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Re: Chris

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In a message dated 6/16/99 10:13:48 AM Pacific Daylight Time,

suebirney@... writes:

<< they have lots

> of salt and a smokey

> flavor, they are yummy! >>


Well that lets me out. I'm not allowed ALOT of salt. Thanks for the info


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In a message dated 6/17/99 12:05:14 PM Pacific Daylight Time,

chris@... writes:

<< I think it causes my emotions to go haywire and my weight loss >>

That's sorta why I asked. I know the emotion thing and how that affects us. I

think all women should get a purple heart or some kind of reward for going

above and beyond the call of duty.

I just wondered if you thought it stimulated your appetite or kept you from

losing weight good.



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In a message dated 6/17/99 12:36:32 PM Pacific Daylight Time,

chris@... writes:


(also girl, see I get it alot too!) >>

Yeah, I thought you were male. No, just kidding. but I do know three

Chris' and all three are,,,,,, Yikes (male) sorry.

Pete comes from my maiden name of man. That name used to bother me when

I was a kid (kids are cruel) but not anymore.


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Well thank you But I meant the kids made fun of the name man when

I was growing up. They were so mean. I wouldn't have let anyone call me Pete

during those years. But I guess I let the nickname stick in about the 5th

grade. By that time I think they knew they better keep their mouth shut. I

then became a tom boy. Then in the seventh grade I fell in love HAHAHA LOL.

Should have seen me rushing to change that image. But the name Pete has


Have a good one


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Pete (girl).. hee hee, i think your name is so cute.. is it short for

something or a nickname, or just tell me to shut the hell up if I am

getting too personal :-) Yes, I think the provera stimulates my appetite a

bit, okay, more than a bit... I have cheated more since taking those pills,

but my health and well being is pretty important right now, so I am not too

concerned about it. I hope you are doing well! Take care!!!

(also girl, see I get it alot too!)

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Pete, i think it is a cool name!! Everyone always thinks I am male, but

bam!!!! they sure change their mind when they see me LOL!! Kids can be

cruel though, I would have told them it was french and said it kind of like

peet aye.. that would have shown those rotten youngsters!! Any way, I like

it! And people don't understand how important it is and special you must

feel to be able to hold your roots and ancestory that close!!


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LOL Pete! I can imagine kids could be cruel with peterman. I always

wanted a nickname, but oh well, maybe in my next lifetime (LOL), my man

calls me shortcake... that is as close to a nickname as I can get... but

hey, I willtake it!


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In a message dated 6/22/99 8:37:36 AM Pacific Daylight Time,

chris@... writes:

<< body started craving more and more. I drink it cold and sometimes with

some lemon zest. It gets easier, I promise :-) >>


I hope you're right. I am having a problem right now, I have a reverse

osmosis drinking tap. I need a new filter and just don't have the extra money

to get it right now. I don't even have the money to buy bottled water and

fresh ice for it. I have to have ice. Just cold water will not do it for me.

it HAS to be ice water. My husband was off work awhile with back. 6days

actually.(not long enough to draw sick pay) went back worked one day and

almost tore his finger off. 10 stitches. open all the way to the bone. As

soon as he gets back to work from this injury, we get caught up then I'll get

either bottled water or better yet a new filter. I do like water. I drink

nothing else. Its just that its so hard to drink so much. But as long as

it'll get better I will do it.

Thanks you're a sweetie.


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In a message dated 6/22/99 11:05:47 AM Pacific Daylight Time,

chris@... writes:

<< God bless

you both and I hope things improve very soon for you, I know they will. >>


Its always nice to hear some kind words.


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In a message dated 06/22/1999 7:57:45 PM, chris@... wrote:

<<f that plan allows melon, I would love

to hear more!!! :-)



this plan is on tv. I really didn't pay any attention to the phone

numbers, because I assumed it was the same as Atkins. Perhaps if I see it

again I will get the number for you.



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Pete, I have a pur water filter on my tap (it was $30) and it seems to work

well, the filters are expensive though. I like ice in my water also. It

sounds like you and your hubby have been through a rough time... God bless

you both and I hope things improve very soon for you, I know they will.


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Thanks Kathie, I try to help, but I also think humor is very

important...... we are like horses being led to water!!! We follow

whatever the great Atkins says!!!! So sometimes it seems like such a

conforming program, but it is alot of fun, especially laughing at people

that say this doesn't work..... I scoff and laugh as they watch me eat a

big plate of bacon, eggs, country ham etc>!!!! Good luck and just have



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Chris..thanks for your day of food..now what is going on that you are in a

down? Can't we help you get back to that old diet again? Most of us are new

dieters here and would love for you to come along with us! How about it?

You have so many good suggestions for us and you are able to help us with any

question. Thank you for giving us your time..sure do appreciate it!!



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Kathie, not really down, I just have upped my carbs to around 50... I am

taking provera to try and help me start my period, have not had one in 6

months now. I have had numerous " female " surgeries and I am having alot of

" female " complications and therefore my body does not want to " give " , so I

have not been feeling well and the provera doesn't help :) But, I am under

the belief that our bodies come first and let us know what they need. I

was having tremendous cravings for fruits and veggies, so I have

incorporated more into my daily plan. If you are going to do this plan for

life, you need to be realistic and know that you are going to go through

times when you " fall off " if you learn early that this is a part of life,

you will be fine. If you beat yourself up, you will go off the plan, get

fat and die. The key is knowing that if your body really, really wants

something, it is going to get it, with or without you. So you can allow

yourself a slight binge and get back on, or you can let your body take

control and go completely downhill from there. My body is going through

alot of turmoil right know and although I have gained weight back, I need

to do this for myself right now. As soon as I get my visitor, I will be

right back on, but I won't be resentful about the plan as I would have.

Don't kill yourself on this plan, it is a lifetime plan, treat it as such.

You cannot be terribly strict on yourself. Stick with it, do the best you

can, but reward yourself every so often, just get right back to it. Thank

you Kathie for your warm gesture, it means alot.


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Kathie, you are very sweet. I help because I can. When I first

encountered Atkins, I had nobody to turn to and the book, sorry to say,

just isn't enough. I am so glad that this group is here.


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> Kathie, you are very sweet.

> I am so glad that this group is here.

I totally agree! This group has been such a tremendous help to

me. Thanks everyone!

Kathie: You send the best messages -- you are so kind and always say

just the right thing. :)


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Why yes Kathie, I just started taking it about a week ago..... great fiber

source..... no constipation problems here!!!! I got it at

www.mothernature.com. You get $20 off your first order, I got L-Carnitine,

Chitosan, and Calcium Pyruvate for $22. wow!


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Kathie, I don't know about all that now!!!! I haven't seen results in two

days, but as with anything,,,, I am giving it some time!!

Good Luck Kathie!


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Jeanne, believe me! I know what you mean, it has taken me over 2 years to

figure them all out!!!! Take time looking at the ingredients rather than

just trusting nutrition labels and remember, just cause it says 0 does not

mean 0, it can be up to .99g carbs!! Good luck!


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I'm just starting. I tried to start Wednesday, but I caught my son's

stomach virus and just couldn't face bacon and eggs for a few days, so today

is my first day. I'm already having trouble with finding the " hidden "

sugars in the foods I'm buying.

Thanks for the info,


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Hey Jeanne! I agree, some of the recipes in the back of the book are

yucky, I love the Meatizza though! Go to www.thinner.com, it is a message

board and has tons of ideas for snacks. My favorite is cheese snacks, you

just microwave cheese until it gets brown and crispy, you can use them as

crackers or even as pizza crust. You can make mashed potatoes with

cauliflower and there are packaged gravies that are low carb! There are an

endless supply of ideas and recipes. Also, the recipe book that was posted

by I think it was (it is in the shared files) is a wonderful source

also. For the induction, stick to the basics, then start really

experimenting. It will take a while to learn what you can and can't have

and soon you will be making up your own neat ideas and recipes! Just be

patient, the weight did not just appear overnight and it won't come off

that way either. And remember, we are all here for you!!


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Thank you for the well wishes! I would really like to make this diet work,

because I've heard good things about it, but I'm having trouble figuring out

what I can and can't eat. And what I can and can't stand to eat! For example,

I made the " sweet cheese snack " from the back of the DANDR book. Its just my

opinion, but I can't stomach eggs trying to act like candy. However, my dog

found them quite enjoyable.

I've gained 50 pounds over the last 2 1/2 years while fighting thyroid disease.

I finally feel like a human and I'm ready to look like one too! Can you give me

some advice? Tomorrow, I go back to work on a 12 hour shift and I have to pack

my food because our snack machines are a carb addicts paradise. Here's what I'm

planning for tomorrow. Help me where I'm off, please.


2 scrambled eggs

2 strips bacon


2 slices turkey cold-cuts rolled with cream cheese and 2 slices American cheese

1 Kosher Dill pickle

Diet strawberry jello w/whipped cream


broccoli/cauliflower w/sour cream for dip


Grilled chicken breast

Steamed asparagus

And water to drink, of course. Am I anywhere near on track with what I should

be eating in the induction phase of this diet? I really, really appreciate the



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