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Thanks for the response . I love hearing from you. I will take pen and paper.

Will she do anything to help me lose before surgery i am the verge of being put

on bp meds and i dont want them.



322 waiting

Smile and Count your blessings life is to short

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She there to HELP you with everything.Mine gave me her 800 number

and said to call if and questions or any trouble your have and help

you with losing some if you need to before surgery.I know I've lost

some Wt lately becuz some of my close are getting real loose and

baggy.I have had my surgery yet but I'm a nervous and I already

start eating what I'll be eatting after surgery.Like eatting with a

baby spoon and real slow.I know i have lost it everyone thought I

was pregant and going to have a baby beuz I bought it.But I'm tring

to change some now.Well I hope this help with some anwsers.God Bless

this Site and everyone that on here.Take Care talk later.a friend

debkroll of


> Thanks for the response . I love hearing from you. I will take pen

and paper. Will she do anything to help me lose before surgery i am

the verge of being put on bp meds and i dont want them.

> Thanks

> peggy

> 322 waiting



> Smile and Count your blessings life is to short




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Well that helps a little i was not sure if she would help now or not . I am

being on monday to do high protein low carb diet and try to cut soda out of my

diet . And drink water . i have had my gall bladder removed so i dont have that

problem to deal with . I will take paper andpen and ask questions as i go .

Thanks so much .. When is your surgery .

i am hoping this process will go quickly for me . I cant wait to start loosing.

take care your friend

Peggy in calif

322 and waiting

Smile and Count your blessings life is to short

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My surgery is August 18 and can't wait.I want to be on the losing

side the rest of my life.I would have gone sooner but my Doctor

moved into a bigger office and was atken a Vacation.I guest at lease

he'll be rested up to take on my Big Butt HAHA.Well it is.I'm going

to miss my Dite Coke the most.Plus tring to Quit smoking that

bad.mostly when my husband and son smoke.But Once I quit I don't

plan to go back.Got to find a new hobby to take it's place.Take care

talk soon and good luck Monday a friend in deed debkroll of

Iowa,Surgery date Aug.18,2003,Dr.s Sioux Falls,S.D.,Wt @

365/ ? and


> Well that helps a little i was not sure if she would help now or

not . I am being on monday to do high protein low carb diet and try

to cut soda out of my diet . And drink water . i have had my gall

bladder removed so i dont have that problem to deal with . I will

take paper andpen and ask questions as i go . Thanks so much .. When

is your surgery .

> i am hoping this process will go quickly for me . I cant wait to

start loosing.

> take care your friend

> Peggy in calif

> 322 and waiting



> Smile and Count your blessings life is to short




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Good luck with your surgery . In case i dont tell you before you go.. Good for

you for quiting the smokiing thing . The only part of this whole things that has

me scared is the pain part. I have had 3 kids and all were natural no drugs . So

everyone keeps telling me it not worse than c section which great information if

you have had one and know what it is like .. I have a wonderful support here at

home so that part i am not worried about.

I am trying to exercise more my doc want one hour 5 times a week . I can barely

do 30 min i swear she trying to kill me before i hae surgery. . well it is all

for a good cause ..

i must run kids are waking up.. Talk to you soon.

Your friend


322 waiting

Smile and Count your blessings life is to short

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Peggy, my nutritional consultation with Dr. Blackstone's nutritionist was

incredible. She went over all of the things I would be doing post surgery

and made recommendations about things I might begin modifying now. It was

SO informative. I learned things about the WHY of many of the post-surgery

requirements that I had no clue about. Here's an example:

Why do I have to drink 64 ounces of water a day? (winter dosage in Arizona)

1) Your pouch will always have less surface area to create digestive juices

2) Saliva is the substitute

3) You can't produce Saliva if you don't have sufficient hydration

4) People with BMIs over 40 are difficult, if not impossible, to hydrate


Why can't I drink with my meals?

1) Your pouch will always have less surface area to create digestive juices

2) Your intestines don't like undigested food

3) Fluids with your meal cause your food to exit your stomach way too

quickly to be properly digested.

4) You will get hungry much less quickly if your food stays in your stomach


You'll love your time with your nutritionist! Take all your questions with



Patti in Tucson

BMI 44

Waiting for CIGNA insurance approval

At 05:07 AM 8/4/2003 +0000, you wrote:

>Can anyone tell me what the nutrionist (spelling sorry) might be

>covering with me tomorrow ..



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Peggy, further to your next post...

You will lose some weight if you begin SLOWLY applying the post-surgical

rules now. Just as important, though, you will begin working through some

of the painful issues associated with following those rules. I'm going to

give you an example. We don't talk much about emotional issues on this

board for some reason, but there are HUGE emotional issues behind all of

this stuff.

My nutritionist handed me several sheets of paper full of information. As

I scanned through the Pouch Rules and the other behavior modifications, I

got hit in the gut with this one:

" ...and avoid eating while engaged in some other form of

distraction (watching TV, reading, or computers). "

Now, I've worked on my emotional stuff for 25+ years and am skilled. But I

got hit with a panic attack like nothing I'd had for years. I had to just

keep breathing deep in to my solar plexus and letting it hurt. I felt

panic rising in me and I felt nauseous and dizzy and wished I could fall

through the floor. I just stayed with it.

Driving back to Tucson from sdale I started having what I call little

" feathers " of memories. I just kept breathing into the discomfort and

letting them collect. My " feathers " were quick glimpses of chrome rimmed

kitchen table... chrome legged kitchen chairs... a threat from the

left... a feeling of being trapped... a fear of putting down my fork...

I just kept letting it come and kept trusting what was coming. By the time

I got home, I had collected the whole picture, and it was SO excruciating

painful that I thought it was going to kill me. That's how old, repressed

pain is... it's very dark and very scary.

Bottom line? Living in my house with my family of origin was a scary

time. The tension at the table was outrageous. My father was always very

upset about everything and he had a full time job controlling his five kids

and his wife at the table. At any moment, if you weren't eating, or if

you'd put your fork down, you could get backhanded. I wanted to run away

during every meal, but I was the good girl in the family, so I ate, and ate

fast, and never put that fork down. I literally hid from my father and

from the threat of punishment from behind my fork.

So, slowing that down, staying present for a bite, chewing my food, setting

a fork down, felt like a threat to my safety. VERY scary stuff.

But as I've felt it, shared it with my support person who just listens and

cares and doesn't try to fix me (get one of those) and allowed my soul to

stretch beyond the boundaries of that fear, I'm finding myself

automatically eating mindfully and slowly SOMETIMES.


Patti in Tucson

BMI 44

Waiting for CIGNA approval

At 10:21 PM 8/3/2003 -0700, you wrote:

>Will she do anything to help me lose before surgery i am the verge of

>being put on bp meds and i dont want them.



>322 waiting

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  • 3 weeks later...

oh god, I am so sorry you are so sick..........I know this drug is dreaded by all but you sound as if you may need a short course of steroids to get your inflammation down. Has Mr. Dr. mentioned?...also, what type of specialist have you gone to?...if its just pulmonary, then you need to get to a rheumy..........

Good luck, and feel free to ask any of us more questions, that is what we are all here for


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oh god, I am so sorry you are so sick..........I know this drug is dreaded by all but you sound as if you may need a short course of steroids to get your inflammation down. Has Mr. Dr. mentioned?...also, what type of specialist have you gone to?...if its just pulmonary, then you need to get to a rheumy..........

Good luck, and feel free to ask any of us more questions, that is what we are all here for


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I live in a small town called MIdland Texas

the closest clinic is and White and I have to fly to get there

> oh god, I am so sorry you are so sick..........I know this drug is

dreaded by

> all but you sound as if you may need a short course of steroids to

get your

> inflammation down. Has Mr. Dr. mentioned?...also, what type of

specialist have

> you gone to?...if its just pulmonary, then you need to get to a

> rheumy..........


> Good luck, and feel free to ask any of us more questions, that is

what we are

> all here for


> Stacie

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I live in a small town called MIdland Texas

the closest clinic is and White and I have to fly to get there

> oh god, I am so sorry you are so sick..........I know this drug is

dreaded by

> all but you sound as if you may need a short course of steroids to

get your

> inflammation down. Has Mr. Dr. mentioned?...also, what type of

specialist have

> you gone to?...if its just pulmonary, then you need to get to a

> rheumy..........


> Good luck, and feel free to ask any of us more questions, that is

what we are

> all here for


> Stacie

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  • 2 weeks later...


Hi, where are you at in Missouri? I'm in Rolla and just received my

insurance approval. Hopefully I'll find out my surgery date tomorrow

morning when I call the doc's office. Congrats on your progress thus far.

It certainly helps me to read about everyone's journey and kind of get an

idea of how long certain things will take (like advancing to food).


Pre-Op 257


> Hi everyone!


> Well today I had my first taste of REAL food!!! I thought I had died

> and gone to heaven it was soooo damn good!! LMAO My hubby said I had

> this look of sheer happiness on my face. Even though it was the

> amount i'm allowed to eat, it didn't matter. I had gotten so sick of

> the liquid, pureed thing. I was so weak on those stages. I have

> improved so much with the pain, it was the weakness that was getting

> me down. I was sooo weak. It was hard even sitting up for a short

> time. I would walk a bit then I'd have to sit down. I hated the

> feeling. I had my surgery on 8/12/3 and the first 2 weeks really

> sucked!! Thank God for my husband. He's been my rock. He took

> family medical leave for 5 weeks to be my caregiver. He's taken care

> of me, the house our daughter, the shopping, the washing, cleaning,

> everything. He IS my true soulmate.


> So far, as of today I have dropped from 277 pounds to 255 pounds. I'm

> really excited about that. I get depressed every now and then when i

> start asking myself if i've done the right thing by having this

> surgery. I have diabetes and high bp and have lost alot of family

> members to those two things. I had tried all diets. This was my last

> hope. So when I get depressed, I come online and start reading

> everyone's messages and it gives me the lift I need. Oh sure...I miss

> eating all the food i use to. I was one who just loved food. Not

> because I was sad or mad or lonely or depressed, etc. I just loved

> the taste of food. I have also asked myself if i would have had the

> surgery done if i didn't have diabetes or high bp. When I was in high

> school I used to weigh 125 pounds. I miss how I use to look. I know

> I'll never be that size ever again! LOL I'm 47 soon to be 48. All I

> want is to be healthy first, then to look decent in my clothes. I

> also ask myself why didn't i do this a long time ago. I honestly

> didn't think my insurance would have paid for it and i had heard so

> many bad things about the surgery.


> So to sum up this long post (hehe), yes...i am glad i had the surgery.

> I'll be even glader (is that a word??? lol) in 6 months when i

> really see a big difference.


> Thanks to everyone who let me run off at the mouth!!! Thanks for

> listening.



> Missouri

> Not in limbo anymore

> Post op as of 8/12/3

> 277/255/?








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Sounds like you’re beginning to make real progress. Hopefully the worst is

behind you. You’re doing good, and giving the rest of us inspiration. And

you’ve got a “gem” of a husband. You’re truly blessed.


Pre-op (tomistic)


Hi everyone!

Well today I had my first taste of REAL food!!! I thought I had died

and gone to heaven it was soooo damn good!! LMAO My hubby said I had

this look of sheer happiness on my face. Even though it was the

amount i'm allowed to eat, it didn't matter. I had gotten so sick of

the liquid, pureed thing. I was so weak on those stages. I have

improved so much with the pain, it was the weakness that was getting

me down. I was sooo weak. It was hard even sitting up for a short

time. I would walk a bit then I'd have to sit down. I hated the

feeling. I had my surgery on 8/12/3 and the first 2 weeks really

sucked!! Thank God for my husband. He's been my rock. He took

family medical leave for 5 weeks to be my caregiver. He's taken care

of me, the house our daughter, the shopping, the washing, cleaning,

everything. He IS my true soulmate.

So far, as of today I have dropped from 277 pounds to 255 pounds. I'm

really excited about that. I get depressed every now and then when i

start asking myself if i've done the right thing by having this

surgery. I have diabetes and high bp and have lost alot of family

members to those two things. I had tried all diets. This was my last

hope. So when I get depressed, I come online and start reading

everyone's messages and it gives me the lift I need. Oh sure...I miss

eating all the food i use to. I was one who just loved food. Not

because I was sad or mad or lonely or depressed, etc. I just loved

the taste of food. I have also asked myself if i would have had the

surgery done if i didn't have diabetes or high bp. When I was in high

school I used to weigh 125 pounds. I miss how I use to look. I know

I'll never be that size ever again! LOL I'm 47 soon to be 48. All I

want is to be healthy first, then to look decent in my clothes. I

also ask myself why didn't i do this a long time ago. I honestly

didn't think my insurance would have paid for it and i had heard so

many bad things about the surgery.

So to sum up this long post (hehe), yes...i am glad i had the surgery.

I'll be even glader (is that a word??? lol) in 6 months when i

really see a big difference.

Thanks to everyone who let me run off at the mouth!!! Thanks for



Not in limbo anymore

Post op as of 8/12/3


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  • 2 weeks later...

In a message dated 9/16/2003 12:08:11 AM Central Standard Time,

coprhed@... writes:

hi everybody - persistance paid off and i got an approval for my appeal and

monday the 22nd @ 700 am is my surgery. i'm excited and nervous.

can those who are post op offer any questions i should ask my dr tomorrow?

any complications that i should have my hubby be aware of in case i'm out of


do you have trouble swallowing pills? i'm sure at first its IV pain med then

what - pills? i'm not that great of a pill taker normally so i'm worried

about this.

Well Tonya if possible they will have you on liquids but things at home you

will have to check with your GP to see what can be opened , crushed, etc. I

have had to crush tylenol for headaches and it really taste bad but I would

rather taste the bad than have to wrestle with some of those headaches.


Lap Rny...August 27,2003

Dr. Lee A. Schmitt

Birmingham, Alabama

Keep 'Em Laughing!

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Congrats on the approval and the quick surgery date.

As far as pills, i was told not to swallow any pills. They need to be crushed.

Or use childrens liquid or chewables. I also found that the new Excedrin Quick

Tabs work great. They dissolve on your tongue. Right after the IV came out, I

was given a liquid pain reliever and that's what I took at home.

Debbie R., WI

RNY 8/7/03



hi everybody - persistance paid off and i got an approval for my appeal and

monday the 22nd @ 700 am is my surgery. i'm excited and nervous.

can those who are post op offer any questions i should ask my dr tomorrow?

any complications that i should have my hubby be aware of in case i'm out of


do you have trouble swallowing pills? i'm sure at first its IV pain med then

what - pills? i'm not that great of a pill taker normally so i'm worried

about this.

visit our website



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the info i got yesterday from my dr said to get the chewable form - i haven

t gone shopping yet so we'll see.

visit our website



-- (unknown)

Hey all!

Quick question....Does anyone have a problem with swallowing pills

now? I got some calcium citrate and it's a big pill. I tried

swallowing it halfed and it got stuck (and let me tell you I

freaked!). Is there a liquid calcium citrate or chewable one anyone

can tell me about?



crossed over on 8/12/3


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Hi Kelsey!

My surgeon was Dr. Zorn. He told me to make an appointment with my PCP as

soon as I could when I got back home. When I made the appointment, I just

told them is was a gastric bypass follow-up. The first time I made an appointment,

the appointment person didn't "get" it, so I had to tell her that I'd had

the surgery in San Diego and that I was to make a follow-up appointment ASAP

with my regular PCP. My subsequent appointments, there was no confusion.

As for your period . . . we were told that this surgery is such a trauma

to the body that most women get their period in the hospital. So they will

probably be able to accomodate you somehow . . . I just don't know specifically

how. (I was one of the lucky ones who did not get my period.) If no one

else here can help you with that, I'd call down to PB and talk to your patient

coordinator. She will probably be able to tell you something.

Good luck!! Hugs,


salsakitty2001 wrote:

Hi everyone!

It has been taking me forever to catch up on all the post I have

been on vacation for awhile....I have a question for you all. Are

we supposed to make a 1 month post app. with our regular PCP? I

know we have one with our surgeon but wondering if there is a

seperate one with our PCP. If so, what are we supposed to tell them

this appointment is for? Also, anyone who has collected

unemployment did you have to have clearence from your PCP before you

could go back to work?

I also have a kind of graphic question...I'm pretty sure I'm going

to on my period during surgery....what do they do when this

happens? I'm assuming durning surgery you don't have any underwear

on so wearing a pad seems impossible and I don't think you can wear

a tampon? Any insight would be great!!!

Pascha-Have you talked to yet? She went down today for her

pre-ops right?


Pre-Op 11/11/03

Dr. Tanaka LAP


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You don’t have to set up an appt

with your PCP unless there are issues to be dealt with. Regarding your

period, I have heard many women do start right after surgery (I did too.)

Since you have a catheter in, you will not be able to wear underwear. The

nurses will give you a towel and they are very good about dealing cleaning

up. You do lose all sense of modesty, let me tell you.


Hi everyone!

It has been taking me forever to catch up on all

the post I have

been on vacation for awhile....I have a question

for you all. Are

we supposed to make a 1 month post app. with our

regular PCP? I

know we have one with our surgeon but wondering if

there is a

seperate one with our PCP. If so, what are

we supposed to tell them

this appointment is for? Also, anyone who

has collected

unemployment did you have to have clearence from

your PCP before you

could go back to work?

I also have a kind of graphic question...I'm

pretty sure I'm going

to on my period during surgery....what do they do

when this

happens? I'm assuming durning surgery you

don't have any underwear

on so wearing a pad seems impossible and I don't

think you can wear

a tampon? Any insight would be great!!!

Pascha-Have you talked to yet? She

went down today for her

pre-ops right?


Pre-Op 11/11/03

Dr. Tanaka LAP


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You can buy most (if not all) of the protein shakes in stores, but it is

usually cheaper to buy them online. GNC carries ProComplex for $37.99 for

the 2.2 lb. container (online you can get the 4.4 lb. container for less

than that). Another good shake is Isopure Zero Carb Dutch Chocolate flavor.

If you can't stand the taste of the shakes, GNC has their own brand of

an unflavored protein powder that you can add to drinks, yogurt, soups,

etc. It doesn't have as much protein as the ProComplex or the Isopure,

but you could take more of it - I add it to pineapple juice.

Good luck! Hugs,


>-- Original Message --

>To: gastric-bypass-support-kaiser-patients


>Date: Sun, 28 Sep 2003 01:53:26 -0000

>Subject: (unknown)

>Reply-To: gastric-bypass-support-kaiser-patients







>Hi everyone can those who are drinking protein shakes give me some <BR>

>advice on what you are taking, I really would like ones I can go to a <BR>

>store and buy not any online.<BR>

>for those who are going or have went through kaiser richmond, did you <BR>

>have to have a invite to the biatric meetings that only meet twice a <BR>

>month, or do you just go.  It says that if you have been excepted to


>kaiser richmond you go but do they tell you when to go.  <BR>







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You can buy most (if not all) of the protein shakes in stores, but it is

usually cheaper to buy them online. GNC carries ProComplex for $37.99 for

the 2.2 lb. container (online you can get the 4.4 lb. container for less

than that). Another good shake is Isopure Zero Carb Dutch Chocolate flavor.

If you can't stand the taste of the shakes, GNC has their own brand of

an unflavored protein powder that you can add to drinks, yogurt, soups,

etc. It doesn't have as much protein as the ProComplex or the Isopure,

but you could take more of it - I add it to pineapple juice.

Good luck! Hugs,


>-- Original Message --

>To: gastric-bypass-support-kaiser-patients


>Date: Sun, 28 Sep 2003 01:53:26 -0000

>Subject: (unknown)

>Reply-To: gastric-bypass-support-kaiser-patients







>Hi everyone can those who are drinking protein shakes give me some <BR>

>advice on what you are taking, I really would like ones I can go to a <BR>

>store and buy not any online.<BR>

>for those who are going or have went through kaiser richmond, did you <BR>

>have to have a invite to the biatric meetings that only meet twice a <BR>

>month, or do you just go.  It says that if you have been excepted to


>kaiser richmond you go but do they tell you when to go.  <BR>







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><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2>

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& partid=3856299 "

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src= " http://us.a1.yimg.com/us.yimg.com/a/ne/netflix/yhoo0903_lf_300250A.gif "

alt= " click here " width= " 300 " height= " 250 " border= " 0 " ></a></td></tr></table>



><tr><td><img alt= " " width=1 height=1

src= " http://us.adserver.yahoo.com/l?M=251812.3856299.5103760.1261774/D=egroupmai\

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I really like Champion Pure Whey Stack (chocolate). Again, you can get it (or order it) through just about any natural food store or exercise store (like Max Muscle) -- but it is usually a LOT cheaper to order online.

Laurie W.


Dr. Zorn


Hi everyone can those who are drinking protein shakes give me some advice on what you are taking, I really would like ones I can go to a store and buy not any online.for those who are going or have went through kaiser richmond, did you have to have a invite to the biatric meetings that only meet twice a month, or do you just go. It says that if you have been excepted to kaiser richmond you go but do they tell you when to go.

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I really like Champion Pure Whey Stack (chocolate). Again, you can get it (or order it) through just about any natural food store or exercise store (like Max Muscle) -- but it is usually a LOT cheaper to order online.

Laurie W.


Dr. Zorn


Hi everyone can those who are drinking protein shakes give me some advice on what you are taking, I really would like ones I can go to a store and buy not any online.for those who are going or have went through kaiser richmond, did you have to have a invite to the biatric meetings that only meet twice a month, or do you just go. It says that if you have been excepted to kaiser richmond you go but do they tell you when to go.

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