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That is tough! Did you say you have 20 weeks to go? does this mean you can't

get up and bathe, eat at the table, etc? I have to admit my concept of " bed

rest " was not clearly thought out!



> Reply-To: graves_support

> Date: Tue, 29 Jan 2002 08:11:03 -0500

> To: <graves_support >

> Subject: RE: update


> Bed rest means laying on my side all the time. No exercise. I can however

> lay on my side and do little things - I'll ask my nurse if I can keep up

> with moving around. They are trying to keep gravity at bay if you know what

> I mean :)


> Amy

> update


>> I have been officially deemed for bed rest. I have another u/s tomorrow

> to

>> make sure my cervix isn't shortening...again. They gave me a shot to

> stop

>> my contractions. So its going to be a long 20 weeks.


>> Amy




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Hi Amy,

I want to let you know that my prayers have been added to the others for you

and your little one. Keep us updated as you are able to.

Did they tell you which side to lay on? When I was in bed rest I had to lay

on one particular side...I think it was my right side, but ask okay. One of

the reasons they told me to lay on one particular side was so I put no

pressure on an artery that carried blood to the baby.

I have been where you are, I know it isn't easy, but I do know it is a must

that you follow their directions to the letter so that you have a wonderful

little fellow in your arms when all of this is over. I hope your hubby is

being very supportive in this, it will make things so much nicer for you,

and it will keep him very involved in your pregnancy and help you and the

baby more than he knows :)

Take care,



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Hi Amy-

Although Debbie has much more experience with this than I did, I thought

staying down wasn't so bad. I love to read so that's what I did mostly.

I'd get tired of that sometimes and when I did, the TV was the ticket.

Yakking on the phone was a huge help with the isolation.

My biggest worry was my young son but he was surprisingly cooperative. He'd

actually sit still for a few minutes several times/day and chat with me.

Anyhow, please don't worry too much (stress isn't good). You're already

past that 12 week point where the risk of a bad outcome is so high.

Take care,

> I have been officially deemed for bed rest. I have another u/s tomorrow


> make sure my cervix isn't shortening...again. They gave me a shot to stop

> my contractions. So its going to be a long 20 weeks.


> Amy

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Hi Amy-

Although Debbie has much more experience with this than I did, I thought

staying down wasn't so bad. I love to read so that's what I did mostly.

I'd get tired of that sometimes and when I did, the TV was the ticket.

Yakking on the phone was a huge help with the isolation.

My biggest worry was my young son but he was surprisingly cooperative. He'd

actually sit still for a few minutes several times/day and chat with me.

Anyhow, please don't worry too much (stress isn't good). You're already

past that 12 week point where the risk of a bad outcome is so high.

Take care,

> I have been officially deemed for bed rest. I have another u/s tomorrow


> make sure my cervix isn't shortening...again. They gave me a shot to stop

> my contractions. So its going to be a long 20 weeks.


> Amy

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Hi Amy-

Although Debbie has much more experience with this than I did, I thought

staying down wasn't so bad. I love to read so that's what I did mostly.

I'd get tired of that sometimes and when I did, the TV was the ticket.

Yakking on the phone was a huge help with the isolation.

My biggest worry was my young son but he was surprisingly cooperative. He'd

actually sit still for a few minutes several times/day and chat with me.

Anyhow, please don't worry too much (stress isn't good). You're already

past that 12 week point where the risk of a bad outcome is so high.

Take care,

> I have been officially deemed for bed rest. I have another u/s tomorrow


> make sure my cervix isn't shortening...again. They gave me a shot to stop

> my contractions. So its going to be a long 20 weeks.


> Amy

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I can shower and eat at the table depending on how I'm feeling. I think the

general rule is 22 hours of laying on my side all day. I went through my

yoga book to find positions I can do. There were 2 :( UGH I think some

leg lifts should be ok....as long as it doesn't stress my pelvis area. I

saw that baby again today. Cute little guy! My cervix measured good so

that is a relief. And yes - 20 weeks to go *sigh*




>> I have been officially deemed for bed rest. I have another u/s


> to

>> make sure my cervix isn't shortening...again. They gave me a shot to

> stop

>> my contractions. So its going to be a long 20 weeks.


>> Amy




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I can shower and eat at the table depending on how I'm feeling. I think the

general rule is 22 hours of laying on my side all day. I went through my

yoga book to find positions I can do. There were 2 :( UGH I think some

leg lifts should be ok....as long as it doesn't stress my pelvis area. I

saw that baby again today. Cute little guy! My cervix measured good so

that is a relief. And yes - 20 weeks to go *sigh*




>> I have been officially deemed for bed rest. I have another u/s


> to

>> make sure my cervix isn't shortening...again. They gave me a shot to

> stop

>> my contractions. So its going to be a long 20 weeks.


>> Amy




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Thanks Jody :) I did ask which side - and I can lay on either just not on

my back. It has more to do with pelvic pressure - the baby isn't stressed

at all. Thank you for the prayers. My DH has been absolutely wonderful!


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Thanks Jody :) I did ask which side - and I can lay on either just not on

my back. It has more to do with pelvic pressure - the baby isn't stressed

at all. Thank you for the prayers. My DH has been absolutely wonderful!


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Thanks Jody :) I did ask which side - and I can lay on either just not on

my back. It has more to do with pelvic pressure - the baby isn't stressed

at all. Thank you for the prayers. My DH has been absolutely wonderful!


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Hi Amy,

I was only allowed to lay on my left side. Having a DH and family for

support helps a lot. Glad to hear your cervix measured good.

I spent 30 wks. laying in bed and the time really did go by fast. We put a

twin bed up for me downstairs, my Dads wife taught me to crochet, I read,

watched TV, and could sleep when I was tired and homeschooled my girls.

Only wish I would have had a computer at the time. We bought one of those

egg crate foam toppers and it made the bed more comfortable, even a

comfortable bed gets uncomfortable after a while.

My prayers will continue for you and your little one.

Debbie R.

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Hi Amy,

I was only allowed to lay on my left side. Having a DH and family for

support helps a lot. Glad to hear your cervix measured good.

I spent 30 wks. laying in bed and the time really did go by fast. We put a

twin bed up for me downstairs, my Dads wife taught me to crochet, I read,

watched TV, and could sleep when I was tired and homeschooled my girls.

Only wish I would have had a computer at the time. We bought one of those

egg crate foam toppers and it made the bed more comfortable, even a

comfortable bed gets uncomfortable after a while.

My prayers will continue for you and your little one.

Debbie R.

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Hi Amy,

I was only allowed to lay on my left side. Having a DH and family for

support helps a lot. Glad to hear your cervix measured good.

I spent 30 wks. laying in bed and the time really did go by fast. We put a

twin bed up for me downstairs, my Dads wife taught me to crochet, I read,

watched TV, and could sleep when I was tired and homeschooled my girls.

Only wish I would have had a computer at the time. We bought one of those

egg crate foam toppers and it made the bed more comfortable, even a

comfortable bed gets uncomfortable after a while.

My prayers will continue for you and your little one.

Debbie R.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi Caroline,

I'm glad you popped in, have been thinking about you. Glad to know all is

well with your and yours. The storm sounds scary, I hate storms so never

look forward to the spring months as they can get wild, and with the weather

so darn unpredictable one never knows what will happen.

Keep us updated as time allows...just don't disappear altogether, especially

when you have two little ones to love. Maybe can give you an hour a

week or some time anyhow, to spend with us.

Take care and keep healthy,



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Hi Caroline,

I'm glad you popped in, have been thinking about you. Glad to know all is

well with your and yours. The storm sounds scary, I hate storms so never

look forward to the spring months as they can get wild, and with the weather

so darn unpredictable one never knows what will happen.

Keep us updated as time allows...just don't disappear altogether, especially

when you have two little ones to love. Maybe can give you an hour a

week or some time anyhow, to spend with us.

Take care and keep healthy,



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Hi Caroline,

I'm glad you popped in, have been thinking about you. Glad to know all is

well with your and yours. The storm sounds scary, I hate storms so never

look forward to the spring months as they can get wild, and with the weather

so darn unpredictable one never knows what will happen.

Keep us updated as time allows...just don't disappear altogether, especially

when you have two little ones to love. Maybe can give you an hour a

week or some time anyhow, to spend with us.

Take care and keep healthy,



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Caroline -

Glad Dylan is doing great and that you're feeling a little better if not

tired (who wouldn't be!) and that you are all safe after the storm.

Sounds like good news so far with your lab results, hope everything

continues smoothly!


>Dear All


>Sorry I haven't posted in a while. I have been busy with 6 month old

>Dylan and getting through the first trimester of the new baby. Also we

>had a terrible storm last week that has left so much damage in the area

>I live in that the government has declared it a natural disaster area.

>We have a 60 foot gum tree that was up rooted straight out of the ground

>across our backyard. Fortunately the damage is to fences, other trees

>and a BBQ area, not to our home itself. The storm was quite surreal and

>frightening. We were without electricity for 3 whole days.


>So I'm not going to be able get through the almost 400 emails I have

>just collected and answer all I would normally answer.


>Welcome to anyone new recently.


>As far as my GD and thyroid goes I have been to see my endo and I have

>at present slightly raised TSH but the free T4 is normal. Last time I

>was pregnant I went hypo at about 12 weeks. So we are keeping an eye on

>it. I get bloods done again in 4 weeks I also had my thyroid antibodies

>done to see what is happening with them - will find out result when I go

>to the endo again in a month.


>I'm feeling tired and somewhat nauseous but it is getting better. I'm

>now breastfeeding Dylan 3 times a day and he is eating solids really



>All in all we are doing OK. I do wish I had more to spend with you guys

>- you are all in my thoughts and prayers (especially you - hope

>you feeling OK).








>The Graves' list is intended for informational purposes only and is not

intended to replace expert medical care.

>Please consult your doctor before changing or trying new treatments.




>Advertisments placed on this yahoo groups list does not have the

endorsement of

>the listowner. I have no input as to what ads are attached to emails.





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Caroline -

Glad Dylan is doing great and that you're feeling a little better if not

tired (who wouldn't be!) and that you are all safe after the storm.

Sounds like good news so far with your lab results, hope everything

continues smoothly!


>Dear All


>Sorry I haven't posted in a while. I have been busy with 6 month old

>Dylan and getting through the first trimester of the new baby. Also we

>had a terrible storm last week that has left so much damage in the area

>I live in that the government has declared it a natural disaster area.

>We have a 60 foot gum tree that was up rooted straight out of the ground

>across our backyard. Fortunately the damage is to fences, other trees

>and a BBQ area, not to our home itself. The storm was quite surreal and

>frightening. We were without electricity for 3 whole days.


>So I'm not going to be able get through the almost 400 emails I have

>just collected and answer all I would normally answer.


>Welcome to anyone new recently.


>As far as my GD and thyroid goes I have been to see my endo and I have

>at present slightly raised TSH but the free T4 is normal. Last time I

>was pregnant I went hypo at about 12 weeks. So we are keeping an eye on

>it. I get bloods done again in 4 weeks I also had my thyroid antibodies

>done to see what is happening with them - will find out result when I go

>to the endo again in a month.


>I'm feeling tired and somewhat nauseous but it is getting better. I'm

>now breastfeeding Dylan 3 times a day and he is eating solids really



>All in all we are doing OK. I do wish I had more to spend with you guys

>- you are all in my thoughts and prayers (especially you - hope

>you feeling OK).








>The Graves' list is intended for informational purposes only and is not

intended to replace expert medical care.

>Please consult your doctor before changing or trying new treatments.




>Advertisments placed on this yahoo groups list does not have the

endorsement of

>the listowner. I have no input as to what ads are attached to emails.





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Caroline -

Glad Dylan is doing great and that you're feeling a little better if not

tired (who wouldn't be!) and that you are all safe after the storm.

Sounds like good news so far with your lab results, hope everything

continues smoothly!


>Dear All


>Sorry I haven't posted in a while. I have been busy with 6 month old

>Dylan and getting through the first trimester of the new baby. Also we

>had a terrible storm last week that has left so much damage in the area

>I live in that the government has declared it a natural disaster area.

>We have a 60 foot gum tree that was up rooted straight out of the ground

>across our backyard. Fortunately the damage is to fences, other trees

>and a BBQ area, not to our home itself. The storm was quite surreal and

>frightening. We were without electricity for 3 whole days.


>So I'm not going to be able get through the almost 400 emails I have

>just collected and answer all I would normally answer.


>Welcome to anyone new recently.


>As far as my GD and thyroid goes I have been to see my endo and I have

>at present slightly raised TSH but the free T4 is normal. Last time I

>was pregnant I went hypo at about 12 weeks. So we are keeping an eye on

>it. I get bloods done again in 4 weeks I also had my thyroid antibodies

>done to see what is happening with them - will find out result when I go

>to the endo again in a month.


>I'm feeling tired and somewhat nauseous but it is getting better. I'm

>now breastfeeding Dylan 3 times a day and he is eating solids really



>All in all we are doing OK. I do wish I had more to spend with you guys

>- you are all in my thoughts and prayers (especially you - hope

>you feeling OK).








>The Graves' list is intended for informational purposes only and is not

intended to replace expert medical care.

>Please consult your doctor before changing or trying new treatments.




>Advertisments placed on this yahoo groups list does not have the

endorsement of

>the listowner. I have no input as to what ads are attached to emails.





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  • 1 month later...
Guest guest

Hi Caroline,

I am happy that your tests came back normal and you are in remission too!

That is great news.

Sorry to hear about the stess. I do have faith that you will take care of

yourself you did a great job the last time with Dylan. How is Dylan doing

anyways? Getting big I would imagine.

Take care and give Dylan a hug from me and a handshake from henry.

Debbie R.

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Guest guest

Hi Caroline,

I am happy that your tests came back normal and you are in remission too!

That is great news.

Sorry to hear about the stess. I do have faith that you will take care of

yourself you did a great job the last time with Dylan. How is Dylan doing

anyways? Getting big I would imagine.

Take care and give Dylan a hug from me and a handshake from henry.

Debbie R.

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Guest guest

Hi Caroline,

I am happy that your tests came back normal and you are in remission too!

That is great news.

Sorry to hear about the stess. I do have faith that you will take care of

yourself you did a great job the last time with Dylan. How is Dylan doing

anyways? Getting big I would imagine.

Take care and give Dylan a hug from me and a handshake from henry.

Debbie R.

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