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Hi Cam,

ha ha, that's funny! :-) I can see where you ladies would get a B.J. from this surgery.. For me, having a forward and to the right lean my body was scrunched a bit from the 'chest to the stomach area' giving a kinda squished forward look - so I guess I got the reverse boob job with tummy tuck... because now that I'm balanced, my chest/stomach actually look good/"normal"...

They say this surgery is not cosmetic, but there are obvious cosmetic "perks"... I'm also taller, shoulders are back & the compliments just keep coming... (even neighbors notice)..

And yes, slow and steady is my current course of action...

Thanks, Ken.

[ ] Re: Hi Friends

KenI remember having the same comment about the "look of pain" beinggone. I never knew it was there....I am sorry you cant enjoy my all time favorite from someone I hadn'tseen in awhile. "Did you get a boob job?" !!!Keep healing....slow and steady.Take Care, Cam

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---Hi Everyone,

Things are going well. It has been 2.5 years since my revision. I can

hardly grasp it myself!

The kids are all fine. Keeping me as busy as usual. My oldest son,

who was looking at colleges when I was getting ready have my revision

is going to be a junior!!! He is half way to completing his college


I continue to make good progress and do amaze myself sometimes at

what I am capable of. I will be traveling to University of Florida,

with my daughter to speak with the Gator's coach next week. We are

going to spend 7 days down in the area to see what she thinks of it

for a possible college, for her to continue playing lacrosse.

After we return, , daughter, and Steve, husband, are going to

China for one month, business and the Olympics. I will stay home and

hold down the fort with the wee ones. I had toyed with going with

them but I was a bit gun shy to travel that far and sit on a plane,

that long....I do find myself having to get up and walk after a bit,

the 19 hour plane flight scared me, revision or not!!!!!

As most of you know, when I saw Dr.Rand back in the winter, he gave

me a pass not to have to come back for 5 years, unless I was having

issues. No issues to date.

I have enjoyed reading all the posts and seeing who is doing what.

Cam, I can't believe your year is finished and you are heading back

to the states!!! WOW!!!!

, Sharon, Ken ..nice to here back from you. SOunds like things

are going well for you all.

I will check in from time to time. , PA

In , " Kirkaldie "

<.Kirkaldie@...> wrote:


> Hey PA,


> Good to hear from you! How about an update when you have the time?

How are the kids?


> Hope your summer is going well! Hot here( at least for us) in

Colorado, and unfortunately nothing in the way of rain, so everything

is a distinct color of beige( June is usually our rainy month).


> We miss your voice here, so chime in when you can. Off to make my

Saturday morning thrift store crawl, sooooo good to hear from you!



> Colorado Springs

> [ ] Hi Friends



> I just dropped by to check in with you all. Cam are you back in


> states yet??


> I see Ken had his surgery!! for Ken!!!!


> All is well here in PA!!!!


> , PA


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Dear PA,

So glad life is GOOD and busy! Wow, family sure grows up and moves through school and beyond. What a blessing your daughter and hubby gets to go to China for the Olympics, a lifetime memory there. Stories like yours give people hope for a full happy life after revision. I know it's great to hear you don't need to come back for five years, When I got released from care with Kumar like that, it just validated that I was doing well, and I had moved through all the surgery and healing and had come out the other side. Do chime in when you can, and know all of us here are so glad things are going so well, isn't it amazing!

Colorado Springs

[ ] Hi Friends> > > I just dropped by to check in with you all. Cam are you back in the > states yet??> > I see Ken had his surgery!! for Ken!!!!> > All is well here in PA!!!!> > , PA>

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--- ,

It is more than amazing...it is nothing short of a miracle in my

eyes, where I was when I had flatback and where I am now..I would

never have thought it was possible!!! I often think of all of you who

helped me make the decision to have surgery, find the right doctor

and guide me through a great recovery!! I can even look back at some

of the events that almost took me over the edge at New England

Baptist Hospital and laugh!!! Funny how time changes things!!!

, how is your family? How are the kids?

I hope we get to have another retreat....that was soooo much fun!!!!

, PA

In , " Kirkaldie "

<.Kirkaldie@...> wrote:


> Dear PA,


> So glad life is GOOD and busy! Wow, family sure grows up and moves

through school and beyond. What a blessing your daughter and hubby

gets to go to China for the Olympics, a lifetime memory there.

Stories like yours give people hope for a full happy life after

revision. I know it's great to hear you don't need to come back for

five years, When I got released from care with Kumar like that, it

just validated that I was doing well, and I had moved through all the

surgery and healing and had come out the other side. Do chime in when

you can, and know all of us here are so glad things are going so

well, isn't it amazing!



> Colorado Springs

> [ ] Hi Friends

> >

> >

> > I just dropped by to check in with you all. Cam are you back in

> the

> > states yet??

> >

> > I see Ken had his surgery!! for Ken!!!!

> >

> > All is well here in PA!!!!

> >

> > , PA

> >


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I marvel each day, and for me I'm 51/2 years out now, just what revision has done for me and my family. I've been talking for awhile to a patient of Dr.Kumar's who's out here from Florida to have her surgery and recover, and she told me he says" Revision patients are happy people". We have so much to gain, and are so thankful for our results, a hard sought after ending to a real challenge.

It's been a year for the Kirkaldie's, some real struggles, but also a lot of blessings. My Mom has had her Breast cancer spread to her lungs, is terminal, but fighting, hates her chemo, but pushing on. Dad had open heart surgery, new valve and bypass, and is doing well. Niles is about to be a senior, Ceili a junior, and doing well in school this past year. Niles got diagnosised with a form of Epilepsy, getting his meds right has been a real challenge, still working on that. Our grown daughter had her marriage go bad, and is really struggling, every way from money to dealing with her ex, time will help, but now it's pretty awful . We put one foot in front of the other and hope the times change. I'm blessed that if I have to go through this stuff now, at least I'm doing it with a stronger, better back, and not with the pain. I'm also thankful every day for my friends here that have supported me through my Mom's illness, a dark time made better by dear friendships. More to come on next years retreat, I'm currently working on the announcement, was so good to meet you and all the others last year, it was the highlight of my year!

Off to make dinner, we got a ton of rain, and even hail, but no ones complaining, it was so needed, maybe july this year will be our rainy month( fingers crossed).

Colorado Springs

[ ] Hi Friends> > > > > > I just dropped by to check in with you all. Cam are you back in > the > > states yet??> > > > I see Ken had his surgery!! for Ken!!!!> > > > All is well here in PA!!!!> > > > , PA> >>

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  • 3 weeks later...
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FRANKIE HAD A SETBACK LAST WEEK HE WAS IN THE HOSPITAL WITH A SEVERE INFECTION IN BOTH LEGS, BUT HE IS HOME NOW AND ON IV'S WE ARE WATCHING HIM CLOSELY AND HOPE THAT HE WILL SOON BE ON THE ROAD TO RECOVER...HE IS VERY TIRED AND WEAK RIGHT NOW BUT IS DOING BETTER LITTLE BY LITTLE PLEASE KEEP HIM IN YOUR HEARTS AND PRAYERS....HIS APPOINTMENT WITH THE SURG..HAS BEen put to the end of sept..that is good news anyways take care and god bless all of you for your prayers and love for this man...wandaFuture VisionsP.O. Box 2332232 So.Nellis BLVDLas Vegas, NV 89104(702) 869-5928http://www.ifuturemall.com

From: Kirkaldie <.Kirkaldie@...>Subject: Re: [ ] Hi Friends Date: Saturday, June 28, 2008, 5:42 AM

Hey PA,

Good to hear from you! How about an update when you have the time? How are the kids?

Hope your summer is going well! Hot here( at least for us) in Colorado, and unfortunately nothing in the way of rain, so everything is a distinct color of beige( June is usually our rainy month).

We miss your voice here, so chime in when you can. Off to make my Saturday morning thrift store crawl, sooooo good to hear from you!

Colorado Springs

[ ] Hi Friends

I just dropped by to check in with you all. Cam are you back in the states yet??I see Ken had his surgery!! for Ken!!!!All is well here in PA!!!!, PA

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HI Wanda,

Give ie our best for a speedy recovery. He's in my prayers.


> From: Kirkaldie <.Kirkaldie@...>

> Subject: Re: [ ] Hi Friends


> Date: Saturday, June 28, 2008, 5:42 AM








> Hey PA,


> Good to hear from you! How about an update when you have the time?

How are the kids?


> Hope your summer is going well! Hot here( at least for us) in

Colorado, and unfortunately nothing in the way of rain, so everything

is a distinct color of beige( June is usually our rainy month).


> We miss your voice here, so chime in when you can. Off to make my

Saturday morning thrift store crawl, sooooo good to hear from you!



> Colorado Springs


> [ ] Hi Friends




> I just dropped by to check in with you all. Cam are you back in the

> states yet??


> I see Ken had his surgery!! for Ken!!!!


> All is well here in PA!!!!


> , PA


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Please send ie my very best wishes for a good recovery. I am so sorry he had this setback. My thoughts and prayers are with him. I hope his next hospitalization is for his surgery with Dr. Boachie!


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  • 1 year later...

Its been awhile since I posted been busy working and I have my next Ra Dr vist

this Friday I travel 350 miles to see her but my sister lives there so its going

to be like a mini vactaion for me. My question is I am on methatrxate , hummria.

MY Hair is falling out bad and im so tired and just plain exhusted a few days

after injections im woken up in a dead sleep throwing up its so force full its

scary does anybody else experiance this?? and what do you think I should say to

my DR.?? Thank you Marie

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I took Humira weekly for 6 weeks & my hair didn't fall out. I did get fatigue

very easily. The inflamation did not go away & I continued to have flare ups

more then ever. I did have insonmia with humira it was just not for me. Talk to

your doctor & let him know what you are going thru so that you can tyr somethin

else. Lefluomide did make my hair come off alot.

Mousie in Calif.


> Its been awhile since I posted been busy working and I have my next Ra Dr vist

this Friday I travel 350 miles to see her but my sister lives there so its going

to be like a mini vactaion for me. My question is I am on methatrxate , hummria.

MY Hair is falling out bad and im so tired and just plain exhusted a few days

after injections im woken up in a dead sleep throwing up its so force full its

scary does anybody else experiance this?? and what do you think I should say to

my DR.?? Thank you Marie


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