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You need to quit apologizing for venting (NOT whining) to us. If you can't vent to us, who in the world can you vent to??? What is happening to you is wrong, wrong, wrong.......and you can't let them get away with it. Hold your ground, you big chicken, and call the news station and the news paper and everything!! You are like me though and you probably don't like to rock the boat so you let people walk all over you. Just say, NO MORE. I finally did and I am much happier..... : )

Call me anytime girl and I will call you right back so you don't have to have the charges.


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You need to quit apologizing for venting (NOT whining) to us. If you can't vent to us, who in the world can you vent to??? What is happening to you is wrong, wrong, wrong.......and you can't let them get away with it. Hold your ground, you big chicken, and call the news station and the news paper and everything!! You are like me though and you probably don't like to rock the boat so you let people walk all over you. Just say, NO MORE. I finally did and I am much happier..... : )

Call me anytime girl and I will call you right back so you don't have to have the charges.


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You need to quit apologizing for venting (NOT whining) to us. If you can't vent to us, who in the world can you vent to??? What is happening to you is wrong, wrong, wrong.......and you can't let them get away with it. Hold your ground, you big chicken, and call the news station and the news paper and everything!! You are like me though and you probably don't like to rock the boat so you let people walk all over you. Just say, NO MORE. I finally did and I am much happier..... : )

Call me anytime girl and I will call you right back so you don't have to have the charges.


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Thanks, . I know it's not the end of the world. Just feels like it

when you don't know where your next dollar's coming from, you know?? I

certainly understand your fears when you think of what would ever happen

should something happen to your hubby. I too think of that quite often,

actually. Scary thought.


j5522us wrote:

> Hi Dawn,

> I know it feels like it, but this denial is not the end of the

> world. Everyone's advice is right on, and since I would never be able

> to even think about qualifying for any kind of disability, I'll never

> know much about the process. I also don't understand

> the " improvement " thing--- sure, hopefully people with PM and DM

> might improve and be able to lead a more normal life one day, there's

> a period of time when we simply cannot work- maybe temporarily, maybe

> permanently. So, I've always viewed disability as something that wil

> be reviewed every so often, to see if a particular person HAS

> improved enough or not. I see it as a temporary help, which for some

> turns into permanent help. Who knows if your disability board would

> even look at them, but if it would help to get letters from some of

> us explaining the disease better ( and those getting disability,

> especially), I'd be willing to write one! Sometimes I get scared,

> wondering what on earth will happen to me if my husband dies? I have

> no income, he has nowhere near enough life insurance, we have little

> savings, and I'd have no health insurance! I'm one of those women who

> would be in a real mess if something happens to my husband and,

> statistically speaking, he probably has lived longer than he's been

> expected to live, thus far. There is simply nothing for people who

> have been homemakers for years, and I have to try and figure out how

> I'd take care of my needs, as I'm not getting any younger, either:)

> Take a bunch of deep breaths, and know your situation will improve-

> prayers and thoughts are with you- love,






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Thanks, . I know it's not the end of the world. Just feels like it

when you don't know where your next dollar's coming from, you know?? I

certainly understand your fears when you think of what would ever happen

should something happen to your hubby. I too think of that quite often,

actually. Scary thought.


j5522us wrote:

> Hi Dawn,

> I know it feels like it, but this denial is not the end of the

> world. Everyone's advice is right on, and since I would never be able

> to even think about qualifying for any kind of disability, I'll never

> know much about the process. I also don't understand

> the " improvement " thing--- sure, hopefully people with PM and DM

> might improve and be able to lead a more normal life one day, there's

> a period of time when we simply cannot work- maybe temporarily, maybe

> permanently. So, I've always viewed disability as something that wil

> be reviewed every so often, to see if a particular person HAS

> improved enough or not. I see it as a temporary help, which for some

> turns into permanent help. Who knows if your disability board would

> even look at them, but if it would help to get letters from some of

> us explaining the disease better ( and those getting disability,

> especially), I'd be willing to write one! Sometimes I get scared,

> wondering what on earth will happen to me if my husband dies? I have

> no income, he has nowhere near enough life insurance, we have little

> savings, and I'd have no health insurance! I'm one of those women who

> would be in a real mess if something happens to my husband and,

> statistically speaking, he probably has lived longer than he's been

> expected to live, thus far. There is simply nothing for people who

> have been homemakers for years, and I have to try and figure out how

> I'd take care of my needs, as I'm not getting any younger, either:)

> Take a bunch of deep breaths, and know your situation will improve-

> prayers and thoughts are with you- love,






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Thanks, . I know it's not the end of the world. Just feels like it

when you don't know where your next dollar's coming from, you know?? I

certainly understand your fears when you think of what would ever happen

should something happen to your hubby. I too think of that quite often,

actually. Scary thought.


j5522us wrote:

> Hi Dawn,

> I know it feels like it, but this denial is not the end of the

> world. Everyone's advice is right on, and since I would never be able

> to even think about qualifying for any kind of disability, I'll never

> know much about the process. I also don't understand

> the " improvement " thing--- sure, hopefully people with PM and DM

> might improve and be able to lead a more normal life one day, there's

> a period of time when we simply cannot work- maybe temporarily, maybe

> permanently. So, I've always viewed disability as something that wil

> be reviewed every so often, to see if a particular person HAS

> improved enough or not. I see it as a temporary help, which for some

> turns into permanent help. Who knows if your disability board would

> even look at them, but if it would help to get letters from some of

> us explaining the disease better ( and those getting disability,

> especially), I'd be willing to write one! Sometimes I get scared,

> wondering what on earth will happen to me if my husband dies? I have

> no income, he has nowhere near enough life insurance, we have little

> savings, and I'd have no health insurance! I'm one of those women who

> would be in a real mess if something happens to my husband and,

> statistically speaking, he probably has lived longer than he's been

> expected to live, thus far. There is simply nothing for people who

> have been homemakers for years, and I have to try and figure out how

> I'd take care of my needs, as I'm not getting any younger, either:)

> Take a bunch of deep breaths, and know your situation will improve-

> prayers and thoughts are with you- love,






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Thanks, Lynn. I'm going to read this email a bit more in depth tomorrow

as I'm totally brain-dead tonight. Amazing how crying for 5 hours zaps

all your energy. LOL. Maybe you can help me put together this appeal,

like you did the last? Perhaps we could brain-storm together. I'm

going to do lots of research on-line tomorrow to see what I can come up

with and I'll let you know.


Lynn wrote:



> Well, if they haven't asked you those questions - YOU NEED TO TELL

> THEM THE ANSWERS (provide the questions, too!)


> Dawn, I am crushed and angry for you. However...2 things...DO NOT

> STOP YOUR MEDS. Is this what you would do to your children? Of

> course not. I understand how upset you are, but hurting yourself is

> not a very wise part of the scenario.


> #2...start preparing your appeal. And I would handcarry it to the

> office...yes, I know how hard it would be...but I'd make an

> appointment to see that woman...I'd want to know her credentials and

> what, in the package she reviewed, she based her denial on.


> Did only one person make this decision? Find out, if you can. This

> should have been done by an appeals board, I think.


> What the heck did your doctor write? Did you call his office and get

> a copy of the letter?


> I would call a local newspaper/TV station...and see if they'd like to

> accompany you to take your appeal.


> Now, in the appeal, you have to have every illness associated with

> your...PM...gosh, I think it's PM...but other things that you have

> related to or along with the PM. THose DVTs ought to be seriously

> addressed in your appeal...were they in the current one?


> Oh no, sweetie, you ain't done yet...now buck up, find those

> bootstraps...sure, you need to be at the pity party for a while, but

> just don't stay too long! I'm going to do a little research....but if

> you want to take matters into your own hands and start your own

> research, type www.google.com into your browser...type in Polymyositis

> and, oh my, what a lot of info to be had.


> Forgive me for speaking plainly here, but this isn't the time to get

> stupid...do you think they'll give a rat's behind if you land in the

> hospital or worse? Right now, all you are to them is a file. They

> need to see you as a person.


> Love and hugs,


> Lynn


> ps. I'm wondering if she hung her hat (and decision) on that word

> " regeneration. "


> Annette Flamand wrote:


> Dawn... Have you told them how far you can walk, etc? I

> remember one of my doctors asked me many questions about how

> far I could walk without stopping, how many tries it takes

> to get out of an easy chair without help, and can you do

> your own grocery shopping all the time, and how heavy an

> item can you pick up and carry (in pounds). Have any of

> them asked those questions of you? Annette


> Muscle biopsy


> Okay, so this is what my muscle biopsy says and

> Vicki said it should

> have won me my Disability. Let's have your input:


> Skelettal muscle exhibit extensive myofiber

> degeneration, necrosis and

> regeneration. This along with presence of atrophy

> involving both

> myofiber type gives variability of myofiber size.

> There is mild to

> moderate inflammation. Predominantly there is

> endomysial infiltration

> and very focal perivascular mononuclear

> lymphocytic infiltrate.


> What do you all think?


> This is the situation. The woman said she would

> review my case

> IMMEDIATELY if I can get my Dr. to write a letter

> stating that I cannot

> work and give evidence supporting this. I would

> think the muscle biopsy

> would do this.


> Okay, I just got a call from Disability again

> while I was typing this

> email and the muscle biopsy is not enough

> evidence, I guess. What else

> can I provide??? She's ADAMANT (sp?) that my

> condition has improved and

> will continue to improve and won't be something

> that will stand in my

> way of working. I said to her, " what is it that

> you want for evidence,

> because apparently there's nothing there that

> supports this according to

> you " , and she said " that's right, the evidence is

> not there " . Help!!!


> Dawn





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Thanks, Lynn. I'm going to read this email a bit more in depth tomorrow

as I'm totally brain-dead tonight. Amazing how crying for 5 hours zaps

all your energy. LOL. Maybe you can help me put together this appeal,

like you did the last? Perhaps we could brain-storm together. I'm

going to do lots of research on-line tomorrow to see what I can come up

with and I'll let you know.


Lynn wrote:



> Well, if they haven't asked you those questions - YOU NEED TO TELL

> THEM THE ANSWERS (provide the questions, too!)


> Dawn, I am crushed and angry for you. However...2 things...DO NOT

> STOP YOUR MEDS. Is this what you would do to your children? Of

> course not. I understand how upset you are, but hurting yourself is

> not a very wise part of the scenario.


> #2...start preparing your appeal. And I would handcarry it to the

> office...yes, I know how hard it would be...but I'd make an

> appointment to see that woman...I'd want to know her credentials and

> what, in the package she reviewed, she based her denial on.


> Did only one person make this decision? Find out, if you can. This

> should have been done by an appeals board, I think.


> What the heck did your doctor write? Did you call his office and get

> a copy of the letter?


> I would call a local newspaper/TV station...and see if they'd like to

> accompany you to take your appeal.


> Now, in the appeal, you have to have every illness associated with

> your...PM...gosh, I think it's PM...but other things that you have

> related to or along with the PM. THose DVTs ought to be seriously

> addressed in your appeal...were they in the current one?


> Oh no, sweetie, you ain't done yet...now buck up, find those

> bootstraps...sure, you need to be at the pity party for a while, but

> just don't stay too long! I'm going to do a little research....but if

> you want to take matters into your own hands and start your own

> research, type www.google.com into your browser...type in Polymyositis

> and, oh my, what a lot of info to be had.


> Forgive me for speaking plainly here, but this isn't the time to get

> stupid...do you think they'll give a rat's behind if you land in the

> hospital or worse? Right now, all you are to them is a file. They

> need to see you as a person.


> Love and hugs,


> Lynn


> ps. I'm wondering if she hung her hat (and decision) on that word

> " regeneration. "


> Annette Flamand wrote:


> Dawn... Have you told them how far you can walk, etc? I

> remember one of my doctors asked me many questions about how

> far I could walk without stopping, how many tries it takes

> to get out of an easy chair without help, and can you do

> your own grocery shopping all the time, and how heavy an

> item can you pick up and carry (in pounds). Have any of

> them asked those questions of you? Annette


> Muscle biopsy


> Okay, so this is what my muscle biopsy says and

> Vicki said it should

> have won me my Disability. Let's have your input:


> Skelettal muscle exhibit extensive myofiber

> degeneration, necrosis and

> regeneration. This along with presence of atrophy

> involving both

> myofiber type gives variability of myofiber size.

> There is mild to

> moderate inflammation. Predominantly there is

> endomysial infiltration

> and very focal perivascular mononuclear

> lymphocytic infiltrate.


> What do you all think?


> This is the situation. The woman said she would

> review my case

> IMMEDIATELY if I can get my Dr. to write a letter

> stating that I cannot

> work and give evidence supporting this. I would

> think the muscle biopsy

> would do this.


> Okay, I just got a call from Disability again

> while I was typing this

> email and the muscle biopsy is not enough

> evidence, I guess. What else

> can I provide??? She's ADAMANT (sp?) that my

> condition has improved and

> will continue to improve and won't be something

> that will stand in my

> way of working. I said to her, " what is it that

> you want for evidence,

> because apparently there's nothing there that

> supports this according to

> you " , and she said " that's right, the evidence is

> not there " . Help!!!


> Dawn





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Thanks, Lynn. I'm going to read this email a bit more in depth tomorrow

as I'm totally brain-dead tonight. Amazing how crying for 5 hours zaps

all your energy. LOL. Maybe you can help me put together this appeal,

like you did the last? Perhaps we could brain-storm together. I'm

going to do lots of research on-line tomorrow to see what I can come up

with and I'll let you know.


Lynn wrote:



> Well, if they haven't asked you those questions - YOU NEED TO TELL

> THEM THE ANSWERS (provide the questions, too!)


> Dawn, I am crushed and angry for you. However...2 things...DO NOT

> STOP YOUR MEDS. Is this what you would do to your children? Of

> course not. I understand how upset you are, but hurting yourself is

> not a very wise part of the scenario.


> #2...start preparing your appeal. And I would handcarry it to the

> office...yes, I know how hard it would be...but I'd make an

> appointment to see that woman...I'd want to know her credentials and

> what, in the package she reviewed, she based her denial on.


> Did only one person make this decision? Find out, if you can. This

> should have been done by an appeals board, I think.


> What the heck did your doctor write? Did you call his office and get

> a copy of the letter?


> I would call a local newspaper/TV station...and see if they'd like to

> accompany you to take your appeal.


> Now, in the appeal, you have to have every illness associated with

> your...PM...gosh, I think it's PM...but other things that you have

> related to or along with the PM. THose DVTs ought to be seriously

> addressed in your appeal...were they in the current one?


> Oh no, sweetie, you ain't done yet...now buck up, find those

> bootstraps...sure, you need to be at the pity party for a while, but

> just don't stay too long! I'm going to do a little research....but if

> you want to take matters into your own hands and start your own

> research, type www.google.com into your browser...type in Polymyositis

> and, oh my, what a lot of info to be had.


> Forgive me for speaking plainly here, but this isn't the time to get

> stupid...do you think they'll give a rat's behind if you land in the

> hospital or worse? Right now, all you are to them is a file. They

> need to see you as a person.


> Love and hugs,


> Lynn


> ps. I'm wondering if she hung her hat (and decision) on that word

> " regeneration. "


> Annette Flamand wrote:


> Dawn... Have you told them how far you can walk, etc? I

> remember one of my doctors asked me many questions about how

> far I could walk without stopping, how many tries it takes

> to get out of an easy chair without help, and can you do

> your own grocery shopping all the time, and how heavy an

> item can you pick up and carry (in pounds). Have any of

> them asked those questions of you? Annette


> Muscle biopsy


> Okay, so this is what my muscle biopsy says and

> Vicki said it should

> have won me my Disability. Let's have your input:


> Skelettal muscle exhibit extensive myofiber

> degeneration, necrosis and

> regeneration. This along with presence of atrophy

> involving both

> myofiber type gives variability of myofiber size.

> There is mild to

> moderate inflammation. Predominantly there is

> endomysial infiltration

> and very focal perivascular mononuclear

> lymphocytic infiltrate.


> What do you all think?


> This is the situation. The woman said she would

> review my case

> IMMEDIATELY if I can get my Dr. to write a letter

> stating that I cannot

> work and give evidence supporting this. I would

> think the muscle biopsy

> would do this.


> Okay, I just got a call from Disability again

> while I was typing this

> email and the muscle biopsy is not enough

> evidence, I guess. What else

> can I provide??? She's ADAMANT (sp?) that my

> condition has improved and

> will continue to improve and won't be something

> that will stand in my

> way of working. I said to her, " what is it that

> you want for evidence,

> because apparently there's nothing there that

> supports this according to

> you " , and she said " that's right, the evidence is

> not there " . Help!!!


> Dawn





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re: lawyer

I don't know if Canada is dfferent or not. In

the USA the lawyer only charged if he wins.

This is in disability cases.

Look in the phone book for lawyers who

specialize in disability cases..



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re: lawyer

I don't know if Canada is dfferent or not. In

the USA the lawyer only charged if he wins.

This is in disability cases.

Look in the phone book for lawyers who

specialize in disability cases..



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re: lawyer

I don't know if Canada is dfferent or not. In

the USA the lawyer only charged if he wins.

This is in disability cases.

Look in the phone book for lawyers who

specialize in disability cases..



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  • 1 month later...

Does California even have a "cold of winter"??? LOL. Sorry...couldn't

resist. :oP

YEEEEESSSSSS! It was down to 65 degrees last week. Almost had to put a jacket on!!! hehehe. Last winter we were down to 38 degrees. I am hoping it will snow one year. I love it though because we get snow in the hills behind us and our grass is green, and I can see the mountains with their snowcaps from our green back yard. It is a beautiful thing. No snow to shovel, no cars to plug in, no windows to scrape, no blue toes, no mittens, blah, blah, blah.......


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Does California even have a "cold of winter"??? LOL. Sorry...couldn't

resist. :oP

YEEEEESSSSSS! It was down to 65 degrees last week. Almost had to put a jacket on!!! hehehe. Last winter we were down to 38 degrees. I am hoping it will snow one year. I love it though because we get snow in the hills behind us and our grass is green, and I can see the mountains with their snowcaps from our green back yard. It is a beautiful thing. No snow to shovel, no cars to plug in, no windows to scrape, no blue toes, no mittens, blah, blah, blah.......


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Does California even have a "cold of winter"??? LOL. Sorry...couldn't

resist. :oP

YEEEEESSSSSS! It was down to 65 degrees last week. Almost had to put a jacket on!!! hehehe. Last winter we were down to 38 degrees. I am hoping it will snow one year. I love it though because we get snow in the hills behind us and our grass is green, and I can see the mountains with their snowcaps from our green back yard. It is a beautiful thing. No snow to shovel, no cars to plug in, no windows to scrape, no blue toes, no mittens, blah, blah, blah.......


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Yep, I sure miss Florida's wardrobe.....shorts year round with maybe 2

sweaters in the closet for those rare cool days in January. And now

that I have kids, I can really appreciate how much easier on the pocket

book that would be. Ahhhh!!!!

I guess I didn't realize Vicki had such cold weather at times where she

is. The low teens is pretty nippy, I might say. Brrr!!!


mrsxanadu@... wrote:

> In a message dated 10/10/02 4:55:26 AM Pacific Daylight Time,

> dawn73@... writes:



>> Does California even have a " cold of winter " ??? LOL.

>> Sorry...couldn't

>> resist. :oP



> YEEEEESSSSSS! It was down to 65 degrees last week. Almost had

> to put a jacket on!!! hehehe. Last winter we were down to 38

> degrees. I am hoping it will snow one year. I love it though because

> we get snow in the hills behind us and our grass is green, and I can

> see the mountains with their snowcaps from our green back yard. It is

> a beautiful thing. No snow to shovel, no cars to plug in, no windows

> to scrape, no blue toes, no mittens, blah, blah, blah.......


> Zanna


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Yep, I sure miss Florida's wardrobe.....shorts year round with maybe 2

sweaters in the closet for those rare cool days in January. And now

that I have kids, I can really appreciate how much easier on the pocket

book that would be. Ahhhh!!!!

I guess I didn't realize Vicki had such cold weather at times where she

is. The low teens is pretty nippy, I might say. Brrr!!!


mrsxanadu@... wrote:

> In a message dated 10/10/02 4:55:26 AM Pacific Daylight Time,

> dawn73@... writes:



>> Does California even have a " cold of winter " ??? LOL.

>> Sorry...couldn't

>> resist. :oP



> YEEEEESSSSSS! It was down to 65 degrees last week. Almost had

> to put a jacket on!!! hehehe. Last winter we were down to 38

> degrees. I am hoping it will snow one year. I love it though because

> we get snow in the hills behind us and our grass is green, and I can

> see the mountains with their snowcaps from our green back yard. It is

> a beautiful thing. No snow to shovel, no cars to plug in, no windows

> to scrape, no blue toes, no mittens, blah, blah, blah.......


> Zanna


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Yep, I sure miss Florida's wardrobe.....shorts year round with maybe 2

sweaters in the closet for those rare cool days in January. And now

that I have kids, I can really appreciate how much easier on the pocket

book that would be. Ahhhh!!!!

I guess I didn't realize Vicki had such cold weather at times where she

is. The low teens is pretty nippy, I might say. Brrr!!!


mrsxanadu@... wrote:

> In a message dated 10/10/02 4:55:26 AM Pacific Daylight Time,

> dawn73@... writes:



>> Does California even have a " cold of winter " ??? LOL.

>> Sorry...couldn't

>> resist. :oP



> YEEEEESSSSSS! It was down to 65 degrees last week. Almost had

> to put a jacket on!!! hehehe. Last winter we were down to 38

> degrees. I am hoping it will snow one year. I love it though because

> we get snow in the hills behind us and our grass is green, and I can

> see the mountains with their snowcaps from our green back yard. It is

> a beautiful thing. No snow to shovel, no cars to plug in, no windows

> to scrape, no blue toes, no mittens, blah, blah, blah.......


> Zanna


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  • 3 weeks later...

That's right. I couldn't remember what it was that you were taking

now. I did remember the IVIG though.


mrsxanadu@... wrote:

> I take cellcept now and the IVIg. I was on Imuran at first and that

> made me soooo sick and my hair fell out (not all of it) and did I

> mention it made me soooo sick???? Then he switched me to metx shots

> and I would drive there once a week for the shots but never tried it

> at home (can't stand the thought of giving myself a shot). I kept

> pills at home for times when I couldn't make it in to the doctor but

> the pills made me sicker than the shots.


> Zanna


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That's right. I couldn't remember what it was that you were taking

now. I did remember the IVIG though.


mrsxanadu@... wrote:

> I take cellcept now and the IVIg. I was on Imuran at first and that

> made me soooo sick and my hair fell out (not all of it) and did I

> mention it made me soooo sick???? Then he switched me to metx shots

> and I would drive there once a week for the shots but never tried it

> at home (can't stand the thought of giving myself a shot). I kept

> pills at home for times when I couldn't make it in to the doctor but

> the pills made me sicker than the shots.


> Zanna


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That's right. I couldn't remember what it was that you were taking

now. I did remember the IVIG though.


mrsxanadu@... wrote:

> I take cellcept now and the IVIg. I was on Imuran at first and that

> made me soooo sick and my hair fell out (not all of it) and did I

> mention it made me soooo sick???? Then he switched me to metx shots

> and I would drive there once a week for the shots but never tried it

> at home (can't stand the thought of giving myself a shot). I kept

> pills at home for times when I couldn't make it in to the doctor but

> the pills made me sicker than the shots.


> Zanna


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LOL.....Thanks for the birthday song, Lelia! It sounded beautiful, I bet.

My Aunt is having a big dinner for me on Sunday and I've requested her Pecan

Icecream Dessert for my b-day cake. I've posted the recipe in here

before....it's to die for!!


Lelia wrote:

> Oh, a birthday, a birthday. What a lovely birthday girl!!!







> And maaaaaannnnnyyyyy more!!!


> Be glad you didn't have to " hear " that!!!


> What kind of cake do you want? Could it be chocolate or something?


> Lelia






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