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I have been on Armour for a while now it is better

than sythroid but not quite good. I take 120mg it

seems high but my tests seem to be ok. Now as far as

" feeling like your self " it is still a struggle. It

seems every person that hypothyriod is on antidepresants.


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I have been on Armour for a while now it is better

than sythroid but not quite good. I take 120mg it

seems high but my tests seem to be ok. Now as far as

" feeling like your self " it is still a struggle. It

seems every person that hypothyriod is on antidepresants.


Click here to donate to the Hurricane Katrina relief effort.


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Getting 20 minutes of sunshine is very helpful for

mood and also the skin makes vit D from sunshine

exposure -- and most of us have low levels of Vit D.

Also Omega 3 oil is good for the brain, as are

berries. SAMe is good for depression. These are all

just natural supplements to compliment thyroid

treatment. Adequate thyroid hormones should releive

brain fog and depression ... also experiment with

avoiding wheat, dairy, and refined sugar -- common

allergens that effect everything from brain function

to digestion ...


--- Sara B wrote:


> what do you think of the mental fog. I am trying to

> lose weight by exericing and eating healthy, but the

> emotional staff is tough, any suggestions besides

> antidepressants?







> Click here to donate to the Hurricane Katrina relief

> effort.

> http://store.yahoo.com/redcross-donate3/



Click here to donate to the Hurricane Katrina relief effort.


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Getting 20 minutes of sunshine is very helpful for

mood and also the skin makes vit D from sunshine

exposure -- and most of us have low levels of Vit D.

Also Omega 3 oil is good for the brain, as are

berries. SAMe is good for depression. These are all

just natural supplements to compliment thyroid

treatment. Adequate thyroid hormones should releive

brain fog and depression ... also experiment with

avoiding wheat, dairy, and refined sugar -- common

allergens that effect everything from brain function

to digestion ...


--- Sara B wrote:


> what do you think of the mental fog. I am trying to

> lose weight by exericing and eating healthy, but the

> emotional staff is tough, any suggestions besides

> antidepressants?







> Click here to donate to the Hurricane Katrina relief

> effort.

> http://store.yahoo.com/redcross-donate3/



Click here to donate to the Hurricane Katrina relief effort.


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Getting 20 minutes of sunshine is very helpful for

mood and also the skin makes vit D from sunshine

exposure -- and most of us have low levels of Vit D.

Also Omega 3 oil is good for the brain, as are

berries. SAMe is good for depression. These are all

just natural supplements to compliment thyroid

treatment. Adequate thyroid hormones should releive

brain fog and depression ... also experiment with

avoiding wheat, dairy, and refined sugar -- common

allergens that effect everything from brain function

to digestion ...


--- Sara B wrote:


> what do you think of the mental fog. I am trying to

> lose weight by exericing and eating healthy, but the

> emotional staff is tough, any suggestions besides

> antidepressants?







> Click here to donate to the Hurricane Katrina relief

> effort.

> http://store.yahoo.com/redcross-donate3/



Click here to donate to the Hurricane Katrina relief effort.


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  • 2 weeks later...

How much did he start you on?

He should have you come back in about 4 to 6 weeks for another blood test and most likely tweak the dose up a bit...

The drug won't make you lose weight..... what will happen when your hormone levels get up to where they need to be it will be easier to lose weight...

I know that isn't the answer that you want to hear.. but on the bright side it will get better.. just might take some time.

I assume that you're just starting out with this... we have a page set up on our web site that will get you a bit more familiar with the hormones, meds and tests so our posts will make more sense......


When you have a bit of time you might want to check it out....

In the mean time.. has the doc scheduled your next appointment/labs?

Topper ()

On Fri, 16 Sep 2005 22:52:21 -0000 "mlink187" writes:

Thought Id join you guys. Im trying to type and not fall asleep. So tired. So Im on my hopefully last leg to getting help. I am hypo and after the thyroid radiation iodine test whatever I can start my pills - THANK GOD maybe Ill be on to a normal life!My TSH level is at 13 and the T3 and T4 were normal.I have had fatigue and mremory loss, no concetration, etc for sometime but last year the Dr put me on zoloft, then I just missed my period completly! That was a month ago now he decided to test me finally for thyroids, and no I am not pregnant.So he is starting me out on Synthroid, and I know this shouldnt be my main concern but If I get any bigger I dont know what I will do. I have gained 40lbs in6-8 monthes. (And no Im not pregnant!!!!!!!)Has any one lost any weight on this? How soon? The clothes I bought 4 monthes ago no longer fit. Should I buy mroe, cause once again yes im growing, or wait? I eat normally, and actually I am turned away from food and I walk.Any comments on this drug?

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I literally gained 100 lbs in a year, so I know what you are going through. Traditional medicine has helped not helped me much. They basically told me I was fat and lazy. You will probably have to stay "on top" of your doctor or get a new one to make progress. I was blessed to find this fine group of people. The support you get here will help you get through this. I am right in the middle of my recovery, but now I have hope!

Thanks, and the others who help!

Re: New to group

How much did he start you on?

He should have you come back in about 4 to 6 weeks for another blood test and most likely tweak the dose up a bit...

The drug won't make you lose weight..... what will happen when your hormone levels get up to where they need to be it will be easier to lose weight...

I know that isn't the answer that you want to hear.. but on the bright side it will get better.. just might take some time.

I assume that you're just starting out with this... we have a page set up on our web site that will get you a bit more familiar with the hormones, meds and tests so our posts will make more sense......


When you have a bit of time you might want to check it out....

In the mean time.. has the doc scheduled your next appointment/labs?

Topper ()

On Fri, 16 Sep 2005 22:52:21 -0000 "mlink187" writes:

Thought Id join you guys. Im trying to type and not fall asleep. So tired. So Im on my hopefully last leg to getting help. I am hypo and after the thyroid radiation iodine test whatever I can start my pills - THANK GOD maybe Ill be on to a normal life!My TSH level is at 13 and the T3 and T4 were normal.I have had fatigue and mremory loss, no concetration, etc for sometime but last year the Dr put me on zoloft, then I just missed my period completly! That was a month ago now he decided to test me finally for thyroids, and no I am not pregnant.So he is starting me out on Synthroid, and I know this shouldnt be my main concern but If I get any bigger I dont know what I will do. I have gained 40lbs in6-8 monthes. (And no Im not pregnant!!!!!!!)Has any one lost any weight on this? How soon? The clothes I bought 4 monthes ago no longer fit. Should I buy mroe, cause once again yes im growing, or wait? I eat normally, and actually I am turned away from food and I walk.Any comments on this drug?

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I literally gained 100 lbs in a year, so I know what you are going through. Traditional medicine has helped not helped me much. They basically told me I was fat and lazy. You will probably have to stay "on top" of your doctor or get a new one to make progress. I was blessed to find this fine group of people. The support you get here will help you get through this. I am right in the middle of my recovery, but now I have hope!

Thanks, and the others who help!

Re: New to group

How much did he start you on?

He should have you come back in about 4 to 6 weeks for another blood test and most likely tweak the dose up a bit...

The drug won't make you lose weight..... what will happen when your hormone levels get up to where they need to be it will be easier to lose weight...

I know that isn't the answer that you want to hear.. but on the bright side it will get better.. just might take some time.

I assume that you're just starting out with this... we have a page set up on our web site that will get you a bit more familiar with the hormones, meds and tests so our posts will make more sense......


When you have a bit of time you might want to check it out....

In the mean time.. has the doc scheduled your next appointment/labs?

Topper ()

On Fri, 16 Sep 2005 22:52:21 -0000 "mlink187" writes:

Thought Id join you guys. Im trying to type and not fall asleep. So tired. So Im on my hopefully last leg to getting help. I am hypo and after the thyroid radiation iodine test whatever I can start my pills - THANK GOD maybe Ill be on to a normal life!My TSH level is at 13 and the T3 and T4 were normal.I have had fatigue and mremory loss, no concetration, etc for sometime but last year the Dr put me on zoloft, then I just missed my period completly! That was a month ago now he decided to test me finally for thyroids, and no I am not pregnant.So he is starting me out on Synthroid, and I know this shouldnt be my main concern but If I get any bigger I dont know what I will do. I have gained 40lbs in6-8 monthes. (And no Im not pregnant!!!!!!!)Has any one lost any weight on this? How soon? The clothes I bought 4 monthes ago no longer fit. Should I buy mroe, cause once again yes im growing, or wait? I eat normally, and actually I am turned away from food and I walk.Any comments on this drug?

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I literally gained 100 lbs in a year, so I know what you are going through. Traditional medicine has helped not helped me much. They basically told me I was fat and lazy. You will probably have to stay "on top" of your doctor or get a new one to make progress. I was blessed to find this fine group of people. The support you get here will help you get through this. I am right in the middle of my recovery, but now I have hope!

Thanks, and the others who help!

Re: New to group

How much did he start you on?

He should have you come back in about 4 to 6 weeks for another blood test and most likely tweak the dose up a bit...

The drug won't make you lose weight..... what will happen when your hormone levels get up to where they need to be it will be easier to lose weight...

I know that isn't the answer that you want to hear.. but on the bright side it will get better.. just might take some time.

I assume that you're just starting out with this... we have a page set up on our web site that will get you a bit more familiar with the hormones, meds and tests so our posts will make more sense......


When you have a bit of time you might want to check it out....

In the mean time.. has the doc scheduled your next appointment/labs?

Topper ()

On Fri, 16 Sep 2005 22:52:21 -0000 "mlink187" writes:

Thought Id join you guys. Im trying to type and not fall asleep. So tired. So Im on my hopefully last leg to getting help. I am hypo and after the thyroid radiation iodine test whatever I can start my pills - THANK GOD maybe Ill be on to a normal life!My TSH level is at 13 and the T3 and T4 were normal.I have had fatigue and mremory loss, no concetration, etc for sometime but last year the Dr put me on zoloft, then I just missed my period completly! That was a month ago now he decided to test me finally for thyroids, and no I am not pregnant.So he is starting me out on Synthroid, and I know this shouldnt be my main concern but If I get any bigger I dont know what I will do. I have gained 40lbs in6-8 monthes. (And no Im not pregnant!!!!!!!)Has any one lost any weight on this? How soon? The clothes I bought 4 monthes ago no longer fit. Should I buy mroe, cause once again yes im growing, or wait? I eat normally, and actually I am turned away from food and I walk.Any comments on this drug?

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Everyone

I'm new to this group and was diagnosed with breast cancer lasr october

after being offf work sick for 2 years. My tumor was 5 cm and spread

into 3 lymph nodes,it is also ER-PR positive. I went through 6 months

of chemo treatments then radition. I was told last week by my oncolist

that they think my cancer has spread. With being ER-PR positive I'm not

able to take any hormone pills. I was wondering if anyone else has been

through this or is presently undergoing treatment.

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Hi and welcome to the group. There are ladies currently going through treatment and I am sure someone will get back to you. You are in my prayers.



Breast Cancer Patients Soul Mates for Lifehttp://www.geocities.com/chucky5741/breastcancerpatients.html

Check out my breast cancer ornaments at:http://www.geocities.com/chucky5741/bcornament.htmlalso check out my other ornaments and lots of nice gifts at:http://www.cancerclub.com

new to group

Hi EveryoneI'm new to this group and was diagnosed with breast cancer lasr october after being offf work sick for 2 years. My tumor was 5 cm and spread into 3 lymph nodes,it is also ER-PR positive. I went through 6 months of chemo treatments then radition. I was told last week by my oncolist that they think my cancer has spread. With being ER-PR positive I'm not able to take any hormone pills. I was wondering if anyone else has been through this or is presently undergoing treatment.

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Hi and welcome to the group. There are ladies currently going through treatment and I am sure someone will get back to you. You are in my prayers.



Breast Cancer Patients Soul Mates for Lifehttp://www.geocities.com/chucky5741/breastcancerpatients.html

Check out my breast cancer ornaments at:http://www.geocities.com/chucky5741/bcornament.htmlalso check out my other ornaments and lots of nice gifts at:http://www.cancerclub.com

new to group

Hi EveryoneI'm new to this group and was diagnosed with breast cancer lasr october after being offf work sick for 2 years. My tumor was 5 cm and spread into 3 lymph nodes,it is also ER-PR positive. I went through 6 months of chemo treatments then radition. I was told last week by my oncolist that they think my cancer has spread. With being ER-PR positive I'm not able to take any hormone pills. I was wondering if anyone else has been through this or is presently undergoing treatment.

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Hi and welcome to the group. There are ladies currently going through treatment and I am sure someone will get back to you. You are in my prayers.



Breast Cancer Patients Soul Mates for Lifehttp://www.geocities.com/chucky5741/breastcancerpatients.html

Check out my breast cancer ornaments at:http://www.geocities.com/chucky5741/bcornament.htmlalso check out my other ornaments and lots of nice gifts at:http://www.cancerclub.com

new to group

Hi EveryoneI'm new to this group and was diagnosed with breast cancer lasr october after being offf work sick for 2 years. My tumor was 5 cm and spread into 3 lymph nodes,it is also ER-PR positive. I went through 6 months of chemo treatments then radition. I was told last week by my oncolist that they think my cancer has spread. With being ER-PR positive I'm not able to take any hormone pills. I was wondering if anyone else has been through this or is presently undergoing treatment.

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Hello : welcome, my thoughts are with you.

I thought if someone was ER/PR positive

they could take " hormones " if what you

mean is Tamoxifen or Arimidex -- as

cure/prevention (I am assuming you mean

hormones for cure/prevention, right?).

Maybe you could clairfy? I am ERPR +

and am on Arimidex.

It is a nice group here, and I think

you will enjoy it. Again, welcome.

Love to all,


Hi and welcome to the group. There are ladies currently going through treatment and I am sure someone will get back to you. You are in my prayers.



Breast Cancer Patients Soul Mates for Lifehttp://www.geocities.com/chucky5741/breastcancerpatients.html

Check out my breast cancer ornaments at:http://www.geocities.com/chucky5741/bcornament.htmlalso check out my other ornaments and lots of nice gifts at:http://www.cancerclub.com

new to group

Hi EveryoneI'm new to this group and was diagnosed with breast cancer lasr october after being offf work sick for 2 years. My tumor was 5 cm and spread into 3 lymph nodes,it is also ER-PR positive. I went through 6 months of chemo treatments then radition. I was told last week by my oncolist that they think my cancer has spread. With being ER-PR positive I'm not able to take any hormone pills. I was wondering if anyone else has been through this or is presently undergoing treatment.

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Hello : welcome, my thoughts are with you.

I thought if someone was ER/PR positive

they could take " hormones " if what you

mean is Tamoxifen or Arimidex -- as

cure/prevention (I am assuming you mean

hormones for cure/prevention, right?).

Maybe you could clairfy? I am ERPR +

and am on Arimidex.

It is a nice group here, and I think

you will enjoy it. Again, welcome.

Love to all,


Hi and welcome to the group. There are ladies currently going through treatment and I am sure someone will get back to you. You are in my prayers.



Breast Cancer Patients Soul Mates for Lifehttp://www.geocities.com/chucky5741/breastcancerpatients.html

Check out my breast cancer ornaments at:http://www.geocities.com/chucky5741/bcornament.htmlalso check out my other ornaments and lots of nice gifts at:http://www.cancerclub.com

new to group

Hi EveryoneI'm new to this group and was diagnosed with breast cancer lasr october after being offf work sick for 2 years. My tumor was 5 cm and spread into 3 lymph nodes,it is also ER-PR positive. I went through 6 months of chemo treatments then radition. I was told last week by my oncolist that they think my cancer has spread. With being ER-PR positive I'm not able to take any hormone pills. I was wondering if anyone else has been through this or is presently undergoing treatment.

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Hello : welcome, my thoughts are with you.

I thought if someone was ER/PR positive

they could take " hormones " if what you

mean is Tamoxifen or Arimidex -- as

cure/prevention (I am assuming you mean

hormones for cure/prevention, right?).

Maybe you could clairfy? I am ERPR +

and am on Arimidex.

It is a nice group here, and I think

you will enjoy it. Again, welcome.

Love to all,


Hi and welcome to the group. There are ladies currently going through treatment and I am sure someone will get back to you. You are in my prayers.



Breast Cancer Patients Soul Mates for Lifehttp://www.geocities.com/chucky5741/breastcancerpatients.html

Check out my breast cancer ornaments at:http://www.geocities.com/chucky5741/bcornament.htmlalso check out my other ornaments and lots of nice gifts at:http://www.cancerclub.com

new to group

Hi EveryoneI'm new to this group and was diagnosed with breast cancer lasr october after being offf work sick for 2 years. My tumor was 5 cm and spread into 3 lymph nodes,it is also ER-PR positive. I went through 6 months of chemo treatments then radition. I was told last week by my oncolist that they think my cancer has spread. With being ER-PR positive I'm not able to take any hormone pills. I was wondering if anyone else has been through this or is presently undergoing treatment.

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Hello . Big HUGS to you. I was recently diagnosed and had 2 surgeries in the last 4 weeks, lumpectomy and then mastectomy of the right breast. I haven't started treatments yet so I can't help you there. I just thought I'd send you love and hugs.

LICS June "Peace cannot be kept by force; it can only be achieved by understanding." - Albert Einstein

-----Original Message-----From: breastcancer2 [mailto:breastcancer2 ]On Behalf Of anna bennettSent: Tuesday, October 04, 2005 6:50 AMTo: breastcancer2 Subject: new to groupHi EveryoneI'm new to this group and was diagnosed with breast cancer lasr october after being offf work sick for 2 years. My tumor was 5 cm and spread into 3 lymph nodes,it is also ER-PR positive. I went through 6 months of chemo treatments then radition. I was told last week by my oncolist that they think my cancer has spread. With being ER-PR positive I'm not able to take any hormone pills. I was wondering if anyone else has been through this or is presently undergoing treatment.

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Hello . Big HUGS to you. I was recently diagnosed and had 2 surgeries in the last 4 weeks, lumpectomy and then mastectomy of the right breast. I haven't started treatments yet so I can't help you there. I just thought I'd send you love and hugs.

LICS June "Peace cannot be kept by force; it can only be achieved by understanding." - Albert Einstein

-----Original Message-----From: breastcancer2 [mailto:breastcancer2 ]On Behalf Of anna bennettSent: Tuesday, October 04, 2005 6:50 AMTo: breastcancer2 Subject: new to groupHi EveryoneI'm new to this group and was diagnosed with breast cancer lasr october after being offf work sick for 2 years. My tumor was 5 cm and spread into 3 lymph nodes,it is also ER-PR positive. I went through 6 months of chemo treatments then radition. I was told last week by my oncolist that they think my cancer has spread. With being ER-PR positive I'm not able to take any hormone pills. I was wondering if anyone else has been through this or is presently undergoing treatment.

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Hello . Big HUGS to you. I was recently diagnosed and had 2 surgeries in the last 4 weeks, lumpectomy and then mastectomy of the right breast. I haven't started treatments yet so I can't help you there. I just thought I'd send you love and hugs.

LICS June "Peace cannot be kept by force; it can only be achieved by understanding." - Albert Einstein

-----Original Message-----From: breastcancer2 [mailto:breastcancer2 ]On Behalf Of anna bennettSent: Tuesday, October 04, 2005 6:50 AMTo: breastcancer2 Subject: new to groupHi EveryoneI'm new to this group and was diagnosed with breast cancer lasr october after being offf work sick for 2 years. My tumor was 5 cm and spread into 3 lymph nodes,it is also ER-PR positive. I went through 6 months of chemo treatments then radition. I was told last week by my oncolist that they think my cancer has spread. With being ER-PR positive I'm not able to take any hormone pills. I was wondering if anyone else has been through this or is presently undergoing treatment.

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Is anyone there near Kansas? I am interviewing for a job near there soon --

just wondering how it is there, never have been there myself. Does anyone have

any info? What is the quaility of life like? Nice places to live? Anything

would be helpful. I know I will see for myself some things when I go there for

the interview, but I will only be seeing the surface when I go.


Love to all,

Hello . Big HUGS to you. I was recently diagnosed and had 2 surgeries in the last 4 weeks, lumpectomy and then mastectomy of the right breast. I haven't started treatments yet so I can't help you there. I just thought I'd send you love and hugs.

LICS June "Peace cannot be kept by force; it can only be achieved by understanding." - Albert Einstein

-----Original Message-----From: breastcancer2 [mailto:breastcancer2 ]On Behalf Of anna bennettSent: Tuesday, October 04, 2005 6:50 AMTo: breastcancer2 Subject: new to groupHi EveryoneI'm new to this group and was diagnosed with breast cancer lasr october after being offf work sick for 2 years. My tumor was 5 cm and spread into 3 lymph nodes,it is also ER-PR positive. I went through 6 months of chemo treatments then radition. I was told last week by my oncolist that they think my cancer has spread. With being ER-PR positive I'm not able to take any hormone pills. I was wondering if anyone else has been through this or is presently undergoing treatment.

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