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All i can say is that over time, a few years, it stopped working for me.

The steroid IV treatment was followed by prednisone and neither did a thing for me.

Dx 1999, last IV, summer 2005

The hiccupps are amusing for the first hour though.


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> Can anyone give me information on whether you can take prednisone for

> an attack along with LDN? I've been looking everywhere for any info on

> this. Can't find anything very conclusive.



first, if you're having an attack check yourself for candida before doing any

steroids. If you have candida you're going to have attacks and feel like dirt

until you get rid of it. If you have candida steroids will possibly make you

feel better for awhile but the steroids will add more candida load also so later

you will go back to feeling like dirt again, a never ending cycle. Candida can

cancel out effects of LDN. Yes, during bad bouts one can take steroids with

LDN. See the link below. Ignore the google ads at top and if the spit test

shows positive then keep scrolling down for diet and supplements for candida.

If you want a quick fix to candida Diflucan via a doctor's script will help.

Low Dose Naltrexone Forum - Check yourself for Candida(yeast overgrowth)...

http://ldn.proboards3.com/index.cgi?board=forum & action=display & thread=1129136093

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I know that Dr. Neiper who was a genius in the field of ms said it should

be the only steroid ever given and only 8mg. a day. Now that is not how the

Dr. will want to prescribe it for you but try to find a open-minded

physician. Actually I believe the LDN is totally incompatible with all

steroids and makes them ineffective but others who know more can answer this

one better than me. Best, Kathy

[low dose naltrexone] PREDNISONE

> Can anyone give me information on whether you can take prednisone for

> an attack along with LDN? I've been looking everywhere for any info on

> this. Can't find anything very conclusive.








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  • 2 months later...
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wrote " My specialist has added Prednisone to my cocktail of

Voltarin and

Salazopyrin and I am feeling the best that I have felt in 18 months "

Hi .

I am pleased to hear you having a good result from prednisone. I was

interested by your post as I have Reiters/ReA too and am on indocin (an

anti-inflammatory, like voltarin), salazopyrine and now methotrexate as

well. I was interested because I thought that methotrexate was usually

prescribed, if the other drugs don't help, as it is cheap and effective (and

has fewer side effects than prednisone).

My current flare has lasted for 16 months now, and I have a lot of pain that

codeine doesn't really help with. I have an appointment in 2 weeks time and

will ask whether a short course of prednisone would be appropriate. I've

had lots of cortisone injections, but they aren't as effective now.

On a positive note, this is my 3rd flare of ReA and the previous two were

indeed pushed into remission by methotrexate. I had 4 marvellous years

between flares 1 and 2!

All the best to you for improved health,

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Thanks for the reply. I always read your posts with interest as our conditions

sound fairly similar and it gives me hope that you have been able to go back

into remission with your combination of drugs.

I noted previously that you take methotrexate in addition to salazopyrin &

indocid ( I was on indocin but we swapped it to voltarin as Indocid gave me

major dizzy spells).

I was going to ask my specialist about adding methotrexate but he said he wanted

me to try a short large dose of prednisone to see if he could push this flare up

back into remission..we'll see how it goes - I go back in 3 weeks so I'll let

you know !!


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  • 1 month later...

Hi Kathy,

Thanks for your response. Yeah..I'm already on Prevacid, so I'm covered there,

and I have some Phenergan if I get just overwhelmingly nauseous. I'm hoping I

don't have to resort to that though because it tires me out. I'm only on a

10-day course to help with the inflammation of the MRSA infection in my

psoriasis. 20-mg for 5 days and then 10-mg for 5 days and that's it. Thanks!


[ ] Prednisone

Hiya again folks...well my P doc gave me prednisone today to try and help with

the inflammation of my P. I've heard it can upset your stomach. Anyone have

experience with prednisone??


[Editor's Note: Jayson, I imagine many of us have experience with prednisone.

It is highly effective but also takes a real toll on our insides so those of us

who are on it will typically wean off it as soon as possible. While on it, your

rheumy should probably also have you on Nexium or some other med for you

stomach. Because of its toxicity, it is probably best viewed as a short term

reliever rather than a maintenance medication. Kathy F.]

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> Hiya again folks...well my P doc gave me prednisone today to try and

help with the inflammation of my P. I've heard it can upset your

stomach. Anyone have experience with prednisone??


Jayson... it can work like a charm for some and for others (like

myself) it does not work so well. I had some slight increase in my

energy level but felt " wierd " on it. It can mess with your moods. It is

for short term use...until you can get on something else like a

biologic. Most of the time if you stay on prednisone indefinitely, it

is to save your life. Give it a try...it could help you out for a bit. -


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Thanks Betz :) -- I think I forgot to say that the prednisone is for the

inflammation in my skin caused by the MRSA, rather than a long-term thing. I'm

doing just a 10-day course. Hopefully I'll reap some benefits on my joints

during that 10 days. It would be a welcome relief!!


[ ] Re: Prednisone


> Hiya again folks...well my P doc gave me prednisone today to try and

help with the inflammation of my P. I've heard it can upset your

stomach. Anyone have experience with prednisone??


Jayson... it can work like a charm for some and for others (like

myself) it does not work so well. I had some slight increase in my

energy level but felt " wierd " on it. It can mess with your moods. It is

for short term use...until you can get on something else like a

biologic. Most of the time if you stay on prednisone indefinitely, it

is to save your life. Give it a try...it could help you out for a bit. -


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  • 1 month later...

Skipper, Thank you; I concur about the Prednisone. I have asthma, and have been on it several times. I have been on anywhere from 5 mg. to 20 mg. depending on the severity of my asthma symptoms, and I loathe the stuff. I also observed close up the long term effects of Prednisone. My father had lungs that were like Swiss cheese, at least figuratively. He had been a smoker, had bronchiactisis, asthma and finally ended up with emphysema from all the years of smoking cigarettes. Long term effects of pred. use, at least one of them, is cataracts, for which he had to have surgery. For myself, even at low doses I have had side effects. I loathe it and if I had to take HC would go with Cortef myself. I am taking Isocort presently, but will only use prednisone if my lung condition warrants it, and then reluctantly. C.

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  • 1 month later...

I think that would depend on how much one is taking. Is the dosage being

tapered appropriately? I'm not sure that anyone ever " gets used to

Prednisone " . My guess is that one has side effects as long as a given amount

is taken.

The side effects differ from person to person, of course.

My GI started me out at 80 mg and then reduced the dose as soon as possible.

Over the past six years, I've sometimes had to increase the dosage

temporarily, sometimes because of bad liver panels, once because of shingles,


times in the form of thoracic " spinal blocks " (can't think of the right term)


post-herpetic neuralgia. I always felt terrible when the dosage was

increased and then better when it was reduced again.


In a message dated 12/13/06 4:38:33 PM, JJCATHCART@... writes:




> Question....Question....<wbr>...about how long do you need to be on

> Prednisone until you stop feeling so nasty from it.....a friend wants to

know.she has

> been on 2 months now and still feels




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It's really important to take Prednisone in the morning, because of adrenal



In a message dated 12/13/06 8:49:25 PM, bsmyers1@... writes:

> I found that taking it in the am and then cleaning the house kept me from

> climbing the walls


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It's really important to take Prednisone in the morning, because of adrenal



In a message dated 12/13/06 8:49:25 PM, bsmyers1@... writes:

> I found that taking it in the am and then cleaning the house kept me from

> climbing the walls


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I was on prednisone for almost 10 yrs and always had problems with it. It

depends on the dosage really. The anxiety and nerousness tend to go away after a

couple of weeks when your body is used to it. I found that taking it in the am

and then cleaning the house kept me from climbing the walls. Good luck.

the WV hillbilly

[ ] Prednisone

Question.......about how long do you need to be on Prednisone until you stop

feeling so nasty from it.....a friend wants to know.she has been on 2 months now

and still feels aweful. Joanne

Jj Cathcart


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What about people who work the graveyard shift? Do we still need to take it in

the a.m. or in the afternoon when we wake up to start our day? Does it make a




Re: [ ] Prednisone

It's really important to take Prednisone in the morning, because of adrenal



In a message dated 12/13/06 8:49:25 PM, bsmyers1@... writes:

> I found that taking it in the am and then cleaning the house kept me from

> climbing the walls


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  • 6 months later...
Guest guest

No, it will not be out of your system by Thursday. What you got was a

decreasing dose packet for a week to decrease the inflammation. Prednisone is

one of the drugs that remains in your body continuing it's work for a while

longer. But don't fret, Once the inflammation is down and you are on the

antibiotics, you will gradually eliminate it. It's only a emporary state.

Prednisone is a drug that should make you feel good. That's why it is usually

given as a booster to reduce inflammation quickly. And it only should be given

for short term use and decreased gradually. Long term steroid therapy is very

detrimental to the bones and weakens not only the immune system, but affects the

muscles too. What kind of symptoms have you been getting? Dolores

dsaamcbee <dsmcbee1@...> wrote: Can anyone tell me how long

Prednisone stays in your system? I'm

taking the following amount of 10mg pills for poison ivy:

4 Sunday

3 Monday

2 Tuesday

1 Wednesday

Will it still be in my system Thursday? I figure my joints will

benefit from this medication for my poison ivy. However, I don't like

how I feel on it. So, will it be out of my system on Thursday?


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A problem with Prednisone is that it causes the body to stop

producing its own steroid hormone Cortisol, thereby creating a

dependence on Prednisone, or addiction. Once addicted, the process of

weaning off Prednisone without arthritic flares can take many many

months and should be under supervision of a physician.

My understanding is that single high dosage of Prednisone or a single

Cortisone shot will not create an addiction, but I have not been able

to find any hard information on how much Prednisone for how long will

create an addiction. I would guess that 40 mg of Prednisone can

create an addiction in a few days. I got addicted with 10 mg of

Prednisone over 2 weeks.

The bottom line is that you should get off the Prednisone as fast as

you can once your poison ivy condition is under control, unless your

doctor wants you to be on a sustaining low dosage of Prednisone in

the range of 1 mg to 5 mg per day for your arthritic condition.

Sincerely, Harald

At 01:43 PM 6/24/2007, you wrote:

>Can anyone tell me how long Prednisone stays in your system? I'm

>taking the following amount of 10 mg pills for poison ivy:

>4 Sunday

>3 Monday

>2 Tuesday

>1 Wednesday


>Will it still be in my system Thursday? I figure my joints will

>benefit from this medication for my poison ivy. However, I don't

>like how I feel on it. So, will it be out of my system on Thursday?

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Thanks for the reply. I'm taking the prednisone for poison ivy, but

I don't like the way I feel on it so I was hoping as soon as I stop

it, then it would be gone. I guess that's not the case.

My arthritis symptoms are the same. I have mostly good days. I

still have aches and pains here and there and my hip has now joined

the list of joints that hurt. My blood work does not show any signs

of RA or Lupus. My rheumy told me last time that if she HAD to

diagnose me right then, she would diagnose me with mild RA but it

would be a clinical diagnosis not a lab one from blood work. She

said since it's been three years and my condition has remained, then

it's a clinical diagnosis of RA. However, she said it's best not to

diagnose on paper this early if you don't have to. She said it

could hurt me with my insurance later on... like maxing out on some

things. Not sure about all that. So, I was unofficially but

verbally diagnosed with mild RA. Since then my insurance changed

and I lost that doctor.

I'm on the AP from my GP but all I can see is that it's cleared up

any acne I may get once a month. I wonder if I'm not taking

enough. I take the generic b/c that's all the pharmacy can get. I

also take an NSAID and plaquenil. If I miss these pills more than 3

days, I get real down and hurt all over. I've read they are masking

the symptoms of the disease, but my family refuses to allow me to

get like that when I can be on it and get around fine. They don't

buy into the theory and honestly it's hard to defend when the

synthetic meds seem to work. (Hope I don't get stoned for that

comment). It's hard to be a mom of two little ones,a wife, work a

job, take care of a home, and be active in church and at school when

you are laid up in pain when you and your family know there is a way

to feel better. It's a real hard decision... so I continue the meds

so I can continue my life. They need me well now.

Sorry this is so long. Trying to explain my situation.... it won't

be a popular one. It's hard to wear another's shoes. I appreciate

you always caring and encouraging. This group has always encouraged

me.... but I won't dare state my opinion on politics... he he

Take Care,


Can anyone tell me how

long Prednisone stays in your system? I'm

> taking the following amount of 10mg pills for poison ivy:

> 4 Sunday

> 3 Monday

> 2 Tuesday

> 1 Wednesday


> Will it still be in my system Thursday? I figure my joints will

> benefit from this medication for my poison ivy. However, I don't


> how I feel on it. So, will it be out of my system on Thursday?







> ---------------------------------

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Thanks Harold. I certainly don't like the prednisone so I intend to

get off asap. It's just for the poison ivy but I'm sure my joints

will benefit from it too. However, I was hoping it would be out of

my system as soon as I stop, but I guess that's not the case.

Thanks again.



> >Can anyone tell me how long Prednisone stays in your system? I'm

> >taking the following amount of 10 mg pills for poison ivy:

> >4 Sunday

> >3 Monday

> >2 Tuesday

> >1 Wednesday

> >

> >Will it still be in my system Thursday? I figure my joints will

> >benefit from this medication for my poison ivy. However, I don't

> >like how I feel on it. So, will it be out of my system on



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Hi, Your story is not long, but very familiar. We've all been there and have

felt the same way you do. " Everybody needs me " kind of people like us, tend to

neglect ourselves and then we go downhill and find out that we need to upkeep

ourselves first so we can better serve others. Go thru your laundry list of

" to do " things and start by delegating some of the chores to other members of

your household. Have a talk with each one. Find an arthritis group in your

area. Attend meetings with your husband or significant other, so they get to

understand what you're going thru. Do the same at your church and job. Find

materials you can post on bulletin boards. I bet you'll find more people

willing to help or responding by telling you they have the same problems. If

your family wants a bandaid on a real problem so you can feel good for now

explain that there is a different road you can take that will let you live more

productively, live longer and have a better life with

them. Explain that it may take a while and that you will need their support so

Mommy can get well again. Tell them you need their help with this big problem.

Tell them some important things are worth it in the long run. Not only will

they be learning how to be sympathetic, but patient and understanding are

qualities worth passing on. Instant gratification is not a virtue. It is a

hindrance which will frustrate them all their lives. Teach them that giving is

more gratifying than getting. Enjoy watching them make you a cup of tea or

whatever. And don't medicate yourself into oblivion with temporary fixes of

" feel good " medication. Wean off all toxic meds as soon as it is safe. Even

Plaquenil. When I started A/P, I didn't want to get off the Plaquenil, but my

doc said he preferred I didn't take it any more, so I stopped. That was 18

months ago and I am now in remission. It was a bumpy ride, but well worth it.

Good luck, Dolores

dsaamcbee <dsmcbee1@...> wrote: Delores,

Thanks for the reply. I'm taking the prednisone for poison ivy, but

I don't like the way I feel on it so I was hoping as soon as I stop

it, then it would be gone. I guess that's not the case.

My arthritis symptoms are the same. I have mostly good days. I

still have aches and pains here and there and my hip has now joined

the list of joints that hurt. My blood work does not show any signs

of RA or Lupus. My rheumy told me last time that if she HAD to

diagnose me right then, she would diagnose me with mild RA but it

would be a clinical diagnosis not a lab one from blood work. She

said since it's been three years and my condition has remained, then

it's a clinical diagnosis of RA. However, she said it's best not to

diagnose on paper this early if you don't have to. She said it

could hurt me with my insurance later on... like maxing out on some

things. Not sure about all that. So, I was unofficially but

verbally diagnosed with mild RA. Since then my insurance changed

and I lost that doctor.

I'm on the AP from my GP but all I can see is that it's cleared up

any acne I may get once a month. I wonder if I'm not taking

enough. I take the generic b/c that's all the pharmacy can get. I

also take an NSAID and plaquenil. If I miss these pills more than 3

days, I get real down and hurt all over. I've read they are masking

the symptoms of the disease, but my family refuses to allow me to

get like that when I can be on it and get around fine. They don't

buy into the theory and honestly it's hard to defend when the

synthetic meds seem to work. (Hope I don't get stoned for that

comment). It's hard to be a mom of two little ones,a wife, work a

job, take care of a home, and be active in church and at school when

you are laid up in pain when you and your family know there is a way

to feel better. It's a real hard decision... so I continue the meds

so I can continue my life. They need me well now.

Sorry this is so long. Trying to explain my situation.... it won't

be a popular one. It's hard to wear another's shoes. I appreciate

you always caring and encouraging. This group has always encouraged

me.... but I won't dare state my opinion on politics... he he

Take Care,


Can anyone tell me how

long Prednisone stays in your system? I'm

> taking the following amount of 10mg pills for poison ivy:

> 4 Sunday

> 3 Monday

> 2 Tuesday

> 1 Wednesday


> Will it still be in my system Thursday? I figure my joints will

> benefit from this medication for my poison ivy. However, I don't


> how I feel on it. So, will it be out of my system on Thursday?







> ---------------------------------

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> >

> > >Can anyone tell me how long Prednisone stays in your system? I'm

> > >taking the following amount of 10 mg pills for poison ivy:

> > >4 Sunday

> > >3 Monday

> > >2 Tuesday

> > >1 Wednesday

> > >

> > >Will it still be in my system Thursday? I figure my joints will

> > >benefit from this medication for my poison ivy. However, I don't

> > >like how I feel on it. So, will it be out of my system on

> Thursday?

> >


you need to check with your dr about prednisone for 30 years my

mother took it and it finnaly killed her trying to get all here

organs functioning all the time they finaly fail one after the other

and one would be fixed then the others would quit working and thing

that has steroids in it is dangers

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Thank you once again Delores for the encouragement. I have good

intentions of getting this started without the plaquenil and NSAIDS

but I know it's going to be a long hard road and one I will fight my

family on every step of the way. As for my family helping me... I

couldn't ask for more. They are wonderful. My husband won't even

let me vaccuum. He is the best man in the world. He understands

why I want to do the AP, but he's afraid when I get down that it's

quack medicine and I'm hurting myself in the long run. It's hard to

defend when the doctors are telling us the same thing. I sent Jan a

message and she gave me two local AP doctors so I plan to give them

a call this week and hopefully start anew.... first I have to make

sure they are in network... ahh the 'network'! I appreciate your

subtle reminders of why I should do this and for caring enough to

encourage me. You're a great gal!

Can anyone tell me how

> long Prednisone stays in your system? I'm

> > taking the following amount of 10mg pills for poison ivy:

> > 4 Sunday

> > 3 Monday

> > 2 Tuesday

> > 1 Wednesday

> >

> > Will it still be in my system Thursday? I figure my joints will

> > benefit from this medication for my poison ivy. However, I don't

> like

> > how I feel on it. So, will it be out of my system on Thursday?

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > ---------------------------------

> > Looking for a deal? Find great prices on flights and hotels with

> FareChase.

> >

> >

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Your welcome and you already have a head start with a great husband. My husband

began to understand the severity of the illness by talking with others going

thru the same thing. He came with me to every doctor appt. and while sitting in

the waiting room, I would start a conversation with someone and my husband would

listen to their story. He came to every meeting and listened. I volunteered us

for different functions and we got to hear everybody's story. We met with sick

people and only the names changed. The stories were similar. He was skeptical

at first also. Most husband's who love their wives have cause to be concerned

about quack medicine. I read everything I could and had my husband read it too.

Finally, when the docs said I was terminal, we discussed it and I said to him,

since I am terminal, what have I got to lose? Look around. Look around, those

not on A/P are looking worse than me. I want to avoid that. He spoke with

people on A/P and heard so much

good news. I let him convince himself, by exposure. We've never looked back.

And he became my biggest supporter. I am a very fortunate lady who lives with a

very understand husband who wants to keep his lady as long as he can and as

comfortable as he can, and he is a sick man himself. He had two strokes when he

was only 44 yrs old and lost a foot to an amputation and nearly lost his own

life thru a botched operation in which they tore his pancreas, but with my

support, he made it thru. Now, I have his. We know a thing or two about

survival. Dolores

dsaamcbee <dsmcbee1@...> wrote:

Thank you once again Delores for the encouragement. I have good

intentions of getting this started without the plaquenil and NSAIDS

but I know it's going to be a long hard road and one I will fight my

family on every step of the way. As for my family helping me... I

couldn't ask for more. They are wonderful. My husband won't even

let me vaccuum. He is the best man in the world. He understands

why I want to do the AP, but he's afraid when I get down that it's

quack medicine and I'm hurting myself in the long run. It's hard to

defend when the doctors are telling us the same thing. I sent Jan a

message and she gave me two local AP doctors so I plan to give them

a call this week and hopefully start anew.... first I have to make

sure they are in network... ahh the 'network'! I appreciate your

subtle reminders of why I should do this and for caring enough to

encourage me. You're a great gal!

Can anyone tell me how

> long Prednisone stays in your system? I'm

> > taking the following amount of 10mg pills for poison ivy:

> > 4 Sunday

> > 3 Monday

> > 2 Tuesday

> > 1 Wednesday

> >

> > Will it still be in my system Thursday? I figure my joints will

> > benefit from this medication for my poison ivy. However, I don't

> like

> > how I feel on it. So, will it be out of my system on Thursday?

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > ---------------------------------

> > Looking for a deal? Find great prices on flights and hotels with

> FareChase.

> >

> >

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  • 1 month later...

--- " ookamigirl74 " <tempestt1@...> wrote:

> Anyone else ever taken prednisone on a regular basis for pain?


reasonably safe

if you can get exercise and make sure you get extra calcium and check your blood

sugars overtime

good luck

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I take 5 to 10mg as needed if my pain meds are not doing it for me.

Ask you Dr. if this is his long term plan as prednisone is only

supposed to be used on a short term basis. It is steroids so watch

out for the side effects.

I am unsure though if that is the alternative for pregnancy so maybe

that is his M.O.


> Hi all.


> Anyone else ever taken prednisone on a regular basis for pain? My

> rhuemy wants me to take 2.5 - 5 mg. as needed for pain. He says


> it is safe, especially since my husband and I are still trying to

> become pg.




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