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--- Mann wrote:

> Hey Rose,

> I am Jackie's mom...if you have read her story. I

> just wanted to tell you I hope you are better soon.


> Take care,

> --- rose Simonyi wrote:

> > i'm back...trying to catch up on all the

> posts...so

> > upset, missed my mri, so i'm still up in the air

> > about

> > how bad my cp is, and it will take months to get

> > another...couldn't help it, ended up in the

> hospital

> > with a infection that became the size of your hand

> > with your fingers spread...being diabetic sucks,

> > everything is so much worse...they had to cut me

> > open

> > about 5 inchs to drain it...still have about a 2-3

> > inch gash that a nurse has to come to the house ta

> > pack once a day...they let me out

> yesterday...still

> > feel like crap, but aiming ta go back to work

> > wensday

> > if i can...damn if its not one thing its

> > another...waiting impatiently for things to turn

> > around, maybe one day i'll be lucky LOL...hope you

> > all

> > are doing ok and sorry for that last post...was

> sick

> > and just getting so depressed over it all

> >

> > __________________________________________________

> >

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--- Mann wrote:

> Hey Rose,

> I am Jackie's mom...if you have read her story. I

> just wanted to tell you I hope you are better soon.


> Take care,

> --- rose Simonyi wrote:

> > i'm back...trying to catch up on all the

> posts...so

> > upset, missed my mri, so i'm still up in the air

> > about

> > how bad my cp is, and it will take months to get

> > another...couldn't help it, ended up in the

> hospital

> > with a infection that became the size of your hand

> > with your fingers spread...being diabetic sucks,

> > everything is so much worse...they had to cut me

> > open

> > about 5 inchs to drain it...still have about a 2-3

> > inch gash that a nurse has to come to the house ta

> > pack once a day...they let me out

> yesterday...still

> > feel like crap, but aiming ta go back to work

> > wensday

> > if i can...damn if its not one thing its

> > another...waiting impatiently for things to turn

> > around, maybe one day i'll be lucky LOL...hope you

> > all

> > are doing ok and sorry for that last post...was

> sick

> > and just getting so depressed over it all

> >

> > __________________________________________________

> >

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm sorry but I don't know your name. Your story sounds pretty familiar

though, not that it will help you much.

I was diagnosed with CP a couple months ago, even though this was my

fourth attack over the course of twelve years. I've been through five

doctors trying to figure out what was wrong with me, but have had pretty poor

luck. Seems like the doctors that I've dealt with have not been terribly

bright either. But, like Kimber said, it's tough to diagnose and

unfortunately, it seems to be the last thing they look for... I don't know

why in the hell that is, but then I guess I'm more than a little biased.

My first attack was twelve years ago, and I've been having pain regularly

since then... and of course it's gotten progressively worse until just

recently I have had to start taking pain medication every day - all day - and

even with the help of narcotics, I am still unable to sleep, until I

literally just end up falling down wherever I am... which happened to me

today at a friend's house, which was really embarrassing.

I was helping move furniture when I sat on the sofa when folks were

taking a break... woke up ninety minutes later, and the room was empty,

except for the sofa and me. Everyone was gone.

Of course it's funny now, but I was pretty disgusted at the time...

disgusted with myself, this disease, my sleeplessness that even heavy sleep

aids don't help, the pain that makes me take narcotics, the constant back,

stomach and bowel problems, and nobody really understands - about the

sleeping problem or anything else, of course - except for the folks on this

list. At least most folks can relate to most of the things I've been

through, and if they've not been through it themselves, they tend to at least

be sympathetic and supportive. That, or they make fun of me. (Haha...

Okay... that part was a joke.)

My family all knows that I have diabetes, chronic pancreatitis as well as

acute hemorrhagic pancreatitis. They don't understand it, so we don't ever

talk about it.

So I've never seen a point in making them aware that I also suffered from

chronic cystitis of the gall bladder for several years before I finally had

my gall bladder removed - had hiatal hernia repair, or suffered from

esophageal hemorrhaging, esophageal verices, high blood pressure, chronic

depression, OCD, PTSD, chronic anxiety disorder, agrophobia, agoraphobia,

panic attacks, alcoholic neuropathy...

They just know that I'm sick again, just like I've been regularly over

the past several years... they assume that I'll have surgery of some kind, or

take the right kind of medication to get better. How do you tell your mother

that you will probably die long before she will, when you're the baby of the

family, and her favorite... or even when you're NOT either of those things?

I don't know. Maybe somebody can tell me.

They know there are lots of medicine bottles in my kitchen cabinet, but

they have not idea how many there really are. They don't know that each day,

several times a day in most cases, I take Verapamil, Oxazapam, Norvasc,

Catapres patch, Fentanyl patch, Nadalol, Efffexor, Triazolam, Pancrease,

Questran, Neurontin, Lorazapam, Prevacid, Famotadine, Oxycontin, and two

kinds of insulin.

They still assume that I'm the healthy, muscular, indestructible jock

that I've always been. (Now I just wear baggy clothes a lot. I'd be in big

trouble without oversized sweatshirts.)

So obviously as you can see I too feel sorry for myself a lot, and get

really overwhelmed much of the time, and often say to myself " What's the

use? " . But what's the alternative? As I see it, I don't HAVE any

alternatives... so I figure I need to just get off my pity pot and get my ass

busy livin'. In " Shawshank Redemption " one of the two main characters told

the other that " Either you get busy livin', or you get busy dyin'. " I guess

since a part of me is already busy dying, a larger part of me has to stay

busy living... and since I don't have much control over my pancreas and the

rest of my guts (other than taking the meds they tell me to, diet, etc; it's

still going to do what it will), I try to focus on the part of me that I DO

have some control over... My emotions, thoughts, feelings and my REACTION to

this disease and how I decide to live with it or not.

Well, like I said... Many, many days I don't have the energy to do much

about it. Thankfully, some days I DO have the energy and the wherewithal to

get off my ass and take some action. Go to support or 12-step meetings,

prayer meetings, work, exercise / work out, spend time with my cats, spend

time with my partner, my grandmother, my family; paint, shop, walk in the

park, go to exhibits and shows, theater, galleries, plant trees, shrubs,

flowers, mow, weed or trim, work on the outside of the house, clean on the

inside, cook, watch some educational TV, hit the library, spend time surfing

and catching up with e-mail, spend time at the Plaza, research this disease

and spend time on the phone working with the insurance company and the

doctor's office trying to figure out what is in front of me that I can do to

try to get better... and if Western medicine says that there's nothing

immediately before me, then I can get creative and find out what Eastern

philosophies suggest that I might do, many of them also very helpful!

Meditation, prayer, acupuncture, sand sculpture, work with crystals, etc...

Both lists are endless of course, depending on what one's interests and

beliefs are, and being a little bit creative helps, but primarily

determination and the desire to no longer spend my days sitting in my own

crap are the chief motivators.

It's hard, it's really, really hard. Anybody who says otherwise is

grossly in denial or just flat-out lying to you. I regularly think that I

may well be very close to becoming insane, and even think that perhaps it

might be welcomed sometimes... I'd have a good reason to yell and scream and

fight and kick until I got my own little private padded room with lots of

thorazine, or to just give up and lie in bed and not respond to anybody and

not eat and make them hook me up to a morphine drip... but of course I know

that also comes with " the tube " , the loneliness, the painfully dreary

roommates, the pity from family and friends, the looks and headshakes from

the nurses and doctors and even the orderlies, etc.; and eventually they kick

you out too and you're right back here - only further in the hole financially

and otherwise, still sick, still blue, etc., but maybe on a few more

medications... so that doesn't seem like a terribly good choice.

Looks like my best choice is to plug ahead, try to improve the

antidepressants that I'm on until I get a combination that works, get regular

exercise and work on giving my body something close to proper nutrition...

that list is much smaller than the one above when I look at it, so maybe it's

a better choice.

Good luck to you... The folks here are very helpful, very knowledgeable

and very sympathetic. Ask for help and you'll probably get it. Push your

doctors to get the help you need instead of feeling like a " victim " ; I think

that helps a lot, to feel like you're taking charge of your life, your body

and your disease. And that's about the best we can do... with one foot in

front of the other.

God bless.

Terry in KC

Now I'm very confused. This file was open, and I thought I wrote it several

weeks ago. So if you've re-read it, please forgive me. My concern is NOT

getting posted a note that follows that belongs to toosweet.... toosweet, I

don't BELIEVE this is new, correct>

SHIT!!! Are you and I both going to to have to RE-add vast recurring

brain-fuck to both our diagnosis along with the usual dependent diabetic,

chronic dependent diabetic, blah blah blah??? Or am I just further insane??

I mean, I've shut down this machine a dozen times, and it's crashed at least

that amount, since this file was open... No explanation why all of a sudden

it appeared open, unlss you might you sent it along... Any answers? Gad.

Dyin', losin' it all, fallin' apart, goin' insane and NO IDEA HOW OR WHY


Coo-coo! Coo-coo!

<< how do you deal with all the mental anguish and

depression that comes from being sick all the time

(insulun dependent diabetic - 10 yrs and resent

chronic pancreatitis among other minor things) i swear

i'm going compleatly crazy lately i dont know how much

more of this i can take...works driving me crazy...got

no support at home, i swear they think its all in my

head...all the waiting for appointments with so many

idiot specialist (took them 8 months to figure out

whats wrong with me and i'm still going for more

tests)...all the pain...all the pills and needles i

gave to take...insanity is setting in ;o( >>

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In a message dated 11/12/01 1:15:39 PM Eastern Standard Time,

trainrek4u@... writes:

> i'd like to join the chat room but i have the typing skills of a


Hit the chat room anyway , you don't have to type, just read to keep up

with the conversations,Poncho - GA

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I was still wondering....has anyone had experience like I have? I had the

first attack in June of this year. I have had 7 or 8 after that. I had gall

bladder taken out in July. Had 2 subsequent attacks after that, with

horrible diarrhea and bleeding. Afterwards, I got a new gi doc in September.

He said it could take me a year to recover from the pancreatitis. All the

tests come back negative, the levels and enzymes and blood counts are all

normal. Then I started having diarrhea every 2 weeks or so, up to the point

on October 14 where it hit me non-stop for 3 weeks straight. It was coming

every 15 minutes to 3 hours. Worse at night, especially if I laid on my

right side. More tests: endoscopy showed excessive bile in stomach, no

reason. Barium exrays of small intestine showed nothing...still having

diarrhea, am on levsinex and lomotil, off the pancreas enzymes, and living on

darvacet. can eat bread, potatoes, non fat creamer with non fat cereal, egg

beaters, juice, that's about it. Intense chronic pain...

Any suggestions? Hints? Experiences? HELP thanks.


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I was still wondering....has anyone had experience like I have? I had the

first attack in June of this year. I have had 7 or 8 after that. I had gall

bladder taken out in July. Had 2 subsequent attacks after that, with

horrible diarrhea and bleeding. Afterwards, I got a new gi doc in September.

He said it could take me a year to recover from the pancreatitis. All the

tests come back negative, the levels and enzymes and blood counts are all

normal. Then I started having diarrhea every 2 weeks or so, up to the point

on October 14 where it hit me non-stop for 3 weeks straight. It was coming

every 15 minutes to 3 hours. Worse at night, especially if I laid on my

right side. More tests: endoscopy showed excessive bile in stomach, no

reason. Barium exrays of small intestine showed nothing...still having

diarrhea, am on levsinex and lomotil, off the pancreas enzymes, and living on

darvacet. can eat bread, potatoes, non fat creamer with non fat cereal, egg

beaters, juice, that's about it. Intense chronic pain...

Any suggestions? Hints? Experiences? HELP thanks.


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Dear ,

Please join the chat room......maybe the wit at least will cheer you up! You

have to have it when you deal with this stupid disease! Maybe Terry in KC

will show up! Would be nice to meet everyone live!



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Dear ,

Please join the chat room......maybe the wit at least will cheer you up! You

have to have it when you deal with this stupid disease! Maybe Terry in KC

will show up! Would be nice to meet everyone live!



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Dear ,

Please join the chat room......maybe the wit at least will cheer you up! You

have to have it when you deal with this stupid disease! Maybe Terry in KC

will show up! Would be nice to meet everyone live!



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Well shoot that cow.....who cares how slow you type....Think of it as just

listening......If you see something of interest.speak up...we will

wait.....we are patient. That is what the chat room is for.....I hope you

will pop in. We have been having more and more people pop into the chat

room and the topics of interest are great. Their are some amazing people

who come there. It is just an offer.....I hope you will consider it.....If

not...no worries...no pressure......It is just another tool for us all to

use. People from this group do major research and come into the chat room

and or the pancreatitis group and share their info......We are basically a

giant computer on pancreatitis. We all form a puzzle. I sure don't know

everything. I know bits and pieces and so does everyone else. Together we

are united. We form a whole. Together we can accomplish. Apart we

struggle with bits of brillance.

Again, If I can do anything ever for you, Please let me know.

I hope this finds you and yours well

Mark E. Armstrong



> i wear a fentynal patch for pain. unfortunatly it doesn't help when

> i feel this bad. i refuse to go to the e.r. cuz all they do i give me

> shots of dilaudid and either send me home or keep me for a week with

> no food or water.

> i'd like to join the chat room but i have the typing skills of a

> brain damaged cow wearing boxing gloves.

> i think i'll try lying down now.

> thank you for your time





> PANCREATITIS Association, Intl.

> Online e-mail group


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Well shoot that cow.....who cares how slow you type....Think of it as just

listening......If you see something of interest.speak up...we will

wait.....we are patient. That is what the chat room is for.....I hope you

will pop in. We have been having more and more people pop into the chat

room and the topics of interest are great. Their are some amazing people

who come there. It is just an offer.....I hope you will consider it.....If

not...no worries...no pressure......It is just another tool for us all to

use. People from this group do major research and come into the chat room

and or the pancreatitis group and share their info......We are basically a

giant computer on pancreatitis. We all form a puzzle. I sure don't know

everything. I know bits and pieces and so does everyone else. Together we

are united. We form a whole. Together we can accomplish. Apart we

struggle with bits of brillance.

Again, If I can do anything ever for you, Please let me know.

I hope this finds you and yours well

Mark E. Armstrong



> i wear a fentynal patch for pain. unfortunatly it doesn't help when

> i feel this bad. i refuse to go to the e.r. cuz all they do i give me

> shots of dilaudid and either send me home or keep me for a week with

> no food or water.

> i'd like to join the chat room but i have the typing skills of a

> brain damaged cow wearing boxing gloves.

> i think i'll try lying down now.

> thank you for your time





> PANCREATITIS Association, Intl.

> Online e-mail group


> To reply to this message hit " reply " or send an e-mail to:



> To subscribe to this e-mail group, simply send an e-mail to:




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Well shoot that cow.....who cares how slow you type....Think of it as just

listening......If you see something of interest.speak up...we will

wait.....we are patient. That is what the chat room is for.....I hope you

will pop in. We have been having more and more people pop into the chat

room and the topics of interest are great. Their are some amazing people

who come there. It is just an offer.....I hope you will consider it.....If

not...no worries...no pressure......It is just another tool for us all to

use. People from this group do major research and come into the chat room

and or the pancreatitis group and share their info......We are basically a

giant computer on pancreatitis. We all form a puzzle. I sure don't know

everything. I know bits and pieces and so does everyone else. Together we

are united. We form a whole. Together we can accomplish. Apart we

struggle with bits of brillance.

Again, If I can do anything ever for you, Please let me know.

I hope this finds you and yours well

Mark E. Armstrong



> i wear a fentynal patch for pain. unfortunatly it doesn't help when

> i feel this bad. i refuse to go to the e.r. cuz all they do i give me

> shots of dilaudid and either send me home or keep me for a week with

> no food or water.

> i'd like to join the chat room but i have the typing skills of a

> brain damaged cow wearing boxing gloves.

> i think i'll try lying down now.

> thank you for your time





> PANCREATITIS Association, Intl.

> Online e-mail group


> To reply to this message hit " reply " or send an e-mail to:



> To subscribe to this e-mail group, simply send an e-mail to:




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  • 3 weeks later...

As I have posted before, speak with your doctor about taking Questran powder.

Not only does it work well for people with CP, but it's being given to cancer

patients whose bowels go into overdrive from the chemotherapy.


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As I have posted before, speak with your doctor about taking Questran powder.

Not only does it work well for people with CP, but it's being given to cancer

patients whose bowels go into overdrive from the chemotherapy.


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As I have posted before, speak with your doctor about taking Questran powder.

Not only does it work well for people with CP, but it's being given to cancer

patients whose bowels go into overdrive from the chemotherapy.


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Rose - hang in there. I know the future doesn't look to bright right now

but take it from the experts in this group that live with this stuff and

have lived with it for years and even decades - it is possible to regain

much of your life without diapers or other extremes. Talk to your doctor

and if he won't help have him get you to someone who will. Let us know

where you live and there is probably someone who can point you in the right

direction for a doctor who is willing to work with you. You might also talk

to the doctor about antidepressants as well as enzymes, pain control and

bowel control medications - and sooner rather than later because it sounds

like depression is getting a really good hold on you and can lead you to

places you don't want to be. I can also sympathize with being hungry all

the time - I am one of the lucky ones who can still eat an almost normal

diet but unless I eat at regular intervals I find myself overeating and then

having to pay for it in the pain department. You said you were already a

diabetic so you already understand the need for a strictly regimented diet -

now you just need to find out what your system can handle (unfortunately

this has to be done by trial and error) but start at the no fat end of the

spectrum and go from there. You haven't mentioned being hospitalized and if

you have not been then the ER should be your first stop - getting your pain

under control goes first and foremost in order for the rest to follow.

Anyway - I have now gone on for some time but I hope some of this has helped

in some small way. Just know your are not alone and support is just an

e-mail or phone call or whatever away. TTFN,


> i am going total insane and i don't know what to do

> about it...i have lost alot of wait...i'm hungry all

> the time, but when i eat all i do is have to run to

> the bathroom, its less than 7 feet away and i still

> can't make it there most of the time...i am losing so

> much time at work because of it and its something i'm

> to imbarased to tell them about...i'm ready to by

> dipers soon, but too imbarassed to doo that, i love

> how i look now and can't see myself wearing them....i

> don't know what to do, besides quiting eating, but i'm

> diabetic, so i can't realy do that...i don't know what

> to do any more, all i do is cry my eyes out laately


> i am going total insane and i don't know what to do

> about it...i have lost alot of wait...i'm hungry all

> the time, but when i eat all i do is have to run to

> the bathroom, its less than 7 feet away and i still

> can't make it there most of the time...i am losing so

> much time at work because of it and its something i'm

> to imbarased to tell them about...i'm ready to by

> dipers soon, but too imbarassed to doo that, i love

> how i look now and can't see myself wearing them....i

> don't know what to do, besides quiting eating, but i'm

> diabetic, so i can't realy do that...i don't know what

> to do any more, all i do is cry my eyes out laately




> __________________________________________________


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Rose - hang in there. I know the future doesn't look to bright right now

but take it from the experts in this group that live with this stuff and

have lived with it for years and even decades - it is possible to regain

much of your life without diapers or other extremes. Talk to your doctor

and if he won't help have him get you to someone who will. Let us know

where you live and there is probably someone who can point you in the right

direction for a doctor who is willing to work with you. You might also talk

to the doctor about antidepressants as well as enzymes, pain control and

bowel control medications - and sooner rather than later because it sounds

like depression is getting a really good hold on you and can lead you to

places you don't want to be. I can also sympathize with being hungry all

the time - I am one of the lucky ones who can still eat an almost normal

diet but unless I eat at regular intervals I find myself overeating and then

having to pay for it in the pain department. You said you were already a

diabetic so you already understand the need for a strictly regimented diet -

now you just need to find out what your system can handle (unfortunately

this has to be done by trial and error) but start at the no fat end of the

spectrum and go from there. You haven't mentioned being hospitalized and if

you have not been then the ER should be your first stop - getting your pain

under control goes first and foremost in order for the rest to follow.

Anyway - I have now gone on for some time but I hope some of this has helped

in some small way. Just know your are not alone and support is just an

e-mail or phone call or whatever away. TTFN,


> i am going total insane and i don't know what to do

> about it...i have lost alot of wait...i'm hungry all

> the time, but when i eat all i do is have to run to

> the bathroom, its less than 7 feet away and i still

> can't make it there most of the time...i am losing so

> much time at work because of it and its something i'm

> to imbarased to tell them about...i'm ready to by

> dipers soon, but too imbarassed to doo that, i love

> how i look now and can't see myself wearing them....i

> don't know what to do, besides quiting eating, but i'm

> diabetic, so i can't realy do that...i don't know what

> to do any more, all i do is cry my eyes out laately


> i am going total insane and i don't know what to do

> about it...i have lost alot of wait...i'm hungry all

> the time, but when i eat all i do is have to run to

> the bathroom, its less than 7 feet away and i still

> can't make it there most of the time...i am losing so

> much time at work because of it and its something i'm

> to imbarased to tell them about...i'm ready to by

> dipers soon, but too imbarassed to doo that, i love

> how i look now and can't see myself wearing them....i

> don't know what to do, besides quiting eating, but i'm

> diabetic, so i can't realy do that...i don't know what

> to do any more, all i do is cry my eyes out laately




> __________________________________________________


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Rose - hang in there. I know the future doesn't look to bright right now

but take it from the experts in this group that live with this stuff and

have lived with it for years and even decades - it is possible to regain

much of your life without diapers or other extremes. Talk to your doctor

and if he won't help have him get you to someone who will. Let us know

where you live and there is probably someone who can point you in the right

direction for a doctor who is willing to work with you. You might also talk

to the doctor about antidepressants as well as enzymes, pain control and

bowel control medications - and sooner rather than later because it sounds

like depression is getting a really good hold on you and can lead you to

places you don't want to be. I can also sympathize with being hungry all

the time - I am one of the lucky ones who can still eat an almost normal

diet but unless I eat at regular intervals I find myself overeating and then

having to pay for it in the pain department. You said you were already a

diabetic so you already understand the need for a strictly regimented diet -

now you just need to find out what your system can handle (unfortunately

this has to be done by trial and error) but start at the no fat end of the

spectrum and go from there. You haven't mentioned being hospitalized and if

you have not been then the ER should be your first stop - getting your pain

under control goes first and foremost in order for the rest to follow.

Anyway - I have now gone on for some time but I hope some of this has helped

in some small way. Just know your are not alone and support is just an

e-mail or phone call or whatever away. TTFN,


> i am going total insane and i don't know what to do

> about it...i have lost alot of wait...i'm hungry all

> the time, but when i eat all i do is have to run to

> the bathroom, its less than 7 feet away and i still

> can't make it there most of the time...i am losing so

> much time at work because of it and its something i'm

> to imbarased to tell them about...i'm ready to by

> dipers soon, but too imbarassed to doo that, i love

> how i look now and can't see myself wearing them....i

> don't know what to do, besides quiting eating, but i'm

> diabetic, so i can't realy do that...i don't know what

> to do any more, all i do is cry my eyes out laately


> i am going total insane and i don't know what to do

> about it...i have lost alot of wait...i'm hungry all

> the time, but when i eat all i do is have to run to

> the bathroom, its less than 7 feet away and i still

> can't make it there most of the time...i am losing so

> much time at work because of it and its something i'm

> to imbarased to tell them about...i'm ready to by

> dipers soon, but too imbarassed to doo that, i love

> how i look now and can't see myself wearing them....i

> don't know what to do, besides quiting eating, but i'm

> diabetic, so i can't realy do that...i don't know what

> to do any more, all i do is cry my eyes out laately




> __________________________________________________


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For the past several days, I've been awakened by extreme nausea in the wee

hours of the morning. I have to sit up to try to stop it. And I've bumped up

my dosage of Zofran.

My right upper quadrant pain has returned, but at a low level.

Most frightening is the fact that when and if I eat, I feel really lousy.

I've been spending a great deal of time in the house during these gloriously

warm days. I have no get up and go.

I'm very concerned that the recent surgery with all of the moving of my

abdominal organs might have disturbed my pancreas.

I've got a call into my GI guy with whom I am no playing telephone tag.

I've also asked my hematologist to check my B12 blood level.

Pancreatitis has caused malabsorption of that from time to time.


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For the past several days, I've been awakened by extreme nausea in the wee

hours of the morning. I have to sit up to try to stop it. And I've bumped up

my dosage of Zofran.

My right upper quadrant pain has returned, but at a low level.

Most frightening is the fact that when and if I eat, I feel really lousy.

I've been spending a great deal of time in the house during these gloriously

warm days. I have no get up and go.

I'm very concerned that the recent surgery with all of the moving of my

abdominal organs might have disturbed my pancreas.

I've got a call into my GI guy with whom I am no playing telephone tag.

I've also asked my hematologist to check my B12 blood level.

Pancreatitis has caused malabsorption of that from time to time.


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For the past several days, I've been awakened by extreme nausea in the wee

hours of the morning. I have to sit up to try to stop it. And I've bumped up

my dosage of Zofran.

My right upper quadrant pain has returned, but at a low level.

Most frightening is the fact that when and if I eat, I feel really lousy.

I've been spending a great deal of time in the house during these gloriously

warm days. I have no get up and go.

I'm very concerned that the recent surgery with all of the moving of my

abdominal organs might have disturbed my pancreas.

I've got a call into my GI guy with whom I am no playing telephone tag.

I've also asked my hematologist to check my B12 blood level.

Pancreatitis has caused malabsorption of that from time to time.


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