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I have read numerous times (and I believe it) that if you exercise BEFORE

breakfast it is best....I am looking it up in my books right now so I can

give you an actual quote to back this up.


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Guest guest


I have read numerous times (and I believe it) that if you exercise BEFORE

breakfast it is best....I am looking it up in my books right now so I can

give you an actual quote to back this up.


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Guest guest


I have read numerous times (and I believe it) that if you exercise BEFORE

breakfast it is best....I am looking it up in my books right now so I can

give you an actual quote to back this up.


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i have heard that you will burn more fat on an empty stomach but i think its

up to how you feel if you feel weak then its better to have a protein drink

or something before you work out



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Guest guest

i have heard that you will burn more fat on an empty stomach but i think its

up to how you feel if you feel weak then its better to have a protein drink

or something before you work out



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Guest guest

From " Body for Life " by Bill :

Doing intense exercise for just 20 minutes first thing in the morning is

more effective in burning fat that a FULL HOUR of aerobic exercise performed

later in the day after you've eaten a few meals. You see, after an

overnight fast, blood-sugar levels are low, as are <carb reserves>.

Exercising before you eat causes the body to dip right into stored fat to

come up with the energy to make it through whatever rude awakening you've

subjected it to.

If you can't do your aerobic exercise routine in the morning, the next best

thing is to do it in the eveningm. Try to do it three hours after having

eaten a meal.

He also says people are getting fatter while eating low-fat, high carb meals

and exercising! He says it is a myth that high-carb, low fat diets work

best (and he is not all against carbs, just the bad ones)....he goes on to

say that when you eat too many carbs it stimulates your appetite and causes

mood swings and moreover, when insulin levels are elevated, your body WILL

NOT BURN FAT. Eating protein controls your appetite and has a thermic

effect (inicrease in energy required for digestion, absorption, and disposal

of ingested food) which is much greater than a high-meal.



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Guest guest

From " Body for Life " by Bill :

Doing intense exercise for just 20 minutes first thing in the morning is

more effective in burning fat that a FULL HOUR of aerobic exercise performed

later in the day after you've eaten a few meals. You see, after an

overnight fast, blood-sugar levels are low, as are <carb reserves>.

Exercising before you eat causes the body to dip right into stored fat to

come up with the energy to make it through whatever rude awakening you've

subjected it to.

If you can't do your aerobic exercise routine in the morning, the next best

thing is to do it in the eveningm. Try to do it three hours after having

eaten a meal.

He also says people are getting fatter while eating low-fat, high carb meals

and exercising! He says it is a myth that high-carb, low fat diets work

best (and he is not all against carbs, just the bad ones)....he goes on to

say that when you eat too many carbs it stimulates your appetite and causes

mood swings and moreover, when insulin levels are elevated, your body WILL

NOT BURN FAT. Eating protein controls your appetite and has a thermic

effect (inicrease in energy required for digestion, absorption, and disposal

of ingested food) which is much greater than a high-meal.



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Guest guest

From " Body for Life " by Bill :

Doing intense exercise for just 20 minutes first thing in the morning is

more effective in burning fat that a FULL HOUR of aerobic exercise performed

later in the day after you've eaten a few meals. You see, after an

overnight fast, blood-sugar levels are low, as are <carb reserves>.

Exercising before you eat causes the body to dip right into stored fat to

come up with the energy to make it through whatever rude awakening you've

subjected it to.

If you can't do your aerobic exercise routine in the morning, the next best

thing is to do it in the eveningm. Try to do it three hours after having

eaten a meal.

He also says people are getting fatter while eating low-fat, high carb meals

and exercising! He says it is a myth that high-carb, low fat diets work

best (and he is not all against carbs, just the bad ones)....he goes on to

say that when you eat too many carbs it stimulates your appetite and causes

mood swings and moreover, when insulin levels are elevated, your body WILL

NOT BURN FAT. Eating protein controls your appetite and has a thermic

effect (inicrease in energy required for digestion, absorption, and disposal

of ingested food) which is much greater than a high-meal.



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According to my trainer, you should eat at least a small snack before

a workout, in order to get your metabolism started.


norwood@... wrote:

DH has asked em to ask about exercise as

he has heard conflicting ideas.

He goes to the gym early in the morning.

1. Should he eat first and then work out?


2. Should he work out on an empty stomach?

Some say one some say another and if he works out on an empty stomach


said he will burn muscle instead of fat.

What is your opinion and is there a good diet to find out


At his gym last night they had a meeting about fat. He did not go but

one of

the ladies that went told him that they said if you wanted to

lose weight

EAT MORE CARBS! Can you believe it! Yes I guess we can as we

hear this

nonsense all the time.

Please visit our homepage at http://members.xoom.com/AChallengers

You will find information, recipes, before and after pictures.

To contact the list owner please send mail to lindag@...

Visit our 2000 Train Tour Site - http://www.brunnet.net/k & l/web_site_train_tour/actraintour.htm

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  • 1 year later...

Hi group,

I have been experiencing the " tight rope " around the neck feeling lately. I had

not felt it in at least 6 months. Do any of you experience it from time to


It has been a year since my surgery tt 8/01, had a clean scan this month. The

tightness started after the scan. Can't figure out why after all these months it

starts back up again. It's almost like I have a tight necked shirt or a tie

thats to tight on. Could the low dose RAI trigger it?

Wish all of you awaiting surgery the best of luck!

Dx follicular thyca

Bess in Central Florida


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  • 1 year later...

In a message dated 9/19/2003 6:06:57 AM Central Standard Time,

Hapilyn@... writes:

> I do not like vegetables.

> I need to camouflage them in some way.

> If I eat a lean cuisine dinner I can add some frozen veg


What I have been doing to get more veggies in is put them into everything

possible. My husband is not a big fan of anything green that is not lettuce so


made Chicken Spaghetti and put in a can of green peas, he liked it and my 3

year old is learning new veggies. I grated carrots into Chicken and Rice, a

can of rinsed cannelloni (sp) beans or small navy beans into regular spaghetti

sauce, applesauce to replace at least half of the oil is most baking recipes.

I have just started being more aggressive with putting veggies in stuff not

usually loaded with veggies. The chicken and rice was great with the carrots

and next time I will add some peas or green beans also, it makes the dish really

colorful and attractive to the eye. In cornbread I always add a can of corn,

to rice a roni - carrots, corn, peas, or beans depending on what you are

serving with it. I hope that helps.


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I often use vegetables in place of pasta with sauces,so sneaking them into your

lean cuisines sounds reasonable to me! I flesh my chili out with cauliflower. It

seems to absorb the flavors and I can't even tell it's there. I also use

french cut grean beans in place of pasta with spaghetti meat sauce or alfredo

type sauces. I use frozen over canned. More nutrients. I've seen recipes for

brownies made with zuchini, too.

Good luck. I think veggies are an aquired taste. Lol



I am relatively new here and have a question.

I started off on August 5 at 232# and thanks to my daughters finding

weight watchers online I now weigh 215.5

so you can see that it IS working very well for me.

Some problems have occurred and I need some help.

I hope your group will have some suggestions.

Is this where I ask my questions?

Okay here it goes.

I know this is NOT unique but it is a major issue with me.

I do not like vegetables.

I need to camouflage them in some way.

If I eat a lean cuisine dinner I can add some frozen veg

and not mind it so I know the sauce is a help.

Any suggestions?

Your group is a great support to me.

You are doing a great service.

Thank you !!!


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Have I got a veggie recipe for you! I make zucchini brownies that are

AWESOME! If you go to my website www.msteechur.com and click on recipes find

Tory's Almost Fat Free Zucchini Brownies. As is, the recipe makes 30 REALLY

big brownies at 2 points a piece, 40 at 1 point. Heck, I just had one for


Try to add like one new veggie a week. I'm sure there are many you've not

tried and might like. For example last night I had fresh green beans, nuked

for 2 minutes...that's all. I had forgotten how darn GOOD fresh green beans

are! Delicious! There is always fruit, too. Rhubarb is 0 points (except the

sugar you add, but if you add splenda it's still 0 points). During that

season when friends are showing copious amounts of rhubarb at you, boil some

up with water, add splenda to taste, and enjoy that. High in fiber, low in

calories, high in vitamins.

On my site there is also a recipe for glorified cauliflower that is QUITE

good. My husband HATES cauliflower, but he'll eat that.


Tory Klementsen, MCP A+

Career and Technology Educator



-The successful person will do the things that the unsuccessful person will


> question





> I am relatively new here and have a question.

> I started off on August 5 at 232# and thanks to my daughters finding

> weight watchers online I now weigh 215.5

> so you can see that it IS working very well for me.

> Some problems have occurred and I need some help.

> I hope your group will have some suggestions.


> Is this where I ask my questions?

> Okay here it goes.


> I know this is NOT unique but it is a major issue with me.

> I do not like vegetables.

> I need to camouflage them in some way.

> If I eat a lean cuisine dinner I can add some frozen veg

> and not mind it so I know the sauce is a help.


> Any suggestions?


> Your group is a great support to me.

> You are doing a great service.


> Thank you !!!

> Hapilyn





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Wow Tory, first time I had gone to your website, great inspiration and you

are so lucky that you were able to do this with your DH. Thanks for

sharing, I printed off some of your recipes to try.

Tinker - TX



Have I got a veggie recipe for you! I make zucchini brownies that are

AWESOME! If you go to my website www.msteechur.com and click on recipes


Tory's Almost Fat Free Zucchini Brownies. As is, the recipe makes 30


big brownies at 2 points a piece, 40 at 1 point. Heck, I just had one for


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Wow Tory, first time I had gone to your website, great inspiration and you

are so lucky that you were able to do this with your DH. Thanks for

sharing, I printed off some of your recipes to try.

Tinker - TX



Have I got a veggie recipe for you! I make zucchini brownies that are

AWESOME! If you go to my website www.msteechur.com and click on recipes


Tory's Almost Fat Free Zucchini Brownies. As is, the recipe makes 30


big brownies at 2 points a piece, 40 at 1 point. Heck, I just had one for


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Wow Tory, first time I had gone to your website, great inspiration and you

are so lucky that you were able to do this with your DH. Thanks for

sharing, I printed off some of your recipes to try.

Tinker - TX



Have I got a veggie recipe for you! I make zucchini brownies that are

AWESOME! If you go to my website www.msteechur.com and click on recipes


Tory's Almost Fat Free Zucchini Brownies. As is, the recipe makes 30


big brownies at 2 points a piece, 40 at 1 point. Heck, I just had one for


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Hapilyn, another Lyn here that doesn't like veggies.

V8...drink it a lot, make soup with it. If sodium is a problem, get the

low-sodium version.

Try root veggies. Sweet potatoes, pumpkin, canned squash...lots of goodies you

can make with those. Somewhere there's a recipe around here for a 4-point

pumpkin pie...4 points for the *entire* pie. Root veggies are easy for me to


Others have given you lots of good suggestions, but just wanted to add my 2

cents here.



I do not like vegetables.

I need to camouflage them in some way.

If I eat a lean cuisine dinner I can add some frozen veg

and not mind it so I know the sauce is a help.

Any suggestions?

Your group is a great support to me.

You are doing a great service.

Thank you !!!


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Hapilyn, another Lyn here that doesn't like veggies.

V8...drink it a lot, make soup with it. If sodium is a problem, get the

low-sodium version.

Try root veggies. Sweet potatoes, pumpkin, canned squash...lots of goodies you

can make with those. Somewhere there's a recipe around here for a 4-point

pumpkin pie...4 points for the *entire* pie. Root veggies are easy for me to


Others have given you lots of good suggestions, but just wanted to add my 2

cents here.



I do not like vegetables.

I need to camouflage them in some way.

If I eat a lean cuisine dinner I can add some frozen veg

and not mind it so I know the sauce is a help.

Any suggestions?

Your group is a great support to me.

You are doing a great service.

Thank you !!!


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Hapilyn, another Lyn here that doesn't like veggies.

V8...drink it a lot, make soup with it. If sodium is a problem, get the

low-sodium version.

Try root veggies. Sweet potatoes, pumpkin, canned squash...lots of goodies you

can make with those. Somewhere there's a recipe around here for a 4-point

pumpkin pie...4 points for the *entire* pie. Root veggies are easy for me to


Others have given you lots of good suggestions, but just wanted to add my 2

cents here.



I do not like vegetables.

I need to camouflage them in some way.

If I eat a lean cuisine dinner I can add some frozen veg

and not mind it so I know the sauce is a help.

Any suggestions?

Your group is a great support to me.

You are doing a great service.

Thank you !!!


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Does anyone have the pumpkin pie recipe that is 4 points for the whole

thing ?

> [Original Message]


> To: <Serious-Weight-Watchers >

> Date: 9/19/2003 9:10:27 AM

> Subject: Re: question


> Hapilyn, another Lyn here that doesn't like veggies.


> V8...drink it a lot, make soup with it. If sodium is a problem, get the

low-sodium version.


> Try root veggies. Sweet potatoes, pumpkin, canned squash...lots of

goodies you can make with those. Somewhere there's a recipe around here for

a 4-point pumpkin pie...4 points for the *entire* pie. Root veggies are

easy for me to eat.


> Others have given you lots of good suggestions, but just wanted to add my

2 cents here.


> Lyn

> -----

> I do not like vegetables.

> I need to camouflage them in some way.

> If I eat a lean cuisine dinner I can add some frozen veg

> and not mind it so I know the sauce is a help.


> Any suggestions?


> Your group is a great support to me.

> You are doing a great service.


> Thank you !!!

> Hapilyn






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Does anyone have the pumpkin pie recipe that is 4 points for the whole

thing ?

> [Original Message]


> To: <Serious-Weight-Watchers >

> Date: 9/19/2003 9:10:27 AM

> Subject: Re: question


> Hapilyn, another Lyn here that doesn't like veggies.


> V8...drink it a lot, make soup with it. If sodium is a problem, get the

low-sodium version.


> Try root veggies. Sweet potatoes, pumpkin, canned squash...lots of

goodies you can make with those. Somewhere there's a recipe around here for

a 4-point pumpkin pie...4 points for the *entire* pie. Root veggies are

easy for me to eat.


> Others have given you lots of good suggestions, but just wanted to add my

2 cents here.


> Lyn

> -----

> I do not like vegetables.

> I need to camouflage them in some way.

> If I eat a lean cuisine dinner I can add some frozen veg

> and not mind it so I know the sauce is a help.


> Any suggestions?


> Your group is a great support to me.

> You are doing a great service.


> Thank you !!!

> Hapilyn






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Does anyone have the pumpkin pie recipe that is 4 points for the whole

thing ?

> [Original Message]


> To: <Serious-Weight-Watchers >

> Date: 9/19/2003 9:10:27 AM

> Subject: Re: question


> Hapilyn, another Lyn here that doesn't like veggies.


> V8...drink it a lot, make soup with it. If sodium is a problem, get the

low-sodium version.


> Try root veggies. Sweet potatoes, pumpkin, canned squash...lots of

goodies you can make with those. Somewhere there's a recipe around here for

a 4-point pumpkin pie...4 points for the *entire* pie. Root veggies are

easy for me to eat.


> Others have given you lots of good suggestions, but just wanted to add my

2 cents here.


> Lyn

> -----

> I do not like vegetables.

> I need to camouflage them in some way.

> If I eat a lean cuisine dinner I can add some frozen veg

> and not mind it so I know the sauce is a help.


> Any suggestions?


> Your group is a great support to me.

> You are doing a great service.


> Thank you !!!

> Hapilyn






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>I know this is NOT unique but it is a major issue with me.

>I do not like vegetables.

>I need to camouflage them in some way.

>If I eat a lean cuisine dinner I can add some frozen veg

>and not mind it so I know the sauce is a help.

>Any suggestions?


I don't care much for raw vegetables, but cooked is fine. Even better with

a tablespoonful of grated parmesan cheese (1 pt).

Try grating vegetables into other foods like meatloaf, lasagna, spaghetti

sauce or baked goods.

When you're cooking vegetables, throw in a can of low-fat

cream-of-something soup, or tomatoe sauce (look! more vegetables in the

tomatoe sauce.)

Bathe them in fresh salsa (whups! even more vegetables sneaking in


Try new-to-you veggies, you might find one you like. I've added eggplant

and zucchini to my repatoir so far. Next on my list: squash

Good luck.

Donna from Surrey, British Columbia, Canada


Sept. 19: Talk Like a Pirate Day, matey!


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>I know this is NOT unique but it is a major issue with me.

>I do not like vegetables.

>I need to camouflage them in some way.

>If I eat a lean cuisine dinner I can add some frozen veg

>and not mind it so I know the sauce is a help.

>Any suggestions?


I don't care much for raw vegetables, but cooked is fine. Even better with

a tablespoonful of grated parmesan cheese (1 pt).

Try grating vegetables into other foods like meatloaf, lasagna, spaghetti

sauce or baked goods.

When you're cooking vegetables, throw in a can of low-fat

cream-of-something soup, or tomatoe sauce (look! more vegetables in the

tomatoe sauce.)

Bathe them in fresh salsa (whups! even more vegetables sneaking in


Try new-to-you veggies, you might find one you like. I've added eggplant

and zucchini to my repatoir so far. Next on my list: squash

Good luck.

Donna from Surrey, British Columbia, Canada


Sept. 19: Talk Like a Pirate Day, matey!


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> I've only been on ww a couple of weeks. What does NSV stand for?

> The others I've figured out. Thanks,

> Sue, UT

Non Scale Victory......something we brag about besides losses......like

clothes fitting better, a compliment from someone, doing well at a buffet

etc. Something that has to do with our weightloss that has nothing to do

with the numbers on the scale.



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