. Went to

> see her and she said lets drain the cyst. Well the night before I

> was going to get it done I got so violently ill that I was in the ER

> yet again. I saw another GI dr and he said he wasnt going to allow

> me to get the drainage. He admitted me for pain control and refered

> me to a dr. in Milwaukee.


> My problems continued. I couldnt get into the dr. in Milwaukee for a

> month. I went down there met the dr for 5 minutes--I was a course

> patient for a conference. I had an endoscopic ultrasound/ERCP done.

> My cyst was drained, a biopsy was taken, and a stent was placed. It

> went very well. I felt poorly for about two days then I felt like a

> normal human being for about two weeks.


> I got sick again. Started taking pain meds to control it until my

> follow-up. In the meanwhile the hospital had lost the fluid and

> biopsy from my cyst. Wonderful. I went back for my second EUS/ERCP

> and stent removal. Things did not go as well this time. I had lots

> of pain and it really hasn't improved since. At this time he has

> suggested a partial removal of my pancreas pending my test results

> and I met with the surgeon.


> Well the results came back good. The cyst wasn't a mucous cyst which

> means it didn't need to come out immeditely. He told me that surgery

> was only needed if I experience more pain.


> Well the pain is still there, but I will not accept surgery as my

> only option. For the time being I am just dealing with the pain. I

> guess I'm just trying to take a break from the dr's and that is where

> I am at right now.


> That's my story.


> Angel




> > Angel:

> >

> > Welcome. I'm a newbie also.

> >

> > I'm sure that we all have many questions for you.

> >

> > The first few that I can think of are:

> >

> > What problems and symptoms do you have?

> > Who told you that it's your pancreas?

> > What tests have you undergone?

> > How are you being treated?

> >

> > -E




> PANCREATITIS Association, Intl.

> Online e-mail group


> To reply to this message hit " reply " or send an e-mail to:



> To subscribe to this e-mail group, simply send an e-mail to:




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Angel - it was good to see you (figuratively speaking) at the chat room

Friday night - hopefully some of it was useful - or at least took your mind

off your problems for a while - sometimes that is the best medicine of all.

TTFN, (BCRoth at the chatroom)


> >

> >

> > > Hello All,

> > >

> > > I Angel 21/f from Michigan. I joined the group the other day and

> > > tried to post but Yahoo ate it. I have not been diagnosed with CP

> > > but there is something wrong with my pancreas and I haven't got a

> > > satisfactory reason why it is causing so much trouble and why my

> > > physicians want to treat my illness the way they do.

> > >

> > > I am in constant pain. It has affected college, work and my

> social

> > > life. I have missed two semesters of school and I hope to go back

> > > next semester but that is defintely up in the air.

> > >

> > > More about me later . . . I could write a book, as I'm sure many

> of

> > > you could. I would like to know more about the group. Are there

> any

> > > posting guidelines?

> > >

> > > Hope to be hearing from others soon.

> > >

> > > Regaurds,

> > >

> > > Angel

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > PANCREATITIS Association, Intl.

> > > Online e-mail group

> > >

> > > To reply to this message hit " reply " or send an e-mail to:

> > Pancreatitis@Y...

> > >

> > > To subscribe to this e-mail group, simply send an e-mail to:

> > Pancreatitis-subscribe@Y...

> > >

> > >

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