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Re: Photo tells a thousand words

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-Thanks for another prompt reply. You are so wonderful.


-- In NaturalThyroidHormonesADRENALS ,



> Geraldine, wiht the diarrhea, please go slowly. Stay hydrated and


> for any flu like symptoms. I would not lower again this fast, give

it a

> few days.


> --

> Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV


> http://www.stopthethyroidmadness.com/

> http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/NaturalThyroidHormonesADRENALS/


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What would flu symptoms mean and what would you do about it. I seem

ok now but since you mentioned it I thought I had better understand.



-- In NaturalThyroidHormonesADRENALS , " gmaddrell "



> -Thanks for another prompt reply. You are so wonderful.


> Geraldine



> -- In NaturalThyroidHormonesADRENALS ,

> <artisticgroomer@> wrote:

> >

> > Geraldine, wiht the diarrhea, please go slowly. Stay hydrated and

> watch

> > for any flu like symptoms. I would not lower again this fast,


> it a

> > few days.

> >

> > --

> > Artistic Grooming- Hurricane


> >

> > http://www.stopthethyroidmadness.com/

> >


> >


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Flu symptoms would be a bad adrenal reaction and would require going

back up on cortils till it passes then starting ot lower slwoly again.


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV



http://www.seewell4less.com/Valspage.htm Medical Alert Bracelets

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I don't know why - I guess that I am just so fog headed but when I

looked at my diary I realised that yesterday I only took 20mgs of HC

and thats probably why I had the diahorea. Looking at yesterdays dose I

only took 20 mgs again today. I am so stupid!

So this is how its been

Thurs 26

Fri 22

Sat 22

Sun 20

Mon 20

I dont have any flu like symptoms only a soreish back but thats prob

from sitting in bed for the last couple of days.

I just cant believe how stupid I was. I was looking at the doses and

not adding them up.

What should I do for tomorrow - stay at the 20?

I really hope I haven't done anything permanent - oh to have a clear

head again.-- In NaturalThyroidHormonesADRENALS ,

T wrote:


> Flu symptoms would be a bad adrenal reaction and would require going

> back up on cortils till it passes then starting ot lower slwoly again.


> --

> Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV


> http://www.stopthethyroidmadness.com/

> http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/NaturalThyroidHormonesADRENALS/

> http://www.seewell4less.com/Valspage.htm Medical Alert Bracelets


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>>What should I do for tomorrow - stay at the 20?<<

Yes I would hold this dose for at least a week, maybe two! lET YOUR BODY ADJUST



Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV



http://www.seewell4less.com/Valspage.htm Medical Alert Bracelets

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Can anything be done to help me? Is there anything the medicos can give

me/help me to lower the cortisol or help me be less hypo? I just dont

know whether to go into hospital or not. I am worried they might give

something that will do more harm. I keep crying all the time but have

to stop from exhaustion. I feel so horrid. So very horrid.


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Geraldine unfortunately I’m not one of the experts that can know what can

help you but just wanted to say that I hope you start feeling better soon. I

can tell you are really suffering.


From: NaturalThyroidHormonesADRENALS

[mailto:NaturalThyroidHormonesADRENALS ] On Behalf Of


Sent: Tuesday, October 09, 2007 8:03 AM

To: NaturalThyroidHormonesADRENALS

Subject: Re: Photo tells a thousand words


Can anything be done to help me? Is there anything the medicos can give

me/help me to lower the cortisol or help me be less hypo? I just dont

know whether to go into hospital or not. I am worried they might give

something that will do more harm. I keep crying all the time but have

to stop from exhaustion. I feel so horrid. So very horrid.


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>>Can anything be done to help me? Is there anything the medicos can give

me/help me to lower the cortisol or help me be less hypo? I just dont

know whether to go into hospital or not. I am worried they might give

something that will do more harm. I keep crying all the time but have

to stop from exhaustion. I feel so horrid. So very horrid.<<

Is depression your worst symptom? Then I would suggest an antidepresant. They

are not the Devcil's spawn if you need somethign to help you through this rough

time. I suspect that is what a hospital would give you.


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV



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Its more a high feelings of distress. I hardly slept at all last night

(its morning here in Aust). Just couldn't go into a deep sleep and I

had taken my melatonin and magnesium as usual. My mind won't switch

off. The depression and crying is esp bad in the mornings after my

first meds. Maybe this is what people talk about when they say wired

and tired - mine just seems to be extreme. Every time I take the HC I

can't go to sleep ie during the day and this is also contributing to it

all. I so want to drop another 2mg as it just feels like I am adding

poison to my body each time I take it.

I am so grateful for your wisdom and support - please don't ever think

that I dont appreciate all your advise - its just that I feel so



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Could I please get your thoughts on how I am going atm and if I need to

do anything else/different.

Yesterday I didn't cry at all PTL! I am still bedridden in terms of

energy etc. BP 165/102 pulse 81

145/96 80 after relax breathing

Temps 97.09, 98.58 , 98.74

I have had a weird muscle twitching in my calf for the last 24 hours.

This morning I have woken feeling a little nauseus, a little

anxious,fnding it hard to get a breath at times and shakey inside. I

have loose bowels and no appetite. I need to force myself to eat.

Appreciate your thoughts.


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Muscle twitchign can be sodium and potassium imbalance. With BP that

high I do nto think it is possible you are in trouble wiht low cortisol.

I think you hsuold hold where you are a few more days and see if things

do nto level out better for oyu. are you taking any thyroid?


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV



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Yes I am taking 20mcg T3 in 4 hour doses 5 5 5 5 and have been doing

this for 4 days.

I also take about half a teaspoon of celtic sea salt each day. Its

really weird and now its happening in my thigh on the same leg.

Should I stop taking the sea salt?




> Muscle twitchign can be sodium and potassium imbalance. With BP that

> high I do nto think it is possible you are in trouble wiht low


> I think you hsuold hold where you are a few more days and see if


> do nto level out better for oyu. are you taking any thyroid?


> --

> Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV


> http://www.stopthethyroidmadness.com/

> http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/NaturalThyroidHormonesADRENALS/


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-Well it kinda feels more like a gurgling with wobbles - strange eh!

I am not walking around much at all as I am too unwell and weak so

maybe its some muscle weakness. I have taken some L-Glutamine which

is the precursor to GABA amino acid and is also used for muscle

weekness for athelites so maybe that is doing something.

How are you doing Val?



-- In NaturalThyroidHormonesADRENALS ,



> Is it twitchign or cramping? If it is juts a twitch I think it is


> you body adjusting to new cortisl levels. if cramping it would be

> sodium & potassium.


> --

> Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV


> http://www.stopthethyroidmadness.com/

> http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/NaturalThyroidHormonesADRENALS/


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I am OK! I jst scheduled a heating company to come ou tto clean out the

ducts in my house tto hopefully I can not be so ill this Winter, and I

have resigned myself to staying here at least until Spring when I may

look for a place to move agian. I have some upcoming landlord battles

which I MUST do but I am doing OK and back to work this morning soon.


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV



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Good to hear that you are doing ok and that you are not moving house in

the near future. Its such a big job! I hope things go well with the

landlord. How are you going with the smoking? I quit in July last year.

It can be done - just have to choose your timing well.Actually my

health went downhill after that - prob was a good (?) stress reliever

for me. Still I knew that it had to be done in terms of my long term


You are doing such a good and important job on these forums and I thank

you so much.



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Well when the house I was to move TO fell through, I really did not have

time to go searching for another before Winter. It is a long search to

find rentals that allow my pets and are in decent shape and cheap. SO

though 3/4this of my things are packed it is a PIA... but i am dealing

with it. I have to unpack some things as I will not go through the

holidays with all my goodies packed and boxes everywhere. and my Winter

clothes are packed! LOL So first thing first get the heating ducts

cleaned out where MAYBE I won;t be so ill with upper respiratory crap. I

am still waiting on Chantix to arrive to quit smoking. I am terrified of

the weight gain and lower metabolism that will come with quitting. The

weight thing has been my worst deterrent for quitting and Chantix is

said to really help with that, so I have my fingers crossed. I am a very

stubborn strong willed person so I am sure quitting is easily possible

for me as long as I do not gain too much weight. Weight is a HUGE health

problem for me, more so than the smoking, believe it or not.But as

nicotine raises cortisol (why your health got worse when you quit) it

may help lower my too high cortiosl as well.. double benefits!


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV



http://www.seewell4less.com/Valspage.htm Medical Alert Bracelets

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I don't understand this. If I had high cortisol wouldn't I have felt

better when I stopped smoking as the nicotine would no longer be adding

to this? Hmm

BTW - I emailed my Dr about the last week and my issues and this was

his response. " I would suggest you stop everything for a few (5-7) days

and start slowly with 1 medication at a time. Go low and slow. "

I dread to think of what would happen to my adrenals if I stopped the


ONce again I am so grateful for you advice. I am starting to feel a

little human again.



..But as

> nicotine raises cortisol (why your health got worse when you quit) it

> may help lower my too high cortiosl as well.. double benefits!


> --

> Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV


> http://www.stopthethyroidmadness.com/

> http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/NaturalThyroidHormonesADRENALS/

> http://www.seewell4less.com/Valspage.htm Medical Alert Bracelets


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I don't understand this. If I had high cortisol wouldn't I have felt

better when I stopped smoking as the nicotine would no longer be adding

to this? Hmm

BTW - I emailed my Dr about the last week and my issues and this was

his response. " I would suggest you stop everything for a few (5-7) days

and start slowly with 1 medication at a time. Go low and slow. "

I dread to think of what would happen to my adrenals if I stopped the


ONce again I am so grateful for you advice. I am starting to feel a

little human again.



..But as

> nicotine raises cortisol (why your health got worse when you quit) it

> may help lower my too high cortiosl as well.. double benefits!


> --

> Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV


> http://www.stopthethyroidmadness.com/

> http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/NaturalThyroidHormonesADRENALS/

> http://www.seewell4less.com/Valspage.htm Medical Alert Bracelets


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>>I don't understand this. If I had high cortisol wouldn't I have felt

better when I stopped smoking as the nicotine would no longer be adding

to this? Hmm<<

Not necessarily! This is the same reason people even on TOO HIGH doses of

steroids get low cortiosl sympotms when they lower too quickly. When cortisol

stays too high for any length of time, say over a week, more cortiosl receptors

opne up, thne the body expects to fill those receptors even thugh they are not

helping the body. Because of these extra receptors sucking up the cortiosl the

real receptors can not get enough cortiosl thus the bad symptoms.


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV



http://www.seewell4less.com/Valspage.htm Medical Alert Bracelets

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I was getting twitching too but mostly in the eye and never had it before the

added hc and armour. I really think it is also from the body to adjusting to the

added hormones. It should stop within a month or so. I haven't had a twitch in a

few months now.


Is it twitchign or cramping? If it is juts a twitch I think it is just

you body adjusting to new cortisl levels. if cramping it would be

sodium & potassium.


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV




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I just wanted your input on this part of my last post:

BTW - I emailed my Dr about the last week and my issues and this was

his response. " I would suggest you stop everything for a few (5-7) days

and start slowly with 1 medication at a time. Go low and slow. "

I dread to think of what would happen to my adrenals if I stopped the


This is THE Dr recomended in my state for thyroid issues so I feel a

responsibility to pass on info to him as I learn it. Hopefully then

others here won't have to go thru what I have.



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This is now day 7 at 20mgs of HC. I feel the crisis has passed as my BP

taken twice today is approx 134/87 pulse 85. My temps today were

97.90, 98.89,98.06 (all underarm temps). I am a little less puffy

around the eyes but can tell that am still major hypo.

I actually was able to get out of bed and have a shower and wash my

hair today. But that was it. I am really desiring some energy and from

what I can gather your advising that it will come from lowering my HC

so my body can absord the T3. Is this right? I am only taking 20mcgs of


Can you help me with the next step?

Thanks so much


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I am wanting to take 2mg less this morning - see post below - do you

think that it is ok?



-- In NaturalThyroidHormonesADRENALS , " gmaddrell "



> Val


> This is now day 7 at 20mgs of HC. I feel the crisis has passed as

my BP

> taken twice today is approx 134/87 pulse 85. My temps today were

> 97.90, 98.89,98.06 (all underarm temps). I am a little less puffy

> around the eyes but can tell that am still major hypo.


> I actually was able to get out of bed and have a shower and wash my

> hair today. But that was it. I am really desiring some energy and


> what I can gather your advising that it will come from lowering my


> so my body can absord the T3. Is this right? I am only taking

20mcgs of

> T3.


> Can you help me with the next step?


> Thanks so much

> Geraldine


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You need to be graphing those temps. Telling me ONE day;s temps does nto

give me the info I need oto help you adjust this. I need to see 3-4 days

AVERAGES of three temps to jknwo how you are doing with lowering HC.


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV



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