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Re: Help - Heart just started beating VERY slowly and IRREGULARLY

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It is not healhthy to have a pulse thta lwo but that is a symptoms of b

eing hypothyroid and millions of people li e wiht it every dy. Thsi si

what we are tryignto correct but it takes time.


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV





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It is not healhthy to have a pulse thta lwo but that is a symptoms of b

eing hypothyroid and millions of people li e wiht it every dy. Thsi si

what we are tryignto correct but it takes time.


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV





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It is not healhthy to have a pulse thta lwo but that is a symptoms of b

eing hypothyroid and millions of people li e wiht it every dy. Thsi si

what we are tryignto correct but it takes time.


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV





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Yeah, I know.. Everything takes time for us! Wasted time. Oh well. Could've been worse.If I remember correctly, I had periods with slowish pulse in my teens when I was huge, too.In the daytime though, my pulse is above 60. I just had another rage with my dog, and mypulse was defintely above 60 when that happened. I'd say 120, at least!

It is not healhthy to have a pulse thta lwo but that is a symptoms of b

eing hypothyroid and millions of people li e wiht it every dy. Thsi si

what we are tryignto correct but it takes time.

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Yeah, I know.. Everything takes time for us! Wasted time. Oh well. Could've been worse.If I remember correctly, I had periods with slowish pulse in my teens when I was huge, too.In the daytime though, my pulse is above 60. I just had another rage with my dog, and mypulse was defintely above 60 when that happened. I'd say 120, at least!

It is not healhthy to have a pulse thta lwo but that is a symptoms of b

eing hypothyroid and millions of people li e wiht it every dy. Thsi si

what we are tryignto correct but it takes time.

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Yeah, I know.. Everything takes time for us! Wasted time. Oh well. Could've been worse.If I remember correctly, I had periods with slowish pulse in my teens when I was huge, too.In the daytime though, my pulse is above 60. I just had another rage with my dog, and mypulse was defintely above 60 when that happened. I'd say 120, at least!

It is not healhthy to have a pulse thta lwo but that is a symptoms of b

eing hypothyroid and millions of people li e wiht it every dy. Thsi si

what we are tryignto correct but it takes time.

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I was just thinking.. Can I have too much Magnesium in me? My magnesium is alwaysover the top range. I know it's not dangerous to overdose it, it will just end up as loose bowels. However, if the kidneys are not working too great (how can you know this?) it can be dangerous with too much Magnesium. I eat nuts every day, and.. Take 133 mg Mgnesium in a Magnesium supplement. I should take 400 mg Magnesium according to my specialist, but I am not sure about my over the top range level of it.. .. .I know too much magnesium and bad kidneys can lower the pulse!Subject: Re: Re: Help - Heart

just started beating VERY slowly and IRREGULARLYTo: RT3_T3 Date: Sunday, December 27, 2009, 12:34 PM

It is not healhthy to have a pulse thta lwo but that is a symptoms of b

eing hypothyroid and millions of people li e wiht it every dy. Thsi si

what we are tryignto correct but it takes time.


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV

http://www.stopthet hyroidmadness. com/

http://health. groups.yahoo. com/group/ NaturalThyroidHo rmonesADRENALS/

http://health. groups.yahoo. com/group/ RT3_T3/

http://groups. yahoo.com/ group/HypoPets/

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I was just thinking.. Can I have too much Magnesium in me? My magnesium is alwaysover the top range. I know it's not dangerous to overdose it, it will just end up as loose bowels. However, if the kidneys are not working too great (how can you know this?) it can be dangerous with too much Magnesium. I eat nuts every day, and.. Take 133 mg Mgnesium in a Magnesium supplement. I should take 400 mg Magnesium according to my specialist, but I am not sure about my over the top range level of it.. .. .I know too much magnesium and bad kidneys can lower the pulse!Subject: Re: Re: Help - Heart

just started beating VERY slowly and IRREGULARLYTo: RT3_T3 Date: Sunday, December 27, 2009, 12:34 PM

It is not healhthy to have a pulse thta lwo but that is a symptoms of b

eing hypothyroid and millions of people li e wiht it every dy. Thsi si

what we are tryignto correct but it takes time.


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV

http://www.stopthet hyroidmadness. com/

http://health. groups.yahoo. com/group/ NaturalThyroidHo rmonesADRENALS/

http://health. groups.yahoo. com/group/ RT3_T3/

http://groups. yahoo.com/ group/HypoPets/

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I was just thinking.. Can I have too much Magnesium in me? My magnesium is alwaysover the top range. I know it's not dangerous to overdose it, it will just end up as loose bowels. However, if the kidneys are not working too great (how can you know this?) it can be dangerous with too much Magnesium. I eat nuts every day, and.. Take 133 mg Mgnesium in a Magnesium supplement. I should take 400 mg Magnesium according to my specialist, but I am not sure about my over the top range level of it.. .. .I know too much magnesium and bad kidneys can lower the pulse!Subject: Re: Re: Help - Heart

just started beating VERY slowly and IRREGULARLYTo: RT3_T3 Date: Sunday, December 27, 2009, 12:34 PM

It is not healhthy to have a pulse thta lwo but that is a symptoms of b

eing hypothyroid and millions of people li e wiht it every dy. Thsi si

what we are tryignto correct but it takes time.


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV

http://www.stopthet hyroidmadness. com/

http://health. groups.yahoo. com/group/ NaturalThyroidHo rmonesADRENALS/

http://health. groups.yahoo. com/group/ RT3_T3/

http://groups. yahoo.com/ group/HypoPets/

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Hmm! I know that Hypothjyroid people have elevated levels of serum magnesium - Butdoes that mean that the TISSUE itself have high levels of magnesium as well? Maybe itmeans that the tissue is giving magnesium away to the blood so we see high serum levels of magnesium?Subject: Re: Re: Help - Heart just started beating VERY slowly and IRREGULARLYTo: RT3_T3 Date: Sunday, December 27, 2009, 1:46 PM

I really dont; know abotu magnesium levels except most hypothyroid

people need magnesium.


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV

http://www.stopthet hyroidmadness. com/

http://health. groups.yahoo. com/group/ NaturalThyroidHo rmonesADRENALS/

http://health. groups.yahoo. com/group/ RT3_T3/

http://groups. yahoo.com/ group/HypoPets/

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Hmm! I know that Hypothjyroid people have elevated levels of serum magnesium - Butdoes that mean that the TISSUE itself have high levels of magnesium as well? Maybe itmeans that the tissue is giving magnesium away to the blood so we see high serum levels of magnesium?Subject: Re: Re: Help - Heart just started beating VERY slowly and IRREGULARLYTo: RT3_T3 Date: Sunday, December 27, 2009, 1:46 PM

I really dont; know abotu magnesium levels except most hypothyroid

people need magnesium.


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV

http://www.stopthet hyroidmadness. com/

http://health. groups.yahoo. com/group/ NaturalThyroidHo rmonesADRENALS/

http://health. groups.yahoo. com/group/ RT3_T3/

http://groups. yahoo.com/ group/HypoPets/

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Hmm! I know that Hypothjyroid people have elevated levels of serum magnesium - Butdoes that mean that the TISSUE itself have high levels of magnesium as well? Maybe itmeans that the tissue is giving magnesium away to the blood so we see high serum levels of magnesium?Subject: Re: Re: Help - Heart just started beating VERY slowly and IRREGULARLYTo: RT3_T3 Date: Sunday, December 27, 2009, 1:46 PM

I really dont; know abotu magnesium levels except most hypothyroid

people need magnesium.


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV

http://www.stopthet hyroidmadness. com/

http://health. groups.yahoo. com/group/ NaturalThyroidHo rmonesADRENALS/

http://health. groups.yahoo. com/group/ RT3_T3/

http://groups. yahoo.com/ group/HypoPets/

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Well I just did a quick search and there seems to be conflicting

information out there. according to Ray Peat hypo causes low magnesium,

but then I found htis study which seem s MUCH more relyable that states

magnesium levels are HIGH in hypothyroidism,.


Lokk at the study, it seems quite well done an thorough testing BOTH

serum and cellular levels, and shows hy0o and magnesium EXCESS go hand

in hand.


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV





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Well I just did a quick search and there seems to be conflicting

information out there. according to Ray Peat hypo causes low magnesium,

but then I found htis study which seem s MUCH more relyable that states

magnesium levels are HIGH in hypothyroidism,.


Lokk at the study, it seems quite well done an thorough testing BOTH

serum and cellular levels, and shows hy0o and magnesium EXCESS go hand

in hand.


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV





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So why was I given Magnesium at all then, from my specialist?Maybe I should avoid magnesium? Maybe this is the cause of some of my heart issues?Subject: Re: Re: Help - Heart just started beating VERY slowly and IRREGULARLYTo: RT3_T3 Date: Sunday, December 27, 2009, 2:28 PM

Well I just did a quick search and there seems to be conflicting

information out there. according to Ray Peat hypo causes low magnesium,

but then I found htis study which seem s MUCH more relyable that states

magnesium levels are HIGH in hypothyroidism, .

http://www.ncbi. nlm.nih.gov/ pmc/articles/ PMC292768/

Lokk at the study, it seems quite well done an thorough testing BOTH

serum and cellular levels, and shows hy0o and magnesium EXCESS go hand

in hand.

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So why was I given Magnesium at all then, from my specialist?Maybe I should avoid magnesium? Maybe this is the cause of some of my heart issues?Subject: Re: Re: Help - Heart just started beating VERY slowly and IRREGULARLYTo: RT3_T3 Date: Sunday, December 27, 2009, 2:28 PM

Well I just did a quick search and there seems to be conflicting

information out there. according to Ray Peat hypo causes low magnesium,

but then I found htis study which seem s MUCH more relyable that states

magnesium levels are HIGH in hypothyroidism, .

http://www.ncbi. nlm.nih.gov/ pmc/articles/ PMC292768/

Lokk at the study, it seems quite well done an thorough testing BOTH

serum and cellular levels, and shows hy0o and magnesium EXCESS go hand

in hand.

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Iwould ask your doctor. Maybe he is going by oyur labs but oyu said they

were high? As I said there seems to be two camps on this subject, I

suggest reading the studies and make oyur own decision. Doctors CAN be

wrong! From my own experience they are wrongf more than they are right. LOL


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV





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Iwould ask your doctor. Maybe he is going by oyur labs but oyu said they

were high? As I said there seems to be two camps on this subject, I

suggest reading the studies and make oyur own decision. Doctors CAN be

wrong! From my own experience they are wrongf more than they are right. LOL


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV





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