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Sexually transmitted Lyme

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I was given an article by my nuero doc who found my lyme.It states in it

that lyme DNA was found in semen.A doc treats both partners if one has

lyme.This is the first real info i have heard on this.The article is at work

but i will give all info on it tom.Has anyone heard of this?I am 37 single

and not bad looking.Was hoping to get in a relationship but have second

thoughts now.Would hate to sentence someone i care for to this awful

disease.Damn I thought I could start living a real life again.This is so

depressing if it is true.I know that you can wear protection but it seems

like it is like the aids article I read in here.Love ya all Janet



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Just my two cents on this subject but I've had Lyme for 11 yrs. and my hubby

shows NO sign of Lyme whatsoever. We don't use any birth control ... vasectomy

and hysterectomy ... so it seems like if he was going to get it, he would have

by now.

In the cases where both partners have it and it was supposedly transmitted by

sexual contact, is it not possible that both the husband and wife were in the

same area and got infected at the same time? And maybe one of them didn't show

signs until after the first one?

I don't really subscribe to the sexually transmitted idea. I know I'll probably

get flamed for saying that but like I said, just my two cents. And until

someone shows me proof that it IS sexually transmitted, guess I'll just keep on

believing it isn't. (In my mind, my hubby is proof that it isn't sexually


Good luck!!


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Let's take a look at the borrelia bacteria or lyme; it is a spirochete. It is

akin to syphilis, which is a spirochete AND IT can be sexually transmitted. I

prayed for a long time that is was NOT, but it has definitely been found in

semen, semen is viable for a few days, so it is quite obvious that it is

sexually transmitted. My advice? being that not only is lyme transmittable,

so is all the other STDs (sexually transmitted diseases) so it would be best

to have protection no matter what. You don't know who your partner has slept

with in the past but also how many partners that partner had, it goes on and

on. There is NOBODY worth dying over, it is a matter of taking care of

yourself and loving yourself.

sue in nj

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I also heard and read it is transmitted through sexual contact. The reason the

other spouse doesn't show signs is that their immune system is higher and

bacteria can hide for years. It is not known why some of us get it and some

others carry it and never get it. My point is if I have it and my husband might

also. He is asymptomatic, but if he is never tested and treated. I could

eventually get it back again. I have no children but I would hate to pass this

on to a child.

Re: [ ] sexually transmitted lyme

Just my two cents on this subject but I've had Lyme for 11 yrs. and my hubby

shows NO sign of Lyme whatsoever. We don't use any birth control ... vasectomy

and hysterectomy ... so it seems like if he was going to get it, he would have

by now.

In the cases where both partners have it and it was supposedly transmitted by

sexual contact, is it not possible that both the husband and wife were in the

same area and got infected at the same time? And maybe one of them didn't show

signs until after the first one?

I don't really subscribe to the sexually transmitted idea. I know I'll

probably get flamed for saying that but like I said, just my two cents. And

until someone shows me proof that it IS sexually transmitted, guess I'll just

keep on believing it isn't. (In my mind, my hubby is proof that it isn't

sexually transmitted.)

Good luck!!


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Absence of proof is not proof of absence...

I know several highly respected Lyme literate docs that theorize about it being

sexually transmitted. There is a doctor that was granted by the LDA to do

research into whether it is or isn't, although I personally haven't seen the

results of his study yet he did speak at the conference in Princeton saying that

he will publish soon.

Either way, in these gray areas where research is non existent as yet I find

that one can make a reasonable judgment with the facts at hand. In doing so we

would see that syphilis is sexually transmitted and it is well known that Lyme

disease has a similar disease course even in terms of mother passing the

infection to unborn child. Many of us suffer with bladder symptoms, menstrual

irregularity, and men often have testicular pain so the Bb bacteria certainly

can be present in these tissues.

We have PCRs done on our blood and it is present there so it is likely that it

is present in other bodily fluids as well, perhaps not in huge numbers but how

many does it take to cause disease?

On the note that your husband doesn't have it- he may just be lucky so far- and

then again he may have such a low infectious load that he isn't seeing specific

symptoms yet. As I am sure you are aware, in any sexually transmitted disease it

is easier for a woman to be infected just due to our anatomical design.

Personally, I tend to err on the side of caution and I would say if I love

someone enough to sleep with them I'd rather not find out that I had been

responsible for giving them Lyme disease.


Re: [ ] sexually transmitted lyme

Just my two cents on this subject but I've had Lyme for 11 yrs. and my hubby

shows NO sign of Lyme whatsoever. We don't use any birth control ... vasectomy

and hysterectomy ... so it seems like if he was going to get it, he would have

by now.

In the cases where both partners have it and it was supposedly transmitted

by sexual contact, is it not possible that both the husband and wife were in the

same area and got infected at the same time? And maybe one of them didn't show

signs until after the first one?

I don't really subscribe to the sexually transmitted idea. I know I'll

probably get flamed for saying that but like I said, just my two cents. And

until someone shows me proof that it IS sexually transmitted, guess I'll just

keep on believing it isn't. (In my mind, my hubby is proof that it isn't

sexually transmitted.)

Good luck!!


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OK, I have read all this about Lyme being sexually transmitted....SO.......

Is there even one PROVEN DOCUMENTED case of it being sexually transmitted???

If so, show me. Everyone can hypothesize the hell out of this but show me

something with meat on the bones.

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Hi Everyone,

I just want to add my 2 cents.

While I don't think Lyme is sexually transmitted, of course, I'm not sure.

I basically believe you have to get it from a tick bite or from mother to

unborn fetus.

When both members of a couple have Lyme, I ask myself, did they have it

before they met each other, or, even more likely, didn't they go camping,

hiking, etc together & wouldn't it be extremely likely that both were exposed

to tick bites?

My teenage son most likely got it from being in/near the woods at summer

camp, not sexually.

Also, I've read theories recently, and even heard it presented as a question

at the Lyme Conference a few days ago, that it may be possible to contract

Lyme from not only a tick bite, but from the bite of almost any biting

insect, especially a mosquito or a flea.

Hmmm, I defiinitely believe flea bites could transmit it, but mosquito

bites... nope.

Time will tell.


a Aida

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OK, I have read all this about Lyme being sexually transmitted....SO.......

Is there even one PROVEN DOCUMENTED case of it being sexually transmitted???

If so, show me. Everyone can hypothesize the hell out of this but show me

something with meat on the bones.

Nope, nothing proven. Lots of " theories " out there, but in my mind if it

were sexually transmitted a LOT more couples would have Lyme. I am personal

friends with 7 people with Lyme ... they are all married ... none of their

spouses have the disease. They have all been infected for over 6 years. I've

had Lyme for 11 years and my husband has never shown any signs at all.

So, I guess it's all in the eye of the beholder, so to speak.

Someone replied to this thread yesterday and said that my husband " wasn't

showing signs yet " and the docs " were theorizing about Lyme being sexually

transmitted " . Okay!! :-) As I said, no proven documentation at all.

If you are concerned about possibly giving someone Lyme, then by all means,

use precautions.

Good luck!


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Dear Friends,

The publications officially do still say that Lyme cannot be transmitted

sexually. However, I have read a number of articles in the past few years, and

frequently this is increasingly mentioned, that research is being done to

determine whether or not Lyme can be transmitted sexually. If there is this kind

of concern in the medical community, then I think we should be concerned, too,

especially if we are with a partner who does not have Lyme. We really can't say

anything with absolute certainty.

I have read, also, that in people with advanced, late-stage Lyme specifically,

that some doctors are recommending that these particular couples use additional

protection. I believe that is cautionary advice only, because we do not know for

sure and maybe won't know for a long time. It probably still has to be an

individual decision of both partners.

Friends want to know if they can " catch " Lyme from being around me. They ask

questions on just how it is acquired and I tell them what is currently

published. People want to know if " caught " it from me, since he was

diagnosed a year later, though we've both had it since we were young people,

just undiagnosed. I assure them that Lyme cannot be transmitted sexually. I'm

not sure this is believed, though, because people think it is strange that

and I both have Lyme if it is not a communicable disease and we lived in

different parts of the country when we were bitten and infected (California for

me, East Coast endemic areas (Navy brat) for him).

Love ya, Rose

P.S. This isn't a flame on anyone's opinion by any means, just offering what

I've read and/or heard on the subject, which probably isn't a lot. I don't know

one way or the other, and I share these concerns as well. I hope they find

definite answers for all of us soon. It's just something else we have to watch.

From Edina <Absence of proof is not proof of absence...

I know several highly respected Lyme literate docs that

theorize about it being sexually transmitted. There is a

doctor that was granted by the LDA to do research into whether

it is or isn't, although I personally haven't seen the

results of his study yet he did speak at the conference in

Princeton saying that he will publish soon.>

T.O.I.L. for Lyme!

T=Teach tolerance; O=Overcome ignorance; I=Initiate insurance reform; L=Labor

for Lyme literacy

May is Lyme Disease Awareness Month

www.angelfire.com/tx3/RoseWriter or



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Anyone can stick their head in the sand when it comes to the various facets of

Lyme disease- this is just one more instance where if you chose to wait for the

gold standard proof you will be the one sorry in the end. For years people with

AIDS gave blood and many held that it was okay since there was no proof that it

was transmitted that way, even our gov't allowed it, but there were people that

knew " in their hearts " otherwise. I would not want the feeling associated with

waiting for the proof. Especially not after having given Lyme unknowingly to my

son. I can attest to the fact that the guilt runs deep in diseases such as Lyme

or AIDs where they are preventable.

Operate with a little responsibility- or you can go right ahead and pretend that

Lyme isn't sexually transmitted just because no one has published anything on

it. And by the way, where is the study supporting the notion that Lyme isn't?...

there isn't one. Just a bunch of conjecture from those that would rather believe

that Bb isn't capable possibly because using protection is a hassle, annoying,

less gratifying, or however its use is perceived.

I know of far too many couples with Lyme, whole families in fact- mine included

and I would venture to say that I know of few instances where only one family

member has Lyme.

In many instances I see oodles of Lyme symptoms plausibly explained as many

other things so I agree - it is all how you look at it.


Re: [ ] sexually transmitted lyme

OK, I have read all this about Lyme being sexually transmitted....SO.......

Is there even one PROVEN DOCUMENTED case of it being sexually transmitted???

If so, show me. Everyone can hypothesize the hell out of this but show me

something with meat on the bones.

Nope, nothing proven. Lots of " theories " out there, but in my mind if it

were sexually transmitted a LOT more couples would have Lyme. I am personal

friends with 7 people with Lyme ... they are all married ... none of their

spouses have the disease. They have all been infected for over 6 years. I've

had Lyme for 11 years and my husband has never shown any signs at all.

So, I guess it's all in the eye of the beholder, so to speak.

Someone replied to this thread yesterday and said that my husband " wasn't

showing signs yet " and the docs " were theorizing about Lyme being sexually

transmitted " . Okay!! :-) As I said, no proven documentation at all.

If you are concerned about possibly giving someone Lyme, then by all means,

use precautions.

Good luck!


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I have to agree with Edina, when I first saw my Lyme doctor back in January

1997, he advised me to bring my husband next visit for a Lyme check. He

believes that the Bb like to hang out in a woman's bladder, and that there

is a possibility that it could be passed to the male partner that way. My

husband tested negative and has never had a symptom, we have used condoms

ever since and he really doesn't mind. I cannot imagine two of us in this

predicament, I love and rely on him too much to jeopardize his health. I

have often said I would not wish this disease on my worst enemy, so I cannot

fathom how one would take the chance of giving this disease to a spouse or

loved one.

As for proof, I can't figure out how they would do the research, the sex

partner without LD would have to be tested and found negative (but are the

tests reliable?) and then kept in a tick proof environment during the study,

however long that would be. Cannot for the life of me figure out who would

agree to this study.


----- Original Message -----

From: " Edina Gibb " <edina@...>

> Anyone can stick their head in the sand when it comes to the various

facets of Lyme disease- this is just one more instance where if you chose to

wait for the gold standard proof you will be the one sorry in the end. For

years people with AIDS gave blood and many held that it was okay since there

was no proof that it was transmitted that way, even our gov't allowed it,

but there were people that knew " in their hearts " otherwise.

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You sound extremely angry with me because I have Lyme, my husband doesn't, and

we made the decision to not use birth control. We've been married 32 years;

I've had a hysterectomy, he had a vasectomy 28 years ago, and after many

discussions with my LLMD we made the decision to NOT use any. My Dr. doesn't

think there's any way it can be transmitted by making love. He may be wrong.

We may be playing with fire. After 11 yrs. of no symptoms my husband may get

Lyme. But if he does, God forbid, does that mean it was sexually transmitted or

does it mean he was actually infected by a tick? He's an avid golfer so it's

certainly possible that he could pick up a tick while looking for a lost ball.

Would we ever know if he got it from me? I had the classic bull's-eye rash ...

what if he doesn't? Kind of hard to tell, huh!!!

Marta's Dr. thinks Bb can be transmitted from the woman's bladder to a male

partner and they choose to use protection. That is certainly their choice. If

you and your husband choose to use protection, that's wonderful. My Dr. is of a

differing opinion and our choice is not to use protection.

I said the other day when I responded to whoever started this thread that I

would probably get flamed for my thoughts on this, and I guess I was right. And

that's fine. I don't mind. But it won't change my mind. I just really don't

think it's sexually transmitted and if that's " hiding my head in the sand " and

" not acting responsibly " then I guess that's what I'm doing. Sorry if that

makes you angry.

And that's my last response on this subject. People are getting angry over

differing opinions and that's not good. Exchanging ideas and thoughts is one

thing but anger is not what's needed here. I left this list several years ago

because a few people were angry, upset and flaming each other so I certainly

don't want to be the one to start it.

My apologies!!!


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There are so many unknowns with Lyme, that if we stuck to what is

proven , we would be deathly ill. When I got my dx , I was told that Ceftin

was the only FDA approved Lyme abx. Yet LLMD's prescribe many more, all

without 'Proof' of their effacicy. All to what end? LLMDs carry the 'Lyme'

stigma and virtually 'cant' get published in Peer reviewed articles.

As to how Lyme can go unnoticed, I went about 11 years after first

infection before I started to show symptoms. I gave blood for about 10 of

those infected years, and was on Birth Control. hubby shows no sign of

infection, but who know, it may be dormant.

Has there been a study done , that has been published by JAMA that

Lyme can be transmitted by transfusion? Has there been a study done on ALL

the abx we use, that proves they are good for Lyme? A month or so ago, a

LLMD was published in an Alternative Medicine magazine stating that he feels

that Lyme is transmitted through sex. Lyme is a Spirochete, just like

Syphilus, I'd just bet it infects just like Syphilus too.

The Gov doesnt want to admit that Lyme can be sexually transmitted,

look at how much AIDs is costing. And look at how wrong they were about


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> And that's my last response on this subject. People are getting angry

over differing opinions and that's not good. Exchanging ideas and thoughts

is one thing but anger is not what's needed here. I left this list several

years ago because a few people were angry, upset and flaming each other so I

certainly don't want to be the one to start it.

dont apologize because you think deferently. Thats human nature. I

think that those that feel that Lyme can be spread this way, think of lyme

as having the same motility as Syphilus. And the LLMDs that think this way,

see enough families with Lyme, to also feel this way. I hope my hubby doesnt

get it from me, and to help further ensure this, we use condoms.

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In a message dated 4/27/2001 10:53:05 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

edina@... writes:


> Anyone can stick their head in the sand when it comes to the various facets

> of Lyme disease- this is just one more instance where if you chose to wait

> for the gold standard proof you will be the one sorry in the end. For years

> people with AIDS gave blood and many held that it was okay since there was


Dear Edina,

I don't think we are sticking our heads in the sand.

Yes, it is wise to be careful, no argument there.

We really don't know yet.

As I said recently, I don't believe that Lyme is transmitted sexually, but I

don't know for sure. At any rate, I know of many, many couples where only

the husband or wife has Lyme, not both.

Yes, you would be correct if you said that MAYBE the partner actually does

have Lyme, but just doesn't know it yet.

You'd also be right if you said that if the partner were to be tested & the

test show up as negative, that wouldn't prove that the partner didn't have

Lyme either.

Same with AIDS, but AIDS is easier to test for, at least after a few months.

When I mentioned about Lyme being transmitted from a tick bite or from a

mother to an unborn fetus, I forgot to add that I believe it is also

transmissible via blood donations. In fact, I used to be a regular,

dedicated donor of both whole blood & platelets. January 31, 1999 was my

last blood donation. March 3, 1999 I got my official Lyme diagnosis.

Believe me, tho it hurt, I never gave blood again, would never knowingly give

anyone a disease.When I donated blood, in my heart I KNEW that every donation

saved at least one life. It always was a gift of love.

(I reported my Lyme diagnosis to the blood bank the same day I received it.)

I don't believe it is PROVEN that Lyme can be transmitted by a blood

donation, and now potential donors with Lyme are excluded, ...BUT if you

" HAD " Lyme & were treated, after one year, you are allowed to donate blood

again. This is scary stuff, as we don't know for sure if the spirochetes are

hiding, as they can do well, or if people really do get completely cured.

On the other hand, as far as I know, to this day, anyone who may have Lyme &

not know it & not yet be diagnosed is free to donate blood.... AND THE


It pains & tortures me to think of all that can go wrong, but also that I

COULD be saving lives by donating even my Lyme-tainted blood. When my mother

was dying from Leukemia, she required daily blood transfusions of whole

blood, and several transfusions of packed platelets every week. It is the

only thing that kept her alive. Without them she would have bled to death or

died from oxygen starvation.

If I were as sick as my mother was, I'd be grateful to receive Lyme-tainted

blood, as Leukemia (or goodness knows how many other serious diseases) will

kill faster. She was immune-compromised anyway. Of course disease-free

blood is best, and that is what I believed I was donating, but (if one

believes the propaganda, and in this case I do) there is such a shortage of

donor blood that I believe informed consent should play a part too.

If I'm not making sense, & if my thoughts are rambling & scattered, blame my

brain-fog, as I guess much of what I'm writing is emotional, from the heart,

and not scientifically based.


a Aida

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In a message dated 4/27/2001 12:43:59 PM Eastern Daylight Time, rod@...


> The Gov doesnt want to admit that Lyme can be sexually transmitted,

> look at how much AIDs is costing. And look at how wrong they were about

> AIDs

Dear Pepi & everyone,

Just curious: WHY would the government NOT want to admit that Lyme can be

sexually transmitted, .... assuming it can be????

What does the government have to lose or gain?

Isn't truth preferable?

Hugs, a Aida

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In a message dated 4/27/2001 11:48:53 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

jean@... writes:

> After 11 yrs. of no symptoms my husband may get Lyme. But if he does, God

> forbid, does that mean it was sexually transmitted or does it mean he was

> actually infected by a tick? He's an avid golfer so it's certainly

> possible that he could pick up a tick while looking for a lost ball. Would

> we ever know if he got it from me? I had the classic bull's-eye rash ...

> what if he doesn't? Kind of hard to tell, huh!!!


You have a valid point.

Remember with AIDS, that gay dentist in Florida? He infected his teenage

patient Bergalis & at least 5 other patients. Before the facts were

known, Bergalis was ridiculed, people accused her of getting AIDS

sexually & she insisted she was a virgin, etc. For a while people didn't

believe her, BUT when the testing came out that not only could show

definitive AIDS, but also could DIFFERENTIATE VARIOUS STRAINS OF IT, it

finally was proven to be connected (same strain) to the dentist.

Someday, hopefully soon, testing will be able to differentiate strains of Bb,

& we will be able to know if husband & wife (etc) have the same strain.

Yes, I know the Bb mutates, or something like that, and I also realize that

just because a husband & wife end up having the same strain doesn't

necessarily PROVE that it was was transmitted sexually, .....

because they could have walked in the same park together & been bitten by

similarly infected ticks. But once more pieces of the puzzle fit together,

we will have more to go on. I pray for a definitive test to come out, so it

will not be false positives & false negatives & maybes.

I believe most of us are doing what we feel is caring & responsible.

And, .... just by being here, it shows that we are trying to keep up with the

latest developments, to learn, to be aware.

Warm hugs to all,

a Aida

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In a message dated 4/27/2001 5:28:59 PM Eastern Daylight Time, rod@...



> > Just curious: WHY would the government NOT want to admit that Lyme can be

> > sexually transmitted, .... assuming it can be????

> > What does the government have to lose or gain?

> > Isn't truth preferable?



> Ahhhhhhhh This is the Gov we are talking about. $$$$$$$$$$ dives them, not

> honestly or truth.



Well, I still dont' understand. Sorry.

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Just to voice my own opinion here.

I agree with our LLMD that it's most likely sexually transmitted.

See, my Husband and I have only been married for not quite three

years and together for not quite four years. We've never gone

hiking, fishing, camping, hunting...and so on together. Fwiw, we

didn't even know each other before that, nor did I even live in this

State. Besides that, I firmly believe I got this before my 13 yr old

Son was even born, which is years and years before Husband and I even



> Hi Everyone,


> I just want to add my 2 cents.


> While I don't think Lyme is sexually transmitted, of course, I'm

not sure.

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Geez, don't be sensitive I thought we were having a discussion. I am not angry

in the least and certainly didn't mean to come across as offensive. Dropping it

is fine by me-

best wishes,


Re: [ ] sexually transmitted lyme


You sound extremely angry with me because I have Lyme, my husband doesn't, and

we made the decision to not use birth control. We've been married 32 years;

I've had a hysterectomy, he had a vasectomy 28 years ago, and after many

discussions with my LLMD we made the decision to NOT use any. My Dr. doesn't

think there's any way it can be transmitted by making love. He may be wrong.

We may be playing with fire. After 11 yrs. of no symptoms my husband may get

Lyme. But if he does, God forbid, does that mean it was sexually transmitted or

does it mean he was actually infected by a tick? He's an avid golfer so it's

certainly possible that he could pick up a tick while looking for a lost ball.

Would we ever know if he got it from me? I had the classic bull's-eye rash ...

what if he doesn't? Kind of hard to tell, huh!!!

Marta's Dr. thinks Bb can be transmitted from the woman's bladder to a male

partner and they choose to use protection. That is certainly their choice. If

you and your husband choose to use protection, that's wonderful. My Dr. is of a

differing opinion and our choice is not to use protection.

I said the other day when I responded to whoever started this thread that I

would probably get flamed for my thoughts on this, and I guess I was right. And

that's fine. I don't mind. But it won't change my mind. I just really don't

think it's sexually transmitted and if that's " hiding my head in the sand " and

" not acting responsibly " then I guess that's what I'm doing. Sorry if that

makes you angry.

And that's my last response on this subject. People are getting angry over

differing opinions and that's not good. Exchanging ideas and thoughts is one

thing but anger is not what's needed here. I left this list several years ago

because a few people were angry, upset and flaming each other so I certainly

don't want to be the one to start it.

My apologies!!!


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In a message dated 4/27/2001 12:43:59 PM Eastern Daylight Time, rod@...


> A month or so ago, a

> LLMD was published in an Alternative Medicine magazine stating that he feels

> that Lyme is transmitted through sex. Lyme is a Spirochete, just like

> Syphilus, I'd just bet it infects just like Syphilus too.


Dear Pepi & all,

I (still not believing that Lyme is normally transmitted thru sex) have a

question/ thought for you all:

Yes, Lyme & Syphilis both are caused by spirochetes.

But, to my way of thinking, just because both involve spirochetes does NOT

mean that both act the same ways or are transmitted the same way. Similarly,

just because a disease is caused by a virus, this doesn't mean that all

diseases caused by viruses are spread the same way, have the same symptoms,


Everyone knows that Syphilis is a sexually transmitted disease.

Everyone knows that Lyme is spread by tick bites (and possible other means).


(or any non-sexual means other than possible blood transfusion or

maternal/fetal transmission)?

My point is that I believe Lyme & Syphilis are different, so just because

Syphilis is spread sexually, that doesn't mean that Lyme is spread this way


(Now, why couldn't I have said this in one short sentence. My brain is a




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> Just curious: WHY would the government NOT want to admit that Lyme can be

> sexually transmitted, .... assuming it can be????

> What does the government have to lose or gain?

> Isn't truth preferable?

Ahhhhhhhh This is the Gov we are talking about. $$$$$$$$$$ dives them, not

honestly or truth.

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I also have had the disease since 1982, got treatment in Feb. of 1990 & have

been married since March of 1990 and my hubby has shown no signs (neither

have any of my 4 kids) as of yet & hope never do.


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I wonder how we would know if it is sexually transmitted or not? Who is to

say that our spouse/partner contracted it from us or was also bitten and not

known? Good research story. FrancineNJ

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